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Just need to talk to my friends (174)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Rescue Mom and Iris, my toe didn't look good this morning and hurt if anything touched it so called my doctor at 8:15 and got an appt.   at 10:15.  When I got there barely had time to sit down before they called me in.Good thing I got in today because he's going on a four day trip Thursday.  I think it's great that I can get in either the day I call or the day after.  Small town perk even though he's the only doctor in town and always busy.  Diagnosis was cellulitis of the toe.  Said I needed antibiotics so gave me Clindamycin and said to put a cotton ball between the toes to keep pressure off. It's my little toe and it tries to go under the next toe.  The bottom of it is really sharp.

    Dropped off the script and went next door to the grocery store for a few things.  Went to puck up the medicine and get some eye drops and one of the women who used to work at the feed store had just started working at the pharmacy today.  Good to see her.

    Rescue Mom,the AC in the PU isn't working good but the shop (on the same lot as the store and pharmacy) was full of cars.  I remembered what you said so decided I'd do it another day.  Got home two hours after I left but by the reaction of Stormy you'd think I had been gone a month.

    When I was leaving home one of the little heifers was outside the gate.  She wanted in with the others but was too skittish.  I went on but called Mike to tell him.  When I got  home I'm 90% sure the gate was closed differently- fastened in the third chain link and I closed it in the second one.  I think someone came by. , saw her out and got her back in. I just came in from counting them got 29 several times so closed the gate we had left open.  Called Darwin to see if he had let her in but hadn't.  Guess we will never know who it was if it happened.  Toad will feed in the  morning and count them.Mike came out on his lunch break to look for her but didn't find her.

    One of our girls was in the shade down by the pond so drove down to check.  Guess she was babysitting because she had two little ones with her.

    Day, I only got to watch about 30 minutes of Denim & Co.  Glad Gary is back in the studio, too.  Host was Terri Garr? Not familiar with her.  They'll repeat it in a day or two so will watch it then.

    Glad I did go today, thanks for the little push.  I need that sometimes.

    Hope all is well.  Iris, happy to see your post.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    57F, 14C.

    Not much going on here.  Lorita glad you went and got your toe taken care of.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Quiet here today, too, Sara.  It's 70 degrees - wonderful for today and maybe tomorrow, then back to high heat.  I did water things this morning. Caladiums are still coming up and are pretty.  I have one big planter that had wild violets in it so planted a few bulbs in it and it looks pretty.  I had about a dozen short variety  bulbs so planted them in the bathtub with the vinca.  Will see how that works.

    Sounds like we all have peaches on our minds.  I've never had peach jam but sounds delicious. How good that will be with Sara's biscuits.  Try mixing in some peanut butter- really good.

    The peach crop here was ruined this year with only about 90% of normal being available.  When my parents moved here they planted an orchard of different things.  One peach tree was a white peach that ripened around my birthday.  They were so good.  Never see white peaches now.

    Question: I've made ice cream in the Ninja using pineapple and mangos and it was so good.  I have both canned but they expired last year.  Do you all think they're still good to use?  Google says probably so but I don't know.

    Watermelons : I did buy one about three weeks ago.  Cut it and didn't think it was too goid. Took it out of the rind and put it in the refrigerator.  It's delicious and so sweet. Usually I cut one and put the whole thing in the refrigerator, forget about it and it ruins.

    I bought a cantaloupe yesterday. Not sure of the variety.  I'll wait a few days to cut it.  I like cantaloupe with ice cream or cottage cheese - cut it in half, take out seeds and fill it with either. Used to take that for lunch in the summer.

    Didn't hear from Sarah yesterday. Maybe today.  Also, did I mention I got a MN call from the place where Jack is to let me know he slipped out of his recliner but was okay.  I tried several times yesterday to get him but no answer.

    I do wish the weather could be like this all summer but it won't be.  If it was not  so humid it would be better but with the huge lake nearby and all the ponds it's impossible.

    FedEx delivered things yesterday just after I got home.  I knew they were coming so left the gate open so they'd come to the house. A new driver had left things outside the yard so told him to bring it to the porch.  Seems like there's a new driver every time they deliver.

    Guess I'll hang some more pictures today. I had three on the wall behind the washer and dryer but don't know how I can reach the wall to hang them.

    Hopefully all of you are well this morning. Haven't looked st my toe but can tell it's still sore.  I'm glad I went, too, Sara.

    I got a carton of eggs yesterday and made it home with them, unloaded the things to the utility room and a jar of mayo fell on them and broke two but saved them. Probably will have them scrambled and hash browns later this morning.

    Zetta, do you ever see elk or moose in the summer?  Do you get Rawhide on your TV?

    Back later - need some hot tea.  Sara, the porch is nice this morning so may take the tea out there.  Sorry about your zinnia.  I miss having zinnias, cosmos and marigolds for summer bouquets.  Those three do better than any others in our hot summets.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    I just had a call from the head nurse at the facility where Jack is.  They have sent him to the hospital.  He's in the the Behavioral Health section.

    Evidently he's refusing to eat, not going down to the dining roon, asking questions of the staff regarding how long you can live without eating.  He has told them he wants to die.  When he entered that facility he only gave them my name to notify and left instructions not to contact his daughter.  So that's what they have done.  She's going to talk with the manager and see what he says about notifying Jackie.

    She needs to know about her dad.  She and her daughter are his only relatives.  I know she doesn't have access to his funds but she would have to make arrangements if something does hapoen.

    Asking for your opinions as I always do.  He sounded all right when I last talked with him but has told me he wishes he'd pass away in his sleep.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.    I am sorry to hear about Jack, you are so right his daughter needs to be the one who they call. Do you talk to his daughter, does she not want them to call her? When Dan was in MC he slipped out of his recliner, he thought he had the TV controller in his hand, and he had the recliner control and wound up on the floor. So, they kept the recliner control out of his reach and they knew how he liked the recliner, so they always made the adjustment for him. 

    Midnight is a cute name are mini cows common? Iam glad you had your foot checked on and got something for the pain. Be careful hanging pictures a fall could be pretty bad. Could you leave a note on you gate for FedEx drivers letting them know where you want them to drop off the packages?   I do see elk and moose in the summertime. There was one in my front yard yesterday and Molly saw it she barked and scared it away, but she was watching for it to return all day. I don't really know the difference of elk, moose or even deer. To me they are all the same. 

    Lorita.  The only day I get Rawhide is on Saturday. During the week I get bonanza and gunsmoke. Then on Saturday the western station gets pretty much all of them and Rawhide is one of them. 

    Sara.    The dog I am a pet nanny for is Bichon, and he is always groomed. Because everything has to be perfect. I am sure your sister does a real good job grooming her Bichon. The only reason I have Molly groomed is they clip her nails and clean her ears and release her glans. And bathe her. I could bathe her but Iam too lazy. She gets done every 2 months. 

    Ron.   Sounds like you have become a very good cook. My DH was the cook in our house, I could never be as good, but I get by. 

    R Mom.   I have friends who have had their car in the shop for almost 2 months. Waiting for parts to come from different places. My son has a chip in his window and his ins company is telling him he has to drive 150 miles to get it fixed. What happened to the companies that used to come to you house to fix your window?????

    Iris.    It is so nice seeing you post we miss you.

    I have been trying to cut back weeds in my yard, but the mosquitos are so bad each time I go out I get a few bites. I am also allergic to bees and seems like there are more out then used to be. I have not been stung for many years (30) so hopefully if I get stung, I will be O.K.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, watch those bees.  Do you have a shot of whatever they give to counteract the sting?

    It's Jack who doesn't want his daughter called but I think she needs to know what he's doing.  I just talked to him. He's in the regular hospital but is adamant he is not going to eat. I can't get more  involved than I am.  Can't change his mind so think I'll call her and bow out. Maybe a psychiatrist can help him.

    Zetta, at one time Charles and I had a dozen poodles and we bathed and groomed all of them. Quite a job.  I couldn't groom Barclee, our Shin Tzu so had that done.  I've never bathed our GPS  don't think I could do it.

    I'm watching Rawhide now but it will be Gunsmoke later.  Do you get the game show America Says?  I'm hooked on it.

    I think moose are bigger than elk but I've never seen either.

    This tablet really changes words - just now it substituted mouse for moose. So if something doesn't make sense, might not be my fault.

    Beautiful day here.  I watered this morning and opened Wal-Mart boxes.  Zetta, there's no better place to leave packages than at gate.  Usually I get an e-mail mail telling me when they'll arrive.  When hay baling is over maybe we'll get a new fence and can leave the gate open.

    Toad said all the heifers are here so some nice person came by, saw her out and got her back in.  We've had that happen before. Mike called this morning to tell me. He was worried about her and knew I was.

    Give Milky and Rascal hugs for me.  Love cats and dogsm

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm glad the doctor was in and able to diagnose and treat your cellulitis.  Be careful of doing too much and risk injuring your foot more.  Even people who are not diabetics need daily checks of feet, because they are easily injured without a lot of pain, and it is easy for a small injury to go unnoticed and become septic.

    I'm sorry Jack is in bad shape.  I had thought he would have done better, being around the people at the facility.  I am very alone too, like Jack, but I am working on not being depressed about it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, I've done this before but some how it got infected  this time.  Glad I went to see the doctor.  I have bilateral Morton's Neuroma so have problems with my feet sometimes, Always something to look out for.

    Like you, I'm also alone except for Sarah.  Gets sort of lonesome sometimes but I have the cats, dogs and still the girls.

    I had hoped better for Jack, too, but he does what he wants to do.

    So glad you came back to the porch.  We've missed your posts and hearing from our friend.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita sorry to hear Jack having such a rough time.

    Think we will have a good peach crop if it doesn’t get too dry.  Our orchards do have some white peaches.

    Zetta don’t those mosquitoes buzzing around your ears drive you crazy?  They spray for mosquitos here so don’t have to deal with them too much.  They were terrible on our farm when I was growing up.

    Good night everyone

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.         It was about 70 years ago when we discovered I was allergic to bees. About an hour after I got stung, I passed out for a few seconds and had hives all over. I did not go to the Dr my mom called, and he said it sounded like I was allergic. I said 30 years ago I was not even close it was more like 70 years ago I was just a kid. I have not been stung since. I may have to call my Dr and see if I should have something on hand just in case. 

    Sara,  I don't hear them buzzing around my head I just see them buzzing around when I go outside. And when they land on my screen door. I need to get me some spray I can spray on me that won't hurt Molly and Sammy. 

    The bees and the mosquitos are pretty much keeping me inside. Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Oh Lorita, so sorry to hear about Jack but they are doing the appropriate thing for him - and you are right, his daughter is the appropriate person to contact whether he likes it or not.  You cannot be his representative, you've already done so much already.  I don't know why he's so depressed, but he could definitely use an antidepressant.

    I'm glad you got your toe looked at, those small things can go bad quickly sometimes.

    Keys is supposedly a poodle, but he looks like and has the personality of a Bichon.  I have to get him groomed about every 8 weeks or he'd become very matted.  He got groomed yesterday.  We're doing musical groomers again, every time I find someone great they leave and go somewhere out of my area.  The person he had yesterday was okay, and I made him another appointment for the end of August and noticed she had no appointments available past July, so assuming she's leaving too.  I picked someone different for next time.

    I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning (it's just a followup visit) and then work tomorrow.  I lucked out already this year, I've worked my 2 holidays (Memorial Day and Juneteenth) and don't have to work any more, so I'll have Monday July 4 off along with my regular Tues/Wed.  Yay me.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Got in touch with Jackie and she was going to call  Jack.  She was already worried because he wasn't answering his phone.  I can't get more involved except maybe to help her with resources, if need be.

    Day, have you seen the TSV for today?  A 7" stuffed waffle maker.  I'm having to sit on my hands to keep from ordering it.

    I love poodles and think Bichons are so cute.  Poodles really do mat easily - have had that happen. I bet Keys is prancing around this evening with his new hairdo. We had the same thing happen with groomers with Barclee.

    You know I think my toe already feels better. I read about cellulitis and it's scary.  I'm taking great big, blue capsules but they go down easily. Seems like I'm giving medicine to someone all the time..

    Saw someone down in the pasture alone so drove down to see if we had a new baby but it was Billy the Bull. Talked to him a bit and came home. Just now looked and he was gone, probably joined the herd.  He's a bit of a loner but sweet.

    Going to try to refrain from calling about that Today's Special 


    See you all tomorrow.  Sleep well.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I'm glad I missed the TSV because I probably would have ordered it.  Today is pillows so I'm okay.

    I'm glad Jack's daughter is trying to reach him.  She honestly sounds like she cares, the problem is more on Jack's side where for whatever reason he's decided she shouldn't know anything about him.  

    Keys is prancing around just like you guessed.  He feels a lot better with those curls off and he looks so nice all brushed out.  

    Supposed to be in the low 90s today.  They had our town's fireworks last night and around 10:30 pm all these explosions and I swear it went on for 45 minutes.  This morning on the way back from the doctor I saw all the people sent out to pick up the trash from the show.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    I'm not interested in pillows either, Day.  I found three new ones when I was straightening out the closet and also four pillow forms.  I used to make throw pilliows.  I used to do a lot of things I no longer do.  That waffle maker was interesting.  I like waffles but hardly ever make them.

    It was so nice outside early thus morning-70 degrees but supposed to be in mid 90s this afternoon and higher from then on.  I sat in the porch swing and had my juice- so nice.  I could handle a summer of this morning's weather.  Sheena stayed out last night and patrolled.  Stormy went out when we got up and neither want to come in.

    I can just see Keys strutting' his stuff.  They know when they're sporting a new haircut.

    Jack's daughter has chronic headaches and the reason hasn't been found. It aggravates him because she complains.  I hope she got to talk with him.

    Just turned to QVC 3. Showing Clark's shoes and Jane was on so changed channels - too early for her.

    My toe looks better but last night and this morning I had a metallic taste in my mouth. Reminded me of the taste you have when taking Flagyl. It's gone now. Have a slight sore throat and headache.  I think the headache is caused from being hit in the head by Sammy.  He was on the back of the recliner last night and when I sat down it threw him onto my head.  I think I can take acetaminophen with the Clindamycin so may do that.

    I like fireworks so watch them on TV. Occasionally we can see some miles east of us.  Hard to believe it's almost July 4.

    Enjoy your day.  Looks like Ron is going  to be getting some rain wish we could get some.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Metallic taste is found among people who take Clindamycin phosphate, especially for people who are female, 60+ old.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    There are so many dog and cat experts here, I would really appreciate some advice. Our relatively new cat has a skin ick on his nose, the vet said allergies that get irritated, and Rxed antibiotics, with a liquid syringe. But he (neutered) fights it so hard not much gets in him.

     He already has refused pills, even ground up and I thought undetectable, in every treat I can think of. Vet says bring him in for shots, but he fights carrier/car etc. like crazy too, and I’d really rather not. (He got loose in the car last time, that was an experience).

    Does anybody have any special tips or hints for getting meds into cats? I’ve looked online and tried a lot, but nothing beats the experience here.

    Zetta, your Bichon “grand-dog” must be fun. I always think they are so cute. Yours is a chi? (From the picture and I’m no expert) Our groomer just adopted a senior chi who she said is super-loving, which is unusual for chis and new people??? I’ve always heard they are devoted to their person.

    Our little poodle has  been fighting ear infections, at least she’s easy to treat. She’s our third poodle. One other matted terribly, even with regular brushing and grooming. But his coat was different; more coarse, curlier? than the others. Hard to describe, but it had a very different feel and was awful for matting. I feel very fortunate to have a mobile groomer. None were available—too busy, not taking new clients— for ages. But this one is great.

    Lorita, I’m glad Jacks daughter is in touch. She obviously cares about him, and when it comes down to it, she’s it…it’s a shame he won’t let her help more or be more in touch. You’ve done so much already. 

    I hope your foot continues to improve. I just saw a big story about how “complicated” our feet are, anatomically, and how/why it’s so important to take care of them. I need to drag out my crocs. Yes they are ugly! But so comfy and good for outside work when it’s so wet  (I just checked, our humidity is 71 percent, feels like temp is 104. I need to work outside and just can’t.)

    Talking about shopping…I wanted a couple new tops for just errands  (most of mine are sleeveless and now I don’t want to expose people to that sight!) and around the house…went to a couple of thrift stores and was stunned at the high prices. I can get brand-name online sales for less than goodwill! Sheeesh….

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, the metallic taste kind of comes and goes but it's as bad as Flagyl. I ate yogurt last night and one place I read it says to avoid dairy, another place says to eat anything you want.Confusing and I still have 16 to go. I'm not familiar with heartburn but it sort of burns? From neck down into chest.  Is that heartburn? Antacid helps some.  Where have you been?  Hope you're doing allright.

    Rescue Mom, when we bad so many barn cats someone wss always on meds.  Our vet showed me an easy way to give meds; hold the cat by the scruff of his neck, get him standing on back feet with front feet holding onto something like screen, etc. His mouth will be open so you can give liquid med easily-  not sure about pills.

    Clothes are getting expensive. Check QVC- they're having good sales on summer clothes.

    Called hospital to check on Jack but they just said he was okay. Wouldn't give more info. Maybe they'll tell Jackie.

    I have two Great Pyrenees -Sheena and Stormy and their coats are very different. Hers is fluffy and his lays flat and is longer. She loves to be brushed but  he doesn't.  Their hair will mat and can be pulled off.  They blow their hair so there are tufts of white hair everywhere but I wouldn't trade them for any others.

    Sounds like your weather is similar to ours so is hot and humid.  I think I remember you're in Florida.  Stay inside when it's so hot. Heat creeps up on you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I haven’t had much to contribute…lol. Don’t cook, don’t garden, don’t have animals, do not pay any attention to the weather and  rarely catch  HSN or QVC. If I do see something of interest for sale I always check the product with Amazon. Usually the price there is the same and one can read the reviews. I have no idea who any of the people are.

    All of that said, I enjoy everyone's posts about the above. Watch 1 hour of Jeopardy in the afternoon…a lot of news and usually a movie at night. I also like to spend a couple of hours on Ancestry. It doesn't matter who’s tree. The history and geography lessons are good for my brain.  I stuck my neck out and said that I would put together a new cookbook for my grandaughter. It will be great fun to do. Some Caladium leaves are up and they have a bit of pink on them. Oh,well. I love pink. Flip house project is great. I spend hours on the drawing board. It can not be sold until 2023 so there is plenty of time. I have learned a lot about mid-century modern,  eaves and load bearing walls. I meet with the framer tomorrow and will have a better idea of directio Existing house
    Maybe house

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, that will be quite a transformation.  It looks beautiful.  I bet you watch Love it or List it and Fixer Upper on TV

    We're always glad to see your posts- just tell us whst's going on in your life.  Are you feeling all right now?

    I still have half a dozen bulbs to plant.  Didn't get that other planter made. Will probably add the bulbs to the other planters.

    The all white leaves are pretty but I always have red and pink, too.

    I'm going to stop the medicine.  I have that metallic taste, diarrhea and heartburn , maybe, and something makes my neck hurt or  feel tight, then kind of like a bubble in mid  and right chest.  Toe looks some better.  I thought I bad Epsom salts but can't find it. Some should be here today or tomorrow from Amazon so I'll soak it.  I never like to try a new medicine.

    Just saw they're going to show all the Yellowstone episodes over the fourth again.

    Back later.

    1:58- called and talked with pharmacist.  He said to not take more and to let my doctor know.  He's either on his way or in Lake Tahoe.  But talked to his nurse who said to not take more.  Dr. usually calls in each day and she'll tell him.  He may not since this is his first day away.  She said if I get SOB to call ambulance to go to ER.  I haven't been SOB.  She did say if there will be a reaction to medicine it usually happens pretty quickly.  I took my first capsule Tues. Evenings have only  taken 5- last one about 8:39 this morning.  Darn toe, anyway.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hello to all,

    Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.

    Just a quick update.  The pet scan has been done. I read the results and there is nothing saying cancer.  The lung mass is still an unknown so now I’ll have to wait for the doctor to call.  Then more decisions to make.

    Thanks for your advice today and good wishes.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Great news, Sandy!!  Glad you let us know.  I know yoo tired from the day so we'll talk soon.  Prayers answered..  Sleep well and enjoy the weekend.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    70F, 21C.

    Many things to do today.

    Posted on other board about phone issues with mom.  If you guys have any thoughts please let me know.  

    Judith thanks for sharing the pictures, interesting.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Read your other  post, Sara, but don't have any suggestions.  Does your mom have a cell phone but needs the landline for security?  Hate it when upgrades have to be made.

    Already getting pretty warm/hot here with hotter temps to come. Stormy and I went to the mailbox this morning to get the Epsom salts.  Already soaked my foot once and will do it several times today.  Talked with the nurse who did talk with doctor.. She said he didn't order any other antibiotic. She thinks the soaking  will work.  It looks better-still a little puffy but not as red.  I feel okay today but still have the headache, probably from the cat.

    Tried to call Jack.  He's in a different room but no answer.

    Carol called and we had a nice visit. Seems they're not going to close our VA Hospital. Thank goodness. it, along with other older ones, will be renovated.  Money is already allocated.  

    Hope all of you are well today.  Back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello everyone, our cable went out on Monday and could not get a tech out until today, so no computer, no TV, no phones, no Kindle Reader purchases, no alarm system, etc.  Really felt weird . . . no news reports as we no longer get newspapers.  Rather strange feeling.  Did have some books to read and crossword puzzles to work, so that was good for those empty moments.

     I am sorry to hear about Jack's situation, I so hope he is able to be helped. Really sounds like depression, but hopefully the docs have ordered blood tests etc. to see if there are any physical things going on.  I would also hope they check his B12, magnesium, and D levels too since he is not taking good nutrition.   Glad his daughter is interested.  Unfortunately, unless Jack gives permission for her to be given his medical information HIPPA will keep her from getting it. He had given Lorita as his permitted person which is why they call.

    So glad your toe is improving Lorita. I too have reactions to some antibiotics, I just do not tolerate  them, but the doctor is always able to prescribe an alternative. Since you have cellulitis, it will need an antibiotic to keep away recurring infection and septicemia.

    Your house plans look really interesting, Judith.  It will be fun seeing how everything evolves.  How are you feeling and doing now?  I am like you; am not gardening, not really cooking any longer and have no pets any more except "grand-pets," and am not going afield - - - just boring old me of late.

    As far as the difference between Moose and Elk; I learned to identify them by their racks. An Elk is lighter colored; light brown to kind of goldish colored where Moose are really dark and sometimes almost black. Their snouts are different too.  The Moose has a kind of flappy "beard" thing hanging from under its neck. But the biggest "tell" are the racks. The Elk have a rack with risers and pointy ends like a deer does.  Moose have a very "flat" looking rack without the skinny risers.   Either way, their calling out is always kind of chilling for me; never sounds happy, but then I am not an Elk or Moose.

     Lorita, the canned fruit; at my house, if it says "Use By" date, that is for best quality and flavor; as long as the can is solid without dents or swellings or stuff growing on them, I find them useable. BUT:  If the contents do not look right or smell right, I always throw the contents away; not worth it to get sick.  Eggs do not last as long as we think they do.  Here is a link to information:


    When our Cable went out, our AC decided it was time for the motor to die - July looms - so; we now have a new motor in the AC.  Had both cable repair and AC repair folks here this a.m. putting us back together again and am grateful despite the AC repair being over $400, but that beats over $10,000 for a new whole house forced air unit.  We have had our AC since about 1986, it has been reliable and such a lovely work horse.  Blessing to be grateful for. 

     Now wondering if Ron frosts his peanut butter cake and what type of icing it is, if he does.  That cake sounds lucious. 

    Had to smile at the dogs knowing they have been groomed and wanting to strut and show themselves off.  We had a blond Cocker; "Sparky."  Whenever he was groomed and had a hair trim, he would be embarrassed and actually hold his head down and slink and hide behind the sofa and not come out except for food and  to go outside for "business."  We loved him and nurtured him, but it would take him two or three days to get over his embarrassment.  Sweet old fellow now in doggie heaven.

      We're in the 90's.   July 4th just a few days away.  We will do some ribs but not doing the big gathering with decorations and extended family as we used to do; that is now in our list of favorite memories; it was such fun to do it.  Each night, all year long, though away from us, we can still hear the sound of fireworks from Knotts Berry Farm in the next county over.  Can set our clocks by it.  Our city outlaws fireworks and so hope people honor that to avoid the fires and injuries that seem to happen each year.   Other cities around are not as strict, so on the 4th we always hear fireworks into the wee hours of the morning.

    Good idea to give away the items you are not using, Lorita, someone will really appreciate them.  When I retired, I actually collected my good business suits and blouses and donated them to the battered women's shelter.  They were delighted to have them so women could wear them to job interviews. I wear a larger size and they were so happy about that too as that need was great.   They were in great shape and from Nordstroms, and it made me feel good to know that they would help women who were trying to get back on their feet. I no longer donate anything to Goodwill.  Found out they take much of the fabric items and sell them to companies to be made into rags. I only donate good condition items and that seems so wasteful when there is such a need.  I ordered some panties, bras and socks for a homeless shelter drive.  It is good when purchasing to donate that various sizes be purchased; the homeless come in all sizes as does the rest of  the population.

    Lunch time nearly here, glad to see our Iris back again, and glad to have cable back so we can keep in touch. Be well,


  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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    Sayra, hi, I just responded to your post on caregivers thread. I still have the phone like your mom. I hope it will be helpful. 

    Hi to all the rest of you lovely people, have a safe 4th! 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Joydean saw it.  Thank you for your kindness.  It eased my mind a bit.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Peeking in for a second - oh my we are so busy at work.  These are all leisure trips, why anyone would travel with the state of the airlines is beyond me, but for the past 3 days it's been nothing but people upset because airlines cancelled their flights and they need to make changes to their hotel stays, tons of people stranded in London after planes cancelled and no hotels because - Wimbeldon.  

    Two more days and then I'm off for three.  Good!
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello all,

    Lorita.      It would be nice if Jack connects with Jackie. He has given them your name and number to call, hopefully he will change that to Jackie. Shes is his daughter, and she needs to be involved, you have too many other things to take care of. You have been there for him its now his daughter turn.

     I am glad you called about your pills and just did not continue to take them. Me, I probably would have continue taking them. I bet Billy was happy to see you, he probably misses you. 

    Rescue Mom.    I know it is very hard to give meds to cats. Have you tried mixing them with tuna?  My cats have treats that squeeze out of tubes and it's in a custard form I think if I have to give them meds, I might try mixing it with those treats.    Yes, Molly is a chihuahua mixed with something else. She was rescued from a kill shelter when she was just 1 year old. I have had her for almost 7 years. She is very devoted to me, but she also likes other people I am sure it's because of the mix. 

    Judith.    That house will be beautiful. It will look like a completely different house. I am sure that keeps you busy. Way too busy for me. I have a hard time keeping up with my pet sitting. 

    Jo.      I am glad your cable is back on. If mine went out I also would not have TV, internet or my landline. The TV I would really miss. I will not even miss the landline it's just there for an alarm if something goes wrong with the septic system.  Dan was always telling me how to know the difference of the elk and moose. I never really listen to him, he was a hunter, and I did not want him to tell me how to keep an eye out for these animals. 

    Years ago, when I was a kid, I got stung by a bee. I had welts all over and I passed out for a few seconds. My Mom called the doctor, I was awake by then the Dr said I must have been allergic to bees. I never had to go to the doctor. So now I am wondering if there is something I should keep on hand just in case I get stung. I left a mesg with the doctor but have not heard anything back yet. I have not been stung since then. Iam hoping this is something I have outgrown.  

    Take care all. Hugs Zetta  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's been a western movie and foot soaking day for me.  Zetta, Red River just came on.  This is a 1988 remake with James Arness.  The original was made in 1948 with John Wayne.

    I've soaked my toe four or five times  today ,about 20 min each timr.  The toe is just about the right color now. I know I've  mentioned that I have bilateral Morton's Neuroma. Sometimes my feet feel cold and sometimes hot.  Today I'd heat the Epsom salts water pretty warm but there is no sensation of heat in my foot - same with the other one.  I couldn't tell if the water was very warm or not.  Weird!

    I think this Epsom salts soaking will work.  Diane, the nurse, thought it would be all right but cautioned me if it got worse to go to urgent care.  We actually gave two and a wellness center in our little town.

    Jack is not answering his room phone so probably isn't in touch with Jackie. The hospital says my name isn't on the list so won't  tell me anything. They have moved him to the second floor not sure why.

    Jo, glad your power and everything is back on..Don't you feel isolated when you don't  have it.  I know I can think of a dozen things I want to do and talk to you all about when my internet is out.

    I've found a new vet show I really like..  It's Heartland Docs. A husband and wife vet team located in Nebraska. A little gentler show than Dr. Pol.

    I can't imagine why anyone would want to travel this weekend either Day. My doctor was concerned about airline cancellations, too.  Hope he can get back home.

    Jo, thanks for the info about the canned fruit.  I have a can of mangos and pineapple that I'll make ice cream with when I need to.

    Sheena and I had half a cheese sandwich for supper. Made a fresh loat of bread this afternoon. Thought I was about without bread but found half a loaf.  They're small loaves. Makes the best sandwiches.

    Better stop and go check the barn.  It has been hot today.

    Addendum st 10:15:  just saw on the news that there was a big celebration in Muskogee because the VA Hospital will remain open. Csrol, Karen and I grew up there. A man Carol used to carpool with wrote a petition and got 17,000 names on it.  All if Eastern Okla. Is celebrating.

    Also saw that some town close to Tulsa, Sapulpa I think instead of having fireworks is going to have a drone show. Saw part of it and it is amazing what they do with them-100+ of them doing things in unison.

    Good night.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo, this year I have not heard any neighborhood fireworks.  Usually they start in May.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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