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Just need to talk to my friends (174)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


Not much activity on the thread this morning so thought I'd start #174.

Quiet here.  Early Stormy and I drove up to the MH to see the girls.  Only two were down here.  One was in the pond already cooling off.  The others were in the shade.  There's lots of trees up there, Chinese Elms, cedars and black walnut.  The shade is heavy and there was a good breeze up there - not so much down here.  As we were leaving one little baby stood up quite a distance from the shade. Probably just woke up and the Gator noise started her.  She started down toward the pond but when I turned back that way she went back to the MH.  Of coutse, after we got home I worried that she may have gotten too hot so went back to check.  Everyone seemed okay.  Wish I didn't worry so much but it's ingrained in me so guess it has to be dealt with.  Too late to change.

Jo, what I really meant is that I've lived in nine different decades, 40s, 50s, etc.  I'm 80 (hard to type or say that).  My hip seems okay so things are better. I've been working with cattle for 35 or 40 years so don't want to stop.  Darwin told me he misses his cows. Everyone does after they retire and are away from them.  Guess I have the best of both worlds they're still here with me.

Read the e-mail from Directv last night, got concerned with the prices and changed my appt. date. Called this morning and found the price I negotiated last August will go through Sept.  so maybe I can do that again.

Day, hope you're happy with your new washer.  Like I've said before, I fuss at mine every time I do laundry.Watching Denim & Co. now on  QVC.  Haven't ordered anything but it's not over yet.

Hope all of you are well today.  Sandy, hopefully you're feeling better, too.

Back later.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All.

    I lost a post yesterday, not sure why. I will try again today. Its pretty hot here but not as hot as a lot of you are having to deal with. 

    Lorita.    Its nice that Darwin is calling you and I hope your feeling comfortable enough to call him and visit like you used too. Worring is good, it keeps you busy, all those babies need you to watch over them. You saved the life of that baby. That baby is going to think he is a dog when he gets home and he is going to want to come into your house. I don't blame you for calling Direct TV my car ins has gone up a lot I think Iam going to see if I can get the car payment lowered. Or just quit driving.  

    I feel the same way as you do about missing your cows. I miss all the dogs I have taken care of over the past 15 years. As close as I can figure 16 of them have passed away and I still have 7   I care for at times and the one I have been a pet nanny for, for the past 14 years is moving away. I will really miss him. 

    Day.  I am glad you got your washer and I am sure your enjoying it. I love doing laundry I love the way the cloths smell when coming out of the dryer. I am also not a patient person  I hate waiting on people and it upsets me when people are late. I hope to never be late to anything. 

    Joydean.  You are not intruding we enjoy when we have visitors and like Jo said there are chairs for everyone on the porch and the sun is always shinning. And Ron, I really enjoyed the Peanut Butter Cake. 

    Jo.    Good that you had no problems with the thunder storm and Iam sorry about the fraud on your C/C its good you caught it when you did. When I was a kid we never took showers or baths during a thunder storm. I still wont. 

    Sara.   I think google has caused a lot of people to lose jobs because a person that understands how to work on things can pretty much find out how on google. Not me but my son uses it a lot. And I am always surprised at what he can do. 

    Butterfly.  Hospice is wonderful. My DH was in MC and hospice set all the same stuff up in his room. I hope your DHs tooth is no longer hurting him.

    All of you that are in the hot areas please stay cool, heat is not good for you. I have been pulling weeds and I do it in the morning or the evening. 

    Lorita.   I am watching Gunsmoke. I get Bonanza for 1 hour then Gunsmoke for 4 hours. I have seen then all so I don't miss much when I get up and do things. 

    Hugs to all. Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    My washer is fabulous.  All my clothes are clean!

    QVC is doing Christmas in July.  But it's still June!  Cute things, pricey.  Uh oh, I just spotted our dancing lady and she's paired with David.  God bless him.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Day, happy you like your washer.  Did you say it's  Whirlpool?The first washer and dryer Charles and I had were Whirlpools, used, and we loved them.

    I don't like Christmas in July.  I really like David but can't handle Jane.  Hasn't he lost a lot of weight?  He said he was limiting carbs and sugar.  Looks good!

    Been a quiet, uber hot days 97 with heat index of 107. Calling for 100 next two days. I've stayed in except early and when I checked the barn after 6.

    I still haven't done laundry. Hate to use the dryer  when it's so hot.  Need a clothesline.

    Zetta, still don't call Darwin.  He calls me when he's away from the house.  Don't want to get his wife thinking things again.

    I would love to see the baby but probably won't.  He's attached to Sidney and that's how it should be.  He was so sweet.

    Still don't like having to sign a two year contract with Directv but maybe I can get another promotion after this one runs out or may change packages. We got this one because we wanted the tennis channel (not interest ed in it now) and NatGeoWild which I watch everyday.  We'll see how it goes.

    Enjoy the evening.  My BIL is 92 today hard to believe.  He wss 39 when Charles and I got married.  Time flies!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    59F, 15C.  They are giving a sunny day in 80s.

    Time does fly by Lorita.  Take care of yourself in that heat.  

    Hope  to get out early and get some more things fertilized.  Think there are greens I can can probably harvest to freeze and some herbs to dehydrate.  We will see what the day holds.

    Put a roast in crockpot yesterday before I went to work.  Tasted good for supper.  Was so tender.  If the good Lord’s will going to try and get some buns made this morning.

    Take care everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's already warm. May hit 100 today. There's been 13 days over 90 with two more to go before a little cool front comes through.  I saw this morning that along with the US, Asia and the Arctic are having heat waves.  I do not like summer.  User to when I was young, but no more.

    I slept until 7:30, unheard of.  The GPs wanted out at 3 this morning so had to stay awake a while to let them back in.  Looked out to see where the girls were and they were changing pastures.  Saw a couple of babies across the pond so watched them.  They lay down while moms graze and don't move with them. Always worry they'll try to swim across the pond.So, of course, drove over.  Then saw another one stand up, then another, then two more little ears.  So there were five of them.  They started on to the house and when they got close, stopped in a shade.  They're close to the herd now.

    Bryon and Shane had put new rope on the flagpole a while back so decided I'd put up the flag. Got that done and there's enough breeze to let it unfurl and fly and it looks so pretty.  Supposed to be more wind today.

    I need to empty the water tank in the lot and brush it out but it's half full and can't budge it yet.  So, I'm back in the house for now.

    Sara, do you cook vegetables in the crockpot with the roast? Bet it was nice to have supper ready so easily.  What kind of greens do you have?  Just think how good those will be later.  Be careful out in the heat - it creeps up on you.

    Judith, how's the flip House coming along?Do you think you'll do this again?

    Got a text at 11:30 last night from Sarah.  Not doing well. Said she has two doctor's appts. Monday.

    Need to do some mopping today but can't do it all at one time.  The LR is about 24 ft.  long so may have to do it in two days.  I remember how upset Charles would get when I moved furniture around to mop.

    Zetta, wish we had a little of that late snow you had to cool everyone off.  I feel sorry for people who have to work outside in this heat but tractors and big farm equipment have cabs and air conditioners but it's still hot.

    Stay in and stay cool tofay.  Time to find something for breakfast.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I am stunned and saddened; did you see Ed's Thread?  His wife, about Stage 5, unexpectedly passed away from an abrupt onset of GI hemmorhage. She was high functioning and had only been in the MC for a couple of weeks; she had been doing well until this sudden change.    Shocking for Ed and the family beyond measure. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    II didn't know, Jo, thank you for telling us.  We never know what's in store for us, or when.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Weather here in Virginia has been an adjustment every day this week.  2 days ago we had very bad thunder storms with very high winds across the whole north part of the state.  Fortunately, no damage where I live.  

    I drove to Mother's Thursday and there were lots of trees down on the entire drive.  Fortunately by the time I was there, they had all been moved off the road.

    Today would have been my parent's 78th wedding anniversary.  Dad has been on my mind a lot.  My mother seemed to be doing ok today when I talked with her.  She didn't mention the anniversary and I didn't either.

    As the sudden passing of Ed's wife shows, we just never know how many days any of us have left.  That is why it is so important to let those we care for know how much they mean to us.

    I hope that all on the front porch are doing well.

    Hugs to all.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    HI Marie,

    Glad you made the trip safely and that your mother is doing all right.

    I've thought of daddy quite a lot today, too.  We lost him 27 years ago and mother 13 months later.  Guess we never get over losing our parents.

    Been a hot day.  I took the thermometer out on the front porch about 5 pm and it went up 20 degrees in ten minutes. I was able to empty the water tank and refilled it with nice, clear water.  As I came by the thermometer it had gone down ten degrees- three hours later.

    Happened to see a little calf on the other side of the pond so watched and saw two or three more.  The first one was going toward the other two. That made me feel better.  Just now heard a cow bawl and one mom was across the fence from them. I've seen a cow walk them down to the gate -mom on one side of the fence and babies on the other. 

    I took a nap this afternoon and spent that hour with Charles which  always is a happy time. I think of something Carol once told me when I dream of him.  She lost her daddy first and she said  some mornings her mother would be humming while fixing breakfast.  She told Carol that dad had come to see her the night before in her dreams.  It always made her happy.

    When someone on the forum loses a loved one it always brings back memories of losing Charles and what happened that night.  I imagine it's been the same with many of you.  We know how hard it is so there's a lot of empathy on this forum.

    One more day of hot weather, then a short break.  Will be nice.

    Sleep well tonight and stay cool and safe.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    65F, 18C.  Giving hot and sunny.

    Lorita I don’t cook my veggies in crockpot.  Know a lot of people do.  Have two varieties of kale and one of Swiss chard.

    Marie sounds like you had a storm like we had a couple of  weeks ago.  Giving possibility of nasty storms tomorrow here.

    Glad you are going to get a bit of break from heat Lorita.  

    Froze a few greens yesterday.  Got the dehydrator full of herbs.  Can pick some more celery after some space frees up In dehydrator.  Froze quite a bit of dill, prefer that to dried with it.  Am doing much better this year at keeping it from going to seed.  Last year Hardly got any.  Have also given some to my sister.  My squash container got plowed by something again.  Replanted them we will see what happens.  Put tulle on better.  Few tomatoes have set on and they are growing some.  

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning from the front porch! Beautiful morning.....not looking forward to the predicated 101 this afternoon. Reminds me of my younger days when I would be working outside with sweat pouring off of me, but would keep on going because it was something that you had to do. Always kept plenty of water with me.

    Last Thursday I had to go back to the VA for another urine test with culture and saw some results on line. The leukocyte esterase was normal and no rbc/hpf or wbc/hpf was noted. Dont know if culture is still being done are if that's it. Also, dont understand why the count would be so high one week and not noticable the next. Guess if primary care doesn't call next week I'll call Urologist and ask.

    Lou and I will be taking our Shih Tzu for a bath and haircut later today. We use to keep him in a short cut in the summer since he seemed more comfortable. Now that he's pushing 17 years old I tell the groomer to do the best she can without stressing him out. After he's groomed and we get back home, he trots around showing off like he was a youngster.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Very quick note here: Sara, you likely know this but if not sharing for general knowledge. Dill, fennel and parsley are the host plants for Black Swallowtail caterpillars. I have one on a dill plant, and one on a fennel plant. It's amazing how fast they grow. A few years back I was out in the garden and a B.S. caterpillar was crawling very fast  toward where I was standing. It checked out several plants and then made its chrysalis. Since I knew where the chrysalis was, I kept an eye on it and was able to observe the newly "hatched" butterfly!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, it's going to be hot here today, too, already is.  We used to have a Shih Tzu-Barclee.  We kept him trimmed short, too.  They know when they've been prettied up and strut around to show off.

    Glad your test was all right. Be careful out in the heat.  They're having so many festivals now.  Two Green Corn Festivals among them.  I understand the Green Corn one but not the others. Looks like they'd have them in cooler weather.

      It's already in upper 80s with heat index in high 99s.  Girls are coming to the barn for the day. Glad I got the water tank cleaned and filled.

    Sara, we never grew any greens except spinach and, of course, turnips.  But we never ate the turnip greens.  How did your celery do?  Never grew that either.  We did have bok choy which was pretty and really good.  So whatever was bothering your squash is back-wonder what it could be? 

    Beth, I didn't know that about  the butterflies.  I rarely see any butterflies.  Probably because of so much spraying that kills the plants they use for food.  I do see more wildflowers in the pastures now because it's been too wet to spray or mow.  It is drying out though. Places that were wet are dry now. 

    When I fed the cats this morning one can of cat food was bent enough that it was spoiled.  The next one was also opened a bit and looked awful and smelled worse.  Somehow at least two cans sort of in the middle of the 40 can pack had been bent and were spoiled.  The next ones looked all right - hope they were.  Now, I keep smelling that.  I've sprayed but it's still there.  Almost makes me sick. One time years ago I was in the Dollar Store and a can of catfood had been opened and smelled awful. Told the clerk so guess they found and got did of it.

    Weighed this morning and found I've been eating too many cookies and crackers and having too much pop.  So, need to do better.

    I need to straighten out things in the closet floor - shoes, etc and rehang pictures they took off when they painted. Then need to go through the closet and take out things to donate - if there's a place in town that's open. Still have all of Charles clothes laying on the divan in the sunroom.

    Need to find something for breakfast so will stop for now.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So glad you did not have any storm damage, Marie; that was a big one that traveled far and wide across the state.

    Ron; you are so sweet to that little dog to take its emotions and age into consideration; now I need someone to do that for me - I may be more "pleated" and changed than I was years ago, but not yet as bad as a Shih Tzu badly needing a good trim.  Yet.  May be more "mature," but am practicing thinking of myself as "vintage."  Well; it sounds better. 

    It has been awhile, but I do like to do crockpot pot roast. I usually put small potatoes and carrots in with the roast; so good and the house smells lovely all day long.  I do not eat much beef, but that is one I like, especially in the winter.

    It has been in the mid 90's here and also humid due to the storms either coming up or looming about from Mexico.  Last night it got hotter and hotter and hotter in the bedroom and it was SO cloying.  Could not figure it out. Well; we have a new thermostat and every time it is adjusted, one needs to also press the "hold" button.  DH had adjusted the temp but forgot to place it on "hold," so it just did not come on. Whew!  It had to work hard and long to get the house back to a comfortable temp.  Much less energy and cost to keep it at a certain temp rather than have to crank it up when miserable and take forever to get the heat cooled down.  Learning curve.

    Had to smile at the little calf  that Sidney is taking care of at the vets and that it will think it is a dog - I can see it now; chasing balls and trying to lift its leg or squat to wee.  Wonder how a moo can be turned into a bark . . . just a funny thought.   I am easy that way. Wonder what the calf will do when it comes back to the ranch; it will not have the bonding with its mother that calves usually have, does that make a difference and will the mother have any way know the calf?

    Well, Day; sloshing and splashing away with loads of laundry in your new machine. Glad you really like it; when a machine goes out it suddenly makes us realize how much we depended on it and how much it is missed. Sure do miss the old original Maytags; the company had been bought out by a different one and the machines never were the same; they are pretty much not well rated.  Sad.

    I haven't had a clothesline in years; our back yard is too small. I do miss the wonderful clean smell of sheets dried on the line, nothing like it for going to bed with that sunshine fresh air smell in them.  Used to hang all clothes for our family of six on the line and remember having a clothes pole to keep the lines up when they had loads of wet clothes hanging on them dragging them down.  That sure dates me.

    I've been wondering about your house flip too Judith and hope it is going well; also hope those health challenges are moving in the right direction. Hope you drop by soon and let us know how you are doing.  We worry about our friends when we do not hear from them.

    This last week seemed to go by so fast; here it is, Saturday already. No big needs pending for today so that is good.  Hope you are all having a good day with no big things popping up.  Also hope everyone is being very careful with the heat.

    Thinking of Ed and his family; still am stunned by such completely unexpected news.  His wife Carole, had been doing so well and this was an abrupt new onset of something she has not had before; a GI bleed.  We never know what will be. I am so sorry for their shock and grief. It is a large family; I think Ed has eight living children, so they will be together and surrounding their dad which in such circumstances can be a blessing.

    Take good care and will see you all again soon,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Beth knew they host a pretty butterfly but had forgotten which one.  I have 3 fennel plants just for them.  I use my parsley and dill.  But if I would see a chrysalis would leave it alone .  Thank you for reminding me which butterfly it was.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's been a really hot day with very little wind.  It's down to 92 now.  Just came in from checking the barn and watering the day lillies around the hydrant.  They've bloomed more this year than ever before.

    Girls were going down to the pond to cool off.  Jo, I don't think the baby will come back here.  When she gets stronger he'll probably put him on a nurse cow he has at the clinic.  He wasn't with his mother very long but she definitely knew he was her baby.

    I got some work done on the bedroom closet. Straightened up the things on the floor, threw away a lot of shoes and things I didn't know was there.  I have two sewing machines in there. One is mother's old Singer that I learned to sew on. Don't know about the other one. Also have one in a cabinet and I don't sew anymore. Found a couple of comforters I had forgotten about and an electric blanket.  I need to donate those things because I'll never use them.  There's several throw rugs on the shelf above the clothes but didn't get to them today.  Strange that when you start to straighten up things it gets worse for a while.

    Jack just called. He sounds good. Says all he does is go to his meals and sleep.  He's in touch with his daughter, a friend in Calif. and another in Conn.

    Watching the College World Series of baseball.  Sooner are playing Ole Miss.  in Omaha.  So far Okla. Is behind.

    Judith, are you all right?  I imagine you're busy with the flip house.  Did you get your bulbs planted?

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    73F, 23C.  Giving it a bit windy today so hopefully my porch will be nice and comfy.  Hope to rest today.

    Saw first Japanese beetle yesterday.  

    What color are your day lilies Lorita?  Don’t see any buds on mine yet.  Daisies are blooming but they don’t last very long.first sunflower has bloomed out.  They are all volunteers.  The first one is dark red.  See the dahlia I bought where I get eggs has 3 buds.  Hope it does well. 

    Lorita it always feels good to me to get things cleaned up.  Just wish it would stay that way lol.  Got a little more of garage cleaned yesterday, slowly, slowly.  

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    99 already and it's not even the hottest part of the day yet. Hopefully being on Lorita's front porch with a nice country breeze, it will be cooler. Picked up some strawberries at the grocery this morning and just finished washing and cutting up for strawberry shortcake tonight. Also prepared the head of lettuce to have a salad along with Lou's talipia, broccoli and corn. I believe I'll finish off the tuna texarini I fixed last Wednesday. 

    Decided to drop my Urologist a message this morning. Even though I'm glad no blood was in the urine on this last lab, I'm still concerned about it being so high and all of a sudden its negative. I do know that radiation treatment can cause bladder damage that could show up some time after treatment is complete, radiation cystitis being one of them.

    Hope all will be enjoying the rest of your weekend. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, the day lillies  are orange.  The old fashioned kind you see along the road or at old home places which is where we got ours.  Carol calls them cornflowers.  They are pretty but blooms only last one day. Guess that's where the name comes from.

    Ron, supper sounds so good.  Forgot to tell you how good the peanut butter cake wss.  I hope you cab find out what's going on from the Urologist.

    It's cooler here today- even cloudy for a while with a good  north wind.  I put up the flag yesterday but had to lower it some this morning.  The wind gusts were strong and I didn't want it to bend the flagpole.

    I ordered things from Chewy late Friday night and when I checked this morning it said it would be delivered today. The gates are closed and FedEx won't open them so went down just before noon and moved the heifers so I could open the gate but it was already delivered and was on the other side of the gate.  The chain had slipped between the gate and gate wheel and I couldn't get it loose.  Called Mike and he said he would come over this afternoon and open it.  Seems like I'm  getting to be a little old woman who can't do anything.  Hate to be like that.

    Sara, does feel good to get something done..  I get one thing done and something else goes wrong.  Last night I was running water in the kitchen sink and before I knew it there was water on the floor.  Looked under the sink and the PVC pipe just under the drain had deteriorated and was almost an inch above the drainpipe.  Never heard of such a thing.  It's a double sink and the pipe from the other sink drains into the drain pipe below the other one so I can use that side.  Makes me feel like throwing in the towel.  But I won't yet.  Just one more thing to add to the list of things that have gone awry this year.

    OU lost their baseball game yesterday so they have to win today or the series is over.

    Hope the day is going well for all of you.  

    Finally figured out how to get the filter out of the AC to clean it so at least one thing has been accomplished- and I made a fresh loaf of bread.  Maybe a slice of it with peanut butter will help.

    Back later.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Pretty warm day here at my house right now it is 89 with a high of 94. I went out this morning to pull some weeds from around the house. There are so many mosquitos out there and they are the size of flies, so I came back in.  I got bit by one yesterday and it swelled up and itches pretty bad. 

    Lorita.   I hope Sarah keeps her doctor apps tomorrow. It's a shame she always seems to be sick. Where will the baby go? Does Sindey, have a place for it and will it be big enough to join up with the other cows. It seems the way he is being brought up he might be a bit confused. I think it would be fun to have a cow as a pet. I hope you're staying inside during the heat. If you had a heat stroke when you're out that would be bad. 

    Ron.    You love your little dog, and it shows. Dogs are such a precious part of our life. When Molly goes in for her bath, they put a little scarf around her neck, and she knows she is pretty so she struts around. Your strawberry short cake sounds Yummy. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's been a nice day, in mid 80s but no rain. You would think after all the rain we wouldn't need more but it's getting dry.

    OU lost the baseball game to Ole Miss but it was a good game,- maybe next year.

    Zetta, I would hate to be without dogs. We've always had dogs, almost all kinds. They're so much company and I know these GPs know everything I say.

    Mike came by a while ago to open the gate. He said he had a hard time getting it open so he's going to fix it a different way.  Toad fixed it and it worked all right until the chain got caught.

    Zetta, he said the baby is doing fine. Sidney named him Midnight because that was the time they got him back to the clinic and taken care of. She'll bottle feed him until he's eight weeks old and then will start him on grain.  Still very little.  He thinks he may turn out to be a mini.  Darwin said he had a little one years ago and he never got over 800 lbs.

    He brought the two heavy boxes of cat litter and dog and cat food up and also brought some yellow squash and sweet corn. One of his daughters has a garden and brings vegetables to him.

    Does anyone have a good recipe for yellow squash? The last he brought I fried.  That's how we cooked it when I was growing up.

    Thank you, Zetta for thinking of Sarah.  I hope she gets some good news tomorrow, too.

    Tomorrow is trash day-seems like it comes around every other day.

    Sleep tight - see you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    61F, 16C.  

    Ron hope you hear back from your urologist.  You sound like. Good cook.  Have you always liked to cook?

    Lorita I have never cooked a lot of squash.  Have not had much luck raising it so far.  Can’t get my seeds up this year and the one that did come up the critter got in the bag.  Hope someone else has some good ideas.  I just usually fry it with tomato and onion.

    Zetta my sister loves dogs like you do.  She lost her groomer and did not like how others groom her Bichon.  She has started doing it herself.  

    Well today is grocery day so guess I better get going so it doesn’t take all my day.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning from the front porch!

    Sayra, the best I ever did at cooking before Lou and dementia was peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I was lucky when I had to take over all the household duties; lou left her recipes and my mom had put together a cookbook with all of her favorites we grew up with.

    Lorita, i couldn't find anything on just the squash but best I remember Lou just cut them up, added onion and seasoning but here is one squash recipe I came across.

    Squash dressing:

    3 medium squash, sliced.

    1 large onion  chopped 

    1 pig Mexican cornbread mix

    1 can cream of chicken soup 

    2 eggs 

    1/2 stick margarine 

    Put squash and onion in boiling water until done drain,  then mash. Prepare cornbread according to package directions, crumble. Mix all ingredients, put in a casserole dish. Bake at 350 until done, about 30 minutes.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's in the 60s here this morning.  Cooler outside than in.  I get aggravated at the weather people- they won't let us enjoy nice weather because they talk about the hot, humid stuff coming back.  Guess that's their job.

    The recipe sounds good, Ron, thank you.  Thank you, too, Sara .  I'm more used to zucchini. Sara, I had trouble with the zucchini I planted last year - pretty plants and blooms but no zucchini. I thought that would be one fail safe vegetable.

    Stormy and I took down the trash and I turned on the water to fill the tank at the barn.  Of course, I forgot it so the lot got watered.  I usually set my phone alarm.  The little girls were in the road so talked to them a while.  While I was getting the trash out of the Gator they cane down close to the gate.  Curious little girls. Our girls were down from the barn grazing.

    I think I'm getting a corn!  I haven't had one in 40 years.  For some reason there was a three pack of those things you put over the corn to keep your sock or shoe from rubbing it in the catch-all drawer inbthe bathroom.  I wear socks all the time because they make my Morton's neuroma  feel better.  My feet feel cold or hot - can't really tell which.

    Guess I should make some of those muffins while it's cool this morning. I have a load of clothes washing and another one  of chair covers waiting.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.  Enjoy the nice weather.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Radiologist called and told me the radiation treatment is probably the cause of the bleeding and I would probably have problems with blood in my urine for the rest of my life. He also said it is probably the cause of my other voiding problems and it Is something to just keep a eye on. Doesn't make me feel any better, but it is what it is. My biggest problem is i dont like suprises, i want to know, good or bad.

    Sister called this morning and asked if I wanted her to bring her canning equipment. Guess we will be making peach jam after our trip to Ruston for the peaches. I'll bring a couple of jars to the front porch. Whose going to  bring the biscuits?


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Peaches….oh my. There were lots of orchards where I grew up; my first job was seasonal, in a peach cannery. I’d give a lot now for a non-shipped peach! I used to bring them back to FL from home visits; one bag under my seat tipped over at take-off and those peaches rolled all the way to the back of the plane. It was a mess, but people laughed about it then, probably be different now.

    Our mangos are in season now, but not a great crop year. Only a few varieties coming in (there’s huge differences in looks and flavor) and people are charging more, and/or not giving them away as usual in a good year. I’m nursing a breakout (like poison ivy) from the sap in the peel. It’s just from handling them—not eating—and prevented by vigorous hand washing after handling. I obviously was not vigorous enough yesterday.

    Back to childhood, we were also overwhelmed with yellow squash and zucchini. Everybody made casseroles very much like Ron’s with the yellow/summer squash. I also made them with the zucchini, with a few tweaks for texture…and make zucchini “slaw.”

    I’ve been wrestling with another issue I wonder is a problem elsewhere…needed some body work done on car, called 5 places, and they all say they’re busy till late September! I was at one shop, another guy was there for estimates, and he said the same thing—he’d called 3-4 places and all are booked for 3 months. 

    Then there was something on our local Next Door about car mechanics also so busy, not just body shops.

    Supposedly, with so many people keeping their cars longer and new cars so expensive/unavailable, everybody is now getting those old cars worked on—and not enough people to do all the work needed.  It makes sense, but….? Sheesh, I’m on a list for repair in October.

    I am lucky to have a good appliance repairman (also via Next Door), and he’s turning away new customers because he can’t handle all the work. One difference, though—he can only work on appliances that are 7-8 years old. Newer ones are not “fixable,” you just have to get a new one, he said—and with so much growth, that means mostly newer appliances.  

    Hope everyone’s weather is ok and your AC works! We are hot as normal/usual, but also wetter than usual, which means more mold problems…we have to keep the AC low just to handle dehumidifying. Already had AC people here twice in 2 months. Sigh…but they say it’s not just us, but a widespread problem. At least repairmen come quick, they recognize the  black mold health problems. People I know died from that at the height, at least they’ve gotten a better handle on it now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Well,  it's not a corn on my toe.  Had my sock off and went outside to see the girls and got a good look at  it.  I remember now that I was trimming my toenails and cut the tip of my little toe.  The toe is a darker pink and sore when it rubs against something.  I'll keep Neosporin on it - don't want to go to the doctor.

    It"s 84 right now just beautiful.  Gotta go- tablet is going to shut off.  Didn't realize it was so low.  I'll be back.  Love peach anything and mangos!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Glad you got an answer Ron.  I will bring some biscuits.  Sitting on my porch now eating peach pie and drinking Chai.  You’ll enjoy that jam.  Made peach butter last year and it was good.  Hope to make some again.

    Lorita I get a corn once in a great while.  I usually don’t have too much trouble with them.  Put a little piece of moleskin on it for a while and it goes away.

    Rescue have noticed that about fruit for awhile. If it is expensive probably not worth buying.  When cheap usually pretty good.  

    I keep looking at watermelons.  Haven’t bought any.  Very discouraging when you pay a big price and then not hardly edible.  Just keep going and buying Fujis at orchard.  They are last years but are very tasty.  

    They sell quite a few desserts there.  They are well known for their apple donuts. Sell other desserts also.  Asked her today if they just use ingredients like I would. Told me I would recognize the things they use.  Told her I had just made a peach pie but hope to try some things soon.  Glad I asked.  Had been wondering about it.  They get good business.  I go early but rarely am I the only customer.

    Well the Japanese beetles are showing up.  

    This evening found one of my bigger zinnias turned out of ground.  So frustrating.  I’m trying to rescue it, have little hope as it was fairly wilted.  It had a bud that was getting fairly big. Such is the life of the gardener. 

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, if that toe doesn't look remarkably better and feel better in 2 days, go to the doctor whether you want to or not.

    Day off so I've got QVC on and OH JOY Gary is back in studio for D&C.  Carolyn is on vacation but it's a pleasure to see Gary NOT on Zoom.  I don't know who's hosting, maybe her name is Teri?  It's all clearance.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello, everyone!  Yes, Lorita, be very careful with your toe because since the blood flow is diminished in the feet, sepsis can set in.

    My grandmother used to cook turnip and mustard greens, also collards and kale.  I like them all.

    Our local newspaper had an article about heat-related disease and crisis in older adults.  It's very dangerous.  Be on the lookout for signs of distress.  Thirst may not always be present, so don't wait for thirst, but drink prophylactically.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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