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Just need to talk to my friends (177)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Not sure this is shingles. I seem to remember that  it itched when I had it before..It's in a place that is hard to see but looks like a couple of welts.  It doesn't itch but hurts sometimes.  I may have hit my back against something.  I'll probably know by Monday.  I'm always getting bruises and injuries and not knowing when they happened.

    Tried to call Sarah but no answer. May be asleep.  Jo, they did talk about hone health but don't know what was decided.  Kind of homed in on a facility for her.

    About the power outages --that must be awful not knowing when it will happen.  Have you all ever thought about a generator?  It really gives you peace of mind until ants get in it and ruins things.  Happened twice here and it gets expensive.  I do wish we had had it many years ago.  We've been out of power for two or more weeks several times and lost things in the freezer.

    I opened the two small pkgs. this morning. My mail carrier told me she thought the Amazon box had been delivered somewhere else because it was resealed with duct tape.  In the country there's a saying that we couldn't make it without duct tape and baling wire. There was the nicest note from the woman it was delivered to, apologizing for opening it.  She left her name and number so this afternoon I will call and thank her.  It was just a box of graham crackers so she could gave kept it.  I love graham crackers with applesauce or yogurt.  I had to go out on the porch to get the boxes and mail and my hands are itching again.

    Iris, I'm with you-  I hardly ever go anywhere and only when necessary.  Thus morning in the news there was a story about a fatal shooting in Tulsa. Seems there may have been road rage involved.  The woman pulled into an Auto Zone parking lot and when she got out of the car, probably to get 

     inside and be safe, the guy shot her in the stomach and she died.  They say you should never make eye contact with anyone when driving.

    You never know when something may happen and it must be worse in big cities. 

    It very warm outside. Lots of the girls and babies are still in the shade and there is a breeze off and on.

    Watching QVC.  Prices in everything have increased. Clothing  is 15-20 dollars higher than a couple of years ago.

    Hope everyone's day is going well.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    I hope you all had a good Saturday. I had a good day it was only 88 so I was able to leave my doors open and enjoy fresh air. I leave a fan running so it circulates it. Molly and my kitties Sammy and Emmy love laying in front of an open door. 

    Lorita.  Yes, we have been having hotter than Normal days. we are not used to being in the low 100s so a lot of people are staying inside. I sure hope you don't have the shingles. I have never had them, knock on wood, but I hear they are pretty bad. 

    Iris.  I am glad you're feeling better. I am sorry to hear your normal feeling is not good. Have you tried aromatherapy for relaxing? Iam like you I also stay inside especially at night. I am not really afraid of much other than my car breaking down and me being out alone.  

    Ron.   Thanks for answering my question about the beans and pork chop. I will be trying that soon. It's nice you slept 7 hours I can't remember the last time I did that. I can sleep 6 hours quite often Then I will go right back to sleep for a few more. If I cut my water intake down a bit, I am sure that would help. 

    Jo.   Thanks for the pat on the back, the biggest thing I accomplished was just getting off my behind and getting outside and doing something. I really need to do that more often. I like the recipe you gave us for the baked beans I also plan on trying that one. 

    Take care all and get a good night's sleep. Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    It never dawned on me that baked beans were baked in an oven.  We always cooked beans on the stove top.  Jo C, your recipe sounds delicious!

    Zetta, I have some aromatherapy essential oils that I used to use, but I did not see much change.  If I have energy, I might try again.

    This month I was dealing with Covid for two weeks, then I had three days of outside activities.  So now, I'm resting.

    Lorita, what a horrible story about the woman going to Auto Zone!  No one is safe!  Where I live it is very quiet, but one never knows what could happen.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning 

    65F, 18C.  Got 9/10 inch rain yesterday eve.  Giving it wet today too.

    Lorita you have definitely had  a warm summer.  Ours has been pretty moderate.

    There is a shingles vaccine, Shingrix.  It is a two dose series.  You are eligible for it when you turn 50.  I took it, suppose to be around 90% effective.  Guess the vaccine makes some people feel a little rough for a bit.  It did not bother me that I remember of.

    JoC I have made baked beans you described.  Hey are good.  Will probably never make them again unless for a special occasion.  

    Zetta that sounds nice just leaving the door open.  Here I would quickly have a house full of flies.

    Did same old things yesterday lol.  Made zucchini relish Lorita.  Got some herbs drying and froze some more greens. Hope today is  day of rest.  Might make a pan of brownies.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Having trouble with posting.  Just lost one so may try later.  Everything's okay just itching.

    Sarah is doing ok. Nurse came by yesterday to check and will until home health can get set up. 

    Hope all of you are well.  I'll try again later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Today is National Senior Citizens Day.  We are responsible for keeping this country going.  Let's pat ourselves on the back!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hope everyone had a good Sunday..  We had sprinkles for about 20 minutes. Looks like central Texas all the way over to you, Ron, is going to get a lot of rain.Getting pretty bad here. Three if our ponds are doing all right but everything else us dry. The grasshoppers are everywhere and they're big and hungry. They're eating the tough leaves from the holly and have completely eaten the autumn clematis on the corral fence.  Hard to believe how wet our May was.

    I've stayed in today except for filling the water tank and checking the barn. When the pollen from that grass hits my skin, it stings, then itches. Whether GPs go out I spray them with a mist of water before they come in to try to keep the pollen down.

    Mike came by and he's going to talk to his nephew about what and how to spray the grass. Hopefully, that will be this week but they're busy so may be later.

    I'm going to call for an appt. to see my doctor as soon as I can.  Have had quits a lot of discomfort along my left side today so need to see if it is shingles. Three or four years ago I went in to get the shingles shot but had just had a cortisone injection in my knee so couldn't get it.

    Iris, so good that you're doing better ohysically.  Hopefully you will GRT to feeling better about things.

    We never cooked baked beans but had Bush's canned ones. They always seemed too sweet to me but we put a spoonful of mustard in them and that did the trick.

    Sarah has done too much since she's been  home and is really paying for it today with lots of pain.  Her cat is going to have kittens and she's worried about her because she's really young.  What a worrier like me.

    Better get this posted before I lose it.  Sleep well tonight and enjoy the rain if you're getting it.  Terrible floods around Carlsbad .  Seems like it's feast or famine.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Good morning.

    Ron, your pork chops sound amazing. We had our kids/grands over this weekend and I served shake 'n bake pork chops, corn on the cob, potato salad and peach pie with ice cream. It was very, very good. I do love summer foods. The Iowa sweet corn has been especially nice this year.

    I too remember alz+ and Mimi. Also Bill, who was married to a physician. When they stop posting, may indicate progression or even passing away. This is a sad disease.

    Zetta, you sound very busy. Just think, in a couple of months you'll be headed to AZ to spend the cold months with your daughter. That will be great! 

    Iris, glad you are over Covid. So much of it out there still.  I hope you have no long term sequelae.

    Judith, I am sorry about your good friend. 

    Jo, your baked beans sound amazing!

    Lorita, I hope you don't have shingles. I have heard it can be very painful. Maybe the dr. can help you out with something for your itching too.

    Sara, did you get brownies made? Sounds so yummy. You are a good cook, as well as a good gardener.

    We are still getting tomatoes, cucumbers and green beans. I should be planting my fall cool weather crops soon - the same ones I planted in early spring - lettuce and spinach mainly. Could also do Swiss chard, radishes, kohlrabi but don't think I will.

    We got 2.5" of rain Friday. Some places had large, damaging hail but none here.

    Hugs, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Beth, glad you got the rain.  We used to plant fall gardens and always seemed like they produced faster and vegetables were so goid.  Do you plant turnips?

    Called my doctor's office.  He has covid patients coming in this morning for retesting and are booked solid.  He won't be in the office this afternoon because he has a doctor's appointment himself.  Did get an appt. Tomorrow at 10:45. Trying to decide whether or not to go to urgent care today.  Seems like my back is not so much hurting but sort of burning. I would have gone in to see the doctor Friday but his office closes at noon on Fridays.May call to see who us in UC today, doctor or who.  Not sure what the woman who gave me medicine for my toe was. But, it worked!

    Going to be about 90 today with slow warming this week.  Ten percent chance of rain later today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good to hear from each one.

    Beth glad you got to spend weekend with your kids/grandkids.  Did get those brownies made.  Ate one last night with a little vanilla ice cream and chocolate topping.  Took lactase and did ok. I’m always taking a chance so don’t do it very often.

    Lorita urgent care might be a good idea.

    Went to a different Verizon store today. Someone told me they were nice there.  Indeed they were.  They completely set up the new connect a phone box and disconnected the old one from the store.  All I had to do was go home unplug the old one and plug in the new one, IT Worked. Told that girl you made my day.  That will be my store as long as they don’t change.   What a different experience.  Had dreaded it so bad.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Called urgent care and it happened that the doctor who treated my shingles five years ago wss there today.  So went in and got a steroid shot, Lidocaine and Acyclovir. Also told me to try Zyrtec for allergies.  Pharmacy told me one medicine was out if stock and would be there tomorrow. Found out it was the Librium which I didn't need. They didn't have System so had to go to WM. Got the generic brand hole this helps.  On the way home I realized I was driving on a road, at least five miles, lined with Johnson grass on both sides!

    Went next door to the grocery store. Got another watermelon so hope it's good.  Sent back the Birkenstocks. Had to go to a UPS drop off.  They hurt my foot.

    When I finally got hone I called my doctor's office to confirm what Dr. S gave me is what he would give.  I remember last time he said that's what he would have done.  So cancelled tomorrow's appointment.

    Thanks, Sara, glad I called to see who was working today. He said he is there one or two days a week so can always see him.  He works at another UC when not here.

    Aren't you elated when something works the first time, Sara? Those ice cream topped  brownies sound good.

    Stormy, Sheena and the cats were beyond happy when I got home.  Me, too!  The doctor told me that sometimes you don't have a rash with shingles.

    I'm going to rest this afternoon after I get things inside.It's getting warm outside.

    Ron, are you having rain?.  Radar looks like you are.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Saw my primary care today and had lab for RBC, also took me off the pill for arthritis pain and is sending me something to rub on my hands and legs. It amazes me how Drs can just look at your hands and tell what's going on, right hand hurts bad when I try to make a fist. She also is putting me on a 10 day antibiotic for my lungs. Amso sending a request for pulmonary Dr. to see me. Pulmonary is taken care of through the care in the community program so it will take awhile to see where I'm going. 

    Yes Lorita it's been raining all day, in fact on the way for my appointment this morning I hit a couple of spots I could bairly see in front of me. Its suppose to rain all week, as bad as we need it, we dont need it all at once due to flooding. Oh well, I dont plan on getting out anymore this week.

    Lorita I hope your pain is better since the shot!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita glad you went and hope it helps things.

    Was still soaking wet here at noon so went and got J groceries and took to her.  That way I can come directly home after work tomorrow.  

     Needed Maple Syrup, bought jug I have now back in winter sometime.  Jug lasts quite awhile, thank goodness.  A half gallon is $37.  Bought a quart last time and it was $20.  So hasn’t really gone up much, if any.  A gallon was $60.  It’s made just about a half an hour or less from here too.  I like that a lot too.  Prefer it over honey lots of times.  It has no twang.  You do have to watch it, can mold.  Keep mine in refrigerator and so far that has not happened.  Quite a bit of local honey available too..

    Take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, so glad you were able to get help at UC today.  Sure hope the meds have you feeling better soonest.

    So many without rain, while we are getting it most every day...not for long periods, but some thunder with it.  In checking the radar, it seems to come in small patches, so who gets how much is up to chance.  In fact right now it is storming pretty good.

    How is Sarah doing?  Know that the doctor's last word on additional surgeries have to have gotten her down.  She sure is a fighter!  Prayers for her well being.

    I had never heard of Johnson Grass.  Must be a drought plant.  How the help can get to your place soon and do something to rid you of what is close by.

    Ron, hope you are feeling better soonest.  You are a real trooper taking such good care of you DW while you are not up to par yourself.

    May all on the front porch have better days for health and weather.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Are these the dog days of August?  Everyone is sick or under the weather!  I hope everyone will be on the road to recovery very soon!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Iris, definitely the dog days of summer.  I always thought that meant because it was so hot and us not wanting to do much.

    Okay, you ladies with a medical backgroubd.  I need to take the antiviral tablets TID or three times a day.  What are the best times for this?  It's been almost 50 years since I wrote medication cards so have forgotten. One thing said 6 am, 3 pm and 10 pm to keep the medicine at a steady level in the body.  What do you all think? 

    Another question.  Do or have any of you all ever leased a vehicle and, if so, how did it go?  I need a good, reluiable, newer vehicle for winter and at my age with no one to inherit a vehicle when something happens, a leased one might work. Right?  I've heard scary things about leasing.  Just wondrring.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    ronald71111 wrote:

    Yes Beth I understand the definition of waxing and waning, but do not understand the definition in relationship to a cat scan referring to a lung lobe.

    Happy birthday sandy!


    I'm sure they're comparing that image to prior imaging where the same spot is inflamed, but has been worse or better, but it's always there.

    Haven't checked in in a while.  QVC is on, they're showing MAC Cosmetics, which of course I don't need because I might put makeup on once a month or even less.  Nice to look though, I used to be obsessed with makeup.  

    This is the first week I'm not working overtime on my days off, I need a break.  Yesterday I had a lady yelling at me because they were on their way to Mexico, showed up with only a birth certificate for one of the kids, no passport (which is mandatory).  So of course they're denied boarding for incomplete documentation.  She was yelling at me about the money they've spent for their vacation and I'm thinking "since when does it become our job to tell you you need a passport?"  I'm sure the airline had an earful also.  Not their fault either.

    Lorita - there are 3 baby goats on the QVC set so that means the Beekman guys are there.  One of the goats has a dress on!  

    Edit:  Not the guys, but a lady from Beekman.  The goats are eating out of a big pan and head-butting each other.  The boys have a bandana, the girl has a yellow dress, gingham.  So adorable.  I'm not buying, they're the Today's Special so the goats will be back.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, are you thinking of getting a car or a truck?

    If purchasing used, you might want to check out the "certified" vehicles.  Most makes have ones which have better warranty than just a used off the lot.

    If purchasing new, some have very good interest rates for those with very good credit rating.  Three years ago I was able to get 0% interest with 0 down.  While I was prepared to pay cash, it made sense to finance instead with these terms.  When leasing you will have to pay taxes and fees upfront.

    Check with your insurance agent regarding the difference between having a leased vehicle versus owned.  You may find that the leased is significantly higher as most dealers require a special insurance which covers the remaining lease agreement value if the vehicle is totaled.  

    I have never leased, but have heard from others that the lease agreements are very complex when it comes to how monthly payment is calculated, interest rates, and what they consider reasonable condition when the lease agreement is up.  You might have to pay many dollars at turn in if the condition does not meet their standards.

    Even though you have no one to inherit, you could designate a charity to receive a vehicle which would put it to good use...or designate some young person who does good works but could use more reliable transportation.

    Sorry no direct experience but hope some of this will be of value to you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Day, you have such a stressful job or seems so to me.  You must be good at controlling your temper.  Good you get to rest a while and just enjoy today.  Just turned it to QVC.  I've never ordered cosmetics from QVC.  Wearing sunglasses and a mask when I go out I haven't put on makeup for two years or more.  Wearing a mask is good for that. I just turned it over to QVC nd the goats aren't there right now.  I think they're so cute.  Would love to have a couple but too many coyotes and wolves around. One neighbor tried goats  and another tried raising sheep and it did not go well.

    Flooding in central Texas has been terrible.. Just outside Dallas they had 15" in 12 hours and 9" in Dallas and more in Ft. Worth . Rescuers were swimming in I-30 to get to people to rescue them.   Just another problem from having a drought. The ground is so hard packed it can't absorb the water so it runs off and floods.  I've always said you need a primer to soften the ground after a drought before you get much rain so the water will soak .in.

    Ron, the shot helped yesterday and still this morning.  Not as much pain or aching.  The nurse gave ne the shot and I told her it didn't hurt. She said the sting would kick in. . So right-it began about 5-10 minutes later and lasted almost half an hour. Began the anti viral tablets last night. Decided 11 pm, 7 am, and 4 pm. I couldn't go to sleep until 2:30   so got up at 7 and ate a little to take my tablet.  Day, Denim & Co. is on at 9 for two hours so will get a nap after that.

    Okay, you all are familiar with Sarah and her problems. She has been having jerking of her extremities since Sunday. She called me last night and had discovered the reason.  As you all know she's on tube feedings. They changed the formula when she came home. She was changing it or fixing new batch last night and looked at the ingredients and it has high iron content.  She is very allergic to iron. Almost died from taking it a few years ago. Of course this is posted in all of her records!  Someone slipped up big  time  She has enough problems without this.  Hoping to recover some and putting  something into her body to survive and giving her something she's allergic to.  She was on it about 14 hrs. total before discovering this. Always vs really goid idea to read instructions and ingredients before beginning something new. One medication bad on TV says to not take the medicine if you're allergic to ut.  How would you know if you've never taken it.

    Told her to call the ER doctor. She did and they referred her to Mercy Home Health. Seems they didn't know what to do.  She did and she told her to not take more (who would?). and try to sleep. They'll find a formula without iron and bring it to her.  I've known for years that she can't take iron.  My mother, her great grandmother, also couldn't take anything with iron in it.  What is going to happen next?

    It's partly cloudy this morning with only a slight chance of a light shower. To be in mid 80s which is a great improvement.  I took the bull by the horns and watered last evening and filled the water tank so don' have to do that this morning.  I do have two roses and a planter out back and three roses out frot I didn't get watered.  The bathtub is beautiful this year.  It's pink and I planted dark  pink vinca in it. Had some short caladiums left to Inter planted them. They are red and the tub is full of color. I didn't get it planted last year so if the Johnson grass wasn't so close I could enjoy it more except from afar.  But, absolutely none of this compares with Beth's beautiful flowers.

    Better stop before I lose this. I'm going to begin 178 later today. Should have this time but wanted you all to be sure to read Day's post.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    That was a very good move to get to Urgent Care, Lorita.    Some years ago, I had a spot on my back that I thought was a mosquito bite and it was a doozy; sure did itch.  Hard to see it in the mirror with holding a second mirror to look backward . . . only thing was; that mosquito bite did not go away and not only did it itch like crazy - it also burned!   I had to see the doctor for something else and happened to mention to him that I had a horrible mosquito bite that just would not let up.  He took one look and . . . . diagnosis = shingles.  Thankfully, only one spot.  I sure was surprised.

     My friend had her series of shingles vaccine over a year before she broke out.  She had a dreadful case of shingles - it encompassed her scalp, face and one side of her neck.  It was a misery, and as an RN, she was not a happy camper considering she had the vaccine a long time before the outbreak.   Despite treatment, it lasted a long time for her before it eased.  So glad it did not get in her eyes. That would have been a major disaster.

    As for your med to be taken TID (three times a day); the way it is meant to be done, is to divide the prescribed times per day into 24 as there are 24 hours in a day.   Same if it is BID (twice), or QID (four).  So if I was taking a pill three times a day, I would be taking it at 6:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 10:00 pm.   Of course then depending on whether it must be taken on an empty stomach or with food, we find ourselves a slave to the pills until they are finally gone.

    I am so glad Mike is going to speak to someone about getting rid of your Johnson Grass.  It would be great if that person would do that chore for you; it would be worth every penny.

    Well Mr. Ron, you have been poked and prodded and considered still a fine fellow.  Sometimes it seems as though we can make a career out of doctor's appointments.  Glad you got the antibiotic and hope it soon makes a good difference.  

     Sayra; I do not know what a "connect a phone setup" is.   Whatever it is, I am glad it got done for you without a problem.

     Judith, how is your friend who has COVID doing?   So hope she has had some improvement in her condition.

      Oh Beth; that dinner with the kids sounds SO good.  I wish I had been there too.  Love pork chops fixed that way; and corn, potato salad, and oh boy - peach pie with ice cream! Bet you had a very happy group.

    Iris; those dog days of summer are nearly upon us - we get ours mostly in September when the really dreadful days of relentless heat hits.  I remember going back to school in September in the worst of it and of course, no AC.  The 103 - 104 days are lurking ready to do their worst.   And of course, we have to hope no blackouts or failures in the grid system.   Edison has been talking about doing rolling blackouts with the worst of the heat and I so do not like worrying about that not only for ourselves, but for all the at risk people.  Horrible for those without AC.   During those time periods, I always look to see where the nearest cooling centers are.   Having a generator big enough to run our house AC would be nice, but we are a small lot with our house and where would one store the gasoline as well as it staying good as I understand it does not do well standing for a long period and then there is the concern about fire danger.  If we had a larger lot, I would have one of those big Generacs that are attached to the natural gas line and can keep the whole house going.

     Another option would be to put solar power on the roof, but it sure is horribly expensive and the roof often needs remediating or shoring up to hold the weight, big bucks that I do not know we would ever recover as we are not kids any longer.   Found out it also needs maintaining and the cells themselve need to be cleaned of dust, etc. periodically.  What the dickens and who is going to do it.  Ah well.

    Lorita, here is a link to an excellent Consumer Reports article regarding leasing versus purchasing a car.   Lots to think about:


    If you own vehicles and do not have anyone to, "leave them to," you can donate them to a charity of your choice and put that in your Will.  Same with your property and other items; who will you leave that to?  One option as said, is to donate it to a worthy charity or the property even to a university, etc.  Same for money if you sell the property; your Will can state to what entity you wish to donate your assets to.

     In our case, it all goes to our four children, but if we had no children, I would bequeath to some charities or other worthy entities.  Probably to do with children, or the elderly, or education.  One of the things that really concerns me and gets not much attention, is that Foster Kids age out of the system.  At age 18, the Foster Kids are dropped off the program and often out of the houses they were in.  On their own, through no fault of their own most often with no work skills and no life skills  - denied being in a family when small children throughout their lives and now denied and striving somehow to make it without falling prey to the worst elements in society. Why we do not have formal funded programs for these young people,  I cannot fathom.  So; that would be one of the places I would look at for putting into my Will if I did not have children.

    As it is, if we live long enough to need to be placed into care, there would not be much money left at the end of life considering how dreadfully expensive the cost of care is.

    The true blessings of life are the dear, sweet memories of all the blessings experienced from childhood to the end of our time.  Life is never perfect and some of life can be spent in some less than desireable conditions; but there are always memories of so much in even tiny bits to the big ones that have brought such joy and happiness of spirit.  I often think I should write down such memories when they pop into my mind as it would be a template for myself to remember the joys if a bit down in the dumps as well as sharing with the kids.   As we get older, one of the things that most often happens is the memory recall looking back.   These are our stories with the chapters of great, good memories tiny and large.   We all have them in a way particular to each one of us.

     On that note, I need to get moving on, good day wishes for everyone and may the dog days of summer be less than usual and may the Johnson Grass get whacked out of existence for our Lorita's sake!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Started #178 and wrote a long post.  It didn't post.   Will try tomorrow.  .Thanks , Jo for the link on leasing and Marie for the information on used cars.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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