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Just need to talk to my friends ,(172)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I am sorry you are feeling badly, Lorita.  When can you get those labs done?  This has been going on for a quite awhile, it would be best to get that done.  If you had a lab slip ordering the tests, it may possibly be beyond date of use, so you may want to check that should you need the doctor's office to call in a new order for labs.   As already mentioned, since you have had multiple tic bites, it would also be good to let the doctor know in case he would want some additional labs to be done; doesn't have to be Lyme Disease, those little tics can carry other nasties.

    As for getting the booster while feeling a bit wan, it would be best to call the doctor's office and get his direction on that.  Better safe from a medical source rather than guessing or missing the booster if you can still get it. 

    I am of course, not a doctor, but I do hope amongst the labs he is checking a complete metabolic panel,  CBC with differential, Thyroid, Sed Rate, and a UA with culture amongst whatever else he feels is warranted.    Best to get the full lab ranges to eliminate any hidden issues that can easily be taken care of.  One of the things; being a vegetarian, is the possibility of being a bit anemic, so that can be ruled out.   In any case,  so hope you are feeling better soon; I think it has been going on possibly a couple of months since there was a lab order and you have been feeling "off" for some time.

    As Marie has mentioned, the dreadful Texas shootings are beyond any ability to use words to express the horror of it all with those sweet little ones and the two dear teachers; and oh, their poor parents and families.   Last night, for some reason, I fell asleep about ten, then woke up again at 11:00 and never went back to sleep.  I have not been fixated on what happened, but I think it was on my mind.   Having four children and our seven grands; I can only imagine the devastation this has caused the survivors and families. 

    Poor Sarah, another surgery - she has had so many; I am sorry she is in that predicament again.  So hope she gets relief if she does move forward for another surgery.  

    We are in the 80's today and a bit sticky feeling - the AC has just come on.  When we really feel the heat is at night as we are in a two story house.  Edison has already warned everyone on TV that they are planning outages during the summer heat, so that is not a good thing to have happening.  I never thought of it, but the electric cars will have issues with outages and the utility people have mentioned that the increase in electric cars add another pull on the electric grid output.   What?  If we do not have the ability to charge those things without big issues, perhaps we had best get that addressed very quickly.

    Gosh, three of my friends have sold their houses and are now living in apartments and rent is not cheap.  Two are in different parts of Texas, and one is in California.  They are seniors and these are not senior apartments; two friends are single, one widowed, another divorced and one is married.  They did not want to hassle with a house any longer, so they simply decided to cash it in so to speak.  Wow; that is a different sort of approach to the aging issues and all that brings.  However, they have no upkeep and maintenance any longer, so they are relieved of that. 

     So hope Barbara, our Australian friend is doing well and recuperating fast from her surgery complications.  What a not happy last couple of years she has had.  Time for only happy and good things to happen.  Glad she does drop in to let us know how she is doing.

     Am going to get some lunch and then get some laundry folding done.  Warmest thoughts going out to everyone,


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    My husband was called to go to Texas the day after the shootings (FBI) Can't even be safe at school anymore. Scary.

    Husband is trying to talk my daughter into homeschooling our grandson. He asked me 1st, I said "h*ll NO!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Sara, I love Lobelia.  Used to always have a hanging basket of it.  I love blue flowers.  Sounds like you got a lot of things done. Glad you're enjoying volunteering.

    Nicole, we didn't  have kids but I don't think I would have homeschooled either.  Carol's daughter taught her four kids at home. I think it would be hard.

    Jo, my lab appt. is this Friday morning.  I will mention the tick bites and always like to get CK and CRP tests, too.  Seems like I was told they're the same thing- not sure. I also will ask him about the booster.  Most likely won't be around people so may wait til I feel better.  I think I need to get outside more.  With all that has gone on this year should probably take the Celexa my doctor prescribed - at least  try them.  Also beginning to wonder about recurrence of EBV.

    It's been rainy , cloudy and cool today.  New record low high temp - 63.  

    Jo, if your power goes out, how long is it off?  Hope that doesn't happen often.

    Went to the mailbox a while ago.  All the girls are bedded down in the far NW corner of the pasture- across the road from Darwin's girls.  The moms had all the little babies laying down together - just a big, happy family.

    Laid on my side too much last night so costo is bothering me today.  Always something!

    Jack called- said he was getting  cabin fever.  He eats what he wants of his meals, then goes back to his apartment and naps.  He says no one sits out in the lobby where the big TV is.  He's wanting to go to WM again so probably get that guy to take him.  He calls him his buddy.

    I'm getting hungry so will stop and eat a bite.

    Ron and Sarah do you all know what "blue John" milk is?  Was thinking about that this afternoon when I was drinking some whole milk.  Tasted a bit like blue john.

    Sleep well.

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes

    Happy Hump Day everyone. 

    This is the first time in several days I've had time to drop by for a chin wag. House has been a bit chaotic with contractors finishing up my kitchen remodel. I'm amazed how wonderful everything has come together in spite of my utter lack of interior decoration skills. It wasn't a tear-out down to the studs like the last time I remodeled 15 years ago, but still fairly extensive. Pergo plank floor, granite countertops, granite sink with one of those very tall pull-down faucets for filling big pots, new under and above cabinet lighting. All new stainless appliances. It's a sleek, modern look in shades of gray and silver. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I am delighted with the change. Finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

    As some of you may know, I'm still caring for my DH with vascular dementia. The disruption of the familiar (and with strangers constantly in and out) my DH has been upset at times. As much as I would like to do more projects, I'll need to hold off for his sake. I'm sure we'll both benefit by letting a little peace return to the home-front.

    I'm wrestling with a dilemma over our pet situation. We have two dogs - a Boston Terrier and a Chinese Pug. Both were rescues that can came to us a few years apart before DH was diagnosed with dementia. They can be both a blessing and a source of high anxiety now. DH considers the Boston Terrier as HIS dog. He is the real problem child and I'm actually considering rehoming him. He is an escape artist and a runner. We've had folks find him miles away from home on dozens of occasions. He's led a charmed life not being hit by a car - so far. The police are on a first name basis with this little repeat offender. The issue is, as my DH's dementia has progressed, he no longer remembers to close doors or close gates to prevent these escapes. This dog has been on the run every other day for the past week and I'm just about at my wits end with both man and dog. Interested in some feedback. Have any of you dealt with the death or disappearance of a family pet during your LO's dementia decline? Was it terribly traumatic or did they soon forget about the loss? I think I'd rather re-home the dog and make up a fiblet, rather than my DH possibly seeing his dog killed by a car. What are your thoughts?

    All the talk of fried pies has me licking my chops. I'd like to give it a try. Tell me - do you roll out the biscuit dough very thin. And, are they better with fruit pie filling or jams/preserves?

    Thanks for any tips you may have on the pet question and the fried pies. I'll check back in tomorrow. Have a peaceful rest of your day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    67F, 19C.

    Jmlarue kitchen sounds beautiful.  You would roll the biscuit dough about the thickness of a pie crust.

    Lorita think I have heard of Blue John milk a long time ago, possibly from my grandpa.  Can’t remember for sure.  Is it skim milk?

    I would have to home school if I had children.  Several Of my cousins home schooled their children.  It is a lot of work when done well.  Their children went on to higher education and did well.  They were connected with other home schoolers and did activities together.

    Take care everyone

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello all my old friends. Just thought I’d check in and see how everyone is doing. Hey…happy late birthday to you dear friend Jo. Things here are a little bit rough…. Well by my standards anyway!   I had to have back surgery 4 weeks ago, should have been fairly simple, but it has left me with severe sciatic pain, and I don’t do pain or restrictions very well!!   My surgeon says it is only swelling from the surgery and will improve, but I’m very impatient and don’t like it!

    Bob also has to have his knee looked at with the possibility of a replacement!  Crikey….who ever thought we’d get this old?    We are looking ahead though and planning on travelling.  We have to accept that Covid is around and just be very careful.   We have had our 4th jab and can’t do any more to protect ourselves.  

    Would you believe it was 12 months ago that we were married?  We are still working things out with living arrangements…….we have kept both homes, but with my problems at the moment are spending all our time at his house as it’s more convenient, but mine is becoming neglected and I can’t get round to see to it.

    It’s been very wet here, we’ve had so much rain and flooding, though the last few days have been beautiful, more like spring than autumn.   The latest forecast though is for a wet winter…not happy about that.

    We have seen the reports of the shooting over there, how dreadfully sad it is.  We here in Australia find it so hard to understand because of our gun laws, and my heart aches for all those involved.

    Cheers to all.   Sandy

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Larue, Charles had vascular dementia and any disruption, even moving furniture to sweep,  confused and aggravated him.  That's why I had put off doing any remodeling until recently.  Then it aggravated me!

    Your new kitchen sounds lovely. Trend is toward grays and silver.I know you'll really enjoy it.

    .Daddy used the smaller biscuits for his fried pies so he rolled them really thinly.   Doubt they had Grands then.  They were so good.  I think you could use canned pie filling.

    When Charles was pretty bad we lost at least one poodle and I don't think he noticed. If he did I probably told him what happened and that was the last of it.  I know the dog getting out is hard to cope with.  Good luck on your decision.

    Sara, skimmed milk is blue John -not a speck of cream left.  The milk tastes watery and even has a slight blue cast sometimes.

    Sandy, so good to hear from you.  Sorry you're having so much pain after your surgery.  Hopefully it will get better soon.  Hope Bob doesn't have to have surgery, too.

    What does Crikey mean?  There's an Australian TV show on that has that word in the title.

    You're right - can't believe it's been twelve months since you all got married.  Amazing how fast time goes by.  Our mothers were right when they said the older you get, the faster it goes.

    We had some more rain this morning and it's still cloudy and chilly.  Supposed to begin a warming trend tomorrow.

    Not feeling too well this morning - headache and diarrhea.  If it's a bug, how do you get a bug if you're not around anyone?  In the air?  I had a negative covid test on the 17th- took Tom to the vet on the 20th and haven't seen anyone since.  Saw Toad on the 18th but he was on the bulldozer and I had on a mask.  He got sick that night with an intestinal bug.  I don't like not feeling well.  I need Charles to hug me and tell me it'll be all right.  Do we ever get over missing them?  I don't think so!

    Need to shampoo my hair this afternoon.  Dread it because it takes so long to dry.  If I use the hairdryer I really look like the bloomed dandelion.

    Back later.  Need to take a Motrin.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Oh my; I wrote a Post and it disappeared.  Will have to try again later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    62F, 17C.  Had a bit of rain yesterday.

    Sandy nice to hear from you.  Hope you and Bob are feeling better soon.

    Lorita sorry to hear you are still having a rough time.  Know it gets wearisome.

    Not too much going on here.  Giving chance of more rain today. Don’t know if I’ll be able to get anything done between the rain drops or not.

    Take care everyone

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Morning friends, 

    I am typing with 1 finger on my phone, so please excuse any typos. Wishing everyone a good Friday and holiday weekend. It is almost June already, hard to believe.

    Thinking of painting the porch today. If it doesn’t rain. Always feeling behind “schedule” with so much to be done but DH is like other LOs mentioned here, he doesn’t do well with folks in & out. Also it is hard to find good help these days. Seems like “No Show” is a popular middle name. I can do some shorter tasks if I hurry, but that doesn’t always work out well ha 

    Trying not to even think of the massacres. It is terrible. Grocery stores and schools should not be hunting grounds. Praying for people and for peace. 

    I am ready to try Jfkoc’s apple crisp and the coffee brownies sound divine! A great aunt of mine made the best fried pies. My children always liked mine but haven’t made them in years. I like making the crust from scratch & it’s pretty easy. Just no time these days plus DH & I would have to eat them all.

    Hoping you feel better soon Lorita. I wondered about the tick bites too. Glad you are going to the doc soon. And glad you got your tablet going, I think Crikey is what you say when the auto correct changes every other word you type, to something else quite ridiculous, making you erase and type it over IF you catch it. It’s like Geez! or Good grief! only sounds much cooler. Our friends from down under will tell me if I got that right. 

    Congratulations again on the new roles at work, whether paid or volunteer. I’ll bet you are good at what you’re doing and making a difference for people. That’s great.

    Did anyone watch Bewitched back in the day? Wishing I could just wiggle my nose like Samantha and all these outdoor and indoor projects would just clean themselves up in the blink of an eye!  Slow & steady I guess. Will keep at it. 

    JoC, I want an avocado tree now . Lorita I thought you bought one for $3.50 and was trying to imagine where you’d plant it to keep it away from the girls.

    OK enough typing with one finger for now. That’s one way to shorten my long posts I guess! 

    Have a wonderful day everyone. 

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi all…. Yes Lorita. "Crikey" was the common saying of our famous…. Well… how would you say it…. Wildlife expert.   Steve Ervine.   He died when stung by a stingray   I’m actually reading his  biography by his wife at the moment. What a man he was.

    Oh gosh…butterfly wings (a new one since my time ). Oh yes Samatha's nose wiggles would be sooo good wouldn’t it   Love avocados, and use them so often instead of butter as spread. Getting a bit expensive here at the moment, but persevere. 

    Bob just looked at the schedule and said we have nothing on in August so let's go to Western Australia for the wild flowers.  Of course I said yes yes yes……then hopefully NZ in September to use the motor home we paid for last year   

    Cheers all   Sandy

    Yes I have just updated my profile photo ….. this was at our wedding     Love the man to bits! He’s so good to me.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Made the apple crisp. It was good but the next one will not have the oats.

    Big Pow Wow today re the "flip" house. My design is fab but of course would mean losing money...lol. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Sara, thanks, I think I'm not getting outside enough - too much TV.  I'll do better.

    Left home about7:45, home at 11:15.  You'd think I had been gone a year the way Stormy acted. Thought I would be home in two hours but got diesel on the way in, got labwork, saw doctor then went by pharmacy.  Had to go three times -first time hadn't gotten refills okayed yet, second time only one was ready, so went to grocery store and Wal-Mart for plants.  Got medicine refills, then since my driver's license expires next month thought I  would do that. That took a while - one ahead of me. At my age I don't pay for the license but the girl told me that might be changed.  And now you don't get the license - they mail it to you.  You do get a paper to show until you get the new one.

    Lab work they do there was normal.  No anemia but cholesterol was up two points over the last two years.  Weight up three lbs. In last six months.  Need to cut out cookies.  Lungs clesr. No blockage, heart good.  The other labs will be in Monday and if anything is off he'll call me.  He told me to get on the Celexa - my symptoms are consistent with depression.  I will do that and go to bed before midnight and see how it goes.  They took three vials of blood so lots of tests to be done.

    Sara, found some pretty Gerbers daisies- got two for pots on steps.  Found vinca for pink bathtub and some flat leaf parsley.  Also got a couple of the lime green sweet potato plants.

    Butterfly, I need to paint our porches, too.. Also the wooden trim on the porch.  Seems like there's always things to do.

    I did watch Bewitched. Wouldn't that be great if we could wiggle our nose and things would be done?

    Judith, why no oats?  Sometimes they don't get moist enough to cook good.  Goid luck on the flip house.

    Girls are in barn.  It has really warmed up this morning.  Glad I'm back home.  Zetta, Gunsmoke's on.

    Just heard on the news that our State has a shortage of vets.  Glad we have one good one closeby. The others in our area observe bankers hours- no MN calls or Saturday's and Sundays for them.  Vets are retiring much faster than new ones graduating.

    Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Went to lab...6 tubes drawn...back home in 45 minutes. I truly live at the center of all that I need except the neurologist. Also washed my hair....that makesme very dizzy...ugh.

    Lorita...do start the Celexa and take as directed, and allow time for improvement. 

    Jo...happy cheesecake

    SandyMac...darling photo

    JM...rehome. I had to do that and the dog was much happier...so was I. 

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes
    I guess afternoons are my time for a rest on the porch. 4:00pm here means it's after supper for many of you.

    Lorita and jfkoc - Thanks for the input on the dog situation. I've decided that rehoming is the best for everyone, even the dog. He'd be an ideal pet for a family with high energy kids and not the best fit for old, sedentary folks like us. Hoping against hope that DH will adjust to the Boston's disappearance. I'll keep the Pug a while longer. She has a very calm nature, content to be a couch potato. She couldn't run off even if I chased her. Too darn fat.

    Do give the Celexa a try. I was so satisfied with it's ability to lift my spirits without making me feel like I was having an out of body experience. I gave it huge bonus points for relieving this horrific neuropathy in my feet. I was pretty dismayed when I had to stop taking it because it caused some very strange and very noticeable twitches in my arms and shoulders. Doc said it was a known, but rare, side effect. Hoping you have nothing but good effect from it, but do keep a watchful eye.

    Sandymac - I'm so sorry the back surgery wasn't an immediate relief for you. Sciatic pain can take the pins right out from under you. Surely hope the doctor is right about the swelling and you'll be feeling much better soon. I don't handle pain or restrictions very well, either, so I can empathize. I envy your planned trip to Western Oz for the wildflowers. I have dear friends I'd love to visit - one in big city Sydney and another couple running a sheep station in New South Wales. That would give me a diverse view of the country, wouldn't it? It's on my bucket list.

    Warmer temps, but continued rain has caused the weeds to explode in the flowerbeds. I look at them with such dread. I don't see any alternative except to hire some casual labor to come help me as soon as the ground is dry enough to work. On the plus side, my roses are budding out and looking green and lush. They do so love the water. The Skagit Valley over on the mainland was absolutely gorgeous with the riot of color from acres and acres of Tulips in bloom. It rivals the sight in Holland. If you ever have the chance to do May in the Pacific Northwest, the Tulip fields are a must see. Always a bit sad the day they take the mower out and chop off all their little heads so the bulbs can grow big before harvest. Next up is strawberries and raspberries, followed by blueberries. I'll be out there this year for the U-pick harvests. We're getting down to the last few jars of preserves in the pantry and I'm afraid the grandchildren will have to enter a rehab if they can't get their daily sugar fix.

    I'm whipping up Chicken Yakisoba for dinner tonight. I've had a yen for Asian food lately. I've been trying so hard to restrict my salt intake. I think my body is trying to tell me I need some extra-salty soy in my life today. Life is always a balancing act. Even though I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic, I still believe in eating a piece of Wacky Cake or fruit cobbler occasionally. Life is too short to feel deprived of the pleasures of comfort food.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. TTYL


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Lovely to hear from my fellow-aussie SandyMac, so thought I should drop a line as well.  Now 10 days home from hospital, and getting stronger every day. Had a very loose chesty cough, but realised that it was more asthma than infection. A standard asthma inhaler is improving that quickly.

    Starting to walk regularly, just 5 minutes at a time, on the street outside, or around the house if it is raining. 4 or 5 times a day. Still eating the meals my daughter left in my freezer, but starting to do a little cooking for myself.  Appetite has not returned, so am having small meals and more substantial snacks as well. Strange thing -- I have been addicted to black tea for years. Suddenly don't like it, and am drinking hot chocolate instead. I wonder why?

    Since Graham died in December, I had vague plans of travelling this year. But won't be doing that in a hurry, I still run out of energy very quickly. But I can afford to wait.

    Crickey [yes, that's another aussie slang meaning Gosh! ] time for another walk, as the sun is shining. Cheers to all


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    60F, 16C.  1/2 inch rain yesterday but did get a few things planted between rain drops.

    Happy Birthday Lou.

    Butterfly hope you were able to get that porch painted.  Always feels good to get things done.

    Lorita what color are your daisies.  They come in such bright beautiful colors.  Judith’s advice is good.  GoodRx says it can take up to six weeks to get full effect.

    My S & BIL rescued a dog that was too active for previous owner.  They quickly saw how active he was.  He is also been a bit destructive.  He is getting calmed down a bit.

    Larue  rain is nice but like you it does bring the weeds here too.  It also makes the plants grow more lushly too.  Would enjoy seeing those tulips.  The fruit, oh my, how nice.  Hope I can find some nice strawberries this year.  My mom has several blueberry bushes.  If nothing happens looks like there will be a nice crop of them.  Apples did not get killed either so if we get enough rain should be blessed with plenty of them too. 

    Had not heard of Yakisoba.  Looked it up, I would like that.  Think it is on menu at local Asian restaurant.  Got Lo Mein instead as I knew what it was lol.  Will have to try and remember the Yakisoba when ever I go again.

    Barbara glad the inhaler is working for you.  Enjoy your walks and hopefully soon you can start extending them a bit.

    Ditto here, hope to get a few things done today.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Darn, had a long post almost finished when b my phone rang.  In trying to get it out of my pocket I lost the post. Hate when that happens.

    So good to hear from both our cobbers down under but sad to hear both have been under the weather but, happily are improving.  Hope the recoveries are fast. Enjoy the trip, Sandy to see the flowers.  Barbara, still enjoying reading  your book. 

    Jean, I can imagine how beautiful those tulips must be.  I had one this year!  Girls ate the tops last year so they didn't bloom this year.

    Think I mentioned I thought we had a new baby a couple of days ago.  Stormy and I drove out and visited with  the girls late yesterday and determined it was a new baby.  Mom had him staked out while she grazed but watched her go to him to take him back to the herd. Penny, Jr. Had her baby in the barn along with another one and they came out and also went back to the others. Penny left with her baby and when the other one came out of the barn she saw the new mom and baby and went to them. Amazing to watch the interactions between moms and babies.

    Okay, so another wrinkle with the medication.  I have bilateral narrow angles.  Had the Yag laser procedure years ago which made holes to let liquid drain.  However, in reading about the Celexa it warns about taking it with narrow angles.  Will have to talk with PCP, Optometrist and Pharmacist.  I did see where Prozac may not have that warning.  Guess I'll   just have to spend more time outside with the GPs and girls.

    Watched a lot of college softball yesterday Okla. University and Oklahoma State both win.  OU plays again today. They are so goid. OU is trying for another championship.  Not like the softball we played which was slow pitch.  These girls can really throw the ball fast.

    Sara, I bought a couple of red Gerberas.  Didn't have yellow.  If I go back may get a couple of orange ones.  Hope whatever it is that eats plants in those pots won't like them.  I divided the parsley into three plants and potted them in a longer planter on the porch.  I use fresh parsley in my ranch dressing.

    All quiet here this morning and I feel alright.  Supposed to be rather warm so won't transplant vinca until later today.  I think I'll put the sweet potato plants on each end of the bathtub.

    Better stop before I lose this post, too.  

    Happy Birthday to our sweet Lou.  Hope your day is wonderful.  Bet Ron has a big surprise for you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    OK medical porchers...

    Cretitine 1.07

    B12 123

    Folate Serum  >24.0

    Am I sick???

  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes
    jfkoc - Just a quick response from a average Joe with no medical credentials - I don't see anything alarming in those numbers. As a diabetic, the one I focus on is the creatinine because kidney failure and diabetes go hand in hand. Your number appears right within the normal range. When I receive lab results, the list will show both what my numbers were at the time of test, but will also provide the range of numbers that are considered normal for my sex/age. Thus, I can see at a glance if anything raises a red flag to question my doctor about.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions
    Thanks...the B12 was within range...the Cretitine high and the Folate had no range listed.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy Birthday to Lou!  Ron, hope you both have a blessed day.

    I have been busy working on my annual donation project.  Usually my daughter joins in, but she has been run ragged this year, so I am going solo...lol.

    This time I am crocheting what are called "Loveys".  It is a small (less than 18 inches) of blanket with an animal head sewn in the middle.  I am not good with animals, so am doing just a simple white bear with ears, closed eyes, nose and smile.  Not my best work but I think they will serve the purpose.  Haven't determined how many I will make.  I have thought about giving them to police (for when their calls involve small children), to the women and children's shelter, and maybe a memory care facility.

    It is a good project for using up partial skeins of yarn...of which I have many...lol.

    Have had thunderstorms for the last couple of days...lots of rain and cooler temps.

    Hope all have a good holiday weekend...stay safe.

    Hugs to all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jufith, when do you get the rest of your lab results?  Six vials!   They must be doing a full workup.    Glad things are normal so far.

    Been a lazy day here - watched OU play softball, then some Denim ,& Co.  Didn't order anything.  I did open some of the Chewy boxes on the porch.  I ordered some cat and dog food and it looks like my auto ship came too.  I'm going to keep all of in the utility room - plenty of room  since the freezer and refrigerator are gone.

    I did drive up and sat with the girls a while.  I love to just sit and listen to them graze.  There were still a few in the barn but they'll be out soon.  I stopped by our old garden and thought of all the hours Charles and I spent out there,- was over 20 years ago.  Hard to believeit's been that long.

    The ants are driving me crazy - they're everywhere.  Maybe when it dries up some they'll go away.  Did check the generator and there's no movement there.  Judith, have you checked yours?  I did get the bill for repairs and it is over $900.

    I bought another avocado,- big sale!  They're down to $2.99.  Wish we could grow them here.

    I see they're showing Yellowstone reruns again.  Wonder when the new season begins.

    Has anyone seen the movie - Downton Abby?  I've  heard it's really good - also Top Gun.  I haven't been to a movie in probably 20 years.

    Hope all of you are having a good weekend.  Ron, also hope Lou had a good birthday.

    Time to remember all our veterans, Alive and gone and our military personnel now.  There's a big sign that lights up at night outside our VAHospital that reads "The Price of Freedom is Visible Here".  So very true.

    Enjoy the evening.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy, Happy Birthday to Ron's sweet Lou!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning 55F, sunny they say

    Got a lot of yard work done yesterday.  Hope everyone has a good day.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    All quiet on the thread today.  Everyone must be enjoying company or just resting.

    I woke up at z5:59, one minute before the alarm went off so gotnup.  I've been watching TV and doxibg.

    Glad you got some yard work done Sara.  I was filling a water tank and thought I would pull the weeds in the bathtub.  Only a few weeds but lots of small wildflowers tiny, yellow buttercups, a small blue flower and something that looked like an inch long brush, very soft, that had a purple cast.  No idea what it is.  I'm going to leave most of those and plant the vinca in between. The vinca is dark pink with some white.

    The Gerbera daisies are beautiful this morning.  Think I'll plant the lime green sweet potato vines in the pot at the foot of the steps.

    Tablet power is about gone so U'll stop.  Enjoy the rest of the three day weekend.  It's warming up todsy.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    I hope your all having a nice 3 day weekend. Its a chilly day at my house, but that's fine with me I'm just having a lazy day anyway. Now that my summer pet sitting has started back up it sure keeps me busy. I hate having to leave home but once I get in my car the going gets easier. 

    Jo.    Happy belated birthday, I bet you had a nice day. I hope the L.A. heat is not getting too hot for you. We have had a few days in the 80s with more to come. 

    Sandy.  Its always nice hearing from you and I love that picture of you and Bob, very sweet couple. I am so happy for the both you. I hope your feeling better and recovering from your surgery. Sorry to hear that Bob is having knee problem's. You both need to get feeling better so you can start making your travel plans. I also miss Steve Ervine. I have watched him for years I now watch The Zoo that his wife Terri and their daughter Bindi and son Robert have. I would love to be able to go there. Cheers

    Barbara.  Its also nice hearing from you. I hope that your starting to feel better. Its nice that your getting out to walk but 5 times a day, seems like a lot to me. I need to just start walking, even once a day would be good for me. Cheers

    Ron.   Please tell Lou Happy Birthday. I bet you saw that she had a real nice Birthday. 

    Marie.    Your Loveys sound sweet. I have never seen those. What are they used for? I think probably for something to hold and love. Like you would a teddy bear. 

    Lorita.    You had a real busy Friday, its nice for you to get out and enjoy the weather and being outside. I bet you will enjoy all that extra space you have in your utility room. Thats a good place to store things. Especially your pet food, mine is in my bedroom closet. 

    I am watching Gunsmoke now and tomorrow on  INSP there will be westerns all day. So I will be having another lazy day. Now that the pet sitting has started back up I look forward to my lazy days. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Happy Memorial Day early to all!

    I'm watching the weirdest movie called Melancholia and it's this lady who just got married and there's something about another planet that's going to crash into Earth.  Really odd.  I doubt I'll finish it.

    I'm sorry I cut all the packages off the cable tonight.  The Boston Celtics are playing the Miami Heat tonight and it's on ESPN, which I don't get.  Winner goes to the NBA Finals.  The Finals are on ABC, which I DO get.  I'll have to watch the score on my phone.

    Very, very slow today, everyone seems to be celebrating the holiday or there's something wrong with the way calls are routed to my phone, lol.  I spent the past week off the phone doing only email cases and this weekend I'm back on the phones and after Tuesday it'll be a mixture of working email cases and then taking escalation calls.

    I'm drowning in dog food - Keys has been eating up a storm lately and Chewy was out of his dog food (in fact, ALL the Purina Pro Plan shredded food was out of stock), so I had to order from Petco.  They said UPS was supposed to bring it today but this morning the tracking didn't show it had gone on the truck so I placed a Shipt order to be sure I'd get some food today and I got both.

    Weather is nice.  I need to clear off my balcony tomorrow because Tuesday they're supposed to start pressure washing the buildings.  Of course, that's practically a guarantee it'll rain.

    I'll swing by tomorrow.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning 

    64F, 18C.  Saying sunny today.

    Zetta glad you are getting a break.  Always nice to get a break.  I rested yesterday.

    Sounds like you are getting several things planted Lorita.

    Since I’m growing fewer tomatoes won’t need all those cages.  Want to cut them in half and use with flowers.  My BIL is letting me use his angle grinder to cut them.  Boy is that so much easier.  It is a little scary though.  I will try to be very careful.  All I have is wire cutter. Took me at least 10 minutes to cut one wire.  Knew that was not going to work.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's very windy here this morning and warm.  Turned on both ACs so it won't get so hot.  GPs stayed out and haven't come in yet.  Our vet called to visit a bit on his way back to the clinic after a farm call.  He'll be out sometime today to give the GPs their allergy shots and meds.  They're really scrstching.

    I put the two pots of sweet potato vines in the pot yesterday- not planted.  This morning they've been eaten down to the ground.  Hope they'll cone back out.  I wonder if it's a rabbit.  I see one around outside of the yard and once inside the yard.  

    Took down trash, then drove out to check on the little calf.  Mom had him staked out just south of the house but went to him when I got back to the house.  He got up and they went down to the others and he laid down.  He looks good, walks fine and buys ears are up.  I did tell Mike about him.  He understands that I'm a worrier.  I will watch the baby.

    Day, which teams will be playing?  I used to watch basketball a lot but haven't this year.  I haven't even watched any of the French Open.

    Nice that you had a little less busy day.   Same with me and pet food.  I was low on cat food so ordered sone from Chewy.  My auto ship was ready to go out (missed that) so got all of it.  There's four big boxes on the front porch now.

    Zetta, I'm moving all cat and dog food to the utility room.  Used to keep it in the front bedroom. FedEx delivers to the porch and the bedroom was handy but there's more room in the utility room so I'll  keep it there.

    Green Berets is on today so think I'll watch that.Still haven't planted my caladiums so might do that.  

    Hot today, then rain tomorrow night and Wednesday.  Want to get into town and get my second booster sometime this week.

    Jean, I think I remember that you like wacky cakes-' have you ever added peanut butter?  I do that sometimes and also usually add chocolate chips to the batter.  I made a peach cobbler this weekend but still need to make the apple crisp.  After it's baked I put it in individual dishes and freeze it. Then when I want some, just microwave it a couple of minutes, add ice cream or whipped cream and it's ready to go.

    Hope everyone is up and at 'em and well this morning. Time for some hot tea.  

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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