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Just need to talk to my friends ,(172)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Dear wonderful friends....I do not feel bad and am not worried about the "stuff" they decided was wrong with me. Please do not be concerned at all...no prayers needed but you could send some will power. First life change...only ate a few bites of chocolate fudge cake...lol

    Spectacular morning here and no rain is predicted. I am going to be very brave and very careful and lop off a few tiny branches. It is truly a jungle this year.

    Lorita....Sandi at Florida Boy's says as long as the soil is draining to go ahead and plant. The top should have no more than 1.5-2 inches of soil covering. I have been planting much deeper! She also said night temps above 50 degrees.

    That is a lot of steps on the flamingo but how clever of you to know how to do that.

    Second life change...bought brocolli and fresh green beans at Joe's. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo, we just don't think.  Sometimes we think after the fact.  I've counted down the five days and 15'days goodness knows how many times.  The thing is that the person we might be in contact with might have been in contact just before us with an infected person.  Did your husband say he was really close to the man?  Maybe it was just for a minute or so if he was.  I find myself backing up from people, even outside.  But you see people on TV hugging and very close.  Guess I'm just not brave enough.  Hope it will be okay.

    Got the back rubber up and charged.  In fact, kind of enjoyed doing it.  Now as long as I wear this shirt I will be fly free.  I went underneath the back rubber twice and it rubbed my back.  Went in to check the baby.  He wasn't laying flat out so that was good - had his head up some.

    Always interesting to see the cows and calves go under the back rubber for the first tine.  Must be kind of scary.

    What does "open in browser" mean? Seems that is always at the too of my new tablet.

    I think my refrigerator is about to konk out. Forma couple if weeks water has been collecting underneath the crisp ers so I use a bug sponge and get it out. This morning I opened the freezer compartment and a cloud of fog came out and there's frost on the top if it.  What next!!

    Called Sears repair-we have a service contract on it but first available appt. Is Tuesday.  If they can't repair it they have to replace it.  Remember me going through that with the AC?  I feel like that little character with the black cloud over his head.  It is 22 years old so it's been good except for having the icemaker repaired and replaced a couple of times.  It isn't working either.

    I've been getting call a from a Texas number about my computer. The guy says he's with Tech Club but they're in India so I'm leary of it. He says it's been hacked.  Who would want to hack an old country woman's computer? Maybe should call the bank and tell them to freeze my account for a while.  What do you all think?  If it's not one thing, it's three others.

    Judith, watched a bit of Nadal's  tennis match.  The guy he was playing rolled his ankle and couldn't continue - this was after three hours and only two sets.

    Softball should be on somewhere.  Both Oklahoma teams play tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, you made me smile.  I do not need willpower, I need WON'T power.  That is for true.   So glad you are feeling positive about this and have such wonderful doctors.   We will continue to care but will try not to worry.

    Lorita, though much of the computer "stuff" seems to be managed in India, I too would be quite leery of receiving a tech call from India telling me that my computer had been hacked.  Question:  Did he know what kind of computer you have?   Did he call you by name?  If he did not have any info re your computer, then he may possibly be simply searching for a mark.  Somehow, such people find name lists that includes the  dates of birth or ages and then will target the older people on that list.   With any luck, you did not tell him anything about your computer or give him any information.  If he wants to send you information, I would never give him your email or home address; he can send it to a POB if you have one.  He also could have given you the contact number and information for the company in the states; still, perhaps best to use your own computer repair folks and see what they have to say.

     If you do not have banking information on your computer, I would not worry about it too much.  You can put an alert on your bank accounts simply by making a call to the bank.

     AIso, it is really a good idea, if you have not already done so, to put a freeze on your accounts on all three credit reporting agencies.  This way, no one can get any information about you and it protects you from all sorts of mischief by keeping your information private.  We have done this.

      Sure hope your refrigerator can be fixed at no cost.  If it cannot, considering it is 22 years old, it may be worth it to get a new one and not throw good money at something that has well outlived its expected life span and likely to develop further problems.   It certainly is true that it is always something.

    The new cattle sound delightful; it will be fun getting to know them and them getting to know you; their midwife!  They will come around and it will be nice to see which ones are the special ones.

    As for DH and he AC repair guy; they were together for that hour or so and were standing fairly close to one another; talking away like crazy.  I know it gets tedious being cautious all the time and I appreciate that; however, sometimes there are times when it is more important to be careful, being that it is inside in an enclosed area and being there closely for an hour or a bit more. I am letting go of it, but am keeping two weeks in mind.  How lovely it would be if that virus would vanish rather than continuing to evolve getting bolder and bolder. 

    The night blooming jasmine seems to have played out their scent; they sure gave it a big go while it was in its best days.  Not like my Society Garlic plants; they bloom so prettily, but cut them, tug them or pick them, and it smells just like garlic alright.  I miss having pansies this year; I love planting beds of the bright colored larger faced ones. They always look so happy.

    Take good care and hope your refrigerator keeps the frozen stuff well frozen until Tuesday; will keep my fingers crossed for you.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Unfortunately there are plenty of scam artist out there who are using "robo" calling to convince folks into giving personal information.

    I have received calls from

    "IRS" (no they don't call...they send mail if they want your attention)

    Medicare - did you get your new card? (they don't call either)

    US Government - I know they don't need me either

    Amazon - large purchase on your account - (not to be believed either)

    Free Medic Alert device recommended by physician - (oh really?  not mine!)

    Credit card company - to reduce my interest rate - (mine about as low as they go)

    and the list goes on and on.

    Robo calls should be illegal.  A computer just dials random numbers until someone answers.  If you answer the first one, even if you hang up right away, you can almost be certain to get more calls in rapid order.  I also hate that if I don't answer, they end up going to my voice mail even if no message left...so annoying to have to get on to delete them.

    I also hate the fact that the caller ID can show any  number, name or city they want to put in.  The phone company should be able to put a stop to all this.

    It is one reason why so many folks have gone to cell phone only, but even there it is becoming an issue.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, Marie.  I've gotten e-mails  about not made purchases from Amazon, too.  Awful that there are people out there trying to take advantage of people.

    These calls were on my cellphone and landline.  I bet he caller two dozen tines over a week or so. I do occasionally get calls from tech club but this had a Texas area code.  anyway I blocked bathe number.  Sorry about b that "r"- can't get rid if itI did call two if my financial institutions and told them.  Both places assured me my accounts were secure. Also unless you give some information a computer can't be hacked.

    The vet just left.  He tuned April for the third time and will again in the morning.  Also gave her a shot of Baytril.  He thinks she's a little better.  I asked if he thought she'd make it and he said he hoped so.  May be silly but I took out wet paper towels and bathed her face.  I know if I don't feel well it helps.  She did have a normal BM, not much but also some with blood. b it's amazing how faithful and concerned her mother is.  She stays closeby but isn't in the pen with her.  She can put her nose through the fence and touch her.

    The new mom had left her baby in the lot when she went to graze so I kept them in the corral when she came up to get her.I did open the gate so they can graze tonight north of the house.

    I think the refrigerator is working some but haven't opened the freezer compartment.  Fingers crossed!  If Sears can't fix it they have to replace it like the AC.

    Hope everyone can have a good night's sleep.  See you tomorrow

    Judith, so glad you're feeling all right.  Just take it easy.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    53F, 12C.  Giving sunny.

    JoC so enjoyed the lemonade on the porch.  Have enjoyed lemonade since a child.  Don’t drink it any more as it is a big time bladder irritant for me.  Do fix kool aid lemonade once or twice a year.  Not the same but I still like it.

    Understand your concern with your husband.  Also understand the other side.  Weariness can get us in trouble though.  I forgot my mask when I went out yesterday.  I keep one in my car though just for that occasion. Have one in my purse also.  Both are in a paper bag.  I did take both of nephews out for their birthdays. If I’m at the store and there are large open spaces leave it off.  But if other people around or up at checkout put it on.  Our sewer went up some this past week but had been stable for weeks before that.  Guess I’ll wear mask all the time until that goes back down.  It went along with an increase in hospitalizations here last week too.  Hopefully just a blip from memorial day and graduations, we’ll see.  The infectious disease doctor out of NYC says most people there he is seeing, are being symptomatic in 2-4 days of exposure now, unlike back in the beginning.  Always exceptions to every rule though. 

    Lorita my motto is I’ll call you, you don’t call me.  Don’t know if I mentioned it or not but my credit card got hacked a few weeks ago.  First I got a text asking me if I had done a certain thing, ignored it.  Lol then I got an email, so decided to call credit card company.  Yes it was them trying to reach me.  Then they called me after I had already straightened it out.  Yes they were on it and I appreciate that.  Someone had tried to charge several hundred dollars at a NYC restaurant.  Credit card company denied the charge but had to issue me a new card. 

    Have noticed that some are persistent about calling.  I am as persistent about not answering.  Feel like that gradually I have gotten less calls.  They can leave a message if they need to talk with me.  Very rarely do they.

    Well going to try and get out early and get just a few more bags of mulch.  Still have a small amount left to do.  Got a little done yesterday.  Have a few branches that need lopped too Judith.

    Want to change a few of my nice tomato cages into flower cages by cutting them in half, since I don’t plan on raising that many tomato plants any more.  My BIL loaned me an angle grinder to cut them with.  Gave me no instructions other than how to turn on and off lol.  I didn’t even know what it was called.  Came home and cut one down so much easier.  Decided should Google it for safety’s sake before doing any more.  Have done that now, know what piece of equipment I’m using, so hope to do rest before too long safely.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sars, a few years ago the same thing happened here.  Someone had charged a lot of money for tickets, etc. In New York City. I contested it and they took off the charge.

    I told the guy when he first called that I'd call him the next day.  I didn't because of the odd area  code then he started calling.

    Mike came this morning and gave the baby more electrolytes and a pain shot.  He had a BM last night without blood so the scours are stopped.  He got him up and when I went out a while ago he was laying down.  I let his mother in with him and gave her fresh water and hay.  She's happy now.  He said this is all he can do so we're hoping if he can nurse he'll improve.  I keep typing "he" but she's a girl. So pretty and sweet.   So I'm praying she'll recover.

    Need to plant my vinca and bulbs late this evening.  Supposed to be warm today. If you all see a strange word it's  this tablet changing them.  Why I don't know.

    Sara, I'm still wearing my mask and will continue.  I don't see others wearing them but that's okay.  So, lost bold for some reason.  Lately electronics and me are not getting along too well.

    Saw the little girls this morning.  I had another cow and baby across the fence from them and they were really interested in the baby.  I'll keep talking to them and they'll get used to me.

    Enjoy the weekend.  We're supposed to have early morning rain this whole next week.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Another sad day on the farm.  Little April is going to sleep tonight.  Mike came this morning and gave her electrolytes and a shot for pain and got her up.  we let her mom in with her for the day think she might nurse.  I went out a little later and she and mom were laying down together.  I went out a Cole more times and she wss laying down flat.  I dat her up but couldn't get  her standing.  Mom had hone out to graze for a whil

    I called Mike and he said something else is wrong v,- with the medicine he'd given four times she should be nab etter.  He thinks she,'s suffering so it's time.  We can't let her lay and suffer.  At least her mother has been with her today.

    He just got here.  I won't go out.  He has Sidney with him so he'll let her sleep and take her away.   She'll be with her grandpa, Jasper, tonight at the Rainbow Bridge.

    Thank you all for being here when I need to let out my feelngs.  I hate this even though it's a part of ranching  and life.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I am so very sorry about April.  You are right, she shouldn't suffer.  God bless you.
  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Another precious little angel in the heavenly herd. Yes, part of the circle of life but it pulls at the heartstrings. Thinking of you Lorita.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    58F, 14C.

    Lorita I’m so very sorry about April. 

    Butterfly saw your post about inhalers and DH.  Sometimes at work it was very challenging.  Nebulizer with mask will work if they will leave mask on.  Sometimes instead of placing mask on face with strap I would just hold it slightly off of their face so not touching skin.  When they swatted at it I would move it back for just a second then right back on.  Others wouldn’t tolerate mask at all.  I took mask off and just held mist right under nose and mouth.  They don’t get as much of he medication this way but I just had to do the best I could.  I’ve been out of field 3.5 years so may be new things I don’t know about.  Know of no way to give a disk inhaler without patient cooperation.  The old style can be used with a chamber with a mask as long as you could keep mask on face for a bit.

    Got mulching done yesterday.  Hopefully now I can clean up my garage and porch soon.  The garage is filthy.  

    Thinking of you Ron.

    Take care everyone

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Dear Lorita,

    So very sad about little April.  Doubly hard when it is the young and innocent who pass.

    You did all you could.  I am glad you were not alone to make the hard decisions.

    Wish I could reach right thru this computer screen to put my arms around you to offer comfort.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thank you, dear friends.  Even after all these years and so many losses  it's still very hard to.lose any of them.

    I was hoping April's mom wouldn't be calling her this morning and she wasn't. When they took her to the graveyard mom called a few times, then saw her going the  same direction with her nose to the ground. I know they had her in the Gator but somehow she knew - probably saw them.loading her.  She's with all the others  now and up and running and playing.

    I sent to sleep on the divan last night watching Barney Miller so just slept there.  Got up this morning and fed Tom Tom and the others. About mid morning it began to rain so laid down again, went to sleep and spent the morning with Charles and family in my dreams.  There were several of them - his brother, sister, mom and some kids. They were here but not this house.  They were fixing food and even mopped!  Wish that was true! Charles and I were in the PU driving down the road and two people were working on the electric lines.  He was singing the Rawhide themesong.  Got all the words right including the cut 'em in and cut 'em out part.  That's kind of hard.  I always sing  along, too.  I woke up and Rawhide was coming on.   So that was a pleasant dream.

    It's stopped raining and is cool.  I proofread my.previous post but some words were still messed up.  Why it does that I do not know.

    Hope all of you are well.  Sara, don't know if you have ever beard this but I feel like last year's bird's nest with a hole punched in it.  Mother said that a lot.  Or, Leanne's saying - feel like I've been dragged through a barbed wire fence backwards.

    Where these sayings come from, who knows.

    Got to feel better - get my second booster in the morning.  Supposed to be rainy.

    We haven't heard from Ron lately.  Hope things are okay with he and Lou.  Judith, hope you are still feeling well.  Didn't get my bulbs planted - needed some rain first.

    Sandy, hope you're feeling better.

    Back later.  I need an acetaminoogen.  Did get copies if my lab results.  After all the talk of creatinine,  mine was up to 1.1. My doctor saw it and said it was okay so not worried.  Cholesterol was up three points but it's always been high.  Guess I'm good to go.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, was it your eye doctor who told you not to take the Celexa?  Did he/she offer any other suggestion?  I really feel like you could benefit so much from an antidepressant.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Creatinine normal range is 

    Mine was 1.07. That figure is up since labs done in Oct. In Oct it was above 0.88 too.

    Day makes a good point about the anitdepressent. Did your opthamologist advise you not to take the Celexa? It is an antidepressant ...Librium for anxiety. If your Librium is "old" please talk to your Dr about taking it.

    BTW...any word about Sarah and surgery?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    I read the information that cones with scripts and it mentioned the possible problem with eye pressure.  Called the pharmacist who checked and told me that Chelsea is better for older people and there were rare problems with eyes..  Haven't talked with eye doctor.

    I might take one or two Kubrick's a month mostly when I'm anxious about an appt. Or sonething.  Have done this for 60+ years.  I did read one account of a woman taking Celexa and Librium and almost died of constipation.  I asked my doctor and he said taking both is okay.  I might get a script for 30 filled twice a year.

    My creatinine was 1.01. Creatine kinase was 27, two points below normal. TSH 5.5, one point above normal. Rest excel lipid panel was WNR.

    Judith, I haven't been able to get in touch with Sarah for several days so don't know what she has decided about surgery.  I think she has an appt. on the 8th.  Dr. Baker I think.

    I'll call the eye doctor and see what she says.  Pressure has been consistently around 16-19 since the iridotomies.  He did give me a low dosage10 mg., once daily.

    I think I mentioned years ago I took an antidepressant and it caused my hands to shake. Told my doctor(not the PCP I have now)and she increased the dosage. Shaking got worse so I discontinued them. Don't remember what the name of the medicine was.  They're probably better ones now. 

    Just too much going on this year.  Things should get better.  Thank you both for your concern.  I might try them. 

    We had some rain but sun us out now.  I think the sweet potato vines are going to rejuvenate.

    Thanks again.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Going to drop a line now.  Hope to go to grocery store very early in am if Good Lords will.  Want to get back and get some things done.  Now that mulch is done, want to clean house, garage and porch.  Giving a bit of rain this week.  Giving that strong wind again too.

    Got some kale and Swiss chard, froze them.  Have chamomile, oregano and thyme drying.  Had a salad with my own lettuce and green onion today.  So getting a few things.  Mom has strawberries coming on.  Hope to get a quart Wednesday when I take her groceries. 

    Beth I’m so glad you made me aware of those bubble gum petunias.  I had a bed I didn’t know what to do with since I lived here.  Placed them in there and they look so nice.

    Take care everyone

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  My week with the kids was busy and fun. We were on the go every day and most evenings. I did get enough rest so was able to keep up. Ashlyn was one of three valedictorians which made me a very proud grandmother. I got to watch Ellaree play golf in the regional playoffs. She did well but didn’t qualify for State. It’s ok because she’s a freshman and has three more years to try.  

    Got back and went to my granddaughter’s (who lives close to me) eighth grade continuation. I can’t believe my youngest grandchild is in high school.  How time flies by.  I guess that’s why I love seeing them as much as possible. 

    This past week I helped with a funeral dinner and rested up. Next Thursday I’m off to Topeka to watch my first grandchild get married.  Good thing I like to go because this summer is packed full of fun. I have kn 95 masks and am hoping with the booster shots I will be protected. 

    Lorita, so sorry for the loss of April.  Good your blood work was normal. Mine is kind of messed up right now. I have been in a flare with the autoimmune disease. I’m currently tapering prednisone and giving myself shots of a new drug. Hopefully it works and I can get it under control again. Enough about me.  

    The flowers this year are beautiful.  I bought a few for the flowerbeds and planted two big pots of geraniums for the porch. They are so pretty.  The yard guy has my lawn looking go nice.  I guess the storms we’ve been having every week have helped.  I’m hoping the rain keeps coming. Everything is so green and lush. 

    Sara, I need some of those flower cages here too.  They would help with the tall ones that tend to fall over.  I think I saw some at Lowe’s so maybe I’ll get a couple and see how they work. 

    The graduation quilt is beautiful.  I know your granddaughter will love it.  

    Hi to all on here. I keep up reading so know how you all are doing.  I hope everyone has a good week and that we all stay well.   Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Joan, you are one of the busiest people I know along with Sara.  So glad you had a good time but knew you would.  Your granddaughters have  the prettiest names.  Kids do grow up fast but time is flying by for all of us.

    I did get my periwinkles planted in the bathtub. I mentioned the little weeds that had the fluffy blooms well, the girls ate most of them.  All that grass and eating weeds.  I can't figure out where to plant all the caladiums. I think I'll make another big planter out of a blue mineral tub and maybe put one on each side of the gate.  I have three inside but one is filled with violets so maybe I can plant two or three in it. I'll have to go up in the pasture and find some dirt.  Saw several places where something had pushed up some.  If there are girls out there this summer don't know what to do.  They're poisonous to dogs, cats, horses and more.  Maybe not cows because each summer they eat the ones in the outside planter.  They come back thicker and prettier.

    We gave some small, plastic swimming pools I keep water in for the GPs.  One was turned over and water collected in it where it was mashed down.  There was the prettiest big turtle in it a day or two ago.  I walked by and he was really watching me.  His shell had yellow markings on it.  Doesn't take much to make me happy to see him in the wster enjoying himself.

    The freezer compartment is working good even with the frost. Refrigerator part is not too cool so turned it up all the way.  The repair appt. Is anytime between 8 and 5.  One time he came just after 8 so that would be good.

    We got half inch of rain so the ground is damp - good for flowers and grass.  Heavy storms predicted for late tonight and in the morning.

    Enjoy the evening.  I get my second booster in the morning and there are two softball games I want to watch later.  It's the women's college world series in OKC.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Ahoy there on the front porch -

    I just felt like saying that for some reason. Hoping it doesn’t jinx us with too much rain anywhere. Think I learned that watching Gilligan’s island so much when I was little. 

    Lorita, your dream sounded wonderful. Such a nice surprise to have a visit from & with your DH in that way. All of you taking care of yourselves with Drs appointments, I hope to find a reliable aide so I can do the same, soon. Way overdue for a checkup. And my hot LT fridge needs a diagnose and fixit appointment too. Basically new, and a lemon through and through. 

    Sayra, thanks for the reminders about mask (he won’t allow it on anymore) or just holding it in front of his face when he’ll let me. Yesterday was not the day for any cooperation unfortunately and it is so frustrating. AD has him so confused, he’d rather struggle to breathe. So I found some quick projects to do to feel better about our situation. A few more wood surfaces got painted Freshened up a couple of old looking doors, a peeling windowsill, and started the porch railing. Just 15-20 mins at a time. Feels good to accomplish something, however small. I could just imagine your fresh garden veggies - already! Sigh. I will get to garden someday, somehow. 

    Jo C, your story made me laugh. I like pistachios, but...Not the shoes! Yuck. I did not eat the handful of hidden treasure DH found in the closet. I hid all his shoes a long time ago to help slow down his wandering instincts. So at least that’s not where he hid the trail mix. But I never did find his stash. Hopefully it was just that one forgotten pocketful.

    Joan, I misread your report as you had 95 masks (goodness gracious I thought, what’s she going to do with THAT many?!!!)) Then the lightbulb came on hahaha. A little slow on the uptake there. Congrats on all the great young scholars! Exciting to celebrate their hard work and accomplishments this time of year. 

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and week. June already. Yikes! Snuck up on me while I wasn’t looking. Time does fly when you’re having fun

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning all.

    Lorita, I am so sorry about April. You and Mike did the best you could, taking very good care of her. 

    Nicole, your hubby is amazing. It's obvious he loves you very much. I'm glad you are able to be with him again. Are you enjoying soccer? My grandkids that live close by play baseball and softball and we enjoy going to watch. Your new avatar photo: is that you dancing? Maybe your daughter? 

    Jo, I wash my fruits and vegetables. I use either a Norwex fruit/veg scrub cloth or a wash cloth. I wash, rinse and then dry. With potatoes or carrots, I peel, then wash, then use a clean knife to cut them. I know all about hot second stories! We placed a window AC in our upstairs bedroom. Works like a charm. 

    Judith, sorry to hear about your health issues. I guess this points to why routine screenings are helpful, to pick up things before they get much worse. 

    Marie, your afghan is beautiful! It will be a treasured keepsake. 

    Sara, it sounds like your garden and yard are coming along nicely. Too bad your mom wouldn't let you plant her peppers and tomatoes but you will likely share with her.  We received 2" of rain yesterday/thunderstorm but not severe. Might be heading your way. 

    Day, congratulations on your promotion! I hope you will really enjoy your work. 

    Joan, blessings to your grandchild on the wedding! You are keeping very busy! 

    The garden is doing well. We have been eating spinach and lettuce. Lots of flowers, including peonies and lupines. Lupines are kind of an alpine flower (also similar/related to bluebonnets of Texas). I have many in my garden. I've attached a photo of lupines and one of my peonies. 

    Have a good day. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Butterfly, it was a wonderful dream.  I dream of Charles often and they're always good dreams.  Just like being with him, guess I am.  We had a terrible thunderstorm about 3 this morning.  Lots of loud thunder that scares Sheena.  We had 2" of rain which surprised me.  I knew the roads would be flooded so thought about rescheduling my booster.  Took down the trash and it was flooded on each side of the gate and farther west.

    Toad came and fed so he made it. Has to feed two different herds now.  Figured if he made it, I could in the PU which is high off the ground.  Got ready and took off about 9:30.  The water was pretty deep -  a car could not have gotten through.

    Got the groceries including their last box of borax. Also got a small but heavy watermelon.  It was in the bottom of the big box and was hard to lift.

    I was the only person at the health dept. until another woman came in for her booster. We had a nice visit before and after we got the shot while we were waiting the 15 minutes.  So far, my arm isn't sore.  Glad I decided to go.  

    The PU window was down about 2" so seat was wet.. Of course my pants got wet. Glad they were black so no one noticed an old woman walking around with wet pants on.

    Nice that you're getting some painting done. Always so gratifying to see how nice it looks.

    Beth, your peonies and lupines  are beautiful.  My peony didn't even have buds this year. Maybe I can get the bulbs planted tomorrow.

    Beth, thank you for your kind words about April.  Mike was here two nights in a row at 10 pm and two mornings at 7 to give her electrolyes and medicine.  He's such a caring, compassionate person.  He talked to April as he put down the tube.  I've seen him do so many things for the animals to make them better.  He's had to let several of our cattle and dogs go to sleep. That's what he calls it and I think that sounds so much better.

    So far, the mother isn't calling her baby.  She was in the barn when she went to sleep and when they took her.  They grieve just as we do. We've seen so many instances of their grief and how they behave when they lose a baby or one of their herd which is their  family.

    Watched OU and UCLA play softball. OU lost the first game but another is about to begin.

    Butterfly,v sorry about your refrigerator1

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello on a Monday; my week has started off with a stunning announcement, we just received a phone call that we have won $2.5 million dollars in the Publishing House Sweepstakes!  Imagine that!  All we have to do now is call the number the voice recorded caller provided and they will give us the money!   Wonder what we will do next to begin to spend some of it  . . .  perhaps after family is all taken care of,  I could fly all of the Front Porch Friends to a quiet beautiful vacation spot to meet where we will all have lovely rooms and fine dining and so much more  . . . but guess what?

    I then got a text from Amazon telling me that I have a $695 order and to call and confirm so they can mail it to me . . . oh joy; what a surprise awaits because I do not recall what I have ordered.

    As if!

     Beth; your peonies and Lupines are beautiful.   You have such a talent, can't wait for pictures to come when the garden is all abloom with so many colors and different plantings.  Truly that huge garden you have does show your amazing gardening talent and love you have for the earth.  I have never seen a Lupine or Peony in real life as they do not grow here, so looking at your photo absolutely charms me.

     Lorita, I am truly sorry to hear of the death of little April.   You and Mike made every effort to save her, but it was not to be.  I can imagine you feel that loss deeply.  I too had been wondering about Sarah and if she went forward with the surgery or not.  Somehow, based on past history, I think she would have given you a call if she did.

     Sayra, bet that salad tasted wonderful, and to think; you grew all of that yourself!  Must feel great to be able to do that.   Don't forget to wear eye protection goggles when cutting the wire, best to be safe.  I was thinking of you today; our county COVID hospitalization numbers are in the 600's and rising, and ICUs are filling up.  Busy time for Respiratory Therapists and RNs.  Somehow, I think it is best I am retired and as it is, the new equipment is not something I am familiar with.    Hope that your volunteer time is going well; what an asset you must be to them.

    Mr. Ron; we miss you and are thinking of you.  So hope all is going well with you and Lou.  If you get a chance and feel like it, drop a line, we are keeping your Front Porch Rocker waiting.

    And Joan; our gadabout lady - what fun you have been having!   You have wonderful grandchildren and I can imagine how proud you are of them; aren't they just awesome?   Off to the wedding soon, I can imagine that will be very special.  Will grandmother be in the brides room at the church watching and helping her dear one getting ready to walk down the aisle?  Such a special time to be able to take part in.  Lots of love and lots of photographs and lots of teary eyes before all the fun begins at the reception.  The circle of life continuing on unto the next generation to come.

    As for the labs; I am not a physician, so this comes from my experience; always, always of course check with your doctor as I could be unintentionally off base - well, the Thyroid; the results change a bit as we age, but a lab level of 5.0 or above can indicate hypothyroid.  Sometimes it is not treated; other times at that level, very low amount of medication is prescribed.   The most common symptoms with that lab level that can occur are:  fatigue;  elevation in blood cholesterol; dry skin; muscle aches; feeling cold; joint pain; hair loss; constipation; depression; memory issues and others I do not recall at the moment.  As the lab value goes up, the hypothyroidism becomes more pronounced.

     Moving on to the creatinine levels; that can indicate kidney problems, but since those levels can also be different with a person's bodies - gender, muscle mass, age, etc.; the doctor would be looking at the GFR for the bigger answer to kidney function impact.  Glomerular Filtration Rate (I had to look up numbers as I did not recall them well.):

    Stage One:  Would be GFR lab of 90 or above -  indicates mild kidney damage, but the kidneys are still functioning well.

    Stage Two:  Would be a GFR of 60 - 89 - indicates an increase in kidney damage, but the kidneys are still functioning. 

     Stage Three:   Would be a GFR of 30 - 59 indicating a decrease in kidneys ability to function and there will probably be symptoms.

     Stage Four:  Would be a GFR of 16 - 29 which means poor kidney function and moderate to severe kidney damage.

     Stage Five:  A GFR 15 or under which indicates kidney failure and need for dialysis.

     BUN/Creatinine Ratio is another measure used with kidney function issues, usually 10:1 to 20:1 is a safe lab reading.   If higher, it can mean kidney involvement, but it can also indicate poor water intake.  So; the doctor is the one who puts it all together and decides what is what.  Having a little information about numbers gives us a hook to hang questions on when we have our next doctor's appt. As it is, the physician will in all probability want to monitor the labs to ensure all is okay.

    Been watching the Queen's Jubilee Celebration; my goodness, it has been fun.   She really is cute, and still has that wonderful English Rose complexion.  Only Queen Victoria has been the other monarch to see the 70th year Jubilee; but Queen Elizabeth is outliving her.  It seems her health has not been as robust lately, she sure still gets out there and stands on those legs for such a long, long time when she must do gatherings; don't know how she does it.  Anyway; watching their celebration has been a respite from all of the dark things that have been continuing to happen.

    Heard a funny little story about her which is also charming; if I can find it, I will Post it here, it is smile worthy.




  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Joan you are staying busy.  Sorry to hear you’re having a flare.

    Lorita a lot of homesteaders use those kid pools for their animals.  Love to see turtles sunning themselves.  Doubt if I will ever see one where I live now.  Saw them where my mom lives.

    Looks like we have some rainy days coming too, starting tonight.  We need rain.  Looks like it is coming our way Beth.  Your peony is a beautiful pink.

    Butterfly here is hoping things work out for you getting an aide.

    Mom gave me two quarts of strawberries today.  Made a pie out of one and froze the other one.

    Take care everyone

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hello Front Porch(ers) "is that even a word? I will ask Alexa.

    Sayra, do you use the red stalk when you cook your Swiss chard? I had watched a vegan online cooking clip where she chopped up the red stalk and stir fried that with the other ingredients. Looked good.

    Did you mention Strawberry Pie........yummy. I used to make pie for all the family summer events....always a big hit!

    I can only imagine how yummy your (fresh from the garden) your salad was......mmmmmmmm.

    Joan, sounds like lots of fun planned with your grandkids this this summer. Congrats on your oldest grands wedding.

    Jo, I now know i need to not be drinking anything while reading your posts...the story about your husband and the pistachios make me almost choke on my drink.....hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    So I guess with your new wealth status I can "borrow" some $$ from you? Interest free of course.

    Beth your lupines/peonies are beautiful, can I please use your picture as my tablet screen lock picture?

    The avatar I have is a picture of my beautiful model aunt. I miss her so much.

    Lorita, I'm so sorry to hear April had to be put to sleep.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.  I am so sorry to hear about April. Iam sure losing a baby like that does not get any easier. I am glad you finally got your last booster, my arm seemed sorer with the last booster. 

    It's nice that you still dream of Charles. I find myself still being really quiet when I get up during the night, so I don't wake Dan up, he has been gone for 4 years but the memory is still there. Molly sleeps on his pillow now. 

    Judith.   I hope you're feeling better, and the doctors and all the labs are giving you some good updates. 

    Sara.   You are always so busy. And on top of being so busy, you find more to do. Your salad sounded so Yummy. I need a good salad. I got same strawberries and a cantaloupe a few weeks ago and they had no flavor at all. I want a watermelon, but I am afraid to get one. 

    Joan.  I bet you love being able to travel like you do and seeing your grandchildren grow up. Keep getting your rest so your travels will be enjoyable. 

    Beth.  Those flowers are beautiful I love all those colors. I wish I could grow flowers but where I live there is not much that I can grow. Central Oregon's weather changes many times during the day. We were still getting snow last week. 

    Jo.  My first thought when you said you won the sweepstake was O NO!  Years ago, a real old lady in our church though she had won the sweepstake and she was ready to sell everything she had so when the money came to her, she could travel. It took a while for the church people to convince her she did not win the money. I also have been watching the Queen, she is beautiful. 

    I have been keeping myself busy. My summer pet sitting job is in high gear right now. The people I have been pet sitting for, for the last 10 years are in the process of moving to Texas. This will be my last summer with them. I will miss them, but I am going to enjoy staying home. 

    I have been reading the daily post and you all have been so busy. Enjoy your planting and hopefully the weather is good for all of us.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Jo...I think it is the GFR she is tracking now that you explained it...looks like I am in stage three...yikes. They always test T4 free as well as the TSH.

    Beth...your garden is so beautiful and pink is my favorite color!

    Where is Ron?  Can we devide up his share of the Publishers Clearing House money?

    Sayra...where do you get the energy. I worked outside this morning...loppers in one hand...the other holding on to my rollater...feet firmly planted on the walkway and not moving. I trimed up a volunteer tree so it now looks like a tree and is a good 20 feet tall. Yes, someone else was on a ladder cutting. Now the volunteer redbuds are nestled under the branches.

    Poor little April....sad for you, Lorita.

    Thank God for my grandchildren...they keep me distracted!

    I meet tomorrow with the roofer at the flip house...anxious to here some options about lines.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here is that link to the smiley story about Queen Elizabeth and the American tourists . . . you will need to scroll way down until you come to the video with the elderly gentleman who was her protective officer.

    This really is rather cute, listening to the elderly police officer in the video gives it much "flavor."  Will need to scroll down to video with him:
    Judith, any labs put in the Post are info only so as to be able to get questiions to the doctor; there will be many different thoughts about the numbers and how they relate to other labs and other parameters.
    Good luck with the roofer and hope you get a good estimate.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Nicole, your aunt is beautiful! My niece was involved in ballet for many years. She did summer sessions in New York City; twice, I think. One was Joffrey. She is now a young woman, 3rd year med student, hoping to become a child psychiatrist. She still dances but just recreationally; at one time, she wanted to be professional. 

    Nicole, feel free to use my pic. I'm flattered you like it that much.

    More later.   Beth

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Jo, how great you won the Publisher's Clearing House!  lol  When my mom was alive, she was scammed by someone who told her she won the lottery (she never played). The person was going to come to her house and do who knows what? I put the kibosh on that, thankfully.

    Ron, we are thinking of you. Please let us know how you and Lou are doing. 

    Fresh strawberries and strawberry pie - yum! The fruits of summer are amazing. Sara, it's great your mom has strawberries at the house.

    Zetta, surprised to hear you had snow last week. I always thought Oregon's climate was pretty temperate. I guess it depends upon what area in Oregon.

    Judith, hope you can keep the chronic kidney disease from progressing. So sorry. Are you enjoying working on the flip house? Are you still volunteering at the art museum?

    We are getting a new roof today! We had hail damage. Thankful we are able to get this done. 

    Jo, I loved the story about the Queen and the American tourists! So cute! 

    Have a good day, everyone.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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