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Just need to talk to my friends (168)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    In COVID-19 clinical update #107, Daniel Griffin reviews vaccine booster doses, at-home testing, transmission in ferrets, improving indoor air quality, trials of BCG, ivermectin, and fluvoxamine, vaccination during pregnancy, mRNA vaccines and Fc functions, anti-platelet and aspirin therapy and a trial of prone positioning. Link above, YouTube video Sara referred to. 

    Lorita, your trees are beautiful and so is little Amy. What a sweetie! We used to have 3 hackberry trees on the fencerow between our yard and the neighbor's pasture. I have no idea how old they were as they were present when we moved in. A few years ago, one of them suddenly fell over. It fell onto the fence which worried me because of the horses - thinking they might get out. Reason it fell over: it was rotten inside. Then we had a storm in 2020 and the two remaining hackberries plus a mulberry tree were severely damaged and had to be removed. That made it so that our hostas were in sun instead of shade. We have planted additional trees there but trees take time to get large and mature. We planted a pagoda dogwood and a sugar maple and red maple there.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thank you Beth, very kind of you.  

    JoC the info about boosters and the data out of Israel is at very beginning so not hard to find if you don’t want to listen to all of it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Sara, I hope today is a nicer day for you.  It rained here some last night but this morning it's bright and sunny and beginning to warm up.  Supposed to be a pretty weekend - then rain Monday and Tuesday. 

     Good information about the booster - I'm going to listen to the news programs in the morning to see what they say.  If we can wait on the booster until there might be another surge it sounds like it would be better.

     Thank you, Beth.  the trees are beautiful this morning even after the rain and I saw Amy early this morning.

    I was so anxious to go out this morning to check on the new baby and when I got out there I was looking where we'd left her laying down and she was gone!  She was standing up so sometime during the night she was able to get up.  I'm sure the colostrum gave her strength.  Mike had said he'd come by this morning to check on her so when he came he did the same thing - then found her at the other end of the pen trying to such on the fence.  He had brought colostrum so tubed her again and now he thinks she'll be able to nurse her mother.  We left her in the barn - she laid down after he left and just now mom came up and I put her in with April (what else would she be named being born on April 1?)  I wasn't sure she was sucking but she did suck on my thumb.  If he hadn't given her colostrum tonight she probably wouldn't have made it - just hope she nurses now.

     While he was here this morning he gave stormy two shots, one oral medication and big, old capsules.  He had diarrhea so the medicine was for that.  When I feed the cats and they leave food, Stormy and Sheena eat what's left - dry and wet.  He said they shouldn't eat catfood - does give them diarrhea so I'll have to work on preventing that.

    Beth, the trees you planted will be beautiful.  We had a red maple in our front yard and I read the leaves were poisoning to cattle so we moved it to the back and it didn't survive.  We have a couple of maples, three in fact, - one has big leaf buds and the other two aren't budded yet.  One was a beautiful orange last fall so I'm anxious for it to leaf out.

     Woke up again last night about 3:30 and then something - no idea what - must have gotten under the house and was trying to get through to inside the house through the bottom of a built-in china closet.  It may have been a squirrel because I could hear it gnawing and then I'd hear a squeak.  Did everything I could think of to make it stop but as soon as it began to come daylight it did stop.  I'm going to have to get down on my hands and knees to see what was going on.  I could hear it moving glassware around.  I took my flashlight out when the vet came last night and now I can't find it.  I've laid it down somewhere and don't remember where.  I thought it had quit working a while back so ordered another one that was chargeable so guess I'll get it out and charge it.

     April is as small or smaller than Amy.  No idea why the calves are small except maybe because the cows were bred with Little Bit who was very young.  Easier on the cows so guess that's all right.   He said to keep them up a couple of days inside the barn - it's so awfully muddy outside.  She did start walking through the mud and he had to bring her back inside. 

      It was funny - he told me he was trying to think how to keep the colostrum warm until he got here this morning.  He left home at 5 a.m. and got here just about 8.  He put the bottle of colostrum down inside a gallon of hot water and it was still nice and warm when he fed her.

     I'm going to take a nap this afternoon.  I almost fell asleep while I was waiting for Mike to come by.   Iris, hope I'm not getting my sleep time  messed up.  Glad you're doing better.  By the way, there is no way you would be invisible. You're a good friend and a great member of our front porch group.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    38F, 3C.  Light rain.  Got some sunshine yesterday, set my plants out on porch for a little while. See celery is starting to put out true leaves.

    Lorita hope you get the animal problem under China cabinet figured out.

    How is April doing?

    Got my corn tortillas made.  They were easier than flour ones to me.  My clear Pyrex pan worked great at pressing them out.  The Mexican rice recipe is a keeper.  Made a loaf of bread too.  Going to slice it today if nothing happens.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Sara, the china cabinet is built in a corner so the back of it is a 90degree angle. There was a little area there where I guess a mouse had come through.  I have lots of glassware stored in there so it must have been knocking it around. I fixed it and there was no noise last night. I put a piece of the flooring over it with a chimney brick over that so if the mouse is strong enough to move the brick, I'm in trouble.  Those bricks are twice as heavy as ordinary ones.

     April is able to get up and walk but still can't get her to nurse her mom. Worked on that for a good while this morning.  I brought the milk down so there is good milk but she just won't latch on - she sucks on the udder and also on the walls of the hallway.  I have some milk replacer and in a little while I'm going to fix a bottle, or part of one, and see if I can get her to nurse it.  She just doesn't know she's supposed to have the teat in her mouth and I've tried holding her mouth open and putting it in but so far no go.  The milk replacer is at least two years old but when I quit using it I put it in the refrigerator - the one they took away - so it's been out for a couple of months. Mike said to smell it and if it doesn't smell rancid it should be good - tastes pretty good, I guess.

     Funny thing, this morning while I was at the barn I had my cellphone in my pocket and it was making noises, then I heard a recording saying this call will be recorded, etc. and he answered. I hadn't called him so no idea how that happened.  After I did what I could do out there I came in and was watching the news shows and my phone rang.  It was him - he asked if he'd called me and I said "yes".  He hadn't dialed his phone either - said he'd been talking to someone else earlier and who knows what happened.  Weird.  He's getting ready to do a C-section and said he had worked all night and was far behind.  I don't know how he keeps going.When he moved the bulls he turned an ankle that he'd hurt several times before and he said yesterday that it was really bothering him.

     I'll fix the bottle and see what I can do. If they tube a baby I don't know that they taste the milk.  We'll figure out something.

     Glad the tortillas came out good. What do you eat them with - the charro beans?  I need to look back on the posts and se your recipe for the Mexican rice - is it like Spanish rice? 

     Happy that your celery leaves are beginning to come out.  Wonder how long it takes for it to mature?  You know I'm going to continue to make my own bread - I like ti much better than the soft, white bread you buy and you can make it anytime you want.  I see the newer bread machines on QVC and they do more than mine.  It's a Bread Factory and I bet it's a good 30 years old but it still works so guess I won't get another until it plays out.

     I'm drying clothes. Did a load of laundry yesterday afternoon and split it into two loads for the dryer because the clothes were sweat shirts, pants and thermals.  It took forever for the first load of thermals to dry.  I think with the dryer sitting outside even though it was covered up it must have gotten moisture in it and it took a while for it to dry out.  I have no idea how old it is - it sounds different now and I think it's because of the different flooring and fewer things in the utility room.  There's an 80% chance of rain tomorrow so Daniel may not come but you never know if it will rain for sure or what will happen.  We'll see.

     Better stop and check the dryer and get on with my "rat-killing". That's an old saying I used to hear one of my uncles say - didn't really mean rat-killing, just to get on with what they were doing.  Sometimes I wonder where these old sayings come from.  As I get older I find myself using more and more of the ones I heard as I was growing up.  I bet you do, too, Sara.

     Back later.  Hope everyone's okay.  I'm anxious to see a post from Ron to see how his trip and anniversary went.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi all,

    Mother has decided to stay in hotel for a couple of weeks so she can be at MC facility as much or as little as she wants.  We have her car here so she can drive herself there and back...just across the street...she knows not to drive elsewhere as she is not familiar with the area.

    Initially Mother thought she would be able to get Dad to eat and drink, but she has had little to no success with that in the few days she has been here.  While he seems to recognize her as a life long companion, her being here has not made any difference in his overall condition, and has put more strain on her.  It is also unfair to Dad as she is very stern and cross with him when he won't do what she wants.

    My daughter and I had the Hospice discussion with her again.  She exploded on us.  Said that if Hospice thought he was in pain they would just give him a shot and then he would be dead...just like with my sister.  I reminded her that no shot was given sis by Hospice or anyone else...it was liquid pain meds since she could no longer swallow...and I administered it at Hospice direction.  She thinks I killed my sister...even though she was actively dying.  She even accused my daughter and I of wanting to put down Dad like a dog.  I am afraid we may get to the point of legally removing my mother from the medical power of attorney, just to make sure that Dad has the comfort care he deserves and to insure no extreme measures are taken...as per his advanced directive.

    This disease is hard enough to deal with emotionally without having the "person in charge" being so combative.  To the rest of the family, it appears that she is wanting to keep him alive at all costs...even his comfort...because she cannot accept he is dying.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Marie I’m sorry your family is dealing with this struggle.  Maybe  with time your mom will understand.  She may not either.  Know when my sister received her cancer diagnosis I knew that the situation was not good.  Quickly I saw two of my sisters could not accept that.  For quite a period of time had to be very careful what I said to not upset them. One day as things progressed they came to accept it and we could talk then.  So maybe she will get there.  But had to deal with people at work that never accepted things as they were.  I’m sure your mom has no idea what she is going to do if she can’t fix him.  Makes her feel very vulnerable.

    Lorita I have never posted a Mexican rice recipe.  Had never found one I liked.  Not sure if it is the same as Spanish rice or not.  This is from YT channel In Debs Kitchen.

    2C long grain rice             1-2t dehydrated onion flakes          3T Knorr chicken bouillon 

    5C water                             Dash of cumin                                

    8oz tomato sauce                1-2T oil

    Put oil in pan and heat on medium high.  Rinse rice, drain well.  Put rice in pan and continuously stir til light brown.  Pour in water, tomato sauce, onion, bullion and cumin.  Cover pan with lid (clear lid best so can see rice).  When rice at a rolling boil, decrease to low til it just simmers,  Don’t remove lid or stir.  

    Set timer for 20 minutes.  After ten minutes jiggle pot with handle to move rice around but don’t remove lid.  After 20 minutes remove from heat and let it sit covered for five minutes.

    Take lid off and fluff.

    I used broth instead of water and bullion.  Only made a fourth of the recipe for my self.  I baked mine.  Baked mine at 375, start checking at around 25 minutes for liquid being absorbed.  Once liquid absorbed, remove from oven, let set covered five minutes then fluff.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Just a short post before bedtime.  Sara, your rice recipe sounds good. I love rice for breakfast and other meals, too. We used to make what I called "sticky rice".  Used a lot of water until the rice began to break down and was sticky. .  I liked it with butter, sugar and a little bit of milk.   I think one of my favorite things is fried rice - I can make a whole meal on that.

     What happened to Marie's post?  I read it and was going to reply but have been really busy this afternoon. Marie, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with your mother. I know it must be so hard on her, too.  She remembers your dad as he used to be and can't understand why he can't do the things he used to. It's hard on everyone.  I know I'd forget sometimes.  I know she wants to be close to him.  I spent all the time I could with Charles, too.  I hope things can get better for all of you.

     Sara, April is beautiful.  She is the sweetest little thing.  I decided I couldn't just let her be out there and not know if she'd nursed so I gave her half a bottle this morning. It was so easy - the first taste she had of the milk was all it took.  Then gave her mother some hay and got her latched on.  Really made me feel good to know she had something in her stomach.  This evening I did the same thing.  She was following me around everywhere - associated me with something to eat. So, gave her another half a bottle, then gave mom some feed and got her latched on again. She actually latched onto one teat, and while I was getting things ready for tonight she found another one.  I think she'll be fine and mom passed everything so she will be, too.  She gets around pretty good for a little calf who couldn't stand two days ago.  Her little legs must have been in an odd position and caused it but she's recovered, thank goodness.

     Put mom and April in the cowshed (smallest part of the barn) with hay and water and opened the rest of the barn for the other cattle. I think it's supposed to begin raining just before MN and one weather show I saw said we might get 3 inches of rain.  It was just beginning to dry out a little bit in the lot so it'll be muddy again tomorrow.   I'm not even thinking about taking down trash in the morning -just one sack and one small sack of cans.

     I doubt that Daniel and his crew will come tomorrow which is all right.  I didn't get around to doing dishes today so I want to do that and work on my taxes some, too.  I finally got the clothes dried - had to put some out on the bannisters of the back porch in the sun and wind. There's something wrong with the vent on the dryer - doesn't wick out the moisture and it's staying in the dryer so that will have to be fixed.

     Nothing else going on today - it's been quiet - even took a short nap. I watched the news shows this morning and didn't see one thing about the boosters. Most, if not all, was about Ukraine. What terribly awful things are happening over there.  I feel so sorry for those people - just imagine how we'd feel if it was happening here.

     Hope all of  you are well tonight.  See you tomorrow.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I deleted my post as it was entirely too grim for the Front Porch.

    Everyone deserves a place to sit in the rocker, look at the beautiful scenery, feel the gentle breeze and have a glass of sweet tea, and my post took away from that.

    Life goes on.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    32F, 0C.  Forecast calls for a wet day.

    Marie it is ok to share your feelings on the porch.

    Glad April caught on to latching on.  You did a good job with her.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Back home yesterday, unloaded and out away. Now today will be grocery shopping and a lot of washing. Hope all is well on the front porch, I'll try to catch up with the conversation later.

    Had a great time but a little tired. Different environments are always harder, but had just a few extra problems with Lou, not much more than usual.  Saturday was a big get together with family members and it was a enjoyable time. 

    Will post more later!


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good morning friends,

    It is a whole new month and I haven’t posted yet, so decided I’d better get to getting as I’ve heard on some TV show in the past. Doing lots, but still feeling behind. That is a source of anxiety and I just need to get over it, I think. One can only do what they can do, and that is actually enough. But it is hard for me to think that way sometimes. 

    Pretty, pretty eggs. Almost too pretty to eat I am resisting baking bread because I might just eat the whole loaf in one day. Just warm bread and butter. Yes, I could. What do you all store it in to keep fresh after slicing?

    Little April is lucky to have your loving care. Good for her for standing up and latching on. I will think about that metaphor when I feel overloaded and a little like just giving up- sitting in the corner with legs folded, watching the world go by.

    Exciting to see the food and flower planning and planting. I am taking one day at a time and will see if I cultivate a few things for the rabbits, birds and squirrels once again! Not my goal but that’s who has gotten the small (teeny) harvest of the past. I was missing a tomato for salad today though, and wished I had a vine or two growing. 

    Did not know the young loofah plant (fruit?) tasted like fried green tomatoes, which I really love. That’s something interesting to grow. 

    For you salad or veggie dish lovers, this is one I learned from a Belizean friend and I like it with just about anything, or by itself. The protein base is a can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained. Mix that in a bowl with some chopped celery, chopped onion, sliced black olives, cherry tomatoes (halved) and a little cheese if you like (mozzarella, string cheese rounds or even a little Gouda). Toss with Italian dressing to taste (regular, not the creamy kind). I like lots of dressing on/in this. It is not the type of salad I grew up with which was just iceberg lettuce, tomatoes and maybe a few cucumber slices with ones’ favorite dressing. But I love it. My friend had lots of veggie side dishes at her birthday BBQ (a few years ago) and she said she brought them with her from Belize. 

    I hope everyone is feeling well and has a really good day and week, whatever is on your plates. I am going back to sleep for a bit. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     It rained some during the night but this morning about 7:30 we had a downpour and it's still raining some.  There's more to come this afternoon.  Called Daniel and the rain we had is over his town now. With rain the rest of today and tonight they may not make it tomorrow.

     Marie - I'm sorry you deleted your post.  The porch is a place where friends come to visit and help each other.  All of us have had problems and talked them out here with help from everyone else.  This is a group of friends who have been through everything together from pre-diagnosis to caregiving to losing our loved one.  We're here to help and we want to so anything you feel like talking about, please post when you need to talk and let us help.  I know of very few things that we haven't discussed.  It's a family of friends who want to help.

     Sara - I went out just now to feed Tom - he wasn't there, probably in the barn or hiding. He still won't let me touch him.  Went out to the barn and April was laying down - mom was outside. It was raining at feeding time so they couldn't feed - girls have gone down to the NE pasture to graze.  I gave mom some more hay and by that time April was up.  I got her back where she could nurse - she just nuzzled around and didn't seem hungry so  may have already nursed. Later this morning or around noon I'll warm the milk and take it out and see if she wants it.  I'm not very good at deciding whether or not a baby that small and young has milk in her stomach.  They don't really start to fill out until they're about two weeks old.  I did see Casper and Evan running alongside their moms as they went down to graze.

    Butterfly,   I have times when I feel like the world is crashing down on me - just too much to do and not enough time or energy.  I imagine we all have had that feeling but we have to work through it and go on with our lives.  For me, coming here to this thread and visiting with friends helps me and it will help you, too.   Guess it would be good for some of us to think about April and how she began and how she's improved.  A few years ago when I felt down I had a tree limb I'd go out and sit on and that always made me feel better.  The tree is gone now but now I can go out and sit among the girls and that brings things into perspective. Nature is the main thing and helps me.

    When I bake a loaf of bread I rub a little butter all over it to keep it as soft as possible. Wben it cools I have a LocknLock container that will hold one of those big loafs of bread.  I keep it in that for a few days, then into the refrigerator in a zip lock bag. I've left it in the container too long a few times and it's molded.  My favorite piece of the loaf is the top - with jam or jelly. 

     I have to do dishes today and work on taxes and I don't want to do either.  I've gotten into the habit of sitting and watching TV too much.  The tax compilation won't take too long, then I'll have to go to the post office to mail them to Sam.  I have good intentions every year - that I'll get them done early and it never happens.  The dishes got away from  me this time during the time I didn't have hot water so - that's my excuse this time. 

      Time to reheat my tea and lay down on the divan a little while - my back hurts.Hope all of you are okay this morning.

     Ron, glad you and Lou are home and that you enjoyed your trip.  Now to rest up from your trip. When we'd go somewhere the worst part of the whole trip was getting home and having to get things put away and washed.  Will watch for your post later today or tomorrow.  There's been a lot of posting for you to catch up on.  Welcome back!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Had an odd thing happen this morning. Darwin called to ask if I was having some work done on  my floors. He said some men were there asking.  I told him I was so they came. He said there were three - I only saw two.  Stopped them outside of the yard - could hardly understand what they were saying (he said he couldn't either).  I did understand something about floors but I told them I already had someone doing the work.  Told them twice - guess they had a hard time understanding me, too.  I told them to go on that I already had someone.  One of them said "sorry" and they left.  This was in the middle of a rainstorm.  As they were turning out of the gate, Todd was coming in with his truck to feed.  So, maybe they thought he belonged here.  He fed the girls and gave them hay.

     Darwin said they had a sheet of paper with my address on it -  no name, just the address.  We can't figure out how they got the address or knew about the floors.  Sort of worries me.  He said they seemed friendly.

     I talked to him later and he said either Toad or Mike got their truck stuck and he had to go pull them out - about two miles from home. Really muddy.

     Anything like that ever happen to any of you?

     I called Sam and he's going to do an extension on my taxes.  If I finished them today and mailed them tomorrow he still wouldn't have time to get them done in time.  I'm in the midst of doing dishes - letting the silverware soak.  I think I'll wait until about 4 this evening to take out half a bottle to April -that's about the time they have their supper.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, it may be nothing; but what a strange thing to happen with the men looking for your property regarding if flooring is being done.  Could be they picked up the address from the flooring place where Daniel picked up the supplies; except would Daniel have any reason to give your address to the flooring place?  Would not think so.  Please give Daniel a call asap and ask if he knows anything about this - he may have information about such happenings that has occurred with others.  If no clue, or even if a clue, please be extra cautious.

    As said, may be nothing, but frankly I am a bit concerned.  You are alone on the property.  I am so glad that Toad came along with the truck when he did.  Hopefully they think he lives at the house.  Still . . . . keep your eyes open and be a bit extra security conscious for awhile; best to be on top of something like that.   Also glad that Darwin saw the men and their truck but he states there were three men and when they got to your property there were only two men in the truck. Strange.

    You mention heavy accents - do you know what country the accents seem to be from?  Anyway, thank you for sharing that with us.  Should you see that truck again, and especially if they come onto the property, do not hesitate to give a call to the closest police department.  If you had a license plate number that would be good; the more information the better.  Would Darwin have taken down their license plate number I wonder?  (Suspicious me - wife of a police detective and I lack two classes of an Administration of Justice Degree - another name for,  "Police Science", went into nursing instead.)

    I can see all of us Front Porcher's parachuting onto your property in our Wild West outfits wearing ten gallon hats, with lassos at hand and six-guns in our hip holsters -  most of us may be "mature," but we can go with gusto for a friend when necessary.  (Oh my; what a picture that makes.)  What a fright for the poor cattle! Poor Billy the Bull would be looking to get inside the house and hide behind the sofa.

    All kidding aside, just be a bit more alert than usual for a few weeks.  Probably just some men looking to pick up a job to earn money, but still . . . your address in hand with no name - they got it from somewhere.  Curious.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Jo,  There were probably three here but only two got out. They were in a van so I didn't see inside.   One was Mexican and Darwin didn't know what nationality the other was - but foreign.He said he could hardly understand them. They were looking at the address on his mailbox which is across from his house so he went out to see what they wanted. I will be careful.

     Started to do another load of laundry and noticed water on the floor around the water heater so called Daniel.  He's out of town but said he'd call his son and see if he could come out and check on it.  I didn't do the laundry and the water may have been there yesterday.  The floor is dark so it didn't show until I was close to it. I am getting so tired of all of this - I think the water heat is about ten years old and I think that's about the life expectancy of them so....   If Brian comes out I'll ask him.  He bought the supplies at Lowe's and why would they have my address but no name.   If he doesn't come, I will call Daniel.

     I'm glad Toad came in just as they were leaving, too.  I thought the same as you - maybe they think he lives here.  I can see the picture in my mind's eye of all of you coming to the rescue - sweet picture.

     Got the dishes done!!

     Jack called.  He's been in a lot of pain for about three or four hours he said. He has GERD - said he's better but still not 100%.  Just needed someone to complain to since Patsy is no longer there.  I know how he feels - you all get the brunt of my complaints - sorry.   Said he wasn't going to eat anything today but will drink a Boost or two.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Brian and Earl (Bubba)just left.  I didn't hear them drive up but Stormy did and alerted me. They found the leak was at the cut-off place for the hot water. He turned it off and it sprayed water - left on there's barely a leak. They did put a pan underneath it to catch what water leaked out.Earl was on his way to Lowes so he took a picture of it and will try to pick one up.  Also sent a picture of it to Daniel.  Neither of them had any idea how those men got this address.  They do get the supplies from Lowes but they wouldn't have given anyone an address - unless they might have asked them if they knew anyone who needed floor work done and they gave the address - but they wouldn't have had the address.

     They said the roads were horrible.

     Yes, the picture you created would have scared Billy the Bull.  They do get upset when anyone they don't know is around.

     Addendum:  I did call the Sheriff's office to see if they had had any reports like this.  A Deputy returned my call and I told him what had happened.  He said they hadn't had any similar reports. He couldn't figure out how they got the address either unless from Daniel and his guys (I doubt this).  He said they'd put the house on extra watch - which only means they'll be in this area more often when they have time.  He doesn't think there's anything to worry about.  Did tell him I lived alone (forgot to tell him my age but called back and asked dispatch to tell him).  He said he didn't think Lowe's would have given out an address - may call and ask their manager - but, again,they wouldn't have had an address.  He said there's all ways people can get an address but knowing about flooring work seems odd.  Maybe they were just guessing.

     Any more suggestions?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    You did just the right thing, Lorita by calling the Sheriff's Dept.   It seems to be a big mystery as to how those two got your address.   Daniel ordered the material and picked up the flooring material; there would be absolutely no need for him to provide Lowe's with your address.

     Only thing I could think of would be if the men were driving and looking for any "job" to earn money and seeing Darwin.  They could have asked him if anyone was having work done and he may have said not himself, but the ranch next door was having new flooring put in and gave them your address . . . but that is highly unlikely to have happened.

    I have no other ideas as to how that would have happened.  Even asked my highly experienced retired law enforcement detective and he had no other input either.

    Somewhere . . . somehow . . . . may be one of those puzzles that never has an answer.

    Good for you to take  the steps you have, should be okay especially with you being extra watchful for awhile.  And . . . IF anyone approached the house, those two big dogs would be barking up a storm.  May want them to be in the house at night for the next few weeks or so.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita sorry you are having to deal with this.  We lived very isolated when I was a teenager.  We didn’t let our Rottweiler in the house, he stayed in the garage.  I had a plan though and that was anything not right the Rottweiler was going to be let into the house.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear Lorita, your experience is certainly disconcerting.

    Do you have a rifle or shotgun?  While I am not by nature a violent person, I believe in protecting self.  Just the racking of the shotgun or cocking the rifle sound can deter someone...either could put a big hole in someone, and you don't have to be a sharp shooter to hit the target.

    One other thing you might invest in is a driveway alarm.  They are wireless and outside weatherproof with a base station inside...on Amazon...of course.  Could get your guys to put it up for you so that you would be aware of anyone coming up the drive.  Might also help you catch the UPS or FedEx drivers who are making deliveries to other than the porch.

    A female of any age is seen as vulnerable and a target by those wanting to cause trouble.

    I suspect you might have mentioned you were having floors done to other folks...feed store...grocery...drug store...and since you were initially having trouble getting someone to do it...your address might have been innocently passed on.  One has to be so careful.

    Take care and keep the GP's close at hand.

    Hugs, Marie

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    I have been out of commission for the past week. I was pet sitting and the house I was at I could not get internet. I have been there before, so I am not sure why I was not able to this time. Now that I am home it's going to take me a few days to get caught up on things.  The house I was at I was watching two big dogs I have watched them many times before. The house is right next to an Alpaca Farm. I think the last time I was there I posted pictures of the Alpacas. 

    Lorita, I did read about your concerns of the strangers. You have got the best watch dogs in the world, and they are not going to let anything happen to you. Maybe just put your neighbors on alert and keep your phone with you. I know with the internet being the way it is address and people working on projects are probably pretty easy to find. I know one time I was interested in what properties in my neighborhood were selling for. Next thing I knew I was getting realtors contacting me. You may have been researching things on your computer. Just a guess. 

    Iam glad the work on your house is close to being done. You will enjoy it so much when you get things back in place. 

    Ron,  I hope you got some pictures you can share with us. It sounds like it turned out good maybe a few problems but I am sure you were prepared for any and all. 

    Marie.  We are here for you please let us help in anyway we can. Like Lorita said there is not much we have not shared on the front porch. You are a good daughter and we are here for each other and the front porch is a place for  sharing. 

    I woke up this morning to snow. It's still snowing, I thought it was all gone. I had my snow tires taken off Wednesday. They had too be off by April 1st. I don't plan on going any place soon so let it snow. 

    I hope all is well with all of you I will try to get caught up soon. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Zetta, you're getting snow and we're getting rain - rather have rain but there's water standing everywhere and it's getting to the point I bog down in the lot going into the barn.

     I went out this evening about 5 to see if April would take her half bottle.  She was laying down but I got her up.  I took some feed to her mom but she was too concerned about her baby to eat it. .  I got the nipple in her mouth but she'd have nothing of it - instead went over to mom and nuzzled around.  I don't think she was hungry or she'd have taken the bottle like she did yesterday.  She doesn't seem really lank.  As I was leaving she was coming out of the cowshed to her mom - so cute finding places to place those little hooves.Later I looked and they were still out there - but they've gone back in.  I think everyone's in the barn except three or four still up around the hay.

     Zetta, you and Ron will have a lot to catch up on - we've been a busy, talkative group.

     Carol called and I told her about it. She couldn't figure it out either.  Jo, they had a paper with my address on it.  I asked Darwin if there were other papers and he said there was only the one - but no name. Our address isn't short so no one except someone who lived here would remember it.  I do feel better about calling the Sheriff's office - not that they'll be around much but they will know about it.  I am glad Toad happened to come as they were leaving.

     Marie - I do have a rifle and a couple of pistols - they're all loaded.  I keep them like that all the time.  A few weeks ago I ordered a gun-cleaning kit but hadn't used it.  The rifle stands in the corner by the front door - close to the humidifier.  I looked at it a couple of days ago and thought it probably needed cleaning and oiling.  So - never having cleaned a gun, I got out the kit and could not for the life of me figure out how to do it.  I've watched Charles clean guns many times.  They have a gunsmith in our little town so I may go by later and get him to show me how to do it.  I looked down the barrel of the rifle and it looked clean, so oiled it, then loaded it and shot it - it's okay - noisy thing it is.  The pistols are bigger caliber.  Used to carry a gun when I was commuting - never even took it out of the holster.  Now Oklahoma is an open carry state.  I got a catalog from Henry Rifles but can't find it now.  I did check into a repeating rifle but right now neither of the stores in our town that usually carry them are out and don't know when they'll get more.  They won't mail one so the only way you can get one is from a store.

     I don't think I ever told you all this - many years ago when we lived in the MH, I was in the kitchen cooking I guess - anyway at the stove.  Charles was in the LR cleaning a gun.  I had just left the spot I was in when the gun fired and went into the wall next to where I had been standing.  Really glad I'd moved.

     Darwin carries a rifle in his tractor so since his wife is no longer jealous of he and women, maybe he can show me how to clean one.  Zetta, I've watched Matt  Dillon and Chester clean guns, too, so should know how.

     One thing I have thought of - the contractor who did some work on the barn knew I had more work to be done - not sure if I told him it was flooring - maybe since he couldn't do it, he told theses guys but I doubt he'd remember the address.  Even if Darwin hadn't told them where the address was, they'd have found it since they were checking mailboxes.  Really a puzzle - maybe some day I'll find the answer.

     Jack called a while ago - he's still having pain.  Drank one bottle of Boost but said he was afraid to drink another so I told him to take a sip now and then.  He hasn't had anything to eat today.

     I just had the best baked sweet potato with butter, of course.

     Are you all going to watch the NCAA Men's Basketball Finals tonight?  Kansas vs. North Carolina.  Carol's mother was a teacher and taught Bill Self's dad when he was a boy.  Bill Self is the coach of Kansas and grew up in Edmond.  One of the main players on NC's team is from Harrah, Okla.  I hope it's a good game - will be tip-off in about 20 minutes.

     If I don't post by 9 in the morning, Jo, send out the troops!  Just kidding - I'll be fine.  Stormy and Sheena will be in with me tonight - it's raining cats and dogs right now.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    44F, 7C.  Was rainy and snowy most of day yesterday.  No snow accumulation and only a tenth of rain.  Giving it cloudy today.

    Ron glad you made it back home safely.

    Butterfly I freeze my bread in bread bags my mom gives me.  Sometimes I eat a slice or two before I freeze it.  A loaf lasts me quite awhile.  Hope to try the garbanzo bean salad when I have fresh cherry tomatoes.  Thank you for sharing it.

    Speaking of bread.  When I was looking at the bread slicers the other day noticed things the fancier ones had that mine don’t.   I jerry rigged mine this weekend, waited til the next day to slice it, read that as a hint somewhere, my slices were much more even.  

    Marie that driveway alarm might be a good idea.  Would be great if she knew when packages were dropped off.

    Zetta good to see you back.  Where I got my eggs they have a few alpacas.  Saw them when I got my eggs.

    Zetta are your snow tires studded?  When there were mainly rear wheel drive cars here in Ohio we used studded tires in winter and had to have them off by a certain time.  Now with way better vehicles here we don’t have to use them any more.

    Lorita if those guys were dishonest, most likely they were going to pretend to fix your flooring, get as much money out of you as they could and then disappear.  That happens some here.  My theory is I don’t deal with those that call me, I call them.  Hope to see a post from you early.

    Going to orchard today.  Mom needs eggs, so farm not to far from Orchard.  Going to wait til later in day and hope she will post she has eggs.  Giving it cloudy but no rain and warm.  Noticed that is when she usually puts them out.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     All's fine here - quiet night.  It's really foggy this morning - visibility less than a quarter mile.  I can see the girls walking around a little bit if they're close.   I know it must be awfully muddy. 

     Sara - I used to have a driveway alarm at the gate close to the house and it worked just fine.  The place where they leave packages is more than a quarter mile away so don't think one would work from there.  Wish it would - that would be a really good way to know when a car or truck was there.

     It's cool outside but not cold - feels pretty good.  I had the electric heater on low last night and I think I should have turned it off.

     Still can't figure where those guys got this address and knew about the flooring.  I think you're right, Sara, we don't normally have work done by someone who just drives up.  Exception was painting the barn to keep it from rusting.  Every so often someone comes through painting barns to keep the sheetiron from rusting.  We had that done a few years ago - never had problems with that.  One guy came through a couple of years ago saying he wanted to powerwash our dirty house.  That didn't go over too good so I sent him on his way.  I still haven't used that stuff I ordered to get rid of the discoloration on the north side of the house.  One more thing to do this spring.

     I hope Jack feels better this morning.  I'm sort of worried about him.  If he isn't better I'll suggest he go to the doctor.  He uses the same doctor as I do and you can almost always get in the same day or the next.  I think when you live by yourself being in pain or not feeling well worries you more than if someone lives with you.

     Sara - I usually never slice my bread until the next day - exception is the top slice.  Sometimes I can't keep from eating that while it's really fresh.  I only slice whatever I need at that time - like two slices for a sandwich or one for toast.  Sometimes I eat a loaf in three or four days and sometimes it takes a week.  What did you do to your bread slicer - you said you jury rigged it?

     Better stop for now and go feed Tom and check on April and her mom.  I'm going to open the gate to the east side of the lot so they can be outside more where it's not muddy.  Don't feel safe in letting her out yet - and mom needs hay and maybe water.

     I'll be back later.   Did any of you watch the NCAA Men's Championship Basketball game last night?  It was one of the best games I've ever seen.  You didn't know for sure who was going to win until the last 4.3 seconds.  Kansas won.   Day, if you watched the game did you notice how much Bill Self (coach for Kansas) looks like David Venable?  They could be twins except David is taller.

     Enjoy the day.  No time to proofread - sorry for mistakes.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Bet Mr. Ron is tired from all the hoopla, driving, emptying out the car, doing all the laundry and at the same time meeting Lou's needs.  Whew!   I always disliked emptying the suitcases and putting everything away and getting all the laundry done after a trip - especially if we had been gone two or three weeks.  Yet; getting back to our own cozy home and our own bed and pillows and familiar things was always so welcoming and appreciated.

     Marie, don't worry; we here share everything; the good, the not so good, the really not good, and all things in between.  That's what friends are for, sharing it all.  Your poor mother, she is not yet ready to recognize what the outcome will be and she is striving to hang on with your father as best she can.  It is sad, but it is the love of her life and who she has spent her life with, lo these many years.  I can understand it, but it does create some issues for you as you try to deal with all of it and make everyone peaceful.  So hope that things will even out soon.  You are a very loving and caring daughter; your parents are blessed to have you in their lives.

    Zetta; wouldn't you know as soon as the tires came off, it snowed again!  Mother Nature needs her sense of humor worked on.  It must have felt a bit strange not having the computer to work with while dog sitting.  I often forget how much I use and rely on it for so many things.  Heck; if I had a computer when going through university, what a joy that would have been.  Had to use a regular typewriter, no moving paragraphs around and making undiscoverable corrections.  Many a paper I had to re-type.

    Haven't make anything homemade from scratch in so long.  Pork chops and potatoes au gratin with broccoli tonight.  My favorite pork recipe is one for pork tenderloin that is fast and easy and has a balsamic reduction sauce.  It is delicious.  Think maybe I will have that for my May birthday - maybe.  Do wish to have one of those huge CostCo carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting instead of a birthday cake; they are soooooo good.  Major calories, but BIRTHDAY!  No party, just a bit of self-indulgence is joyful.  I have always loved my birthday no matter what age . . . no parties or extra attention, just knowing it is the "special" day is joyous and I am happy as a butterfly with flowers all the day long.   I remember when I was in kindergarten and first grade how the teachers would make each  birthday child a crown with the age number on the front of it and we kids would wear it so proudly all day at school.  Wonder if they still do that for children.  Somewhere there is a picture of me with my birthday crown smiling big as can be.  Kids; so little makes them so happy. Love them.

    Watching the Ken Burns PBS special on Benjamin Franklin which we have taped; started last night and finishes tonight.  Fascinating, so much I did not know.  His poor beleagured wife. 

    Also taping PBS mini-series, "Sanditon."  Set back in 1800's, and a bit of a romance thing with sub-plots with skullduggery enough to save it.   In its second season and must watch it from the start or it makes no sense.

    One PBS mini-series I cannot watch because for me it is SUCH a namby-pamby pseudo-romance thingie; kind of like a bodice ripper novel  - "Poldark."  Just please stop the characters from constantly standing on the high cliffs overlooking the sea with the wind blowing their hair and such yearning faces and heaving bosoms and . . . . will he or won't he . . .  Oh; the contrived angst of it all . . . .  sorry, it just does not suit.  Others may find it enjoyable, but for some reason it makes my teeth hurt.  Probably because I am clenching them. 

    Our granddaughter is taking riding lesson on big horses. She loves it, but boy they are expensive.  Every time she gets on the horse, it costs $45.  New at it, but she has a good seat and is doing really well.  She wants to be able to do barrel racing.  Yikes!  She lost her chickens and a rabbit in the hurricane but still has her cats and dog.  Loves animals.  They lost their small house in the storm and the insurance company is still dragging their feet on a settlement.   As it was, they were dreadfully under-insured as insurance costs a kings ransom where they live in Louisiana; they always seem to get really bad storm issues where they are near the bayou.   Feel so bad for them. 

      Well Lorita, will be a mystery how those guys got your address, but I think you have seen the last of them.  Being so far out and alone, good you have some weapons if ever . . . and hope you never need to use them.  Do have Darwin teach you how to safely clean the guns; there is safety involved.  I have a pistol that I keep and hope I never have to use, but it is there.  DH in law enforcement, so he has his.  Different days in today's under-belly society.   Learned to shoot early on.

     Well; enough of us Annie Oakleys, going to get some late lunch.  Take good care and have a lovely rest of day,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Lorita...you went outside, an elderly woman living alone, in the rain to talk to strangers without your dogs? Let them come up to the house where you have the dogs and a gun!
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Today we have had snow, rain and now we are enjoying the sun. I was telling my daughter about the Eagles nest, so she has been watching it. She did some research and found out the male's name is Shadow, and he is 7 and the females name is Jackie, and she is 10. The adults must stay pretty close to their nest to have been given names and someone known their ages. 

    Lorita.  Hopefully all your Hot water tank needed was a little fixing and not bad enough to need to be replaced. I hope by now Jack is feeling better it must be scary for him to be alone when he is not feeling well. I think I would also feel that way. I am glad you have your guns as for me guns scare me, so I don't own any. Dan was a gun collector, and he had many guns. He kept a few in the house I never went around them. Jo had a good idea for you to have Darwin show you how to clean them. Maybe you and Darwin can become friends again now that his wife is not showing jealousy. You can be a big help to each other. 

    You are so good to April I am glad her legs are straightening out. It that a common thing to happen. Your girls are keeping you young and I am so glad you are still close to them and can help Mike as much as you do.

    Sara.  Yes, I have studded tires. The last car I had I just used snow tires, but the car was 4WD drive so I felt safe. This car I have now is not 4WD, so I wanted studs on it. It is front wheel drive but handles very well in the snow. I don't drive that much when the weather is bad. I am more afraid of the other drivers then I am of myself. 

    Jo.   Yes, I do remember times when we did not have computers. I remember the old Royal typewriters and the old copy machines. When people were talking about computers, I thought they were crazy. The same with cell phones I feel so lost if I don't have mine with me all the time. I wonder how I managed without one when I did not have one. 

    I need to go Molly is telling me she needs to go outside and tend to business. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     It's 8 p.m. and still 73 degrees.  It's been a really warm day. I think we're supposed to have rain tonight and maybe some storms.  We had 1.7" of rain.

     Judith, I was only on the porch and kept them outside the yard which isn't too close to the house.  I should have let Stormy and Sheena out but didn't think about It since it was raining. .  Toad came in his truck just as they were leaving so as Jo said, they probably thought he lived here.

     I think the rifle's okay now - barrel's clean.  The pistols have been in cases so they're okay, too.  I think I can talk on the phone some with Darwin but as far as visiting I doubt that.  He stays in the house with his wife all the time except when he's cutting wood and that's probably coming to an end for this year.  He says she stays in bed, either sleeping or watching TV about 18 hours a day. 

     Little April seems to be doing all right.  She was up and around with her mother today.  When I went out this evening to check on her water and give her a little feed and hay, she put April down in the back lot and came to eat.  I went around to check on her and took a picture - she was panting some because she was laying in the sun.

     I saw another little calf today - not sure if it was Casper.  The cow and calf were on the other side of the pond but they came across.  The calf's all right if it isn't Casper because it was running in front of his mother. The cow looked sort of like Sally but there's two or three that look the same.  I'll check on it tomorrow.

     I did talk with Jack early this morning - I think I probably awakened him so only asked if he was okay. He said he was.  I called later this afternoon and he says he's not in much pain now but he doesn't sound good.  It is hard when you're by yourself and don't feel well.  He said since Patsy was gone he doesn't have anyone to complain to except me.  Glad he feels like he can.

    Zetta, Brian and Earl decided it wasn't the hot water tank but a pipe that was leaking  at the connection.  I did a load of laundry today and it didn't leak.  I have a concern now about the dryer.  I started to dry the clothes but took out the lint filter to clean it - not much there.  I have a brush you use to clean down in there so got some out.  I did get the flashlight and looked down there and there was a lot of link - couldn't get it out.  I'm going to see if they can turn it over and get the lint out.  They talk about lint fires so that has to be taken care of.  The dryer is pretty old so it may be time to replace it - it was really making a noise when I first turned it on a day or two ago.  Seems like there's always something.

    I did check on Amazon about the driveway alarms.  Some of them work as much as half a mile away.  There's also another place I could put one that's about halfway down the driveway.  We had one years ago it worked well - it was on the gate leading to the driveway.  I'll check into it more and probably order one.

     More bad storms and tornados across the south last night and now to the east coast.  I heard a year or so ago that tornado alley has moved a little to the east but our weatherman tonight said it looks like it's moving north some.  Carol's sister lives in Tyler, TX where they had a tornado last night.  It wasn't that close to her so glad of that. 

     Looking for Ron's posts.  Guess he has been busy getting things back in order after his trip. 

     Hope all of you are well tonight.  I did get the brochure or pamphlet from Florida Boys today so I'll try to order the caladiums in a day or two.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Hi again,

     Just ordered a driveway alarm.  It's good for half a mile and has two sensors and one receiver.  I wanted to ordered a solar powered one but I plan on putting the sensors on the tree at the entry gate and the other one on a tree at the south end of the meadow along the driveway so they wouldn't be in the sun.    May have to put the receiver on the front porch because there's a big tree just outside the kitchen window that might interfere.  However when we had the first one it worked okay in the window.  We'll see.  Supposed to be here by Friday.

     Thanks for suggesting that - hadn't thought of it. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    47F, 8C.  Not a lot of sun yesterday but warm and pleasant.  Giving windy today and possibly some rain.

    Lorita April is a ice looking calf.  You helped Mike to not lose a calf.

    Hope the driveway alarm works out real well for you.

    There is always something Lorita.  Was cleaning yesterday and discovered that the sewer line leaking a little on floor.  Plumber is coming today.  Some issues with faucet on kitchen sink too so will have that checked also.

    Lorita the first slice is a thicker slice.  Placed a piece of cardboard in hat slot so bread sets back farther and avoid that big slice.  Noticed the better ones had adjustable sides.  Found a little glass jar I could set in there that keeps loaf setting still better.  

    Day hope you are doing ok

    Someone we haven’t heard from in a long time is Anne in Mexico.  

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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