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Just need to talk to my friends (168)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     It's in the 50s here this morning, Sara, and for the moment no wind and no sun.  Last night about MN or so the front came through and the wind was so strong I thought it was going to blow the house away.  It was awful for 3-4 hours, then no wind but we'll have strong winds again in a couple of hours.  It said the gusts were up to 40 mph.

     Guess who had a baby!!!  Sally!!  It was Sally I saw coming across the pond dump with a baby.  It's a little boy - born, maybe on the 5th so I'm going to call him Chuckie (yesterday was Charles' 90th BD so that's in honor of him).  He loved little calves.  He is an active little boy. When I went out to fill the water tank Sally was close to it and he was having breakfast.  I saw April laying down in the lot so went out and she got up and started nursing - looked like she'd already had breakfast.  Toad came and fed - I think he's already gone.  Sara, if I hadn't been here Mike would have made time to take care of her - probably would have taken her to the clinic.  He usually has two or three bottle babies over there.  .  I'm just now seeing cows going back to the hay - saw Sally and Chuckie.  Just glad I'm here.  I can't see something going wrong and not do something about it - if I can.

     Sara - do you slice the whole loaf of bread at one time?  I keep mine in that LocknLock bread keeper and use a bread knife to slice a piece when I need it.  Have you ever made French toast with the homemade bread?  Really good.

     Had a nice, long visit with Sandy last night.  Always enjoy that and to hear about what's going on in Virginia.  They have black bears, a groundhog, squirrels, wild turkeys and deer.  While we were talking Stormy and Sheena started barking  - it was the coyotes coming out to hunt so Sandy got to hear coyotes all the way in Oklahoma.

     Still haven't heard anything from Sarah.  She's not in the hospital and doesn't answer her phone at home.  Maybe I should call Todd.   Bothers me that she doesn't answer.  He could have been gone and she could have had a seizure and....  That's where my mind takes me sometimes.

     I see Billy the Bull grazing down by the pond.  He didn't even go out to get his feed.  Thanks, Sara, April is a cutie.  I'm going to keep her up another couple of days for her to gain strength.  She's still a little bit slow in getting up.  I know, I'm an old mother hen - just can't seem to let go completely.

     Looks like there's going to be more storms in the South today. Oh, I found the first Royal Empress blossom that had bloomed and fallen off the tree out by the lot.  When I find them I bring some in because they're so pretty and smell so good.  Also found one in the front yard.  That wind may have blown all of the buds off last night.  I had mail on the front porch and it was gone this morning - found two letters so far.

     I think I'll cook some rice and mirepoix today.  Did look and I have some soy sauce.  I finished my mac and cheese yesterday - just not in the mood for brown beans right now.

     Hope you're rested up somewhat, Ron.  It takes a while.  When I was working we always said we had to come back to work to rest up from our vacation.  I haven't had one in so long I don't know what a vacation really is.   We always went to Eureka Springs in April - always so pretty over in NW Arkansas this time of year - and in October when the leaves were pretty.   Still no noticeable buds on that Maple tree - some trees already have pretty good sized leaves on them.  Guess it's just late.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  Kind of hungry this morning. French toast sounds good but probably not today.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, next time anyone shows up at your farm that you dont know tell them; my sons are in the other room lifting weights and their friends from the body building group comes by all hours to help with any repairs. If that doesn't work keep a scatter gun near you.

    Finally caught up but still having trouble resting. Both calfs are sore and bruises on arms that I dont remember hurting. The form from VA benefits that I need to mail in order to find out how they determined I have active malignancy was here when we got home. I filled it out and mailed right away. That is on my mind a lot that disability review and lab found out cancer was active but yet I cant get any information from the hospital. That is awful information isnt shared!

    Was able to get out some today and neighbor stayed with Lou. Asked her if she would like to go with Lou and I tommorow to red Lobster. Sister, nieces and nephew gave us gift cards for red Lobster and Outback. Brother a d sister in law had a huge cake to go with the big meal for family get together dearing our celebration. Pictures were taken, but not by me, I'm hoping they send me some. 


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Hi all,

    I've been trying to keep up with my porch friends posts. 

    I'm just having some "down time" will post soon.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Stitches are out, bandages off, still don't know what it was because the pathology report still hasn't made its way to the surgeon OR even in my hospital medical chart.  Awesome.  They said they would call after it today and let me know, but no call.  Such is health care today.  I do see that the incision on my index finger was 2 inches long--bigger than I thought it would be.  But it's healing nicely.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Another trip to ER for Dad...4th time in less than 2 weeks.

    Bladder infection...again/still.  Acute UTI...more antibiotics.

    This time Mother was here so she was able to see what goes on and talk with the doctor.

    This entire process is so draining...mother refuses to consider Hospice so I guess we will just continue on this merry-go-round.

    He has not eaten or drunk any significant amounts in over a week.

    I try to keep a smile on my face for him, but it is heartbreaking to see him like this.

    My prayers are unanswered...just want him to have peace...either in this world or the next.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lovekitties, do the doctors have anything to say about recurrent utis?  Is the prostate seeding infection?

    Temp here 90 degrees all of a sudden!  (LA county)

    Our police department used to offer a gun safety class which included cleaning the gun.  But that was back in the 1990s.

    My mom made me a strawberry shortcake for my birthday when I was 10 years old. Ever since then I have had strawberry shortcake for my birthday, now a 62 year tradition.

    Did anyone use an IBM Selectric?  I did, and I felt so proud.

    Day, I'm glad your hand is healing nicely.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    trips to the ER just give a diagnosis with a discharge note to follow-up with urologist.

    Urologist is like all other docs at this point and appointments are now one to two months out.  Expressed this on last 2 ER visits.  This time the attending had convo with an actual urologist who we are supposed to contact...also the case manager was informed of this issue.

    Based on my own analysis of urinalysis results I suspect that it is the beginning of major kidney issue...which is made worse due to lack of liquid intake...then causes an infection of the bladder...which then causes prostate to enlarge and prevents normal voiding...hence the cath.

    Can't have him on IV fluids for 2 reasons...MC does not support that...would have to move to another facility for Skilled Nursing...and more importantly his very detailed Advanced Directive specifies no artificial nourishment or hydration.

    I am at a loss...see him suffering the indignity of the dementia...see his body causing recurring and nearly untreatable issues...

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I am so sorry you are in the middle of all of this. You are a very good daughter, and I am sure you want the best for your dad. With this new ER visit hopefully your mom after being there will see that hospice is needed. Not for just your dad, but for all of you. Stay Strong, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Ron, that sounds like a good idea.   I don't have a scatter gun - do have a rifle but I want a repeating one (mine is one shot) and a couple of pistols - not sure of the caliber but not .22.  I've gone hunting with daddy when I was young but couldn't shoot a rabbit.  Charles was not a hunter so we never hunted - just fished.

     That is awful that you can't get the information you need about the active malignancy - maybe you can before long. 

     Nice that the neighbor is able to stay with Lou while you get a little while.  Love Red Lobster.  I used to get sword fish (when I ate fish) but make a meal on salad and those biscuits.  Do you all know I love bread?

     Nicole - good to see a post from you.  I've been wondering about you.  Hope you can feel better soon and post.

     Day - glad those bandages are off.  Odd that it takes so long to get a path report.  At least whatever it was is gone and that you've healed.

     Marie - hopefully with your mother there at this last ER visit maybe she can see that your dad needs more help than he's getting in memory care.  In this case it seems that hospice would be of great benefit to everyone.  .  I worked in Urology for several years and I really don't remember the diagnosis of UTIs very often.   The Urologist I worked with was adamant that each of his patients drink eight glasses of water a day and cranberry juice.  It sounds like your dad really needs more hydration than the MC can give. I hope this can be worked out for the benefit for all of you.

     Iris, I think I read on another thread something about a recent birthday.  Happy Belated Birthday to you.  Hope it was a good one.  I love strawberry shortcake so hope you had one. 

     I learned to type in high school on a manual typewriter - Royal, I think.  When I went to business school there were electric typewriters and also when I began work at the VA.  After I was there a while we were given Selectrics to use.  I loved typing on them.  You know I'm reminded that since I retired in 1994 I've had two used Selectric typewriters bought at an equipment sale at our high school.  They're both gone now.  It got to the point you couldn't find someone to work on them.  But, I loved typing on them - fascinating to watch that little ball go round and round.

     Zetta - I used to put studded tires on my car way back in the 70s and did have to take them off after winter.  You could actually see sparks when you had them on and drove on a highway.  They really did work on ice and snow - not so much in mud though.

     It's 58 right now with a stiff north wind.  This morning it was beautiful and warm with no wind - but during last night the front came through with very strong straight winds.  This afternoon the wind picked up again and we're supposed to have high winds for the next three days.  It's from the NW which worries me a bit because of dry grass in the pastures even though there's a lot of green grass, too.  Next week it supposed to be stormy.  I heard today there had been 46 tornadoes today, mainly in Alabama and Georgia.  Tornados are scary things so everyone in Oklahoma has to be on alert during the springtime - but, now it's all year instead of just spring.  It's still very muddy around the barn so rubber boots are a must.

     Both new babies are doing well.  I think I'll let April and her mom out in the morning - she's nursing and getting around all right.  If I could just be sure she wouldn't put her down somewhere for a long time.  This happened with Chucky this evening.  He was with the other cattle, or close, but they moved on so he got up and moved, too.  Then laid down by himself.  No cattle around.  I could not stand that so drove the PU out fairly close to him and called the girls.  Mom came, he nursed, and they came up with the others.  I was afraid to get him up myself - little ones can get scared and really take off running.  We've had four or five day old ones run over half a mile, through barbed-wire fences so had to do something. 

     Daniel says they plan to finish tomorrow - I don't think so - there's still more skim work, sanding and painting to do.  He doesn't know what's wrong with the dryer so I may buy a new one.  He says the vent is all right.  It's probably time anyway since this one is pretty old. 

     Jack called whiiel I was out in the pasture so called him back.  Just needed to talk to someone about hi s daughter.  He sounds better today but hadn't eaten anything all day.  I suggested a couple of boiled eggs and he thought that sounded good.  He has an egg pod that boils eggs in the microwave.  I talked to him about going to the doctor but no go so I won't bring it up again.

    Started to say enjoy the evening but just realized it's 10:15 - so, sleep well.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    42F, 6C.  

    Miss Sally had an active little boy.  That should not surprise us, gonna be like his mom. Will have to show us a picture when you have time.

    Day glad to hear your finger is healing nicely.

    Lorita I do slice the whole loaf at one time.  Then I freeze it and just remove a slice as I need it.

    Marie I’m so sorry.know it’s a tough road for your dad, your mom and family.  

    Iris happy belated birthday.  I’m a fan of strawberry shortcake too. Hope we are blessed with a good strawberry crop this year.  Believe I know where to get some.

    All my last seeds are up except parsley and bronze fennel.  Parsley is always slower but usually I have good luck with it.  Not sure about he bronze fennel as it is something new I’m trying.

    The plumber came yesterday and he will be back next Wednesday.  He will fix the cracked connector on sewer pipe, replace my sink faucet, and remove the old unused water softener left for me.  

    Take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    So sorry to have missed your Birthday...hope you had a good day.

    May each day until your next, be all that you could hope for.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Sara, thanks for your comment about parsley - reminded me I got some seeds last year and never planted them.  I should plant a pot of them because I do like to use freesh parsley in my ranch dressing.

     It's windy here - gusts to about 35-40 but it's sunny.  Still a high-fire risk so do hope no one decides to burn anything today.

     Talked briefly to Jack this morning - he sounded sleepy - not sure what time he gets but I didn't  call until about 10:30.  He said he didn't eat the eggs last night.  He just doesn't have an appetite so doesn't eat - maybe one meal a day.  There's a little restaurant in our town - well more than that - but he goes to the Boomerang sometimes to eat so good that he does get out and do that occasionally.

     I cooked the zucchini yesterday - almost forgot about them.  Cooked them with onions and crushed tomatoes.  I always put a little bit of sugar, salt, pepper and oregano - think I also adder some garlic salt.  It tasted really good but didn't eat but a spoonful or two.  I had planned on cooking some beans today but I'll do that tomorrow.  I think the zucchini will good with some garlic French bread I got the last time I was in town.

     I didn't take down trash this past Monday because I didn't have much but now I have loads of it - empty containers, boxes and who knows what.

     I had thought about letting April and her mom out this morning but just couldn't do it - may tomorrow.   All the girls have been laying out front this morning in the sunshine  but are up now going off to graze.   They were laying down in the lot so it was almost like they were outside.   I'll try to get a picture of Chucky.  They all like pretty much alike - I think he's a little bigger than April.  Now I'm not sure that Sally is his mother. When they came across the pond dump I saw the color of auburn on her but yesterday I didn't so not sure.  At any rate he's an active little boy.

    I'm not sure what's going on with spacing  so I'll stop for now.  Hope everyone's all right this morning..

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Ron...SOS. I can not find where I stored your lasagne recipe. Would you please repost. Thanks...Judith
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Copied from another members post. 

    This is exactly how I'm feeling:

    "My only words of advice are to take time to feel what you feel…cry, shout, pray, scream in the shower.  Remember the good times when you can.  Do not spend one moment of guilt at the relief you may feel amid your shadows.  And, it takes however long it takes to put the grief in a safe space in your heart."


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, you probably clicked on "right align" on the ribbon by mistake regarding the format.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, Lorita and Sayra and Marie.

    Marie, there is a sugar called D-mannose that is supposed to help prevent recurrent utis.   You might read about it and ask the urologist.  Also, if there is an indwelling catheter, utis are hard to avoid.

    It's still very HOT here!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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