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Just need to talk to my friends (168)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Lorita,    I did answer your question about the type of antidepressants I am taking, I don't know if you saw it it was posted  on 3/24/  10:13pm. I just don't want you to think I was ignoring your question. I like the story about how Toad got his mane. 

    Iam sure you enjoyed sleeping in your bed last night. Was it a good comfortable sleep?  It will be nice when everything is done and you can then try to get back to normal. 

    Iam also glad you did not drink any of that milk. Those slivers of glass can be so small. I had to throw out one of my favorite coffee cups just the other day. I noticed it had a chip along the top so I decided it would not be safe to drink out of. 

    We have been having nice and warm weather and the snow is all gone. So it looks like spring is here for me. Thats good news and bad news now its time for me to go out and rake up the yard.

    Iris.  I have been enjoying watching the baby eagle. Its sure big. Does the nest stay lit up all night? Or is it a light the birds don't see? 

    Lorita.   I have the western channel on it shows westerns all day long. It is the MeTV channel Rawhide is now coming on. So Iam going to move them up and head them out.

    Good Day to all, Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, you were in a very long dream with me that I had last night.  So strange.  It involved sitting on a bench with a soft breeze and soft sunshine which was meant for soft inner comfort and serenity I think  . . . but . . . .

     In the dream, we were in a cafe right across from a beach at the ocean, we were eating something Asian that was mostly broth, tasting it to plan to serve it for a gathering.  (Sure could have used better menu planning.)  Anyway; it was a beautiful day, we were going to go across the road to the ocean where we could sit on a bench and enjoy the sunshine and peacefulness.

    You were wearing a black pant outfit, short sleeved, trimmed in white and white sandals. I have no idea what I was wearing. Evidently a miracle had occurred as we were both walking hale and hearty with no knee issues for me or vertigo/balance problems for you.  Not a helpful implement in sight and not needed.

    We never got to the bench at the beach; instead we were suddenly on a VERY steep, steep road going uphill looking for a bench to sit on to enjoy the weather.  It was a hard climb and as we got to the top, on the corner, there was a  worn down house with a garden strip between the sidewalk and the lawn - the garden was overgrown with weeds and needed water.  You spied several orchid plants in bad condition growing there (don't know how we knew they were orchid plants as they were bulbous and had no flowers); in the dream, you wondered if you could dig one up and take it with you - suddenly an crotchedy old woman who owned the house came out and told you she would not sell you one because she had paid too darn much for the plants and told us we might as well leave.  We did.

    I looked at the top of the road and there was a church that had soft sunshine surrounding it and I suggested we go and sit on the outside bench over there - but you said you did not want to sit on a bench at a church . . . (what was it about a bench I wonder); suddenly we saw a man in about his 40's and he was complaining about his life and thinking living was not worth it.  We went to see if we could help - went inside his house.   He was clean and well groomed but the inside of his house was mostly empty, dank, dark, damp and badly needed to be painted.  You said all he needed was something to eat, so you went into his kitchen and got a cup of dried cereal and gave it to him which seemed to work to make him feel better.  At that point, we shook our heads and left the house back into the sunshine . . . and POOF!  That was it.

     How funny there were so many details and still trying to figure out what sitting on the bench in the soft sunshine with gentle breezes meant.  Ah well.  Liked your pants outfit and sandals though, they were really cute.

     Dreamscapes, they come unbidden and take us so many strange places. 

      Lorita, when I washed the outside of the windows, I would use a sort of short handled mop; kind of like a dry mop for floors, but as said, short handled. I dusted off the windows, the frames and anything else.  If I had dusty windows inside, I would dust them with the mop type implement too.  Went fast, then I commenced the washing.  Never did get used to using a rubber blade to clear the windows - I made streaks when I did that.

     Have to say Lorita, I am deeply impressed and filled with respect for you and all you do.  It is truly an effort of love for your home, the ranch and the animals as well as for others.  You do SO much in so many ways and do it all pretty much alone.  No one I have ever known has been so talented and worked so hard at so many different things.  How you manage, I do not know - You are a very caring person both for the animals as well as for people.  What a blessing to know you as much as we do as well as a blessing for all the animals and your friends even if they are distant and reached by phone.  No one else like you; I really do enjoy reading your wonderful Posts.  Never skip a day keeping up.   I send you a big hug, you are truly an awesome woman.    Heaven smiles.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Morning cobbers [just Australian slang for 'Very Good Friends!']

    Swelling around the eye is going down, no longer afraid of being seen outside the house. But still very gritty and uncomfortable.

    Lorita, the new book is called 'A cottage in Germantown'. I also have a couple of short stories about an Australian sleuth, and a story I published on Amazon years ago, called Mary Bennett of Meryton. All ebooks on Kindle. Go to Amazon, then select books; then type in my name Barbara Randell [make sure the spelling is correct,--ell not all!] then they should all show up as a list.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Thanks, Barbara.  I'll look them up for sure.  So glad your eyes are getting better and the swelling is down - just takes a while.  Hope the recovery continues to go well.

     Jo, your words brought tears to my eyes.  I don't do anything that any other woman who lives out here does and not nearly as much as others.  I do my best and that's all anyone can do. I will continue as long as I can.  I know one woman who drives a forklift and loads things and also drives a fertilizer truck and spreads fertilizer - maybe a little younger than I but not much.  Her husband is my age.

    Your dream is so detailed.  I only remember parts of mine right after I wake up, then most, if not all, is gone in a few minutes. I can remember who I dreamed about but not much of the dream. Guess a person should write it down as soon as they wake up.

     Tonight I'm doing something I don't like to do.  I looked out about 6:20 and saw a couple of cows in the NE pasture (south end of it) close together and thought I saw something black on the ground.  So, drove over and sure enough one of the heifers had a little baby - she had just had it - not cleaned up at all.  The other cow was there for moral support, I guess - that does happen.  So, I didn't really know what to do.  The baby was brand new and I do mean new.  The baby has to be up walking before you can push them to the house.  If you get one in the Gator with you, in most cases the mother won't follow you - she'll keep going back to where she had the baby.  In the past I would have waited a while, then called Darwin.  If the cow can see the baby she'll usually follow - not always though.  

     I came back to the house and got on my boots, then went back to watch.  By that time the baby was practically dry - mom had done her work cleaning "her" up.  It looks like ka little girl (but I have been wrong about that).  I watched and watched and finally the baby tried to get up but, of course, fell back down - waited a while and tried again - fell down.  Mom is going to be really good - when the baby would get up she'd put her neck against it - trying to protect, I guess.  Finally the baby did get up and could stand a little while, then back down.  By this time it was close to sunset.  I closed the gate to the east pasture where the hay is so at least there would be more cows in with her.  I hear coyotes every night and that worries me.  I did call Mike to see if he was close by.  He isn't - he's out on farm calls.  I told him what we had and he said the baby will be fine - mom will take care of her.  He says they never lot their new babies.  I reminded him of how I worry about things - he knows.  So I had to come back to the house and leave the new mom and baby out in the pasture.  I did leave about 20 cows and calves in that pasture.  I hear coyotes every night that bothers me.  It will be hard to wait until daylight to be able to see if everything's all right.  Mom has a good udder - even has five teats.  The baby is so little - smaller, I think that Casper was. 

     I called him this afternoon to see if he would bring allergy medicine (shot and medicine) and Vectra 3d when they come to feed in the morning.  So, he asked me again what it was I needed and this time he wrote it down.  He'll put it in his truck tonight.  I'll have the GPs on leashes in the morning and it'll only take less than five minutes to get it done.  They scratching quite a bit.  It's earlier than last year when we had this done but he says he's giving allergy shots already so guess it's time.

     I went on down to the mailbox while I was out - nothing much there except a new valuation on the property  so  nothing to do with that.

     There's lots of green grass out in the pastures.  I bet the girls will quit the hay before long.  I have to realize (and it is hard) that they're his girls now and it's up to him to decide what to do. It's just that we've always kept new babies up a week or two to gain strength but no one else does so I'll have to accept that. I'm not too good at that - sorry to say.

     I looked just before dark and the mom is laying down with her baby.  I hope I haven't separated moms and babies tonight - I hear some bawling out there.  I'm going to have to accept the fact that he'll decide what to do. He's a good vet and good cattleman so it'll be all right eventually. 

     Zetta, I did see your post about the medicine you take.  Charles took that for years - way before vascular dementia - he had PTSD and I could really tell the difference when he missed a dose.  I never tried it but it worked for him and is working for you.  I did have a good, comfortable night - thanks for asking.  The cats have enjoyed having the door open today - they're used to laying on the bed but I can't sleep with a cat on the bed, however, did last night - not sure which one it was but it was all right. 

     Talked to my BIL today.  His wife will be 90 on the 30th and he'll be 92 in June - I'll be 80 in June and Jack will be 86 in June - big month for birthdays.  They're well - he's fully recovered from his knee replacement.  His wife is on oxygen all the time - she's always had bronchitis but other than that she's well.  Talk about a Texas twang- she really has one but she's the sweetest person imaginable.  Wish they lived closer.

     I called Jack and asked how he was and he said "not so good".  He's so frustrated with that phone - he can't even figure out how to make a call.  I thought maybe his daughter or his friend in Conn. could help but he says no.  Don't know what he'll do - he's isolated without a phone.  Maybe I could call Consumer Cellular and ask them to call him - I'll float that suggestion.

     Didn't get any windows washed today - maybe tomorrow or next day.  Guess there's no hurry because there will be lots of dust when he sands.

     I'll stop for tonight - help me worry about the baby.  I may have to go out and let a calf or two in this pasture with their moms.  Hope not.

     Can't believe it's already 8 p.m. and dark.  I hope they do decide to stop this foolishness and stick to one time or the other - doesn't matter much which one.

      Sleep well.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Sorry I have been missing from the porch with all you good folks, but it has been a terrible week here.

    Mother and I had 2 big arguments about the Memory Care facility calling me to report things about Dad rather than her.  

    We no sooner got things smoothed over than she was up here to stay for 3 1/2 days, and since she doesn't drive except near her house, I had to go get her, bring her back, and then try to entertain her when she was not visiting Dad.  She stays at a hotel just across the street where he is.

    To top it all off, I got another call from facility about 7:30 pm telling me Dad had fallen and hit his head and that while he seemed ok they were sending him to ER for evaluation.  Thanks to my daughter and her quick thinking and fast talking she convinced Mother that daughter and I could handle the situation and Mother would be one to make any medical decisions by phone.

    Spent 6 hrs at ER, turned out that issues from fall were AOK  but his bladder was very distended.  Turned out he not only had a UTI but also an enlarged prostate.  They had to put in a cath, which of course my Dad kept trying to remove.  Worst part for me was him pleading for me to get him out of there...to help him...all the while I am trying to hold him back from removing cath.  Finally got them to give him his seroquel (sp) and he did calm down.

    Was some discussion between hosp and MC as to their ability to take him back with the cath as they want it in for about a week to allow meds to get rid of UTI and reduce selling of prostate.  Finally determined he could go back to MC.

    Unfortunately, daughter and I both feel that he will continue to try to remove cath and will just end up back at ER very quickly.

    Between all the family drama, disruption of usual plans and the issues with Dad's health I am drained in every sense of the word and just waiting for the next crisis.

    Sorry to go on and on about my troubles when I know that each of you has had or is having your own list.

    May we all be granted resolution to all those things which cause of such grief and worry.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    26F, -3C, windy, skiff of snow on, feels like winter.

    Charro beans are a Mexican dish.  It’s pinto beans cooked with all different types of things including different meats.  Make mine simple just add onion, garlic and poblano pepper.  Add cilantro when I have it.

    Barbara hope your eyes continue to heal real nicely for you.

    Lorita hope your and Mike’s little calf doing well this morning.  Watch some YT channels that have cattle and they leave their cattle out like Mike does.  They take good care of their animals but it is a business for them, no time to baby things a lot.   Think a lot of you here would enjoy the YT channel Cog Hill Farm.  They have all kinds of animals including two cattle that are nothing but pets.  They just moved to a much bigger place to have more room for all the animals.  

    Marie so sorry about your dad.  Sometimes there is just no good answer.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Marie, I know you're worn out - always on edge worried that something else will happen.  I know because I've been through that with my mother and daddy before I lost them. I hope your dad is all right and continues to improve.  Falling and hitting their head is something to worry about - glad he was checked out and was okay.  Just try to rest when you can.  At least you have your daughter to help you some.

     Sara - I'll watch that Youtube channel - sounds like I'd enjoy that.  I slept well but woke up at 5:30, got up at 6 and just waiting for a little daylight to go out and check.  I hear a cow bawling now - probably got some babies and moms on opposite sides of the gate.

     We used to leave our new babies out in the pasture but for several years we've always sput the little ones and moms up for a week or so.  One good thing - I didn't hear wolves or coyotes last night. The mom was so sweet with her baby - so concerned.  When the baby would try to stand up she's put her head down toward it and put her neck against him or her.  I'm really anxious to see how it went last night.  I know when they have so many head of cattle they can't put all of them up when they're born so I'll have to adjust.  If I can get one up, I will anyway.

     Mike and Toad are already out feeding now but they'll be here between 7:30 and 8 so guess I'd better stop and go feed Tom and get that gate open.  It's still dark so will have to wait a little while.  Really enjoying sleeping in my own bed, a real bed, again.

     I'll be back later.  Marie, hope you're sleeping right now.   Sara, those beans sound good.  I don't care for cilantro but have only tried it once or twice.  Daddy used to cook beans and he'd put peppers and tomatoes in it - almost like chili beans.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita I goofed.  It is Cog Hill Family not Cog Hill Farm.

    Noticed it is getting lighter earlier now her.  Can start seeing a bit of light around 7am.  I would prefer the time stay one way too.

    I have put a tomato in the beans before too.  Didn’t have one yesterday.  Not everybody likes cilantro.  It comes up fairly early but haven’t seen any yet.  Hope my volunteer lettuce survives this cold snap and starts growing.  It had no true leaves yet. Will have to thin it out some once the weather settles and it has true leaves.  Going to let a few dandelions grow in flower beds so can add them to salad.  Did that last year and liked it.  Will probably start the next round of seeds this week if it is the good Lord’s will.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    38 degrees and heavy snow flurries here this morning!  I thought spring was supposed to be here.

    At first I thought it was from the flowering pear trees which are in bloom  They are covered with small white blossoms, but nope, it was really snow!

    It is also really windy, so feels much colder.

    Hope all of you are having better weather...the new beginnings of flowers blooming, the grass greening and the trees leafing is always a welcome sight.

    Wishing you all a peaceful and restful day.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I wasn't familiar with charro beans, so looked up recipes.  Omigosh - most photos looked rich, savory and yummy, especially for a cold day.  Am going to have to get some pinto beans.  Bet Sayra's house always smells of something delicious; always baking and cooking.

    It is interesting about cilantro.  I love the stuff, but some people cannot stand it and feel that it tastes dreadful; this is often because they have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap!  The Barefoot Contessa is one chef who loathes cilantro; wonder if it is because of that reason.  I find it tastes great and uplifts the dishes it is in. 

    Just got a recipe, of all places from CostCo, for chicken salad with walnuts, sliced red grapes, celery and blue cheese; it too sounds awesome. Going to have to make that for sure.  Would be good anytime, but really nice in the heat of summer atop a Bibb lettuce cup.  One can just use rotisserie chicken from the market if one wishes.  If anyone wants the recipe for the salad and the dressing, just let me know.

    Barbara, I am glad your eyes are improving, that is a long healing process but should bring some really good results.

    Marie, what a challenge with you parents; it must be exhausting.  I am sorry for what is happening.   It is good that your father did not have any serious injuries from his fall.  What a thing to have happen on top of all else.  So hope the catheter is able to work out, that is a challenge.  Your poor mother must be on pins and needles in worry; she is blessed to have such a caring family.

    No more dreams with Judith in them last night, just more really weird, colorful crazy dreams.  Wonder what has got that going.   I accidentally fell asleep about 8:00 last night while doing some paperwork on top of the bed.  Woke up about two hours later and could not get back to sleep until the very wee hours.  Do not like when that happens.  Getting to be more, "mature," sure does like to play with all sorts of things that used to be so simple.  Really glad you got to sleep in your bed, Lorita; must have felt so good to have all that comfortable space.  Good for you.

    Lorita, have you seen if that new baby is okay?  Sure hope he/she was finally able to stand and is doing okay.  I can only imagine how much that has had you concerned.

    The COVID data for Los Angeles County was released for the date of, March 26.   There were 789 new cases for the day; with 22 new deaths; and there are 373 people newly hospitalized on that day with the primary diagnosis of COVID - this is, as said, for LA County alone for that day.  Stuff of course is still percolating and masks newly off - will see what that portends over the next month or so.  With summer coming, case count will be higher.

    I see that the idea now, is to give another booster vaccination for those over the age of 50.  This is to hold those in the higher age risk group in better stead over the summer.  Of course then comes winter and who knows what . . . . we will of course get the next booster as it becomes available.  Still wish they knew with greater certainty what to expect, but it is still all too new.  Will take time for that to become accurately evident.

    DH's eye is healing, but still has a way to go. It is quite red and still a bit swollen.  He feels like there is sand in it, that is to be expected.  Annoying, I am sure.

    Gosh, Iris; I am not sure about the newpaper with vinegar and water for a windshield, I have never tried that.  I know quite a few who use old newspaper when washing their house windows and really like the outcome.  However, when I tried doing that, I did not have good results.  One would not know until one tries it out to see if it makes a difference.   We now have our windows washed by a fellow who does a good job and who is reasonable.   No longer good for either of us to be up on ladders on a high two story house and oh boy; those tiny panes in all the French windows and doors . . . he gets them done in a wink with no streaks and washes the screens too.   So glad to have him and hope he continues on.  Time to get them done on the outside soon; they are pretty dusty/dirty as we have been having a lot of wind and it has been quite some time since we last had him out - (pandemic).   Will get that going when things settle down weather wise.  Supposed to have quite a lot of rain and heavy winds including thunderstorm effect tomorrow, so we shall see how that goes.   If we lose electricity from the storm, we have our LED lanterns and they sure do put out a lot off light.

    The mention of blooming Pear Trees reminds me that the ones in our neighborhood are going to bloom soon.  When one enters our housing tract, there are Pear Trees on each side of the length of the entry street; it is lovely when they are all in bloom with their little white flowers.  So pretty, and it looks like snow on the ground as the blooms fall.  We used to live in an area that had Jacaranda Trees on each side of the street and along traffic meridians.  Beautiful abundant purple flowers, but oh my; what a mess to clean up, they are not easy. 

    Things are abloom, and I am hearing some birds back in the trees peeping and chittering again. Sure hope we do not get that Mockingbird back that shrieks all night long in full Dolby Stereo.   He was here two years in a row atop of my neighbors house.  Talk about loud!   Gads; I would gladly pay to find him a mate just to get some sleep.   The are a protected species and I think they somehow know it.  Ah; nature!

    Oscars tonight; I am not that interested, but looks like the news channels are all over it; all agog in their best duds to bring the festivities to one and all.   Will have to see what we have recorded tonight instead.  Do have to say that I enjoy seeing the gown designs the next day.  Some gorgeous stuff and then some ludicrous in the mix too. 

    Ron and Lou are off on their trip this week; am really hoping all will go perfectly for them.  What an exciting time with family and all.  So hope you will have some free time to kick your heels up a bit, Mr. Ron; with others there to be with Lou, perhaps you will get some of that time for yourself.

    Well Front Porch Folks, off I go to do what, not sure.  Lazy afternoon; do not feel particularly motivated, must be the approaching storm.    Take good care, and "see" you all again soon.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Jo, I drove over early, early this morning to check on the new baby.  She (it is a little girl) was up and around with mom close behind.  So, I felt better then.

     This was feed day and Mike and Toad were going to feed and set out hay.  Then he was going to give the GPs their allergy shots, leave their medicine and Vectra 3d.  They didn't come and didn't come so I didn't know what was going on.  Mike called and said he'd had a flat so they were behind and he'd be over later to bring the meds, put out hay and look at the farm equipment I have to sell.    When Toad fed the girls were behind the barn so I drove around there to see if the baby had come over.  Couldn't see her anywhere - there, in the south pasture or up around the MH so drove back down where she had been this morning (already checked it once) and finally saw her along the far east fence by herself.  I had seen her mother up by the barn.  I could not leave her there alone - she wasn't staying laid down but was moving around.  She wouldn't let me catch her and even though she's small I doubt I could have lifted her.  So, got her started toward the barn and here came mom. Finally got both of them in the lot, fed the mom and felt better but worn out.  She had to nurse a little while when mom came over and I could tell she has had some colostrum.  I filled the water tank and gave her some feed.  I have part of a sack and Mike said he'd bring some more when he came to get the bulls.

     As soon as I got in the house Mike called to say he was on his way to set out hay.  I told him about the calf and told him if he didn't care I was going to keep them up a day or so. He laughed and said that was fine.  He got here and set out two bales - still some left.  They've started grazing quite a lot - fescue is really greening up.  Mickey and Little Bit are "girling" so there was a train of a couple of girls (one little heifer and her mom) and several little boys.  Mike saw what was happening and got Mickey in one side of the lot and Little Bit in the other side.  He had a call to go to Warner - someone had three dead cows and another one down but said he'd be back later to pick up the bulls.  He got the little heifer in the lot and said to let her out tomorrow morning.  He was limping when he came back to the truck - said he had turned his ankle in the lot  - same one he hurt a year or so ago.  Not good for a veterinarian to be limping.

     Sheena's been limping on her right front foot so he checked it and said he thinks it's her toenails - too long.  She really won't let me trim them but I'm going to have to do it somehow -  maybe I can catch her asleep and get one done at a time.  I can get Stormy in the Gator and with his feet hanging over the seat he'll let me trim his.

     You know, Jo, that chicken salad reminds me of a chicken salad sandwich a friend used to get when we'd go to Harmony House - I think it was chicken but I know it had grapes in it.  It sounds good - love grapes.  Have you ever tried frozen grapes?  Just take them off the stem and freeze them and it's a really nice treat in the hot summertime.

     I didn't get to the windows today and probably won't tomorrow.  My hip has been bothering me today.  Yes, I did enjoy sleeping in the bed last night and the night before.  I don't think I moved all night though.  I'm happy with the way it will look when he finishes the wall and a couple of other little things.  I need to try to get in touch with him this evening or tonight.  There will be two good days before we have rain and storms again.  Hope your storm isn't too bad.  Springtime is beautiful but we always have so  many storms - keeps a person on edge all the time.

    My phone rang one time today and that was all - so checked and it was Jack - probably trying to call someone else so I called him.  Said he wasn't doing too well and felt depressed.  I asked why and he said it was that phone.  I told him I could call CC tomorrow and ask them to call him but he said he had learned how to  make calls.  He should get rid of that phone if it's making him feel like that.

     Watching the last basketball game to determine the last team that will be in the Final Four.  Sadly Arkansas lost yesterday. 

     Ron, I think you all are going to leave on your trip tomorrow or Tuesday.  Please drive safely and have a wonderful visit and anniversary.  Again, Happy Anniversary - how many years?

     Sara - I looked up that Youtube video - looks like it will be good so I will watch some of them.  Barbara, I read the little bit of your book this morning - it sound like it will be really good. 

     See you all later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Guess what I found when I was looking at the things that were in the utility room. I found ten pints of Asian Pear butter I had made in 2007.  I knew I had made some but thought I'd put it underneath the cabinet but evidently it was out there. Also two cartons of old, old pop - I'll get rid of both of these things.  I wonder what else is out there that I don't remember.

     Wish you all could see the Bradford Pear trees - they're beautiful especially early in the morning and late in the afternoon.  The Asian Pear trees are blooming - do wish they'd make this year.  Someone mentioned making apple butter out of crab apples.  I never did but daddy did and it was delicious.  Guess he cooked the apples, then ran them through a colander to get rid of the peelings and seeds.  Peeling those little things would take an awfully long time.  He was patient so maybe that's what he did.

     Mike just left - he came back to get Mickey and Little Bit.  Somehow Little Bit had gotten back in with the heifer - we can't figure out how he did that.  So, they've both gone to another pasture somewhere - I think I'll miss them.  Had to go though or we'd have January calves.

     I'm about ready for bed. Daniel called - says he's not 100% better - had a hard time finding the right antibiotic but they're coming tomorrow to wrap up things - two good days before storms Tuesday night. 

     Tomorrow is trash day - I have it all sacked up and boxes broken down so I'll have to get up earlier to get it down there in time.  Didn't take it down last week so there's more this time.

     I'm tired tonight and having done much of anything oday.  My hips has hurt but seems okay, or better, now.

     Sleep tight tonight.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    20F, -7C.  

    Glad the new baby is ok.  

    Quiet day yesterday.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Goid morning on the front porch. Just relaxing a little right now after a busy day yesterday. Had a busy day yesterday with washing and packing, now just the drive ahead. I'll let lou sleep till 8, get her medicine in her and breakfast and hopefully on my way by 10. Heard 635 had a lot of construction going on, so I'll see how smart this new car is and see if it tells me a better way to go. First trip Lou and I have been on since dementia so praying it goes well. I tell her we're celebrating our 55th anniversary and she seems confused, I say we are going shopping and eating at a nice restaurant for our anniversary and she smiles real big.

    Hope all is well and will check in when I can.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Be very careful driving, Ron - driving in construction is hard sometimes and confusing.  Hope you have a good week.  Are you going to be able to post while you're in Dallas?  We'll miss you but have a wonderful time and anniversary.

     It's already been a busy morning - just a continuation of last night.  This is trash day so got it down - lots of it, then came back and gave the new mom some more hay.  The little heifer was still in the barn so let her out and found out where Little Bit had gotten in that part of the barn.  There's a gate at the back of the barn, inside, between the main part of the barn and a smaller part we call the cowshed.  He had broken down the gate.  He was one determined bull.  At least he had a last fling before being put out to pasture with the other boys.

     I was just getting ready to get some feed for - I'll call her Annie and the baby Amy - when I saw Mike coming.  He had told me last night he'd bring some feed for her so he'd brought a five gallon can full.  He did stay but a minute - already had an emergency at the clinic.  Told him about the gate - we'd wondered how in the world Little Bit got in - so he'll fix that when he has a minute. 

    I'm back inside now - the wind is awful and I smell smoke and it looks hazy south of us.   Called Ray (neighbor a mile south) to see if he knew what it was - he didn't but also smelled smoke.  I saw the weather and there's hot spots in this part of the state - one in the SE corner of our county so guess that's what it is.  Scares me when I smell smoke when it's windy.

     Going to be beautiful the next couple of days, then rain Tuesday night.  Not sure they can finish everything in two days but we'll see. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara, it's awfully cold where you are - is it going to warm up this week?  I did hear there was snow in Philadelphia yesterday.  In the middle of the hot summer we'll be wishing for a snowflake, won't we?

     Enjoy the day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Hi again,

     I have a floor in the utility room!!!  It's not completed yet - he'll get the same kind of flooring for it as he put in the bedroom.  It'll be brown but that's okay.  The walls are gray and I may repaint them later.  Tomorrow they'll do that and get the washer and dryer back in so I can do laundry.  It's beginning to pile up.  You wouldn't think one person could have so much.  I remember when Charles was here I did a load, sometimes two, every day. 

     It's a beautiful day - sunny but really windy. Daniel's still not 100% but he's getting there.I told him Max got under the house and he said they found a big rat (probably the one they saw before)  that Max had killed, I guess. If so, no wonder his eyes wee as big as saucers when he came out of there.

     Zetta, watching Rawhide.  I've wondered how they manage to find so many people out on the prairie.  And, so many people in town, too.  Of course, they have to have people to make a show so guess that's it.

     I'll be back later.  Does anyone know how to, or if you can, get Kindle on your laptop? I have Amazon Prime that give me movies.  I want to read Barbara's book (sounds so good) but my tablets keeps going off and that bothers me.  There must be a  way to do this.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    17F, -8C.  Was so cold yesterday.  We did have some sun though which I enjoyed.

    Hope Ron had a safe trip.

    Lorita glad you have a floor again.  Seems we are going to have all kinds of temperatures this week.

    Majority of homesteaders I watch have chickens that lay all different colors of eggs.  Some olive, green, white, blue, all different shades of brown from light to real dark and some are speckled.  A carton of eggs are so pretty.  Yesterday I found a farm not far from me that sells this type of eggs.  Going to keep my eye out for when some are available and get  a dozen.  They also sell plants, veggies and flowers.  Looks like they have a lot of heirloom tomatoes and peppers.  Something to look forward too.

    When I go to store hope to get some corn flour and start learning to make corn tortillas.  Hope I can learn to do that.

    Will start planting next round of seeds this week if nothing happens.  My petunias are looking really nice.  The celery has not put out any true leaves yet.  Hopefully it’s just a slow process like germinating was.  The lettuce sprouts were still alive yesterday.  They are in a warmer spot I imagine, in between concrete drive and a large evergreen shrub.  Probably why they are the only ones up.  No true leaves on them yet either.  Planted a few green onions awhile back.  They haven’t came up yet either.  Might plant a few by the driveway when warms up a bit.

    Well enough about the plants

     Take care everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Sara, what time is it where you are?  It's 4:04 here so guess it's an hour later there.  I woke up about 2:30 and just can't go back to sleep.  This doesn't happen often.  I was a little bit hungry so I'm drinking some milk and eating Oreo cookies.  Not good this early but I'm doing it anyway.

     Sara - I love hearing about your plants and how they're coming along.  From the first I can remember we've always had gardens.  Mother and grandma canned so much and made kraut and pickles.  It was such a big garden that daddy used his tractor to cultivate it - plowed first, then when potatoes were ready he used a lister that plowed underneath the potatoes.  He always did that on my birthday - June 21 - first day of summer. After Charles and I got married we had a moderate sized garden, then enlarged it to take in the area where we had the chicken house and chickens.  We left some of the fencing between the two and planted cardinal vines (it had ferny foliage and small, bright red flowers.  Also planted another  plant that grew to be about 3-4 ft. tall - looked sort of like a cedar and was green in the summer and turned red in the fall.  Another thing we planted was luffa gourds.  It had the prettiest, big, bright yellow flowers.  We could pick them when they were young and they tasted just liked fried, green tomatoes.  If they got a little older, they turned into the luffas that people use to bathe with.

     Gosh, didn't mean to go on about that - just a bit of nostalgia, I guess this early morning.   Gardening is a lot of work but after it's planted and up, it's well-worth the effort.   We had a big rototiller that Charles used to cultivate after he plowed the garden with the tractor.   I came home from work one day and he was sitting on the edge of the bed talking to mother.  I changed clothes, then came around to that side of the bed and his foot and ankle were bleeding like crazy.  He had been using the tiller and when he made the turn at the end of the row, his foot slipped and got caught in the tines.  Got him to the hospital - scared the heck out of me.  But, he was so calm just sitting there talking to mother on the phone.  He carried the scars from then on.

     Sara - I was watching some gardening show the other day and they showed celery in the garden - so pretty.  I'm anxious to see how yours does.  If you like bok choy you might try that sometimes. It's easy to grow and is so pretty and so good.  We always started everything except tomatoes and peppers in the garden so guess we did it with the bok choy, too.

     It's 60 degrees here right now - supposed to be 78 today and 48 tomorrow.  It sounds so cold there in Ohio.  Did you have snow?  I saw o TV they had a terrible pile-up, I think 50 vehicles, on some highway in Pennsylvania.

     This evening a while before dark I looked out and Amy was running and bucking and just being a sweet baby.  I had turned on the water to fill the tank in the garden and when I went out to turn it on I saw here at a gate in the lot going back and forth.  So, went out and she had gotten through the gate and gone all the way around the barn to another gate.  She's very small so slipped through between the gate and barn.  After I got her back in - mom had been eating hay and guess she thought she was still laying down but when I went out she figured something was wrong so came around to find her baby.  If a little calf lays down by a gate, sometimes when they get up, they end up on the other side of the gate so I put a big post under the gate and maybe she won't do that.

     It's supposed to be really stormy tonight so I may put them inside the barn in the pen.  Don't want her out in that - might get lost from mom. 

     I'm glad to have a good floor in the utility room, too.  They have a couple of places to replace the sheetrock, then I think they'll lay the floor covering and put on the baseboards.  Not sure if they'll paint before or after doing the floor.  I found a lot of partial cans of paint that had been stored out there so I think there will be enough to do the painting without buying more.  The room is light gray with a viburnum ceiling - I really don't care what color it is - found almost a gallon of darker gray paint and some called ice water which is what the bedroom is.  The room has a closet across one end so painting that the light blue would be okay with the dark gray.  Decided to use the same kind and color of flooring they used in the bedroom.  It's a waterproof plank, sort of a walnut color and about 3 ft. long.  He had two boxes of it left so will only have to get three more boxes - this would be less expensive than using vinyl flooring.  If you watch Dr. Pol he has the same flooring in his clinic but has some really dark pieces mixed in.

     It's about time for our local news to come on so I'll stop.  I'm watching QVC - temptations - such pretty things.  I have cups, mugs, big 22 oz. soup bowls and a set of knives in the black floral lace.  I don't need more dishes but really get tempted sometime.

     Judith, you are genius - you're so good at finding how to do things and finding answers to questions.  I think I'll wait until all this house stuff is finished, then get my new computer set up and have them add that to it.  Just can't deal with it right now but thanks so  much.  I can use the tablet for Kindle now but would be easier to read on the PC.

     Think I'll lay back down and watch the news - it'll be time to get up in a couple of hours.  I want to be up in time to call the girls down so they can get some feed.  The grass is getting green so they go off early to graze.  I have one tree (the one that was by the big elm I had taken out and was so pretty this past fall) that hasn't budded yet.  The branches are still green so guess it's still living - hope so.  The tree man said it was some type of Maple - it was bright yellowish-orange in the fall and almost glowed so hope it is alive.

     I'll be back later today.  Wonder if Ron left yesterday or is going today  - he wasn't really sure.  Hope the trip goes well.  I need to check (just curious) to see how far it is from Shreveport to Dallas.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    I checked and it's 188 miles.  The highway goes through Kilgore and Canton.  Charles and I went to a huge flea market in Canton one year.  People come from everywhere in their motor homes and stay all weekend.  Lots of fun and on the way there are garage sales all along the highway - this is east of Dallas.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita hope you can get back to sleep.

    The time I post is one hour later than what it shows, was almost 5am.

    Dad would plow our garden too.  Then we also used a tiller.  The first tiller we had I could run it for dad and enjoyed doing it.  Then he got a bigger one when it tore up and I could not use it. Would get away from me sometimes and that is not good in the garden.

    I do like bok choy, maybe sometime I can try it.  The celery I got from nursery did well last year.

    We had snow all weekend but it melted off during day.  Mom says it is really cold out this morning.  Suppose to be sunny and get into 40s today and calm wind.  It might be pretty nice later on in the day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning from Plano TX to my front porch friends. 

    I wrote yesterday but don't see my post. Don't know what happened to it!

    Trip was fine with just V a few problems, lou was fine until about 2 hours into the trip but settled back down after about 30 minutes. Anybody travelling around Dallas, I would highly recommend staying away from 635.

    Have enjoyed my visit, but a little sleeping problems. Lou is all over the bed and I thought I would be on a air mattress, but the one they have is to big for the room. Will go out today and buy a single mattress. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     I did get back to sleep, Sara, about 5:30 or so. Then the alarm went off at 6:45 and I didn't want to get up. No idea why I woke  up and couldn't get back to sleep -unusual for me.

     I got Tom's food ready and went out to feed him.  I couldn't see Amy anywhere but finally did - she was laying by that big post I laid under the gate.  I got some feed for Annie and then saw lights coming up the driveway.  I hadn't had a chance to call the girls to come up and Toad was early.  Lots of them were up at the MH and some around the hay.  He drove out into the front pasture and honked and called them and it looked like a flock of blackbirds coming down to the house from the MH.  I know some of them didn't get any feed.  Got to go turn off the water - back in a minute.

     It's very warm and very, very windy- so we know a storm's brewing for tonight.  I think I'll put Amy and Annie in the pen inside the barn.  Will have to get some water in there and some hay and get them in before dark.  She's so cute - jumping and running around.  I'll try to get a picture of her later today.

     Ron - glad you made the trip safely.  I was figuring since it's about 188 miles it would take between three and four hours.  That's a long time in a car.  But glad Lou did all right most of the time.  My friend, Carol's, sister lives in Plano, I think.  Pretty swankly town I hear but have never been there.   Enjoy your visit.  What about Little Bit?

     Sara, I couldn't use our big tiller either - can't remember the name of it but it was a great big red one.  The year we bought it, we had to decide whether to take a small vacation or buy it - we bought the tiller and used it for years, then gave it to our neighbor when we moved down to the farmhouse.  I'll think of the name when I stop trying.

     Guess I'll go out and give Annie some hay.  I fed her about the time Toad got here - some feed I already had.  The feed they have has little pieces in it but is mostly ground and they're not used to it but are eating it.  I don't think they'll be feeding too long.  I checked the liquid feed yesterday and they still have some so don't know about buying another tank - don't want it to sit over summer.  Daddy always said this time of the year is when you need to feed your best hay and feed - girls are running after the green grass and need more  help.  I heard Toad calling the girls - he also calls them girls.

     Day - Denim & Co. is on for two hours 9-11 so I better get my work done so I can  watch.

     Sylvester Stallone is making a TVSeries in Tulsa and that's what they're really talking about this morning on the news.

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita ours was red too and believe it was a Troy-bilt.  The original one from Montgomery Wards.

    Thankful you had a safe trip to Texas Ron.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    That's right, Sara.  Ours was a  Troy Bilt, too.  Great, great tiller.  It made the ground look like a flower bed.  I could do it if it was going down a straight row but not on the turns. Thanks for remembering that.

     Well, I got something done I've wanted to do but can't.  Oh, to be young and strong again.  Bryan got here about 1 1/2 hrs. ago and has been sitting in his PU.  He says the others are on their way - probably had to go by Lowes.  I went out and asked him if he'd help me do something. I wanted to get the mattress turned so the sides would be changed.  I've slept on that one side for years and it makes my back hurt.  I told him it would probably take two but he said he'd see.  He asked me how I wanted it and he had it turned in about two minutes - didn't seem like it was any problem for him at all.  Charles and I would struggle and struggle to get it turned.  So glad that's done and he seemed fine with doing it.  He's Daniel's son.  Now, to get the top sheet and quilt turned around.  I hate to be that little old, white-haired woman who can't do anything for herself - well, I can still do some things.

     I went out and gave Annie some hay and put some in the pen and got the water hose set up so I can put a couple of tube of water in there for her tonight.  The wind is horrible - I bet the gusts are 40 mph with a continuous wind of at least 30-35.

     I hear another PU outside so guess the others are here.  Not sure whether they'd do the floor or painting first.

     Back later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     They worked on the floor and walls in the utility room and got all the flooring down except they were a few planks short so will have to get another box and finish tomorrow.  Had to put everything except washer and dryer back inside because of the coming storms tonight.  It looks pretty good.  I told him to get a light to medium gray paint and porch ceiling green for the inside of the used-to-to closet.

     The wind has been so strong today - wind gusts to 47 here and up to 67 in Guymon in then Panhandle.  Big prairie fires out in western Oklahoma.

     I tried and tried last night to find where the Oklahoma landrush had it starting line.  Must have been somewhere around OKC.  .  I know there's a statue of a covered wagon pulled by horses somewhere in OKC but couldn't find the exact place.  It was on April 22, 1889 - April 22 was the day Charles and I got married - in 1971.  Does anyone know where the starting line was?  I started to watch Cimarron last night - made in 1931 but couldn't get into it but got me thinking or wondering.  There was an actress in it named Dixie Lee - had never seen her before.

     I have the pen ready for Amy and  Annie - put hay and water in and I'll put them in before dark and open the barn for everyone else.

     I laid down on the divan after they left and fell asleep but not for long I don't think.  With the storms guess I'll see if I can sleep tonight.

     Hope everyone's okay.  Jack called twice (I had called him earlier) but missed both calls, then no answer..  He finally called back - said he was going to quit worrying so much.  Had a nice conversation with the wife of a cousin who passed away a few weeks ago. Her name is Patsy and is 90/.  She sounds so good but is in deep grief right now.  They never had children but does have friends who help her when she needs it.

     Hope all of you had a nice, quiet day.  Not quiet here when they're working but that's all right - it will soon be finished.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Rototillers - that certainly brings back memories.  When we moved into our house, there was no lawn front or back; just dirt - all landscaping had to be done and we rototilled over and over. Boy; was I ever dirty. Also hurt my back quite bad using a construction sized wheelbarrow.  I had it loaded with cement chunks and rocks; it tipped over and I did not let go of it which I should have done.  Ended up in the ER and had some down time per MD orders; it was a bad oneCan't do that sort of work now.  Heck; they'd have to put me in the wheelbarrow.

    Ron; glad to hear you made it to Plano with little fuss.   So hope all is going reasonably well and that the air mattress works out well.  Let us know how you are; we sure will be thinking of you and Lou.

      You are getting close to the finish line with the house repairs, Lorita.  It is really a tribulation while going through all of that and so nice when it is all done and the work crews no longer in the house.  I know what you mean about mattress flipping. I used to flip the king sized and queen sized mattresses as well as the four twins by myself, but no longer can do that.  Glad you thought to have Brian help you.   Have to smile, my grandmother, at 90, used to flip the mattresses on all three twin beds in her little house all by herself and did it - get this - each week!  She had a twin in her room and two twins in her guest bedroom; she'd flip the guest beds even if no one had been sleeping in them.  She was a tiny, tiny, little lady, but boy; a mighty might that is for sure.   Still miss her so much.

     Had quite a lot of heavy rain yesterday, nothing today. We are in the 60's, no longer in the high 80's or low 90's which is fine with me.   Lots of snow in the mountains.

    I did not realize you were not making corn tortillas, Sayra; I love the corn tortillas and do not like the flour ones at all.  Something about the lovely taste of the corn and it really enhances the food.  Do you use a tortilla press or do them by hand?

      Goodness; did not sleep last night and do not know why.  Once again, working on laptop computer on top of guest room bed; only comfortable place to do it. Fell asleep about an hour or an hour and a half with the sound of the rain . . . . woke up about 10:00 and did not get back to sleep all night no matter how I tried to make it happen.   So today, I am wonky and blah, but sure will sleep tonight.   Second time this has happened, will have to give myself a good talking to.

    Going to get going, having that "cheaters" Italian sausage tortillini soup for dinner . . . good weather for it. 

     Have a good evening,


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Here is a web page about the land run

    Best as I can tell, the primary point for the start was a Ft. Reno, but potential settlers were in all areas surrounding the available land.
  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Lorita said...

    I hate to be that little old, white-haired woman who can't do anything for herself - well, I can still do some things.

    I went out and gave Annie some hay and put some in the pen and got the water hose set up so I can put a couple of tube of water in there for her tonight. 


    Hey there friends...When I read that this morning, I broke into a really big smile and had to actually laugh out loud. Because the follow up sentence, prior and later posts said it all...yes Lorita, you absolutely "can still do some things" Far more than most. You are an inspiration on so many levels. Dear Lorita, your slowest day is running laps around people twice your size, and half your age! Pace yourself (if you can) and enjoy slowing down just a little bit. You have gotten so much accomplished recently and deserve to enjoy the fruits of all your labors through the years, and in the past several months.

    I am so glad to hear about the new baby girl. Sounds so cute and lively. And glad that Mike and you complement each other so well in your different work styles. He sounds like a really special person -- knows how he chooses to handle most things and why, but is not a control freak. That is a huge factor in the business decisions and life choices you made recently to share the ownership and responsibility with a trusted and highly qualified friend. Wise woman! Win- win.

    Loveskitties- Whenever you can carve out time for a breather here on the front porch, that is perfect timing. Its one more thing I love about this special gathering place. It is open 24 hours, the weather is always fine, and the company is world class. Wishing you all some peaceful moments, and more even keel for your Dad and his MC experiences. Yes, welcome to Spring things! I hope things get better for you and yours soon.

    Sayra - I think I've run into a strong group of influencers right here on the front porch! Yes, just mention "charro beans" and some great ingredients and I get hungry  I had a yard full of dandelion greens one year (or more) and happened to notice Whole Foods was selling them for $7.99 a pound. Made me want to hang out my shingle and start selling my groundcover. ha! I never tried adding it to my salad, but I did think about it. Not sure I can ensure that no pets were sprinkling the area, or I would surely try it. 

    JoC - Yes, the chicken salad sounds so good. Is that like Waldorf salad, except without the walnuts? (I may be making that up, my mother used to make it sometimes during the holidays. I like it, but didn't stick as a tradition once I grew up.) I make tuna salad a lot, and always add boiled eggs, celery, bread & butter pickles, and a bit of onion and chopped apples. I like texture and it adds nutrition and variety, so have sneaked veggies into my kids that way many moons ago -- now doing it for DH. Rotisserie chicken is a good 2 meal idea. Your dream and vivid recall amazed me! It sounded so interesting, but mainly when I am aware of dreaming, it dissipates -- poof! within seconds of my waking. That has always disappointed me, but I didn't know what to do about it. When I was younger, I actually did try sleeping with a pen and pad next to the bed, but it didn't help. Once I gathered my awake thoughts, I'd already lost my nocturnal musings. I would not mind having a dreamscape of Jacarandas. They are truly gorgeous and breathtakingly lovely -- and I even love the beautiful purple blanket they create, but never had to clean it up! Ok, your description of Mr. Mockingbird cracked me up!

    Ron - I am glad you made it to Dallas and am sending good wishes that your celebration is everything you hope for. 55th! Wow. Congratulations!.

    I will return to finish this later...but probably in the a.m. Pleasant dreams everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    34F, 1C.  We are getting your strong winds starting sometime this evening Lorita.  Suppose to get up to 70 today.

    JoC I do not have a tortilla press.  Have read several places that you can press them out with a clear Pyrex dish.  Going to try that first.  If I can get the hang of making the dough then I probably will invest in a press. Hope to buy corn flour today.

    Butterfly I smiled at Lorita’s post too.  Understand what you are saying though Lorita.  You are a pusher.  

    I only eat the dandelions that come up in my flower bed.  Sort of tend to them lol.  Think I will try tuna salad your way, that sounds good.

    They are suppose to come and install my A/C today as long as it don’t rain.  

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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