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Just need to talk to my friends (177)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    First thing this morning I want to wish our dear friend, Sandy (Sasue) a very Happy Birthday!!  I won't mention her age, but,we're the same age.

    I just got up . I dreameof Charles again so guess that's why I wanted to stay asleep.  Fed the cats in the kitchen and watching the news now.  Just started ifching, mostly on my hands. I've tried everything I can think of to alleviate the itching.  Received some Cortisone 10 yesterday so hope that helps.

    Need to water but won't. Supposed to rain in a day or two so the plants will have to wait.  The itching wasn't too bad yesterday because it was wet and the stuff wasn't blowing around. There was a little rain west and south of us this morning. The weatherman even mentioned  our little town.  That doesn't happen often.

    Zetta, glad to hear you're all right.  Be careful out there mowung.  That's hard work.

    Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Yes Beth I understand the definition of waxing and waning, but do not understand the definition in relationship to a cat scan referring to a lung lobe.

    Happy birthday sandy!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sarah just called.  Something has happened with the hernias like with the other one. Tried to insert NG tube but can't. May have to have surgery again which she says will be the big, major one.  She is so scared.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    What is an NG tube?

    Something has happened with the hernias like with the other one.  What does this mean?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Judith, naso-gastric tube.  They out the tube through the nose into the stomach to relieve pressure.  They couldn't get it down.  She just had a CT scan.  It sounds like to me that the first hernia may have strangulated or got through the opening and then couldn't reduce it or get back through the opening.  She said it looked like two things were trying to get out of her abdomen..  The movie Alien comes to mind, if you saw that.

    She hadn't seen Dr.Cole when I talked with her.  Can't get in touch with Todd - left messages and texted him.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    NG Tube = Nasogastric tube. Goes through the nose down the esophagus into the stomach.  It will help with the vomiting.  Sarah may be experiencing, "gastroparesis," which means the stomach is more or less "paralyzed" and not functioning as it should and the NG tube will help with the vomiting that can come from that.  Gastroparesis can sometimes happen after an abdominal surgery. 

    So sorry to hear of the complication, Lorita.   Hopefully the need for the NG tube will be short, and that she will not have to have an additional surgery.  I can well understand how miserable and at risk she is feeling.  As I recall, did this not happen to her before in a prior surgery or surgeries for her prior hernia(s)?  I so wish for relief for her. This sort of situation can happen for many reasons and sometimes just evolves on itself; especially if there has been a strangulated hernia which would be an emergency and be awfully painful.

    It would be so much better, when she is well enough to go home, if she would permit the Home Health nurses to visit her at home, and even to have some hours of an aide as she was granted, but she has refused all of that and it may be contributing to her preventing situations recurring; or perhaps not.  No way to tell.  Having a licensed RN follow her and checking her feeding tube, abdomen, and physical self could perhaps hopefully make a bit of a difference in a preventive manner.  Stubbornly independent and it seems there is nothing that one can do about it, Lorita; you have certainly tried.  You are a loving presence in Sarah's life doing all you can from a distance, she knows you love her and that you care.  That is a lot.

    Well Ron; I think the waxing and waning on the scan -  it appears that you have a right upper lobe that on some x-rays and scans is clear and doing well, and other times inflammation can be seen.  If there is COPD, this is not unusual. Inflammation can come and it can go.   Sometimes one can tell if there is increased inflammation if there is increased coughing, etc.; other times it may not be as overt.

    Really important to let the doctor know about the pain in BOTH legs on Monday.   They may want to do an ultrasound depending on what the exam and history shows.  You mention your hip and leg pain as a separate occurrence . . . that too can have the cause determined. I had mentioned before about the abrupt onset of extremely severe pain in the hip and even to the leg to the point was so excuciating I ended up an ambulance transport to the hospital and was admitted.  I had an injection into the  hip in Interventional Radiology by an Interventional Radiologist specialist using fluoroscopy to ensure the injections was in exactly the right spot. Was interesting to see the big fluoroscope picture above me and of course fluoro does not touch the patient. Immediate relief that is still there a year and a half later.  It did not hurt at all, and is greatly, greatly appreciated.  Just one more "thing" that happens to those joints as we "mature."  If the hip issue is of such a nature, you could ask about such a procedure done by such a specialist.

    So glad you are here on the Front Porch with the rest of the gang, Ron.  We really like having you here and we can also keep tabs on you; you rascal, you.   Here you are with a whole Front Porch of "sisters" who are looking out for you from afar. We care very much. 

    Lorita, I wonder if the dogs from time to time are bringing in some of that pollen or stuff from the Johnson Grass and it may be invisibly getting on the furniture, floor and rugs. If you pet or do care for the dogs where you are touching their coats, you may be picking up the itch causing "stuff."   So would be nice to get rid of that Grass, itching can be really a misery and it often defies help.  Do need to be cautious using the OTC cortisone; it absorbs into the body and if used too often or too much, it can cause problems.  It cannot be used like a hand cream for a long period of time.

    Sure have been thinking about a good coleslaw.  I have never made it to my satisfaction, and like it tangy yet a bit creamy.   Sometimes we get chicken from El Pollo Loco and I will get a side of slaw.  Then I get it home and rinse it off in a strainer to get the fats out and the tang is still there.  What a screwy thing that sounds like. Every once in awhile I let myself eat the whole intact slaw and I love it.  Just not the same if made with a yogurt; in fact, ugh.

    Yesterday, we had the electric company flex-alert from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm due to the heat; today we have a recommendation of not using water in the house from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The City is doing an annual flush out of the water mains as required by the state to be done each year. We can use the water if necessary, but it can bring silt into the plumbing which one then needs to let the water run until clear again and it can take awhile.  Glad things are taken care of, but sure feels different.  Yesterday, I kept lights off and did not use the dishwasher or washer/dryer or other appliances to do our part in the electricic grid compliance bit.   Charged devices early in the day and did not use fans or other such items.  Kept AC on lower as recommended and so glad to have it. For today's water watch, had my shower/shampoo late yesterday afternoon and brushed my teeth early a.m. before 8:00.  Put out more Purell to use on hands so we do not use the water until cleared to do so.  Gosh; find myself thinking, "Come on winter!"  But then we are in a temperate climate.  A little rain to help the drought would be wonderful.  Each area of the country and each city/town has its own challenges.  So blessed to live in a country and in a time where we have such services and capabilities.

    Despite the heat, our trees, shrubs and flowers are still doing very well despite sticking to the recommendations/mandates for outside water use restrictions and times by the city and state.  This I think is aided by using the timed automatic sprinklers not only for the lawns and shrubs, but also for all of the planters front and back.  To try and do that by hand or by sprinkler and hose would not give the same results and if there is any run-off, one can incur big fines. Cars washed at the car wash as needed, for no excess water useage, and sweeping dust off the driveway or walkways is used as necessary and the lawn mower fellows use blowers on all solid surfaces each week which is very much appreciated.

    Sure do need to wash the windows, especially upstairs; they are so awfully in need.  We will need to have the window washer come out; especially for the second story windows as DH and I can no longer safely do the ladder climbing up that high.  We would be a potential heap of broken bones. Hope "Jim," our window washer of long standing is still in business; he is very reasonable in cost and very fast. He has quite a business going with many customers and it takes awhile to get him out, but worth the wait.  I remember when we climbed the ladder on the second story without a worry.  In fact, my DH used to, with a neighbor, climb onto the high roof and hang off it, face downward to hang second story Christmas lights on the eaves; the neighbor would hang onto his ankles to keep him from slipping off the roof and then they would go do the neighbor's house.  Foolishness and we cringe to think about it.  Ah, youth; one can do anything - one thinks.

    Off me goes again, dear ones. Lots of best and warmest of thoughts and wishes being sent out to one and all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jo, Sarah has had gastroparesis for about five years.  The hernias are a result of the surgeries she has had for it.  The consensus seems to be that Dr. D. didn't do a successful surgery since she has had all kinds of complications since then.

    Hsven't heard from her so don't know what is happening now.

    Do wish I could get rid of the grass but it's grown up in and around the prickly pears. Guess I'll have to get a sprayer and herbicide and spray it good, then cover it with a big tarp I have. Spraying alone right now probably wouldn't help because it's already gone to seed. Carol has an allergy to it and she says it normally doesn't bother her until mid Sept.  The seasons here are a good month ahead of schedule this year..

    I imagine the pollen or hairs do get on the dog's hair. They aren't staying outside much and a couple of times have brushed their hair before they came in.  The wind today is from  the North so the pollen is blowing toward the house.  

    Washing and drying clothes.  I like to drape the sarapes over the back porch bannister to dry but won't today because the stuff from the grass would get embedded in them.  Took my Loratadine this morning and think it is helping.  Hate to wish for an early frost but it will be nice when we get it.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sarah is in my prayers!

    I'm starting to see more since out of the waxing and waning after reading the radiologist report. It's like Jo mentioned; radiologist said ground glass more than last scan, but about the same as the one previous. Also, guess the ER dr also saw the radiologist report and I received a 10 day supply of antibiotics today from her. Cancer Dr might have called her and asked why she didnt look into my problem more before dismissing it.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I remember when Sarah was diagnosed with gastroparesis. I remember giving her the names of three Drs that I know are wonderful ... used by either family or friends. Unfortunately she never  made an appointment with any gastro. 

    It is hard to understand. I know you have done everything you can think of to do. Bottom line is she is an adult with a husband and he has a sister who is a nurse.

    Big tour, 25 people, to see the new Chihuly exhibit. I have been studying for 2 days. While I am still cool towards his work he is an interesting artist!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Ron, Sarah told me to thank you for the prayers.  They're much appreciated. I told her you weren't feeling well and she said to tell you she'd say prayers for you, too.

    Judith, I remember.  I urged her to make an appt. But, as you said, she's an adult and does what she wants.  If she had done that, things might be better.  I don't remember how she got hooked up with Dr.D.  

    Good luck on the exhibit.  I looked at some of his paintings and they are pretty.

    Well, I got suited up and went out and wstered.  I looked like I was going to the cotton field- with the exception of the boots.  The caladiums  were  looking sort of bad, at least two planters were so watered everything really well and filled the water tank.  Took off clothes on the front porch before I came inside. Sat down to rest, looked out the opened door and saw one cow, then two, etc coming up from the pasture to get a drink.  Then went back to graze.  You know I think they're spoiled. They like the cool, clear water better than the warm pond water.  But, that's all right.  I'm not itching ,(knock on wood) so guess waiting until late evening to get outside worked.  I get itchy if I go out in the morning.

    Stormy went outside to tinkle and patrol a little so wiped his hair down with wet paper towels so maybe it's okay.  Now for Sheena.

    Sleep well tonight.  Tomorrow's Friday! Really doesn't mean as much when we're retired, does it?

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I’m just checking with you ladies to see if anyone here has heard from Butterfly Wings? On spouse and caregiver site many of us are very concerned about her. Hopping someone here may have heard. Thank you all. 

    Lorita I so enjoy hearing about your calves. In the area I live in in Texas we haven’t had any measureable rain in 64 days. Sure hope we get some some. There are some big cattle ranches around here and they are having a hard time finding hay and most of the ponds are drying up. 

    Thank you ladies for allowing me to hop on your front porch! 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    61F, 16C

    Joydean we have not heard from Butterfly either.  Have been watching to see if you guys that have been reaching out get a response.  Visit the porch anytime.  Hope you are blessed with a nice rain soon.

    Lol I have not seen people picking cotton but I get suited up to work in yard.  

    Looked up Chihuly.  Like the bright colors.

    JoC glad your plants are doing ok.

    Lorita you are sort of in the same position with S as I am with my mom.  She has some physical things going on that she never mentions to me but I’m very aware.  Know no reason to approach though.  She is 86, don’t complain, still laughs so I accept and hope for the best.

    Thinking of you Ron.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Joyden, as Sara said, we haven't heard from Butterfly in a while..  Always worries us when someone is absent for a while.  Welcome to the front porch.  Come and visit anytime. You're always welcome.

    Ponds in our area are drying up, too. People are cleaning out and deepening the dry ones.  We have four ponds and the two I can see have plenty of water but are getting lower. Weatherman just said 90% of our State is in severe drought.  Big bales of hay, if you can find them, are selling at $80 and up.  We've had enough rain to keep the grass green but not growing.  Our vet says people are selling their cattle because of lack of hay and water and the high cost of feed.  Glad you enjoy my calf stories.  I think they're so sweet so probably go on about them too much.  Probably good that I sold the girls and don't have to worry about feed andngay.  Mike has enough hay for the girls in this area and thinks there will be enough for his others.

    Had a call earlier from Sarah.  Dire news. She saw the surgeon and he says they'll never be able to do more surgery on her unless it's an emergency. He told her there would be a 99% chance she wouldn't survive.  What awful news for all of us. They're going to try the feeding tube today and if she can't tolerate it they'll keep her. If it works they'll discharge her.  She isn't able to go homr. She would be by herself 95% of the time. She has stress induced seizures and if she had one of those and passed out and fell  on her stomach she couldn't call for help. They repaired one hernia and that caused three others to "pop" as she calls it.  

    I told her and she knows if, that she needs to be in a facility where she can get help if needed.  She's going to talk with the social workers and maybe I should, too.  Just worries me to death and there's nothing I can do to help but be here when she needs to talk.  She's strong most of the time but breaks down sonetimes.  I would be a screaming Mimi if it was me.  

    I hate to unload on all of you but I just have to have someone to talk to about it.  I have to try to be strong for her.  Sorry.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    So very sorry for this news Lorita.  Know it causes a heavy heart for you and her.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Jayden, hopefully Butterfly still reads our post and send out a message.

    Lorita, I know you must be worried about Sarah, but you cant do more than you already have. Just know that many of us pray daily for all our front porch rockers and the ones they love. On a lighter note, I think I just created a name for our front porch group; "The Front Porch Rockers". We could go on tour with our stories, cooking, canning and singing.

    Guess I'm getting a little silly, seems like when I'm tired I try to get a jump start. Last night was bad, woke myself up with a bad coughing spell and had to get up for awhile, couldn't go back to sleep so just got up. After a few hours thought I would try sleeping again, after laying down 30 minutes and finally dozing, lou woke me. Just stayed up!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Seems like a number of us are having sleep troubles.

    Wed. night I only got about 2 hrs. of sleep...which was bad as I had 11 hours of driving to do Thurs. to get Mother and take her to cemetery where Dad is buried.  The drive from my home is only about an hour but with having to go get Mother adds on more time.

    We made it with no problems and had a nice day for the drive and visit with Dad.

    I have also been busy with crochet projects.  Just finished a pretty special one.  Daughter had done the original and soon after the person moved half way across country.  In the move the box containing the afghan was lost.  Since the husband loved it, wife ordered a duplicate!  Daughter up to her eyes in school activities for her kids, so I did the second one.

    Then had another unexpected request.  We had donated an afghan for a raffle to benefit a family friend who had an unexpected death of a LO.  The co-workers of the friend recently asked when she would have another to raffle off...proceeds not needed so guess we will get them.  Since there was no specific design requested, had to come up with something!  Just now getting started on it and have one needed for Christmas gift waiting, so guess I will be busy for a while!

    My best wishes and prayers to all of you and your LO's who are having health problems.  

    May everyone have a better day!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Very bad news about Sarah. 

    I remember that she was being seen by an intern/resident with no gastro expertise. They told her about Dr. D. It was staff  at University Hosp that told her she need ed to see Dr. B at Baptist. 

    Hopefully Todd will be able to work closer to home. I know there is construction on every block here. 

    Another piece of bed news, my friend has ARDS. She is still in ICU and not on a ventilater but high-flow BIPAP. My heart is aching.

    Made reservation for me and Winda to go to St Louis 9/9. Thelma and Louise on the road again.

    Insurance check came for water damage....not enough $$$. I will need to work on that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Judith, so sorry about your friend.  I hope she can improve.

    I did talk to the social worker and told her I thought it would be best for Sarah to go to a facility when they discharge her. Evidently Sarah hadn't told her she'd be alone most of the time. They still haven't tried the tube feeding.  It is so sad - she's only 51, too young for this.  Todd is having a really hard time finding people to work for him.  I have heard it's a big problem everywhere.  I know it's hard to find someone around here.

    What's going on in St. Louis?  Only been there once for a big union meeting and banquet.  I do remember we went out to eat and there was a big rainstorm on the way back to the motel.

    To boot, now I have a spot on my side/back with three or four red spots. Hoping it isn't a recurrence of shingles . Had that on my shoulder a few years ago. One cause is stress.

    Our mail carrier called a while ago to tell me there were a couple of pkgs. In the box and she is having fits with allergies - congestion and itchy eyes.  She went to school with Sarah. So, guess lots of people have this problem. Odd to me it just started a while back after all these years.

    Ron, I like our new name- fits for sure.  I haven't been off the front porch today. Trying to stay inside. Had been watering in the mornings but read that allergens are the worst from 5 am to 10 am so guess I will do it in the evenings.  Praying for rain.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Thanks...I think she will improve. It will be a long recovery and may be left with some problems. She is a gardner...flowers...and a baker.

    I am going my grandaughters wedding and she is going to visit her cousin. We will only be gone 2 nights.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, why does Sarah need a feeding tube?  Can she tolerate a pureed diet, like baby food consistency?  A nasogastric tube is uncomfortable for a conscious person.

    I'm sorry to learn of Mimi's passing.  She was my first contact here on the boards.  She was a great inspiration to me and to others!

    Alz+ also inspired me, encouraging smiling, being mindful, loving our animals and letting our animals love us, and managing our environments for our benefit--so much greatness from her!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Iris, I'm not really sure, guess it happened when she had her first surgery when she had the colostomy.  Probably removed part of her stomach since nothing was working. In the past she has been able to eat a cracker or two, slowly, and a few other things, but not lately.  She's been on a formula since then but she says it's still leaking even after the replacement a few days ago. Always had trouble with it.

    I remember when I first joined there was someone who signed her post" your sister in alz"- may have used her name. She was the first to reply to my first post and was a big help to me.  So many people have come and gone on this forum.

    They haven't been able to get the NG tube down.  When they tried it bled from one nostril and the other side, she said was crushed from a fall when she had seizure.

    Are you feeling okay now, Iris?  Sure hope so.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    You would think since I felt bad and didnt sleep last night and would take it easy today. I had some baby Lima beans soaking, took pork chops out of the freezer and will be having baby Lima beans over rice, pork chops, corn and cornbread for supper. I believe I mentioned this before, but if you want a pork chop that will just flake away with the corner of your fork just cook it with your beans. I usually just brown it a little on each side before adding the beans and water.

    I'm tired and still have all the pots, pans and dishes, also leftovers to put away.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sounds goid, Ron. I used to like pork chops when I ate neat.  We raised hogs so always had pork.  I know Charles used to cook pork chops with kraut.  Ron, you can out those things away tomorrow.  Rest now..  I know sometimes when I'm tired I can get mire accomplished.

    Just had a call from Sarah. They discharged her. They told her they hoped they could find a place for her in a day or two.  Todd didn't get there at 4 but she is still in her room until MN.

    I got an e-mail today saying my transaction had been completed to Simple Screen for $508.  The address had my name but an address in Portland, Oregon.  So, guess they sent the message to the wrong person.  I don't want to call the number listed. Didn't say how the amount was paid.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita.    Iam so sorry to hear about Sarah. the poor thing it just seems to be getting worse. You and she will be in my prayers. You are so good to her and for her. I hope she lets someone in her home to help her. I am surprised they will be discharging her I would think they would be placing her in a facility to help her get better before they send her home. I bet that tube does hurt her, she probably has a real sore throat now. 

    I bet Stormy is a scare at the gate. My Molly barks and wags her tail she made friends with all the delivery drivers. The UPS guy even knows her name. I also have allergies it is strange how they hit me I have never had them before but the past 2 years I have had to deal with them. I enjoy mowing my lawn it takes me a few days because I only go at it for a few hrs at a time. My lawnmower is power, and it pulls me along so its pretty easy. I live on an acre and about 1/2 of it gets mowed.

    Ron.    I like the name you gave us; Front Porch Rockers is good. When you cook the pork chops with the beans do you keep the beans on top of the chops, or do you put the chops on top of the beans while they cook, or does it make a difference?  Sounds Yummy. 

    Judith.  Sorry about your friend she is also in my prayers. Sounds like you have a fun trip planned. Enjoy it all.

    Sara.  If I get too board, I might try volunteering. Iam pretty much of a loaner I let people get on my nerves.  Speaking of getting old. My doctor thought me going to therapy might be a good idea, to help me with my balance. Reason is I limp a little bit if I get tired. I was in a car accident 60 years ago it did a little bit of damage to my hips. I don't notice it unless I am tired. I told my doctor I would, so she referred me to a clinic. I passed an hour of testing, and I passed it really good. I just need to do some hip exercises and I don't need to pay $70.00 a month to go to therapy. So there again my mind is young, and my body is old. I went to an outside food market today and because I was old, they let me get to the front of the line. So, I guess that's good. The next time I go I will take a cane with me now that I know how it works.  

    Take care all, Good Night. Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Zetta, speaking of being old, I just heard on the radio that a burglar was given an enhancement charge of assaulting a person over sixty-five years of age.  I never heard that was a specific crime before.

    Ron, I have not had lima beans in a long while.  When I was a young student, succotash, with corn and lima beans mixed together, was a frequent dish at the school cafeteria.  We all loved it.  I never hear of succotash nowadays.

    Lorita, Sarah should have been given a consultation by a dietician at the hospital to advise her on getting her nutritional needs met via her surgically altered gastrointestinal tract.  Can her husband advocate for her for a dietician?  It seems like she needs a pureed diet.

    I am over the Covid.  Now I am back to my usual feeling bad, tired, in pain and short of breath. I got some new medication to help with my breathing.  I used it today, and I was a little bit better, although I slept most of the day.  My life is very low but I don't like to complain or focus on it.  Complaining makes me feel worse!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    63F, 17C.  Looks like it may be a wet weekend.

    Judith I am so very sorry for your friend.  ARDS is a tough one.

    Zetta no wonder you are busy, that is a lot of lawn.

    Poor Sarah she has it rough.  She isn’t upfront about a lot of things because she prefers to go home and that probably wouldn’t happen if she told them what really was going on at home.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Hard to believe but I went to bed at 8 last night and didnt get up till 3 this morning. That's 7 hours of sleep; Lou didnt even bother  me and I dont know how long it's been since I had that much sleep. 

    Suppose to rain today and chance of rain every day next week. We sure need it, it's been awhile since we've had a good rainy period. I just hope it holds off until after we take littlebit for his birthday grooming. He turned 17 last Thursday and even though he cant run and play anymore, he can still meet us at the door wagging his tail. How many of us can do that!

    Zetta, it really doesn't matter where the pork chops are when cooking since it's the water that's cooking them to make it tender. I prefer not to have the beans on top to make sure the beans are cooking.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Good for You, Ron.  Seven hours is pretty good.  I also had seven hours and just laid in bed for another hour.  Nothing much worse than half cooked beans for sure.  Hope today goes good.  Happy Birthday to Little Bit.  Does he like to go to the groomer?  I think you mentioned that he's a ShihTzu?  Barclee was a Shih Tzu, about the same age and he usually liked to be groomed, however did bite one he wasn't used to.  He was a biter.  Really miss that little guy.

    Zetta, that's a lot of mowing. We used to have a riding mower and even that was tiring.  I don't like to mow.  Good that you don't try to do it all at once.  Good to hear from you.  Has your weather been hot this year?  Ours has been awful with 27 days above 100.  Just heard on the news that China has had a really hot and dry summer, worst in decades.  Reservoirs and rivers are very low and some ferries are closed.

    Iris, Sarah did have a consult with the dietitian.  They changed her formula.  I'm anxious to hear how the night went.  I'm really worried about her being home and so fragile.  Just too young for all of this.

    I think I have shingles again.  I had a little patch on my left shoulder in August 2017. This little patch is on the same side, a little lower. That time I went to Urgent Care on Sat. Then to my doctor on Monday. So far it isn't bothering me too much so may wait til Monday and see my doctor. Just hate to have to make two trips. Don't always get to see a doctor in urgent care so like to check with mine. Still have the unopened  jar of pain medication.  Guess the stress of this whole year has gotten to me.  little itchy since I came into the LR.  

    There's some rain far north of us but it won't  get to us. A couple of days ago they were predicting 1-2" of rain and that has gone down and down to only a chance of half an inch. I am so ready for fall, cooler weather and rain.  Filled the water tank last night and went to the mailbox so don't have to get out right now.Already itchy 

    Ready for juice and hot tea.  Enjoy the morning.  I'll be back.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So hoping you do not have shingles again, Lorita.  Once seems more than enough.  I am with you looking forward to a season change with cooler days.   Then we can complain about the cold.   (Smile.)

     We had several power outages in the middle of the night last night. One was about 1:00 a.m., an appliance began beeping telling us that it had no power and woke us up.   Then we got back a little power, but it was strange; it was only partial power, so if a light was turned on, it was a pale, strange sort of pinkish yellow glow - turned light off.   It went completely out again for about an hour or so around 3:00 a.m.  We now have it back and in full power. Do not know the cause; to have that happen in the middle of the night is quite odd.  So hope it stays on, mostly for the AC or ability to use a fan in this heat and humidity.

    Front Porch Rockers is a good name; thanks Ron.  So glad you got a really good amount of sleep.  What a difference that makes to the body and a person's outlook. 

    Lima beans and pork chops cooked together; sounds good.  I've never had limas cooked with pork chops before, would be good to try.   I love butter beans simmered with ham - have not had that in years, family doesn't like it. Heck; I just love butter beans, period.  I also love garbanzos and kidney beans.

    Homemade baked beans are my all time favorite, but oh the calories and fat in it.  Beans, lots of crisp crumbled bacon, onion, brown sugar, molasses,  just a tiny tidge of wine, even though I don't like green pepper, a small amount of that sauteed with the onion in the bacon fat leaving the bacon fat in - no draining, tiny, tiny bit of hot sauce, NOT for heat, but for lifting the flavor a bit and sometimes will add just a small blip of catsup.  I have found that they do better and taste better if one does not use beans from a bag that have to be cooked from scratch.   I used a variety of several different good baked beans and drained them very, very well in a large colander, then added the other ingredients, tasting as I went until they were, "just right."  Then into a 13 x 9 baking dish and baked very slowly in a low oven for a long time.  Oh gosh; house smelled great and everyone cleaned their plates and went back for more.  Yum.  Of course this was done every July 4th along with making ten pounds of really good homemade potato salad.  And melon balls with other fruit in a crock made with canteloupe, honeydew, and watermelon balls along with some fresh pineapple and red grapes; chilled for a day to meld flavors and have nice and cool.  Lots of other foods too, took forever to prepare but well worth it for the deliciousness and watching everyone enjoy their food so much.

    Iris, Sarah has a severe, very advanced gastroparesis and cannot take food orally.  The vagus nerve is pretty much non-functional and food does not empty out of the stomach; it gets trapped there.  The outlet ability is completely paralyzed.  Without a feeding tube she would die of malnutrition. It is a very severe and very sad situation.   Surgery to correct it failed and led to more surgeries which has wrought the outcome she is having to live with now.  It is truly so very sad.  I do hope that Home Health was ordered to follow her at home, Lorita and that Sarah will permit them to enter the house.  She has not permitted this service in the past.  She really needs all the oversight assistance she can get. 

     I think she has a J-tube into the small intestine for feedings; did  they need to take  that one out and replace it?  They must have replaced it to enable her to go home.  The NG tube at the hospital was probably for decompression to stop the vomiting, not for feeding as they do not want to put anything into the stomach where it will not be processed out.  Wonder if she went home with Zofran or other drug to help with the nausea and vomiting.  That can make one a bit woozy-doozy.  Again; so hope she has Home Health.

    As for Sarah not getting to good recommended doctors.  She may not have been able to do so.  She has SoonerCare, (Medicaid), and they have their own list of contracted physicians and contracted specialists; she would be limited to those choices.  Sometimes one can petition to see another specialist not on the SoonerCare list IF the condition cannot be managed by the present contracted list of specialists, but that happens very seldom and it is a tribulation to get approved.

    Love the smell of fresh mown grass; it must smell great around your house right now, Zetta.  That was a ton of work; you are being patted on the back from afar.

    How has your health been going, Judith?  Does the walker not only help with balance, but does it also give a bit of help to the neuropathy?  Glad that it was not the rehab house that was broken into; sorry about your grandson's vehicle though.   The new exhibit sounds interesting, but he does not appeal that much to me either. Some of his displays are interesting, but it does not make me feel engaged.  Well, tastes are different.  I can look at Vermeer's art and much of Edward Hopper's art all day long; the detail and composition fascinates me. Old fashioned me. I was pretty much gobsmacked in Italy where everything is filled with wonderful art everywhere. Sometimes it was almost too much; kind of like having a big box of delicious chocolates and too much was eaten at one time.  I am certainly not an art expert, I just sometimes like to "feel" a painting or sculpture.  Awesome those who have such a talent.  So hope your friend will turn a corner and begin to improve soon; ARDS is a terribly serious condition that has been the major serious problem with COVID and why we at much higher risk choose to continue to protect ourselves as much as we can even if vaccinated. 

    Probably a good idea not to answer that Simple Screen communication with the phone number given Lorita; it may possibly be a scam.  I have received a couple of like communications, one most recently telling me that my $900 purchase at Amazon was being processed and provided me with contact numbers if I had any questions.  As if. Iris, that assault on the older person is in the Penal Code as Elder Abuse.  Good for that terrible criminal to be caught and prosecuted.  It just makes me stunned to see the beatings of elderly persons on the news.   Happening often in house burglaries and sadly also especially to elderly asian females and males on the street - beyond my understanding such evil.  The California Penal Code 368 re Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse is interesting; and even not performing the act, but putting the person in danger thereof is a crime.  It just does not get reported as much and one must push for it to be investigated and then referred to the DA for prosecution.  May want to Google the Code and take a look. It is 8:30 and I am getting hungry.  Either oatmeal or oatmeal; had some eggs yesterday.  So guess it will be oatmeal.  Let's hope this will be a day that brings positives whether large or small; all would be appreciated. J.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, thanks for the explanation of Sarah's condition. I knew she had had surgery in the past, but did not know how extensive.  She has a lot to deal with!

    Thanks also for the penal codes.  I stay home to avoid trouble.  Where I live it is pretty quiet, I hope it stays this way.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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