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Just need to talk to my friends (168)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Morning, ladies and Mr. Ron,

     You all flatter me.  What I do is just what I've always done but seems a bit harder now and takes a little longer.  Hard to stop doing things you're used to doing.

     I am, indeed, fortunate to have Mike as a friend.  I could not have sold the girls and leased the land to anyone except him.  I sort of know how he thinks and I think it's the same for him.  Still sort of hard to let go though but, as I've said, in my feeble mind the girls are still mine.  I know they aren't but  I'll treat them that way as long as they're here and I'm sure he doesn't mind at all.  He's told me before that he likes to have someone on leased land to kind of watch the girls and let him know if something's awry.

     We had a sort of bumpy night - lots of thunder and lightning.  Sheena's afraid of thunder so had to try to comfort her when it would thunder.  I was really surprised this morning to see that we had 2" of rain - things are muddy but we needed the rain.  The girls are confused this morning = not sure if it's feed day or not- they've gone back and forth from the barn to the hay a couple of times - I think they're going to graze in the NE pasture.  Some are still standing around in front of the barn where I'm sure they spent the night.  They're spoiled and that's all right - the barn's there and they make good use of it.  I'll let Amy and Annie out after they drift off.  Don't like to have a lot of them around when new babies come out with them for the first time.

     They're still having tornado warnings in Arkansas - everything's out of Oklahoma for now.  It's 60 now and I bet the humidity is 100% but the cold front is near so by afternoon it'll be in the 40s.

     The Jacaranda trees - I've seen pictures of them and they look like the Royal Empress trees we have, at least they're both purple.  No blooms on ours yet and may not have too many because of the terribly cold weather we had this winter.  Jo, what do the blooms on those trees look like?  The blooms on our trees are about 3" long and trumpet shaped and have the best fragrance.  Wish I had some perfume from them.  We have one huge one in the front yard that I transplanted and another just outside the yard.  The third is out by the corral.  It's been broken off several times but always came back - it's probably 20-25 ft. tall now with a few flower buds.  New ones come up front the roots every year but I haven't been able to transplant them.  Mike has tried and even took some cuttings from the tree to try to root.  He had a couple of them growing and the guy who mowed his yard cut them down.

     Daniel said they'd be back today but I'm not sure since it's so wet and muddy.  It will probably take two more days to get the finish work and painting done.  He says he has several calls every day from people needing him to do work for them.  It's really hard to find someone to do this kind of work.  I know three and they are all as busy as bees.

     Sara - I made a fresh loaf of bread late yesterday - looked and smelled so good but I refrained from eating the top slice.  Every time I slice bread I think of you and your slicing apparatus.  How is it working?  I always end up with one side of the slice thicker than the other.  I've tried standing to the left a bit instead of even with the loaf and it does help a little bit.  For the corn tortillas do you use meal with hot water?  We used to use meal with hot water in it and then put a spoonful in our hand, flatten it out some and slide it, carefully, into hot oil.  Would that be corn one or just fried cornbread - not sure.  I bet you could use the lid to a pyrex dish because they're nice and smooth.

     Weatherman in Tulsa said they had dropped ten degrees in the last hour so the front is getting close - winds supposed to be 20-30 mph but yesterday it was in the 40s with gusts in our Panhandle in the mid 60s. 

     The cats are playing and screaming.  I have one girl cat - Lilly - who has been spayed but two of the boys don't seem to realize that.  I have to lock her in the bathroom at night or they'd be running and screaming all night.

     Just showing pictures of our storm chasers who were out last night watching the weather and prairie fires.  One got out and opened a gate so some cattle could get through and away from the fire. On one fire he was monitoring he got out and helped people move their vehicles away from a burning barn.  Last year during one of the big fires he rescued a man who was using a road grader to try to stop the fire - got him just as the fire engulfed the grader.

     When I was getting Amy and Annie in the pen last night I was really surprised at the strength Amy has.  It was just about all I could do to get her in - she kept wanting to go back to mom.  For something so little, she's very strong.  Also got a swift kick to the front of my leg.  Those little calves can kick so fast and hard.

     Better stop and go see about Amy and Annie and let them out.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Extex, are you and Bonnie all right?  Just saw on the weather that there were some tornados? south of Fayetteville and Springdale.  I think you're a bit south of there - let us know.

     I went out to let Amy and mom out and there was another small calf in the lot bawling - I think it was Tina.  Everyone had gone down to graze and she got left behind.  I opened the gate and gave Annie some feed.  It's very dark right now and it's raining some so went back out to close the gate to keep the mom and baby up a little longer.  Annie had already gone down to graze and left Amy in the pen - so I closed the gate to the pen and the gates to the lot so I'll know when Annie comes back.  The little calf had probably followed Annie so Amy's the only one in the barn now.  It is soooo muddy out there - thank goodness for boots.

     I wanted to take a picture of the Bradford pear trees but it's too dark now. They're in full bloom - on the north side of the pond and all along the driveway and west side of the meadow.  They're gorgeous.  Two days ago when I came home from the mailbox I picked four stems or little branches of them from one of the trees on the driveway.  They've been in a vase on my windowsill above the sink and are still beautiful and fresh looking.

     Extex, let us know if you all are okay.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Still raining a little bit and much cooler than it was this morning.  I've been laying on the divan watching TV - even drifted off to sleep.

     Iris, have you checked the price of canned cat food lately?  I ordered the 40 can pack of Friskies two or three weeks ago from Chewy and it was somewhere in the $20. area.  I checked on Amazon today and the same kind is in the 50 and 60 dollar range. Why do you think there's a shortage of cat food of all things?   I was going to check on WM.com but haven't gotten that done yet.  I'm not out yet but I sue at least four cans a day so a 40 can pack doesn't last but about ten days. These cats may have to eat dry food.

     My medical guardian is acting up again. I left it in the charger night before last (battery charge is supposed to last 3-5 days).  Put it on yesterday morning and about 3:30 this voice said "battery low - put on charger". I called them and one place they had said it only had 15% battery life - another place said $90%.  When it's on the charger and fully charged the light is solid red - this morning it was still blinking. Called again and she had me reset it and said it was 100% fully charged. If it's not going to work right, I can't feel secure wearing it. Yesterday the guy said he would contact the manufacturer and see what they said -supposed to call me today - doubt that.

     Annie came back up and I let her into Amy.  I think I'll keep them up tonight. She has water and hay and I fed her this morning.. 

     Daniel called and said they wouldn't come today but will be here tomorrow.  I don't blame them - it's a nasty, wet day. 

     Hope all of you are having a good day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sister staying with Lou and went to a Oklahoma casino with brother and SIL.  Only lost 30 dollars but was nice to get out. Everything we ask Lou, she doesn't want to do. 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Hand still wrapped up, still taking Tylenol.  I see QVC's today's special is an iPad, which I would never buy from them.  They are overpriced and they throw in all these accessories to try to make you think you're getting a great deal.  David's on now, I'm waiting to see if Jane will dance across the screen after this presentation.

    After I get done typing, it's time to change my bandage, then I've got a package from David's Tea waiting at the mailbox locker so I'll walk up and get it.  Quiet day off today.  Hope everyone's doing well.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron; what a great day with your outing.  I am delighted to hear you were out and about.  What fun that must have been.   Worth every single penny, you big spender!   Is the blow up mattress working out okay?

    As for Lou, perhaps she may feel a bit "off" being in a different place and doing anything else may be too much for her to contemplate much less do; so if she was and is reasonably happy being with your sister while you get a little time to be out; no harm, no foul.  So hope the rest of the visit goes well and that you will get a bit out and about and enjoy all the company.

    Oh my goodness; been enjoying the 60's temps but just saw the news that we are going way back up into the 90's+ again in a matter of days . . . . I tried to negotiate for the 70's, but I even heard the clouds laughing at me from behind Mother Nature's back.  Evidently she must be planning on baking cookies or working on her tan.  Maybe both. 

    Anyone watching, "What About Pam?"  Limited mini series.  About a real person.  Chilling.  Renee Zellweger doing a decent job of it, fat suit and all.  What a dreadful person that was in real life. Ugh.

    Looking for happy movies and books without all the violence and gunk; I read far too many mysteries and whodunits and the sort.   Need more positive input for my sadly flagging morale.  Good grief, the TV news!  Just too much awfulness going on and balance is sorely needed.  Saw a good Bette Davis film last night, she was an amazing actress and many of those old black and white films are great to watch.  Love many of the stories, the clothing and the sets with the furniture and rest of set decorations.  Have to go to TCM to find them though. 

     Well, will take my needy self off, have a good evening all,


  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita, All of the damage was in Springdale in NW Arkansas.  Houses and a FedEx warehouse were severely damaged. Seven people injured.  I am in central part of the state about 20 miles south of Little Rock in the woods.  By the time the storm got down here it had lost most of its punch.  I hear it is firing up again on the other side of the Mississippi.  Thanks for checking on us.

    Bonnie’s quarterly appointment with her PCP was yesterday.  She had to do labs before her appointment. She either wouldn’t or couldn’t produce a urine specimen.  Fun fun.  I brought the specimen container home with us.  No luck last night or this morning.  Rachel, her caregiver suggested giving her another Lasix pill.  An hour later we had a specimen.  Went back to the clinic in Little Rock in the pouring rain and turned it in 1 1/2 days late

    Praying for the folks who are in the storms path tonight.  Y’all stay safe over there.  It’s that time of year.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Ron, I imagine part of Lou not wanting to do things is that she's in an unfamiliar place and isn't as comfortable as she is at home.  I know anything different would upset Charles.  So you went to an Oklahoma Casino instead of one around Dallas?  Glad you did well and enjoyed just being out and doing something you enjoyed.

    Looks like the bad weather is going to be around Shreveport - hope it isn't too bad.   We're still getting sprinkles.  Just let the GPs back in and their hair is wet.

     Day - just turned it over to watch David.  Haven't seen Jane yet.  If she's there, she probably will be dancing around.  She talks a lot about her daughters dancing so guess she did, too.  Glad your hand is doing all right - bet you'll be glad to get the bandage off.  Did they ever tell you what it was?

     Last night about 11:30 I heard the landline phone ringing and ringing.  It had done that all day.  I hardly ever answer it but it just kept ringing so got up and answered it.  It was Sarah.  She's in the hospital, has been for a couple of days.  She didn't have her cellphone and couldn't remember my cell number but she does remember our land line number.  She had a couple of bad grand mal seizures and wasn't doing well at all so Todd called the ambulance to take her to the hospital.  I talked with her again today and she's wanting to go home.  I told her to settle down and stay there and to try to get some of her problems taken care of instead of  having to wait for appointments.

     Iris - I checked on the dry dogfood I use - Diamond - on Amazon and it was over $100 for 40 lbs. I usually pay just under $38 so won't be ordering any kind of cat food from Amazon.  It's the usual price on Chewy so I'll continue to order from them.  I can get it at our feed store for a couple of dollars less but would have to lug it into the house.  I can't understand why Amazon is so high on things.

     Guess I'll go out and fill the water tank in the garden. Girls have gone back up to the hay for the night but imagine some will go into the barn. Tomorrow morning is feed and hay day - and it will be really muddy.

     Joan - I saw someone on QVC today who was in Colorado and he said it was raining cats and dogs there.  Are you getting rain?

     Enjoy the evening.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Have any of you seen a show called the Repair Shop?  I don't have regular cable tv, but I believe it is from the Discovery channel.

    It is very interesting.  It is filmed in England, and is a group of folks who each have a particular area of expertise that they repair things brought into them.

    Of course each item has a story...most are family antiques or special items.

    They do a grand job of restoring the items and are very personable.

    If you get a chance and can find it, check it out.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    63F, 17C.  Temperature will be dropping to around 50 during day.  Very windy

    Glad you got the rain Lorita.  Good for water table.

    Lorita I do like my bread slicing gadget.  Do wish the slices were just a bit thinner.

    Think yours is fried cornbread, if it is made with cornmeal.  Tortillas made from corn flour.  Did buy some yesterday so hopefully before too long I can try it.

    Day thought about you and your hand yesterday.  Nice to hear from you.

    Marie I have not seen Repair Shop.  Checked and found it on YT.  Subscribed, so will check it out later.

    They installed my A/C yesterday.

    Got a dozen of pretty eggs yesterday.  Attached a picture.  She also sells plants in the spring.  She raises many varieties of heirloom tomatoes. Looking forward to buying them this summer if we are blessed with a good growing season.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning!

    Sara, your eggs are pretty. I bought some like that once from a gal with chickens. Nice to have! However, running out to her house to get them was inconvenient so now I buy free-range large brown eggs at the grocery store. I pay about $3.50 per dozen. 

    Lorita, bet your Bradford pear trees are beautiful. We don't have much blooming yet. I do have a few daffodils blooming (with hundreds more to come), plus winter aconite. The trees aren't leafed out yet but the buds are swelling. My only garden work so far is picking up pine cones, sweeping up wisteria seeds and pods, planting two new raspberry plants and removing spent hydrangea flowers. I am looking forward to starting seeds (direct sow in the garden) and planting my elephant ears, which I have had potted up inside over the winter. 

    Marie, I'm sorry for all you have had to deal with in helping your parents. It sounds like a nightmare! Sometimes it seems that no matter what or how much you do, you aren't appreciated (by the person with dementia or even their spouse). It's a difficult situation to be in and I have no advice on getting through it but said a prayer for you and your family. You are a loving daughter.

    Lorita, I hope Sarah is improving. She has had a rough time. 

    Ron, glad you are getting some R & R. Hope you are able to dance with your bride! Happy anniversary!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Thank you all for your care and concern.

    Dad has been to ER twice this week for issues with the cath.  Of course like most things it has been in the middle of the night.

    He appears to be declining more quickly and eating little to nothing.  We think we may be nearing the end.  Of course with this disease you can never be sure of anything.

    Mother still resisting Hospice care, but we continue to try to help her get past whatever issues she has.  Just in the last day or two she seems to have accepted that he is tired of living this way.

    Our biggest worry is that he is in pain.  He does not verbalize it, but there have been recent situations which doctors say he would have had significant pain.  We are advocating Hospice so that even in this situation he can receive pain meds to provide best comfort care.  Regular docs seem unable to give pain meds if patient does not report pain.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     It looks like it's going to be a pretty day, or two, before we get more rain.  They even had a little bit of snow just over the Okla./Kansas State line.  It was close to freezing here this morning but I've been in and out without wearing a coat.

     Sara - those eggs are beautiful.  You won't even have to dye Easter eggs.  I used to be a big fan of Martha Stewart and she raised Araucana Chickens that laid colored eggs.  Are they a lot more expensive than the other and, are they extra large eggs? 

     Beth,, the eggs in your area are higher than here - I think extra large are about $2.00.  a dozen.  We used to raise White Leghorn chickens and their eggs were extra large to jumbo - we sold them at the VA Hospital where we worked for $.50 a dozen.

     Sara - would you post a picture of your bread slicing gadget?  I've never seen one and would like to see what they look like.

     Beth, sounds like you're gearing up for a lot of gardening this summer.  Our Bradford pear trees are gorgeous.  All of them came from a couple of trees a neighbor had a few years ago.  I took some pictures this morning and will post them later.  When the sun's just coming up and the light is just right they seem to almost glow.  They're all over the farm and I see quite a few on the land east of us. 

     Marie, they do say Hospice is a great help in keeping your loved one comfortable.  We had hospice for a very few days and I remember one time they delivered medicine for Charles at 10:30 at night.  It was hard going on Hospice though - I had to sign a DNR - hardest thing I've ever had to do.  I'm glad your mother is beginning to come to terms with things - I know it's so hard for her - and for you.  You all will be in my prayers.

     It is so muddy this morning - I've been walking around in the mud for the last hour or so.  I went out and fed Tom, then opened the gate to let Annie and Amy out.  The girls were all scattered in the south pasture so called them down.  It was after 8 when they came to feed.  I imagine they had some pretty muddy pastures to feed in this morning.  Some of the girls came down and went into the lot and when Amy came out she was running and playing and meeting all her new friends.  She was so cute running around  with Annie right behind her.  I did get a couple of pictures I'll post later. They fed and set out two bales of hay.  I saw Amy and Annie coming out of the lot and going around to the feeding place.  Amy will keep Annie on her toes today keeping up with her.

     Right now it's quiet.  I hope they can finish by tomorrow.  Hope everyone's okay and missed the storms yesterday.

     I saw on the news yesterday that Oklahoma has more flu cases than any other State - not a good thing.  What are you all going to do about taking the second booster?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    The thought of Hospice can be frightening when we view it as the grim reaper coming through the door. The reality is that it is another pair of eyes looking, another pair of hands caring and can be a big help to the caregiver through the social worker and the “pastor”.  Marie, perhaps you could just get your mother to agree to interviewing several just in case she wants to use in the future. 

    Bread slicers…there are many available on line that claim to be adjustable. Reasonable too. The problem, as I see it, is not the slicing but the eating of fresh bread…lol
    Redbuds have joined the pear trees. 10 more days and we will have that beautiful spring green color on all of the trees. Nothing like it. 
    Well, another spring and another thoughtful decision that I am not going to grow food!!!! Gone by the wayside is the idea of a raised bed. TraderJoe’s is just to close. 
    The baby eagle’s growth is something else. You can note it every day and now there are feathers.
    Ordering from Florida Boys today. White Christmas, as always, because it can take some sun and is beautiful against the white fence.
    Question…what color is viburnum?
    added: There was not signed DNR with Dick and one can be revoked at any time.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Judith, we had a viburnum years ago and it had white, cone-shaped blooms.  Very pretty.  The color viburnum on our LR walls is a very soft, pinkish-beige.  It doesn't really read pink until a light shines on it and it's very restful.

     I couldn't find my brochure showing all the varieties of caladiums so called and they'll send me another one.  I was going to dig up the bulbs but never got it done.  Do you ever have any that come up the next year.  Our winter was so cold I doubt any of mine will.

     No redbuds out in this area - just lots of pears - even our Asian pear trees are blooming.  On the highway into Muskogee there are redbuds out in the woods.  We've tried them but guess it's too cold - dogwoods don't make it either.

     White Christmas is really pretty - with the green veins.  One of my favorites - always like to have at least one or two in each big pot to brighten it up - also like a dark red one or two and a pink.  The ones I had last year were really tall so think I'll order the same as last time with two or three dwarfs to put in the pots on the steps.  I have wild violets in them now and just remembered yesterday that something kept eating the plants I had in those pots last year.

     Saw a very interesting show on Nature last evening about squirrels.  It says their front teeth grow as long as they live - as much as 8" a year - because they're worn off so much breaking into nuts.  So I guess they can break open the black walnut shells.  I haven't seen them in a couple of days.  Always afraid the GPs will see them and catch them.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Regarding the 2nd booster - I will get it, but not right away. Our Covid numbers are very low here (low in wastewater too). As we have heard, the antibodies wane over time. I am thinking I would like to get my vaccine when the Covid cases increase - then I should have good immunity, at that time. I have done some reading about this and this is my thinking, for me. Your answer, for you, might be different.
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  Just checking in.

    Lorita, yes, we have had rain, snow, and wind off and on the past few weeks.  We expect a little rain tonight and then a bigger storm Sunday and Monday.  Guess it’s good for the drought we’ve been in.  Colorado has had several fires lately.  Thankful they were all put out before they got too big.  Nothing popping out here.  Will probably start greening up in a couple more weeks.  

    The beautiful days find me out taking walks and enjoying the sun.  My oldest daughter and her two girls came to see me for a couple of days.  It was so much fun to have them and have fun together. I’ll see them in May for Ashlyn’s high school graduation.  I can’t believe she’s old enough to be out of high school.

    I’m still keeping up with granddaughter who lives near me.  She’s in club basketball and baseball currently, and loving every minute of it.  I’m so fortunate to get to see the grandkids and do things with them. It keeps me busy and happy.

    Day, good news your hand surgery is over and you’re healing.  Have you heard what it was?  Lucky you can still type so you don’t have to miss work.

    Sara and Beth, dandelion salad is still one of my favorites.  The white stems are the best part.  Happy planting this spring.  I’m not going to plant anything.  I’ll go to my daughter’s house and raid their garden.  My daughter had chickens for a few years and a lot of them laid colored eggs.  They’re amazing and so pretty.

    Ron, I sure hope you and Lou are enjoying your time in Texas.   Dance away and have as much fun as you can.

    Marie, I hope you’re able to relax a bit.  You have so much on your plate.  Hospice is great for pain management, and many other things.  

    Jo, I was going to watch What About Pam, but it looked like it might be a little rough for me.  I might still watch one episode and see what I think.  Hope your husband’s eyes are feeling better.

    I think of you all every day, but don’t post often.  I hope you have a great day and no more severe storms or tornados.  Take care and have a nice rest of your day.  Joan

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    from Leana Wen, MD, Washington Post:  "Is there a downside to the extra shot? There is a theoretical possibility that if too many boosters are given, one’s body might not mount as much of a response in the future. A more practical reason to hold off is timing: If protection is short-lived, perhaps it’s better to wait until we know for sure that a major surge is coming. Also, omicron-specific boosters are being developed and might be available in the coming months. Some might choose to wait until then, or until there’s clear evidence that immunity against severe illness is waning.

    The point is that while it’s far from straightforward whether people needa fourth dose, there are those who want it and should be able to access it. The federal government’s stance to allow this option signals an important pivot away from top-down public health guidance to individual decision-making. Going forward, people should be empowered to use boosters — just as they do masks, tests and treatments — to manage their own risk of covid-19."

    whole article here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/03/29/fda-covid-vaccine-second-booster-shot-right-call/

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Beth, that makes good sense.  I checked and looks like our County and the one north of us have only had about one case each. I'm feeling more confident but will continue to wear my mask - at home if there's someone here or in town.  Doesn't hurt to be careful. Thanks for posting that information.

    Joan - good to see your post and to know you're feeling much better and are able to get out and walk like you love to do. We've had 3.4" of rain during the last couple of weeks with more to come this weekend.The ground is really wet but we needed every bit of it.  Grass is greening up and some trees are leafing out.  We have two  Maples that don't even have leaf buds yet but I checked and there's still green in the branches. The Bradford Pear trees are beyond beautiful this year.  

    It doesn't seem possible to me, either, that your granddaughters are getting so big - we've actually watched them grow up over the years.  It is so good that you're close enough to them to be able to be with them a lot and enjoy them.

    Have you seen any bears lately?  Sandy says there's some around where she lives now - wish she's post and tell us all about them and what's happened.  

    I'm hoping the storms in Sandy's area aren't too bad.  We were pretty lucky here in Oklahoma - most of the tornados were east of us.  Seems like it's going to be a really bad season.

    I spent almost the last hour out looking for and then watching the new baby.  Mom had put her down close to a fence, under a tree and in sprouts.  I found her this morning after they fed - mom gave her lunch, then left her there until a little after 6.  Annie, her mom is thin so I'm going to try to feed her some each day.  She was up around the hay and she seems timid so when she saw me looking for her baby she came down and I fed her.  She ate, then went to Amy.  Amy got up and fell down - been laying in the same position too long, but got back up and had supper.  Then, they took off up toward the hay.  I closed the gate to the NE pasture for the night. Just heard the coyotes come out to go hunting - mom will take good care of her.

    I've always used Internet  Explorer and I'm finding that more places are not supporting it now so I'm using a different one tonight - going to take some getting used to.  Not even sure about posting picture.  If I can't maybe I can IE long enough to post the pictures of the pear trees and baby.

    Judith, thank you so much for posting the information and pictures about the land run.  Where in OKC is it located? I've never seen it - just the picture on TV of the one of the wagon or covered wagon.   I watched a few minutes of the movie Cimarron a couple of nights ago and it showed the land run and all the people in all types of conveyances and horses and even running. Saw one guy on a high-week bicycle.

    Did you get your caladiums ordered?   I'll wait to order mine until I get the brochure showing all of them.  I can't believe I threw it away - probably will find it after I get the new one.

    Hope all of you have a good evening.  Ron, I can just imagine what a good time you all are having.  Hope Lou is enjoying it, too.

    See you all tomorrow.  I was able to post two pictures of the new baby girl, Amy.  There were a lot of cows in the corral when I took it so had to hurry  but you can tell what she looks like - very small but full of life. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    33F, 1C.  Looks wet out.  Suppose to continue to be windy but nothing like last two days.

    Beth haven’t been able to do any more cleanup here for awhile.  Very wet, cold and windy.

    Lorita the eggs are cheaper but if you add gas probably not.  It’s not that far though and I enjoy the drive and getting out.  Most of the eggs are average sized.  The two white ones are the bigger ones, was guessing they were from a leghorn.  So was interesting what you said and sort of confirms they probably are leghorn eggs.  Ate an olive egg yesterday, shell was nice and hard, and was tasty.

    Have attached a picture of my bread slicer as you asked me too.

    Lorita second booster is a personal decision as Beth said.   Will continue to listen to the virologist and infectious disease doctor from  NYC and try and follow the data being collected.   Don’t see a booster shot every six months to keep antibodies up as a good thing for me personally.  This is not naturally how our body works so not sure about that, whether it is good or bad.  Think as long as what I have now is providing fairly good protection from serious disease, I will follow the more natural route of letting them contract which is normally what happens and if I get infected hopefully the Tcells will kick in and keep things mild.  Will wear my mask to lower risk of getting infected and trust God for the rest.  Now if we start seeing data that what we have is no longer working against serious disease, if I become immunocompromised  will go from there.  So far in my state the unvaccinated are still 94-95% of the hospitalizations and deaths.  That has been consistent for a long time which is an indicator our vaccines are doing their job so far.  

    The sewer count did go up some in our county this past week.  Many more counties in our state in red and yellow zone this week.  Hospitalizations, deaths, cases recorded still remained low.  Will keep my mask on and observe and continue to learn.  Is known that sewage rates rise before the other indicators just as deaths lag.

    Joan I have only eaten the dandelion leaves.  Will try to remember to try a stem.

    The calf is so little.  Can see it is very muddy.  A bit muddy here too.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     It's a beautiful morning but in the low to mid 30s - there's frost on the car but melting fast because the sun's shining.  Will be in mid to upper 60s this afternoon, then some rain tonight.

     The baby is little, Sara.  Mom's first baby and she's thin.  I'm going to try to feed her some extra every day.  I'm always very anxious when I let a new baby out to see how it made the night.  I only saw one cow when I went out but fed Tom and started the Gator to go look for them and here they came - down from the MH.  Saw Annie and little Amy.  She's a cutie - walking in the cattle trails just like a big girl with mom right behind.

     The bread slicer is interesting - I've never seen one before.  No way to adjust it?  I like fairly thin slices, too.  Remember when they used to have thinly sliced bread (maybe they still do) and those round slices?  I liked those.  Last night I looked for recipes for cinnamon rolls.  Found a recipe for the dough in a bread machine cookbook so think I may try those when things get back to normal - if they ever do.

     I guess I'll wait on taking the second booster.  I'm not around people very much and always wear my mask so I feel safe enough.  I had thought I'd get it when I went in for my lab work but am second guessing that now.  I want to watch the news shows Sunday morning to see if they have Dr. Fauci or Dr. Jha on to see what they're thinking. 

     I'll post the pictures I took yesterday morning of the Bradford pear trees.  One is of the driveway with the pear trees in bloom.  I was about a third of the way down when I took it so it's over a quarter mile long so you see why I don't go to the mailbox every day.  When Mr. K put in the new fence he took out a few cedars but I told him I like the pears so he left most of them.  Two of them are of the trees along the west side of the meadow - also showing one big tree in the meadow.  The trees are beautiful again this morning with the sun shining on them.  The flowering almond is almost in full bloom and is so pretty with all the little flowers.  I don't think the pretty white flowers in the yard are going to bloom this year.  The foliage is there but I think the awfully cold weather killed the buds.  I hope I'll go out some morning soon and they'll be in bloom.

     Hope all of you have a happy Friday.  Guess Ron and Lou will be coming home in a couple of days. 

     That other browser I was using yesterday is Edge.  Guess I'll have to use it for several websites I visit - seems like Internet Explorer is going by the wayside - wonder why?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Lorita...your trees are spectacular! The Monument is by Bricktown.

    Many of the slicerw areadjustable. This is one highly rated;

    https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0793HQWL7?tag=resourchecg-20&linkCodesi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=adjustable bread slicer

    Brrrrrr. My bedroom got very cold last night. Guess I will turn the heat on again.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Thanks, Judith.  I think so, too.  They're scattered all over the farm - all of them came from a couple of trees a neighbor had many years ago.  Every year there's more of them.

     How many of those bronze statues are there?

     Thanks for the information about the bread slicers. 

     I just rescheduled my labwork that I was supposed to have next Tuesday.  Daniel and his crew are here - they'll finish the utility room today except for painting and the bedroom so should finish Monday with cleanup day on Tuesday.  That is if it doesn't rain - and it's supposed to Monday and Tuesday. 

     How is Winda?  Tell her hello for me when you see her.

    It's going to get warmer, Judith.  It won't be long before it'll be air conditioning weather.

    've been trying to call Sarah at Mercy - no answer in her room for two days so called the nurse just now and she's not there.  Guess she's been discharged - looks like to me she would have let me know.  I've tried her cell phone with no answer.  I guess I shouldn't get upset at her - she's so sick and doesn't feel like keeping me informed..  If I was as sick as she is I wouldn't be able to do anything.  I tried to get her to stay and not keep wanting to go home so she could get some of the things done while she was there but guess she didn't listen.  Nothing new there.

     Have you ever tried red caladiums mixed in with White Christmas? Bet that would be pretty.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    It's warming up!  Been a busy, noisy morning but I think it'll be a quiet weekend.  The guys (four, I think) worked hard while they were here.  The walls have the stuff they put over drywall on it - will need another coat in places.  Washer, dryer and water heater are back in and working.  I'll do laundry and dishes this weekend.  The floors are in and look good.  They have the paint - pretty gray and sort of a celadon.  They have one more day to skimcoat the walls, sand the next day and paint and then the cleanup.  They've hung the tarps they put on the floors on the fence to dry.  I think it's going to rain so that will take a while. 

     They're going to a family reunion in Bentonville tomorrow.  I bet that will be a lot of fun - he has relatives everywhere and lots of them.  He said they're going to have a crawfish boil - crawdads to me.  When I was five years old in McAlester there was a deep ditch between the road across from the house and I can remember seeing crawdads in there.  He's a very intelligent man - can talk about anything and seems to know what he's talking about.  He has so many health problems and is in pain all the time.  I don't know how he does this kind of work - couldn't without the help of his sons.  I'm satisfied with their work - just took so darned long - but, guess with the weather and health problems he and I had it just took longer.   I won't have work done again during the wintertime but had to get him while I could.  Cost more than I had planned on but it had to be done.  I was in a carpool with a guy once who was always saying "you can't take it with you" which is so true. 

     Still nothing from Sarah - guess I won't worry.  Do you all believe that?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello everyone!  I'm still working on my sleep problem and trying to realign my circadian rhythm to be in tune with normal people.  Right now I'm sitting on my balcony under the influence of daylight--morning light is supposed to reset our internal clock.  Yesterday I had a fairly good day, I was able to get up at 8am and do marketing and a few other errands.  I hope this is a new start!  I need to be able to have basic function and to get things done!  It's nice sitting on my balcony,  although it's still a bit chilly. 

    Lorita, you asked about cat food.  I have decided to feed grain-free, to help with the tooth tartar problem.  There is a premium cat food store near me, so I got some grain-free, single meat cat food.  There is chicken, turkey, duck, lamb and rabbit.  They seem to like the new food.  

    Ron, the confused mind says "no".  You might have a better outcome to just proceed with a nice, not too strenuous activity for Lou, and see how she enjoys it.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, how beautiful the pear trees are; your property really is like a little slice of heaven.  Just wonderful.   I love the look of the full pear trees.  Here where we are, the pear trees that line the street at the entrance to our housing tract are trimmed of lower branches, so they are not anywhere as abundantly gorgeous as yours are.  Love the drive down to  the gate of your property.   I did not realize how long that was - goodness, no wonder you do not get down to the mailbox every day.

    Also liked the photos of little Amy and her Mommy.  Amy is so tiny, and love her big ears; sounds as though she is a happy little one.  She will grow fast as they all seem to do.

    Beth; can't wait to see how your garden grows.  Those photos of last season were awesome.   Must be a lot of work, but it seems to be a labor of love.

    So; Mr. Ron has family coming in and the anniversary party and reunion will commence.  So hope all goes well and that he and Lou do get their anniversary dance.   He is a good husband and takes such good care of his Lou.  He also has a sister who is a blessing.  This event has long been looked forward to.

    Joan; the, "What About Pam," mini-series is not gory, it is just the most evil doing person based on a real person by the way; she did murder her best friend for inheritance money as well as her mother, but the main part is how she managed to manipulate everything and how bad the DA was on the case not to mention the horribly lax police work so the wrong person gets convicted and sent to jail due to her manipulation.  As said, no gore or visuals of mayhem.  Interesting in that it is based on a true person.  Zellweger did do a decent job of playing the person.  She wore a fat suit and also seems to have had some facial prostheses done.  Not a "feel good" mini series, I do prefer to have some good feeling stuff when  I can find it.

    My favorite this season was Julian Fellowes, "The Gilded Age," takes place in the 1800's.  It is from HBO.  Just finished the first season and a second one will be next spring.  Lovely costuming, interesting script, interesting characters and while things happen, they were far kinder times if you don't count class differences.   Fellowes of course is the one who did the "Downton Abbey" series.  Amazingly gorgeous sets and costumes on that one; they really outdid themselves.  And of course, my favorite of all was Maggie Smith who played the dowager countess to an absolute "T."  Love her characterization.

    Regular gas out here is at $6.06 a gallon.  CostCo is selling their regular gas at $5.46 a gallon.  They have 24 pumps and cars are lined up like crazy.  They get three to four gas deliveries a day there. The only time there are not lines is when the place is closed.  DH went to gas up the car this a.m. and at CostCo it cost about $97.00 to fill the tank - it takes premium gas.  He said he only had to wait in line about ten minutes.  I do not know how people who are lower income  or low fixed income are managing.  We do not work any longer and do not use the cars nearly as much.; but others - they have to get to work, etc., this is just nuts.  When we were in Italy some years back, the first time the gas tank was filled on our little rental car, it was about $87.00 and we were shocked, but it is that way in most of  Europe.  It would be higher now.  Over there, the gas was so dear that no one could turn on their heat until a certain date; I think it was November.  Stiff penalties if someone turned on their heat out of permitted dates and it was already cold prior to that November date.  Had to buy some gloves to keep my hands warm and bundle up at night.

    I too am wondering about the second vaccine booster.  We had our first booster six months ago.  Will have to call our doctor and see what he has to say about it.  DH is 79, and he has Type 2 Diabetes, so we shall see.  We probably will not know all the in's and out's of the aggregate long term vaccine data for about ten years or so.  The Ba2, has become the main COVID variant in LA County.  It is also far more contagious than the Omicron variants. Don't know if the vaccine protects against that; have you heard, Sayra?   As of this week, most but not all hospitalizations are in the non-vaccinated population, and the deaths have been mostly in the non-vaccinated.    Hard to tell what to do anymore.   If younger, waiting seems to be okay; but for those who are older, who knows . . . Fauci seems to be a bit unsettled about next winter as well as other variants that can suddenly make an appearance.  Best to still be cautious.   Doctor's offices are all still masking out here which is a good thing; but many other venues are wide open.  We will continue to mask.  We are no longer in the spring chicken category.  Lost our "Cheeps" long ago.  Sigh.

    Here we are, April 01 . . . Easter on the 17th.  I did not buy Easter Cards from Hallmark which I do online, so it is a bit late now.  By the time I would get them and send them off for out of state, it will be late; drats.  I love to send cards to LOs. I am mostly sorry to have missed my three aunts who are sisters - two well into their 90's and the most energetic and amazing one is 101.  She is awesome.   They all live in different states, and live independently; I know they like getting mail.

    No big gatherings for Easter Dinner this year either for a lot of families we know.  Some families are loosening up, but many still being a bit more cautious.  I used to love doing Easter Dinner and all that entailed.  Beautiful and what fun when it all came together.  I still have the elements for a game we used to play on Easter, will have to get rid of all of that now as I will not be entertaining like that again.   As it is, most all have moved out of state and are so far away and others have passed away.  I miss it but am blessed by the memories.

    Weather reports confirms that next week we will be in the mid-90's.  I kept hoping that it would change, but nope - going to sizzle.  Won't be long before that baby eagle begins to stand and practice flapping it's wings - soon after, it will then begin to fly alone and another eagle goes out into the world.  They do grow so amazingly fast.

    No April Fools Day pranks from me.  When I was a kid, one April Fool's Day, I sneaked and put sugar in everyone's milk at the dinner table. Boy, did I ever get into trouble - never did that again!   What was I thinking; guess I thought people would laugh, but that isn't how it worked out.  Five glasses of milk ruined.   

    Won't be too long before Lorita has a birthday and me too.  Sheesh; they do roll around faster and faster along with the changes they bring.  Gravity - shame on you!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Iris, I ordered cat food from Chewy yesterday and wanted the 40 can box but they were out of them so had to get 24 cans x3.    The girl I talked with didn't know why there's a shortage of catfood.  I wanted pate and seems that's the kind that is out of stock more often.

     Hope you get your sleep pattern straightened out soon.  I hate not being able to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep.  At least Barney Miller and Frasier are available to watch during the night.

     Jo - thank you.   The pear trees are beautiful.  We have another meadow west of the house and south of the one in the pictures and there's several pear trees in it, too.  Did you know they have thorns? Not too sure about the ones west of the meadow but the ones along the driveway have them - long ones.  A couple of years ago a truck or something had broken a limb off and I drove the car up the driveway and a thorn stuck in the tire.  It was on top of the tire and when I walked by I saw it and pulled it out - which, of course, resulted in a flat.  The tree at the gate is a Hackberry.  Used to have Roses of Sharon down there but I guess we had an unusually dry summer and even with watering they didn't make it.   I think it is a pretty property but I'm prejudiced.  I like that the house and barn are in the middle - same distance from perimeter fences on all four sides.  You can see part of it from one part and another from another part but you can see all of it from the house.  Mother named the farm many years ago and daddy made a sign and she painted it with the name on it.  We had a big windstorm probably ten years ago and the sign disappeared so Charles and I had one made by a sign company with the name and a picture of my favorite Hackberry Tree on it.  That poor tree has one big limb left and it scares me every time the wind blows - afraid it'll break and the tree will be gone.

     I went out about 5:30 to do something and saw a cow coming up.  Looked a little like Annie but heavier.  She kept looking toward the barn so when she went in I closed the gates - good thing I did.  I went in the barn and there was a little calf laying in the hallway.  It didn't get up so I picked it up and held it and it's little back legs weren't working right - couldn't get it to balance on them and it's stomach was empty.  Not being able to stand - it couldn't nurse.  Called Mike and he was in surgery but said he'd come and check it and tube feed it some colostrum.  He mixed the colostrum at the clinic and he put the tube down after he put the calf in the pen away from the cow.  She was upset with us bothering her baby.  I poured the milk into the funnel and tube and he held the tube in place.  He says it's legs are deformed but is hoping they'll straighten out.  We've had them before that would walk on top of their foot but that straightened out.  The last one we had that couldn't stand was years ago - that was the time Judith located Mike and had him check on me because I hadn't posted (Charles was in the hospital and I had come home to feed when he came).  That baby had to go to sleep.  I really hope this one will be okay.  He'll be back in the morning to check.

     When he was here I saw a cow going up toward the MH.  I had been watching Annie - Amy wasn't with her.  I thought she had staked her out in the same place as yesterday but I drove up and met Annie and Amy coming down to the house.  No idea how long she'd left her up there. 

     Mike brought a package up from the gate. It was in a plastic bag hanging on the gate.  I know our regular carrier doesn't do this so must have been an alternate - she did this a couple of weeks ago.  I opened it and it was another order of Jimmy the Baker's crumb cakes -cinnamon and peach.  I checked my account and they were delivered yesterday.  I'll put them in the freezer which they recommend and I'm sure they'll be okay since it's been so cool.  Will have to call the Post Master again tomorrow.  She could just call me and I'd come down and get it - our regular carrier brings boxes that won't fit in the big mailbox to the house.

     It was sprinkling when we were out at the barn a while ago - supposed to rain tonight so I left the barn open. 

     Is there another Downton Abbey?  I keep seeing something about it when I turn on the tablet. 

     I think I may wait a while on the second booster.  I got my first one in October so it's ope been about five months.  Anxious to see if Dr. Fauci has some more advice.

     I think I'll have a crumb cake - I'll thaw one that I have frozen and put the others in to freeze.  Jimmy says the texture is better after they're frozen.  The peach ones really smell good.  But - I do not remember ordering them.  I  have an auto-ship so guess that's it.  Just got the other order two or three weeks ago and haven't eaten any of them. 

     I've written too much so I'll stop for now.  Hope all of you are well.  Sarah's not in the hospital and I can't get an answer at her house so I'll just wait.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    30F, -1C.  Snowed and rained yesterday, cold.  By end of day snow was all gone.

    Originally had the bread slicer Judith left the link to.  It broke in a very short period of time and was aware of that complaint from some reviewers when I bought it.  This one I got cheap at thrift store.  Love that bottom is slatted and majority of crumbs fall into there.  Found a birch one that seems nice but $40.  Think I will stick with one I have for now. 

    Iris I hope it’s a new start for you too, that you’re able to reset your internal clock.

    JoC my understanding is with the omnicron variants they are better at evading immunity initially, so less protected from getting infected.  So far we continue to be well protected from serious disease, not 100% but 94-95%.  Understand your concerns for you and your husband.  My understanding from the virologists is that the FDA decision is based on data out of Israel which for a long time they have been saying the data is flawed.  Don’t know if you are aware of Dr  Paul Offit. He is an older practicing pediatrician, immunologist, vaccinologist out of Philadelphia, is on the FDA advisory committee.  He doesn’t agree with all the boosters either.  If you Google his name you will find him and can listen to him.  I like listening to him.  Now the virologist I listen too say if you are older and/or frail and would like another booster they think that would be ok.  No one knows for sure about all these boosts as it is uncharted territory and we are building the ship as it is sailing, not an easy task.  Thankful for those that are trying to do their very best.  The virologist say that it is not really reasonable to expect a vaccine to keep us from getting infected and they question the feasibility of getting boosted every six months and no one is sure how that will effect our immune system long term.

    See Lorita you are still very important on the farm.  You helped that little calf to have a chance.  Hope it’s legs straighten out for it.  Your experience made you question and check.  I was that way with my patients.  Always say I earned my gray hair, guessing you and others on here did too.

    Planted my April first  seeds yesterday.  Got all done except Parsley.  It’s seeds need to soak overnight, so hope to get them planted this morning.  Planted herbs and flowers this round.  Mid April will plant tomatoes and peppers mainly if able.  Lettuce, carrots, greens, sunflowers, zinnias hope to plant direct as weather permits.  See the wild strawberries I transferred to flower bed seem to have made it.  Now if I get strawberries.  Had a few last year from the woods and they were good.

    Going to try and have a Mexican weekend.  Bought a lime, cilantro, avocado and tomatoes at store.  Found a small, mom & pop type Mexican YT channel.  Going to try and make her Mexican rice recipe.  Hope to try my hand at the corn tortillas today.  Have tortilla chips and a few flour tortillas still left it it fails lol.

    Day you doing ok?

    Guess I’ve rambled long enough

    Take care everyone

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Would recommend going to YT channel Vincent Racaniello and watching video by Dr Daniel Griffin posted today.  Think you will find it very informative and helpful.  I did, these are the people I listen too consistently and about the only place I find any helpful information about the J&J vaccine,  as I did today.  They talk about the booster situation and the Israeli data.  Would set up a link but I’m challenged in that area.  If someone else can that would be nice.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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