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Just need to talk to my friends (177)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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Works for me, Ron.  Seems like you're feeling better.  Hope so.

Already pretty warm here and usually is supposed to be 100 which makes almost 30 days over 100 this summer.Heat index 105-110.  I had noted that we had a calf due today so drove out to check.  All was well. I do hope we don't have any while it's so hot.  Saw one of the newer moms and asked her where her baby was and she looked straight toward him.  They know what I say. Her baby was with another one with another cow laying down.  Topped off the water tank. Only used two fingers to turn the hydrant on and off but still itchy.  I don't know what else to do to stop this.

Just swept the living room/dining room and I'm exhausted. I need a housekeeper once a month in the worst way but no one would come out this far so will have to make do.

Stay cool. Looks like almost the whole Country is hot.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, do you wear work gloves when you go out into the fields to turn on the hydrant?

    My temperature was up a bit yesterday, but this morning it is back down to normal range.  But I am still quarantining.

    I've read that 1% of those who took Paxlovid developed rebound positivity.  That's a very small number.  I don't think the researchers know yet why some people rebound positive in their testing.

    You asked a good question about monkeypox and smallpox vaccination.  I'll have to research it.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    That sounds like a good brownie plan as long as you don’t have a belly like JoCs and mine.  Mine would definitely revolt.

    It’s hot and it’s muggy.  Sitting on porch eating.  Feels like I’m in the sauna. No breeze today, it’s August.  Haven’t had rain in awhile.

    Had a nice day yesterday.  My sister told me several months ago what would be her ideal job she thinks.  She works for the health system I retired from.  It is a work at home job out of one of their bigger hospitals in Columbus.  She said they never come open.  Well a couple of weeks ago one came open and she applied.  Turns out someone retired.  She found out yesterday she got it.  

    Where I work now the pulmonologist there use to work where I retired from.  Been wanting to see him.  Yesterday I saw him and he seemed as happy to see me as I was to see him.  He told you look like you always did except you and I both are a little grayer.  He’s a lot younger than me though lol.

    Had the neatest conversation with an outpatient.  Told my sister about it and she was touched as I was.  Also shared with one of the young registrars.  Told her you never know who you are talking too and what they’ve done or endured in life.  Our body gets old and fails us but in many of us that young person is still alive inside that cage.

    Have had a very busy morning but think possibly can rest this afternoon.  Will take Jean her avocados and hope to make her some popcorn too.  I made a half pint of pickle relish and water bath canned it.  My first time doing canning of any sort.  It pinged fairly quickly.  May still keep it in frig lol.  Used a big stockpot I have.  Things they said to do to keep jars from touching bottom of canner didn’t impress me but I got it done and will use my own system next time.  Used my pickle cucumbers to make it.  Had bought some at farmer market too so will probably be making some other things too. May make another jar of relish too.  Used my own green pepper and onion too, so pretty neat.

    Lorita you asked about smallpox vaccine and monkey pox.  The smallpox vaccine has been effective at preventing monkey pox too.  For quite a period of time they haven’t been giving it routinely.  So there is a portion of our society that can be susceptible given the right conditions.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I do, Iris, but it seems like those things are in the air.  I also wear sunglasses and a mask so they won't get in my eyes or mouth.  Driving me nuts.  Looks like the rain would have settled them.

    Glad your temp went back to normal  Have you taken a test? How is your brother?

    Sara, we used to make zucchini relish. Also good.    We used to do hit water baths but don't remember for what.  Sounds like your garden has really done well this summer.

    We never know anything about what another person is going through in their life until we talk with them. Everyone has their own problem or situation.

    Nice that you were able to connect with the doctor you used to work with.   I imagine all of the ones I worked with are deceased because I was young and they were older, mostly Army doctors. 

    Cooked some tiny shell pasta and made sauce from Velveeta and milk. Turned out okay.  Have you all tried the dry Ranch dressing in a bottle?  It's really good to sprinkle on things. I didn't refrigerate the first bottle I had and it turned into a rock.  I kept this one in the refrigerator and it's fine.

    It's 100 right now, not sure about heat index but probably around 110.  It's very humid.  Feel sorry for anyone or any thing that's outside.  I am so ready for Fall.

    Everyone here is asleep and I should be.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  I typed along post last night and it wouldn’t post, then disappeared.  Guess it might be my slow and outdated iPad. I’ll work on that after I get home.  I’m headed to one of my daughter’s farm for fair week.  The younger granddaughter is showing her pigs. The older one is out of high school and finished with 4-H. She’s a FFA officer for Colorado and will be doing that this next year.  After that, she will be attending Texas Tech studying agriculture communications.  She’s very driven.  The younger one loves to live in the moment and enjoy herself. Funny how different they are, but both are so fun.  

    I hope those with Covid are feeling better.  I’m still negative and feeling normal.  Sure glad I didn’t have a severe case.  I never had a fever.  Just cold symptoms and I was tired.  

    Sara, your onions are beautiful and so perfect I size.  We used to dry ours in a wooden box, and if kept dry and cool, will last a long time.  I’ve canned pickle relish many times. It’s easy to make and can, and has a great flavor.  I bet you’ll enjoy your when you eat it. It’s better if you don’t use it for a couple of months so the flavors blend.  I read that in my canning book.  

    It’s been very hot here too. It clouds up like it’s going to rain and then passes over and back to clear skies and hot.  Maybe next week we will get some rain. My grass is getting dry spots this year.

    Ron, I could eat a whole pan of brownies, but would be sick all night. Lol. A brownie sounds good right now.  Have you made any lately?  I hope you’re feeling a little better this week  

    Lorita, I wish you could figure out what’s flying around and making you itch. I got bitten by mosquitoes awhile ago and itched for a week.  I did find that cortisone cream took the itch away.  I’m sure your heat is very uncomfortable. We don’t have the humidity, so no heat index here. It’s usually the same as the real temperature.  

    We had a young deer roaming the neighborhood a couple of days ago.  I usually see them sleeping in my back yard in the morning, but not hanging around all day.  It ate all the blooms off of my geranium.  It’s ok because it will bud and bloom again.

    Jo, I hope you’re feeling better too.  Chronic stomach problems are not fun to deal with.  

    I’m going to post this so I don’t lose it.  Take care and have a good weekend.  Joan  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    71F, 22C.  We got an inch of rain yesterday afternoon.  

    Would suggest You Tube Video—TWIV924:  Clinical Update With Dr Daniel Griffin.  Just came out this morning.   About  45 min long.  Most of information at beginning portion so would not need to listen to all if you don’t want to, but thought some listener questions  were interesting which are at end.  They touch on monkey pox, they explain the polio vaccine in a short quick way and why what is going on is happening.  They explain why Paxlovid rebound is not what news media etc. making out of it.  Every week Daniel talks about the first week, then he talks about the second week for little over two years now.  The first week you have viral symptoms  and usually start feeling a little better as week progresses often.   Second week the cytokine storm phase starts and some start feeling worse again.  This is exactly how my BIL course of Covid went.  He had only had one J&J.  He’s a smoker, big guy, his second week was rougher than first week, no hypoxia though, no hospitalization, no death.  This happens routinely in people who have never had Paxlovid.   My nephew with no vaccines, don’t smoke, very thin, younger had no rebound of symptoms second week, some don’t.  I Listen to this update every Saturday morning.  Usually lasts 30-45 minutes.  Someone giving out information from on the ground, no drama, just facts, if new science comes out they will let you know.  Think all would find this a very helpful, calming source if that sounds good to you.

    Joan thanks for the information on the relish.

    Lorita I made zucchini relish  two years ago.  It turned out good.  Hopefully my pickle relish will too.

    I’ve been making oatmeal pancakes lately.  They are good and I like their texture.

    Guess I’ll get up and get to work.  When I woke up this morning I had my glasses on, no water was gone and my rain video I listen to each night had not been played.  Must have fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed lol.

    Take care

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Well I’m back lol.

    Lorita I keep meaning to tell you and forget.  So decided going to do it right now.  I have found a way I enjoy the eggplant.  I’ve been just stirring up some oil,  pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and paparika .  Then I cut up strips of onion, potato, sweet potato, carrot, eggplant and pepper.  Stir it all up and air fry it.  Then salt it when it is done.  Really enjoy it this way.  Now I can keep raising it.  So glad I tried eggplant.  Just so beautiful and nutritionally dense.  Have found I can cut cut a chunk off. Leave what is left, with cut edge down, on a plate.  It was fine.  I do quite a few vegetables that way because I like making vegetable mixtures.

    You know I watch a lot of YT Mexican cooking channels.  They roast their tomatoes, peppers etc. before blending.  Today I roasted a roma tomato in my air fryer and added it to the veggie mix.  I was surprised as how good it was.  Definitely had a better flavor. Maybe that is why they do that huh?

    I’m eating lunch and then hope to get into my pickles.  Froze seven jelly jars of greens this morning.  Had just been getting 3-4.  Freeze about every two weeks.  I definitely have had the best greens, onions & pepper year since I started gardening.  Free%e them in jelly jars because that makes a serving for me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Joan, hard to believe your granddaughters are that old.  Please remind me of their beautiful names.  I wrote them down but don't remember where.  

    I know you'll have a wonderful weekend and hope it isn't too hot.  Glad you're feeling better.  Good luck to your granddaughter on her pigs.

    Sara, glad you found a way to cook the eggplant that you like.  You seem to find the most interesting things and ways to cook vegetables.  I used to try new ones but now it's whatever is fastest and easiest.

    Went out early to check the girls. As I was leaving one came running toward me from the pond, then bawled.  I didn't stop, just intent on checking the other pasture. When I came back didn't see her so must have found her baby.  Things like that bother me.  Really wish I had stopped to see what sthe wanted.  Half of them are still at the MH.  It was fairly nice this morning but think I was out too long and I ate too many chocolate wafer cookies last night so have spent some time in the bathroom.  Just don't feel up to par since I came in.  I won't rest until I see all the babies.  I counted everyone twice and got the same number and later checked and think it was the right number.

    Sarah called last night. She has to see a vascular doctor about her feet and legs. Since she had the cat scratch fever her legs and feet are purplish. She had an ultrasound and the veins seem ok but they seem to be worried about the arteries.  She says she has awful scars and sore places from the fever.  She called again this morning and seemed to be in a good mood. Had a call from an old schoolmate so that helped her.

    Iris, not sure if I asked but dud you take a vivid test!  Hope you're still feeling better.

    I watered this morning . Wore long pants and sleeves but after I changed clothes was out three more times and arms have been a bit itchy.  Grass seems pretty good in the pastures but the weeds are awful.  I did see a butterfly this morning. First one in a long time.

    Sara, I'll try to watch that YouTube thing you mentioned.  How are the covid numbers in your area?  This is my 4th and 5th day since I was in town.  Doing the countdown. Seems like it's about the 5th day when but shows up.

    Supposed to be very hot this weekend, then two cooler days, then back to hot. Will be glad when August is over.

    Take it easy today.  Big watermelon festival in Hanna, Okla. today!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I wish I could attend the watermelon festival, it sounds like a lot of fun.  

    I am getting better, my temperature is back to normal after four days.  

    Sayra, thanks for posting about Dr David Griffin.  I'll check out his podcast later.  I didn't know about the biphasic nature of the infection.  I hope that will not apply to me, because I feel fine today.  Unless I learn otherwise to change my mind, I plan to retest tomorrow.  After tomorrow, I can go outside again with a mask for five days.

    Addendum: I forgot to mention, six out of sixteen attendants at the paint party came down with covid.  At least, six responded back that they had tested positive.  Two I know tested negative, I don't know about the others.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Iris, so good that you're feeling better.  Bet that was scary.  How is your brother?  I saw today that the President tested negative today but is still quarantining.

    We've never been to the Watermelon Festival but bet the ice cold melon was really good and very popular today.  Hanna isn't close to us but I think it's the watermelon capital. They must have sandy soil to grow them.  We have probably eaten melons from there - bought from a farm truck.  Best way to get good melons.

    Been hot today 99 with heat index of 105.  I went out late to see the girls and saw them swimming across the pond to cool off. Billy the Bull was still in the barn.  He's really a big guy now. I remember when he was just a baby and I could stand over him. I think I figured out why the cow was running toward me this morning.  I first saw her when I started the Gator and when I went through the gate she started toward the house.  Not sure but I bet she had her baby staked out just outside the yard and was afraid I would bother her.  Everything seemed okay this evening.

    Joan, I'm not as itchy today so maybe it's getting better.

    Hope you all are enjoying the weekend.  I saw that there was awful flooding in Death Valley National Park.  Seems there's floods, hot weather and drought, wildfires and everything else that isn't good.  Looks like the bill to help climate change will pass.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita known cases this week 392, 3 hospitalizations, 1 death.  Cases are still a lot higher than late June but quite a bit less than last week and sewer was stable this week which had been increasing previous two weeks.  So think I may be seeing signs of surge decreasing, we’ll see.  All it takes is another crazy event to start the circle over though.

    Iris hope that memory immune system has kicked in and you have a good week.

    Had a bacon, tomato, grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.  Nice Sunday treat.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Iris, hope things are well with you today. 

    Sra, your lunch sounds really good.  I often have a sandwich with mayo, cheese and tomato and avocado if I have it.  I use my homemade bread.  I haven't bought a loaf of bread in a coon's age and I plan to continue making my own bread. So much better than the storebought.  You know you can squeeze a slice of it into a little ball but not homemade.  My bread machine is a good 30+ Years old but we never used it a lot  until a couple of years ago. Kind of wish it made a bigger loaf but sometimes it molds before I eat it all.  We used to put in the ingredients the night before and set the timer to go off to have it baked just as we got up.  Always smelled so good.

    Got up early to watch Denim & Co. at 6.  Day, Gary has a TSV tonight. Wonder what it is.  First-time I've used one of those!

    I was out in the pasture at 7 checking on the girks. Then got back and watered roses I didn't water yesterday. Mike called while I was out to tell me he was coming by to get the Gator to check cows that Toad hadn't seen in a while. Samson and our little boys have a big interest today in either a cow or heifer. We were going to separate them if we could but he had a farm call so didn't get it done.

    Joan, I'm itchy again today. Yesterday was better. Guess it jumped on me. I wore long pants and shirt and only touched the hydrant twice with gloves this morning. I was sleepy so laid down in the bed for a few minutes.  Two cats came in and I think Max has the little things in his haur. When this first began he laid by me on the divan and guess they got on him.  

    Hard to believe one week of August is over- will be glad when its four!

    I have to take down trash in the morning. Missed the last two weeks so will have to get up early again.  You can really tell the days are getting shorter. Winter will be here soon.  The less than 2" of rain we have gotten has really greener up the grass. Carol said they have had 4" so it has been spotty. I can see the flag blowing so guess there's still some breeze which really helps.

    Sara, relax and rest today.  You do so much so take it easy today.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    I haven’t posted in a very long time but reading about how you used to set your breadmaker to have warm bread ready for breakfast reminded me….I always did that too until January 17,1994. We lived in the San Fernando Valley and that night-to-be-remembered I had set up the breadmaker to have warm bread in the morning. But around 4:30 in the morning we experienced that most-terrible 6.7 Northridge earthquake! Everything in all the kitchen cupboards fell to the floor and the breadmaker tumbled over dumping its contents to top off the mess. Won’t forget that in my lifetime…2 feet deep of broken rubble on the kitchen floor, plus more damage elsewhere in the house, of course. 

    Several years later my husband retired and we moved to San Diego County and what should greet us our first night?!? A minor earthquake! We just laughed. I hardly ever think about earthquakes. I would think that tornadoes are to be feared more than earthquakes. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Gosh, Seaside, what a mess that must have been.  I would be scared to death of earthquakes. No way to get away from them.  But, you know I heard that Okla. has more than California but ours are not that major.  I do have a couple of small cracks in the LR wall from one we had.  

    So good to see your post.  It has been a long time since you posted.  Hope you will post more often.  Hope you're getting along all right and are well.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi Lorita...I read every day but my life isn't really report-worthy. Same old, same old. Keeping things running here on my own. Sometimes a bit overwhelming. I'm the only one out of our family of 15 who hasn't had Covid yet. So we've been limiting the family visits here. Two have had it twice, but only one out of our family needed hospitalization. I've always been able to keep myself busy so don't really get lonely. And have my 7 yr. old labradoodle Lucy...my little pal. Don't know what I'd do without her! She's a treasure! Next year I'll be 80 and that is distressing in itself! I've never dreaded a birthday before, but maybe should pray to make it to my next birthday! One of our daughters (our youngest child) will be 50 and she's dreading that milestone. Take care...


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi Betty,  Sorry about all the covid in your family.  Glad you've escaped it.  You must be like me I only go somewhere when it's necessary and always wear my mask.  I also wear it if someone happens by here.  Doesn't bother me at all to wear it.

    I was 80 this past June.  Hard to believe until I try to do something I think I can do because I used to.  My life is the same, day in and day out but I'm used to it and must like the solitude.  I would be lonesome without my phone and this forum.

    I have two Great Pyrenees and four cats and they keep me busy and are great company.  The GPs have been staying inside during the hot weather except for early morning and a coupleof times for a few minutes during the day.  Same for me.  Glad you have Lucy for company.

    Keep up what you've been doing and stay safe.  Post and let us know how you are.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Do not dread growing old. It's a privilege denied to many.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hello fellow Californian Betty.  I remember that quake.  Later that same day a few of us walked to CVS, everything was fine, there was no sign of an earthquake.  It's amazing how one area can be devastated and another area will have no damage at all.

    I had escaped Covid until now.  I'm disappointed, today is my fifth day and I was supposed to be able to leave isolation.  But my repeat home test was still positive.  My temp is low (98.2 F) and I still have a runny nose.  According to the CDC, I can leave isolation as long as there has been no fever for 24 hours and the symptoms are resolving.  Yet a number of patients continue to shed virus after 5 days.  So I'm going to wait a bit longer.  The county is still in the high category although my area is in the moderate category.  But it's still bad.  Covid is still here.

    Sayra, Dr. Griffin says the new vaccines formulated for the latest circulating variants will be available in September.  So in a few weeks I will get boosted.  

    Despite all the turmoil, devastation and death caused by  Covid, I believe we can feel some satisfaction.  We have managed to turn an almost certain death sentence disease into a treatable respiratory illness in the space of two and a half years.  Covid is on the decline.  Hallelujah!  


  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello to you too, Iris. I know you helped me with answers to my questions when I needed that about my husband. I would go to the Younger Onset board and ask questions. You and alz+ were always so helpful and forthcoming with your answers to me. I wonder; does anyone know how alz+ is doing? I think of her often. 

    Yes…that earthquake was something, all right! It was still dark out so that raised the scare factor a few degrees! Something interesting that I learned…my parents lived 2 hours away from us and it woke them up. They went back to sleep, thinking it was just a tiny one for them, never suspecting our devastation. Our son and his family still live in the San Fernando Valley so whenever I feel a little shaker here I go straight to my computer and pull up the USGS to see where the epicenter is. You never know! One of our daughters lives out in the Palm Springs desert so I do worry some for her because they are so near the San Andreas Fault. But all of this isn’t something I think about daily. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    75F this morning.

    Lorita I like a cheese, tomato, Mayo sandwich.  Have not had avocado on it.  

    Slice my loaf of bread up and then freeze it.  

    Nice to hear from you seaside.  

    Beth how true.  

    Yes Iris it is much more treatable now, especially if things are done right the first week.    Sad thing is unfortunately some doctors don’t keep their skills sharpened and give bad treatment and bad advice that causes it to spiral out of control second week.  Many do keep up too, have seen some thank Dr Griffin for helping to keep them educated, seen them send in questions asking how to handle certain situations that were less black and white.  You can email him anytime and at height of pandemic he gave out his phone number so people could reach out to him as a resource.  At first little for people in medical world to go on.  They were sort of winging it.  There is no excuse for winging it now.  Enough time has passed that we now have evidence based medicine available.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Got up early after going to bed late so only sux hours sleep.  Had a sweet roll for breakfast after taking down the trash and checking the gjrls.  I was still so tired and sleepy byb10 that I fell asleep in my chair.  So,had a two hour nap.   I'm going to sleep later tomorrow.

    You know I bet we have variants.of civic from NIW on.  So, may have to have annual boosters.  Guess I'll get one when it's available.  I usually get my flu shot in October but won't wait until then.  I heard on the news that the CDC is going to remove it modify some of their guidelines so guess things are better..  I'll continue as I am.

    It was very warm thus morning. Supposed to be about 99 today and a little cooler the next two days.  There is a chance of rain so maybe we'll get some.

    Rawhide just cane on so I'll stop for now.  The little calves were really cute this morning..  Need to do a little work on a toenail that's making a different toe sore. Seems like I have always had trouble with the toes in my right foot. Remember I lost the nail on my great toe a couple of years ago, probably from putting a spading fork through it years ago. Daddy did a lot of Stone mason work and dropped a heavy rock on his foot. He lost a toenail and about the sane time of the year for years afterward would lose the nail.  Odd things.

    Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Betty/Seaside, Alz+ is hanging in.  Her daughter moved her from Michigan to California, and right away there was a big earthquake plus big fires.  She misses Michigan!  

    I feel good but I still have a runny nose.  I have cabin fever because I've been inside for a week.  I did go to the trash dumpster and to the mailbox with my N95 mask for a couple of minutes.  That's all.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    72F. Had 1.7 inches of rain yesterday. 

    I remember Alz+.  

    Hope that little runny nose dries up soon Iris.  

    Yesterday was a humid, cloudy day.  Tried a new pickle recipe from  guys YT channel I watch.  Was very different to me.  You pack your pickles into the jar.  Add alum, dill and garlic.  Put lid on.  Place in 200F oven and let set 10-15 min.  Meanwhile fix your brine and bring to  a boil.  Pour brine over pickles.  Only had enough cucumbers for one jar yesterday.  I heard it ping so should be good.  Never had seen instructions like that before.

    Work day, take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, glad you got the rain.  We only had enough to settle the dust but 50 miles south of us they got over 5 inches.  It is cooler though about 77 right now, just after noon.   I felt the soil in the planters and it felt damp but I suited up and gave everything a good drink while it's cooler.  I say "suited up" because I put on socks, long pants, long sleeves, gloves, mask, sunglasses and hat. Don't know how anything could get through that.

    Sara, mother and grandma made lots of pickles. I remember she would pack the jars with small cucumbers, dill, alum and maybe salt. She made the brine and I think it was hot when she filled the packed jars. We always boiled the flats and rings before we put them on.  Not sure but there may have been a hot water bath involved.  We knew the number of jars we had and after we took them out of the hot water to cool we always listened for and counted the pop of the jars sealing.  I don't think she pressured the pickles.  Maybe no hot water bath, maybe just hot jars, brine and flats and rings.  Wonder why the recipe said to put the jars in the oven after filling?

    Talked with Sarah. She has an appt. with the surgeon so guess she will have the major surgery soon.  She has at least four hernias to be repaired plus everything else.  Can't  understand  why she has had so many hernias.  She's anxious to have it done whatever the outcome.  I don't know how she has endured for so long with all she has wrong with her. Makes me feel like a panty waist for complaining about my little things.

    Hope all of you are well today or are recovering.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I woke up feeling back to normal this morning.  I slept well without coughing ir sneezing or sniffling.  I might go out today with my N95 mask since I don't have a runny nose.  

    I hope Sarah will get good news from her doctor.

    My country cousins made pickles when I was a child.  In the city the corner store kept dill pickles in a large barrel for anyone to pick out.  You can't do that today! 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita....it is really too bad that Sarah did not join the ostomy support group or buy/use the hernia support that Dr  told her she needed. I have a dear friend that just died. She lived with basically the same illness that Sarah has for 30+ years and was  ready to help Sarah. We just can not help everyone no matter no many times we reach out. You certainly went above and beyond. BTW...Did she ever get to the vascular Dr?

    I checked on alz+ through her daughter. She is still living in CA in a trailer park. 

    Refined? Come spend a day with me and you will not think so.

    Now regarding vegetables etc. I understand ordering seeds and planting. I even understand pollination, flats and rings. The following I do not understand. Water bath, pressure, freezing. popping, pinging, putting in the oven. 

    Still hot here as is everywhere. A soaker hose has saved the wilting trees.

    My dear friend who had Covid, went to ICU, came home for a couple of nights and then went back to the hospital is in a Covid room, not ICU. After a week she is getting a little fiesty. A good sign. It is going to be a long recovery.  Her daugher and her two teen agers have delayed their return to Florence and her son is driving up from San Antonio today. 

    Her husband, a cardiologist and also 80+, is exhausted. Thank God for him since the hospital readily admits that they are seriously understaffed. 

    My SIL's team won the regional tennis tournament and will go to the National finals in Orlando in Oct. He is in the 55+ section and a bit sore after last weekend in St Louis.

    Son and DIL will close on their " new" house...built in 1889 8/25. They are very excited. 

    Flip house got broken into last week end. Just have to get it reported and sorted out.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, are you flipping a house?  I am angry for you that it got broken into!  How far had you gotten in the work?

    I'm glad your friend with Covid is out of ICU.  Perhaps home soon?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    We're having a nice morning. It's a little cooler but no wind.  Later today the humidity is supposed to get lower so tomorrow will be even better.  When I woke up my toe was hurting so must have been against something but it's red so called and will go in and have my doctor look at it in the morning. I've been wearing thongs part of the time and something has either biten my foot under the strap or the cloth between my toes is aggravating it.

    Last evening and this morning I wasn't itchy but went out and only touched the handle on the hydrant to fill the water tank and I'm itvhing.  Those little thorns must be in the grass.  How to get rid of the thorns in the grass I do not know.

    Judith, glad your friend is better and will, hopefully, be home soon.  Congratulations to your SIL and team on the win.  Hope they do well in Orlando.  I remember how sore we'd be when our bowling started each year.

    Is your daughter's new house close to you?  The older houses were built with good lumber. I remember the man who did some work in ours years ago talked about how good and fully cut the lumber was.

    So sorry about the break in.  Did they do a lot of damage and steal a lot?  Around here if a house looks vacant, they will break in and steal.  That happened to our MH years ago.  We had things stored in it and they got in and stole things and completely ransacked it.  I wonder if the same thing has happened to the vacant house across the road from the MH. It's been vacant a long time.

    Jufith, I asked Sarah about the hernia support and she said she did get one and wore it.  She has had so many repairs and now has more.  Her appt. With the vascular doctor is being made by her PCP's  office and she hasn't heard yet.  I've cautioned her to be sure to be at today's appt. 45 minutes earky. You know how they are about being on time.

    Sara, you must be busy this morning.  Missed your post.

    Ron, hope you and Lou are okay this morning.  Have you had any rain.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Life is a little crazy here.

    Think they just wanted everything hot Lorita so it would seal and ping lol.

      Judith I’m Very sorry about your dear friend.  Hope the disrespectful people won’t cause you too much extra work.

    Thank you for the canning laugh though Judith.  I laughed out loud and rarely get to do that.

    Last week when we got a heavy rain, got some water in my fireplace.  Called somebody and they have not answered me back.  Monday we got a heavy rain and no water came in.  My BIL is going to look at it bless his heart.  Not sure how much he knows but he is willing for which I’m thankful.

    My mom has been causing me some challenges too.  

    Take care each one of you.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, am I missing something about your itchy hand and the hydrant?  It seems that if you wore a work glove, your hand would not be affected.  I think I missed something.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I missed it too..........

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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