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Just need to talk to my friends ,(172)



  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Happy Monday and Memorial Day for those of you in the states.

    Yes Lorita, I have been up and at 'em.  One of my mom's favorite sayings. She had many and I loved most of them lol. We were waking every few hours with DH's asthma acting up, but right back to sleep pretty much after a breathing treatment. So I went ahead and stayed up once the sun was up. 

    Decided to make some yeast rolls for the first time in forever. Six. And we had them for breakfast later (except for the one I ate with butter, hot from the oven!). Since the oven was heated up I went ahead and made my weekly batch of "loaded" oatmeal cookies (raisins, walnuts, flaxseed this time). Not sure what I did differently but they were almost crunchy/crumbly like I almost made granola!. Hmm...the cooking shows talk about "deconstructed" this or that dish...so I may have some deconstructed apple crisp later. The topping is already made, would just have to warm up the apples and filling and crumble some of my cookies in it. Perhaps I did not get enough sleep after all!

    I did get the porch painted on Saturday - it was a little too wet on Friday. And there was enough paint to do my back door and inside of the wooden screen door which had lots of scuff marks at the bottom where feet have pushed it when hands were full...so, why not? Yes I did. Funny how such a small thing made me feel so good. DH slept most of the time, and it worked out.

    I think I just have been wanting to get something done, that can be finished you know? So many of the daily tasks are just the same thing cycling over and over and as soon as they are completed you start undoing or messing them up right away. Exhausting! (Dishes, dusting, laundry, mopping, weeds/grass, CG tasks). I like to make things (love it) and have done that all my life. But can't really focus on such things right now, so will have to adjust my attitude. These daily maintenance tasks are important and worthy activities too, I know. 

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, wrapping up this long weekend. I will imagine that I am taking a nice walk, or am somewhere enjoying. a beach or oceanfront breeze. Or gardening, or sewing something pretty. Or reading Barbara's book. Or watching the calves playing. Lots to be thankful for even with aches and pains and sadness and other limitations. I'm very thankful for this special front porch and the warm welcome of friends with a shared experience that didn't take us down. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, the Boston Celtics won last night so they will play the Golden State Warriors on Thursday, June 2 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on ABC for game #1.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Day, I used to be a big fan of pro basketball- really liked the OKC Thunder until they started trading and so many players moved.  My favorite team was always the St. Louis Hawks.  That really dates me. Don't even know where the Hawks are now.  Kind of into college softball right now. There are three Oklahoma teams in the world series beginning this week.

    Butterfly, good for you!  I think one of the most instantly gratifying things you can do is painting.  We have a big front porch and it has a lot of things on it. Also there's a space between the boards so those have to be cleaned out before I can paint. The porches have always been painted battleship gray with a blue ceiling and that's what I'll keep doing.

    Had a nice visit with Mike this morning. He had two c-sections on dogs this afternoon,both coming to him from Arkansas.  I don't know how he does all he does.

    He looked at the baby but he was laying down and if you scare them they'll jump up and run a mile, even through barbed wire fences. We've had that happen. I went out to the barn a while ago and mom and baby were still in it.  Came in and then decided I would close the gate but they had left.  Drove up and saw everyone -  they were there but separated from the others.  She may be a first-time mom and is just being cautious.  I will keep watch.

    It's been very warm and super windy today-gusts over 40 mph. The winds have really been sweeping down the plains this spring.

    Watching The Flying Leather Necks with John Wayne so I'll stop for now.

    Sleep tight and don't let the BBB!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    69 F, hot and windy, hard on young plants, cotton trees getting messy,

    Life of a Gardner Lorita.  Something always after the plants.

    Marie everyday maintenance is not exciting for sure.  Everything goes down hill quickly if it doesn’t get done though.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, the Hawks are in Atlanta now.  The Thunder were such a great team, exciting to watch - and then everyone left.  Russell Westbrook was on the Lakers last year and they really treat him poorly and don't appreciate the way he plays basketball.  I'm pretty sure they're going to trade him again.

    The Pistons never even made it to the playoffs so I have no horse in this race, but I'll watch anyway.  I can't decide who I want to win.

    It's beauty stuff on QVC this morning - maybe I'll try to finish that weird movie I left the other day.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Kidney disease. I felt like something was wrong after looking at my test results Saturday. Dr confirmed yesterday. Don't know where we go from here but I am very comfortable with my Drs.That is a huge blessing.
  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    What!?! Jfkoc, just what you need is a new challenge *of this type. I’m so sorry to hear this but SO glad you have a good team & they identified it. Now to find out what you need in order to get, and stay, as healthy as possible with this diagnosis. Geez, crikey and good gracious. 

    Prayers and well wishes for a clean bill of health, SOON! 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello everyone; good to be back on the Front Porch with one and alI; I have been in the midde of a muddle and had a bit of a GI upset sort of thing going on; hopefully it is now on its way to being banished.

    Judith, I am no physician, so  of course your MDs will be your best interpreters of labs. The B12 and Folate levels may possibly indicate, "pernicious anemia."  B12 is usually prescribed for that, most often in an injectable form.  Yet . . .

    The creatinine is off; the doctor would have also looked at the GFR and if that was not in normal range, those two suggests kidney issues.   Diabetes and hypertension are two most common causes.  When the kidneys are not functioning as they need to be, one's physicians can indeed prescribe the various actions needing to be taken which can resolve or improve the situation.   I would imagine there is alot about this on Google that you can find.   Medications will need to be watched carefully, so anything prescribed for your neuropathy would have to be taken into consideration for the kidney function to be closely watched.  It is really a big plus that you have good physicians and have really good trust in them. 

      Well . . . a big hello to our cobber, SandyMac; I am however, sorry to hear about your painful post-surgery back and so hope it improves soon.  And poor Bob; also sorry about his knee.  Isn't getting more, "mature" fun?  So many different bones and joints to rise up and attack us . . . crikey indeed!

    It it hard to believe that one year has already passed since you two got married.  Seems like yesterday in a way.  Here is wishing you and your dear Bob to heal soon so you can get up to go and blaze new traveling trails in your campers.

    Sandy, I do understand how other countries are looking at us and wondering about how in the world the gun debacle is permitted to continue; most of us also wonder about that and we will have to take our wondering to the ballot box and vote for the greater good for all.  I have been moved deeply by what happened to those sweet little ones and their teachers; the poor, poor parents, siblings, grandparents and others who loved them . . . all countries have mental illness in their populations, but we here are the only one with our leaders permitting such insanity to go one and on.  Many reasons why this is so, but I have already said too much.  Thank you for your caring.

     Barbara, our other "down under" friend, I so hope you are doing much better in heaing after such a tribulation.  You are not one to let the moss grow under your feet, so I can imagine you are really working hard at getting well and getting back on your feet.  You have already come a good way toward that; good for you!

    Lorita, I saw the most interesting "60 Minutes" program last night.  I usually do not watch them, but did this one.  It did a long coverage of a group of cattle ranchers in Wyoming who gather and drive their 7,000 head of cattle and calves to the high elevation in the summer.  It is a real cattle drive on horseback . . .  AND . . . . Lorita, there are certainly women involved who drive . . . in fact, the five months the cattle are up in the higher range, it is a single female who guards and cares for the entire herd.  While the cattle are up in their summer home, hay is grown and reaped for the winter on the ground the cattle would have been on.   The cattle do not have to be driven back down when winter begins to arrive; they litterly begin to come down by themselves sensing the changes in the weather that is coming.  Very interesting; one woman involved in this shared that it has been part of her family for over 100 years; she is not young, but goes out on horseback driving the cattle; really lovely woman.  Fascinating.  Of course, I immediately thought of you.  If you did not see this, you may well be able to find last nights program, "On Demand."  It is the episode from Sunday, 5/30/22.

    Don't know if any of you saw Ed's photo on the Spousal Forum, of the Peonies he picked from his yar to bring to his wife in the hospital, they are amazingly beautiful; the colors gorgeous.  I have never seen a peony in real life; they do not grow out here, sadly neither do lilacs.

     Dear Zetta, thank you for the kind wishes regarding my birthday.  I did have a nice quiet day and read to my heart's content in between happy birthday telephone calls.

     I am so far behind, so sorry I did not get to one and all.  I shall eventually catch up.


  • jmlarue
    jmlarue Member Posts: 511
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes
    Jfkoc - OMG, your creatinine level didn't raise a red flag for me. I'm stunned. So glad you have doctors you trust to guide you. If you're willing to share, I be interested to know what the docs might think has stressed your kidneys. I know that mine are at risk because of insulin dependent diabetes. I've also been using Alleve for arthritis pain relief. I know that can be another stressor so I keep watchful eye by doing blood tests every 3 months. Sending prayers.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Neurologist order labs in order to find possible causeof neuropathy. He had labs ordered by gerentologist several months ago and wanted more info. My geren. ordered further tests. She was obviously was  following something. It is  chronic Kidney disease. She said  NO NASIDS....that would include Aleve etc. I fear they are going to come up with some serious lifestyle changes. Glad I had the apple crisp!

    Well the drawing measurements on the flip housw are wrong so we start over. I met with the building inspector this morning and got important info re building lines etc. He loved my plan but because of the "as built" plans did not meet code. 

    It did not rain yesterday. Hoping for a few dry days to get the Caladim bulbs planted. Perhaps I will call the grower in FL and discuss this wet soil problem.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Tuesday porch friends,

    First off happy happy happy belated birthday to Jo and Lou. Hope you both had wonderful birthdays. 

    Sandy, i can tell by the picture of your wedding day that you and Bob are so in love. I'm so glad you both have found love again. 

    Judith, I'm sadden to hear about your recent dx. Sounds like you have a great medical support team. I will keep you in my prayers. 

    Day, congratulations on your new position. How are you liking it so far? Speaking of the NBA finals, my husband likes the Golden State Warriors. Last I talked with him (he's still in Texas) he was calling around to his "connections" to buy tickets for him and our grandson. My grandson likes Stephen Curry.

    Sayra, how is your volunteering going? If I decide to retire this year I may take a year (or two) to regroup and then possibly volunteer. I'm sure after working (sometimes 2 jobs) going to school all while being a single parent not working anymore may drive me crazy. I don't have any hobbies (except reading) 

    I too used to watch Bewitched, I would practice in the mirror that famous nose "twitch" guess it worked for me cause something magical happened to me, I met and married my wonderful, best friend, handsome husband. 

    Did/ does anyone watch "Mama's Family?" I have been recording this show so when I need a really good laugh  I watch it. I do the same with I Love Lucy.

    It's starting to get hot here and my grandson has his 1st soccer game of the season, so I have my hat, sunscreen and lots of my favorite water (Hint water) ready. Don't like the heat at all, gives me headaches. 

    I'm still struggling but I do have great support systems. My mother in law and sister in law have been amazing. I just told my mother in law last week that her son (my hubby) had 2 dozen pink roses delivered to me with a card that said "I love you and wish I could take away your pain/depression. Never hesitate to tell me what I can do to help you. We will always be a team through the good and bad times. You are never alone, we got this." Yes I cried.

    Once again I thanked my mother in law for raising her children to be the wonderful adults they are today.

    I'm so blessed.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Nicoke, sounds like your nose twitching worked in that you found a wonderful husband.  He's a keeper for sure.

    Judith so sad to hear of the new disgnosis.  Thankful it was found so something can be done.  What's the next step?

    Haven't planted my bulbs either.  Maybe this week.  The dirt in my planters isn't as wet as that in the ground.  Something ate my Gerbera daisy last night- down to the nub and the big wild violet ! just transplanted.  I've decided it must be the squirrels.  When the GPs first went out this morning both went directly to that corner of the steps so must have smelled something.  I shoveled more dirt in and put in a big rock in case whatever it is has been hiding under the steps - don't think that would be a squirrel.

    Jo, I used to work with a man who transferred from Miles City, MT.  He talked about how rough the women were up there.  I think he was what Charles would call a panty waist.  The women around here, at least some of them, do the same things as the men.  I didn't see the show but wish I had.

    I drove out early, early, with Stormy to check on the baby.  Everyone wss close together, grazing with babies laying down in the grass.  I've always driven among them in the CW or Gator so they're not afraid of it. Saw the baby and he got up and went to mom. Such a peaceful time with them.  I'll do it more often.  Stormy enjoys it, too.  Shortly after they began going into the barn for the day.

    Zetta,  I watched The Flying Leather Necks made in 1951 and saw Doc Adams in it.  He looked so young with dark hair.

    Didn't get a call from my doctor so assume lab tests were within normal limits.  I did call for them to send a copy to me.  Called the health dept. about my second booster and was told to call Thursday morning and they would know more.  Want to get that done.

    Don't think I can take Celera or maybe any antidepressant. I have bilateral narrow angles and there's a risk of acute glaucoma if it's taken.  I have had bilateral Yag peripheral  iridotomies but I don't want to chance it.  I'll ask if there are any safe ones and spend more time outside(how I wish I still had that tree limb).  I'll take the Librium and will be fine.

    Mike is going to buy our tractor.  Hate to see it go but I haven't driven it in quite a while and if it's gone I can put the car in the carport.  I opened the car trunk a day or two ago and a rat was in there ran down under the trunk.  So, now a snake skin in the glove compartment and a rat in the trunk.  Guess I better take my pistol with me when I drive it.

    Jo, doubt gun control laws would help much - too many already out there to buy but they should ban sale of AK47s if that's the name of the assault guns. Rifles and handguns are needed for hunting and protection especially in the country.  

    Judith, you're in my thoughts- hope it turns out all right-find yourself a tree limb.  They do help.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    68F, 20 C.  Could get thunderstorms today.

    Nicole glad you have  good support system.

    Thinking of each of you.

    Nicole volunteering is going pretty well now.  Thank you for asking. 

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, need to correct a misunderstanding; somehow part of my Post to Sandymac was misinterpreted.   Nowhere did I make a statement that handguns or rifles should be eliminated . . .  that is not my belief.  I will not go into the other firearms that are weapons intended for nothing else other than for being killing machines as this is not the forum for that.  I grew up in the U.P. of Michigan; hunting is a big part of that area and rifles were pretty much in every home for the purpose of hunting, deer hunting season being the big draw. 

     Got another reminder on TV news this a.m. about washing all fresh vegetables and fruits before cutting into them or eating them.  If not washed, even bananas or avacados when cutting - the bacteria is deposited onto the inside and will be eaten.  If hard veggies/fruits, one should use running water and a veg brush.  Reason is that the most common bacteria on them are Listeria and Salmonella which cause severe illness up to hospitalizations and death.   Have to say, I have never washed bananas - guess I have learned something new; now to put it into practice. 

    Going to be in the 90's here today.  Our thermostat that operates the AC/Heat went out late yesterday afternoon, so no AC until a new one gets installed.  Of course this did not happen on the cool days, it waited for the next day to be hot.  Will try to get that new one accomplished today if possible.

      Judith, doctor getting more labs looking for cause of neuropathy.  Do you have Diabetes?   It can be a mystery trying to find causality.  As shared before, our very healthy adult son who was not on any meds, who is uber fit and exercises and purposely eats a very healthy diet, suddenly had an abrupt onset of multiple symptoms that landed him in ICU.  He had somehow developed a severe vasculitis.   It was the vasculitis which caused his severe neuropathy.  It has taken time and a lot of work along with meds, but he is now doing fine and neuropathy resolved, but will have to be on alert for possible recurrence.  No history, no clue what caused it. Good that your doctor is going to be a good medical detective.

     Gosh; there goes the phone again, seems to do it when I get on the computer.  Later folks,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    We had a little rain last but the toad stranglers or gully washers are due this afternoon and night.

    Jo, there must be an answer but seems it can't be found - too many assault guns already here.  It's a shame but what to do?

    Judith, did you know that caladiums   are very poisonous?  It mentions cats, dogs and horses but not cows. Every summer the ones in the planter outside the yard are eaten and regrow more beautiful and thicker than before.  Hasn't seemed to bother the cows.  Now I worry about the GPs.  You know Stormy pulls up plants and breaks others off.

    Called Mike this am to make sure the new bull is friendly before I went down around him.  He said he's  ok.  He hit the ground ready for work - already interested in the new mom.  Not sure why because it's too soon but what do I know?  His head is covered in dirt and has been dehormed with stubs still there.  I will call him Samson.  He's big and pretty enough.  He just looked at me when I talked to him.

    I heard a baby in the barn bawling and saw a cow coming up so assumed it was her mom.  Not so.  Baby kept calling until another one came up.  No idea why she was left in barn.  They all may have come up when it rained last night.  No bawling now so guess all's okay.  Told Mike that I am concerned about the new mom.  She's a big Brangus but you can count her ribs.  He'll come out this evening to check on her.  The more I think about it this may be the cow who had the injured hip.  She's older and he said when the older cows calve they can go down pretty fast.  She's grazing so hope she's all right.

    Tom wasn't there when I fed him but was when I came back.  I was a bit late getting up and out to feed him.

    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night.  Hope the test results are good.  Watch for those bears. The news this morning said there are at least 100 black bears in northeast Okka.  Just one more thing to watch out for.

    Need to plant the vinca but think I'll wait until after the rain.  Same with caladiums.  Judith, if the ground is wet when you plant the bulbs they would probably absorb the moisture if it wasn't too wet.

    Back later.  Funny how a tablet changes words.  This one has trouble with caladiums and vinca.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC found your post interesting.  Had never thought about washing a banana til a week or two ago.  The thought just came to me wondering if you should wash a banana.    I washed it, the first time I had ever done that and then pops up this post. Funny how things like that happen sometimes.

    Took mom and Jean groceries this morning.  Cleaned landscaping around mom’s house.  Was going to plant her tomatoes and peppers but she wasn’t agreeable with the way I came prepared to do it, so told her I wouldn’t plant them since we couldn’t agree on how it should be done.  It is just as well cause they wouldn’t get taken care of after I planted them more than likely.  I feel bad but it would have taken too long and been too hard physically, following all her instructions.  Hard to understand how someone so helpless can act so independent.  Guess when circulation not right head to toe things don’t make sense.

    May thunderstorm and hail this evening.  We have had several windy, hot days in a row and it is effecting my plants..

    Work again tomorrow.  They are predicting more rain for tomorrow too.

    Take care everyone.  Thinking of each one of you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, sorry you didn't get to plant the vegetables for your mom. Sounds like she's used to being very independent and isn't changing.  Maybe another day.

    Well, the mass shootings have hit close to home. During the local evening news a man went into one of the Warren Clinic buildings in Tulsa and shot and killed four people, then killed himself. Response time by police was three minutes but still too lste.

    Saint Francis is one of the big hospitals in Tulsa and Warren Clinic is in the same area-61st and Yale.  I've been to both places for tests so kind of familiar with the area.  The news said he was upset with one person, came in with two guns and began shooting.

    We have another new baby!  I saw the cow this morning and thought she wss ready. When I went out to check the barn she was laying down with her new baby laying beside her. There were  three or four others in the barn but just now went out and let Billy and another little one out, gave the new mom some hay and closed the gate. Mike was going to come to check the cow I'm a bit concerned about but guess he had emergencies.Probably will come in the morning.

    And, this afternoon the driveway alarm went off and two big cattle trucks drove up.  Toad and another guy had brought the heifers.  Not all red Angus though -several colors.  Late this evening I heard the alarm and they had come up to the gate.  Our girls were really curious and watched as they unloaded. I'll see them tomorrow.

    It's been a warm day but no rain.  

    Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Gosh, I miss Sara's early morning post.  She's working today so guess we'll hear from her later.

    All the news this morning is about the shooting in Tulsa.  Four dead two doctors, a receptionist and a patient and the shooter killed himself.

    The shooter, I understand was also a doctor(not sure,,). He had had back surgery and was still having pain. He bought the handgun two days esrlier, bought the AR15 two hours earlier and drove to Tulsa.  This man lived half a mile from where Jack resides now, about a mile from Carol and across the street from one of Carol's daughters.  The guy told them there wss a bomb in his home so that area in Muskogee was shut down until they determined there was no bomb.

    Awful, useless thing to happen.

    Chilly here this morning.  I called and have an appt. For my second booster Monday morning. They're seeing moms and babies today and there won't be a nurse there tomorrow.

    Ants are driving me nuts!  Someone posted a remedy a while back- sugar mixed with something.  Does anyone remember?  I'm using Zevo on the counter which lasts about one day.  They seem to be everywhere.

    This is Jack's 86th birthday. I had a notice on my phone that he had called after 1 am so called him when I saw it.  He said it was a mistake and was probably calling his daughter.  Now he's concerned about his medicine insurance and trying to work that out.

    Hope everyone is okay or  at least better.  Judith, have you heard anything more?

    Enjoy the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I mix equal parts borax and powdered sugar with a little water.  They will flock to it at first but before long don’t see any more.

    Very cool today. I’m tired, think I will rest the rest of evening.

    Nice you are getting new cattle to watch Lorita.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Watching tennis...clay court but do not know which tournament..Djokovicb Nadal...doesm't get much better.

    A week ago I thought I was healty, just aging. Now prediabetic, mild choronic kidney disease and the latest, from yesterday, some kind of  infection...coughing up lots of sputum. I fugured it was just something related to asthma. Pulmanologist said no.

    Interesting note, our three major hospitals here use the same software for records so all info is shared. Yes, all three Drs agree with my health status so I have not a second but a third! All agree that my potential for a life style change is high...lol.

    How is Lou doing now that everything is back to normal?

    Weather report...not raining at the moment but looks like any minute. Lightening last night for hours...spectacular.

    New cows? What is the count now?

    New shooting? It will be very hard to get any gun control in OK. 


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Glad to have the ant solution recipe again. I think we need it here too. I knew something was up, as in...needed to find "the source".  There were lots of tiny ants in the bathroom for about a week, then a couple of really big ones yesterday. 

    So, I have found one of DH's hiding places that I did not know about. The middle dresser drawer had a dried up apple core, carefully wrapped in a napkin. (When? Why?). So, that explains the little ants. That dresser shares a wall with the bathroom. 

    And today, he was rummaging in the closet (which I usually redirect him from as it drives me crazy and the outcome is always "he's dressed" and ready to take off by himself somewhere.)  He's not really dressed properly of course, and it makes work for me to put the clothes back in the closet over and over. However...I just waited and semi-watched. Took my eyes off just long enough to miss where the trail mix came from though (!). He changed his mind about dressing up and brought me a handful of nuts, raisins and cranraisins, from somewhere in that closet. I checked several of the jacket pockets later and...no trace of crumbs or the original stash. It surely is not in a nicely sealed package. Guess I will check again shortly. Ant food for sure. Lucky we don't have mice or rabbits in here. omg.

    Nicole and Sandy, it is nice to be adored. That's one thing I miss about my DH. He always treated me like I was gold. It is a big part of why I am trying to go above and beyond to help him through this terrible disease, at home for the duration if possible. 

    OK, on a different note: with the published authors here, and all of you on the front porch are such wonderful storytellers...I am wondering who is going to write the children's book on "Zelda's Great Adventure"? To be so loved that a family would drive from Nebraska to pick her up, just imagine the rest of the story! Happily ever after I am sure Might have to write in a detour to visit some of Lorita's herd and the GPs, if that's possible! 

    Enough foolishness for me, for today. Trying to just keep my balance with lots of caregiving demands right now. Wishing everyone a wonderful week.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Here is the afghan I made for my  granddaughter's graduation.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    The flamingo is fab...do you do that freehand???
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh sweet Judith, I am truly sorry for the newest tribulation.  You are such a dear, dynamic, smart person with a great sense of humor; so hope there is a way to bring this under control very quickly.  I am here to say from experience, getting more "mature," is not always a barrel of laughs and sometimes not even a tiny giggle. 

    Have to say, though this may have nothing to do with your health changes, my son's abruptt onset of vasculitis that caused the neuropathy from the knees down, also affected his kidneys and lungs; and caused two small strokes in a very healthy person in his 30's who had never been ill except for a once in awhile cold or flu.  It came out of nowhere and the diagnosis was missed by his primary care MD and by an ER MD. It wasn't until a second ER visit when the increasd numbness in one side of his face and down his left arm finally caused his admission to the hospital and actually my rabid input to keep him there when the deficient hospitalist wanted to discharge him the next morning.

    The specialist who came to see him did a huge number of labs and what came back caused him to admit son to ICU and added about four other specialists working in concert due to the changes in his kidneys, vascular system, and lungs.  The primary vascular specialist did say if the vasculities had been caught earlier, the strokes and neuropathy could have been prevented. His kidney function was of significant concern for some time.   Lucky and blessed now in that after nearly two years he is finally off all meds and restored so well that it is as thought he has never had vasculitis, but he will always have to be on the alert lest there be a recurrence.

    If they have not brought it up, do ask if you may have a degree of vasculitis; it can easily be missed according to son's vascular specialist.  In any case, I wish you the best care and the best outcome and good health returned very soon.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Thursday porch friends,

    Butterflywings, I had a vision of your husband giving you the granola he had stashed away, made me laugh (sorry) I'm thinking he's storing food "just in case"  

    Lorita, congrats on the new baby. When I was reading about your ant problem I started to itch...hahaha. Hopefully the homemade spray that Sayra told you about will work for those crawling ants.

    Jo, it never fails when it's the hottest day that the A/C goes out. I remember one time that happened to me and I couldn't find the warranty information on the A/C so I called hubby. Of course he couldn't call/text me due to he was out of range of a cell phone tower. I went over to a friends house and enjoyed her working A/C.  Lesson learned I now know where the warranties are for everything in our house.

    Loveskitties, the afghan you made for your granddaughter is beautiful. I know she will love it, even more so because you made it for her. Great memories she will have of you forever. 

    I've been having increased pain in my neck/back. I no longer take pain medicine so my Dr (he's been my Dr since my chronic pain started) has told me to come into his office to get a pain shot (I've had to do this before and I only do this as a last resort) just need a driver. Though the pain shot only lasts about 8hrs I'm so grateful to get some relief.

    My grandsons 1st soccer game this season is this Saturday, I love to watch him play. He enjoys playing and is getting better as he gets older (he started at 3yrs and he's 9yrs now) Next month he has private swim lessons (been doing this since he was 2yrs) my goal for him was to be able to get to the side of the pool in case he falls or gets pushed into a pool.

    He is now swimming freestyle and is jumping off the high dive! So goal met. He is now wanting to take more lessons......ok with me. His mommy has him enrolled for karate and basketball in the Fall. We keep him busy so he doesn't have time to get into trouble.  So important with all the ugly things happening in this world now.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    55F, 13C

    Marie nice afghan, you are very creative.

    The borax mixture, just put it in a disposable plastic lid off of something and lay it in area where you are seeing ants.

    Judith hope your life style changes help you feel a bit better soon.

    Thinking of all of you

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    My goodness Sayra, I am up long before the rooster along with you.  It is 2:00 am here; I had a strange dream and awoke and found I could not get back to sleep and was twiddling my thumbs in the dark, so here I am.  Sayra; you are such a dear and loving daughter and kind person, how lovely of you to try and put in plantings for your mother.  I am sorry it did not go well, but you continue to be the dear person you are to so many.  Still wish you were my neighbor, it would be such a delight.  Hey Sayra; come on over for a cup of tea and some cookies in the late afternoon or maybe some homemade lemonade and put your feet up . . . . well, it sure does sound nice.

    My goodness Lorita, two truck loads of new cattle!  Does it feel a bit odd to find two truck loads pull up with new herd animals with no advance knowledge?  I would find it a bit startling till I got used to it.  So you now have new "friends" to get acquainted with and care for.  Have to say, you sure do have a lot of new babies coming often; your nursery never seems empty.  Mike must be pleased with the way things are going.   Are you enjoying your new, completed bedroom?  Sure must feel nice not to worry about the under structure any longer.

    We did get the new thermostat put in and not a moment too soon; it hit into the 90's and in a two story house, it gets really hot even with windows and shutters closed.  The more "mature" we get, we find we no longer tolerate the very hot weather as well as we used to.  And here comes summer; the dog days lurking just around the corner with bated breath panting with gleeful anticipation waiting to do its worst.  Ah well; it will be what it will be.   I usually try to keep track of "cooling centers" in the community which are put into place each summer for when blackouts occur.  We have never used them, but I like to know where they are.  Of course, with COVID variants spreading like wildfire and increased hospitalizations out here, I think that is probably another place to try and avoid.

    Our county had 600 new COVID hospitalizations this week; if the numbers keep growing as they have been doing, county health dept. stated we will be back to mandatory masking again. As it is, I mask anyway.  The largest concern is for the impact upon the hospital bed availability.

    Marie, what a dear afghan you made for your granddaughter's graduation.   It is so creative, she will undoubtedly value that for many years to come; made by her grandmother's loving hands.  What a wonderful and very useful talent. 

     Nicole, I am sorry that you are having such dreadful back pain; that certainly does restrict so much as the back is key to all movement.  I hope that you are able to get some help soon that will be more lasting.  Hang in there and take good care and do not try to overdo it; you are so used to doing all and sundry big time work with your uncle, is it difficult to try and lessen the need to be doing so much?  Your husband sounds liee such a loving and thoughtful man; it is obvious he adores you.  That is a huge blessing for sure.

    Ants . . . what a debacle when they come to party and bring all their friends; thank goodness there aren't any "uncles."  Groan.  Me at 2:00 am; sorry.   Hope the borax solution works well and vanquishes them for you once and for all.

     My goodness Flutterby; what a lot of treats you husband has been bringing you.  I can only imagine your frequent searches in pockets and drawers and all sundry places; so hope his treasure trove has reached the end of its being hidden hither and thither.  Just one more "thing" amongst so many. 

     It also reminds me of when my DHs very dotty grandmother came to town to visit, staying at my MIL and FILs house. We went to visit her.  She knew my husband loved shelled pistachios.   While we were all visiting, she went into the bedroom where her suitcase was and came out with a handful of shelled pistachios in a tissue for my husband and she delightedly watched him eat them; she was so delighted that she once again went into the bedroom to get more for him which he dutifully ate so as to please her even though he did not want them.  The third time around, she said she was going to get the container she had the pistachios in so DH could nibble on them to his heart's content.  Poor husband.   When she came back in the room, she had the container alright; it was a very old used shoe of a pair she brought with her in her suitcase; and I do mean old and used, she was frugal to a fault as well a uniquely dotty.  "The nuts fit in the shoe perfectly," she announced with pride.  Well; poor husband turned an interesting color of green and told her he was now far too full to eat anymore.  My MIL and FIL began laughing so hard they had to hang onto their stomachs, I found myself  struggling not to do the same.  Poor husband, what a shock.  Put him off pistachios for quite awhile.

     Had some big work done on both back and front yards yesterday with a lot of trimming and shaping, we had someone skilled do it and are grateful to have it done.  Neither of us would be doing it well, as we both have joints that would have screamed blue murder and left us knocked sideways for days.  Used to do all of that and so much more, strange on how "maturity" eventually causes such unwanted results.  Ah well; many blessings to count and be grateful for each and every day.  I do remember to say thank you for those blessings; so grateful.

    Well; I do count you all amongst my blessings, think I will see if I can get back to a bit of a snooze till a bit later this a.m.

    See y'all later, and Sayra, have a good day today, you are off to your usual good early start, you will be greeting the morning sun.

     Big hugs being sent to the Front Porch to one and all,


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Thanks all for the nice words about the grad flamingo afghan.

    Judith, you asked if it was done freehand.  

    The ones I do are crocheted.  Most often someone will request a particular subject...like school logo, or characters, or scene. 

     I will go on to internet to search for a copyright free picture or clip art. 

    Once I find one I like, I put it into a free graphing program which makes up a graph showing colored squares.  

    Most I do are single crochet, with one square being one stitch.  

    I usually tweek the graph in order to make it more crochet friendly or to get it centered or to add wording, etc.

    Lots of prep work, but usually I am happy with the result and so are the recipients.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Nicole, so sorry about your back pain. When your back hurts you hurt all over. Some mornings my lower back hurts when I get up for a while.  Hope yours improve  soon.

    Marie, your flamingo is beautiful.  I'm sure your granddaughter will love it and think of you. Funny, I just ordered a tablet cover with a flamingos on it.

    Jo, the new girls were expected but just not at that time.  They're so pretty - all colors.  I went to the mailbox yesterday and they were standing fairly close to the road so stopped to talk to them.  I often do that when I pass cattle close to the road.  Their ears were up but they listened for a minute, then took off in a run.  Did it again this morning but no running.  They'll get used to me.

    Sandy, Mike got here about 10 last night.  He tubed the baby with electrolytes and gave her antibiotics.  He said, and I knew, of course, that she was very sick.  He said he had cattle to work early this morning and would come by.  It's what they call bloody scours.  I could hardly wait to check on her this morning.  She's in a pen inside the barn, away from her mom.  She was laying down flat so talked to her and petted her.  Mom was just across the fence talking to her.  Went back again and she sort of sat up.  Mom could touch her nose.  She's so worried about her baby and can't be with her in the pen.  Mike got here in  a couple of minutes and she was standing but very weak.  He tubed her again and gave her a different antibiotic.  Mom can't be in with her until he gets the scours stopped.   He'll call this pm and will probably tube her again.  I'm going to hang and charge the back rubber today,- already have it in the Gator.

    Jo, still haven't gotten that part of the bedroom wall painted but it's not bothering me.  I have to be in the mood to paint.  And, there's still something going on with one side of the floor next to the utility room that he couldn't get fixed when he did the UR floor.  I am enjoying the two new floors. Seems like everywhere I go or see floors on TV, it's the same kind-plank floors.

    Judith, sorry about your medical problems - hope it turns out okay.  Please keep us informed.  Sometimes labwork   is off for odd reasons - hope this is the case.  Our friend, Sandy is also having some medical problems - seems like maturity is getting to us.

    Did I mention I don't think I'll take the Celexa.  From what I read -'that and narrow angles don't work well together.  I'll get out more and will be okay.

    II will continue to wear my mask, too.  Doesn't bother me. They're having the softball world series and not one person in the crowds is wearing a mask.  I watched both Okla. and Okla. State play yesterday - both teams won.

    Judith, you were watching Roland Garros- French Open from Paris.  Don't care for Djovovich or Nadal but both are good players.  Federer, my favorite player, isn't playing. Still recovering from knee surgery. I haven't watched any of it this year.   Charles and I used to be avid watchers.

    I'll get my second booster Monday and get the Borax then probably as quick as ordering it.  

    Better stop and give the GPs their medicine and breakfast.  Already fed Tom Tom and the others.

    Hope everyone is doing well this morning.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh heavens to murgatroyd, and gnashing of teeth!   The thermostat we got to replace the defunct one was evidently complex and rather than mess it up, DH had the AC guy we use come out to install it.  He was in our house about an hour or so. I was upstairs when the repair person arrived; it was inside the house as said, and I could hear that DH and the man were near one another from the sound of their voices. Well . . . neither one of them wore a mask!   My older diabetic husband which increases his risk, and we do not know if the AC fellow had ever been vaccinated. Now here we are, two "mature" folks, both of us not knowing what the heck.  I am so not happy but will wait a bit before I give my two cents worth.  How in the world and what was he thinking????  Or not thinking; he knows better. On average, (I looked it up to be sure it hadn't changed), a person will show positive for COVID within five to six days after contact.  Rarely; symptoms can show up after two days, however; it can be up to 14 days before becoming symptomatic. In 1 out of 100 people, symptoms can show up after 14 days.  CDC recommends testing once a week after possible exposure.  Anyway, thank you for the venting spot.  Geeze. J.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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