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Just need to talk to my friends (177)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I don't know what is going on but it's not only my hands that itch.  The other morning I wore long pants and long sleeves and didn't itch too much.  I can feel little pieces of grass or something on my arms and legs when I come inside.  Friend, Carol has a Johnson grass allergy but it causes congestion, etc.  When I go out I wear a mask and glasses with fitovers .  I was afraid it was the little thorns  so didn't want to get them in my mouth or eyes. The pollen from that grass can blow for miles so maybe those little pieces if it do, too.  There's Johnson grass in the prickly pear  patch.  I should take an allergy pill but I forget until after noon.  That might help.  I think when we had rain a couple of mornings ago I wasn't itchy after going out.  I'll talk to my doctor about it.

    I have never had allergies and have been around that grass for years.  That little bit and a tiny patch of it in the meadow is all we have.  My parents hated Johnson grass with a purple passion. I have no idea where this came from, maybe from digging up plants along the road or from hay we bought.

    Sandy, I wet a few paper towels and rubbed them all over Max.  He sat by me last night and I got itchy.  Showers do help.

    Waiting to hear from Sarah. Todd didn't come to take her to the appt so she said  she would call a cab.  She was afraid of what the doctor would tell her so wouldn't be too surprised if she didn't go.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    A paste of baking soda and water applied can help with itching.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thanks, Iris, I'll try that.  My arms are itching now even though I wore long sleeves when I went out earlier.

    Todd got home in time to take Sarah to the doctor.  Turns out it wasn't an appt. With the surgeon but with the doctor who will do post op care. So they're going to make an appointment with him..  She said she was so disappointed that she broke down crying.

    I'm going to remember to take a Loratadine in the morning and see if that helps. It's the same as Claritin. It's a long until frost so have to find something to help.

    Sleep well, everyone.  See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning 

    Cool 61F.  Looks like we are going to have a period of cooler weather.

    Hope you get some way figured out to control the itching Lorita.  

    Take care

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, when we first started diligent handwashing to avoid Covid, I noticed my hands began to itch.  I figured out that my skin was reacting to benzalkonium chloride, which was in many soaps.  So I began using other soaps.  Now, no matter how often I wash my hands, I don't itch.  Once in a while I'll use hand lotion.  Perhaps you need to check the ingredients on your soaps and lotions, or perhaps use hypoallergenic soaps.  We can develop allergies even after using a product for years, or the formulation may have been changed by the msnufacturer.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thanks, Iris, you've given me some good ideas.  I'll check.  It seems like it's when I go outside and after I wash off my arms or legs it gets better.   Told my doctor about it and he said Johnson grass is in full form right now.  It's a hated grass around here.    He lives in the country, not sure he has cattle but he asked if I would have enough hay for the winter.  Told him Mike says he has enough holdover hay for his cows in this area.  Glad I don't have to worry about that. Told him I n heard the big, round bales are selling for $65/  He said he had heard $80.  I remember once my patents couldn't get to their small bales in the barn because of snow and they bought one bale to hold them over and paid $20 and that wss awful we tnought.

    Left home at 9:30 and got back at noon.  Had to wait a while to see the doctor, then sent to the pharmacy for eye drops and next door to the grocery store.  Just got things inside and wiped down- got everything but pop inside when I got hone.

    He says my toe is okay. Always mentions that it's trying to get underneath the toe next to it so it's really sharp on the bottom side.  No more medicine needed. Did get some iodine type stuff to put on my toes when I cut the nails. Charles used to go to a podiatrist who did that, just in case.

    Ron, you know about cars so I have a question.  Yesterday I drove the car to the mailbox and parked it by the backgate.  Just now I was going to move it to it's space in the shade and it wouldn't start.  The battery turns it over usst fine so don't know what could be wrong.  Glad I drove the PU today.  Guess I won't worry about it except I drive it to our little town to get Gator gas. I only fill the five gallon cans half full so guess I can fill them a quarter full and put them in the PU bed.  Always something, isn't it?  Diesel wss down 15 cents from last week so that's a start.  Saw the prettiest car parked st the clinic. It was a Honda Pilot. At least it had a big H on the back.

    Hope everyone is okay today. Sheena and Stormy were happy when I got home.  Stormy cried and cried and ran around in circles.We've had many breeds of dogs and they were all smart but I thing Pyrenean Mountain dogs are just about the smartest. Stormy has figured out when the driveway alarm goes off it means someone is outside.If he's sleeping  and I get out of my chair he raises his head and watches me until I sit down again.  Of course I'm prejudiced though.  All dogs are smart!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita soap has given me itchy hands and eczema too. Two that have worked for me is Dove Sensitive and the Cerave bar.  Don’t know if it will help in your case or not..

    Hope Ron has a thought about your car.  Does seem to be always something.  

    Found a company to work on chimneys.  Remembered seeing them at a neighbors house.  When I got home from work today went over there.  He told me he was very pleased with their work.  He told me he has had to have quite a few things done and I can come ask him anytime.  Came home and called them. They are not able to come out til Oct 7.  Who knows it may be another month or two after that, we will see.

    Lol a Patient came in today and he was sort of a jokester.  He asked me if I still drive a horse and buggy.  Told him no, but I do still drive  a gasoline car instead of electric.  He chuckled about that.  The electric cars seem like they may be catching on.  Going to ask my mechanic when I go this fall how he feels about them right now if I don’t forget.

    Talk with you later

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    The discussion re canning reminded me of my mother and grandmother.  They would use huge pots with racks inside, and also had a huge pressure cooker . . . they always boiled the canning jars first, they also boiled the flats and rings.  Also, sanitized implements.  They were hard on all day canning.  The jars had to have a pop and/or ping and the flats had to depress; if they did not, those without having done so were not kept; they were for using right away.  They stored their jarred foods in cool places; often on shelves in the basement or in the big back pantry.   The goods lasted all the way thought the terrible Northern Michigan winters.  Don't ever remember using the oven at all.  Must be a new process step.

     My MIL and FIL would go fishing in Canada each year.  They would get small salmon and smoke them and then would use the pressure cooker and can some.  It was truly delicious.  So much long work.   My SIL would make monstrous batches of  fresh salsa and can it in large glass jars.  That was good stuff too.    I canned apricots and plums, but it never caught on with me. Well; probably because I was managing a house and four children while going to university and then working fulltime.  Guess I should have been more domestic and less bookish.  Well; I had a a big house to clean and five beds to change sheets on each week plus the laundry, shopping, etc.  Guess that can count  as domestic in its own way.   Now I would give a big hurrah if I could find someone to help with the house each week or every other week.  Not the old gung-ho me any more.   Just old.  Ha!

    Weather here slinking up and down.  We will be high 90's to 100 today, but expected to go back down into the mid to high 80's next week.   Been a bit humid which of course is not a pleasure, and humidity feels worse the more "mature" we get.

    Gosh; what a tribulation itching can be. Very sorry Lorita. Since this is a new onset and has been stubborn, perhaps, do you think it may not have anything to do with the outdoors? 

    Please do not take any of this as gospel; nor as a diagnosis, it is just that there are reasons for non-rash unexplained itching and it would be good to be aware of them should the itching continue for two weeks or more or gets worse.

     Dry skin is usually the number one culprit for non-rash itching. One can use a good hypoallergenic, non-scented moisture cream to help.

    Penicillin and cephalosporin class antibiotics can cause a non-rash itching weeks after the antibiotic has stopped being taken, (and did not cause itching while taking the med.)  Other meds can also be culprits such as BP meds or statins.

    From any cause, itching can be constant or intermittant; it can be in one area of the body only or in multiple areas or be body wide even if caused by a med it can be limited to an area; it can be moderate or severe in nature. 

    Another issue can be iron deciency; not as common, but seen more often in people who are vegetarians or vegans.  Thyroid conditions, as well as liver or kidney or neuropathic issues can also cause non-rash itching.  If your urine turns a dark sort of brick color, or stools get very pale rather clay looking, or you see your eyes getting yellowish, have weight loss or changes in bowel habits, those are symptoms telling a person to get in to see the doctor.

    You probably have something mild from a non-serious cause; if it persists for a couple of weeks, may want to have it looked into for causation.

     So; the animals are staying cool and using the "swimming pool" when it gets really hot.  I picture the girls in their colorful swimming suits - udderly adorable - with their dark glasses and cool drinks that have tiny umbrellas in them.  Oh my; the guys in their Speedos!  Not adorable.  Keep those fellows over in the other meadow for a little while methinks so the girls get some rest and lolling about in the heat.

    I am sorry to hear that the rehab house got broken into, Judith.  Self-serving thieves are really terrible.  Did they take much or tear anything out?  Hear so much on the news and on the home building programs about having to secure sites as tools get stolen; especially bigger electric pieces that are not removed every day.  They also will take lumber, flooring, wiring, etc.  You name it, they sure do it.  Last year, a building near our Town Hall was being renovated by the City for a new purpose. It was kept locked; but during the night, crooks got in and literally ripped all the copper out of the walls, took wiring, light fixtures, wood, pipes, etc. etc.  Sure would have liked to have seen them be caught and fully prosecuted, but they got away with it.   We have some beautful statues around the city - bronze - one of the presentations is a group of children; life size statues and really, really wonderful.   Thieves were stealing them for the metal.  No compunction at all.   Cannot abide thieves; cause of so much grief and difficulty for others.

    It is sad re your friend with COVID ending back in the hospital again; so hope she improves soon - looks like it will be a long haul getting more streangth and function back; it is not always an easy disease. My friend's daughter who is a high school counselor developed COVID some months ago; she got over it fairly fast, but now has long haul syndrome and is really struggling with memory and some nerve issues.  Numbers are going up again and Fauci did state last week that we can expect quite an uptick come winter.   It isn't just the flu like symptoms - those are tolerable; it is the poor folks who end up hospitalized and that awful long haul syndrome that are the big concerns.    One never knows what one's outcome will be as some of these folks in COVID predicaments were vaxxed and boosted. 

    Oh fuss and bother; spent another three hours on the phone with the Amazon Customer Service Tech yesterday - STILL no improvement not just on the Kindle device, but in getting a "name" and password to stick and work on my accounts. It is bizarre.  I was a blithering idiot by the time I got off the phone.  Our dear, sweet son who is so good at this stuff will be taking this over; he has an appt. with the tech next week.  Guess he did not want to see either his ol' Mom or the nice tech have a meltdown.  It got so bad yesterday that I developed an ocular migraine.  They have no pain; it will be in one eye and what happens is I see a jagged half circle in my line of vision - kind of like Lisa Simpson's hairdo and some bright light.  When it happens, it lasts about 20 minutes and then goes away.  Will happen a few times a year.  Bad time to have that while working on the computer.  Ah well; if that is the worst thing that happens, that is small potatoes.

     I am craving a nice wild atlantic caught salmon for dinner soon, but will have to buy some.  Sure would be tasty.  Little tiny knob of butter melted on top with some dill and oh boy.   Usually have couscous with it, but think this time, a half of a baked potato sounds good. And asparagus.

    Hope your chimney stays water free, Sayra; that really is nice of your BIL to check things for you.   Sorry about the mother challenges; hopefully she will calm soon. 

    May the rest of the day be peaceful and serene for all; take good care.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Boy oh boy, this front porch rocking chair sure feels good with this nice early morning air. 

    Haven't been feeling well lately but mu brother and SIL made a quick trip for a little visit. Came late Tuesday and going back this morning. SIL was a lot of help keeping Lou occupied which gave me a little rest.

    Lorita, just because the vehicle sounds like its trying to start doesn't mean the battery is not the problem. If you let it sit to long a jump start should bring it back to life. If that doesnt help, it could be the battery are the ignition. 

    Hearing a pop is also my mom and grandma use to listen for when canning. No matter where we lived I have noticed we all have some of the same memories. 

    Earlier I was bragging on how nice it was on the front porch this morning......I just took littlebit out and noticed the full moon! Wish brother and SIL wasnt leaving because past experence with Lou and a full moon is not good.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It was a bit cooler so watered everything  really well. Supposed to be 100+ the next three or four days.  I covered up everything I could, then took the clothes off on the porch.  Still a little itchy.

    Jo, I talked with my doctor about it and he reviewed my labs done in May and if was all normal  I read you can have allergies to the Johnson grass by being congested or itchy. When I'm out I wear a mask, fitovers and hat.  Also read that Doxycycline  can cause itching but it's been three weeks so past the time for that.  I'm almost sure it's the grass.  Darned stuff anyway.

    Called Sarah yesterday after I got home and left message.  She called about 10 pm. She's in the hospital. Seems the largest hernia started bleeding? Not sure but they admitted her. While we were talking the nurse came in with pain meds and a doctor also was there.  He tried to reduce the hernia and from what I heard couldn't completely..  Said they night have to do emergency surgery.  Sarah was screaming in pain, so loudly it upset the GPs. Last night the doctor said he would talk with Dr. Baker to see what he wanted to do.  This morning when I called the nurse was back with pain medicine. Sarah said she still didn't know much but seems it won't be Dr. Baker doing the surgery.  Not sure why and she wasn't sure of the name of the doctor.  So, probably surgery today.

    Ron, I've been driving the car some.  I drove it day before yesterday and it was fine. Parked it that evening and late yesterday wouldn't start. The gas gauge says 3/4ths full but so did the PU gauge when it quit working.   When I get gator gas I always fill it so need to check when the last time was. Tried to put a rubber wire down in the tank but that didn't work. May call AAA to bring gas and if that isn't it will have it towed after I talk with Robert or Tyler.  Won't worry about it this weekend.  I really like the car and PU but may be the time before winter to do something difcerent.

    Watching Leave it to Beaver -  this one made in 1958 when I was 16 years old.  Saw that Tony Dow who played Wally passed away recently. He was in his mid 70s. And Olivia Newton John passed away, also in her 70s.  How did everyone get so old so quickly?

    Need to finish my hot tea so will be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sarah is having surgery at 2:30 only for this acute condition. Heard doctor talking with her. He will redo ileostomy and maybe feeding tuvbe,- something about unwinding colon.Said it would be a long surgery.  Any good thoughts and prayers are needed and appreciated.  Doesn't sound too good from what I heard.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, I read that Ashton Kutcher had been diagnosed with an autoimmune vasculitis, and it reminded me of your son.  How is he doing now?

    The CDC is relaxing Covid guidelines.  Masking on an as needed basis and no social distancing in public.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Ron saw the full moon this morning too. Had not seen the moon for awhile.  Sorry you are still having a tough time.

    Was 54 this morning.  Warm today but cool wind.

    Poor Sarah,  know it’s hard on you too Lorita.

    Iris wonder if hospitals will drop requirements for all people masking and just isolate those with Covid like we would do any other illness.  That would be nice.  Most people are respectful but a few are very disrespectful  as you can imagine. 

    Take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Prayers for Sarah...that doctor does his best work and is able to fix the immediate problem and that Sarah is able to recover easily and quickly...
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    How horrible for Sarah...What can I do to be helpful?

    My friend is back in ICU. I view it as a lateral move. The hospital is understaffed and she will get better monitoring.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    When you are through "canning" you can move on to this. SWince I do not grow or can I guess I can start right now ...lol;

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thank you for the prayers, Marie.  I know they help.   Judith, nothing anyone can do.  It's up to God, the surgeon and Sarah.  Thanks for asking- maybe later there will be something.

    I took a nap and called at 5:30/ The operator said they hadn't come out of surgety.  Just got a call from Todd.  He had a text that she went in surgery at 3:30 and went to recovery at 4:39.  He's home but is going up after he feeds the animals and had something to eat.  So, if that's right things went better than expected, we hope.  Now, to heal some and have the rest done.

    Judith, I need to do that for sure.  Things get pushed back and forgotten about.  Maybe this winter.  Carol is still doing thst. She found  a lot if EEO investigations she did 35 years ago and is disposing of them.  Amazing things yoh find that are out of sight.

    Sorry your friend us back in ICU.  Hope she improves quickky.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thanks for this link, Judith.  Good to know!  I have a lot of these things that I had been reluctant to discard because I might need them.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning


    Glad Sarah got through the surgery.  

    Judith that is what I hope to accomplish this winter.  Go through each room and get rid of a lot of things.  Will see

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Prayers for Sarah that she is resting and healing well.

    Today, August 13, 1966 I returned home from Vietnam and started a frustrating journey trying to travel from California to Louisiana during a nationwide airplane strike. I remember this so well due to a family reunion being held in my mother's hometown. When I finally made it home, my mother was rushing me because they were running late and barely gave me time to change my uniform I had worn for two days. When we made it to the reunion my aunt saw how much weight I lost, disappeared and returned with two malts containers full of hot fudge sundaes. As much as I use to love hot fudge sundaes, two malts was too much. Funny how certain memories come back!

    When my brother and SIL was here I mentioned how much I would have loved to make a road trip to Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, Florida and then back home. This would have allowed me to see family members and visit old memories of my experiences with finding Lou. I still dream about the trip but know in my heart Lou would not be able to tolerate it. 

    I hope everyone is able to sit in their assigned rocking chair on the front porch this morning and enjoy a nice weekend. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sarah seems to be doing all right. They had her up walking a little but with her walker.  She's sitting in a chair now.  Still had not seen the doctor when I talked with her.  She's in pain, of course and hasn't slept much.  I'm anxious to see what the doctor actually was able to do.

    Sara, it was nice here this morning but is going to be hot, then hott the next few days.  How is the garden growing?

    Jo, I have ocular migraines. Have had for years. Mine start with a smsll, gray spot in my central vision. It slowly gets larger with bright lights in the form of a boomerang. It finally covers my vision, then slowly goes out of sight.  If I can close my eyes it diminishes faster.  Normally no after headache.  I have a few during the year but none lately.  Had my first one in 1973.

    Made some banana bread this mirning. Had a couple of big ones that were ready for bread. I have a couple of silicone pans that makes six mini loaves. Had to taste test one- pretty good. I wrap each one in plastic wrap and freeze then, same with the pumpkin spice muffins.

    Ron, I guess a veteran never forgets his combat days. Charles talked a little bit  about his tours of duty in Korea. He had PTSD so didn't talk about it too much so as not to have flashbacks.  I don't see how any of the men who were in combat didn't have PTSD. Also one of our social workers was in Viet Nam and he said one thing that bothered him causing flashbacks was the sound of a helicopter going over. Really tore him up.

    Would be nice if you make your trip but like you said it would not be good for Lou being in strange surroundings.

    Carol called this morning. Her husband was headed for the golf coure.. She had found some more info about one of my neighbors who has opened a meat market in my hometown, one in the town where I shop and a third in her town. Those will be places I will never go.  You know I've been an ova lactate for years but one thing I remember is the taste of Spam.  I never ate much of it but when the ad comes on TV it reminds me iof the taste.  One of my cousins, Patsy's brother, had a feeding tube and the one thing he craved was Spam.  He mashed up some of it and ate it anyway. Guess some of those food memories never go away.

    Hope all of you are well and enjoying your Saturday.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I'm glad Sarah is recuperating.

    I tested negative today.  Now I can go out without a mask.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I'm happy for yoh, Iris.  Stay safe out there.

    Data sounds good and is optimistic after she talked with the doctor.  He's very upset with the work of the first surgeon.

    Been a quiet day here. Itching is okay or better as long as I stay inside but can't do that all the time.  Guess I'll have to wait until frost.

    Thanks to all if you for your concern for Sarah.  She told me to thank you.

    See you tomorrow.  The moon last night was gorgeous!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning

    59F, light rain

    Iris glad you are feeling better.

    Thanks for asking Lorita, garden doing pretty good.  Getting enough tomatoes for mom and I both to eat.  Get about an eggplant a week, few cucumbers, lots of peppers.  My dehydrator is full of herbs, went to bed smelling basil, like that smell.  Made three small jars of tomato sauce and water bathed them.  Getting less messy with that as I learn tricks.  

    I’ve been hungry for a good banana cake.  Don’t know if I will find time or not. First I would have to find a recipe.

    Glad Sarah is doing ok.  

    Take care

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Iris and anyone else,  just listened to TWIV927:  Merchlinsky vs Monkeypox.  Thought you might like it.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Morning, lucky you, Sara, getting rain and cool weather. Supposed to be 100 here today and over 100 the next three days, then in the 80s.  We'll feel like we're in heaven with it being that cool.  It's been a horrible summer.

    Got out and watered. Long sleeves. Jeans, socks, hat, mask and fitover sunglasses. Couldn't find my gloves, yesterday or today.  I'm 99% sure I left them in the Gator but not there.  After I finished , undressed on the porch, then washed down with a wash cloth.  The only part that's a bit itchy is my hands.  It's very still and hot.  Girls, babies and heifers are mostly in the shades now.  When I came back to the potch saw a little snake at the steps but he disappeared before I could get the shovel.  Looked mostly yellow and greenish black.

    Don't feel on top of the world this morning,  even had a low grade temp, for a while but it's okay now.

    Sars, you're really reaping rewards from your garden this yesr.  I know you enjoy it a lot.  I have a good recipe for banana bread if you'd like it.  I always add chocolate chips to it.  Made ten mini pieces from the recipe.  I think it makes two regular loaves.  I always sprinkle a little sugar on top before baking,makes sort of a crunchy, sweet top.   I've never made a lot of quick breads or muffins until the pandemic began.

    Forgot to mention an odd thing that happened when I was getting diesel in the PU  last week.  I had finished and started to get in the PU and dropped my debit card.  It went halfway under the PU. Tried reaching it and couldn't. Thought about getting down on my knees to reach it but decided I might get down and couldn't get back up.  I was afraid if I  started the PU to move it, the card might blow away.  What to do? Found a hammer in the back floorboard and was barely able to reach it, thank goodness! I'll be more careful next time.

    Haven't talked with Sarah this morning so better stop and do that.  I'm not going to worry about getting the car going until it's cooler just too hot to be out.  I have a list of things to get done before winter. Seems like I always have a list.

    Enjoy the cool weather and rain if you have it. Our time will come.

    12 pm. Called Sarah.  She's having g a lot of pain tioday. Said she only slept about an hour last night.  Seems like I've heard the paid worse the second day after surgery.  Is that right?

    Been watching QVC. Ordered a pretty French Terry top from Denim & Co.  Something that will be warm this wintet, that is if it ever gets cool.  Will probably be complaining about the cold in four months.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sayra, I hope the monkeypox podcast was informative.  Frankly, I'm getting tired of thinking about viruses.  I don't ever think there has been a time when viruses were so much in our daily lives, considering Covid, monkeypox and now polio.

    Lorita, the second day after surgery may be accompanied by gassiness, which can be painful.  The nurse should be able to help her.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    That’s ok Iris.  Sorry, just though you might like it, understand.  I’m a nerd I know.  Guess I find it all a bit interesting.

    Wish Sarah could move around a bit more that would help with the gas pain.

    High today 64 and 7/10 inch rain so far. Had to sit inside, missed my warm porch.  Just thought though didn’t have to water today and won’t have to tomorrow either.  Stayed busy this morning, made cornbread, tortillas, oatmeal pancakes and green beans to eat on all week.  

    Lorita thanks for the offer, just got done with banana bread.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sayra, I used to be nerdy, now I'm struggling to live day by day with memory loss, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and shortness of breath.  Just about every activity that requires energy is difficult for me, and then I need time to recover.  I try to limit anything difficult.  I enjoyed the one video that I watched, but I think that's enough for me now.  


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good to hear Sarah did well with her surgery.  Being that the procedure lasted only one hour from anesthesia induction to getting to recovery, it sounds as thought they did not do as much as had  been initially thought.   So hope that they were able to permanently address the area that had been bleeding.

    Goodness; glad you did not develop the respiratory allergy to the Johnson Grass; the itching is bad enough. I had to look it up as I had never heard of Johnson Grass. Sure is tall with  alot of junk at the top that can waft out in the breezes and get all over everything.  Ugh.  At least you were not on an antibiotic that can have delayed allergy onset. Our son had penicillin; about two and a half weeks after his last pill had been finished, he broke out in a nasty fine rash all over his trunk and back and began to have respiratory difficulty.  Ended up in the hospital for a few days.

    Dear Ron; I wish there would be a way to give you the dream trip if someone could be with Lou. It would be awesome for you to have that wish granted.  It was good that your family could come up for a few days and gave you a bit of rest.   It seems to be at a point that Lou's care needs are impacting upon your health and I am so sorry for that extra stress upon you.  Wonder if Louisiana has some respite services which could give you a bit of time to decompress now and then. I seem to remember that Lou liked one of the neighbors and would let her come into the house to be with her. Wonder if she is still available for some hours now and then to give you some breathing space.  So wish we could be more helpful.

    Boy; the new CDC guide re COVID 19 has a lot of people confused and some are saying they are just throwing it all up in the air and giving up trying to follow anything.  I did read the guidance and it can actually be rather confusing for many. If the moon is full - do this; but if the tide is out - do that; unless you walk to work and carry your lunch.   Two LA County specialists pushed to have ALL mandatory masking to be no longer as part of the guidelines even if numbers go up - their reasoning is, that it is too difficult to try and gain complete compliance.  Okay - never was complete; but especially if numbers ramp up, protection of the aged, the immune compromised, and other classes will be more at high risk.  CDC at one point mentions masking, but did not mention specifically which type of mask to use which is now important re the variants.  Ah well; every person for themselves.  Even though they say no more distancing; I shall probably be doing the six foot distance myself for quite awhile and will continue to mask.

    Made some easy peasy Italian sausage/Tortellini Soup; very tasty.  Nice large pot, so will have a few meals.   The tortellini does not freeze well in the soup, so must eat it while it is still happy in the pot from the refrigerator.

    Sayra; you garden crop has been really good this year; I can imagine how lovely it is to be eating your own grown veggies.  Isn't that the best?   By next summer, you will be, Lady Bountiful.  A labor of love.  It too love the smell of Basil and also Rosemary. 

    Wonder if you have found those missing gloves, Lorita.  You know how that works:  if you need them, they will stay hidden. BUT; if you no longer need them, they will suddenly appear out of nowhere.  That happened with my device charger . . . . I have a small portable one that I needed. Searched and searched; nowhere to be found.  I usually keep it in the top drawer of the nightstand.  Looked high and low, twice; nowhere. Then; did not need it and POOF!  Up it popped.  Somewhere, I think there must be little gremlins laughing their pants off.  You know the ones; the same ones that steal socks from the laundry; stealing only one and leaving just one from a pair. If I ever catch those little imps . . . ! 

    Iris, it is really good to hear that you are recovering and getting better.  So hope that continues on an upward swing and that the fatigue is getting better. What a thing to have happen. I hear that the name, "Monkeypox," is being looked at by the big kahunas in medicine in re to changing the name. Seems it has some ethnic connotations for some.   Others think that the word "monkey" makes it seems like a small not serious condition and will not be taken seriously.   I would not have thought of either issue, so I now stand more informed.

    We are in the mid 90's; next county over is in the low 100's; I am wishing we would not go any higher; but based on most years, it will get us up there too.  More humidity next week, but not sure which days. Storms off Mexico continue to send the moisture. Sure hope it does not send any thunder storms; they often have not much to no rain, but lightening sparks off fires which can be disastrous.

    Winter clothes are beginning to appear in the mail order catalogs - seems odd in the hottest days, but it is so every year.  Mid-season whether hot or cold, the next season's clothing begins to appear.  Wise people buy in advance of need, but seems I have never been that wise. 

    Thank you for asking about our son, Iris. He has done very well with his vasculitis after a couple of years.  He is now on only one med; all others dc'd.  He has a bit of neuropathy in his feet, but at a low level. He says he can feel it at the end of the day if he has been on his feet alot which he often is with his work.   His kidney function has returned to normal, as has his neuro and cardiac levels.  What a blessing. He tends to way overwork even on weekends as he enjoyes working with his hands.  Just out in 100 plus heat building a rock wall and tearing up nice gardens to plant anew.  That is his personality, he likes working; but wish he would take it a bit easier.   He works very hard at eating right and exercising, so that is good. Now if  he would find as nice woman, that would be great. He has been divorced for some years and as he said, trying to date in COVID times has not been doable; he must be careful as he will always be at more risk.  His vasculitits was Anka, which is different from what Ashton K. had.  As it is, the actor had it several years ago.   It is a horrible, nasty disease that comes out of nowhere.  A blessing to be sure that our son has done as well as he has.

    Time to think about dinner; it is 4:30, and DH likes to eat about 5:00.  Big hugs to all and special big hug to our Mr. Ron; please take good care of you, Ron . . . you are important.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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