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Just need to talk to my friends (171)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    64F, 18C.  Small chance of rain.  That would not be a bad thing.

    Thank you for sharing your peach cobbler and Mac & cheese.

    Zetta think I would rather volunteer.  Get to make my own hours.

    Lorita I hope you get your computer issues straightened out.  Miss your posts.

    Judith hope you are doing ok.

    Got a bit more done yesterday.  Got some mulch down, will slowly get it done.  I have a lot of Sunflower volunteers.  Transplanted some of them.  Bought 3packs of seeds.  Don’t think I’m going to need them.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Thanks, I'm missing writing the long posts but it's giving you all a rest.  Been a busy , stressful week with someone here every day.    I'm pooped. Will get back in the saddle next week.  Going to rest this weekend.  Can only write a little before the tablet loses it. Hope all of you are well.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    So I am thinking that since Lorita's laptop and PC have both broken down that the problem may be her wifi connection?

    Lovely here...need to get the bulbs in now...dirt is ready.

    Another appt Monday with new Neuro. Cross your fingers this one takes place.

    The "flip house has become the new neighborhood home for frogs....big ones. Glad the cowboy is taking cake of the problem and no he is not killing any of them.

    I have decided to  use a shredder for my paper waste. Any tips???

    Jo....ordered the black sandles fro Orthofeet. They fit my fat feet...take a look.

    Gardners and birders...love the posts.

    Cooks...could we switch from peaches...lol

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Lorita’s problem might be her WiFi.  I’ve had trouble with that sometimes.  I’m seriously thinking of getting a new iPad. I’ve had this Mini iPad for about 15 years.  I’m noticing it is not capable of any new operating system updates so I can’t connect to some things I need to. I have a computer but could get rid of it too and print off of just the iPad.  I’ve found the Apple system to work effortlessly and so easy to understand. 

    Lorita, you should be set for the summer now that all your repairs are finished.  I wanted to share the name of this barrier spray I used to get rid of tiny elm tree bugs that were invading my house.  I’ve had the bugs for three years and since I sprayed, I haven’t seen any in the house.  It’s for both indoor and outdoor use.  I’m thinking maybe it would help with your ant problem.  It’s Ortho Home Defense.  I’m going to try and send a picture of the label.  Maybe you could use it more often outside around the generator, especially after a storm.  

    I made homemade Mac and cheese a few nights ago.  I needed some of your peach cobbler to go with it.  Sorry for mentioning peaches Judith. Lol

    The wind here this spring has been wicked.  We’ve had gusty bursts of 40-50 mph and constant blowing every day for weeks. I am not a fan. I got a few replacement plants for my plots.  I’m planning to plant tomorrow if I don’t get blown away. 

    Judith, I’ll be thinking of you Monday. Now you know the route, I hope you arrive right on time.  

    Ron, I was never really sick when Harv was home, but on the days I was extra tired or out of sorts, I would sit with him in front of the tv with snacks.  He usually loved comedy shows and was always ready to eat.  That’s so hard to not feel well and be responsible for a loved one.  I hope you can find some help, and that you are feeling better.  

    Nicole, what a sweet dh you have.  I hope you are feeling better each day.  Give yourself time and take care of yourself. You need that right now.  

    I hope everyone is doing something fun today. I think I’ll go for a short walk in the wind.  Have a nice weekend all. Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes
    Lorita, here’s the picture of barrier spray. Joan
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iit's the laptop won't space or scroll. Will call tech support Monday. Tablet lets me type a Coupke of sentences before it cuts off.  I'm still reading so keep posting.  Miss you all
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Hmmm...not wifi....maybe battery in the pad...try typeing while charger is plugger in. That has worked for me.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Saturday All,

    Thank you Joan. It's comforting to know you all understand.

    Joe, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Bad enough to not feel good but add on being a caregiver. I was lucky my uncle could afford caregivers so if I wasn't feeling well I called the agency and had someone come out.

    I went over to my dads house today, as soon as he hugged me I cried. Yes I'm a daddy's girl. When I was done he made me a vodka and cranberry (uuummm.....more than a few) my daughter was driving so I could indulge a bit.

    I also found out that my brother (only blood sibling and 3 yrs younger than me) is in the hospital with gout in his knee. Swollen and he can't bare weight on it. Dr's are draining it but want to do surgery, yet he has CHF and his heart isn't strong enough. 

    We don't talk anymore (his choice) due to him not receiving anything from my uncle's will. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    61F, 16C.  

    Judith I shred a lot of paper as long as it is just regular paper.  Don’t really have any advice though.  Compost the shredded paper, it is now part of the soil things are growing in.  It still amazes me when I mix paper, leaves and food scraps then in a few months have soil.

    Got a lot done yesterday.  Didn’t plant things but got a lot of cleanup work done and a bit of mulch down, still have  a little left to do.  They are giving much cooler weather last week of May.  Going to keep an eye on that.  Don’t want to plant hot weather things if that turns out to be true.  Will be good for the lettuce and other greens though.

    Glad you got to visit with your dad Nicole.

    Take care everyone, will be glad when you have  working computer Lorita.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Tried it, Judith didn't help.  Warm am, storms predicted later.  .  Six days out from  being close to Anthony , outside, without mask.  Not feeling too good must have a bug.

    Still reading -


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Happy Birthday, Jo!!!  Not sure of the date but know it's in May.  Have a good one.  
  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Blessed Sunday to all.

    Every day it's becoming more difficult to get myself up and moving. The arthritis has destroyed both hip joints over the years and I'm now facing the prospect of a double hip replacement surgery. The pain had become a constant companion even with regular doses of pain meds meant to relieve it. I had really hoped to be able to push the idea of surgery back until my DH was settled in a full-time care facility, but it appears I'm running out of time to make that happen. His dementia is progressing rapidly, but not to the point that he will make an easy adjustment to leaving me and his home. Not just yet, anyway. This next week I'll be busy trying to find some work-arounds to keep us both home and moving around for a little longer. Wish me luck.

    Lorita - Much like you, I've been occupied these past few months with getting some repairs and remodel done on the house. The last major remodel was done 15 years ago when DH and I were still hale and hearty and able to DIY most of it. This time it's required a parade of contractors and handymen coming and going. It's hard to resist the impulse to pick up a paint brush myself. We're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm really happy with the look and functionality that's been added. It would be nice to look forward to many more years in this house but, realistically, I don't think we'll be here a few years from now. Still, I'm going to enjoy it while I can and be satisfied that the improvements will make it easier to sell when the time comes. The downsizing and decluttering is burdensome and ongoing. I should have started this Swedish Death Cleaning project a long time ago.

    I envy those of you who are starting to get out in the garden. Aside from our uncooperative  weather here in Washington, the old body won't allow me to get on my knees anymore. I miss harvesting the fresh veg from the cottage garden and the absence of colorful and fragrant annuals around the house. Everything has altered with the single goal of being low maintenance. Aside from my precious roses, pretty flowers have given way to evergreen shrubs, bark, and rock-scaping that serve to tamp down the weeds. It's attractive (in it's own way), but I sure do miss the riot of color I once had.

    I'm going to enjoy this day of rest and try to recharge my batteries for the upcoming week. Hope you all find some beauty and joy in your Sunday.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Goodness; I certainly do miss hearing more from Lorita.  It must feel a bit strange not beging able to use the computer as you are used to doing.  Thank you very much for the Happy Birthday greeting, it is actually on Monday, May 23.  Strange looking at the number of years I will be - I do not feel like that on the inside, but there it is anyway and the mirror proves it.  Sigh.

     Lorita, you have been feeling a bit not well for quite some time.  Sure wish you could get those labs done.  Also, you have been bitten by multiple tics; sometimes they can leave a person a bit ill without it being overwhelming. Does not have to be Lyme Disease, so do give it a bit of a watch.  My goodness; you have had so much work done on the house and now have that AC working again.   You will be well prepared for the summer.  Hopefully you will get those labs done very soon and hope you will begin to feel much better soon.

     Have any of you used diatamaceous earth as an insect killer?   Do look it up with Google; it can be very effective and is non-toxic.  We had a neighbor at the end of the block cut down a huge stand of tall cypress going the entire length of his property.  What he did not know was that the huge stand of trees were harboring cockroaches . . . they were literally running down the sidewalks and streets in the hundreds.  Horrible.  When they hit our house I was appalled. We were told about diatmaceious earth (have to get a safe grade), and it worked well.   It killed not only the offenders, but also it took it back to their nests and killed those critters too.   We laid it out around the perimeter of the house as well as under the refrigerator and in the back of cupboards to be safe.  It is non-toxic to pets and humans IF you buy the right type - do look it up on Google if you are thinking about using it.  It will also kill ants, but they do not take it back to their nest colony.

    jm; I love the state of Washington.  We came close to moving up north from SoCal.  We found that Poulsbo, is called "The Blue Hole," as it does not get the same rainfall the rest of the state does.  Still gets a lot, just not as much.  We found a lovely piece of property that overlooked the Strait of San Juan DeFuca; however, DH was a ways from retiring as yet and then long term family needs overtook our plans.  Such a beautiful state.   We took a large vessel from Wa to Canada and really enjoyed those trips.

    Congratulations Day on your promotion and being able to get two days off in a row - wonderful news and so hope you enjoy the changes.

    Also happy news with Marie's newest grandbaby, little Zoe; bet she is adorable.  I so miss having a baby to snuggle.

     Judith; want to tell you that you wrote a beautiful response to the family of the elderly woman in a NH who kept saying she wanted to kill herself.  It truly was a beautiful response and just the right information.  HEY - Neuro?  What is happening to need Neuro, I must have missed that  . . . hope you get that appt. and all goes well.  Thank you for the shoe reference.  My poor wide, fat feet . . . alas.

     Nicole; I am sorry for your situation and so hope that solace and peace find you soon. You have been in the role of caregiver for your Uncle for so long and all of that has changed which has brought you a huge change in your life too. I hope that soon it will all settle for you.  So glad you have such a supportive husband; that is a blessing.

      Ron; as for your question what to do when you are not well and Lou continues to require a lot of hands on.  Why not ask that question on the open board?  There would be a lot of input.  From what I can think of; there are some options, but all require a different approach which may not be what you wish.  First; the neighbor lady that has helped before; she could be used in the daytime hours; there is also the prospect of hiring someone in for night shift if there are funds available and if Lou tolerates it.  Also the prospect of respite placement which I think would be the least of what you would wish.  Finally; and I do NOT mean to sedate Lou to kingdom come, but if she is acting out more and more and there is a special need, it may be that she needs some medication adjustment by her dementia specialist which would help her also to not feel so upset.  The specialist could also prescribe something to aid in her getting a full nights sleep.  Just some option ideas; you really would be better served to take care of your needs too with so much going on.   Sure hope you let the doctor know you were running a temp, and coughing with some blood return.  I send you my best and warmest thoughts; you are a dear and thoughtful caring husband.

    We here have been having 96 degree weather.  The night blooming jasmine has flourished this year and is in abundance now sharing its scent with us like a fine perfume.  All is growing well and flowers blooming; we shall see how the water restrictions come about; we are already very careful about use.  Our city has its own wells for water and uses water reclamation for all parks and public land, so it is doing well at this point.

    DH had a birthday yesterday.  He wanted Olive Garden for dinner; been awhile.  Not as tasty as I recalled it.  Guess all things change.

     Hello to you Joan; I bet that was some really tasty homemade macaroni and cheese; you do sound like an awesome cook and baker; we are all going to meet over at your house sometime soon!

    Time to get off the Front Porch and get on to some things needing doing, thinking of all of you with warmest thoughts; take care one and all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Severe  weather all around not here yet.  Jo, I do miss writing more- so much to say.  Will try to get labs and test this week+ and more sleep.  Think I ate too much mac and cheese yesterday.  Hail all around did put PU in carport.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes
    We often speak of flowers here on the Front Porch; here is a lovely story . . . https://www.yahoo.com/news/husbands-love-wife-lives-field-233400076.html J.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Larue, sorry about the arthritis in your hips know it's painful and restricts your movement.  Do you take glucosamine?  I've taken it for mine and it helos.  Be very careful and don't fall.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita...plug in your new computer...open the lid...press the app that looks sort of like a wave. If I am wrong you have done no harm and someone here can walk you through connecting to the internet.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    56F, 13C.  Got a little rain early this morning.

    Jmlarue definitely there comes a time for most of us when we need to go lower maintenance.  Feel I’m slowly starting that process myself.  Can’t kill myself watering this summer.  If it dies I will just mulch over it.

    Giving fairly low night temperatures in about a week.  Guess I will have to wait off a bit putting hot weather things out.

    JoC that field of daffodils must be beautiful.

    Made corn tortillas yesterday, best yet.  They puffed on their own and was successful at making taco shells with them.  Gives me hope for pita bread.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Happy Birthday Jo. Lou's Birthday is the 28th, guess May was a good month for beautiful women. Our oldest son and his family are planning on coming and youngest son said he was coming in May, but didnt know if he could make it for her birthday. She was 30 when our oldest was born and he will be 54 in August,  do the math.

    My Urologist appointment is Wednesday and I also have a appointment with "all of us research" after the Urologist. Last month I received correspondence on the all of us research. It is a research program for civilians and veterans that will take lab, measurements and other data. The VA has a Million veterans program that has been going on for a couple of years. The difference in the Million man research program and all of us program is feedback. Million man program does not give you any information they have found from your results and the all of us program tells you what they have found from your lab and will even give you DNA results. 

    Hope everyone has a good week!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Jo, what a lovely story- I know the flowers are beautiful.

    Sara, nice you  decided to cut back some.

    Judith, gOt it  out of box charging now. Turned it on but didn't  get further. Will call tech  support l

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    this is what you are looking for

    Microsoft Edge browser updates on iOS devices with fresh new app icon ...

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    That symbol is for the browser, "Microsoft Edge," which is different from the Chrome browser.  You may have a preference for what you use or if new, what your tolerance would be for learning a new process.

    I am a complete technical idiot - I have to have either a professional or my son to make changes or additions to my laptop.  So wish I were more competent on that side of things but alas.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I have Edge on my old laptop but I can't get that far on the new one.

    Going to get a covid test early in am, then groceries.  Can't get booster til pm so later this or next week.  Will get laptop set up this week..

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I think Lorita does prefer chrome but by selecting edge on her new computer she will be connected with the internet via the bar at the top of her screen and she can connect with alzconnected.org. Then when she wants to do other than the internet...documents and spreedsheets....she can get her old and new computers to a professional to get set up. That is exactly what I did. 

    Neurologist visit was to confirm neuropathy which has crept  up from my feet to just below my knees. It was my first visit and am over themoon happy that I researched the Dr I wanted. Yes, it was almost an hour away but he was fabulous. He spent a good 90 minutes. ..ordered additional blood work and set an appt for further testing in July.

    He also determined that I have carperal tunnel in my right hand and to get a well fitting brace to wear at night.

    I picked him because of his training at the Weil Medical College. He was raised in Brasil and speaks 4 languages...thankfully English is one of them.

    Anyone thinking of making an apple crisp?  I have a longing...lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sorry about the neuropathy. Does it bother you other than with balance? Glad you got the appt. With the doctor you wanted..

    I like internet Explorer but many sites don't support it .  Guess I'll change to Edge.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Apole crisp love it!!  Mine is always too sweet.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning!

    We are having really nice weather. 70s-low 80s. Perfect. Next week we'll have some highs in the 60s. This is awesome gardening weather. Vegetables now coming up: carrots, kohlrabis, lettuce, radishes, spinach, beets, green beans. As far as flowers go, the tulips and daffodils are done now - the 90 degree temps did them in. They were beautiful when in bloom, though. I have hundreds of daffodils of different varieties, and maybe 400 or so tulips in purple, pink - and mainly - red, red/orange, red/yellow combination and a few yellow. I have lavender and brilliant pink creeping phlox, lilacs, clematis, red, yellow and white trillium, bellwort, Virgina bluebells, Solomon's seal, lily of the valley, and roses in bloom now. I also have 3 old fashioned laundry tubs full of Supertunia 'Vista Bubblegum.' (other pots as well) We have put down about 120 bags, 2 cubic feet each, of mulch. We have about 40 more. Our Japanese maples are so pretty now! We have one with brilliant pink leaves ('Geisha gone wild') and one with deep maroon leaves ('Bloodgood'). 

    Lorita, I so miss your long "stories." Hope you can get your computer going. You are missed!

    JMLarue, so sorry about your hip arthritis. So much pain! May you be able to get adequate treatment soon. I'm sorry your body said it was time to change up your gardening. How about a few pots of color? Not hard to care for, just plant and water. 

    Hi Jo, An early wish for a happy birthday! You speak of diatomaceous earth (DE). I had occasion to use it inside in a pot. This winter we were having a lot of gnats in the house. They were gnats that were in the potting soil. We put DE on top of the soil. It prevents the larvae from living and going on to be gnats. Also got some sticky things that we put in the soil and the gnats stick to it and die. 

    Ron, hope you are doing better. You are such a trooper. God bless you and your beloved Lou.

    Sara, I understand about the garden downsizing. It's something I dread doing. My garden is HUGE, and very colorful. I'll attach 2 pics in its full glory. It's still got a lot of bloom to come...p.s. The raspberry/blackberry beds aren't there any longer and neither are the large hackberry trees toward the back of the property - they were lost in a storm.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    Beth...beautiful. One can only imagine how much work. Do you have cut flowers inside all summer?

    Ron...thanks for keeping us in the loop regarding your health. I encourage you to have a Plan B in place not only for possible long term placement but incase you just need more help at home. 24/7 is really hard and you know you do not get a medal for doing it...lol

    Sayra,  how is your hospital work coming along?

    Jo...happy birthday late so happy birth week.

    Lorita...how did you get edge on your windows 7?

    JML....I only have pots now....geraniums. Totally satisfied. Oh, wait. Forgot about the caladiums. 150 along the fence.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Judith, did you plant all of the bulbs and did you soak them?  Haven't planted mine yet.

    Beth,the pictures are gorgeous.   I could Sit among all that beauty all day.

    Covid test was negative.Bought groceries and was worn out after getting them loaded and unloaded into the  house.

    Happy early birthday to our Lou.  Hope it's a good one.  Ron, hope you're well.

    Judith , the Indian techs loaded it into the laptop months ago.  I've used it but like I E better.

    Something is bothering g my driveway alarm found it in the road this  morning. Tom Tom or raccoon?

    Better stop before I lose this.  Everything is okay with all of us here. Need to call for lab work appt.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    55F, 13C.

    Beth hope you get lots of veggies.  Had a few nice tulips here when I moved in.  This year something ate them off.   Guess that is the end of them. My irises are full of buds.  Lol I have 12 bags of mulch down.  Will have to put a little more down.  

    Judith believe things are going ok at hospital.  Seems like I have to learn a lot of things the hard way but nevertheless I’m learning.  Did you get your apple  crisp made?

    Lorita raccoons are such a nuisance.  I like to water my plants with fish emulsion when I first set them out.  The coons dig my plants out looking for a fish due to smell.  I was able to repot all the plants and they survived.  Have my little fences up now.

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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