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Just need to talk to my friends (168)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 I was having a hard time getting on the thread so thought maybe it was getting too long - so will start 168.

 Ron - how great that you're getting your hearing aides before your trip to Big D.  I remember when Charles would get his new ones it was like a new world had opened up for him - and me - he could hear the birds sing and I didn't have to repeat so much.  Good luck with getting used to them.  Hope your trip is wonderful and I'm sure it will be.  Happy Anniversary!!!  Maybe someone can take a couple of pictures of you and Lou dancing and you can post them.

 It's partly cloudy this morning and pretty cool - in the 40s - supposed to be near 60 this afternoon.

 Judith, I have all my questions written down so I can ask them and let you all know what he says.  It's muddy so guess I'll drive the PU - not sure which road I'll take - maybe the two miles to the highway and out that way instead of seven miles on muddy roads.  Probably should get some more diesel while I'm there although I think I have enough for a while but price is getting higher.  I don't know how easy it'll be getting into and out of the PU - will need to be careful.  There's two or three things I could get at the grocery store but we'll see how it works out - don't want to get in and out of the PU too much.

 My back is hurting some this morning - really the top of the left hip but I slept all right.  Haven't heard from Jack this morning - he said he was going into town to get more help with his phone.I wish he'd return it and call Consumer Cellular and get another flip phone that he knows how to use.   Last night I told him again not to drink the Monster drinks and he said he understood and got the message so I won't remind him again.  He'll do what he wants to anyway.

 Hope all of you are well this morning.  This morning I noticed my flowering almond has big buds on it so it'll be in bloom in a few days.  They're so pretty - like little carnations up and down the stems.  And, the white flowers have big buds on them so any morning they'll be in full bloom.  Beautiful time of the years with daffodils, tulips, Bradford pears and crab apples.  Judith, I bet OKC is beautiful when all of the pears are in bloom.  They have so many of them in Tulsa.  Our neighbor used to work at Saint Francis and he thought all the trees were pretty so planted a few around his house.  Sadly he didn't live to see them when they were grown and in bloom, just when they were young. 

 Okay, I'll let you all know what the doctor said when I get back home.  Wish I was already back home.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.  We are waiting for an update from your Drs appt. Looks like maybe you were able to get a few things done while you were out.  I am sorry that Jack is having problems with his new phone. I also would have had the same problems if my son did not live with me and was able to help me understand. 

    My Dr also found that my bones are weak, so I take a pill once a week and a bone scan as well as a Mamo are done yearly. So, in my case the mamo did not stop at 70. I was told again next year. You have been through so much in the past few years you're probably dealing with stress. 

    Those Monster drinks are very dangerous. When they first came out, we had a high school boy in our town who went to a party and that's what they were drinking, he wound up in the hospital that same night and passed away there due to those drinks. I hope Jack is really listening to you.

    Day.   I am glad you are able to control the pain with Tylenol. Let's hope nothing strange was growing in your hand, you may go down in history.   Just be careful not to bump it on something while its healing. 

    Ron.   It's nice you got your hearing aids before you and Lou go on your trip. This will give you time to adjust to them. Have fun getting ready for your trip. I enjoy preparing and planning for trips. Gets lots of rest so you're ready for the drive. 

    Iris.   I am enjoying the Eagle Cam that baby is pretty big. Is that an egg I see in there? Is it the Mama that's always there I see one come and go? Thank You for the link. 

    Barbara.   Please keep busy clearing stuff out so you mind will not remind you of your eye. You don't want to be rubbing it while its healing. I bet your glad that's over with. 

    Lorita and Ron.  I have taken antidepressants for about 8 years. They do not make me sleepy so Ron you would be alert at all times for Lou. I have always been worrier and I am glad to say they really help me with not worrying about things I don't need to worry about. Maybe your Drs can give you something mild just to help things. I found that worry added a lot of unneeded stress when I was caring for my DH while he was at home.  

    I hope none of our front porch friends have had to deal with any of this bad weather, tornados and bad weather reports I have been seeing on the news. You're all in my prayers.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Ron, hope you got your hearing aides today and have been listening to the birds sing.  You know Charles wore two hearing aides and so does his brother.  We lost his sister about a year ago to covid and she also wore two.  I have really good hearing in my left ear but can't even hear a dial tone in the right ear. Daddy had to have surgery on his ear and his doctor says I have the same thing he did but as long as I can hear with one ear that's good enough for me. 

       Bet you've been busy getting ready for the trip.  I always sort of enjoyed doing that but hated putting things away when we got home.  Sounds like the weather next week will be good for your trip.  I saw the map on TV last night and it's a straight shoot from Shreveport to Dallas.  How long does the trip take?

     It's been a beautiful day but a bit cool - not much wind and wall to wall sunshine.  The Bradford Pears and crab apples are gorgeous.  In town I saw a huge Japonica in full bloom - need to look at ours. 

     Well, saw my doctor.  It was busy, busy there.  I asked the nurse if that was because of back-up from the bad weather.  She said it wasn't - just a lot of patients.  He says the chest pain is from the costochondritis - remedy is to sleep on my back which I start out doing but while I'm sleeping I get on my side sometimes.  I'll try to do better.

     He believes the hip problem  is from Old Arthur.  Says it hardly ever happens that the ball-joint slips out and goes back in.  The only way to see exactly what's going on would be an MRI and I don't think that's something I want - no, I know I don't want that!  He did say if it's still bothering me next time I come in, we'll do an x-ray.  I remember several years ago my let hip was really bothering me and he told me to take Osteo-Biflex.  I did take Glucosamine Chondroitin for several months and it improved tremendously.  So, I'll keep doing that.

     Judith, he says at age 80 he thinks a woman can stop the mammograms.  For the Dexascan he tells his ladies every 3-5 years.  I haven't had one in a long time so may get one scheduled when we find out what the variant is going to do. 

     We talked about the stress I have and he agrees that can cause anything to be worse so I  need to chill out, as they say.  I'll begin taking my Librium on a more regular basis especially when I'm stressed and should take the anti-depressant.  I told him about my past experience with those and asked if the one he prescribed could cause that.  I remember when I asked him about getting a prescription for one a couple of months ago we were finished with the appt. and we were in the hallway and  he told the nurse to write a script for one but because he was in a hurry he forgot to write it in the chart.  Told me to call the nurse and let her know which it is.  I will do that in the morning.  I'll try them and see if they help.

     Went to the grocery store and bought a few things.  I have most of them inside but the canned things are still on the porch - everything has been wiped down or washed.  Did find some more of those good sweet potatoes and some blueberries (love those). 

     Got some diesel and it was $4.69 a gallon.  I've mentioned my gas gauge doesn't work in the PU so I keep track of mileage.  I knew I still had a lot but filled up anyway before it went up more - and, do not want to run out of gas again.  Premium gas was $4.36 and regular somewhere under $4.00.  This was at a Casey's.

     Jack called - he made it into town and learned a little more about his phone and had a good breakfast (about noon) at the Boomerang.  He told me something that surprised me.  He said a night or two ago he was asleep and felt something touch his foot.  It was Zelda!  She had gotten out of her box and came into the room with him.  He said she put her front feet on his chest and was very gentle with him.  So  you know what I told him I thought he should do - he won't.  I think that was a sign from her that she was lonesome and wanted to be with him.  She would be so much company for him if he'd let her stay in the room with him.

     Filled the water tank x2 since I've been home.  Girls are grazing and eating hay.  Feed day is tomorrow.  The GPs are scratching and blowing hair so I'll call Mike and see if he'll have time to give them their shots and meds when he comes to set out hay Sunday morning - also need him to look at Sheena's right front foot - she limps sometimes on it. 

     Jack says no one in WM is wearing a mask.  Same at the grocery store when I went but everyone does in the doctor's office, including the doctor and nurse.  I will keep wearing mine anyway.  He has stopped wearing his.

     Hope all of you are well tonight.  I'm watch QVC for a bit - David Venable is on with Jane selling everything.  She is one strange lady.

     Iris, those snakes are cotton mouth water moccasins.  That's what we have around here and the kind I found in the house.  When they open their mouths, it's white inside,  hence the name.  Very poisonous.  Jo, your SIL was very lucky there was someone with her as Iris said.  Hope she's continuing to improve.

     See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,    Thanks for the update it looks like you and I were typing at the same time. So stress is part of your problem, the antidepressants should help you with that as long as your willing to relax and let them help. Poor Zelda she would probably love to be in the same room with Jack. 

    Relax get some rest and do as the Dr. said. Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, we must have been watching QVC at the same time.  I haven’t seen David in forever.  Jane - sigh she gets odder every year.  Very “enthusiastic” over those canvas tote bags.  Poor David.  

    Oh I peeked under the bandages and boy, my hand is bruised - maybe they were hitting me with hammers, who knows.  I won’t look under there again.  Tylenol is still working for pain, I shredded the Norco script.

    Back to work tomorrow.  I’ll do 2 days, off 1, do 2 more and off again.  By end of next week the hand should be doing better, but the stitches don’t come out until April 6.

    And showering with the bag over my hand and arm is a joy.  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Day: are you on antibiotics?  Keep healing!

    Lorita, it looks like you didn't get a chance to ask the doctor about sleeping with a pillow between your knees to align your hips on the bed.  It might help.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi again,

     Sandy, the name of the anti-depressant is Celexa - one of the side effects is tremors.  I'll call them in the morning and see what he thinks.

     Iris - I'm sleeping with the pillow between my knees.  It does help.  I had done that for years and just sort of got away from it, especially since I haven't been sleeping in the bed.  It's all made - just need to put on another quilt -it's cold in there but will be warmer the next few days.  So, I'll get back in there very soon.

     Zetta - we were typing at the same time.  /If you don't mind me asking - what's the name of the antidepressant you take.  I'll start taking my Librium more often and will probably try the Celexa if he doesn't change it - and I can always quit taking it if it bothers me.  What kind of pill do you take for your weak bones?  I will relax - nothing I can do about anything I worry about but, like you, I'm a worrier.  I think Zelda would enjoy being with Jack.  I told him  I thought she was telling him something by coming in and being with him.  She just got a bad start in life - they got her a couple of days before he broke his hip and Patsy just couldn't deal with a puppy - she'd be sitting on the porch at 2 a.m. for Zelda to potty.  He had always trained their dogs and took them for walks and with the broken hip he couldn't do that so she was just put into the "box" and left there.  I feel sorry for her - she's a really beautiful flashy boxer - I saw pictures of her when she was little.  I'll keep bugging him about it but, like I said, he's stubborn.

     I didn't ask jack about the Monster drinks today - guess I'll let that go - he's been warned.

     Day - did you see Jane dancing around with that canvas bag?  I love to watch David and I would have watched more of this show but...  I'm watching Doc Martin now.  Does your hand hurt very much and when do you find out what was in the growth?  Hope you can do all right at work.   Saw another Denim & Co. show today.  Another new host.  I have about four that I really like.  Nothing against cheerleaders but do you think Pat Dementi used to be a cheerleader?  Just a thought.  Hope your hand is not too sore for you to work - do you have to type at work?

     Sandy, post and tell the front porch friends what you learned about your birdfeeders - they'd enjoy hearing that.  I haven't checked my e-mail yet but will in a minute.  So enjoyed our visit.  Please be careful and don't fall.  It  just takes too  much out of a person, as you know.

     I'll see all of you tomorrow.  Rest well.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I don't mind at all you asking. The one I take for depression is.  Fluoxetine 20mg  it says take one capsule daily for mood.     Then Alendronate Sodium 70mg. is for the bones.  This one I take once a week. I don't like this one, because I take it first thing in the morning then I have to wait 30 minutes before I can have my morning coffee. The first thing I want when I get up is my coffee.  Rest Well, Zetta 
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    40F, 4C.  Cloudy, damp, windy.

    Glad you were able to get things picked up yesterday.  I did the same things.

    Covid statistics for county out yesterday.  For two weeks has not been one case in the congregate settings.  Our sewage numbers had decreased from week before.  I’m one of the few wearing a mask. We will see what the numbers are doing in 6-8 weeks.  I’m in no hurry.  Flu A is going around here and making some quite sick.  Another reason to be in no hurry for me.

    Nice to hear from each one.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Sara, it was around 31 here this morning but the sun's out so should warm up before long - no wind which is great.  Toad came and fed.  Lots of the girls had gone up to the MH but I called them down - everyone looks okay.  I did see Evan and Casper.

     It sounds like most of us on this thread are still wearing masks and I will continue to do so. I rather enjoy it - have learned to breath with them  on  - usually wear the blue, surgical masks and I don't have to put on make-up.  I did that every day for over 33 years.  Last winter we heard very little about people having the flu and I think that was because people were wearing masks.

     Glad your county is not having many cases - haven't heard anything lately about Oklahoma so don't know how we're doing.

     Tie to find something for breakfast - just finishing my juice.  Did go out and feed Tom - he's always ready to eat but stays under the tractor until I leave.

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Lorita...Know you are glad to have that appr behind you and that you could stop by the market. I ran a drug check for you; 

    Drug Interaction Report

    This report displays the potential drug interactions for the following 2 drugs:

    Major (0)
    Moderate (1)
    Minor (0)
    Food (2)
    Therapeutic Duplication (0)

    Interactions between your drugs


    chlordiazePOXIDE  citalopram

    Applies to: Librium (chlordiazepoxide), Celexa (citalopram)

    Using chlordiazePOXIDE together with citalopram may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor. 

    Did your Dr say it was OK to continue the Librium in addition to the Celexa? 

    Librium is on the don't take list for seniors;

    • Anxiety drugs: benzodiazepines, such alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), and chlordiazepoxide (Librium) 

    What about your headache and your feet? Did he have some suggestions?

    Please tell Dan to finish your bedroom before doing anything else. At least do the sanding so you can get into bed. The Painting will not make a mess at all.

    Day.....how is it going?

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    YES, when the dancing started I said “God bless you David” and shut it off.  Pat was never overly cheery, good basic info.  She’s on with Dan in the mornings now.  Mary Beth is another stable host, reasonable and informative, like Carolyn.
    Hand not hurting and yes Iris, antibiotics on board.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Who are Pat, David, Dan and Mary Beth?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Judith, they're hosts on QVC.  Most of the hosts are good but there are a few who aren't my favorites.

     Funny, Day.  I watched for a little while and she kept on dancing on I changed channels, too.  She was on again this morning but I didn't watch.  Glad your hand isn't bothering you today.

     Judith, thanks for that information.  If I do take the Celexa it will be on a regular basis - I only take the Librium occasionally - when I feel anxious about something. 

     I have asked him about my feet.  He said there is a cortisone injection a podiatrist can give that might afford some relief.  Not quite ready for that yet - seems like the only time it really bothers me is at night and if I wiggle my toes.  Feet look completely normal.  There is also a surgery that can be done to relieve the symptoms. I think I bought some pad-like things to wear but found they were really hard to get on - fit around the great toe.  I'll find them and try them again - might be able to tape them on - supposed to take the pressure off that part of your foot.

     Don't have an ongoing headache - just when I get stressed out. 

     Got a call from Sarah late last evening.  She had an appointment yesterday, I think, to have the place on her neck biopsied.  Missed it - said her alarms didn't awaken her so next appointment time available was April 15. 

     I'll try to call Daniel this afternoon to see how he's feeling.  He has to be well to crawl under the house to put in the dryer vent.  His wife said he had really had a hard time with the infection.  It's been a long, drawn-out deal - almost three months but with the bad weather when they couldn't work, then finding more things that had to be fixed and he and his sons having the virus and now the UTI and me having them not come a couple of times because of various things I guess it's to be expected.  I'm going to get back in the bedroom tonight - all I have to do is put on another light-weight quilt.  My laundry is beginning to pile up.  If they could work straight through for two or three days it would all be finished.  I am so glad I didn't get this started when Charles was here - he would have been awful for him.  Even moving furniture around upset him.  I still have a couple of things I'd like to get done but can't deal with it now - we have a whole-house attic fan and a wall furnace we hardly ever used I'd like to have taken out but they're not bothering me so won't do anything about that now.

     He said the price of lumber had really gone up and it's hard to find some things they need - this covid thing has upset so many things.

     What happened with your screened in porch?  Are you still planning to do that?  A while back I got something from The Florida Boys and I've put it somewhere.  It's about time to order the caladiums - I really like the ones I got from them but may check in at WM - they're at the very back of the store so wouldn't have to go in very far.   I want to get some bedding plants from them this year - didn't have any last year and the bathtub looked empty.

     Seems like when you have work done it takes two or three times longer than planned and two or three times more cost. 

     Went out to fill the water tank a while ago and Mickey was getting a drink - I think he's beginning to learn his name.  Casper and Evan are old enough now to be by themselves part of the time and they're even going through when the cows go to their feed. 

     Jack is driving himself crazy with that smart phone.  He says the instructions aren't any good - he gets it on vibrate so it doesn't ring and can't get it off.  The girl put in a few contacts for him so those are the only numbers he can call - doesn't know how to place a call except for the contacts.  I told him to return it and have Consumer Cellular send him another flip phone that he knows how to use.  I called WM for him and right now they don't have any CC phones and don't know when more will come in.  He won't do that - he'll keep fooling with it and get in deeper and deeper.  Patsy always told me he was stubborn and wouldn't listen - now I know what she meant.  He did say he slept last night.

     Time for Rawhide.  Thanks, again, Judith, I appreciate the information and I am glad that appointment is over - won't have to go back until April 5 (Charles' birthday - he would have been 91).  Really hard to believe.



  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Good afternoon front porch friends!

    It was morning when I started this post, but I have had to pause many times for goings on here with DH. So far, so good - just redirecting a lot and having some interesting conversations. Never a dull moment for sure! Well after the first time losing a reply a few weeks ago, I now jot down my thoughts first, then type them in here, copying every so often just in case it disappears what I've typed. The downside is I think I write more this way, so I apologize if talking anyone's ears off at any time. Ron, you could turn your new hearing aids down, if so!

    Day - Glad to hear everything came out ok (slight pun) - though it sounds like they had to really work at it I am amazed at what surgery teams can do. Special calling for sure. Also the human body is so amazing. Very glad you have so little pain plus a sense of humor (yes, I'll bet showering with a bag to keep it dry, is a hoot. Is that your dominant hand?)

    Barb - Very glad you were able to get the procedures done that you wanted. The pandemic sure slowed many elective surgeries I heard. I think I could handle over-or-under eye surgery...just scared about removing cataracts or something inside my eye if it ever comes to that. But that might change if I needed it! What is a cobber? And thanks for the link to your book! Excited to read it. I am impressed that you're healing while cleaning out. That's hard for me even without any medical interventions, just working around DH (not much, unfortunately). And I think I just am not too good at it. I am committed though and just need to pace myself. As you say, I don't want to leave it for my kids in the future, nor for me in Stage 8.

    Beth - I may need to be in observation mode with gardening again this year. Otherwise, setting my expectations too high will just disappoint and who needs more frustration? Cultivating and growing beautiful and/or edible things should have the opposite effect so let me just slow my roll lol. I am thinking maybe a few small grow bags. Maybe. Need a really low maintenance landscape for now. Mulch or wood chips maybe, and some flowers that don't need too much caregiving. Since I am all booked up, and then some. But so interesting that one can start lettuce and celery, etc., from a kitchen or fridge clipping. My yellow onions have 5 inch green sprouts on them right now...maybe I should just plant them?! 

    Sayra - Dehydrating veggies sounds great. Healthy and flavorful outcome. Is it time-consuming? I used to dabble in canning and preserving (very, very little and a VERY long time ago). Lorita's crabapples make me wonder if anyone here has ever made crabapple jelly? I did, just once. It took the whole harvest from our (2) tree crabapple orchard at that time lol, but that one jar was good on biscuits I made apple butter a couple of years, too. Was easy and really, really good. That's before I became a mom and starting running around like a chicken with my cut head off. (Another one of my mother's many sayings - terrible image but I know it came from her childhood as well as the source of "wringing someone's neck". I think it is a fact of life still, for many people in the world and is less horrible than what happens on some of these huge factory farms. Off topic. I will get back to my happy nostalgia about these sayings - I often laughed at, and always loved to hear). This front porch just brings back good memories. I thank you all for that. 

    Well, so -- it is growing, baking, sewing, and homemaking that I was looking forward to for this time of my life in semi-retirement with DH. AD threw a monkey wrench in that for now, but my goal is to at least be in the "pre-contemplation" phase, to get back little by little to the things I love doing. I didn't have time when I was working outside the home in the rat race all the time, and now that I literally can barely leave the house, it is just as challenging to work around AD. There's gotta be a way though, and hopefully finding a HHA soon will help me reclaim some quality time with me, myself, and I.  I won't give it away so easily this time, if so.

    Ron - Glad your car refund is on the way! Maybe it all worked out for the best, if you like the vehicle you ended up with. One less worry and maybe a little extra in the celebration fund! Happy Anniversary once again. A beautiful milestone that few get to experience it seems.

    Iris - I have not yet looked at the eagle cam. I've been trying to discipline myself to sleep at night, since I had such a headache the last 2 weeks. Feeling much better. But if and when I can't, I will definitely check out some of the nature cams. That is all new to me. Such wide-ranging, interesting, and really useful information on this front porch! There's a joke...maybe you all have heard it before: the punchline is "you knew I was a snake when you picked me up!" Sounds like what happened on the hike and omg, that could have ended terribly. I'm pretty sure I'd die of a heart attack on the spot if ever snake-bitten, even if not poisonous, so there's that. But I am glad all's well that ends well in this case. My dear mom used to say that too. As well as cautioning that the snakes you have to worry about most are often the 2-legged kind. Sometimes that's really true.

    Lorita - Glad you went to the Dr. to get further checked out and that he seems on top of things but also practical. I think it is such a blessing to have someone who knows you and your history, so they take you seriously but can also speak from experience. Before seeing your report-back, I was going to share that I switch sides all through the night. I'm not a back-sleeper (can't fall asleep that way, I've tried!) but my hip starts hurting after a while...either side. Its just how I'm built [I guess], or maybe Arthur-itis lol, but its been since my teens at least. Bet you're glad to enjoy a cup of tea again! I forgot to answer your question from a few posts back, about Rooibos 'red' tea. I had it on a special vacation once and liked it, so mostly its sentimental. But also its good. When I looked at this package to answer you, it says Rooibos Chai. Which is not the basic one. Chai is good too, more spices a little like Constant Comment but not exactly.  I like almost any kind of flavored tea as long as it isn't bitter. Which the friends here have helped me learn is a function of water temperature!!! Never knew that. 

    Did you ever explain the story behind "Toad's" name, if there is one? I, too, hope your house is finished soon. Agreed, getting things back in order little by little, and sleeping in your bed again instead of the divan, may help your hip and everything even more. Both reducing stress and being able to stretch out on a comfortable mattress might make a world of difference. I had a "frozen shoulder" once. Who ever heard of such! But in my late 40s or early 50s, was lying on a couch for 2-3 days straight recovering from pneumonia and out of the blue, that joint started hurting like the dickens and could not be helped or hardly moved, for an unbelievably long time! Sure enough. Then got better.

    Jo C- Thanks for the coffee blog. I appreciate everyone who chimed in, to tell me I was OK with day-old coffee, and also all the well-wishes for my brother. He is healing and I am so grateful for in-person, and spiritual support for that outcome. Sending good thoughts and prayers to everyone here as well. Back to the coffee...that blog...wow! So much info in just one post. Can't imagine having the time to sit and write all that, all the time. What a luxury BTW, DH just asked me, what are you writing -- a book??!! Haha... he was looking for 'all the other people', and his brother (never here) and dad (decades long gone) right before that, so I didn't realize he was even noticing my typing or the pages I'd drafted here and there. You never know. Back to coffee again...that blogger is truly an expert. I loved the coffee cups depicted, one said "Go get 'em!" and the other was "What good shall I do today?" or something like that. Nice thought to approach the day. 

    Jfkoc - one of my personal favorite coffee cups says "she who dies with the most fabric wins!". I need to rethink that strategy though. Used to think it was hilarious, and was sure I'd be able to sew, quilt, create, read and travel to my heart's content at some point, enjoying retirement with DH but...the best laid plans. My mother did not say that, but it is true nonetheless. So, I am inspired by your slow and steady approach to devoting thought to what needs to get on the list in due time. I need to pace myself, but definitely can imagine maybe I'd better get a move on while I can. One just never knows what might pop up next, and yet guilting myself about what I just can't really get to right now, is not helpful either. Well...baby steps. I am going to sew something small and fun, soon. And, will not worry about the rest for now (not too much).

    Loveskitties, Zetta - and anyone I may have missed -- I hope you have a wonderful weekend, with time just for you, to do something you love. Even if it is just pulling up a rocker and sitting for a spell on this special front porch, shooting the breeze with valued friends.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Coffee...mine is light and sweet and if not finished gets put in the frig.

    Bed...put the top of the sheet level with the blanket. So much better not to have all that extra stuff aroung me!

    List...it is good...also longer but now I don't have to use my time "remembering".

    Caladiums...not certain this year but probably the White Christmas with an addition of white impatiens this year. My front door is red but I am thinking of painting it Charleston Green. I would like to have a wreath on the door most of the time and red does not work.

    Tremor...I have a slight one but never really think about it. Remember, everything has a side effect.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Butterfly, my friend, Karen, had a coffee mug that said something about "Don't talk to me until I've had my second cup of coffee" - something like  that and that was a true statement.  Miss that lady so much.  We went to work at the VA Hospital on the same day - she was almost 18 and I was just 19.  We remained fast friends - with Carol - for the next 50+ years until we lost her about two years ago.

     Toad's name:  I asked Mike about it - I thought it was because he liked frogs when he was a little boy.  Not so - it was because he couldn't crawl so he "Hopped" and the nickname has stuck with him all these years.  He told me how old he is - think it's somewhere around 50 or in the 50s - quite a lot younger than Mike.  He's a really nice fellow.

     I can't find out about Barbara's new book.  When I enter that link I get something about another Barbara Randell.  Can someone tell me the name of the book and it it's on Kindell?  I want to read it for sure because I enjoyed her first one so much.  Barbara, hope your eyes are feeling much better by now.  I can't imagine how you endured that feeling of something in your eye - bothers me to death when that happens.  I have very dry eyes so any tiny thing bothers me.

    I have another problem - well, guess it's a problem.  When I get a gallon of milk I freeze at least half of it so it won't spoil before I use it.  This last time I froze half of it in two glass, orange juice bottles.  I've done this many times before with no problem.  Put both bottles in the freezer and when I looked this morning one bottle was broken - still around the frozen milk so took it out and put it in a bowl to thaw.  After a while decided I'd take the glass off the frozen milk.  Did that, then scraped down the sides, top and bottom of the frozen milk - still in the shape of the bottle.  Now I'm wondering if there might be tiny glass shards embedded in the frozen milk and it might not be good to use it.  What do you all think?

     Judith - I always like to have at least one or two white caladiums in the pots along with red and pink..  The ones I had last year from Florida Boys grew really tall.  So I want to get two or three dwarf ones to put in the pots on the steps.  I don't think I would have thrown away that pamphlet - just filed it away for future use.  Should never do that, I guess.

     Butterfly, years ago when I was in my 20s I had cervical neuritis and my doctor told me to sleep without a pillow.  At that time I could do it but didn't like it.  Now, if I don't have a big pillow I get dizzy and if I use one or two big pillows it makes a wry neck so I usually put a small pillow under the bigger one.  Odd the ways we have to compensate for things gone strange on us.  My doctor said the reason I had the neuritis is my dog, a poodle - Jacque - at that time would jump up in my arms.  He weighted about 25 lbs.  Had to stop letting him do that.

     I've mentioned the upturned flower pots where I'd find black walnut hulls - when I went out yesterday I cleared all of them off and today when I was out that way there were more hulls on top.  I wish I could see that little squirrel sitting up there taking off the hulls.  There are hundreds of black walnut shells, broken in half with nothing inside under that tree.  Somehow he's finding last years with the hulls still on and eating them.  There's two of the squirrels - saw three on the elm tree one day running around and around the trunk.  Stormy stays in the same corner where that pot is but it's at night so maybe the squirrel is asleep.  Found a lot of those hulls in the storage building.  We have a big doggie door so guess they go in and out through that.

     Butterfly, I enjoy reading your posts and hearing about what's going on in your life.  I enjoy reading all of them -  makes my day.

     Sandy - got two pictures but couldn't tell anything about what you said happened.  Were the two you mentioned the ones that wouldn't attach?  Hope you're feeling better today.

     I'm thinking about a nap but guess who has the divan and is asleep.  Still chilly here, partly cloudy and windy.  There was a dense fog over the pond this morning - nowhere else, just over the ponds.

     Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone.



  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Oh dear Lorita please, please don't drink that milk!  

    I got a tiny, tiny sliver of glass in my foot just the other day. So tiny I could not even see it, but sure could feel it for at least an hour or two every time I got up to do something.  It eventually worked itself out, but that just shows you how tiny a sliver might be. Your stomach and GI system would NOT like that. Yes, please throw it out so the animals and you are not at risk. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita - NO! Do not drink that milk, not even a teaspoon of it - it must be thrown away; the slivers of glass can be so utterly and thinly teensy that we cannot see them and they are also transparent with the white milk - you could swallow one or some without even knowing it until the negative effects begin after the fact.   

    In all probability, the glass container was filled too high and when the milk expanded when freezing, it was too much for the bottle to contain it and thereby broke the glass.  Best to leave at least a couple of inches empty at the top of the container when freezing.

    I remember when, years ago, my husband liked orange flavored soda and he would by it in the large liter and two liter bottles    He also liked his soda really cold.  One day, he put the huge bottle of orange soda in the freezer of our frig - he forgot about it.   The next day we left on a two week long trip.  When we got back, when I went into the freezer, omigosh!  The bottle had burst and I had orange soda stalagmites and stalagtites all through the freezer and orange soda all over packages.  What a mess to clean up.

    Very kind of Judith to look up the interaction between the two meds.  It takes about six weeks give or take for the full benefit of the Celexa to take place.    Also, it is not a good idea to try and abruptly stop Celexa cold turkey.  It is meant to be slowly tapered under a doctor's supervision.   So wish meds were far more simple and without untoward effects, but there we are.

     Iris; DH saw the new Endocrinologist and she was terrific.  Very professional, highly knowledgable, proactive and progressive.  So glad.  Hope that continues.   I wondered which Concierge doc you saw for awhile. There was one that was female not far, and turned not to be a good option.   So important to have a good primary care Internal Med Specialist; especially as we "mature."  They are like the "detectives"of medicine. 

    Glad Jack says he will forego the Monster drink, but I think the phone sounds as though it is there to stay no matter how frustrating.  It would be good to get someone to put in all the numbers he needs so he at least has them on his speed dial.   And that poor dog . . . I feel such pity for the poor wee caged thing.  He has been lucky that no one that has seen that has turned him into animal protection.  That little dog also has only one life and is in need of love and care far more than it has been receiving for most all of its life.  If only he would let go and knew someone that would adopt it and give it the type of life it needs.

    Saw on the news that gas in many areas out here has hit $6.00 plus change per gallon.  That is nuts.  Our governor wants to send out $400 checks for each car up to two cars in a family to offset gas prices. That will not be a panacea and most of that money will not go to gas, and it opens the door for all sorts of scams.  Could temporarily halt gas taxes, but seems the legislature does not want to do that.  Certainly a bad situation.

    Sayra, wise wearing the mask.  We were talking this morning how even prior to the pandemic, that citizens in China wore masks when out and about and no one ever said anything about it.  Guess we will be doing that for quite awhile for ourselves.  Just safer to do so.  Remember when we could gather and breathe without fear?   Oh, for the good old days.

    You have done a lot of work for your bedroom, Lorita.  Soon it will be all back in place and you can be comfortable again. Are you putting the curtains up before he finishes sanding that wall?  Best not to make the bed before sanding is done so you will not be inhaling the tiny dust bits and sneezing like someone is paying you to do it. So hope they get back to finish things up soon and haul all the debris away.  Also hope you get your laundry machines back soon, that must feel unpleasant to have the washer not able to be used until the room is finished.   There will be laundry to do later.  I always thought with washers and driers, no big deal doing the wash; but if only I could get the laundry to fold itself and put itself away, that really would be wonderful.  Ah, well.

    Mr. Ron, when are you leaving for the reunion?    I wish you a safe and comfortable trip and a wonderful time with the gathering.

    Judith, six crowns to be done - one at a time?  Patience will be a virtue.  Will be great when it is completed.  I actually am phobic when going to the dentist for some reason; but needs must.  When having a crown, it just takes so darned long.  Does not hurt at all, just hated being a captive in the chair.  Bad experiences as a small child has probably contributed if not caused that unsettled feeling, but must be done.  

     On a yogurt for breakfast or lunch kick.  I like strawberry on the bottom, and add a half cup of bran flakes and half a cup of blueberries folded in.  Very tasty and good for me too.  Guess that offsets that big carrot cupcake with lovely cream cheese frosting that I had.  Shame on me; but boy, it sure was scrumptious.

    Close to 90 again today.  Down to the 60's in a couple of days.  Expect quite a bit of rain on Monday going into Tuesday, so it will be much cooler.   We really need the rain and it is expected that there will be snowfall where it is needed to add to the water needs for the summer.   Here's hoping.

    Glad you finger is doing okay, Day.  Sorry about the bruising to your hand.  Good thing you are not a concert pianist!  April until stitches come out?  Seems like such a long time to be patient about that.   Will feel good to know what the mystery lump was; strange thing that it was.  

    Big best wishes being sent to everyone,


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, please don't drink that milk!

    The story of Toad's name is awesome, I love it.

    BW - luckily it's my non-dominant left hand so I'm pretty functional still but it's interesting trying to wash my one hand all by itself when I want to wash both of them but I don't dare get this wrapping wet.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Drats!  Just wrote a long post and it disappeared.  I won't try to repeat it tonight but do want to thank all of you for your advice about the milk.  I am letting it thaw and have strained it through a small strainer - but I won't drink it or give it to the cats.  Better safe than sorry.

     Judith, the green door sounds pretty with a wreath on it all the time, changing with the seasons.  When we lived in the MH we had a green door - when we moved down to the farmhouse I painted the three outside doors cranberry.  I have a lace wreath on the sunroom door and a dream catcher on the front door.

     I know someone mentioned possible sciatica of my hip.  I remembered today that my doctor mentioned that possibility.  I told him I thought the pain went all the way down the leg but he said not always.  It's hurting some now, in the middle, so I tried some Theraworx he said might help my neuromas.  He uses it for something and says it helps him.

     I have the bed made and put a little heater in there to warm the room some.  One of the cats has already been in there asleep.  I won't put up the curtains until the sanding is done and when he does that I'll cover the bed with the quilt that was on it while they were working in there.

     So, I'll stop for now before I lose this one.  Sleep well tonight and hope you all have sweet dreams. Thanks again - nice to have friends to keep me on the straight and narrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, do you wear arch support insoles?  They have helped me.  Also, try wearing shoes with a wide toe box.  I never wear pointy shoes.

    Pre-covid, the local senior center offered free classes on how to use a smartphone.  Also my company T-Mobile, offered in-person tech support to learn different features.  Perhaps Jack could find a high-school or college student to tutor him.  Or he could watch a few you-tube videos.

    Lorita, I am concerned about you.  We are no longer spring chickens.  Of course, you know that drinking milk with glass shards is not okay!  We elder folk have to be extra cautious about our safety.  We don't think fast anymore.  And I don't mean just me.  We all don't think fast.  I would not put glass in my freezer.  I want to enjoy what's left of my old age.

    Butterfly Wings, yes, a chicken can run around with its head cut off.  My college classmate got chased by such a chicken when he was a small child.  The brainstem may be a bit lower than normal when the chicken is beheaded, so is can still run around for a short while.  That was done on a family farm, many years ago the procedure is most likely much changed nowadays.

    Jo C, I'm glad you like your DH's new endocrinologist.  I liked my endo, he was big on explaining; other doctors seem to be less interested in explaining anything.  I explained a lot, that's what pediatrics is all about, explaining to parents and the children who are old enough to understand.  The concierge doctor I consulted was female.  Occasionally I will get a solicitation for another concierge practice, but I am leary now.


  • Cherjer
    Cherjer Member Posts: 227
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes
    Jo... are you from Southern CA?
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning 

    34F, 1C.  See a light coating of snow fell during night.  Giving some all weekend I think.

    Butterfly does take a little time to prepare things but after that the dehydrator does all the work and it doesn’t take much oversight.  Have made apple butter in past.  This year I made Peach butter.

    I freeze in glass a lot for a long time.  Have only had a very few to break.  Any that broke were thrown out.  Not worth the risk.

    Cooked up several things yesterday so won’t have to cook much this weekend.  Made more tortillas, charro beans, rice, still have one serving of stew left from earlier in week too. 

    Glad you found a good endocrinologist JoC.

    Feel like I get things done more quickly when I have a list to guide me too Judith.

    Iris I know I can’t think near as quickly as I did when younger.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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     Very cool here this morning - in the 30s supposed to be in the 60s today, a little warmer tomorrow and in the 80s Monday and Tuesday - then 1-3" of rain the next two days.

     Stormy and Sheena have seen something east of here in the pasture.  He keeps running up on the porch for me to come and see.  I don't see anything except some of the girls over there.

     Just saw on TV that the coach of the OSU  Cowboys (football) got a big raise - he'll make 7.5 million dollars in one season.  I think I was in the wrong business.  Can't imagine that anyone could make that much money.

     Saw what I thought was a cow down by the pond in the NE pasture - strange to be by herself so drove down and as I got closer "he" began to paw the ground.  For some reason Mickey is down there.  He's okay, was just warning me so I came back.  Most everyone is grazing east of here - a few around the hay, including Casper.

     I slept in the bedroom last night! - first time in a coon's age and it felt good.  Sammy slept in there with me.  I wish I had a regular sized bed - we've had a king-sized one for years - think this is the second one since we've lived down here.  Charles and I had a terrible time trying to turn this one.  We have a tall headboard and a pretty tall footboard so we couldn't twirl it around or flip it over.  I may see if a couple of the guys can do that for me before they leave or put a board under my side.  I've slept on the same side since we've had it so it needs something.

     I don't think there were shards of glass in the milk because the breaks were clean but I did throw it away.  I've frozen in glass for quite some time but guess I filled this one a little too full. 

     Iris, In the spring and summer I wear open-toed shoes and in the winter if I go anywhere I wear boots.  Around the house I wear either tennis shoes without a back or those rubber-type sandals I've worn for years.  When I used to work I wore heels but that's been eons ago.  I doubt any of the shoes I wear have arch supports except the boots.  I need to get those pads out and if I can keep them on.

     Sara - what are charro beans?  I haven't cooked beans in some time so should probably do that with the potatoes and carrots on top.  Have you ever baked an onion?  Charles and I used to do that occasionally.  We just put a pat of butter on top, wrapped them in foil and baked them until tender.  They are delicious - nice and sweet.  I did get some onions the other day - a 3 lb. pkg. instead of loose ones - thought that might be safer.  I like to do a meripoix and eat that with rice and a little soy sauce.  We used to make a dish using very thinly cut steak cooked in a sauce and served over the rice and vegetables.  So, after I quit eating meat I just used the rest of the recipe.

     Glad you don't have to cook this weekend unless you want to.  I need to make some zucchini bread or cook zucchini, onions and tomatoes together.  Don't want to let the zucchini spoil.  Love that with beans.

    Nothing going on here today, I hope.  You know that Theraworx may have helped - a while after I used it my hip quit hurting.  Hurting again some so I'll try it again.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  I need to wash windows in the bedroom but don't think I have any Windex - what do you all use to wash windows?

     What is the name of Barbara's new book. and is it on Kindle?  For the life of me I can't seem to get on that link. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    For sparkly windows - vinegar and water.  Grandma used that, mother used that, and I have used that.    Cuts through grime and windows really did sparkle.  If windows full of nasty dust or grime from the workers, may want to go over the window first with a dust/dirt cloth to get big stuff off and then commence with the washing.

     Good luck!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Thanks, Jo.  I'll use that.  Dust from workers and places where Stormy has put his nose when looking out the window.
  • Fairyland
    Fairyland Member Posts: 178
    100 Comments First Anniversary
    I tried old newspapers and vinegar to clean patio windows recently and was amazed how well they worked!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Fairyland,

     I've always heard newspapers were good to clean windows but I haven't had a newspaper in months.  Thanks for the information though.

     It's becoming a pretty day, still cool but nice and sunny.  I may not get to the windows today.  They're the kind that you can clean both sides from the inside - we'll see how it works out.

     Sara - the news this morning says our covid cases are going down but, like your county, the flu cases are going up.  So far 14 people in Oklahoma have died from the flu.  The last two years I haven't heard much about the flu - guess we all know why - everyone was wearing masks. 


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, my podiatrist told me to wear lace-up shoes along with my arch supports.  But I do have fallen arches and plantar fascists and a bad big toe on the right (sounds like a song).  When I wear unlaced shoes or sandals, my feet are in a lot of pain!

    Jo C, can we clean the car windshield with vinegar and water and newspaper? 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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