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Just need to talk to my friends (174)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    63F, 17C.  Cool this morning but suppose to get up to 90 today.

    Rested all day yesterday, needed that.  Plenty of work to do today lol.  

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    The A1C test is not the same as a glucose test so please check you test results. You should be able to do this online. Mine was higher than desired so drastic cutbacks in carbs and more salads/vegetables here. Actually no sweets. I am surviving.

    Re tea. We always have decaf tea, both hot and cold. For the cold I use Luzianne cold brew family size for the frig.

    Hot today! Perfect for working inside.

    Got an email today from Boulder, Co. They have a drone display instead of fireworks and it is said to be more spectacular. Good idea, yes? I will enjoy fiireworkd from the comfort from my home...NYC's is splendid. Take out BBQ for lunch. The whole city is decorated in red, white and blue. 

    OK cooks. Does anyone have a recipe for the Dutch Apple Pancake? The one cooked in the oven in a cast iron pan?

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm glad you are still taking the antibiotic, Lorita.  And check with your doctor on the blood work to see if an A1c test was done, that is the one you need, not a random glucose test.  I don't have diabetes in my family at all but guess what I have?  I will swear to the day I die it's from caregiving stress, but I'll never really know.  It was discovered after having an A1c return at 8.7.  After that, I have taken metformin daily and made huge dietary changes (little to no carb) and my A1c currently is 5.8 - 6.0 and I still check my sugar multiple times weekly to make sure I'm not getting off track and ending back where I started.

    It's 90 right now and that's about as high as it's getting today.  No plans today, drinking tea right now.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the day today, whether you're celebrating the holiday or not!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, I saw a little bit of the drone display and it was spectacular. Good idea - safer and the drones can be used many tines.  The fireworks people would be opposed.

    It's already 95' here and it's just noon. Do not like this kind  of weather. Stormy and I took down the trash about 7 this morning, then drove over to see the girls before they went in the barn.So cute to see seven or eight little ones together inspecting part of a hayring. I have an empty mineral tub  in front of the barn in the pasture with a salt block in it. When we came through the gate we ran over it. Couldn't have done better if I'd aimed at it. Nothing broken but did have to put the salt back in it.  

    Decided I needed to water plants so got that done and was hot when I got back in. Question: I have some flat leaf parsley plants I use when I make ranch dressing.  If you cut leaves do you cut it at top or lower and do the leaves come back out?

    Judith, I have a recipe for Dutch Baby Pancakes but not apple.  Guess you could add the apples though or apple pie filling.  I imagine there are recipes Alexa could find for you.  Let me know if you want me to look it up.  Haven't made them in years.

    I'll check my lab results but doubt A1C was done.

    I need to order caffeine free tea. I have Amazon prime but find a lot of their things are much higher than WM.  I may join the WM thing to get free shipping. Invariably when I order I think of something I forgot and have to reorder.

    Took my capsule this morning at 9:45 and will eventually get it to 8 and 8.  Looks like I can have dairy midway between times. Guess I should get some caffeine free pop.

    Day, I imagine caregiver stress can cause most anything. Charles was diabetic and tried Metformin but couldn't tolerate it.  Glad you can.

    On the noon news show they just made a pasta salad.  I should do that.  If you and Judith are on low carb diets you can't have pasta or bread, can you? Think that would be hard.  Look at the weight David V enable has lost -QVC host, Judith.

    Time for Rawhide.  Back later.

    Happy Fourth, everyone!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    My A1C was elevated a few years ago, but returned to normal levels (at or below 5.6) after I cut out juices and desserts, I had already cut out sodas.  I still have cravings, so I still have to be cautious.  My local newspaper had a great article today about pre-diabetes in seniors.  Fewer than 5% will go on to develop diabetes.  Primarily cutting down on sugars and sweets is the treatment, along with some exercise.  Medication, such is metformin, is not indicated for pre-diabetes.  

    The fireworks were heavy last night, even though they are illegal.  I'll watch the Macy's show in NY tonight.

    I am so glad I'm not traveling!

    I can't think of much else.   Happy Fourth, everyone!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Highland Park...I grew up in Highland Park...marched in that parade as a Brownie and as a Girl Scout. Two friends were at the parade today...ran for cover...thankfully they are OK.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lost my Post, so here we go again.  Glad you are getting your abx Lorita even though the scheduling is such a tribulation.   I really dislike taking abx because of that sheduling and am always very relieved when the prescription is over and done with.   With doxycycline, be sure to stay away from high iron foods such as kale, eggs, tuna, etc. and no antacids.   My pharmacist had told me it would be okay to have yogurt or other dairy at lunch far between  the scheduled dosage. 

    I drink decaf tea too; I use Stash's Earl Grey; love the flavor.  Cannot tolerate caffeine.  I do not drink soda, but if I want bubbles, I usually will have a Perrier at dinner.  We buy it by the case from CostCo so it is much less expensive.  I usually eat my fruit rather than drinking juice, but if I am out for breakfast which I have not done in a long time, I love a nice tall glass of cold grapefruit juice.  Love the stuff.

     I like fruit and try to have a different one at each meal.  I also like the small Dole cups of pineapple tidbits.  Very tasty and only 60 calories.  I usually have that as a snack sometimes.

     Our neighborhood is very quiet for the Fourth of July - usually can hear backyard bbqs going on, but nothing this year.  We too are quiet.  DH did not want to bbq, so we are having oven baked rib and baked potato with salad.  Big fat cherries for dessert.  I am hungry, the ribs sure do smell good.   Will eat in about an hour.  Now if we only had some of Ron's peanut butter cake with some ice cream!

     The glucose lab will only show a small snapshot of glucose for just that moment in time; when, how and what you have eaten can affect that.  The gold standard is, the A1C.   The A1C reads the blood sugar for three months period of time.  That is far more reliable as to what is going on in the body.  If the A1C is 5.7 to 6.4, it is considered pre-diabetes.   The doctor may have forgotten to order the A1C, especially in an older person that is a good test to have ordered, so you may want to ask him to include that in your next labs.

     Both my husband and DIL are Type 2 diabetics.  Neither of them can tolerate Metformin which is a good diabetes drug - the most common side effect is persistent diarrhea and is not tolerable.

    Judith, your making cold tea in the frig reminds me of how sun tea used to be made long ago; it is a wonder we did not all end up in the hospital or worse.  Sun tea was made with a half gallon glass jar and tea bags - it was set out in the sun for hours to make said, "sun tea."  Only problem is, multiple harmful organisms up to botulism can grow in it; some folks got deathly sick, so "sun tea" is now safely made only in the frig. 

    Iris, I am so glad Simon got better; that must have been really scary and worrisome.  Seventeen years old; he is a little old man in cat years now.   Testsment on how well you take care of him.

     I've got to remember to look into buying new fire extinguishers; ours are many years old and need to be replaced.  Need for both upstairs and downstairs and next to laundry room for sure.

     Gosh; got to get going, dinner soon and things to get done.  See you all later,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Talked with the pharmacist. Somewhere I had read you couldn't take acetaminophen or ibuprofen with Doxycycline but she says you can.  Nothing is off the table -  just have to have it midway between doses. Caution for calcium, antacids and a few other things. Can also have caffeine but not within two hours of taking the medicine.  Can be taken with food or on empty stomach.

    I was hungry a little bit ago so ate half of my supper -'will finish it with the medicine at 9:45.  It is a pain, Jo.

    I'll watch fireworks on TV, too. They're always pretty.

    Judith, Highland Park rang a bell for me so must have seen you mention it.  Not safe to be anywhere where there are crowds.  Sad for our Country.

    Iris, do you know if it's seven human years to one cat year like it is for dogs?  Never have heard but 17 is way up there. Glad Simon is okay.

    Okay, let's all watch fireworks together tonight.  Occasionally Charles and I would be sitting on the porch and would see one or two far east of us.  I'd like to see the one with drones.

    I needed to order Theragesic which we have used for 40+ years. WM no longer has it so checked Amazon.  You can get 5 oz. For $74. That is ridiculous!  Guess I will use something else.  

    Enjoy the fireworks!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Simon is 84 in human years.  He is my adventurous cat, he's like a little person.  The other cats are more cat-like.

    I used to make sun tea for years, never had a problem.  But now, my place is mostly in the shade for most hours, even in the summer.

    I listened to Whitney Houston's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner--she never fails to bring delight!  We need more things to bring people together--there's no excuse for so much anger and violence!

    Yes, let's all watch fireworks tonight together!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    75F, 24C.  Giving rain and we could use it.

    Judith have never had a Dutch Baby Pancake, have seen recipes and thought about trying.  Let us know what you think if you make it.

    I cannot tolerate caffeine either.  Have not used it for years.  Getting a lot of chamomile this year.  Tried some cold the other day and it was ok.

    My eggplant has lots of blooms.  One has bloomed out, pretty lilac.  Maybe my persistence paid off.  My squash came up and look beautiful.   The third time I have planted it.  Have had trouble, that is the bag that varmints kept getting in.  We’ll see what happens.  Have some peppers setting on.  My kraut is working hopefully it will be good.  Had trouble last year for some reason.

    Lorita to cut parsley I cut them back them all the way back.  Might leave half inch or so of stem at base.  Has always done ok for me. Take the ones with the bigger stem and let the smaller ones keep growing.

    Off to work soon.  Everyone take care


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning friends of the front porch. Sorry I couldn't join all of you for the fireworks! My brother had asked me if I was going to a local big fireworks display; when I told him no, he asked didn't I want to relive my youth. Seems like he forgot his younger brother is dealing with a DW that cant comprehend what's going on and someone who has spent time in a war zone. Just the local fireworks last night had me wondering if the sky glowing with fireworks was really flares where you could see what's out there or when the rockets go off wondering where it will land. Enough of that, it's better days now!

    Picked up Lou a new walker last week and she's like a kid with a new toy. Her dementia has been changing lately, now around 5 - 6 she continuously is asking what we go to bed and sits around making strange noises. It's hard for me to relax at night and watch tv shows without her moaning and questions. At times she doesn't even realize that it's a tv and she thinks the people on it are in the house. I know dementia is progressive and I'll deal with it the best I can.

    I picked up some blue bell peach ice cream and it is delicious. One thing I like about blue bell icecream is no matter what kind it is, the chunks are always good size; peaches, pecans, walnuts, cherries, cookies or whatever they add. I'll bring a few half gallons for our next icecream party on the front porch. 

    Enjoy your day my friends!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, Theragesic contains Menthol 1% and Methyl Salicylate 15%.  Rugby pain relief cream is the exact same formulation and can be found here for $7.99.  


    I don't know anything about this other than I googled for the ingredients and this came up.

    All is well here. Picking blueberries (our yard) today. Garden looks AMAZING!!! Waiting till the 100 daylilies bloom then will get some pics for you all!

  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Bonnie has completed her second week in memory care without a lot of glitches.  I had her placed in a two person room because it is $1500 less per month than private room.  It’s not working out due to her room mates actions.  She will not keep her hands off Bonnie’s stuff.  I have requested a private room and have been told that we can move her next week.  I think things for her will be much better.  She has also been accepted for hospice care in the facility..  she has fallen once while trying to get up from her wheelchair without locking the wheels but she didn’t break anything thank goodness.  Also, they called me yesterday morning to ask if I had taken her home.  I told them no and it scared me to death.  A room to room search found her in a public bathroom across the hallway talking to her people.  I’m searching for a camera to set up in her room so I can keep 24 hour tabs on her.  Thanks for listening.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    I watched fireworks on three stations last night and they were beautiful!  Good to watch them with all of you.

    Iris, Simon is older than I am! So it's about five years to one of his.  I know you enjoy the cats.  I have two that run and play like kittens- mother and son. They knocked a lamp off  a table last night and it broke the lightbulb off in the socket so had to change lamps around this morning. Have to be careful to not trip on them.

    Sara, hope you get rain,really wish we would.  It was  in the 9Os at 8 this morning and not much wind. Carol just called and said it's 98.' Thus will be our fourth 100 degree day with several more to come.

    Love Dutch baby pancakes.  If I remember correctly they're better eaten fresh out of the oven.  Eggplants are a pretty plant.  What kind do you have?

    Extex, sorry the private room for Bonnie didn't work out.  Hope she gets along ok.  I bet the call did scare you. Glad they found her ok.

    Ron, my mother had alz and she would think the people on TV were in the house.  Charles got to the stage where he would make noises, too.  Funny thing is that I started making them, too.  Missed you at the fireworks last night.

    Beth, thank you, thank you for the information.  I just ordered some - $8.99 here and I think I have to pay shipping because another company ships it but worth it. It even mentioned it has the same ingredients as Theragesic.  Thanks again.  Anxious to see your pictures.

    Not feeling on top of the world today so not doing anything I don't have to. Did call my  pharmacy to have them put Clindamycin on my list to not take.

    Sandy, have you heard from the doctor yet?

    Take it easy today.  Back later

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    ExTex, I can only imagine how panicked you must have felt when Bonnie went missing; talk about scary!   So glad she was quickly found and was alright.   It is nice Bonnie will have a private room, but do know that other residents wander about and consider other rooms as little "shopping" centers.  Stuff can still go missing, so best to have her things kept in closed drawers or closed closets.   I am sorry for the $1,500 a month higher price tag - ouch!  You are such a wonderful caring advocate for your dear wife; she is blessed to have you by her side.

    Gosh; I fell asleep about 9:00 last night watching TV, and then abruptly woke with BBBBBBAAAAAANNNNGGG!!!!  Sure did startle me.  The city had begun their special fireworks display.  Real noisy for about a half hour or so.  The city does a special July 4th celebration each year.  No bbqs and no picnicing, but they have rides, food trucks, and entertainment with a big fireworks show to close things.  Nice for families. The rides are not cheap; they charge $20 per person for all day ride tickets.  There is a good police presence as the station is right there at the site, so things go well for families.

    That methyl salicylate, it is not aspirin, but is related to aspirin, so be sure to use it according to directions as it can affect platelets.  Also, not supposed to use heating pad over area that has the product on it and sure don't want to accidentally get it in your eyes, the menthol would burn like the dickens.  I know you know all of this, but I cannot shut up.  My little finger on my right hand hurts like the dickens, especially after using the computer.   I need to get something for the poor little thing, it really does raise a ruckus.

    Ron; that Bluebell Peach Ice Cream sounds delicious; I have not had Bluebell ice cream before, I will have to look and see if we have it at our market.  My DH would love the big pieces of fruit.  He got himself mint chocolate chip ice cream with not chips but BIG pieces of chocolate.  I do not like mint ice cream, so I was not tempted.  And him, the diabetic.  He just does not stick to anything even resembling an eating plan for a diabetic and simply eats what he wants and has to take more meds; it worries me quite a bit, but nothing can be done until and unless he decides to make some changes.  And no; I do not nag, it would only make things worse. He is intelligent and he knows, but goes his own way.

    Gosh; the big juicy cherries and big plump red grapes we got from Sprouts Market are absolutely delicious. Love the fresh fruits in good old summertime.   Would love to see Sayra's eggplants; I have never grown them, but sure do love to eat them.  Haven't had any in years as DH hates them and I cannot eat all of one by myself.

    Can't wait for Beth's daylilies to bloom so we can see pictures of her beautful, beautiful garden; it is really something - I so admire the work it takes to get it where it is and how marvelous it must be to sit in a comfy chair and gaze upon the results.  Just lovely, I do not have that sort of talent.

     Judith, I am glad your friends are okay; that is such a dreadful, dreadful thing to happen.  So much of our country has been violent; it is in absolute opposition from what we grew up with.   Once again, a situation where words just do not suffice.

     Ron, interesting your take on the fireworks.  Being in active wartime makes a huge difference. While the fireworks were going off, I thought of the people in the Ukraine.  I worked with a surgeon at a med center; we were walking in a parking lot when a chopper flew overhead,  he abruptly stopped and got very quiet; he said every time he hears a helicopter overhead, he is thrown right back into Viet Nam where he was stationed during the worst of the war.  Things are never quite the same.

     Iris, give your little old Simon a hug from me; 84 cat years old!   As said, a testament to how well you have cared for him.  Bet he is a sweetie.

    Oh my; I saw the funniest little story about gardening from George's humor thread; I will get it and put it here.  It is just the teeniest, teensiest littlest bit naughty, so if it offends anyone at all, please let me know and I will remove it.  Have to say, it did make me laugh especially because we talk about gardening here so much.

     As they say in England, TTFN; or "ta-ta for now,"


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, if you still have the broken bulb in your lamp here is a trick to get it out safely.

    Cut a potato in half which is slightly smaller than the place where the bulb is.  Press the potato into the socket and turn as if removing bulb.  The potato should hang on to the remains of the bulb.  Of course you do this operation with the lamp unplugged.

    So sorry to hear you are still not feeling the best.  I know you suspect the original antibiotic for the symptoms, but is it possible that it is something else?  I hesitate to mention it, but could it be Covid?  My granddaughter had it and her first symptom was the metalic taste.  I had not heard of that before so looked it up.  Has been added to list of symptoms.

    If you are not better tomorrow, I think you might want to see doc or urgent care to see if anything else is the cause of your feeling poorly.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I have a horrible feeling that I am being inappropriate.  If anyone at all feels the least offended by the following, please write and let me know - as soon as I see your Post, I will delete the writing. This comes from George's Humor Thread on the Caregiver's Forum.

    Since we talk so much about gardening, when I saw this, it made me laugh:


    Once there was a beautiful woman who loved to work in her organic vegetable garden, but no matter what she did, she couldn't get her organic tomatoes to ripen.

    Admiring her neighbor's garden, which had beautiful bright red organic tomatoes, she went one day and inquired of him his secret.

    "It's really quite simple," the old man explained. "Twice each day, in the morning and in the evening, I expose myself in front of the tomatoes and they turn red with embarrassment."

    Desperate for the perfect organic garden, she tried his advice and proceeded to expose herself to her plants twice daily.

    Two weeks passed and her neighbor stopped by to check her progress. "So," he asked, "any luck with your tomatoes?"

    "No," she replied excitedly... "but you should see the size of my cucumbers!"


    • jfkoc
      jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    • loveskitties
      loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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      Just didn't feel like doing grocery shopping today, but there were some things I really needed to get.  So I took a page from my daughter's book and placed an order on-line with my local store so that they would do the shopping for me and I just had to pick it up.

      I could get used to this!  So nice not to have to spend time in the store and move the items from shelf to basket to check-out to car to house.  I know I won't use the service if I need meats or fresh produce, but sure is nice for all the rest of the goods.  Next time I will also tell them "no substitutions".  Wasn't a big deal as it was only 2 individual cereal servings but prefer the one I originally ordered.

      Have been working on more afghans the last month.  One for daughter to give to her son's basketball coach and one for a friend of hers to raffle off to help pay for mother-in-law's unexpected passing funeral.  Now on to another!  As I tell my mother, it keeps me out of trouble...or mostly...lol.

    • Lorita
      Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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      I did laugh out loud, Jo.  Really cute.  I never tried that. Got my laugh for the day..
    • Lorita
      Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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      Think i figured out why I have this headache.  I haven't had any caffeine for 21/2 days. Years ago Charles and I stopped drinking coffee and we had awful headaches for a week or two.  I can drink some pop later today.  

      I don't think it's covid although that had entered my mind. Haven't been around anyone without a mask except Steve. That was June 18 and we were outside. Wasn't really close to him but a minute or two when he was showing me burned wire.

      Saw my doctor June 28, started taking medicine that night and next night, the 28th, is when I had the side effects.  Went to urgent care on July 3, started Doxycycline that evening and discontinued caffeine on the 3rd.   Neither doctor  wore masks but I did.

      Marie, I've used the potato trick before and it works well, however this isn't a regular lightbulb.  I ordered some from QVC that had a thing that screws in the ends - you push the button and it lights up. Doesn't have to be screwed in lamp except to charge it.   The little thing (not the thing you screw on) is what broke off in the lamp. I'll have to look at it to see.

      I've never done the pick up from WM. If I drive that far might as well go in the little store where I shop.  I do hate to handle things three times though.  That's  why I order all I can..  But might try it sometime.  Glad you liked it.

    • ronald71111
      ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
      Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

      Jo., that's why I stopped gardening! When I tried it, I planted big boys and got tommy toes and the cucumbers wilted. 

      Ps.......dont worry about anyone being offended. at our age a little front porch humor never hurts anyone!


    • dayn2nite2
      dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
      Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
      loveskitties wrote:

      Just didn't feel like doing grocery shopping today, but there were some things I really needed to get.  So I took a page from my daughter's book and placed an order on-line with my local store so that they would do the shopping for me and I just had to pick it up.

      I could get used to this!  So nice not to have to spend time in the store and move the items from shelf to basket to check-out to car to house.  I know I won't use the service if I need meats or fresh produce, but sure is nice for all the rest of the goods.  Next time I will also tell them "no substitutions".  Wasn't a big deal as it was only 2 individual cereal servings but prefer the one I originally ordered.

      Whether I do the pick up or the Shipt, it really saves me a lot of time.  I feel like they do an even better job shopping, as the shoppers are trained (my brother did this for a while) to get the best looking items, look for dates as far out as possible, etc.

      I actually prefer Shipt because with that app I tend to order on the same day or 2 days in a week and I have specific people picked as "preferred shoppers" and if I place an order and they're signed into the app, they will get my order before anyone else.  My preferred shoppers pack my things so well and I already have back-up items picked or have designated certain things as "no substitutes" so I don't have to do a lot of texting back and forth.

      I even ordered from Petco one day and one of my preferred shoppers took care of the order.  I tip really well because it saves me so much time and I appreciate the quality of the items they choose for me.
    • Iris L.
      Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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      Lorita, do you know how to shut off your circuit breakers before you work on the broken light fixture?  

      How is your toe doing today?

      Jo, I spent a half hour yesterday guffawing at George's thread.  I wondered where it was.  We need more chuckles in our lives!


    • Lorita
      Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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      Iris, it's just the lamp so no worry. But I do know how to turn off the circuit breakers.  Last summer when it was hot the wall furnace came on without warning.  We had it installed a long time ago and hardly used it.  Same thing happened with the whole house fan.  Finally thought to turn off the breakers.  Something may have chewed through the wiring.

      My toe isn't as sore - just a little near the base of it on the outside.  Great toe bothers me more than the little one. Maybe I can work on it and Stormy's nails tomorrow.    Thanks for asking, Iris.

      George's thread? Which one is it,- need a laugh.

      Awfully hot today don't even want to know how hot. Just let the Pyrenees out they won't stay long.  Some of the girls are in the pond in water up to their backs.  I worry about the babies swimming across it but they stay close to their moms. Need to go out and check the barn.

      Ron, you're right.  We need a good laugh now and then.

      Day, what is shipt?

    • ronald71111
      ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
      Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

      Bad night.......nothing to do with Lou!

      The front porch is always a good place to come and relax!!

      10pm fireworks went off with a bang, July 5th at 10pm was last time they could set them off legally. That was my first wake up, next was 11:30 for bathroom trip thanks to prostate, 1 started choking on my own salvia, 2 bathroom again, finally just got up at 2:30 since was unable to go back to sleep. Front porch sure is peaceful, maybe I can rock myself back to sleep.

      Ordered pizza last night and was surprised how good Lou ate. Somehow she has got it in her head that she cant eat cheese. As long as you dont mention cheese, she eats it. She has a bagel every morning with blueberry cream cheese and loves it. Lately she has been very apologetic when she upsets me. She will tell me how sorry she is and she doesn't know why she does some of the things she does. This reminds me at times a dementia love one knows what they are saying or doing, but cant help themselves. 

      Received paperwork yesterday to have ready prior to my consult next week for my appointment to schedule upper and lower GI. Most of the information they want would have already been sent by the VA to the care in the community but I'll go thru the motions for them and fill it out. I promise to stay off the porch the day I have to drink the preparation prior to procedure. 

      Ok guys, I'll let you go and see if I can find a good western.


    • Mint
      Mint Member Posts: 2,679
      Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

      Good morning 

      70F, 21C.  1.6 inches of rain since yesterday.  Giving more today.  Good for the corn crop, orchards and gardens.

      Ron you were the early bird this morning.  Hope the prep isn’t too bad.

      Lorita hope that toe continues to improve.

      Wasn’t raining when I got off work yesterday so got grocery shopping done. Have to take it to mom this morning.  I didn’t put anything away except refrigerated items.  Was tired.  Got my supper at work.  Not real tasty, but it fed me, didn’t have to cook and thankful for it.

      My rosacea flare seems to be lessening.  Trying to be more cautious about not sweating when I don’t have too.  Also it has been a very windy summer and wind is bad for rosacea.  Thankful that cream is working and hopefully won’t have to go on oral med.

      Take care everyone

    • Sandymac
      Sandymac Member Posts: 15
      Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

      Good evening all….thought I’d join in on the front porch for a little bit of sunshine and warmth…boyyyyy can we do with it here.  We’ve had nothing but rain for the last days and again our little town is flooded in.   3rd time this year and 4th this last 6 months….. we have had about 17" in 3 days, which is unbelievable, and the ground is so so water logged from the previous rain events that floods come so quickly.     When it floods there is only one way into town, but , of course, you don’t go unless it’s absolutely essential.   We had to go out the other day and it took us an hour and a half to do what usually takes about ten minutes to do, because all the other roads were flooded.    

      One of the place where we often go to camp with our caravan has had 24" of rain in 3 days and now the roads are all washed out so the residents can’t get out, so are locked in till they are fixed, possibly for several weeks.

      Hope your toe is better now Lorita, that cellulitis is such a problem and you really have to follow the directions completely.  Make sure you take all the antibiotics won’t you, it’s so easy to think that you are better so you stop.  

      Jo……LOL   I must remember that one

      My back is still giving me trouble unfortunately….I’ve had more scans and it’s shows that there is still a lot of inflammation from the surgery, plus arthritis in the spine… next thing is more injections to try to reduce the inflammation   Hope it works soon,   We are flying to Brisbane at the end of the month for a birthday party, then going to New Zealand in 6weeks , which means 5 weeks travelling in a car and motor home. We decided against the trip to  Western Australia because I couldn’t take the driving at the moment, otherwise we’d be away now,  hate the cold!

      At the moment I feel like an old lady, and I’m only 77!!!!!   The trouble is I married this young bloke of 75, and I have to keep up with him

      I spent quite a long time catching up with the doings on 174, but now can’t remember it all but was lovely to see what was going on with you all.  My love and hugs to everyone.  


    • BethL
      BethL Member Posts: 838
      Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

      Good morning. Good to hear from all of you. I read twice a day but don't post so often. We ha 1.1" rain Monday and 0.5" Tuesday with very, very high winds but no damage here. We may get more rain today. it's been thundering but not much else this a.m. Our thermometer recorded 100 degrees yesterday!

      Currently we are eating green beans, blueberries, beets and carrots from the garden. We are really enjoying that. 

      Our internet was out over 12 hours yesterday. I miss it - I really don't do internet much on my phone but I know I could. I have been reading a lot lately: "Where the Crawdads Sing" was a fabulous book that will soon be in the theaters. For very light reading, I really enjoy Pamela Kelley and am in the process of reading her Beach Plum Cove novel series (7 books) for the 2nd time. There are few books I read more than once so you know they must be good. "The Four Winds" by Kristin Hannah is another great book I read recently. Also "James Patterson" by James Patterson - stories of his life - he is one of my favorite authors. 

      Sara, I have rosacea too. It just came on recently. I use prescription cream Rhofade. It does work very well. I am also careful to apply sunscreen. You said Benzoyl peroxide works for you? I used to use that for acne but if you get it on fabric it takes the color out so stopped using it. 

      Have a good day!  Beth

    • Lorita
      Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
      Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

      Ron, hope you were able to get back to sleep.  Maybe a nap for you and Lou is in order today.Hope your tests go well.  Is Shreveport doing a lot of their tests and procedures on fee basis?  Charles saw a podiatrist in Tulsa on fee basis until our VA recruited one.

      I got out about 8 this morning and watered.  Filled the watertank in the lot.. Girls were coming by from grazing on their way to the MH and were stopping for a clean drink.  All of the babies came at one time. They really stick together. By the time I finished and got back to the house almost felt like I was getting too hot.

      Sara and Beth, glad you all got some rain. Really makes a difference but not as much as Sandra in her Country.  We're really beginning to need rain. Been 27 days since we had .1". We had lots of rain until then.

      Sandra, always thought I would like to go to New Zealand.  Maybe you can take pictures to share with us.  Have a wonderful time.  Do wish you and us could trade a little of our weather with each other.  I much prefer cold weather to hot.

      I need to cut Storm's nails but the best way is to get him in the Gators seat with his feet hanging off.  Much too hot now so maybe really early tomorrow.  Also need to do a little work on mine. I'll be careful.  Not feeling too well this morning.  Usually feel better in afternoon.

      Stay cool if possible.  One of you ladies might go out  and stand in the rain for me.

      Back later.  

    Commonly Used Abbreviations

    DH = Dear Husband
    DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
    LO = Loved One
    ES = Early Stage
    EO = Early Onset
    FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
    VD = Vascular Dementia
    MC = Memory Care
    AL = Assisted Living
    POA = Power of Attorney
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