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Just need to talk to my friends (171)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Sara, I lost a post early this morning so thought I'd start #171 thinking #170 was getting too long. 

 Sorry for what happened - two people can do the same thing two different ways so don't worry about it too much.  It'll just take time for you and them to get used to each other and the way things are done.  Hang in there - I know you will.

 Zetta - it was more rain in a short time than we've had in a few years.  The roads were in poor condition to begin with and now some of them are impassable and just washed away.  There's water over the roads and it's dangerous to drive into it - a culvert could be gone.  I've seen that happen several times on TV.  It's been so bad the last couple of days that Toad couldn't even feed.

I'm watching the news that showed a horse ranch way west of here near Tecumseh.  The stable was blown apart and two horses killed and several injured.  The 77 year old owners says she'll rebuild.  Also showed a dozen cowboys (in boats instead of on horses) rounding up cattle that had become trapped in high water.  Showed some others in boats rescuing more about 20 miles north of here where they had almost a foot of rain.  When I talked with Mike I asked about his cattle that are along a creek - he said they were all right.  Darwin has had to move cattle away from the creek when he knew there was going to be heavy rain.

 This morning when I got up I saw blood stains on the bathroom floor.  Sheena and Stormy had slept in the bedroom.  I was afraid his back foot had broken loose and was bleeding but found it was a front foot that was bleeding.  I wrapped it in gauze and taped it and called the vet's office.  He couldn't get here until late today so decided I'd go in. He told me to be sure to go west to the highway (about 2 1/2 miles) and then go into town on the highway.  I did that and I'm sure the water had been over the road for at least a mile and half - lots of water still over it and washed out places but I made it just fine.  Couldn't have in the car - you really have to have a PU 4WD out in this area.  He found a puncture wound and a small cut on his foot so put meds on it and bandaged it (to take it off Monday), got an antibiotic shot and medicine for his diarrhea to put on his tongue about 2 p.m.  Also got arthritis meds, probiotics and vitamins for Sheena.  Stormy also has medicine to take.  I'll have to make a chart to be sure I give it all at the right time.   He was so good - had a hard time getting into the PU because of his hurt feet but I helped him here and at the vets and we made it fine.

 I stopped and got diesel in the PU - last time I got some it was $4.69 - today it's $5.49 - only had to get a little over 5 gallons but my gas gauge doesn't work and I don't want to run out again.  When I was at the vets, Toad came in and Mike told me he was going to try to get to our place to feed.  When I got home I saw his tracks where he had made it into the pasture.  There were two cows and three babies way down in the pasture and others scattered so hope they all got a bite or two.

 I've been ice cream hungry so stopped at the convenience store in our tiny town and got some sherbet and potato chips (neither good for a diet, right). 

 When I take the GPs into the clinic people ooh and aah and talk about them.  They are both so good and mind so well.  Stormy actually got 9n the scale to weigh before we told him to - he weighed 87.2 lb.  So glad that trip is over.  I have to get out there and try to find what he's hurting his feet on.  The grass is high and I know Bryon won't be able to mow this weekend - way too wet - I have an idea what it might be - we used to have a toilet that was outside the yard but when we enlarged the yard it was then in the far SW corner - building is gone but the stool (concrete) is still there and the floor - I think there are a couple of sharp screws sticking up from the concrete.  I'll take a sledge hammer out and dull then or put a black walnut over each of them. 

 Saw our neighbor who I always liked and helped us so much and waved at him.  I haven't talked with him for probably eight or nine years (wife was jealous).  He looked a lot older. 

 Anyway, I'm ready to watch Rawhide and find something for lunch.  I saw four or five little babies having lunch when I came home - some were going into the barn. It's supposed to be in the 90s the next week with heat index of 95 and that utility room AC is still not in the window. Doubt I can lift it so will have to make it with the others.

 Hope I can get Sheena to take her arthritis and probiotics.  Stormy's back foot is healing but I got some wrap just in case I need to wrap it for him.  Busy morning.

 Hope all of you are well this morning.  My laptop is slow this morning, too. Zetta, like you mine is probably 15 years old - I got it the year Windows 7 came out.  I still have that new one but I'm going to use this one until I'm in the mood to change.




  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I'm also on high ground and I'm glad, it rained cats and dogs here yesterday. I wonder where that old saying came from, I've never seen cats and dogs coming down. 

    You know your in Louisiana when yo here a story like this! Yesterday they had to shut down south side of interstate 49, due to blockage on the highway. Seems like a 13 foot alligator was trying to cross the highway. Took awhile to get the traffic moving, but they finally managed to clear the road. News had a real cute story about it! Google desoto parish sheriff arrest Al E. Gator.

    Had my psa checked and its good at 0.01. That just adds more worry about the service connected review stating active malignancy. Urologist visit is the 18th, which I wish was here already.

    Lou's been a handful past few days, but as everyone knows, it doesn't get better.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  Just checking in.  Glad all of you in the middle of the storms are safe and unharmed.  We’ve had a fair amount of rain and snow over the past couple of weeks.  Our trees are leafing out and fruit trees blooming, so allergies are ramping up for a few weeks. Today was beautiful and it’s supposed to stay that way for the upcoming week.  

    Sara, here’s a hospital volunteer story for you.  It might make you think you are doing better than you think.  I was volunteering at the front desk, which included showing people where they needed to get to.  The hospital was in a full remodel and it seemed as if things were in different spots every week. I was taking a guy to the cardiac center and took my regular route.  The halls were blocked off, so took the alternate route and followed arrows.  Well, I opened the last door which should have led to the cardiac center and we were on the roof.  He walked out to look around, and if I had let the door close, we would have been locked on the roof.  I didn’t realize that misstep until later.  We backtracked and I found help. They changed the route and the center was accessible by taking an elevator to the third floor. Poor guy was such a good sport and despite my embarrassment, he laughed it off and thanked me for the tour.  I still miss volunteering there, but so far, our hospital hasn’t reinstated volunteering since Covid.  I volunteering at funeral dinners at church now, so still able to give back. 

    Jo, sorry about your daughter’s little dog.  I’m sure they still miss her.  I hope your dh’s eyes are doing well.  You all make me hungry when you talk about the good food you’re fixing.  My diet is pretty bland most of the time.   I tried some of the gluten free tortillas.  They’re not bad.  I like the green veggie ones the best. 

    Lorita, you have done a great job helping Jack get settled. I think it takes awhile for most to get used to the new routines of living in ALF.  Sounds like he’s doing pretty well.  I hope Sarah is doing better and getting the help she needs. 

    Zetta, your weather sounds about like ours.  Spring one day and 70’s the next.

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone.  I think of you often and try to read every day to keep caught up.  I forgot the rest of my responses, so will try to do better at responding more  

    Take care, Happy Mother’s Day, and enjoy the rest of your day.  Joan

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Ron - Please don't dispute the diagnosis of the VA Disability Review doctor. The doctor might be wrong about the "active malignancy" - on the other hand, he/she may be judging your claim according to VA guidelines. If your private care or VA doctors have not given you a clean bill of health (i.e. "cancer free"), then the VA Review Doctor is making the right judgement for you. If your cancer is in remission, they do not consider you "cancer free" until you've gone at least 5 years in remission. Getting a VA judgement that confers a permanent 100% disability means you'll never have to worry about future medical costs or care. It also means you'll never again need to go through the review process or the prospect of having your benefits reduced when you might need them most down the road. You served your country - now, let your country serve your needs.

    *It took 2 years and multiple reviews before the VA granted my DH a permanent 100% rating for the Vascular Dementia  presumed caused by Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. It caused heart and vascular damage that has resulted in a major stroke, a 4-way bypass surgery, and the subsequent dementia due to chronic micro-vascular strokes continuing to damage his brain. The VA can't give me my husband back, but they can pay for his health care, assure that he has a bed in the Soldier's Home if he needs it, and will bury him with honors. All as it should be.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Just another reason to not use the regular US Postal Service...lol

    Placed an order on Amazon...should have been next day delivery...originating place only about 40 miles away.  Should have been here 2 days ago.

    Where is it?  Hard to tell since it seems to be on a "vaca" tour...some how it got into the mail going to Greensboro, NC which is only about 300 miles from where it started.

    Latest update is that it left there today about 2 pm, but doesn't say where it is actually going...lol

    Glad I have a fall back plan as the contents were to go to my mother's on Sunday!

    Any wonder why folks are abandoning USPS?  If they paid as much attention to the important mail as they do delivering junk mail to me...all would be good.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     It's been a quiet, beautiful afternoon - no wind!  (put a mark on the wall as Charles would say).  I've lain on the divan almost all afternoon.  Ron, that would not happen in Oklahoma - no alligators here.  Do they actually have them in Shreveport?  I've never ben to Louisiana - always thought I'd like to go to Mardi Gras but it didn't happen.  I have seen on the news where the police shut down a highway - or stopped the traffic - to let a mother duck or goose cross the highway with her babies. 

     No idea where the saying about raining cats and dogs came from but I have seen it rain fish.  Bet you have, too.  Of course the clouds draw the water up out of ponds with the fisih and then deposit them on the pond bank.  I have actually seen that happen.

     Glad your PSA was okay.  One less thing to worry about.

     I called our Health Dept. while I was in town today to see if I could get my second booster while I was there.  That was about 10:30 - they were giving them this afternoon so I'll make an appt. and get mine next week.  Seems like there's a surge going on so want all the protection I can get.  I wore a mask today - not one other person in that clinic, patrons or employees.  But, it doesn't bother me to wear one - better safe than sorry.

     Joan - good to see your post and to know you're doing all right.  Loved the volunteer story.  He really did get a tour of the hospital, didn't he? 

     Hope you don't get a freeze on the fruit tree blooms.  I think we did here so fruit will be high this summer.  Our Asian pear trees bloomed just about the time we had a big frost so we'll see what happens.  Glad you're getting some rain - have you all been in a drought?\

     Thanks, Joan, I hope it won't be long before Jack adjusts to his new living arrangement - so much better than it was.  At least he was able to see a change had to be made for him to survive.  Thank goodness he was able to get his phone fixed this afternoon.  He had done something and he couldn't receive calls.  I realize what a change it is for him - and I'd feel the same way.  I don't like change of almost any kind.

    jmlarue - I love your avatar - reminds me of a picture I took of Stormy trying to climb the front steps when he was a little puppy.  Sounds like you've had some dealings with the VA.  I know when Charles got his 100  SC permanent and total disability rating we were really.  He took so much medication I doubt we could have afforded it if not for the VA.  Provided a good living and is still doing the same for me.  The hospital where Charles and I worked (really grew up) is on the chopping block - they want to move it to Tulsa.  The town is really objecting to the closure so hope the VA changes it's mind.

     Marie - the mail service is not good.  Wednesday I asked our vet to send some medications to me - they mailed them yesterday and I should have gotten them today - he's only about ten miles away - hopefully will get them tomorrow.  But, sometimes it's tge same with UPS - I might get it in two days or much longer.  I ordered some 3M tape for Sarah last weekend and she won't get it until the 10th.  Guess it has to do with which warehouse it comes from.  But, that's no excuse for the USPS.

     I gave Stormy his medication, some of it, for his diarrhea and Sheena took her arthritis medicine.  I looked this afternoon for what Stormy might be stepping on but couldn't find anything.  The way he chews up metal hoses you'd have thought it would have been his teeth.  You know I've spent $500 on vet bills this week but I like to keep a supply of sprays and things.  If something happens I can call the vet and he can tell me what to use and a lot of the time I have what I need.  Got a roll of wrap today in case I need to wrap Stormy's foot again.  It's all right though because I haven't really spent much on them until now.

     They've been very quiet this afternoon - sleeping.  Just now let them out to tinkle - almost afraid to let him outside.  Sheena's getting up and down better but neither of them have eaten much, if any, today.  I may have to change dog foods but sometimes that upset their stomachs.

     Looks our friends in the East are having bad weather tonight.  Sandy, hope you and your family's all right.  Talk to you soon.  The destruction from the storms we had a couple of nights ago and all the flooding has really been bad.  Some of the restaurants in Muskogee are closed to the public because they're providing food to the emergency workers.

     Carol's daughter is taking her to Church on Mother's Day.  She hasn't been able to go for four months and she's so excited.  She's had a long haul of this - just shows us what can happen in a minute that will lay us low for months.  Be careful, every one of you.

     I'll stop and let the GPs in for the night.  I like to watch Barney Miller from 11-MN but doubt I'll be doing that tonight.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    50F, 10C.  Rain this morning and then giving a few sunny days.  Im ready for some sun.  We will have a little over 2.5 in total.  No bad weather though just all day and gentle..

    Lorita I’m so sorry about all that flooding.  When we lived on the farm we had roads that flooded too and did  a lot of driving the long way.  Our roads never washed out though.

    Ron glad your psa was good.  I watched the alligator story, it was cute.

    Joan allergies bad here too.  So much rain, cool temperatures, trees are loaded with bloom and hanging on.  My eyes have been bugging me a bit.  Enjoyed your volunteer story.  Hopefully it will all work out.

    Marie while back I ordered something and it was delivered to Kentucky instead  of Ohio.  Five months later the package arrived. 

    Someone where my nephew works found a black widow spider yesterday.  They are not common in our area.  He sent me a picture.  I could easily ID it now.  Never really knew what one looked like.

    Made my best corn tortillas yet yesterday.  Was helped by watching a pita bread recipe.  Both of them need a more moist tacky dough and a hot griddle.  Griddle needs to be hot enough that when either of those doughs are laid on it the moisture is instantly changed to steam.  This is what causes both of them to puff up.  This puffing up creates the pocket of the pita bread.  If it doesn’t puff there will be no pocket.  Corn tortilla recipes never explained it, I thought they were just taping them and that was not working for me.  Yesterday I gave little pushes and up they puffed.   Then I fried them and much more crunchy than before.  Getting there with them.  Hope to try pitas but may be a bit.  They take way more preparation time than tortillas.  This time of year is busy for me.

    Also learned how to get closed caption in English for foreign YT channels this morning.  That had been frustrating me. It’s a little different on a mobile device such as an iPad. Took me digging around a few different days.  They have to make their channel so closed caption available though or you can’t.  I love learning new things.  Keeps life interesting.

    My sisters and I are going out to the Mennonite area to plant shop today.  It’s going to be misty this morning and windy.  Dampens my enthusiasm for it a bit.  Maybe when I get in that warm green house and see the plants I will feel differently.  

    Take care everyone

  • storycrafter
    storycrafter Member Posts: 273
    Ninth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions 25 Likes

    Hi Everyone. Comments above reminded me of an amusing poster I saw recently:

    "I just realized why this month is called 'May.'

    It may rain

    It may snow

    It may be 70 degrees

    It may be 20!"

    Thanks for being here. I appreciate all your posts.


  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita - I have an 8 yr old female Pug that is obese and struggles up the stairs (like my avatar picture). I do, too, if the truth be told, except my struggle is with arthritis. Poor little Emmi has been limited to 1/2 C. grain-free kibble each day for the past 4 years and she doesn't lose an ounce. We got her a Boston Terrier companion to encourage her to be more active. She just lays on the deck looking like a giant loaf of bread and watches Elmo run around the yard like a maniac. Our #2 son has a female Great Pyrenees to shepherd his two kids. Such a wonderful breed of dog (as you know) for kids as well as livestock.

    We've definitely been through the hoops and hard knocks applying for and finally receiving DH's 100% service connected disability from the VA. DH has vascular dementia with rapid progression over 6 years. He's approximately Stage 6e. It's a comfort to know that he has the disability pay, healthcare, and the promise of a bed in a Soldier's Home for nursing care if/when I can no longer keep him home. It is a shame that the VA is planning to close a number of large hospitals all over the country. Fortunately, Pres. Trump mandated that all Veterans who live long distances from a VA hospital must be referred to doctors and hospitals in their community. That has been a godsend. Prior to that, too many Veterans were dying while their names were on months-long waiting lists needing critical healthcare.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     It's a beautiful morning in Oklahoma - not much wind, yet, and it's sunny with no rain predicted for several days.  Those days, and more, will be needed to enable people to clean up after the floods.  The Illinois River is going to crest just under 30 ft. and optimal floating depth is 5-6 ft. so it's going to have to go down a lot before floating begins again.  I've never floated - I'm afraid of water.  Never learned how to swim although my family did go swimming a few times in the Illinois - I waded. 

     Helen, I love the words on the poster, nothing could be more true.  I guess we have to expect the unexpected - now, it seems in all the months.  I'm dreading 90+ degree weather next week - I'm not ready for it.

     Just saw some of the girls going into the barn - guess they know it's going to be very warm today so they're going in to find their place for the day.

     Sara -what kind of plants are you planning to buy today?  Hope you find what you want.  I haven't bought any yet but next week I'm going to get my second booster and I'll stop by WM to see what they have.  I want to get some vinca and dusty miller for the pink bathtub and, hopefully, I can find some parsley and some kind of pretty flowers to make hanging baskets.  I love Boston Ferns but they only last a month or so on the front porch because of our hot summer winds.

     Are you making flour or corn tortillas and what do you use them for?  I'd like to know how to make pita bread for sandwiches but it sounds like it's pretty complicated.  I need to make another loaf of bread today.

     I've been sweeping the floor this morning - I get enough white hair from the GPs and myself to almost make a pillow.  It's amazing how much dirt gets tracked in.  Sheena has a lot of long hair on her feet so that may be part of the reason.  Also shook out their big beds and left them outside to air out.  They need to be washed. I gave Sheena her arthritis pill this morning - thankfully, they're big and soft and she seems to like the taste.  Got two kinds of pills down Stormy (have to wrap them in cheese) so one more to go today and another one and half.  He's getting three kinds of pills. 

     I have a little light over the head of the bed that swivels so turned it on and nothing happened.  Tried another light bulb - nothing.  Finally discovered it has come unplugged - how in the world did that happen because it's at least halfway down the headboard and there's no way in the world I can plug it back in so guess I'll have to see if the cord will reach to another plug in.  Hardly ever use it so maybe I'll leave it be.  I never saw as much lint as there is behind the headboard.  Where in the world does all of that come from? 

     jmlarue - When I was in high school I had a friend who had a sister named Larue - pretty girl with red hair.  It's such a pretty name. 

     I think it's probably hard to get a dog, or cat, to lose weight.  Sarah, my niece, has a bulldog that she says weighs close to 100 lbs. - she can hardly get up and down the stairs and can't get through the doggy door.  I saw her when she was a puppy and she was so cute.  We've had so many breeds of dogs and they were all wonderful but my favorite is the Great Pyrenees.  They're so smart and good natured.  We got Sheena when she was a year old, just three months after I lost Charles and a neighbor who raises GPs had puppies and he gave me Stormy - really the pick of the litter except for the one female he had.  Stormy's a badger faced GP.  When he was a puppy his face and ears were darker - now they're a light beige.  They're so smart.  I've talked to them like they were kids since they were puppies and I know they understand all I say to them.  Stormy can be fast asleep and if I get up out of  my chair, he raises his head and watchest me until I sit down again - then he goes back to sleep. 

     We have a neighbor who had two dogs who came up across the pastures every morning to see us - one day they had what looked like a baby polar bear with them - a GP puppy.  He'd come every morning with them and one morning they left him.  Two days later they came back and he went home.  Next day when they came they left him again and he never left us.  He was so sweet and pretty.  So, he became our dog.  He had something wrong with him - never knew what it was and the vet didn't either.  He lost all the hair on his front legs and had to have some kind of treatments on his back.  He'd be better for a few days, then get worse again.  When he was eleven months old he got down and couldn't get up.  Our vet came to the house to let him go to sleep and then told me he had forgotten the medicine so he had to take him back to the clinic.  I know he didn't forget the medicine - he knew that it would be easier for me if he took him back to the clinic.  After that I was determined to have another GP.  Sheena came to me through our vet when one of his clients passed away and he also told me about the puppies.   Sorry to go into such detail - I've posted this before but you may not have seen it.  This thread has been going on for 14 years so I think I've posted everything many times.

     I worked for the VA for 33+ years and from the start there had always been rumors of our hospital closing.  Now, there's the rumor again.  The #1 priority of the Mayor in Muskogee is trying to keep the VA Hospital open - they're having demonstrations but I think the decision has been made by someone in Central Office who has no idea what a hardship it will put on our veterans in far SE Okla.  It's hard for Carol and I to imagine the VA Hospital not being there - we practically grew up there - spent our whole working career in that one place.  It's a beautiful building that sits at the top of Honor Heights Drive overlooking Honor Heights Park - a beautiful place - there used to be rose gardens and Southern Magnolias all around the building.  Now, it's mostly parking lots.  If the  VA Hospital leaves Muskogee it will break the town.

     I'm glad your husband was able to get his 100% -- well worth all the effort it takes.  Oklahoma has, or had, five or six State Veterans Homes.  Not many States have them so I'm wondering where you live.  We had applications in the ones in our State for Charles - if the time came.  We did have a couple of calls that a vacancy was available but never took one.  I was able to keep him at home until he developed pneumonia three weeks before he passed away.  The VA has been good to us in so many ways.

     Welcome to the front porch to you and Helen - always room for everyone.  It's nice out there this morning.  The lawn needs to be mowed but it's far too wet.  Bryon's son is in baseball tournaments the next several weekends so he'll do the work after he gets off his regular job.  Lots of trimming to do and altheas to get rid of.  They're coming up everywhere.  Love those and crepe myrtles because they bloom in the hot summer.

     I've written far too much so I'll stop for now.  Haven't heard anything from Jack today.  Glad Tamatha was able to get the ;problem with his phone corrected and that the water has been dried up.

     Enjoy the day.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Just wanted to share something about bad mail and meds, FWIW…and can’t resist the fish in the road.

    This may not apply to all meds, places,  or cost situation, but several doctors told me to Never have certain meds delivered by USPS  because the meds are so affected by heat and cold. Cold isn’t a problem here, but PO delivery vehicles here do not have AC. Don’t know about other delivery services. But a few hours in the PO truck would destroy the meds. Not to mention the delivery times now; many don’t get their mailed meds when they’re supposed to.

    My insurance cos. pushed mail service unceasingly, and charged slightly more for not using mail, but what’s the point of getting the meds at all if they’re ruined during delivery? Making exceptions for FL wasn’t in their playbook.

    Fish  “walking” down the roads during floods and big rains is thing we see often. Mostly called “walking catfish” that pull themselves along on big fins and can survive outside, or in very little, water for a while. Now it’s more and different exotic species. 

    They live in ponds and rivers here, then flooding washes them onto land. Big gators stopping traffic (or golf games) get on TV a lot especially in spring when they roam more. We are undoubtedly too used to them, tourists will try to feed, with bad results.

    I used to love New Orleans (still do, but not been in 5-6 years), thought it was one of the few cities I loved to visit that I’d also like to live in. But Mardi Gras was too much of a crowd and too crazy even for me. We didn’t even go to the French Quarter much, except maybe a certain restaurant.

    I got one of those “grooming gloves” with silicone nubs for the cat. It is amazing how much hair comes off on that! Truly, big mats of hair that otherwise would be floating around the house. Don’t know about longer-haired critters, but it works great on the short-haired cat, and he seems to like it.

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita - We are in Washington State - the San Juan Islands in the extreme northwest corner of the state. just a stone's throw to Victoria, Canada. DH and I were born here and have spent the vast majority of our 70+ years here. Rugged mountains, dense evergreen forests, productive,  agricultural valleys, ferry boats, Orca Whales and seafood.  And, rain. Lots and lots of rain. We don't often get the torrential downpours you do. Ours is more unrelenting, all day/every day rain 8 months of the year that's more suited to web feet and growing moss on the north side of everything. We turned to snowbirding each Winter, moving to warmer climes in Yuma, AZ for a number of years after retirement. Dementia put a stop to that this past Winter. We sold our vacation home and are hunkering down in our home of 30 years close to family and lifelong friends. I surely miss our escapes to the desert to feel the sun on my face in December. Hope I get a chance to return before I get too old to endure the long journeys.

    I enjoy your daily reports on the herd. It's mostly dairy cattle on the western side of this state. Sheep and goats, too, The cattle ranches are located across the Cascade Mountains on the drier pastures on the east side of the state. We had friends who raised the dairy farmers' bull calves for the veal market. I loved visiting the farm every spring to love on those calves. I would have been poor at the job of raising them. Hard work doesn't bother me, but I'd give them all names, consider them pets, and cry when it was time send them off to market.

    Enjoy your break from the rain and a peaceful day in the shade. I'm off to the beach. A steaming pot of mussels may be on the menu today if I can catch a low tide..

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita reminded me of a little thing that may amuse/remind somebody…I was laid low this week by flare-up of an old breathing problem I thought was gone. But I was cleaning out behind, under and inside places long untouched, and the dust was unbelievably bad. Our house is not usually open, has major filters, etc—but the dust was terrible. Caused me big problems.

    I later scrounged through old masks I panic-bought during pandemic, and arrived too late. Found some with big labels saying “K (other letter) 95”—not the mask for virus, but very close if you didn’t look carefully.

    In very small, almost unreadable tiny type, was the warning that the mask was not for any medical use, and specifically not for protection against any germ/virus/disease. They were just for dust, cleaning and construction. 

    Can use them now (but a really bad fit), but I got them for covid. My mistake. Wonder how much I paid? Probably best not to know. A lesson there for me. I had to laugh at myself, for not checking better when I got them, then not knowing what I had when I did need it.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes

    Got the promotion.  Same hours and now 2 consecutive days off instead of this weird Sunday and Wednesday.  I train for 2 weeks Monday-Friday and start the regular schedule Memorial Day weekend.

    I had a chihuahua mix named Nita who was a little chubby.  She was having her dental exam and the vet called me about a tooth that was loose and needing to be extracted and she was harping on Nita being “obese” and I could feel myself getting offended.  I kept saying “she’s a large chihuahua and I think she’s mixed with a bigger breed” lol I was so insulted.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    Day.   Congratulations on the promotion. It will be nice having your days off together. My little Molly is also a chihuahua mix and she is overweight. I like what you told your vet, I will tell mine that the next time they tell me say she is overweight. I keep putting her and me on a diet, but it doesn't last long.   

    Sara,        You talking about tortillas, reminds me of when I was a kid. We lived right next door to a Mexican family. Everyday the mama would make tortillas for her kids coming home from school. My sister and I always stopped by and got our share of these homemade tortillas, we felt like part of the family.  

    jmlarue,  Welcome to the front porch, I think I will also become a snowbird. I live in Oregon and my daughter and her husband moved to Arizona. Looks like I will b spending my winters in Maricopa Arizona.  At least that is what the plan is now.

    Lorita.   I bet your enjoying your nice weather. Get all the rest you can so you will be ready for the next storm. I bet you do have a lot of dog hair. I use a vacuum on my floors and the canaster is always full of dog and cat hair. I wish I could blame Molly for tracking in all the outside dirt but her little feet are too small so I think my son and I are responsible for that. 

    My sore arm finally went away. I have been tired I don't know if that is really so or if I have been using that as a reason I don't want to do anything. But really this is the first day I don't feel tired. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Update on Amazon package "vaca":

    It left NC and decided to go to a place in Maryland which is about 80 miles from here.  If it went via truck, it probably passed within 2 miles of my house...lol.

    Went to USPS site and asked why the heck this package was on this trip.  Response was as expected...not much more than it was mis-scanned.  Not sure how that happens when it is bar coded and machine done.

    Will see if it gets delivered Monday...doubt it since it will probably have to go to airport sort station to be sent to my city.

    Can't say much for the locations picked as it is nothing but rain...rain...rain.  Here we have had area flood watch for more than 24 hrs.  Fortunately nothing which keeps me from doing what needs doing, and hopefully no issues on drive to Mother's Sunday.

    Amazon says can cancel the purchase, but if that is done and it ends up getting delivered I will just have to take it to a return store...oh well...keep life interesting.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    43F, 6C.  Enjoyed the oyster Helen. May be sunny here today.  Didn’t buy a lot Lorita.  Bought some if Beth’s bubblegum petunias, lantanas and a few other odds and ends.  Made corn and flour tortillas this week,  make some sort of taco with corn, use flour for taco or as a wrap.  Zetta all the Mexican food channels talk about mom and her tortillas.

    Jmlarue sounds like where you live in Washington us a beautiful place at least in the summertime.

    Day glad new position worked out for you.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Zetta, please do use my wonderful rationale for chihuahua obesity.  For Nita it could have been true because I could never put my finger on what breed she was mixed with.  The chihuahua face was so strong it blanked out any other ideas.  But she had really long legs and she had almost a barrel chest.  She also wasn't a big fan of walking or wandering.  Inside she was under a blanket and outside either laying in the sun or when I would fill up her kiddie pool she would jump in and lay in the water in the sun.  Just a really awesome friend.  I adopted her when she was 2 as a companion dog to my blind dog (she would walk up to him and lick his eyes) and for my mom.  I had her until she was 14 (although the vet thought she was older) and Keys missed her terribly when she died.

    I've got Denim & Co on with Carolyn and Gary and the squirrels.  Cute stuff, but don't need any clothes.  I'm waiting for Kroger to get my grocery items ready for pickup.  They just announced that starting May 15 for the Sunday morning show only, Gary will be back in the studio with Carolyn.  That will be nice, I've enjoyed David interacting with his guests in the studio, they stay socially distanced and I've been so tired of the Zoom co-hosts.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Happy Mother's day to all my sweet front porch friends! Wish I could have sent flowers to each and everyone of you!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there and to those of us who are moms to our fur babies.  I've had a couple of crying spells this morning - guess I'm thinking of all the Mother's Days I had with my grandma and mother and also all of the losses I've had over the past few years.  Some memories are hurtful.

     It's a pretty day - windy and partly sunny.  Went out to, hopefully, feed Tom-Tom but he wasn't there - makes the fourth day he hasn't been there for breakfast.  The food disappears but probably to someone else.  I usually am able to see him north of the house sometime during the day but not lately. I'm going to say/believe he got tired of being alone and went off to find a wife.  Can't stand to think otherwise.

     Day  - I watched most of Denim & Co.  I set my alarm to go off at 5:55 but I went back to sleep and missed the first 20 minutes.  I love Denim & Co. clothes - they're well made, launder well and are fashionable.  Some of the clothes on QVC are pretty but people in our area would look out of place wearing them.  I don't need clothes either but still like to look at them. A few years ago they had Trouser Jeans - loved them and I still have a pair or two,  unopened, but probably are a bit snug.  When Charles was in the hospital I wore them all the time, even slept in them and they were so comfortable.  Wish they'd bring them back.  I wish their Sunday show wasn't on so early but as the summer goes on I'll be getting up earlier so guess it's okay.  Don't really enjoy his shows with other hosts as much as with Carolyn and the squirrels.  Will be good to see him back in the studio.

     Congratulations on your promotion - I think that's wonderful that you'll have two days off in a row and you'll have the same shift.  They made a wise choice.

     Rescue Mom - I am not a housekeeper (my mother and sister both were) but I'd rather be outside.  When I was trying to find out why my light wouldn't work I was appalled at all the lint and spider webs between the headboard and wall.  I know it's the same underneath the bed.  I don't notice those things until the door is opened and the sunlight comes in.  Wish I could find a housekeeper like Joan has - that would be great but nothing like that out here.

     Sheena slept in this morning.  I was up an hour or more before she woke up and she's asleep again.  Stormy went out and when he came and I got Sheena awake I gave them their meds for the day.  Sheena will get her vitamin later and Stormy still has a couple of antibioticsi to take.  Have to give them to him wrapped in cheese.

     I have roses blooming - the red knockout roses at the back is full of blooms and buds and I found a Queen Elizabeth blooming.  They are so pretty.  Also lots of buds on the sweet, little, pink rose over the arch at the yard gate and I've had one bloom on the salmon colored knockout rose but there's lots of buds with flowers to come. Happened to think about the Tropicana rose so checked it and I see a new shoot coming out - no blooms.  When they did some work on the fence (it's in the corner and the fence attaches to that corner) they cut it back and it hasn't done as well since then.  Does anyone know how to root a rose cutting?  I'd love to have a couple more of the Tropicana - such a pretty orange and so fragrant.    But, the yard is horrific - grass is pretty tall, what there is of it, and all kinds of other things.  The wild violets are 8-10" tall - no blooms now.  Last year I had Bryon keep the patch of them unmowed and regretted it because weeds came up among them.  He and Shane took out shrubs on the north side and there's lots of regrowth so think I'll have all but a couple of those mowed.  Wish I could find something else that would grow there.  It's shady - I've tried so many things that only lasted a year or two.

     Sara - I had forgotten about Lantana.  It's a really good plant for our hot summers and so colorful.  Which color did you get?  When we lived in the MH we had Lantana across the front of the porch and they did really well.  If I remember the  ones that are a mixture of red and yellow were taller than the lavender or yellow ones were.  I love petunias,, especially the old fashioned ones that still have a fragrance.  They do well here if they're in the shade.  I need to stop at WM and find some vinca for the bathtub before all of them are gone.

     A while back I was complaining about ants.  Someone (sorry, memory is not too good) suggested spraying with vinegar.  I'm going to do that today.  They're everywhere - I think I mentioned they were in the generator again so that's going to be costly.  I had ant traps in it but guess they were too old - even saw ants crawling on them.  If it's not one thing, it's two or three others.

      Just remembered I need to transplant some of those pretty, white flowers that have moved out into the grass before Bryon mows.

     Hope all of you have a nice day and are able to be with your children on this special day.  I remember we'd always go to Church on Mother's Day and if your mother was still living you'd wear a red rose, if not, you wore a white one.  Wonder if that tradition still holds.

     Jo - my birthday is still six weeks away - it's the first day of Summer. I was actually born on Father's Day. Which day in May is yours?  May is a pretty day to celebrate a birthday - still not too hot.  Gets pretty steamy here in Oklahoma by the first day of Summer.

     I'll be back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Great granddaughter Zoe has arrived!  much to the relief of her mother...lol.

    A healthy 6 pounds 8 oz.

    Both are doing well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Congratulations, Marie.  How wonderful - a new great granddaughter!  Is this your first one?  Hope mom is also doing well.  Do you know a name yet?  Thanks for letting us know.  How sweet to be born on Mother's Day.

     Thank you, Ron, for the thought.  Very sweet of you. Hope Lou's doing all right.

     It's been a warm, windy day with some sun. Haven't done much today.  I did go out a while ago to transplant those little, white flowers but they've bloomed and have almost disappeared now.  Did take the table fan out and got the dust out of it the best I could.  Probably going to need it this next week. 

     Well, I've found another thing I can't seem to do - I can't cook rice!!  I've cooked pounds and pounds of rice in my lifetime but for some reason just couldn't get it right today.  I think the ratio of water to rice is one to one.  That didn't work so tried two to one - still wasn't cooked very well.  I blame this second one, partially, on really old rice.  Guess I'm going to have to start getting the precooked kind that you finish in the microwave.

     Just now turned on the laptop and some kind of alarm went off in the kitchen.  Hurried in and thought it was the smoke detector so took it apart - still making the loud noise - it was the carbon monoxide detector.  Must be an old one because I just now saw one on the table by my chair.  This is funny because months and months ago I had one that kept chirping - could not get it open so took it out to the front porch and I still hear it - guess it has one of those Energizer Bunny batteries in it - guess I'm going to have to put it in the trash - but, they'd think it was a bomb so probably have to bury it.

     Sheena seems to be walking all right.  She must have tweaked her hip in some way.  They've been inside today - went out about an hour ago and are back inside now.

     Sarah called and we had a good visit.  Haven't heard from Jack today so don't know what's going on with him.  Sandy, I'm not going to worry about it - ya think!  No, really I'm not - just means he's beginning to adjust and meet people.

     Can't find anything good to watch on TV.  Zetta, I found one Gunsmoke but I'd seen it so I'm watching America Says now. 

     Tried one of the new pans and it seems to work okay - brings water to a boil quickly.  Really like the color.  Doesn't take much to make me happy, does it?

     Tomorrow's trash day - again.  Seems like ti was day before yesterday when I took it down last.  Report on the roads from Mike today is that they're still awful.  Our County doesn't work the roads until just before a rain but he said the County just across the road from us has already graded theirs.  I know when I was working and the weather was bad I'd go out through that county to work.

     Stormy seems to be doing all right - taking his medicine with ai little coaxing.  I can take off the bandage tomorrow. 

     Rescue Mom - hope you get your package soon.  I ordered Ritz crackers from Amazon over a week ago and still haven't gotten them - last delivery date given was the 10th.

     Quiet day here.  Hope all of you had a Happy Mother's Day.  See you tomorrow.

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    What a gift! My grandson was born on Mother's Day 9 years ago. No one has been able to top that present since. Hope you have a chance for lots of cuddles before her new baby smell wears off.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Happy Mother's Day, to all my friends on the front porch. Ron this is also for Lou she also is a front porch friend. Even the fur babies Moms. My kids have been out of the house for a long time so the only babies I have now are Molly and Sammy. 

    Day.   I was just having fun with you I won't use what you said, to my vet. My Molly is also round like a barrel and has long legs. I am not sure what she is mixed with, I adopted her from a shelter. She was a year old when I got her and now, she is seven. That is her and my cat Sammy in my avatar. 

    Marie.  Congratulations on the new granddaughter. It is so nice she was born on Mother's Day. I am glad to hear both Mom and baby are doing good. It has been years since I have held a baby. My granddaughter is 7 so it's been that many years. jmlarue is right saying babies have a baby smell, so enjoy that while you can. 

    Lorita.   I am also surprised how dust collects under my bed and behind things. About once a month I push the vacuum cleaner hose under and behind things and it does a good job and it's so easy. I had to laugh about your detector still chirping. Have you tried breaking it? Maybe just throw it on the ground, it might even just pop open and not break. 

    Your right there was nothing on TV today. I watched my westerns all day yesterday. Today I watched the ID channel most of the day. You probably won't like ID, it's all about true crimes.   

    Good night, Hugs Zetta 

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    It's getting late, but this is my quiet time while DH watches a little TV just before bed. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome to the front porch. I value friends I can talk to about anything except dementia.

    After almost a week of daily rain, Mother's Day was blessed with blue skies, full sun, and temps. in the 60's. Had a phone chat with my son and grandchildren (ages 5 & 9) living in the panhandle of Idaho. They are finally digging out of all the snow they get and I'm hoping we can visit them next month. Our oldest son and his 4 children came to the house with flowers and a card. The best gift of all - we had a nice long visit. Their lives are so busy, it's hard to get everyone together and sitting still for very long. The oldest boy is 20 and just finished his basic training in the Coast Guard. He'll be leaving for his first duty station next week. It so hard to grasp the idea that he's an adult with adult responsibilities. My old eyes still see him as that little boy with dirt on his face.

    Zetta - I'll be anxious to hear how you like the desert in the Winter. I'm pretty sure the climate will agree with you at least until mid-April when the heat starts to climb. Maricopa is a nice location. I have friends all around the Phoenix metro area. Most started as snowbirds, but quite a few are now full-time residents. About 3 hours south of Maricopa are some wonderful sandy beaches in Puerto Penasco on the Gulf of Mexico. If you have the opportunity to go, take the dog's vaccine records so they can go too. Even my chubby Pug enjoyed the beach.

    Sayra - I agree. The San Juan Islands are particularly beautiful in the summer months. We get a lot of vacationers through here through September. October begins the long winter of my discontent. I'd rather be in Yuma, AZ.

    I keep looking at the flower and vegetable starts coming into the greenhouses and wishing the cold and rain away so I could get my hands dirty in the garden. It's only fit for making mud pies right now. The bees are late this year coming out of their hives because it's been too cold. I suspect our early blooming fruit trees won't get good pollination this year and result in a small crop.

    Hope everyone had an enjoyable Mother's Day. Good night.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    54F, 12C.  Beautiful day yesterday.  Sounds like our weather pattern has been similar Jmlarue even though we are miles apart.  Seen minor flooding when I was out in country Saturday.

    Lorita if I remember right the lantanas are red, orange and pink.

    Hope to get outside work done today.

    Hope you are doing ok Judith.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    It's go time in the garden now! We bought a pallet (80 bags) of mulch last week and have about 1/2 of it placed. Will need at least one more pallet; last year we bought 3 pallets. I planted green beans, beets, carrots, kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, lettuce and spinach seeds and 3 tomato plants (Jetstar). I am going to plant my elephant ears today and mulch. I also planted 500 zinnia seeds (Benary Giant/aka Park's Picks Mix). They grow over 3 feet tall and are so pretty. I've planted them for years now. I also have some nasturtium seeds and some smaller zinnia varieties to plant. Need to get my herbs yet (rosemary, parsley, basil). I planted dill and fennel seeds. 

    What's blooming in the garden? Tulips, daffodils, summer snowflake plant, pansies, petunias, lathyrus vernus (perennial sweet pea). Lorita, I also planted purple hyacinth bean seeds. 

    Yesterday we had so many birds at the feeders. I have out sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, nyjer and grape jelly. Lots of orioles and rose breasted grosbeaks yesterday. So fun to watch. 

    We'll be in the high 80's today and low 90's Tuesday and Wednesday. Likely the heat will be coming your way, Sara.

    Have a blessed day!  Beth

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Here is my family...I have a son and daughter.

    I have 7 grandchildren...3 boys and 4 girls.  All adults except for 1 boy and 1 girl.  All are either working or in some level of school or both.

    I have 5 great grandchildren...4 boys and with our new Zoey being the only girl so far.  2 are in elementary school.

    For the moment, we all live in Virginia.  One of the grands may be moving with her brood overseas this year due to husband's military assignment.

    They all stay busy and are very involved in the children's activities, so getting together is not so easy.  We do try to get everyone together for the holidays...even if we have to celebrate on a date other than what the calendar says.  One year we even had Christmas get together in January just to get all the schedules coordinated!

    Thank goodness for face time, facebook and the like to keep up with all that is going on with them!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes



     It's already 79 here which should be the high for the day - the whole week is going to be way above average.  Thank goodness there is a good south wind.

     Marie - what a nice family you have.  You're so lucky to have such a big family.  I'm always envious of people who have lots of relatives.  We used to but now it's down to a great niece and nephew and me plus a few cousins.  Good that you all can get together sometimes.  My friend, Carol, has four children and each of them has three or four kids and she has one great grandchild.  When they get together there's over 50 of them and the good thing is they all live within 60 miles of her, most of them much closer.

     Took down the trash so got that done.  Picked up Saturday's mail - the only thing was the farm insurance premium due this month.  I got the declaration of coverage last month and had the hay, cattle and cattle collision taken off which should have taken about $200 off the premium.  The premium due, according to the form I got, has a premium due to $1700+.  Looks like they added back what I wanted taken off.  Called them and they're going to check into it - also decided I'd take off the tractor and other equipment (forgot that).  It seems like more and more things get messed up - you have to take care of the part you do plus what other people are supposed to do. 

     Finally got two big pills down Stormy.  He's caught on that I'm hiding them in cheese - tried that twice - he ate the cheese and left the pill, tried it in two kinds of canned dog food and he finally got it down.  Don't know how I'll get the rest of them down. 

     Zetta, I threw away two smoke detectors this morning - just now heard the one on the front porch cherp.  It's been doing that for three or four months.  I've tried everything I can think of to get into it.  Guess I need to order another one from WM or Amazon.

     Beth, I bet your garden is beautiful with all those flowers blooming.  Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you getting things planted and mulched.  Do you put down mulch every year?  When I was growing up mother always had two long rows of flowers in the garden and we always had a fresh bouquet on the table.  I continued that after Charles and I got married.  The flowers that do best here in our heat are zinnias, marigolds and cosmos plus a few others.  Now the only flowers I can have are the ones in the bathtub - and the cows eat them when they're in that area after they calve, roses and caladiums.  Can't have plants or flowers in the house because of the cats.  I try to have bouquets of daffodils when they're in bloom but it seems the cats think it's their job to pull them out of the vases.  I need to cut mulberry sprouts out of the rose bushes and also some of the dead branches.  I don't have nearly as many as you but do have five in bloom right now with another about ready.  Do you ever start cuttings from roses?  If you do, could you tell me how to do that so I can start some more Tropicanas?

     Made my appointment a while ago to get my second booster - Wednesday at 10:30.  I'll stop at WM to see what plants they have and maybe get to the grocery store before I get it so I can come straight home.  Will be glad to get that done.  It's been about seven months since I had my first booster.  Surely doesn't seem like it's been that long.

    Jmlarue, your grandson being born on Mother's Day is a gift that keeps on giving.  I think I've mentioned that I was born on Father's Day which in that year was the first day of Summer.  It's really hard to believe that I'll be 80 next month - seems like yesterday I was a teenager, well almost. 

     Called United Engines this morning about the generator so guess Anthony will be out sometime this week to fix it.  She was going to look into what we can put in it to keep the ants away.  Judith, do you have trouble with ants getting into your generator?  Shannon told me they're everywhere this year - same with ticks.  I'll be so glad to get the lawn mowed - almost afraid to walk out in it because of the ticks.

     In our west pasture there are lots and lots of blackberries vines.  Mike says they'll have to use a bulldozer to dig them up, then let them dry and burn the vines.  I asked if they were blooming and they have and already have berries on them.  When they first got started down there they were growing up in the trees and the berries were huge.  He said some are big now and some are smaller.  To scary to go down in there to pick them - could be a wild hog hiding in the vines.  He was checking the fence and said he found one place where it was down with a little trail across it - probably from deer that are bedding down in the trees.  The Gator is 4WD and he said it was all it would do to get through the mud over in that area.  But I guess the hot weather and wind will dry up some of the mud - already has some around the barn.

     Enjoy your Monday.  Used to dread Mondays when I was working - now I dread it because it's trash day.




  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I guess you get lots of boxes for trash since like me you do a lot of ordering on line.

    I am sure you break them down before taking to trash...I do too.  I have found that if I lay them down and then tie twine around them like for a package, it makes them so much easier to handle.  Just pick them up by the twine.

    I suspect that the ant problem has been made worse because of all the rain.  Normally they would stay underground most of the time, but have probably been forced above ground due to water.

    I assume that your generator is outside.  You may want to look into an outdoor pesticide (animal safe of course).  I see that there are kinds which work on ticks as well as ants.  Might help to have some of your helpers to put it around your house and car port and where the generator sits.  No idea how well that works if you get lots more rain.

    Sun is out today for the first time in it seems forever, but more rain expected toward the end of the week.  Temps actually more like spring today too.  Would like a bit of spring weather before it turns summer hot.

    Hope all friends on the front porch are doing well today.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    My grandson (9yrs) and I made his mommy belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for Mother's Day breakfast. The waffle maker and the "secret" recipe were my uncle's.

    I cried as I was helping my grandson, while sharing memories of my uncle making these for me and other family members. If you were invited to my uncle's house for brunch you would be treated to his famous belgian waffles.

    I'm so "lost" and depressed (I have taken different types of depression meds for years, plus I have been in therapy off/on for years, in fact my best friend used to be my therapist)

    My husband may not understand what I'm feeling but he has been my rock. I know he's worried about me. He holds me as I cry, tells me he loves me and will always be here for me. I'm so lucky to have him yet he says the same about me.

    I have taken 6 months off work (I feel that right now I can't focus on what my clients need me to do for them so it's not fair to them or me) Mhusband has told me I can retire if I want to. 

    Sorry all just not in a good place right now. I know you all understand.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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