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Just need to talk to my friends (171)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Humid and  72 here.  .Fed Tom but not there Located him at  barn in standoff with calf.  Got a couple of ticks off his back and took him to his feed.  Didn't eat and went back to barn..

    Sara,  cows ate tulip leaves last year so only had one bloom this year..

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Sayra...no, I did not get the apple crip made. I was hoping someone would make it for "the Porch". Well you haven't gotten locked  inside a closet yet, right?

    Lorita...I thought you were  Chrome/Google user. 

    Internet Explorer will be retired and go out of support on June 15, 2022. The same Internet Explorer 11 apps and sites you use today can open in Microsoft Edge with IE Mode. 

    Not certain what the above means but it might be important to you. I am sticking with chrome.

    Have not gotten the bulbs planted but am some closer. 250? How optomistic was that...lol

    The neuropathy....constant discomfort/awareness but no pain as of yet and that is really a good thing.  Thanks for asking. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Haven’t been locked in a closet yet.  Neither have I got a patient out on the roof lol.
  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Aw.....Spring! Weather Service issues a high wind warning for the islands (WA State) for late afternoon into evening. Snow advisory above 4,000 feet for up to 15". That usually means closed mountain passes - east/west travelers beware. Clouds, rain, sun breaks, hail, snow...locals always say, "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes." So true. So true.

    I'm preparing to do battle with the itty bitty sugar ants today. I managed to get those little boogers cleared away from the house a couple of years ago by making my own ant bait stations. Borax & sugar inside the cheap plastic food storage containers works to keep anything except ants from getting to it. I put these under the house and around the outside perimeter. The entire neighborhood is inundated this year - all my neighbors are fighting to keep them out of their kitchens and pet food dishes, too. Wish me success.

    Hoping to find some time today to play in my sewing room. It's been weeks since I've had a chance to return to a quilt in progress and some machine embroidery that has been hanging fire. I purchased a longarm quilting machine 2 years ago and am finally feeling somewhat competent with it. The problem is stepping away from it for very long. I tend to lose the muscle memory needed for the free-hand designs I like to do. It can take several hours to get back into "dancing" with my machine and having fun again. Sadly, I don't have much time anymore for marathon hobby pursuits since my DH's dementia care takes priority. I'm getting a little behind in knocking out promised gifts for family and friends.

    Is anyone else feeling frustrated and angry over our economy in freefall, the meteoric rise in the cost of everything, and bare shelves at the grocery? Had to fill up the car yesterday. Cheapest gas is now $5.37/gal. a gallon here - up another dollar from last month. I read an article predicting it could go to $10/gal in a matter of weeks and reports of stations running out of supply. It's like deja vu back to the Jimmy Carter years. Hated it then - hate it now.

    On a positive note, the rain has stopped and I see one of those fleeting sun breaks starting. Maybe I'll get time to put out the ant baits without getting soaked to the bone. Later, I think I'll make a nice Wacky Cake as a treat. Nothing boosts my mood better than a strong cup of coffee and a piece of dark chocolate cake.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Many reasons for the high gas price but no, the Keystone Pipeline is not one of them. So many prices are high and keep raising...flexibility seems important today.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Larue, love wacky cakes - make lots of them.  I put a thin layer of frosting on them when they're warm.

    Ants!! they're driving me.nuts.  Using Zevo but onky works for a couple of days. At l e astthe generator is ant free. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Paid ,$3.60 for an avocado yesterday. Diesel is $5.45, gas $3.60.  Everything is higher and probably will never go back down.  Shelves.in pur little store are well stocked.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Have used borax and sugar quite successfully to get rid of ants many times. 

    There is plenty of food on our shelves here.  When I see all of it I say Thank You Lord.

    Gas has went up some here.  It is 4.49 today.  I am able to watch my fuel consumption and have been able to keep it down.  Try to not use A/C in my car, that saves quite a bit.  I just sweat, know I’ll get in ac when I get home.  

    Work tomorrow, then taking nephew out to dinner for birthday.  So probably see you Friday if nothing happens.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Watched Toad bulldoze berry vines and trees this afternoon.  He is a magician with. that bulldozer.  This was in our old garden place.  Now it looks like it did when we  first started the garden.

    Hot afternoon heat index 97..  It was hot while I watched   but en jOyed  it. e1

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Beth, your garden is breathtakingly beautiful.  What a lot of hard and loving work goes into making such a sweet outcome.   You are an amazing steward of the earth; I can well imagine God smiling.   Thank you for sharing the photos, it pleases me deeply to see them - food for the soul, so to speak.  I can imagine how satisfying it must be to sit and look at it all in bloom and listen to the birds sing as a soft breeze blows once it is all blooming and happy.

    As for shortages, we have seen no shortages at any of the multiple grocery stores we shop at; no empty shelves.  Also, no shortages at the gas stations where we are.  The price of a gallon went up to a bit over $6.00 today.   At CostCo, the cost per gallon is a bit over $5.00/gallon.  CostCo has 36 gas pumps; they get multiple deliveries of gas from big gas tanker trucks during the day to keep the pumps full to meet the demand.

    We have a Citi Bank Visa Card from CostCo which saves us more with all CostCo purchases, and it can be used anywhere, not just at CostCo - it has annual cash back dynamics and we have had some really hefty checks from them as we purposely use the card everywhere for most all of our purchases - we pay the card off to zero each month so we have absolutely no interest and we get the cash back perk, so purchases in that context are less.

    I stay informed but am very careful where I get my information from and am also careful to try and verify accuracy.  Greed and avarice of the gas/oil folks is nothing new along with other dynamics causing some lapses.  ( Remember the looooooong lines at gas stations a few years back for "gas shortages,"  and then it was found that tanker trucks were dumping their gas loads in deserts to help create the image of a "shortage.") 

    We get stock market downturns, but overall, during the year despite todays downturn, they are still up over 64% in earnings for investors year to date.    From time to time we can expect adjustments in the market and in other sectors; that is always the way it has been.  We may possibly see a recession, and that will mean concerns including a downturn in employment.  The average amount of time quoted for duration of a recession based on ten recession cycles since 1950, is quoted as lasting 5 to 18 months, with the average of 11 months.

    Guess the COVID numbers are going quite a bit up, we are high enough where we are that the possibility is that we will be mandated for masking indoors again later this week; but we do anyway, so we are used to that. Guess fall and winter are the biggest concerns.

    So glad you are going to get your labs done, Lorita.  Might be an idea to contact the doctor and let him know that you have had several tic bites; he may wish to order some additional lab values to see what is what.  As said before, not always Lyme Disease from such bites, but other effects can and do happen and can cause fatigue, etc.   So hope you will soon feel better; you have been through so much this last six months or so and that is an understatement for sure.  I sure do miss your Posts.

    Judith, thank you for the "belated" birthday wishes, but you are not belated.  My birthday is on the 23rd; before Ron's wife, Lou's birthday, which is on the 28th.  I am so sorry that you are living with such a challenge as neuropathy; it certainly is no picnic.  Did the doctor prescribe anything to help?

    Our Oregon son has always been the healthiest, fully fit person; always eats healthy, consistently exercises, takes care of his ongoing health needs and is a hard worker with joy.  He had an abrupt onset of AncaVasculities with no known reason - it was severe and pretty awful.  He developed neuropathy from knees on down and his feet were so bad he barely was able to walk using a walker.  It has taken some time, and some dynamic medication to overcome the situation.   All he has left after a year, is a very small bit of neuropathy in his feet near his toes he can feel once in awhile.  He is able to be free with his mobility and he was recently removed from all the meds he had to take.  His kidney function and all labs are now normal which his specialists are delighted to see; but not as delighted as he is.   He will have to be vigilant for the rest of his life should the vasculitis try to crop up again; he is good about such things and hopefully that will never happen.

    Apple crisp; yum! Okay; that is bringing on another "cheaters" recipe, this one is delicious:   CHEATERS APPLE CRISP:

    -  Two cans of Comstock apple pie filling

      - One box of Duncan Hines yellow cake mix

      -  One cup butter or margerine, melted

      -  One cup chopped walnuts (optional)

      -  Butter one 13 x 9 Pyrex dish.

     -   Pour apples evenly across the dish.

     -   Sprinkle dry cake mix evenly across the  apple layer

     -  If you use chopped walnuts, press them lightly ino the dry cake mix to avoid a bit of burning while baking

      -   Pour melted butter or margerine across top of cake mix as evenly "as possible."

     -   Put into 325 degree preheated oven and bake until lightly brown on top.

     -   Serve warm OR cold; it is really good with vanilla ice cream on top.

     (Can also make this with cherry pie filling if you wish, but my favorite is apple.)

      Drats, I have such fat thoughts - so that is my problem; not eating, but thinking!   Hm-m-m; don't think I can use that as an excuse.

    Off I go, time to have some dinner; it is almost 6:00 pm.  Lean Cuisine with veggie and fruit tonight; we do not feel like cooking.

    Happy evening wishes and sweet dreams tonight,


  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Last gasp of the evening and thought I'd add a short post here before bed.

    The bare shelves here are supply chain issues. Because we are on an island, essentially at the end of the road before you must board a ferry. Smallish town, too, 14K population, so we're like the red-headed step-children in the scheme of things. We do have a Safeway Superstore (think Kroger's, Albertson's, Von's in other parts of the country). Quite a number of constant bare shelves including: pet food, canned soups, pasta, fresh dairy, baby formula, intermittent shortages of cheap meats like chicken and pork, staples like flour and sugar. We went 4 months without any form of saltine cracker on the shelves (that was weird). The less expensive store brands of almost everything are taking the biggest hit. It kills me to pay $1.85 for a can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup. (sigh)

    Got the ant bait stations set out and the lawn mowed ahead of the next wave of rain. My rhododendrons are in full bloom and alive with bumblebees. Saw a few caterpillar tents on the apple tree that need eradicating. The landscape beds are getting weedy. I'm still caring for my DH at home - no help - and it's hard to find enough hours in the day for everything. I either need to clone myself or try to hire a gardener for a few days.

    The Wacky cake was splendid. Lorita - I like it with a little frosting applied while still warm, too. The unfrosted version used to be a staple in our house when our boys were in school. So easy for them to grab a piece of cake after school and run back out the door with it. Sweet memories.

    Pleasant dreams everyone.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi friends from Aus. Just home yesterday after 10 days in hospital -- started with gall bladder removal, then got very nasty bowel infection, so had to stay till that cleared up. Daughter from interstate is with me till tomorrow, just to make sure I behave myself.

    I have missed reading about all your activities over the last couple of weeks. Somehow I don't expect to go back and read up on everything I missed, I will just have to catch up as I go.

    Still feeling very weak and unsteady, but a bit better every hour. I do a couple of jobs, then rest, then a couple more jobs, and so on. Give me a couple of weeks, and I will be back to normal. That's my plan, and I intend to stick to it!!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    60F.  Got a small amount of rain yesterday, was needed.

    Forgot last night that I’m working 8-2 today instead of 7-1.  This is volunteer week and they are serving refreshments at 2.  Not rushed this morning.

    Barbara hope you are back up on your feet soon.  Nice you have someone to provide some support.

    JoC nice to hear your son is doing well at this time.

    Lorita feels good to get things cleaned up, don’t it?

    Jm didn’t realize you were on an island, how beautiful.  Everything has it’s challenges though I guess.  Yes dealing with dementia makes getting everything done a bit harder.  Sometimes I just have to let it go.

    Take care everyone

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Good morning friends- Holy Moly! Feels like I fell off the porch (no injuries), rolled down a long hill or got swept away for a bit in that gullywasher you had a week or so ago, Lorita.

    Finally rowed myself back, climbed into the first open comfy rocker and exhaled. Whew! Out of the storm for now. It’s good to be back! I can’t wait to read up on everyone’s adventures and get caught up on all the food, fun (& not) news and accomplishments.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful, productive day. I will be reading #171, cleaning a bit, and following up on calls to the VA, making some appts for myself (maybe), and watching my lettuce and beets sprouts continue to leaf out in the egg carton and tin cans I used to test out some 2 year old seeds! Very very low bar, I know lol. But it is all I could do at the time and helped me feel like at least I could see progress in something during a really tough period. 

    More soon!!! 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning from the front porch! Beautiful day and we are suppose to be getting out if the 90s for a few days.

    Had a busy day yesterday; Urologist said psa was good and oncologist would be the one to tell me how many more harmone shots I would have to have. Gave this one on the left side of stomach, I dont know why it makes a difference since they are 6 months apart. Also had lab for the all of us research program that is going on for civilians and veterans. They even gave me a 25 dollar gift card for participating. I also talked to my PCP nurse and told her about having a spell last week with a little blood in my sputum. Also mentioned the hip pain and leg pain. Before leaving I had several xrays, in including hip and chest.

    Sister is here, brother and sister will be here Friday and son a d his family the week of Lou's birthday. Its going to be nice to have family around!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Barbara, sorry you're not well but are improving.  Take it easy and don't overdo.

    Ron, glad your tests were good.  Hope Lou is well.

    Went up and got gas for Gator and car..  It cut off at $75.

    Tom looks bad so will try to catch him and take him to vet. He's thin and not eating .

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Xrays showed: chest unremarkable and osteoarthritis in both hips.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Couldn't find Tom but looks like he ate a little bit. When I find him I will take him over and leave him.  It is hot outside!!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, glad your chest x-ray was O.K I imagine all of mature people have arthritis in our hips.  Know I do and in my hands for sure.  

    SSounds like you're going to have a nice visit with family.

    OOdd thing- had a call from tech support.  They are in

     India but he was calling from AC 806.- Texas pandandle.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    PPlease excuse mistakes. Tablet won't cooperate.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    67F, 19 C.  Rainy, windy they are saying.

    Butterfly hope your lettuce and beets do well.  Raising just a few things can be very therapeutic.

    Ron nice that you are getting company this weekend.

    Giving blood today.  Hope it goes well.

    You doing ok Zetta?

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    WIndy and hot.  To be cooler this weekend.

    Hope all goes well for you today, Sara.

    Will take Tom to vet in a few minutes.  He did eat this morning but isn't well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    we're home.  Tom has a pretty bad infection.  Got three AB shots and Amox to give twice daily.  Guess I'll try to mix it in food.  He'll come by when he has a call out this way and give the GPs allergy shots.

    Glad we're home.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Barbara, our friend (cobber) from "Down Under," I am so sorry to hear of your medical issues; what an experience.    From my own surgical history recovery, it does take a bit of time slowly moving forward to recover from such an experience especially when their are some complications.  I send you best get well wishes for a good recovery moving steadily forwrd until you are back to yourself once again.  Let us know how you are doing; we will certainly be thinking of you.

    Ron; wonderful to hear good news from the doctors regarding the PSA, etc.  Good for you!  Darned arthritis - sorry about your hip - all the joints sing the same song from time to time and worst when they go at it together like a deranged Greek Chorus - enough already!   I am also delighted to hear that your wonderful family will once again be together to celebrate Lou's birthday on the 28th.   I am five days ahead of her and will have a quiet day with something special for supper - (I shall choose something my DH does not have to cook.)   May your gathering be a happy one with much laughter and joy.  I will be thinking of you; our Front Porch dear southern gentleman.

    Oh goodness, Lorita, poor Tom; he is really lucky he found your property to land in so to speak.   All the animals in your care have been blessed to have you as their carer.  St. Francis has done everything but send you birds to live with you . . . . now that I have said that, they will be lined up waiting for their turn.  Speaking of caring, heard anything from Jack or the ALF lately?   Hope all is going well.  Wondered if his daughter ever called back again when she missed making contact when she called.

    Still missing your Posts Lorita, it will be a happy day when the computer is up and running - bet you have a lot to share and we will be waiting to hear.

    Geeze, the petunias are coming on so strong - bright, bright nearly neon red and white - they are growing fulsomely in abundance and putting their faces up like someone is paying them to do it.   Day Lilies looking good and as said earlier, the night blooming Jasmine is also flowering like crazy and smelling wonderful; the azaleas did not do as much avid blooming this year; they are very old plants so who knows . . . still waiting for the Lilies of the Nile to do their annual beauty parade . . . got a lot of them along the back wall amongst other things and they look SO good when all in deep blue bloom, standing tall and happy.  

    Hope everyone has a good day,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zzetta, I think you're pet sitting hope things are okay.
    Was looking for something in the car glovebox, found something filmy, then realized it was a snakeskin.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Yes, I have been pet sitting just about every other day. it's nice that you caught Tom and took him to the vet. Did he seem pretty wild when you caught him?

    If the snakeskin was in there where was the snake?  Thats not a fun thing to find. 

    I got up Tuesday morning I was in my recliner drinking my coffee and here comes Molly. Her face was swollen her eyes almost shut. We got in the car and went right to the vet. They had me leave her there for the day. They gave her a shot of Benadryl that morning and watched her through the day.  I picked her up Tuesday evening the swelling was down, but she was tired. The vet says it was a spider bite. She slept on my lap all day Wednesday and her energy is slowly coming back. 

    Barbara,   Sorry to hear your not feeling well. But it was real nice hearing from you. Please take good care of yourself. 

    Ron.    Its nice to hear how well your test turned out. Enjoy your sister. It is so nice that everyone will be there for Lous birthday. 

    Sara.   Thanks for asking but as you see I have been busy pet sitting and taking care of Molly. I also had a dentist appt yesterday. Today Iam just being lazy. 

    It has been windy and cold at my house today. Suppose to warm up next week. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, poor Molly.  Glad you got her to the vet right away.  Hope she's better.

    Tom let'  me carry him from the barn to   the carport yesterday and was east to get in carrier today..  Did not likE  exam. Mike had to hold him down.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    We have another new baby makes six or seven.  Went out to check barn as I always do and Penny, Jr. was in the hallway with it.  Must be an hour or more old because she/he got up.  Just saw Penny go down to graze a little left baby and another baby in barn.   I opened the north doors last evening.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Good news!!  Had a message from Kate who picked up Zelda.She found a good home for her with an older couple who have had seven boxers over the years.  THey fell in love wit her and were thrilled to give her a home.  I called Jack to tell him and he was happy.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy, happy day for little Zelda; that is wonderful news, thank you for letting us know.   May she be happy in her new home and circumstances and have a wonderful life.

    What did the vet say about Tom?  I can imagine his resistance to being handled for an exam.   Not exactly what he would be used to . . . wonder if he will still let you get near him now.  A snake skin in the glove compartment?  EEEK!  Not enough they got into your bedroom, now they want to drive your vehicle?  Glad you did not put your hand in and found the snake the skin belonged to.  Whew!

    Zetta, poor Molly, how awful for her and it must have been a bit scary for you too.   It is good to hear she is improving and will be okay.

    It has been a really animal crackers a couple of days and also with new babies at Lorita's house . . . something always happening with the little and big critters who share the world with us.  Gads; a thought just hit me . . . can you imagine if Lorita lived in Africa?   There in her back fields, giraffes, rhinos, and a hippo or two in the pond and  all of them needing special care . . . it makes me smile to think of it.   Never been a better friend to all creatures.

     On that note, time to exit stage left; it is 10:00 pm and I am going to be sorry I used the computer right before bedtime, it will keep me awake for awhile.  I know better, but I never learn . . .


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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