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Just need to talk to my friends (177)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Calm tonight.  I walked out to the front fence -maybe 50 ft. ft. To see where the girls were. Already down grazing. Walked back to the porch and was itching like crazy. Guess those grass hairs are hanging in the air. Washed off good and changed clothes. Then put on  Benadryl creme but still itchy.  I didn't get to go to the barn to check so hope no one is left in there. Strange to me that the Johnson grass has been in  with the prickly pears for years with no problem. Then, all at once it's bothering me.  I took a Loratadine yesterday and it didn't seem to help.  Alexa says it will it's the main ingredient in Claritin. I will take one in the morning for sure. Carol takes the Walgreens version of Claritin,- mine ,is Walmart's.  May not take down trash in morning since not much of it.  Haven't felt too well today. Had a low grade temp for me.  Mine runs under 98 and it was a bit over, off and in.  Okay now.  Took a pretty long nap and spent the time with Charles. Always makes me happy. Carol once told me that some mornings her mother would be humming while fixing breakfast and it was because Roy, her husband, had been in her dreams.  You know there were five men within a mile of each other named Roy years ago. That's when there were more people in this area on farms. Now it's mostly rangeland.

    Sarah called but the nurse came in so when she calls back I'll tell her about the gas and moving around.  Jo, the doctor told Sarah he only did the procedure to deal with the acute problem. He said if he had attempted to take care of everything it would gave taken hours and she would not have survived.  So, he did only what was necessary this time.

    Sara, I baked my banana bread loaves a little too long so it's a bit dry and a little darker than I like.  Hope yours is good.  Very envisious of your cool weather and rain. All of  Okla. Is in severe to terrible drought.  The southern part is the worst, south of us a little bit. We still have a lot of pond water. I noticed it's  more than halfway up the cows backs but from where they were it's much deeper.  We had it deepened years ago when it was drier.  Many of the Ranchers are taking advantage of the dryness to deepen their ponds.  I know the lack og rain and hay shortage is really worrying people.  Our smaller herd of around 50 eat about four big bales (1800 lbs. Each) every five days so it adds up fast especially of you have to start feeding early.  I'm sorry-  I know this isn't interesting to you all.  But it's on every person's mind who run cattle.

    I'll stop for now.  Rest well tonight.  Ron, hope all is well in your home.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, thank you for your Viet Nam service.  You answered when you were called and did a job that many were and still are conflicted about. You are a patriot!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning my front porch friends. Nice cool breeze right now, but it want be later. 

    Jo.......I still have the neighbor come over for 2 hours twice a week. But thinking about extending the time if she is agreeable. I've been having more and more problems with my health. This morning I was having cold spells and hip and leg pain is getting worse. I'm taking arthritis medicine but it's not helping and my hands have gotten to where it hurts to make a fist. On top of all that, I started spitting up just a very small amount of blood from my lungs. Hopefully it will get better sister and SIL both are about to have surgery.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Iris and Ron I’m so sorry that the water is so rough and choppy for both of you right now. 

    Lorita you can develop allergies anytime.  My Aunt developed several allergies  when she was in her 70s at least.  She is in her early 90s now.   

    Sun shining some today, but still a very cool breeze. Very wet this morning so cleaned and mopped.  Then I made two cloth napkins.  So hopefully in a bit I can go out and get a little done.  Looks like the grass has dried off maybe.

    Beth hope you  are ok,  just busy and having fun with those grandchildren.  Just had thought about you a couple of times.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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     Good morning dear ones.  Lorita, I am so sorry about that itching; that can be SO unpleasantly bothersome.  Is there a lot of Johnson Grass around?   When I looked it up, it showed how to get rid of it and it does not look easy. First they mowed it down using a big tractor type mower; then they used a weed killer on it that specifically sends the Johnson Grass on it's way permanently. The area they were doing looked like a large area of JG.    It indicated that cattle could eat it except if they ate too much they could get, "poisoned" by it.  Raising cattle is certainly not for sissies; it is heavy duty and always something to be addressed.  Cannot look the other way as things can change in the blink of an eye.  You are amazing in doing all of this for so many years, Lorita, and for a lot of years doing it single handedly.   Truly; you are to be commended for your dedication and care.

    I always enjoy hearing about the cattle and the property and the rest of the lovely animals.  It is really interesting.

    Mr. Ron.   I am truly and deeply sorry for all that is happening; I can only imagine how difficult and concerning this has become for you.   If you were my dear brother, I would speak to you openly; so for this occasion, I shall pretend to be your big sister.   Dear Ron;  you desperately and urgently need a thought out, "Plan B."    Your body has been shouting loudly at you that it needs attention and it is urgent.  I am concerned on your behalf.   Not to address your own significant needs may put you in danger of being completely out of commission and in a danger zone that could possibly be prevented.  Now that coughing up blood, even though small . . . that is like, the doctor needs to know in the here and now asap.  Can you call his office for advice and direction?  Best not to put it off.   NOTE:  Best not to take too much arthritis OTC meds.  Some of those too have their own effects and some can cause bleeding, so do get medical advice.

    How strong is your budget for present needs assistance and future care needs?  Are you in a position that there will be no worries or would there be a significant concern?   If Lou had to go to care if something abruptly and untoward happened, or if she needed to have a aide care in the house, are there assets to cover that paying privately, or would she need to have Medicaid for said care?   Question:  Would she be covered for VA Spousal benefits. I did see the following, and there may be more:

     "The 2022 Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit rates are: A Veteran with a spouse may qualify for as much as $2,431 per month. A single Veteran may qualify for as much as $2,050 per month. A well Veteran with an ill spouse may qualify for as much as $1,608 per month.Feb 15, 2022"

     I know you do not plan to have Lou placed in care and are doing everything to try and keep that from happening.  However; even if you never, ever need to use it, the time has come to have a Plan B and even a Plan C should the need arise.  This would be to know how to obtain 24 hour care for Lou if it was necessary for a period of time.  In this, would be to know of a facility and also of a person or agency who could provide 24 hour care for a period of time if that became necessary.  Not permanent at this time, but for whatever period would be necessary to enable your own health needs to be adequately addressed. 

     It cannot continue as it is, dear Ron. Things have changed.  You are truly very important and your tired body needs some time to heal and recoup.  It has its own needs - it has been through a lot with the cancer treatments, etc. and  has not had the downtime needed to recover sufficiently.  The wear and tear of the arthritis is no joke; it can be debilitating.   NOTE:  It may be that the two of you could benefit from assistance in the house - in this, the VA may well be able to provide Aid and Attendance care sufficiently to permit your ability to gain some rest and recouping.  Help with the housework, laundry and possibly meals would be a good start along with support for Lou.  If not the VA; to get the stucture in place for homecare help with housework, laundry and even some meals may be doable in another way.  If it cannot be five days or more a week, perhaps three days or so?

    Please do begin to do the seeking to get a potential  plan in place should the need suddenly arise.  A good Social Worker at the VA re Aid and Attendance and accommodations in the house would be a good start.   Beginning to seek out other non-VA helpful entities for a future abrupt need would also give you a good foot up to have that information at your fingertips.  Area Agency on Aging may have some input for your area.

    Alright; big sister is shutting up now.  We here all care about you, Ron.  So anyone else with input, it would be very helpful - perhaps there are others here on the Front Porch who will have good ideas.  Got to get our rocking chairs rocking faster on our Gentleman Ron's behalf.

    Bit more input from some unhappy Infectious Disease specialists on CDC changes re COVID.  The concern is the "unwrapping" of so much will contribute much more to the rapid development of more variants which are of course always evolving; but evidently this is seen as faster and harsher.  I do not have the scientific mind to know, but not all are happy with the depth and breadth of changes.  We shall have to see.  Winter may bring some more adjustment back the other way.  In the meantime, if one has not had the two boosters after the vaccinations, please get this done. Some people were waiting for the "new" booster in the autumn/winter, but this is one of those Do It Now needs.   One can get a different booster later.   Things are opening up and the risk of exposure will be more present, so good idea not to delay - talk to your doctor about it if you have not had the two boosters and are waiting.

     Off I go to fold and put away some laundry from the drier - that and some dusting will be today's little chores.   Got to make some calls for other things to be addressed; so as said, off I go.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, I have arthritis in my hands, probably from all the secretarial work in the past. They look just like mothers did.  Also it bothers my knees and hip.  Years ago my doctor told me to take glucosamine chondroitin with MSM.  I began taking it and my hip improved in a few weeks.  I should take it everyday but forget.  The ring finger on my left hand no longer bends.  Oh, the aches and pains of a mature petson.  You might try that medicine, wouldn't hurt. He recommended OsteoBiflex but this is the generic and is cheaper.

    Glad you're getting a little respite. I remember when I was caregiving, , even an hour (time it took to run into town before Charles woke up) made a lot of difference in my feelings.  Also had a nice, low tree limb I would sit on when I had to get out of the house a minute or two. Maybe you have one of those.

    It is hot here today and will be worse tomorrow then a cool front. At least we're not having 2-3 weeks of 100 plus temps now.  The moon was beautiful last night reflecting in the pond.  Not full but very bright.

    Sara, you have energy to do so much.  I can sweep the LR and it wears me out.  Years ago mopping it was the same - had to do half, rest, then finish.

    Took down trash and got three days worth of mail. Got back and filled the water tank. Noticed five boys were antagonizing a cow so called her and got her away from them.  She can rest and eat grass that has grown some. I imagine she has a young calf but so far I haven't heard any bawling.  Put new batteries in my no touch thermometer after I finally got the tiny, tiny screw out- didn't put it back in.

    Sarah had seen one doctor but not the surgeon. Ordered some flowers for her - Gerbera and Shasta daisies.  They're so bright and are long lasting.  Maybe that will cheer her up some. She is having a lot of pain and cramping and vomiting ihis morning.

    Weather said today will be our 26th 100 and over day of the year. Normal is about 10.  Oklahoma is no fun in the summer when those high pressure domes settle over us.

    Iris, hope you can get to feeling better. No fun to feel bad and down.

    Late last evening Stormy went out and that stuff from the grass got on him and made me itchy. Seemed like after dark it was really in the air.

    Stay in and stay cool.  Sara, don't work too hard.  Judith, how are your caladiums?  Still watering mine every other day and still pretty.  I still have almost a dozen bulbs I never got planted.  I'm going to dig them this year and try to over winter them.

    Take a nap!!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Hello everyone! Just a quick note. I'm fine. We were out of town over the weekend and I was not able to read or post. I am caught up now. We went on a bike ride of just over 13 miles Saturday. That was challenging but fun. Now I'm working on laundry. Always a lot of that when you are gone for awhile.

    It's 71 degrees here! It has been so very hot and this is wonderful. We are also getting a very light rain so thankful for that. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Jo, I took your advice and sent my primary care a secure message. I already received one back telling me to go to ER asap, do not wait. As soon as possible will be tommorow morning. I was able to get my neighbor to come over and stay with Lou.

    Speaking of Lou, wouldn't you know it, dementia was in full swing this morning. Even though I didn't feel like it I took her for a ride and that helped settle her down. 

    I had already talked to Lou's Dr. about the what ifs. If I was out of pocket for awhile he can put her in a short term memory care. As far as getting help for her through the VA, there is a support group for caregivers taking care of veterans but not a veteran being a caregiver. I need to look into the new PAC that president Biden just signed! Also it might be possible to get some help around the house since I am now 100%.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hey Ron; so glad you contacted the doctor and that you are following through tomorrow morning.    Really good planning that you are looking into things and in all probability will be able to get some home based services through the VA.   From what I read here on this Forum, it takes having a good VA social work advocate or other advocate to push things through the VA in a timely manner; that is good to know so you can develop a relationship with such a professional.  I send wishes for some really good in-home assistance to be granted.

    It really heartens me to know that you may be able to get some assistance in; you have been at the helm as the strong man doing everything for so long, it comes second nature, but it seems your body is beginning to shout at you for attention.   Getting "mature" is definitely not for sissies.  You are such a good person and deserve a little assist to make the quality of life a bit better and relieve you.   You have punched your ticket and sure do deserve it.

    I too have arthritis mostly in my knees but cannot take Glucosamine/Chondroitin.  The Orthopedic specialist advised me not to use those products which are made from cattle; they use the connective tissue from bovines.  His concern was prion risk as prions can live through just about any processing including fire, etc.  (Prions are the organism that causes mad cow disease which is actually Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.)   The prion disease has an incubation period anywhere from 1.5 years all the way up to 40 - 50 years from the med articles I have read.  Other of the product is made from the shells of shellfish which do not have a prion risk, so he was okay with that, but I am highly allergic to shellfish, so that is out for me.   Lots of information on the product in Google I would imagine.   The knees are one thing, but when the hands get involved that is another whole league of its own in its effects; I am truly sorry that is happening, Ron.  We need an oil can like the one from Wizard of Oz to lubricate our difficult joints!

    By the way; the Glucosamine products can interfere with anticoagulant meds, so if one is on an anticoagulant, it would be best to talk to one's doctor before taking the supplement.  In fact, even if not on an anticoagulant, best to talk about it with one's doctor.   What a pain; I am always finding something medical to blah-blah about.   Good thing I am not a pastor or a nun!  Our Lady Of Perpetual Agitation, I would suppose. (Sister Olopa for short.)  In early teens I thought I may like to be a nun, then I discovered the males of our species; especially one adorable blue-eyed fellow who ended up being my future husband.  Sigh!  (Insert hearts and flowers here.) 

    Beth; it sounds as though you had a wonderful time; that is great.  Like you, all that dirty laundry to be done when getting home was not considered the best part of the trip. 

     Sayra could run a tiny little tea shop or little lunch room with all that she does and knows how to do.  Small sweet place for small numbers; open only certain hours - I am sure it would be a hit.   We could get her to test out her wares on the Front Porch - we sure would be willing to be the test folks.  You are a force to be reckoned with Sayra; I stand in awe of all you do and accomplish.

    I am sorry to hear that Sarah is feeling so badly, Lorita.  She has had so many surgeries and all that manipulation of mega scar tissue on and around the organs and other tissues along with the necessary repair must cause much post-op difficulty.   So hope she is able to feel better soon.  I imagine she will really enjoy the flowers you have sent.   Kind of like having a visit from you.

    Time to move on for tonight; will see you tomorrow and will wait to hear how it went for our Mr. Ron.  Sweet dreams wished for one and all,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    ER Dr. took a xray and said it looked ok. Told me to go see my primary care to follow up next week and address leg and hip pain. Was also told t go see the cancer Dr. and let them know what's going on. I have a appointment with primary care next monday and cancer dr wasn't satisfied with just a chest xray and sent me for cat scan.

    I hate going to hospitals, always end up running more test!

    Back home and resting now! One other thing I noticed different; the arm bracelet they put on you when you go to ER now has your picture alone with the name and social security number. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Talked with Sarah. They're going to change her feeding tube today. They put some of her meds through it and she says it takes a long time. Jo, she does have a lot of scar tissue that's interfering with what needs to be done. The doctor who did the surgery before the last one has been seeing het. Says they can't repair the other four hernias unless they strangulate, which I guess the last one did. Looks like she will be in the hospital a while which is where she should be until she gets better.

    Heavens,Jo, glucosamine is made from cattle?  Not sure I want to take that but it does help.  We even have Sheena taking it for arthritis. She's nine and a half and has big growths on her elbows and has trouble getting up sometimes.

    Heard the gate alarm go off this morning.  It was a couple of guys from the electric company asking permission to trim trees under the power lines.  I let them trim some from a big Hack berry north of the house that had some limbs getting into the lines and another at the main gate.  I asked if they had some herbicide with them to spray on the prickly pear and Johnson grass - they didn't.  I will call the electric coop after noon and see if they can spray it.  It's next to a power pole and under the guy wire so can't burn them.  Our power company's line is across the road from our farm but comes across the road and up to our house. The one along the north side of the property is OG&E. They slipped in and sprayed all the trees along the property line earlier this year. They're in different stages of dying and some have fallen  on the fence. A couple of years ago they were trimming and I stopped then so guess that was retaliation. They hire people to do these things and they have no regard for anything.  Years ago we had a new neighbor move in at the SW corner of the farm so they came through and clear cut trees.  Had a time with them over that but they did pay for the trees.  Darn people anyway.  When you live in the country you have to keep an eye on things.  Sorry I went on about this just irritates the heck out of me.  St least our electric company learned from it.

    One guy came to the yard fence and Stormy was about to get him.  He was ferocious- doubt anyone would clone m in the yard with him at the gate.  Makes me feel safe.

    Drive over this morning to make sure there weren't any new babies. It's supposed to be 105 today with a terrible heat index.  A newborn wouldn't make it if it wasn't in the shade. I think everyone is at the MH in the shade or in the barn.

    Got the dishes done so think I may cook a pizza for mid afternoon. Usually eat a mid morning breakfast and lunch/supper about 4.

    Ordered some Cortisone-10 to help with itching. Should be here today. Hope it helps.

    Zetta, where are you?  Hope all is well with you.

    Ron, let us know how the VA visit went today.  Glad you called yesterday. Nice that the neighbor can be with Lou while you're gone. Hi how there can be some help for Lou from them.  Glad you're 100%. I remember how happy we were when Charles got his.

    Anxious for the cooler weather coming and hope we get some rain from it.

    Back later.

    Addendum:  Ron, just read your post.  You're so right, always more tests. Glad things were okay and that you have appt. next week.  Do you know how many inpatient beds your hospital has?  When I began working at our VA hospital we had 390 inpatient beds.  Big place for a little country girl.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's 8 pm and still 100 degrees and no breeze.  The cold front is about 75 miles north of us so the air is being compressed and heated up.  I'll be so glad when the front comes through and it cools off.  Supposed to be in the 80s tomiorrow. It was too hot to even go out and check the barn.  I bet the air is filled with Johnson grass hairs.  I haven't been out since morning and I'm still itchy.

    I didn't water plants this morning so hope we get some rain tonight and in the morning.

    Mike just called on his way to a farm call for a horse.  He days lots of ponds are going dry. They checked the west pond a few days ago but said they need to check it again.  

    Talked with Sarah a couple of times. She sounds pretty good. They are still planning on changing the feeding tube, tonight or tomorrow.

    Sara, this was a work day for you.  Hope it wasn't too hectic.

    Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning


    Beth glad you were busy and doing something you enjoyed.

    Was busy all day yesterday at work and home Lorita but not a bad day.

    Today if nothing happens store and market day.  That keeps me busy.

    Maybe Zetta is just busy, let’s hope so.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Well, it's cooler and cloudy but we missed the rain.  Just got enough to wet the top of the Gator.  And, the wind is blowing some from the north, just enough to blow the grass hairs toward the house. I went out on the porch for a minute and my hands were itchy.  Haven't gone out to fill the watertank. I think the girls are in the NE pastures so may not come to the barn today.

    Lilly and Sammy were intensely watching something on the floor so got the flashlight and looked.  It was a grasshopper so eased it toward the door.  It was hurt so gritted my teeth and picked it up just enough to get it over the threshold and outside.  No idea how it got inside but it makes two of them.  They're everywhere and big!  They've defoliated three of the big holly bushes, some roses and a heavenly bamboo.  If I was a fishermen I'd be in hog heaven!  My grandma's brother used to visit and he fished with grasshoppers.  But I would never be able to put them on a hook.  I can put worms on but if we fished with minnows Charles had to do the honors.  Dreamed of him again last night so it was a good night.

    It was 105 yesterday with a much higher heat index -awful da. That majes 27 days over 100 this year.  We had 56 in 1980!  I remember that well. We went to work at 7 am and got off at 3:30p just in time to go home in the hottest part of the day..

    Have a headache. Took my Loratadine so hope it helps.  Enjoy the day!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    My goodness Ron; that was a lot of fuss and bother; I bet you really did need rest when you got home; that trip must have been a taxing effort.   How tiring that was especially when not feeling at all well and in pain.   At least it is all scoped out and wonder if they drew blood for some labs to screen for any system bits that need adjustment.  Most important thing is for the physicians to identify and then hopefully prescribe for you to alleviate as much pain and other distress as possible.  May have to be a bit insistent to get much needed intervention for relief.

     It is odd; but I have found something unfortunately interesting and initially thought it was my imagination, but I no longer think that is true.   When I had my original color of hair whch is dark brown with subtle highlights, (tinted), things went along as usual; but pandemic issues with salon availability and other bits had me letting my hair grow into the natural color for my hair which it turns out is now white.  Well . . . I find that despite my mentum and personality being the same and unchanged, I have often been treated differently.   As in just one more old white haired lady bias and more or less somewhat of a discounting for the person who actually exists -  not even considering the inside of the person along with allowing for adequate intelligence.   As said, at first few times, thought it was my imagination; but no, it carries out the same so much of the  time.  The worst by far being healthcare workers. What the heck.  But then I remember when I was in clinical practice in med centers, this was common.  So; we then must become our own advocates and speak up.

    Worst verbal treatment was one radiology tech.  I had an abrupt onset of severe back/hip pain and was unable to stand and in fact, unable to move at all; unable to even sit up and was in the ER at a hospital that is very near a huge senior living gated community- the pain was excruciating to the max; never had pain like that before.   Anyway, my guerney was wheeled down for x-ray; tech instructed me to slide sideways off the guerney onto the radiology table.  Sure did try and try, but was absolutely and totally unable; the pain was horrible.  He got miffed.  I tried very hard again, same result.   Then he began,  "Okay; if you do not do this, I am going to tell on you . . . do you want me to tell the doctor that you are not going to slide?  I really will tell on you and you won't like that."  And on and on AND in a tone of voice that one would use for a small child.  Truly.    Well . . . I saw red and realizing the abuse, rose up in voice and spirit and let him know what I did professionally as well as my education level and who did he think he was, and if he thought he could treat me like a child he had another think coming AND if this was the way he treated other patients who are too intimidated or unable to speak up for themselves he was being outright abusive and did not belong in healthcare where he came in contact with people in distress and worse. Sure was angry.   Did relate experience to ER MD and should have told admin, but ended up in another hospital as inpatient.  He must have treated many of the very elderly nearby senior community people in such a manner.  Anyway; always advocate and speak up for yourselves.

    Lorita, there are two different sources for the Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements. If you read the label or look up the brand named product ingredients on Google, it will tell you what the source of  the active ingredient is.   One type of the product is made from connective tissue from bovine carcasses.  The second type is made from the shells of various shellfish.   You can avoid the cattle source by looking for the kind made from the shells instead.   If I were not so deadly allergic to scallops, I would have used the shell sourced Glucosamine, but no can do and I will not use the cattle source, so I did not try to see if the supplements would help a bit.

    Sayra; how are things going with your mother - hope that it has settled a bit.  That is so hard and you are such a caring and kind daughter; what a blessing to her.  

    I think our Zetta may be busy with her pet sitting and she may also may be helping the people who are moving who have been her long term clients. 

    Gosh; thanks for checking on alz+, Judith.  I so remember alz+ and think of her often.  I do look for her on the, "I Have Alz Forum," to see if she may have recently dropped in.  She had really been settled in her mobile home park and shared she was reasonably content there.  She also had been doing some swimming.  Such an intelligent, creative and really interesting person.  So hope she is doing well.  She had also mentioned re-re-connecting again a bit with her first ex-husband who is not very well and who lives not too far from her, she mentioned that they once in awhile helped each other out; they could not live together despite trying after she moved from Michigan to California, but a bit of distance seemed more workable for them.  Hope that continues to be so.

    Do not know how many of you remember the wonderful Member, "Mimi."  She was an awesome person who worked diligently and I do mean diligently at best practices for her Alzheimer's disease.   She put many miles on her treadmill and ate well and intentionally used her brain in complex matters and did spokesperson re dementia for groups and also was a writer.  She lived most of the time in her own home, but in the last year or so, she had moved into an ALF in her own apartment.  For quite some time she served here as a Peer Volunteer when we still had a formal large group of PVs.    She also had a physical condition that was severe at times and sometimes needed  complex medical attention.  Sad to share that dear Mimi passed away some months ago.  I believe the cause was from her medical condition and not her Alzheimer's. 

    We do get to know one another and truly care.  Always sad when we lose someone who we have grown to know.   This site, AlzConnected, is such a huge blessing to so many and can be a lifeline to many.  Many ongoing Members become "close" to the benefit of one another; especially here on the Spousal/Partner Forum.  It has especially formed Member relationships - as an example - here we are!   It is also a wonderful dynamic that those who have lost their LOs to death continue to come here and share their  experiential wisdom and caring.  One of the best sites I have ever seen.

     Okay; time to go and get myself moving.  We are to have a "flex-alert" from 4:00 to 9:00 pm today to hopefully prevent any blackouts or rolling blackouts which I think will be coming before long.   We are in the mid to high 90's, but way up north, the temps are awful; it is expected to be 109 degrees in Redding and the central portion of California is about 105.  They are trying to keep the electric grid from overuse and going down.   So; no laundry or dishwashing or other unnecessary useage during that time.  As said before, that Shakespeare line . . . "Something wicked this way comes . . "

      Stay cool and hope all have a reasonable good day.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Worse part of having a ct scan is the waiting on results. I can view them myself on line but that usually takes a couple of days before being posted. When I went to the ER and was talking to the admitting nurse, I tried to explain what was going on with me Tuesday, he Interrupted me and asked; "But what brings you here today". I informed him my primary care advised me to go to the ER ASAP and Wednesday morning was the earliest I could. Besides the blood I also told him about the excruciating leg pain when I got up, he asked on 1 to 10 what was the pain level which was 9 at the time. He then wanted to know what it was now, which was probably a 3 or 4. After the xray and I was told to see my primary care and cancer Dr.,  I asked about the leg pain and was told my primary would follow up on it. When I was making my appointment with primary the nurse saw me and asked me how I was. I told her what the ER said about the leg pain and she stated that was the main reason she told me to go to the ER. The scheduler asked her about lab next week and she told them wait until the Dr. sees me.

    Seems like the primary care nurse and cancer dr are the ones that are going to be of help. I was especially impressed with the cancer dr that ordered the cat scan. When I walked in she was coming out of the radiation area and saw me. She came over and asked about me and as soon as I told her ER, she took me back to her office and talked. I was expecting to tell the nurse what happened and she would let the dr know, but was lucky she saw me and took the extra time without a appointment. Now wait and see!

    What even makes it harder for me to deal with my problems is knowing my sister and SIL are about to have surgery themself. Even though I know that Lou could go to a temporary care facility I know also it would not be good on her.

    Sorry I take so much time about myself, I am missing the days I enjoyed talking g about cooking.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jo, how awful to be treated like that and by someone who's supposed to help peopkle.  Good for you speaking up.  Did he settle down and help you or at least apologize after his talking to?  You should have reported him to his Chief and/or the hospital director.   I haven't run into that and hope I don't.

    I went out a little while ago while it was sprinkling to fill the water tank. Good thing, too. It was empty except a little mud in the bottom.  Rinsed it out and filled it. Just now went out and turned off the water and checked the barn.  About a dozen girls inside with all the others still out grazing.  It's about 25 degrees cooler today and cloudy.

    Took off my dress on the porch and shook it out, then put it back on, took off socks and shoes and rinsed off with a washcloth when I got inside. Doubt the pollen or hairs are flying around with the dtizzle.

    I've never had allergies before and do not like it at all.  Feel sorry for those with allergies or hayfever. You would think at my age and living among the weeds all these years I wouldn't have developed an allergy but only been around Johnson grass a few years. Guess it will have to be sprayed with a strong herbicide and covered.  Carol says she doesn't even need to be close to it to have problems.  She grew up in my area,3 miles sway, too.  But, people got rid of that grass. I remember how my parents hated it and we never had it. Daddy said the only way to get rid of it was  to put a fence around it and put hogs in with it. They would root it up and kill it.  Maybe that would be something for the wild hogs  to do.  They do bale it before it seeds out or the weather gets too hot on it.  When it's stressed with heat or drought it gets a white powder on it and is very toxic to cattle, the same happens to head feed.  Enough farm talk, probably not interesting to city folks. Sometimes I lapse into that if something reminds me.

    Think I might take a nap around 3 this afternoon. Hope all of you are okay.. Haven't talked with Sarah. Probably having the procedure done.

    Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Raising animals can be a problem. I remember my mother telling us about how she  and her siblings left the table when they learned which chicken was for dinner. There is also a wonderful scene in the movie Giant where the children melt down over just who the Thanksgiving turkey was.

    Unless you are raising dairy cows you can expect them to be slaughtered and used for meat, chairs, shoes, boots etc. It might help  not to name the cows. Ron…we have been saving a big ol’ glass of sweet tea for you next to your chair on the porch.  Cooking? Anyone want a great spinich dip recipe? So, is no one going to educate me on those vegetable preservation words?????
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Just sitting around and memories hit me about my younger days. Have you ever wondered how the beautiful ladies of today would have reacted to this: I'm still waiting on my old lady, I dont know, I will check with the old lady, and I better go now, the old lady should have supper ready. I dont remember if my dad called my mom "old lady ", but I did hear that expression a lot.

    My hair started graying in my late 20s and by my 40s I was almost completely Gray. I say gray, but white was the color, it might have had a grayish tint when the black was turning but didnt take long to get to the cotton ball color.

    Wouldn't be very many old men left around if men used that nowadays!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron please feel free to sit on the porch and talk your heart out or if you just want to be quietly sitting among us that is ok too.

    JoC the challenges with mom never stop, just a lull once in awhile.  

    I always said I wanted to age gracefully.  My hair is getting fairly gray. Most people are still kind but there are times when that is not true.  So far all medical people I go to are very respectful.

    Lol Judith I enjoyed you comment about all those words.  Will do my best to explain short and sweet.

      Waterbath:  place you jars of food in a large pot of boiling water.  Water needs to be an inch or two above top of jar.  Recipe will tell you to leave a certain amount of room between top of food and top of jar.  Let boil whatever time recipe says to, varies a lot.  This removes the oxygen above top of food and creates a seal.  When it seals you will hear a pinging noise if you are close by. Before it seals if you press on lid it will give up and down.  Once it pings you have a seal and it will be firm and no longer do this. This method not suggested for low acid foods.

    Pressure canning:  you place your jars of food in the canner.  You seal the canner, it creates very high pressure and seals the jar.  Not as familiar with this but my sister and I are thinking about buying one together next year.  Can use for high or low acid foods this way.

    Freezing:  something’s you can put in freezer raw, in an appropriate freezer container of some sort.  Some things need to be blanched first in order to stay fresher longer.  To blanch you put the food in boiling water amount of time called for, usually a very short time.  Take it out and place in very cold water to stop cooking process.  When cool freeze it.

    You can put your jars in oven at around 225 degrees for 20 minutes or so to sterilize them before filling with food.  Everything being hot also helps make a seal more likely to happen.  If you don’t get a seal will need to refrigerate it and use shortly.  Can also sterilize them by leaving them in boiling water but I haven’t done it that way.

    These are not directions for any one out there to use.  Just to help Judith know what we are talking about.  If you want to do this would direct you to Ball Complete book of home preserving for directions.  These few words are very incomplete.

    Guess not too short and sweet, I tried



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, I don't remember anyone using "my old lady", but many, including myself, used "my old man" or "your old man" when referring to someone else.  That's an expression from the late 1960s.

    I went to a luau yesterday.  The feature was two whole roasted pigs, probably piglets since they were not big.  That's part of the Hawaiian culture.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Sayra....thank you. Now it makes sense.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, well explained. Reading the canning guide couldn't have explained the procedures better.  If you and your sister do buy a pressure coojker, be careful..  They were always scary to me. Never used one by myself but mother did and she was always very cautious.

    Judith, a friend of ours once told me that we were in the wrong business raising cattle since I don't eat meat.  I enjoy it because I like cows and calves.

    Charles and I only sold cows once and that was to a neighbor so felt okay with that.  Sent five to a sale  once and before they sold had a trucker bring them home.  I don't mind selling big calves. I always tell myself they're going to a new home and for the little bulls that they'll start their own herd. Rationalization!!

    Talked with Sarah. They were going to discharge her today and the surgeon stopped it.  Hospitalist decided that and also said insurance wouldn't pay after today.  How can a person getting IVs and narcotics and barely able to get around, five days postop and alone most of the time be discharged?  Would not have happened in a VA Hospital when I was working - not sure about the private sector.

    Nice, cool day with sprinkles.  In fact, sprinkling now.  It was 30 degrees cooler today than yesterday!

    Judith, did the Police ever find who vandalized your flip house?

    Enjoy the evening and sleep well.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Going to a new home? 

    Re Sarah....our hospitals are full up. My friend in ICU was taken to Baptist even though her husband was staff at Mercy. She was released from Baptist too early and had to go back. Glad Sarah can stay longer. 

    I made a mistake about the theft. It was from my grandson's truck, not the house.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I hope she can, Judith. She just called and said they think she may have c. diff (bowel infection) and are going to check her for thst. Wonder why the hospitals are so full?

    Glad it wasn't your house but sorry about your grand son's things in his truck.  Hope they find his things.

    How is your friend?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    I have been doing my best to keep up with all of you. You all have been so busy. 

    I also remember alz+ and Mimi. I think of them often and hope that alz+ will stop in once in a while. I'm so sorry to hear that Mimi has passed. 

    I have been so busy I don't seem to find the time to post. I thought when my pet sitting job ended, I would have a lot of time on my hands. I was wrong. Now that I have so much time, I have been taking care of all the things around my house that need to be done. I just finished mowing my yards that takes me 3 days to do. My son usually does it, but I enjoy getting out and doing it so now that I have the time, I will do it. The weather has been beautiful. Pretty hot so I do the mowing in the morning and spend rest of the day inside. Watching Bonanza and Gunsmoke. And yes, Lorita on the weekends I also get to watch Rawhide. 

    I feel like I am really retired now I just hope I don't get bored. I am so used to coming and going, this is going to be a big adjustment for me. 

    Ron.  I am glad you are seeing your doctors and taking care of things. As you know rest is a very good thing to do. You are a real good husband and caregiver to Lou, you don't get as much rest as you need. Respite care would be a good thing for both you and Lou.

    Lorita.  Sorry you're still having to deal with the itching. I would hate that. Have you thought about rubbing calamine lotion on yourself to help with the itching? I also have to deal with allergies. I have never had allergies but for some reason this year they came knocking on my door. 

    It's getting late and I am getting tired. So good night, all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    58F, 14C

    Zetta if at some point you feel bored I would suggest finding a volunteer job.  Has made me feel needed again.  Have had workers and patients tell me their glad I’m there.  Of course I’m dealing with the public so some aren’t as pleasant as others.

    Got my Medicare card this week.  That made me feel old.  Got an appointment around middle of October to sign up.  I have to sign up for month of December and then for 2023 at same time.

    Take care care everyone 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh la, it is 2:00 am; I have been "up" since midnight . . . I accidentally fell asleep early in the evening reading on top of the bed and then woke up . . . will try to get back for a few hours more snooze.

    Congratulations on getting near your Medicare benefits, Sayra. Now for the necessary Supplemental Policy, which you are very knowledgeable about that being a necessity.  Isn't it the weirdest feeling being about to go on on Medicare?  I sat in the Social Security office; it suiddenly hit me and I started chuckling.  Seemed so alien to me that the outside me was old enough to qualify for Medicare, but the inside of me still felt SO much younger.  The outside and inside still do not match - quite strange.  DH and I were qualifed at the same time - he is nine days older than me. 

    I am sorry that your mother continues on her path.  I lived with that for so many years and it is hard to even describe as you well know.  As said earlier, your mother is deeply blessed to have such a caring and dear daughter. 

    Zetta, good to hear your voice.  Three days worth of mowing - heavens, that made me so tired just reading it, I had to go and sit down!  Grin.  You will find plenty to do and as we all do after retirement, we find ways to adjust which evolves over and over again over time.  Strange how that works. 

    Goodness; yes, I remember that term, "my old lady."  Said about a wife or significant other of any age, even in their 20's, back "in the day."  Really disrespectful on its face, but not meant disrespectfully - it was a "guy" term thing back in the day.  If that term was to be used for today's young women - I cannot imagine it being tolerated.  Some men with bruises I would imagine. Grin again.

    Okay; I am going to go off to try and catch some more sleep time, my usual is four hours a night - always been that way, so I may continue to be awake before the rooster.  (Oh gads; so glad we do not have any roosters anywhere near to be heard.)  My SIL had a neighbor in a rural area that had a rooster - I got to wish bad wishes for it whenever we stayed the night. Gads, that thing was loud.  Of course we had one of those night singing birds in our neighborhood for awhile; you know the ones, they sing/screech ONLY at night and ONLY in Dolby Stereo . . . mockingbirds, I think they are.  Oh my stars and garters. Finally after two years of it each summer, we could hear it far in the distance which wasn't as bad; then the next year it was gone.   Guess it found a mate or keeled over from so much screeching.  Got to the point that I was wishing I could go find it a mate just to shut the darned thing up; lots of sleepy neighbors - none of us got much.  Mother Nature having a little joke.

    Okay; last call, back to bed - I am still in the guest room where I had been reading. Yawning, off I go . .. . . z-z-z-z . . .


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Haven't heard back from anyone on my cat scan, but will see primary care monday morning. 

    I do see cat scan notes from my cancer dr on line and here is her notes:

    1. No suspicious pulmonary nodules. 

    2. Chronic small airways inflammation. 

    3. Waxing and waning chronic inflammation or low grade infection process of the right upper lobe. Given the patients degree of chronic pulmonary disease,  at a minimum, annual surveillance is recommended. 

    4. Emphysema 

    5. Fatty liver

    I've never heard of "waxing and waning " and even though I googled it, cant find a good definition to understand in my case. Any thoughts on the front porch from those with medical knowledge?

    Now for follow up on leg pain with primary care.

    I need to stop overreacting, in the past anytime I have felt bad, I usually will improve in a day or two. I dont understand the legs though! Tuesday morning when I got up they were hurting so bad I couldn't hardly walk. They did get better,  but still hurt some all day long. The emphysema is all part of my copd and fatty liver is something I've had for years which I give thinks to blue bell ice cream. I did have a liver biopsy many years ago and was told I had NASH, which is basically fatty liver.

    Lorita, you mentioned insurance not paying for additional hospital stays reminded me of a couple of experiences I have had. The very first time kidney stones came into my life I ended up in ER. The dr told me to go home and come back in the morning and he would take care of it. My wife told them she couldn't care for me at home as bad as I was hurting, so the dr told them to put a iv in me and keep me overnight. He told me I didnt need the iv but insurance would not pay unless I had it. Another time when Lou broke her hip I was told she would have to stay in long term hospital care a certain amount of time. The insurance would not pay unless your there a certain amount of time and could not stay over a certain amount of days.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, waxing and waning means getting better, then getting worse, then getting better, then getting worse. You could liken it to arthritis, sometimes better, sometimes worse. Hope that helps.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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