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Just need to talk to my friends (174)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    70F, 21C.

    JoC glad things are back in order.  JoC I had always wondered what Goodwill does with all those clothes they can’t sell.  I look at some of that stuff and think who would buy this.  Wonder about some of the other things too.  When I shop there feel like I’m looking for a diamond in the rough.  Did find a nice top last time I went.  I think the same things when I look at the regular stores too lol.  Fairly often do see brand new items at thrift stores.  Sense that there are stores who donate unsold things to them.

    Got quite a bit done yesterday.  Plenty still left to do .  Think I will take afternoon off though for a few hours and run around a bit.

    See Covid is hitting Ohio now.   Our county is still low but closing in on us.   I think I was the only one at WM with a mask on Thursday.  It has been quite warm here, been sweating a lot.  Wearing the mask a lot more because of work.  My rosacea is flaring a bit around where I wear mask.  Get hot at work too at times.  Hopefully benzyl peroxide will help, it usually does. Will start using AC in car too.  Gas cheaper than rosacea meds lol.  We will now see what hospitalizations and deaths do.  There are around 300 deaths per day from Covid in US where I track it.  That is 100000 deaths per year.  That would be a bad flu year, unfortunately still with us.  The one virologist I listen too still says 2024 til more settled down.  We have had 0-1 deaths per week for awhile in our county.  Definitely way less than last summer so far.  Guess you can tell I find numbers interesting.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, I've found some nice things at Goodwill, too.  There isn't one near me so I haven't been in years.  I always liked to look at the glassware.

    Looks like another hit day.  I should have had the AC in the PU checked before it got hot but didn't.  The one in the car requires a blower is something and last year they couldn't find one.

    Question for you medical people-=Iris, Jo and Sara and others:  Can you get rid of cellulitis without antibiotics? And, if you've had a reaction to one, then switch does that make you more prone to another reaction?

    Urgent care is open until noon today , closed tomorrow so if I really need an antibiotic I want to go in early today before it gets too hot. Hope some of you are reading.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Dixie, maybe you could use a topical antibiotic cream instead of an oral antibiotic.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita remember I was a respiratory therapist.  Since no one else has found your question yet will answer to the best of my knowledge and what I would do.  On CDC webs says it is always treated with either an oral or IV antibiotic.  If it was me personally I would go to urgent care.  Cellulitis is not something to mess around with in my opinion.  I would want to get it under control before IV antibiotics needed.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita you NEED an effective antibiotic.   And no; you will not be allergic to all abx, you will have antibiotics you can take. (I have a bad reaction to an antibiotic, but can take others.)

    Please get that taken care of.  It is absolutely usual practice that a physician has another MD cover his/her practice when they are gone or if off on weekends.  If this is not being done, then you need to be seen as soon as possible in another setting.  Please do not delay.

    Most cellulitis absolutely needs to be treated with an antibiotic - here is a link from Mayo Clinic. AND . . . .. any home remedy and application of any kind of substance is not a cure nor a safeguard from steep potential harm of catastrophic nature.


    Hope you get to medical assistance today.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks everyone, for the advice.  I went to urgent care. Doctor also said I needed an antibiotic. Gave me a seven day course of Doxycycline, a derivitive of Tetracycline. My pharmacy is next door to urgent care but was closed so had to go to WM pharmacy. They were very busy so had to wait a while but that gave me time to pick up gsuze, bandaids, etc. I needed.

    Been a long time since I've seen so many people.  Sara, several were wearing masks, like me and were mostly older people.

    This is another reason I value this forum and everyone on it.  Ask a question and someone, or many, will answer.  I found that many years ago.

    I do have to cut back on calcium and dairy but can do that.

    It's hot outside, no wind, so glad to be home.  I left the GPs inside. Girls are in the barn and heifers somewhere in the shade.  Left gates open because FedEx is supposed to deliver today. Will have to go down late this evening and close it. I was gone a couple of hours but Stormy said it was two days.. Even the cats and Sheena were glad I was home.  Me, too!!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Goodwill and wiping clothes….sounds like a good idea.

    chttps://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-does-goodwill-do-with-your-clothes_n_57e06b96e4b0071a6e092352 They also sell their own bags of wiping clothes.

    Re Jack…nothing prohibits you from giving the hospital and the facility Jack's daughters information so I would go ahead and do so. They will make the legal decision if they call herr or not. All things point to probable depression. Is he seeing a Dr?

    We are in the process of cutting the cable cord. I have switched to Verizon internet and will “cut” next week when I take Cox’s moden back to them. I will be switching to uTube for TV….no contracts and all will be less expensive.

    Lorita… You may have neuropathy in your feet in addition to the Morton’s. I would check Mr Google. You are thinking about going to Urgent Care …is the cellulitus worse? Have you already been to UC?

    The ants staged an invasion but after 24 hours of vinegar and smashing they lost the skirmish. They are really interesting creatures…a lot like bees and yes Zeeta, you may still be allergic.

    Met with the engineer at the flip yesterday. The “decision” is made to punch out rather than go up. It turns out that he, Lynn, worked with the roofer some years ago when we put shakes on the house. Very small world. He loves the flip and we came up with some ideas…either improve the primary bath/closet and add 2 beds/1 bath or add a primary suite. He agreed with opening it up and adding more glass…lots more glass which will give the appearance of space. H says that we can cut off 2 feet of eaves (they are now 4+) and leave rafters exposed as a design element. 

    Space is my passion…I can be on the drawing board all day and never come up for air. Kind of like cows for Lorita…lol.

    Got a call yesterday from the museum at 10a  regarding my tour at 10a. Not good. I rushed down and had a most unusual group. Middle schoolers who had energy they could sell. Three chatty Kathys, two hoop shooters, one broad jumper out of the ten. None were very interested…a real challenge. I had a good time…hope they did too. 

    Sayra….I  have the white box from Verizon but can not let you know about it yet.

    The house was tagged for a water cut off next week. I will not mention to my grandson but that should be a red flag to pay bill for him. Also clothes on the floor everywhere…makes me wonder why I bought the washer/dryer!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, I hadn't been to UC but did see my PCP who gave me the script for Clindamycin.  Cellulitis us not worse but still red and painful if it gets something against it.  The doctor thus morning said it takes an antibiotic to get rid of it.

    Just now talked with Jack's nurse. I've been calling the number I had for his room with no answer. She said he isn't permitted to have a phone in his room because of the cord.  So he's been suicidal. Not so much now. She said he is eating a little bit now. Anything he thinks would be good  they get for him and encourage fluids, too. His kidney function is not good and is getting worse not sure why.  They do have Jackie's phone number.

    So your grandson is staying with you- is this the cowboy?  And he's helping with the house?

    Sounds like a lot of work but am sure it will be beautiful.  Have you always had this interest?  I think I remember you did a lit of things with your house in New Mexico.

    Sara still isn't doing well can't seem to talk so texts some. Seems to be keeping appointments.

    Isn't it amazing how much energy young people have?  Guess we did, too.  What happened to it?

    The doctor said to continue the soaks but I found some foot cream with Epsom salts in it.  No telling what stores have now!

    Caladiums are doing well more up every day.  I thought I'd look at the plants at WM but they didn't have any outside, not sure about inside.

    Hate to hear that about Jack. When I did talk to him right after admission he told me about this kidneys. Don't b know what happened  because he had been in a diuretic. Wonder if that could cause it if he wasn't drinking much fluid?

    Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I missed if you posted that you had an allergic reaction to the clindamycin.  There should be a positive response within 24 hours, although you should continue an antibiotic for seven to ten days.  Soaking with Epsom salts is for comfort, it does not treat infection.  You seem to be on your feet a lot, you might try to elevate and let your foot and toe rest.

    I can't speak for Jack, so I'll speak for myself.  Society makes it seem that if you are not running around and engaging in a lot of activities as a senior, then your life is over.  I fight this notion every day!  Many days I do nothing much, this is because this is all I can handle.  My world is getting smaller and smaller, and that's okay with me, because this is what I can handle.  I don't want to feel overwhelmed, I don't like it!  Other people don't understand, they always ask what I am doing.  I'm doing nothing, but I dare not voice this to people, because they have called me lazy.   I'm not lazy, this is my stage of life.  I am not depressed.   I don't actually do nothing, I do read books, play games, take care of my cats, study French, and watch YouTube videos.  I do a few other things.  I don't like to go out much.  It's a full but very quiet life.  It's my life.  I have an invitation to go to my long-time friend's annual summer  barbeque,, and I am procrastinating.  I don't really want to go, but we've been friends for a long time.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Oh my, I turned the TV on (QVC) and what appears before my eyes but Jane's foot in high-def and she's filing the dead skin off her heel.

    Oh now everyone's in on the fun.  Everyone's filing their feet and they all have black towels underneath their feet so we can see all the dead skin.  I think I don't want to watch this.

    We had a man call us over 50 times today because he said he wanted to waste our time.  He said this.

    I'm glad you saw a doctor, Lorita.  Maybe Jane will dance later with her new hooves.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    I so agree with what you are saying about how you spend your time....me too.

    When working, I worked very hard...flying twice a week to/from work site (where ever that might have been), meeting with lots of people, constant go..go..go.

    Now that I can manage my own time, I like being home...alone except for the cats.  I have no set schedule unless it involves taking Mother to doctor's appointments or going to see her once a week.

    Folks call me a hermit, since I don't go out unless necessary, but that is ok by me...it is what pleases me...and I deserve to be pleased after all these years...lol.

    Everyone has their own things which make them comfortable...and everyone should recognize that...those that don't...oh well their problem.

    So continue to do what makes your world the place you want it to be.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Day, I saw that filing going on this morning.  Missed seeing Jane though. Bet she was having a high old time.  If she gets the chance she will be dancing for sure.

    Iris, don't know if it would called an adverse reaction but very unpleasant side effects; metallic taste, burning from throat down, hurting on both sides of neck and what seemed to be a bubble in mid chest that travelled to right chest.  I took one on Tuesday, three on Wednesday when it started, then one Thursday morning.

    My toe was beginning to look better so started the Epsom salts soaks. My doctor was on vacation but the nurse talked to him and he  said to stop the med (already had,). I hope there are no lasting effects.

    Hope the Doxycycline works with no probkems. But, can't drink anything with caffeine, no dairy at the time I take it. The pharmacist said at noon meal would be okay.  I'm not a medicine taker so it's hard.

    I worked for over 33 years in a hospital filled with veterans and employees so I'm like you, Iris and you, Marie. I like my solitude. These 130 acres, the cattle, GPs and cats are my life along with this forum and occasional visit from a neighbor and phone calls. I go to town (about 3500 population) when necessary. It has everything I need.  The rest of the time I'm here doing nothing or something as the mood strikes me.  That's my life.  Charles and I went enough and enjoyed it but I'm past that now.  Just hope I never have to leave here.  Jack was to that point without Patsy.  I guess most orb a lot of people reach that point but there are exceptions-:our Judith for instance.

    I'm happy here and that's enough for now.  I have all of you  friends when I need to communicate or visit or ask questions.  I guess it's different with different people but at our age we should do what we like.

    It's been hot today with little breeze and is going to get hotter.  We have 2 1/2 months of hot weather to go.

    Zetta, watching Gunsmoke but have seen it so may change.

    Judith, how do you get U Tube TV?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Actually I do not do all that much. I study a lot, watch a lot of the news, work on Ancestry and watch mindless TV and switch to a movie at night.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm back from the barbecue.  It wasn't so bad.  My friend lives about a mile from where she grew up; she had invited her childhood and work friends and of course her large extended family.  I already knew most of the people but don't have much to talk about.  I stayed for about two hours, I think that is an acceptable amount of time.

    Lorita and Marie, I'm so glad to learn that I'm not the only senior homebody.  I feel very isolated because in So Cal, everyone is supposed to be so active and energetic.  It's like a mandate, for Californians to be active, LOL!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good to hear that you had a pleasant time at the bbq, Iris.   Sometimes when we decide to do something we did not really feel like doing, it turns out to be a positive.  I have certainly had that happen.

    Good the PET Scan was clear, Sandy; let us know what the doctor has to say.   I am sorry you have to go through this, not anything one would want to have happen and I hope it all turns out well.

    Lorita, I did not mean to make my Post re your cellulitis sound so dire.  I was in a hurry and had to get off the computer quickly.  Anyway; glad that you were able to be seen and get a new prescription for an antibiotic.  Soaking the toe in the warm (not hot) water and epsom salts as doctor said will hopefully be helpful.  A cream with epsom salts in it would not do the same.  In any case, if you can keep a hard shoe off your foot, and sit with your foot up, all the better.   Seems like if it isn't one thing, it's another, especially when we become more, "mature."

    From your description of your feet it may be a good idea to discuss with the doctor having you checked for neuropathy; if present you can begin to get a plan of care put into place.

    Out here, some time ago, there was news re Goodwill taking in very excellent condition clothing and not putting the items on the racks but simply sending them out of country to be made into rags from the get-go; also a lot of negative reports re how the special needs young people, mostly Down Syndrome, they hired were not treated well.  If I go to a second hand shop, I usually will skip them and go to others;  it has been quite awhile since I have done that.  Spent so many young years "acquiring," now in vintage years, spending time "divesting." 

    I am so sorry to hear about how steep Jack's condition has declined.  That is truly tragic.   So hope something can be done for him medically as well as psychologically and socially.  Perhaps if he had someone assigned to him as a "friend," even if a nice hired person that he could communicate and share with, perhaps he would do better.     He must feel dreadfully lonely and nothing to look forward to, especially after the loss of his wife. If he wanted to return home, he cannot as he sold his house so very swiftly after relocating; I did wonder if he would rue that.  He has no advocate present in his life and that may be part of the problem I would think.   If he has a good relationship with his daughter, (which I seem to remember he did not), perhaps he could make a move to be near her and her family.  Truly hope that something can be done to ease him.

    Our underground cable has been wonderful for years; this outage was caused by one of their workers who had gone to do something in the company's main cable box and when doing that, he accidentally loosened our cable and did not get it screwed back in tightly and therefore, we had no energy from it whatsoever.  Took the tech fellow about 15 minutes to get it done.   Hopefully, it will continue to do well as it always has been.  Sure is wonderful with the new cable system.  There are about four cable companies in our city now; all underground, and then there is the Dish system which we would not want due to its ongoing problems, especially in weather.

    Our city has no overhead wires.  All wires for everything are underground.  They did this quite some time ago and it has worked well.   Edison is already warning about rolling blackouts during the heat of summer, those are the ones that are nasty; we had an unplanned electric outage last year and lost everything in our refrigerator/freezer and also lost everything in the freezer in the garage.  What a mess and costly.

    Donating and gifting to help others is always a good thing to do.   When there was that dreadful epic flooding in New Orleans and surrounding areas, as we know, people lost everything except the clothes on their back.   Many, many were moved to Texas and housed in arenas and auditoriums and had no clothing.

    What happened was that truck loads of clothing donations for men and women were brought in and dumped in a high, huge monster pile in the middle of the arena floors; people had to dig through those piles and piles and there were so many people - it was chaos.

    My daughter in Texas went to help. We took up collections here to send to those in need and we shipped the boxes to her.   A wonderful amount of help came from so many and also from a group I had belonged to, "The American Association of University Women."  They ordered out of catalogs and bought at stores. Realizing that most clothing is for regular and small sized people, they ordered not only for that size but also for large and extra large sizes as many people in that population needing help were heavy.   New packages of panties, bras, and regular clothes were sent to my daughter.  Bless her; she did not let the items go to the pile in the middle of the floor.

    She categorized and put everything in good order; told the people in charge of the arena what she had and then she brought everything in huge carts and gave out the items directly to those needing them; especially special size needs.   She related how one woman, who had walked for a long distance through chest deep muddy flood waters and worn the same panties for several days broke down in tears at getting a package of panties in her size.  It was a horrific time and little things can truly mean a lot.   We are all at risk for one thing or another.

    I do not like buying from catalogs but do as not much else around.   When I do, it seems nothing fits quite right.  If an article is of poor quality, back it goes.  If it does not fit, I am trying to keep the items to give to women's homeless shelters and battered women's shelters, etc. rather than return. 

     When in nursing school, during psych rotation, my clinical group was assigned to the maximum security male ward at a state psychiatric hospital.  OMIGOSH; the stuff that happened - long stories.   Anyway, I noticed how very poorly so many of the men were dressed, so I arranged with a few other students, a clothes drive at our entire nursing school; so many men needed help. We got a HUGE amount of really, really good condition servicable clothing together plus some musical instruments.   We brought it in as pre-discussed with the admin. folks at the hospital.  The clothing was brought and placed in a special room as there was so much; all clean and ironed, folded and some on hangers. Several high functioning patients helped.  When we came back two day later, no one had on any new clothes and not a single item of donated clothing or anything else was left; it had all disappeared.  Sold off the locked unit somehow.  Learned a sad lesson.  Since the unit was heavily locked behind two HUGE heavy metal doors with a sally port between them, staff had to help somehow.  Ah well.

    Zetta; how amazing it must be to have elk and moose coming into your yard; we saw so many elk and moose on our travel; much of it in the wilds in Oregon and Washington in the woods and also in and around the Hoh Rain Forest, Sol Duc, etc.  Amazing to watch them in the distance.   Of course, one does not want to be anywhere near them in rutting season - they attack at the wink of an eye and are out to kill anything they see as an imminent threat including humans.  As said before, the way they raise their heads and trumpet out their sounds is really something to hear.

    Weather will be only 83 tomorrow and even lower on the 4th.  How nice that is; however, it is supposed to go way up again later in the week - will take any cooling we can get.

    Gosh; sorry I wrote a novel, boring old me - good night and sweet dreams everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, glad you enjoyed the barbeque. Bet you had some good food. There used to be a barbeque place near Tahlequah ,(Cherokee capital) called Sixkillers. Really was good,-'that was when I still ate meat.

    Seems like I can't drink pop or tea,,- anything with caffeine.. Can't have dairy st the time I take the medicine but the pharmacist said probably could at noon.  Can't take antacids or Pepto bismol or take acetaminophen or ibuprofin, I think.

    Haven't felt good this evening.  I laid on the divan on my side with Max sleeping on my arm too long.  Has really done a number on my costs or chest. Didn't even go out to the barn to check. I need to water in the morning so hope I feel better.

    Do you think a person can have a side effect from one dose of medicine?  Doubt it. I remember when the podiatrist would cut Charles' toenails he always swabbed the ends of his toes with iodine.  Guess we all need to do that.

    Jo, it's going to be 100 and up to 105 here next week.  Dread that.  Beginning to get dry.  A lot of grass in pastures has gone to seed so they look brown but there is green grass underneath. 

    Bedtime! Barney Miller is almost over.  Sheena and Stormy have been sleeping in the bedroom for two hours.  Funny that they go in there at bedtime.  Why not? It is the bedroom, right?

    Judith, what mindless TV do you watch?

    Good night sleep tight

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    63F, 17C.  They are giving possibility of rain middle of week.  We could use rain, grass getting a bit dry and crunchy.

    Judith think you will do fine with white box.  Found it simple to set up first time. Hopefully you  will too.  

    Lorita dehydration is one of the things that can effect kidney function.  So sorry Sara continues to have such a battle.  

    Iris do not have the energy I use to have either.  Can’t do what I use to.  Even the volunteering has made my life a bit hectic.  Think it may be a nice break in winter though, we’ll see.  Glad it went ok for you at bbq. Have not been invited to anything this weekend.  Doesn’t bother me like it would have in the past.   A lot of times  my sister invites me at the last minute.  It’s ok either way, I’m content.

    Got a couple of jars of kraut made.  Hope it does well.  Enjoyed making it.  

    Day when dealing with public you just never know.  You run into all kinds.  

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lorita, I hope you are feeling better today, just keep treating and maybe in a week or two we can get a ho down going on the front porch. 

    Jo, the peanut butter cake is a yellow cake mix with peanut butter icing. 

    Two cups evaporated milk 

    One cup sugar

    Bring to a boil and add one cup peanut butter.  Stir over medium heat with a large spoon that has holes in it.

    When the icing no longer goes through the holes in the spoon it's ready to remove from the heat. Put icing on the cooled cake.

    (You have to stir constantly to keep the mixture smooth)

    Appointment set up for consult with care in the community on the 13th prior to upper and lower GI. When I told the lady that called I hope they used two different cameras when the procedure was done, she couldn't stop laughing. I thought that was a legitimate question! Dread drinking that stuff prior to procedure, but at least answers to some of my concerns will be addressed. 

    Hope everyone has a enjoyable 4th of July. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's already 84 so going to be hot again.

    Sara, did you raise the cabbage for your kraut?  I remember shredding cabbage to make Kraut-  wasn't my favorite thing but we did enjoy the kraut.

    Ron, don't sure I feel better - kind of draggy- just not up to par.  Did fill the water tank for the girls and checked the barn.  Hope the tests go well for you.  How's Lou faring in the hot weather?  Looks like you may get some rain, hope so.

    I'm kind of reluctant to take the Doxycycline.  I asked the doctor or PA whichever she is if you're more likely to have side effects from a new medicine taken a few days after having side effects from a different medicine.  She said you aren't. I don't like taking medicine.  Awful that all of this resulted from a nick on my toe when cutting my nails.

    Iris and Jo, what do you all think?  One place I read seemed to indicate I could eat dairy or take maybe acetaminophen but not at the same time as the antibiotic is taken.  Kind of confusing.

    Jusst pecked on the storm door and here came the GPs. They've Bern outside for about three hours. Girls have gone into the barn. We have a few clouds but not much wind.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Lorita cellulitis needs to be treated promptly.  Would suggest you Google what happens if cellulitis goes untreated as this is a very serious matter.   I do not know if you will be allergic to doxycycline or not.  You may do fine with it.  Have had to go on it two or three times for rosacea.  Have not had a problem with it.  You need to take it, if you get a side effect bad enough to where you feel you need to stop it then you need to go immediately back to UC and go from there.  It concerns me that you might delay treatment and go somewhere you don’t want to go by doing that. You really need to realize the seriousness of not treating it quickly.  You do want to take this bull by the horns, if you don’t it might gore you.  Now this is from the lady who gives answers on here that I feel some feel are a little too laid back lol.  I often see two sides.  I hate taking drugs, understand that, but sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do.  I care about you and would like to see this healed up quickly.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    THank you, Sara.  I took one last evening and took one this morning.  Says to take one morning and night..My toe looks pretty good and not too sore but I will take them.  I've taken lots of Tetracycline and the doctor said this is in the same family.  I have a little of an ingrown toenail on my great toe, same foot.  I've always had trouble with them.  Daddy used to cut them and scrape  the top of the nail. 

    Thank you for your concern.  I just hate to take medicine but I know sometimes we have to. Just kind of worries me because of the side effects  of the other one. Chest still doesn't feel good. Vitals are okay. Slept good from MN to 7:15. Usually have to get up once but haven't last two nights.

    Watching Rawhide.  Back later.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Jo made such a great point about disaster donations; it’s something many agencies try to deal with but not very successfully. And important as storm season nears.

    I also used to work in disaster recovery in the southeast and Gulf coast (hurricanes and floods). Well-meaning people would send old clothes and other old, used “stuff,” after disasters,  but there is usually no way, literally no place that’s dry, cool or even with power, to store, sort, distribute. it. Maybe there should be, but with so many other needs,  it just doesn’t happen.

     Almost all gets dumped —just like Jo said—in a big pile, or room, and molds. After disasters victims usually will not, and cannot, sort through it. Much is unsuitable regardless—raggedy or old, or snow clothes or fur coats for Houston residents.  Gardening tools for people who don’t have a home anymore. Even people who “lost everything” won’t take any/every thing. They may not even have a home to take it to.

    And while they’re not Santa Claus, various agencies and businesses and thoughtful volunteer usually provide new clothes and goods for immediate needs. Getting new clothes, clean, right sizes, is indeed a blessing. What Jo described was a terrifically smart and helpful thing to do.

     But all that is why most disaster groups say send money, not goods. Of course, if a specific place makes a specific request, or has a certain need,  that’s different. And having a volunteer group bring and handle, give out new things….that’s an incredible gift.

    But I came to thank Lorita and others for the advice on dosing cats! Lorita, you were right, of course, holding cat by the scruff of the neck on his hind feet, does make him open his mouth! At least I’m getting more in, and I’ve learned to protect my arms better for the process.

    Lorita, so glad you got meds for your foot. You’ve already know how important that is!  

    I would never travel on a holiday weekend, my less work required. But I did fly a couple weeks ago. Worst trip ever. Delays of more than 12 hours, rerouting literally halfway across the country. At least no overnights in airports! No more flying for me this summer, for sure.

    I have really been struck by how many families are flying, with 3-4 small children—not teens, little kids. Not just the cost, but the logistics, food etc. (On some of my flight changes, the airline tried to split families onto different flights. Assigned 5-yos to fly alone. Just crazy stuff.) But maybe after school starts there won’t be so many of those.

    Weather is bad enough, and it happens, but so many airlines now sell seats when they do not have enough crew for all those flights.  I think it’s unconscionable. They know they have crew to fly only 100 hours (just example) but they’re selling 200 hours. Yes, it likely means fewer flights. I’d rather deal with that, than all these last-minute cancellations.

    In all the chaos at all these airports, I kept thinking what it would be like for a PWD, or anyone traveling with a PWD, in all the rush, crowds and emotions. At least I did not see any meltdowns, as happened on other recent trips. I *did* hear complaints about not as much security help for PWDs  available as in the past.

    I’m definitely not a hermit, lol….but it IS a lot harder to get out, especially with a PWD, than it used to be. The cat has been a wonder, and so affectionate…Now he’s bringing dead animals inside the house. He’s very Proud of himself on that.

    Elk and moose? I know elk was the only”wild game” food I liked. I am so impressed at Loritas commitment to no meat; I think I should, I believe it’s a good thing. But I lack the discipline. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    !!!!!!!!!!11 the side effect of not taking the medicine is serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Rescue Mom, glad the cat trick helped with giving the medication.I would never have thought of that by myself. When I give Amoxicillin drops I put it on their canned food- worked for Tom.  Wish I knew what happened to him - or maybe not.

    I'm taking the medicine, Judith ,twice a day.  I hate to be a whiner but I think it's causing gas in my chest. At least I think that is it. I checked to see if I could take something but information is confusing. One site will say you can and another one not. I never have a problem like this.  Doctor will be back Tuesday so I'll check or with the UC doctor -they're open tomorrow. Mother used to dissolve a little soda in water and drink it but with this medicine you can't even drink pop so, probably not.

    I'm watching dog agility championships. How they ever train them to do those things I'll never know.

    That's a shame about the clothing.  Sort of like people just wanting to get rid of old things they can't use.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    Lorita, I wish I knew what to tell you about your med issues…but I thought you might laugh at knowing this cat does not like tuna. I never thought about a cat not liking tuna, but he won’t eat it, even before or without meds. And I wanted to tell you—DH started calling him Kit-Kit, which is one of your cats’ names,  I think.  Of course DH can’t read now and has never seen this…Hope you feel better soon.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita...are you taking the med with lots of water and also increasing your water intake? How do you know that your vitals are fine?

    Iris...glad you had a good time and I concur that 2 hours is enough.

    Day...with all of the plane cancelations it looks like a busy summer for you.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear, dear, dearest friend, Lorita - STOP!

    You must take a prescribed antibiotic asap that can deal with cellulitis and take ALL of it until the prescription is gone.  Best to stop searching the internet over and over again to try and find out all sorts of things which may actually not be in one's best interests or pertaining to your drug or situation.  Clarify questions with your doctor or pharmacist.

    NOTE:  You will have received instructions along with the antibiotic prescription - Read that and follow that - it tells all.   If there is a question, you can ask the Pharmacist or your doctor.   If you have lost the instruction sheet, here is an overview by Webmd:


    You mention the instruction said to take one antibiotic twice a day - in medical terms that means one every twelve hours.  That is so the level of the antibiotic in the body stays at as even an effective level as possible over the 24 hour period.  Plan your meals around the pills timing so it is all done as needs to be done.  I found it annoying as heck when taking my last abx to get get my a.m. abx at 5:00 am so I can take the last one at 5:00 pm as it must be taken one hour before a meal or two hours after and I did not want to be eating dinner really late. 

    If dairy is contraindicated but becomes necessary to take dairy because it eases real stomach upset, the instructions may tell you that can be done, but may mention that it can lessen the abx effectiveness.  Please follow your instructions.

     ALSO . . . just because the toe looks and feels, "better," one must continue to take all of the antibiotic until the prescription is gone.  Do NOT stop the abx early because you feel better or it looks better; bacteria can still be lurking and waiting to do severe damage. By the way, that bacteria does not stay just in the toe - it goes through the blood all over the body, and with some bacteria as it flows about, it has an affinity for the heart and likes to nestle in the heart valves growing and causing damage - SO, your taking the antibiotic does indeed take care of the infection at the toe level, but is also eliminating the bacteria that has gone to other areas of the body through the blood. 

     You have been comfortable taking chances with old foodstuffs, but have a real distrust of medications yet have had OTC products, some of which you mention are quite outdated, yet used them.  So . . . one has to comply and try to get more comfortable  with current needs  -  an antibiotic is necessary when cellulitis is present.   We love you and want you to be well; you need an antibiotic prescription taking all of it.  Please follow this and if the antibiotic causes a problem with the GI tract, or other issue as mentioned in the intructions you received, simply let the doctor know so an adjustment can be made.  By the way, if one has antibiotics in the med cabinet that are from an old need, then the person has NOT taken the antibiotic as prescribed; there should never be any left whether it is for a human or an animal.  A prescription is meant for ALL the pills to be taken so the organism does not re-flourish and some organisms, when abx are not used properly, can become antibiotic resistant. 

    I do not like taking meds either; truly I do not, but needs must at times.  NOTE:  By the way Lorita, taking the antibiotic may lessen the effectiveness of birth control pills, so one has to take that into consideration!  Ha!  (Not so funny if a young active woman who depends on those pills though.)

    Gosh; those poor folks who are flying, what a mess!  Frankly, I would not fly until the airlines get their flight staffing fixed and can be depended upon.  Being stranded in airports alone or with kids for days - awful!   One family being interviewed on the news were on their third stranded day and had to pay for their own hotel room which was hard to find as so many fliers were in the same predicament.  Do airlines presently pay for hotel rooms when the cancelled flights are their fault?   Not a good thing at all.  Imagine being stranded in throngs at the huge international airports even when flying to a domestic destination  with folks from all over, most not wearing masks . . . not good.  So glad we flew hither and thither domesitically and overseas before this was an issue and of course, no COVID.  Sigh.

    Once again before signing off; Lorita, please use the instructions that came with your medication, as your reliable guide.   Remember to drink a full glass of water with each pill and do not lie down for 15 minutes or so after taking and to take the pills twelve hours apart.   If needing to change timing, I used to take a pill one hour earlier and then the next day pare that again by one hour if necessary; but never did that if not necessary and kept the pills at correct timing apart.  (Divide the number of pills per day into 24 hours - so if prescribed three times a day, it would be taking each pill eight hours apart, etc.; thus, twice a day pills, twelve hours apart.)

    Here is hoping that July 4th, tomorrow, is a pleasant day with clement weather for everyone whether having a celebration or quietly staying home.    We will be amongst the quiet this year. 

     Hugs to all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Rescue Mom, my tuxedo cat is Kitt.  He was a barn cat who got scratched in the eye.  I had never touched him but just had to help. Took the carrier out, picked him up and to the vet.  I was surprised but he knew he needed help.  He did lose his eye so became a house cat.  He's happy and finds his way around carefully. Doesn't have much vision in his other eye but he's okay.  I think Kit Kit is a cute name.  Does he like your husband? I think it odd that he doesn't like tuna.  What about mackeral or salmon? Mine loves those and tuna.

    Judith, I am doing those things.  I've always drunk a lot of water so nothing new there.  What I miss is hot tea in the morning and pop later.  I will take all of the medicine.  I've had some peppermint  this afternoon and the chest gas is better.  I took my BP and it was okay along with temp and pulse.

    Jo, you're right. I should just stick to the info that came with the medicine.  I do recall the pharmacist mentioned having a little cottage cheese or yogurt at noon. So that might work.

    I remember about the med times when I filled out medication cards when I was a medical secretary.  Had my med at 10:30 this morning so I'll eat something around that time tonight and take it.  Need to work it around to 8 and 8..

    I've always been careful with prescription meds, especially with all that Charles took so it's a carryover.  I've never really been on many medications on a regular basis.

    I think it's wonderful that we have caring and informative people on our thread.  We can ask almost anything and someone knows  the answer.  The internet can be as bad and scary to read as the Merck Manual.

    Been a hot day but the coolest of the coming week.  It was 99 so up it goes to 105 later with a ridiculous heat index.

    I wouldn't think of flying especially now. All those poor stranded people. My doctor was worried about that so hope he gets home.  I don't think he really wanted to go very much.

    Thanks, everyone for your concern and help.  I need Charles to give me a hug and tell me it'll be all right but you all are doing it for him.  Thank you dear friends.  I hate to be such a panty waist as Charles would say.

    I hope all of you are well and staying cool or dry as the case may be.

    Ron, I love peanut butter so that cake would hit the spot!  In fact it did the other day.

    Guess I better go out and check the barn.  Really hope there's no new babies while it's so hot.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I suggest a test for diabetes an A1C test.  Diabetic signs can be subtle.  My ex-husband, who knew he was a diabetic, got cellulitis and had a bad complication.  Also, you should not be clipping your own toenails, you should be seen by a podiatrist.  It is just too risky!

    My 17 year old cat Simon seemed to be at death's door 5 days ago, but the vet gave him an antibiotic, and he is better now.  I can't believe how improved he is, I really thought his time had come.  But he looks like he will be here for a while longer.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Good for Simon,Iris.  So glad he's better.  I know you were worried but you got him to the vet and got help  for him.  I know I worry about all of ours if they act"off" and this includes the cows and Billy.

    Iris, I had bloodwork done about three weeks ago and it didn't show elevated glucose.  I think it's familial and there isn't any diabetes in our family.  In Patsy's family her mother, three brothers and she had diabetes.  Her dad was my mother's brother.  Thanks for the suggestion- will watch it.

    I made the  muffins a few days ago but this time I used a carrot cake mix with chocolate chips and I think they were better.  I keep them frozen and warm up one or two in the microwave when I want them.

    Tomorrow's trash day again.  Don't have much but already put the boxes in the Gator so may take it down.  If I do Stormy will go.

    I'm watching a show  about the Columbus Zoo.  They seem to take such good care of their animals.  Sara, have you ever been to that zoo?

    I'm hungry but will wait until later so I can take my medicine with what I est.

    Good night.  Hope you all sleep well.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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