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Just need to talk to my friends ,(172)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, what kind of roof are you getting?  We had a metal roof put on years ago and really like it.  You can't hear the rain on it like you can in the barn.

    The repairman came about 8:15 and left at 10.  Glad I didn't have to wait all day.  He was very nice. I met him at the back door and asked if he would mind wearing a mask.  He did gladly. So we were both masked.  He also said he'd had all his shots and boosters.

    The whole refrigerator was frozen from top down. He took it all apart and thawed it.  I had to take everything out of the freezer so threw away some things I couldn't identify and got things back in.  I have so much frozen cauliflower and broccoli so need to eat that  for a while.He also fixed the ice maker.  He was a heating and AC man before this job so asked if he would get the new AC off  economy  so it would run all the time instead of cutting off.  He said the refrigerator is good to go for another 20 years.  Also pulled it out from it's cubby hole and cleaned the coils. This is supposed to be done every six months.

    It has rained all morning but just stopped.  He said the roads were muddy.

    Zetta, my arm only got a little sore last night and this morning I can hardly feel it.

    I watched four softball  games yesterday- none on today.  OU and Texas will play in the finals so. another Red  River Rivalry.

    Can't remember what else I was going to say so will stop for now.  Judith, hope things go well with the fliphouse.

    Ron, you need to check in so we won't have to have Judith hunt you down.  She can do that! Hope things are all right.  Wish we did have a way to contact each of our front porch friends when they go AWOL.

    Back later.  Cooked a pizza and it's calling my name.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Great news...the interior walls that I wanted to remove are in fact non-load bearing. Whew!!!

    3 cheers for the repairman!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good afternoon,

    70F and raining.  We got very little rain last night or today til now.  Thankful for it as we needed it.  

    Had a pretty good day at work.  Got home and got chamomile picked before it rained.  

    Nicole have three Swiss chard plants.  The stems are different colors one red, one pinkish and one white.  My fresh pie did not set up well, never the less it is delicious and I’m enjoying it.  Eating it with a spoon.  Hope to go to a farm market tomorrow and get a few quarts to freeze for winter if they look good when I get there.  If they look good will make strawberry shortcake for the porch.

    Beth I raised lupine one time.  Was years ago when first started raising things.  It was a big beautiful plant.  Went out one day and it had wilted to the ground.  Here it was covered in the biggest fattest aphids I have ever seen.  It so disgusted me that have never had another one.  Don’t know how they got so bad and I never noticed.

    Zetta it is so disappointing when you buy fruit, pay a good price, get home and if your eyes were closed would be clueless about what you were eating.  

    Judith distractions definitely help us.  The person with a lot of energy on here is Beth.  Could no way do what that lady does.  Have done way better with muscles this year though.  Cut way back on how much I put out and have learned to use my massage gun when notice stiffness or soreness anywhere.  Has really helped.

    Judith going to mention something and it is in no way advice, just a thought.  Don’t know if you are seeing a kidney specialist or not.  Have always remembered what a dialysis nurse said to me many years ago.  She told me we could keep patients off dialysis for a lot longer if they came to see us way earlier.  Said that by the time they often saw patients not as much they could do to help.  I stored that nugget away in a corner of my brain.  I know this is very true for copd and asthma patients.  Saw a lot of them not seeing pulmonologists and meds not being used optimally.  Glad you are seeing a pulmonologist.  There is a reason there are specialist.  No one physician  can possibly keep up with everything.  They will also have their own bias toward their specialty, which can cause conflict between the specialties but that can be dealt with for over all better health care.

    Watched the Queen Elizabeth clip.  It was cute.

    Judith maybe you can share pictures when house done.

    Ron know pain becomes wearisome alone, then in top of the dementia load.  Know it is very challenging.

    Good night everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sorry for worrying my front porch friends! I posted last week, but it looks like the gremlins made it disappear. I had stated I was mentally exhausted from caring for dementia that was in overdrive and physically about to break down.

    Lou has been difficult lately and I dont know when she's going to be the sweet wife I married and when she's the devil in disguise. I know I've spolled her and she's better with me!

    Physically I'm having problems that I believe are caused from my achalasia of the esophugus and also problems caused by the radiation for the prostate cancer and no, it's not ED, that's the least of my worries. I'm also having very severe hip pain that is even worse when I'm trying to sleep. I have a primary care appointment the 16th so hopefully will get some relief. 

    I just need a break from everything!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    So very glad to hear you finally got a prompt and capable repair person.  They are hard to come by...as you well know.


    So very sorry to hear that your sweet Lou has been less than sweet recently.  Also, am concerned not only for your physical health but also the stress of it all that you carry on your shoulders.  I know that your dear sister often helps out for bits at a time.  Is it possible for her to come for a while so that you can just get away from the stress and regroup?  Stress can cause all sorts of physical ailments or make existing ones worse.  You surely deserve some time off.

    On the look out for green beans.  Last year we thought would be my mother's last for doing bulk canning of the little green darlings...she will be 98 this year.  But no such luck, she has decided she needs about 5 bushels so she can can a bushel for each of the family who wants them.  Last year daughter and I did the cutting of the ends and snapping...and mother did the actual canning.  Got our name on several lists.  We will see!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Sayra....I am on the same page with you and looking for a specialist. 

    Hope everyone watched the Queen with Paddington. What a delight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, love strawberry shortcake so I'm ready!  I used to make strawberry pies and think I put raw berries in a cooked crust, then poured a cooked glaze over them. Seems like I used strawberry Jello in it.

    Judith, the news is showing a story about a cow who got loose from the stockyards. They roped her and got her in a truck.  She was walking down the median on I40. Guess some guys were around on horses and helped.  I think if a cow or steer can get out of the stock yards she should be able to go home.  

    Also said there was a lot of water rescues today in OKC so you must have gotten a lot.of rain.

    Good news about the  walls.  

    Marie, mother always had to have several rows of green beans in the garden.  She loved them and I did not.  Now I love them, especially fresh ones.  Our tastes really change.  Your mom sounds like a great lady.  Energetic and knows what she wants.  Good for her!

    Jo, loved the video about the Queen.  Can you imagine how old she is and still getting out and about.

    I've been sleepy this afternoon maybe from the booster?  I was up late last night so maybe that's it.

    The icemaker made ice but he said to throw away the first bstch.  I kept out some frozen brown beans and think I might make cornbread salad in a day or two.  Can't find the recipe but will improvise -  anything is good in it with picante sauce as the dressing

    It is hot and humid.  Oklahoma isn't always fun in the summer.  Glad the air conditioners are working.

    Judith, where in OKC are they playing softball?  Can't remember the name of the field.  They're showing lots of statues around town, too.

    When Jason came this morning all the little and big girls thought it was Toad coming to feed so lots of bawling and the driveway alarm kept going off because they were across from it.

    Thanks to each of you for the comments about little April. So sad for her to.lose her young life and not be able to run and play with the others.  A cow may have kicked or stepped on her but Mike did all he could - tried so hard. He is not one to give up.  I'm so glad her mother isn't calling.  I know she watched what they did and understood.  So glad she was able to be in the pen with her for several hours.  You all know how I take these losses to heart and I thank you for your kind words.

    Enjoy the evening.  Sara, I have never eaten chard!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Cows and oil = Oklahoma
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    And add heat and humidity!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, my GFIL would have said, "and purdy women too!"

    Lorita, great news about your refrigerator; it sounds just like new, that is good news.

    I looked for a recipe for Cornbread Salad as I had never heard of it and found this from, Taste of Home.  Don't know if it is like the one you are going to make or not.:


    Sure would like to try that.  Yum.

    The little video with the elderly officer speaking of the Queen and the American tourists tickled me; it brought a smile or two.  Today; in the midst of so many dreadful things going on, it is sometimes just a fresh breath of air to see something softer and sweeter. I do not  watch a super amount of TV, but I am going to be taping some of the old TCM black and white movies from the 30's and 40's.  Betty Davis is a favorite; just taped one of hers I have seen before, but it is a good one:  "Now Voyager."  I also like, Cary Grant in, "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House;" silly bit of fun, but it harks back to a different time and a different way of being.  Not trying to escape and I do keep myself well informed, it is simply that my poor brain needs a breather now and then.

    We all need a breather or a bit of a perk to our spirits at times and we should let ourselves grab hold of such things when able.  If I gardened like our Beth, that would be my sweet outlet in nature; what a healthy and lovely lift that must be to stand back and see the results of all that hard work and it is exceptional. Marie creates lovely afghans that so many get enjoyment from.  I often like to write; twice a little publish, but I do not submit.  Sayra volunteers, plants and cooks like a whirlwind, Lorita tends and nurses the herd.  What do the rest of you all do for special time when you can?

     Hope all is coming together on that house, Judith; it will be enjoyable for you to see it come to completion knowing someone will buy it and move in and it will be an important part of their life and their family's lives and part of their future and memories. Just think; you are helping to build that !  (And a little profit isn't bad either.)   

    Ron; I am so sorry for the way things have been going; it must be exhausting and you sure could use a break; I wish there was a way we could be helpful.  So hope they can help that hip.  Often, an injection in Interventional Radiology can be done and that usually lasts a year or more.  It is best to do it in such a setting; the Interventional Radiologist does it under flurosocopy and gets it just right where it needs to be so outcome is best.  Instant relief.

    Zetta; oh boy; still some snow . . . of course come August and September in the throes of summer, it would be nice to see a little bit of it.  Therein lies the important part:  "a little bit."  So your dog sitting family is going to Texas; bet they will miss you a lot.

    Judith, about Paddington Bear and the Queen; it was another cutie, but she was not filmed with Paddington Bear.   They filmed the Bear separately and put him in later.  Her Majesty had a staff member sitting across from her prompting the bit.  No matter how they did it, it was cute.  They played that at the celebration concert on the big screen.  She really is something; I do however get the feeling there may be something else going on besides the mobility issue.  So hope I am wrong.  Whoever makes her usual hats and coats does such a magnificent job of it and in such beautiful colors.  Love to look and see what brooches she is wearing.  In almost all photos, in all places, she is wearing her three strand pearl necklace and pearl earrings.  Done that for many years.

    What an interesting and dedicated life she has led.

    Well this non-royal best be moving on.  Good evening one and all and may you all have good nights with sweet dreams,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning to all on the front porch. I will try to check in here now and then, but dont feel like much of anything lately. I never lay back down in the mornings, but this morning I was tired and having some chills. Can you believe this Louisiana boy with upper 90s weather and having chills. I took a hot shower and feel some better. Dont believe I mentioned yesterday,  but I'm also having a lot of leg pains. Also, bruises are not going away. I still have a large discoloration from the fall I took with Lou in her wheelchair almost 1 1/2 years ago.

    Even though Lou's dementia is progressing, I cherish the moments she is her old self and let's me know how much she loves me and appreciates what I do. I feel in my heart that taking care of her myself at home gives me those moments. 

    Ruston peach festival was June 4th and I would have loved to have gone, but circumstances prevented it. Every year Ruston has a peach festival and some of the best peaches come from there.  It's only a hour drive from my house. I thought since Lou loves to go for a ride we would go to one of the peach farms and pick up some peaches. Less than half way she started complaining and wanted me to take her home. She use to love long drives; I would always ask if she wanted a short drive are a long one and she always said long.

    Our homecoming reunion is Sunday and it's also about one hour away. I would love to see family I haven't seen in years and pray Lou makes the trip without to much of a problem. It's just according to which Lou wakes up Sunday. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Another cloudy, rainy morning.  No rain here since last night but all around us.

    My eyes are super dry this morning, very uncomfortable.  I think it's b from the AC blowing air toward me last night.  Will have to fix that.

    Hurried out and planted four big pots of caladiums and one it short obes.  I need to get dirt for the other big one and get it pkanted.  I found a couple with sprouts on them. Ground is really damp so they should be up in a couple of weeks.  Goid news that my sweet potato vines have a new leaf on each pot so glad I didn't throw them away.

    Jo, I don't put all of those things in my  cornbread salad but I think you can out anything in it.  I usually out oniobs, tomatoes, sliced olives, beans and juice and sometimes cheese.  Bet sour cream or mayo would be good, too.  Also use Pace picante sauce.

    Ron, where in Louisiana were you born?  I have never been to your State even though it's closeby.  Sorry you're having problems with Lou's dementia.  We can all empathize with you.  Hard to deal with especially when you're not feeling well.  

    We also have a big peach festival in Porter - North of us.  I don't think we've ever been. Not sure when it is.  Love peaches.  People always are eager to get Porter peaches.

    Just started raining so got the bulbs planted just in time.

    Toad came and fed both herds this morning so alarm went off several times.  Stormy has learned when it goes off, someone is out there.

    Noticed diesel was twenty cents cheaper at Casey's than an Flying J the other day-$5.29 a gallon. If  I filled up it would be about $100. or more.

    Tried calling both Sara and Todd yesterday.  No answer so left messages but no reply.  I think her appt. is today.  Guess I'll wait and see if they call.

    I proofread but this tablet changes words and lettera.  Sorry.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Forgot.  Sara, do you mix water with the borax and sugar?  I read about that and it said to put it in small dishes or soak cotton balls and place them.  Also read white vinegar would work so am trying that.  I read that borax can be harmful to cats and dogs.

    The man yesterday said they're having ant problems and are using Ortho ant traps. Can't find them on Amazon or WM.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Jo...next you will be telling me that there is no Santa Claus!

    Lorita...white vinegar worked here.

    Went to podiatrist this morning...the one the neurologist  referred me to. Love him. I went expecting having to schedule "surgery". Ha....he clipped the ingrown toenail and put on a bandage. I felt nothing. Wow...two days in a row with great news.

    Rain here too...just about everyday but today lots of flooding.  It is getting old. Caladiums still on porch.

    Sorry, I have no idea where they play softball here.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi folks,  I know I don’t post often, not much happens in my life.  Since I moved to Virginia, my Son has taken over doing everything.  I’m supposed to be a lady of leisure but ……it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.  I read a lot, 144 books since October.  I take short walks, a long walk would require steep inclines . Going down would be ok but I’d not make it back up hill.

    We’ve solved the bear problem ny taking down all the bird feeders.  Really miss watching them.  My daughter-in-law has a small chicken coop with 6  so we don’t want bears around.  We still see deer and wild turkeys regularly.

    Granddaughters are home from college. They’re kept busy planting gardens, weeding and actually helping paint the house.  We have a pool so they enjoy that also.  One has a job at a vegan restaurant.  She is studying earth science so it’s right up her alley. (One of those phrases Lorita. Don’t know where it comes from)

    I visited a new cardiologist here.  He ordered some tests including a chest X-ray that showed a mass in my lung.  Had a follow up ct scan, then a visit to a pulmonologist. I’m having a lung biopsy tomorrow.  I have to admit I’m a little worried.  Maybe that’s why I’m so short of breath.  Fingers crossed that it’s only an infection.

    Wish I could visit my other grandchildren but they are back in Illinois.  Joan you’re lucky to be able to do that.  I do get pictures and videos and of course there is always the phone. Beth your garden is beautiful.  Marie, I admire your ability to create such wonderful afghans. Ron, I’m sorry you’re having such a bad time with your health. Not feeling well and being a caregiver is twice as stressful.  You take such good care of Lou. It helps to talk to your porch friends and get some encouragement.  Hope your sister can visit again soon. Zetta, it’s hard to believe you are still having snow when it’s so hot elsewhere. Day, I hope your new schedule is working out for you. Sara, I wish I had the ambition to cook as much as you do.  Your garden sounds wonderful.  It’s so rewarding to be able to pick something and use it right away. Judith, it sounds like you’re keeping really busy with doctors and a flip house.  Quite a combination.  Jo, has your husband recovered from his eye surgery?

    That’s about all that’s happening here.  Lorita I’ll talk to you soon.  Hope you can get rid of those terrible ants.  I know how frustrating they are.  I always used Terro traps when I had the problem back home.

    Take care everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sandy, good to see your posts.  I've been thInking of you todsy.  You'll be in my.prayers tomorrow.  I'm hoping it's just an infection.  We'll talk soon.

    Judith, did you spray the vinegar or put it in dishes?  I've sprayed but just wondeted.

    Sandy, I think I have a couple of those Terro ant traps I used in the generator but not sure I can use them in the house with the cats.  

    We've had rain most of the day.  The first game of the softball series begins tonight ,(for three nights) in OKC. Wonder how the field will be?  Judith, the field is on NE ,50th- Hall of Fame Stsdium. Is that the area where all the statues are?   Glad the house is coming along.  Good you liked the podiatrist and he took care of the ingrown toenail.  Those things hurt.  I have to keep the corners of my toenails cut at an angle.

    Laid down on the divan with Max and took a nap this afternoon.  Eyes feel better.  I'm going to get a sleep mask- that should help.

    I think.I can get some loose dirt where Toad cleared off our old gsrden.  It would be mud right now tnough.

    Enjoy the ballgame tonight- Sooners vs. Longhorns.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good evening everyone

    74F, pretty nice day, giving rain again tonight

    Sorry to hear Sandy that you are having to go through the stress of a biopsy.

    Lorita we may be out of luck with strawberry shortcake.  Called the farm stand to see if they were sprayed with pesticide.  No answer, no return call, guessing they have been sprayed.  I’m not paying 5.50 a quart for nonorganic.  Going to try and go to a farmers market tomorrow evening.  Who knows maybe they will have them.

    Chard is probably one of the mildest flavored greens I think Lorita.  My mother never raised it.

    Got rid of my bird feeders too.  Expensive to keep filled and bring a lot of unwanted critters around.

    My aunt made cornbread salad a lot.  She was allergic to potatoes so substituted that for potato salad.  I can’t eat ting with a lot of mayonnaise any more.  The old stomach doesn’t like it..

    Lorita I do put in a little water wit borax and sugar.  Could be harmful to them  I don’t have animals and forget about that.

    Be sure the AC isn’t blowing on your face tonight.  Dry eyes drive me buggy.  Hope Sara or Todd calls you.

    Take care everyone


  • mxnmomma
    mxnmomma Member Posts: 5
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    Greetings everyone.

    I haven't been on the front porch for a long time though I do read sometimes.

     It has been hot here for a long  while ,,, goes up to31C most days with a heat index of 37C.  Too hot for me in the 90sF or even 100

    I have been doing  well until I slipped on a wet floor and landed on my butt. I am blessed to have my friend's pool to exercise in but I am checking in with an Ortho doctor tomorrow.  I thought I knew how to take care of my back but my PC  suggested srongly to consult the Ortho.  I have a friend who does translations so I will  have her join me since my Spanish is not too good. I feel like I bruised my tailbone but  will find out tomorrow.

    Other then that all is well, not visiting family in Canada this year,,, travelling is just too hard  since Covid. I watch the news and they report on how many flights are  cancelled,,, I also prefer to sit with people who all wear masks - Covid is not gone and I am just not taking any chances.  In Canada they have 5 or 6  hours wait  in line to check in, can you imagine me standing that long in line.  

    Wishing you  all well, Thank you Lorita for keeping the thread going. 

    Love ya all


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    I was checking about the Ortho ant traps and found that there is a sub brand under Ortho called Home Defense.

    Here is the link I found on Amazon:


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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