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Just need to talk to my friends (178)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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Wanted to start this so posting will be easier.  Didn't sleep much last night so will try and o take a nap until it's time for my medicine, then watch Barney Miller and then sleep. Don't need to get up early. 

Sarah is still waiting for them to get the  right formula to her and her oxygen supplies. She'll begin calling again early in the morning.

Hope you are all well tonight.

See you tomorrow



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Well, I think I almost bought the farm this morning.   Got up, fed the cats and had my juice and a piece of toast and jelly so I could take my medicine..  Fixed a cup of hot tea and was taking a drink of it as I sat down in the recliner..  Don't know what happened unless as I reclined the chair jarred and I got more than a mouthful of tea as I breathed.  I could not get a breath. My throat was completely closed.  It took what seemed a long time before it finally opened enough to get some air. I think I'm okay.  Coughed so much my chest is uncomfortable.  Scary.  Ron, I thought of you and the trouble you have swallowing and getting food down. Throat is a little sore from all of this..

    Not doing anything today.  Did sleep okay last night.  Guess this is. one of the perils of living alone. GPs barked, cats meowed but no one here to pat me on the back.  Guess I won't take a drink of anything as I sit down.

    Hope all of you are okay today.  Going to be about 90.  Did go out on porch to see where the girls are.  Saw some of them. Hands were very itchy when I came in so used calamine lotion and it helped.  Don't remember who suggested it but thanks.

    Will be back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lorita, I hope your feeling better by now. I know the feeling well; not knowing if you will get air back in your lungs are not. I remember one time waking up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe from chocking on my own slavia. 

    I received my antibiotics yesterday and arthritis pain medicine today. Sure wish the ointment was here, cant even close my hand.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, it's scary when you can't get your breath.  It's made my chest and back hurt  Guess it happens to everyone sometime.

    Remind me, please what is wrong with your hands that you can't close them.  I think you said it isn't arthritis but I don't remember.  Memory is not what it used to be.  Would an analgesic cream help until you get the other cream?  Hope you get it soon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Ron arthritis is a bear.  Know those swollen hands makes all you do much more challenging.

    Very pretty day.  Has flown by though.  Got groceries for us this morning, then to orchard and then to farm stand.  Got us apples and nectarines.  Such a blessing to be able to go and get fresh veggies to eat all week long.  Will miss it when it is gone.

    Lorita I have never leased a car.

    Judith how is your friend doing?

    Bought a small basket of banana peppers at stand.  Pickled them this afternoon.  Got two pints and that will be plenty for me.

    Take care everyone

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita.  Did Sarah ever get to come home, I don't remember if I saw that. Iam glad the calamine lotion worked. I have used it on mosquito bites that are really itchy. I have also had the problem with chocking on my food and my drinks. And it is scary because you wonder if you will ever get your breath back. It happens to me if I am reclined in my recliner, so I try to remember that. 

    Ron.  I hope your new medicines work for you. I will be trying the pork chops and beans soon. As soon as I get to the store and get what's needed, I put what I need on my grocery list. 

    Sara.  I do have screen doors, so the flies don't get into my house. Molly and my cats go crazy if there are flies in the house. Molly runs all over barking at them and the cats jump on everything trying to catch them. They do a good job catching them. 

    Day.   I don't envy you dealing with the public. I did it for a lot of years and they can be so rude. When I was in hospitality, I did not want front desk, dealing with them on the phone was bad enough. You sound like you have a lot of patience, that is good. Most people are good but there are a few who make your day bad. 

    My doctor is now putting me on blood pressure medicine. I was in her office a few weeks ago for a routine checkup and my BP was pretty high. I had to go in yesterday and it was still high. So, I had to get me a blood pressure monitor, and I am now on meds for blood pressure. O! well I guess that's part of getting old. I guess losing a little weight might help.  

    The weather here has been nice it's been in the upper 80s and very comfortable. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I've had that happen to me, it's frightening!  I have to remind myself to take smaller bites, especially of meat, and to chew thoroughly before attempting to swallow.  Also not to let myself become distracted while eating.  The other day I was pouring boiling water for tea and I splashed some boiling water on my hand, immediately I ran some cold water from the faucet and it's not burned, but it is still red.

    Ron, I use a stylus to write on my smartphone, and at the end of some days, my right hand is unable to make a fist.  I have to rest it for a couple of days.  Is your hand like that?  What ointment are you using for pain? 

    Sayra, at first I thought you wrote that you pickled bananas.  Hmm, that sounds interesting!  But you actually pickled banana peppers--that sounds more edible, LOL!  

    Zetta, for all of last tear my BP was high because my cardiologist thought he had to change the medication that had had me under good control.  I had a serious dizzy spell episode a year ago, so he had me stop that medication.  I have been on several combinations since.  Now, I seem to be on a good combination.  I also gained some weight and I'm sure that contributed to the higher bp.  I've managed to lose a few pounds.  I hope your BP gets under control and stays at a good level!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Zetta, I'm also on blood pressure medicine and have been fir years. I'm on Diltiazem for blood pressure and also Atenolol for my tachycardia. The tachycardia started in my middle 30s and high blood pressure in my 40s. Guess I just aged to young!

    Because of my achalasia I should be eating small bites, small meals several times a day and drink small amounts at a time. Sorry to say, I cant do it! I know I should but it's not always easy to do what you know you should.

    Lorita, I had a lease to own Camry one time and ended up buying it at the end of the lease. It's really not a good deal because you have to return it in good condition and you dont get anything back. When I used it the cost was all I could afford  cheaper per month than buying. 

    Iris, I haven't received the ointment yet but its diclofenac 1% trop gel. The medicine I have received is acetaminophen 500MG and doxycycline hydrate 100mg. Both my hands hurt all the time if I try to make a fist, the right more than left. The left I can make a fist with a little soreness but the right hand is excruciating pain to close completely.

    Sister coming tommorow.......maybe a little rest for me!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, Doxycycline is what I took for my toe cellulitis after the reaction to clindymycin.  My dad couldn't flatten his hands on a table either and they hurt.  Years of driving tractors and hard farm work caused terrible arthritis.  I can't  completely flatten my left hsnd. I have trouble picking up things because my ring finger won't bend or straighten,It's kind of semi bent, arthritis, I guess..  Hope you get your cream soon.  My hand doesn't hurt now, thank goodness.  A friend who had really bad arthritis once told me her fingers hurt when arthritis was getting into them but not afterwards.  True, at least for me.  My hands look exactly like my mothers did.

    When I saw the doctor about the shingles he told me to take Zyrtec.  I bought the generic kind.  I checked on Google and it said to not take Zyrtec  and acyclovir which is what he gave me for shingles.  So, guess I'll just itch and scratch.

    Zetta, I thought it was you who recommended the calamine.  Thank you,- already used it this morning.

    Sarah still hasn't gotten another formula for her feeding tube. The home health nurse says they have to find the doctor to get a new scriot.  She came to see her yesterday, took her vital signs but would not look at the incision to see if it's healing. She spent most of the time typing on her tablet.

    So, I found the number of the hospital social worker on my phone and called her this mornibg and told her what was going on.  She said she'd get in touch with the doctor and get a script.  Sarah knows the name of the formula and has told the home  health nurse..   I just cannot understand all of this disconnection.

    Zetta, a few months ago my doctor noticed my blood pressure was always a little high when I came into the office.  He suggested I take it a few times at home and he would compare the numbers.  My BP was okay at home. You go to the office and wait a while, they take you in and weigh you, then take the vitals.  He said people don't want to weigh so the BP goes up and you have also been wsiting, then walking.  

    The GPs wanted out at 2:30 and are still outside. It's nice this morning but I'm staying in. Went out on the porch and that's all. When they're ready to cone in I will spray them really well first.

    Sara, glad you got fresh vegetables and fruit.  Nice you have closeby places where you can get them.  I bought the biggest mango I have ever seen the other day.  I love them but really messy to eat. Years ago I made ice cream in the Ninja and used frozen mango and pineapple.  It was delicious.  Might do that again.  

    Hope you all enjoy the day.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Front Porch friends, another hot day today.   Will be in the mid 90's to 100 and more from what the weatherman shows for our area.   Thankful for AC to be sure.

    I related to the swallowing adventures.  The other day, I had one of those individual cups of pineapple tidbits and they are full of juice.   So; when I peeled back the lid, I went to sip suction the juice off the top of the tidbits. Well; like a ninny, I sipped back the fluid while inhaling - cough, cough, choke and cough some more.  Glad I did not spit all over myself.  One more lesson learned . . . think I'd be old enough and experienced enough to not do that.  Consider myself reminded.

     When older, if one has swallow issues even occassionally, or especially if achalasia is present, "mindful eating," is the best course to follow.   In other words to eat a decent sized bite without a humongous mouthful, chewing well and then swallowing; no gulping or rapid eating big bite after big bite after big bite without being careful.   Hard to remember to do that sometimes.  Also best to eat when sitting upright and not reclined or semi-reclined.  Always something we must do or not do.  Sigh.

     I had to refresh my memory re achalasia.  So; for persons who cannot have dilatation or surgery, they are now using Botox injections with endoscopy.  That is interesting.  Johns Hopkins and Mayo discuss that and both agree that the oral meds to try and help achalasia are often not best to work with as side effects can be quite problematic.

     Recommends avoiding raw fruits and veggies, high acid foods including citrus; tough cuts of meat; alcohol and caffeine and avoiding solid foods at bedtime to avoid regurgitation which can lead to pneumonia.   Fuss and bother to be sure.  (I did not see cake or ice cream listed. Ha.)

    Sayra; you make me smile so often.  More putting up more foods; you are amazing in all you do. Really and truly.  What a wonderful person in so many ways.   I would like to be more like you when I grow up.  It must be such a boon to have all the fresh produce places near you. That is a huge plus.  Wonderful in having such fresh fruits and veggies accessible and they sure do taste much better. 

     Mr. Ron; I wish that the VA would refer you to a Rheumatologist; the issue with the hands is severe and affecting the quality of life and you deserve relief.   Some P.T. centers even have Physical Therapists that actually specialize in hands and hand therapy.  I so wish for you to find relief from the hand pain and restricted motion and I am truly sorry you have been experiencing that.   Must be terribly difficult trying to help Lou with that problem.

    Lorita; those antivirals are the most recommended treatment for shingles; good you got that prescribed.  Won't cure them, but can lessen the effect and shorten the duration. The earlier given the better the results.  I was surprised to find out that capasaicin is often used for shingles pain.  Have to be careful with that one not to get it in the eyes off the hands.  Anyone who has ever had chicken pox is at risk for shingles.

    I am very sorry that it is taking so long to get Sarah's changes in place for her tube feeding.  She may not have known that she needed a script to get it done.  As for the Home Health RN on her computer - yes at first visit especially. They have a HUGE amount of information gathering they must collect and document about the patient which is a mandated requirement.  It is done on the spot as it is so much and cannot be done later as one would forget much of it, especially when there are multiple patients being seen.  HH staff now do their charting on the computer too, so that may be present in future visits and it is not a disrespect of the patient.  Being that Sarah has been so resistent of HH visits multiple times before and has refused them, I would be very careful not to reinforce her negative input about them and refocus her when she starts up on that topic giving herself reasons to cancel them again this time around.

    Talked with three of our Grandaughters over the last few days - two in Oregon and one in Louisiana - must be grandaughter time to call Gram.  All are doing well and they are so grownup - I miss them being my little cuddlers.   One grand is relieved to hear that some of the student debt will be forgiven. She started in at university right after high school graduation. She received some scholarships and grants, but still had to take out student loans. By the time she recently completed her Masters Degree, she was $80,000 in debt and that involved a state university - certainly not cheap.  Most of those who go into medicine are drowning in debt.   Other countries provide higher education free of charge and it is a big positive for their countries as these young people become their future which of course is the same as ours in regard to futures; they just have different value systems.  Some of our young ones do not go their way in education as they cannot accommodate such debt.   Our granddaughter will be years in paying back, but she knew that would be so up front.

    When getting my Masters Degree, it cost $40,000 in tuition; not counting textbooks which are also horribly pricey.   No small expense for us, but it is what it is and it needed to be done.  No breaks in costs and being that I did not do it fulltime days, no scholarships or grants. Out of pocket all the way.  Got smart and instead of writing checks to the university, I put the payments on an airline credit card and paid the card off each time.  By the end of the Masters Program, we had two airline tickets to Italy.  That was a nice graduation gift.

    We are nearing the end of August, so figure we have September heat, and then October begins to still be pretty warm out here but by end of that month into November we will be once again in cool weather territory.  So; figure another month or two.  I remember when our children were small and it was trick or treating time. We would have to bundle them up because it was so cold.  For years now, it has been SO warm that it is like summer and the children need not bundle and can just be comfortable in their costumes.

    Day; you have learned a LOT of skills in handling people issues, that is for sure.  Our daughter worked her way through college waitressing and said that helped her in knowing how to deal with all kinds of people when issues arose.  Same with those of us in nursing - we see and help people from every walk of life and with every kind of problem including behaviors and even family input issues.  Must love people to really be in and enjoy healthcare. Sayra has that generosity of spirit as we can easily see.

    Lorita, how has Billy been doing with the heat and the new additions to the herd?  He comes to mind now and then.   So hope he is a happy big guy.  Feel so sorry for his loss of vision and am so glad you kept him and have that understanding with Mike.  Have you heard back whether you can get help eliminating that Johnson Grass yet?  Wonder how it got its name.  My paternal grandmother's maiden name was Johnson - so every time I see Johnson Grass mentioned, her name comes to mind.

    Going to do a "fast food" for dinner tonight from El Pollo Loco.  I will have the Pollo Bowl which is beans, red rice, cilantro, fire grilled chicken breast, salsa, onion, then I add a side of coleslaw to it for my cabbage veggie, and I will add two ounces of avocado and yum! ( I usually drain the sauce off the coleslaw to eliminate some fat), bonus:  no cooking or cleanup.

     May everyone have a day that is peaceful, and that all of us will remember to swallow mindfully.  Now if I just recall that to myself next pineapple tidbit cup . . . .


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    J., heller myotomy with fundoplication is the surgery I had for my achalasia. Every thing was fine for a couple of years until the upper and lower sphincter muscles stopped working altogether. They had to go back in and undo everything, so now anything I eat or drink goes down by gravity only. No muscles to help push it down! The biggest problem I had with achalasia was undigested food coming back up hours and at times even the next day. That was not a good way to have seconds with your meal LOL.

    Hope all the front porch rockers are well today! We might have wine dance later!! Anyone remember the stroll?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    My dear friend is not doing well. Blood clots in legs, arythmia, high kidney enzymes. Sinus fungus may be better. It is now 4 weeks  in ICU. No ventilater so that's a plus, I hope.

    She is getting good medical care. Is eating a bit and reading a few pages on her Kindle. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    That makes sense Zetta, lol.  Wasn’t thinking was I?

    Yes Zetta the public can be rude.  I would always say at work it only takes one to ruin your day. I remind myself though that most people are not rude and many are very appreciative.  I make myself focus on the good people and how appreciative they are.  Know I’m accomplishing my goal making patient’s and coworker’s days a little bit easier.  Those people that are rude to me are rude to everyone they meet.

    JoC I do put ups variety of things but just small amounts.  That is all I need though.  Doesn’t take a lot for me.  

    Judith it is a plus your DF has been able to stay off vent.  Seems like you might of mentioned bipap in past, not sure.  Always did my very best to try and work with my bipap patients, educate them, so they didn’t progress to a vent.  Made me feel good, knew I had done them a great favor whether they understood that or not.  There is a lot of negative things that can potentially occur when on a vent that you don’t have to worry about on bipap.  Vents have their place but if I was the patient would do my best not to go there.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Thanks. I do see it as a plus. I know bipap, high flow, was at 60 then to 45 and now back up "some". It was nose/mask back and forth.

    I just know she is very sick with underlying problems. I believe she will leave the hospital but her life at age 79 will be forever changed. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, sorry your friend isn't doing well but at least not on a ventilator. Patsy was on one for about a week but I don't think she realized it. This was about a year before we lost her.  Hope your friend is able to go home and be better.

    Jo, Billy the Bull or Billy the Steer as Mike calls him is doing well.  I saw him going into the barn this morning.  So far no outside additions to my herd except Samson.  I talk to him when I see him and be stands and listens.  The 29 little girls he brought over are in two pastures separate from the girls already here.  We have five or six yearlong bulls so the heifers won't be in with the cows until he moves the boys.  Heifers are too young to have calves yet.  I also talk to the little girls and they look at me now instead of running away.

    My herpes zoster isn't bothering me too much except if I try to lay on that side - can't do thst.  It seems like there's about a 4" band from my side, barely in front around to not quite mid back.  I'm lucky in that a lot of the time there's no pain.  I remember five years ago there was more itching.  Now that may be because there is other itching going on. I sneezed like crazy that evening.  The weatherman jyst said it's a out ragweed time.  What next!  Hope I'm  not allergic to it.

    Not sure about the grass.  He works from ,6 am until who knows when as long as there is need and his nephew may be baling hay.  He had said they were going to begin the second cutting before the grass dries up completely.  I think I have decided to quit going out to water except to keep water tank filled.  I can actually feel it when a bit of pollen gets on my skin because it stings.  Odd that I had never had allergies in spite of living  around grasses and weeds my whole life.  Trying my best to keep it all outside but it is sneaky.  I spray the GPs really with a mist.of water before they come in and also spray my legs and feet. They came inbaboutv2 pm and gave Vernon sleeping.  If I move or there's a noise  Stormy raises his head and watches until I sit or lay down again.  They have been sleeping inside at night but during last night they must have heard wolves and wanted out.

    Jo, your fast food dinner sounds good.  Never heard of red rice though. Think I may gave steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, maybe lightly dipped in ranch dressing and maybe some mashed potatoes.

    Ron, I remember the stroll. At our little school we didn't have proms ,  just banquets but I remember once at an away ballgame we stopped at a restaurant in a little town and did the stroll.

    Better go- I just got hungry.  Hope all is well with everyone this evening.  See you tomorrow Front Porch Rockers!!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porch Rockers. 

    Lorita.   I hope by now they have Sarahs feeding tube figured out. I bet she is so uncomfortable. Iam like you I have never had allergy problems till a few years ago. I take an allergy pill every morning and it seems to help. My Dr also is having me take my BP at home. I'm going to Walmart tomorrow to get me a BP monitor. Your so right by the time you get into the doctor your pressure has gone up due to the waiting and them always wanting to weight you. I hate to be weighed.  

    Iris & Ron.    I have been put on Losartan Potassium 50mg I started them today. I am also going to try to eat a healthier diet and see if that helps. 

    Ron.  You did start your BP meds at an early age. I guess I am lucky I did not have to go on them till I was 76. Please get as much rest as you can while your sister is there. Rest is always a good thing. And yes, I do remember the stroll. Sounds like you and Lou like to stroll and enjoy a glass of wine. I also enjoy a glass of wine in the evening. I also might try strolling. If I remember right Walking to New Orleans was a good song to stroll to. 

    Good night to all of you. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    66F.  Possibility of rain today. 

    Skin breakdown can be an issue when on bipap for a long period of time.  Possibly they are switching nose/mask to try and help with this.  Your DF is very I’ll.  A month is a long time to be in icu and on bipap.  

    Lorita glad the Shingles not causing terrible grief.  Have heard some people say the could not stand anything including clothing touching them.

    When I came home from work the guys had mowed.  They did a lot of extRa trimming and I was very happy about that.  The woods behind my fence  had grown up  quite a bit.  My back and time had not allowed me to keep up with it like I like too.  They cut a nice wide path behind my fence.  Made my day.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Saea, glad the guys got yoyur yardwork done  It's been so hot and dry here I haven't had the yard mowed but once or twice(once, I think).  There isn't much grass in the yard so even if it's a little tall I don't care..  Everything would be so much better if we could get a good rain.  It's rained  on every side of us but missed us.  

    Eyes are itchy this morning .Getting some conflicting information about taking Zyrtec and Acyclovir at the same time.  It says you can in one place and not in another.  Did call pharmacy and he said it was okay. There's something about peripheral neuropathy  danger in women in one place.  I'm always worried about mixing medications.

    Supposed to be 96 today.  If if wouldn't kill the grass I would be hoping for a big frost but that won't come until November.

    Zetta, Sarah got the right tubing for her feeding tube but still not the formula.  She's sipping about a cup of broth a day and that's what she's been having the last few days.

    Last night I read my last post and there were so many weird words in it.  I proofread before I post but this tablet changes words.  So, please excuse those things  Guess I'll post, then edit.

    Judith, hope your friend can improve.  Have you all been friends a long time?  Carol and I, and Karen, have been good friends for  61 years and I can't remember a crossword among us in all those years.  Doesn't often happen.

    Question for you medical ladies --do you think it's okay to take Zyrtec and Acyclovir together?  Surely don't want a reaction. Have enough going on.

    Will stop and get some hot tea and be careful drinking it!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I googled the meds...could not find what you saw. 

    Checked drugs.com....said there could be a moderate interaction.  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Received the ointment for my hands today. Suppose to measure 4gm on a measuring stick they sent and apply 4 times a day. Measuring stick is a pain in the butt, believe I will guesstimate from now on. 

    Hope all is well today, might take sister and Lou out for fish tonight if weather permits.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita if it was my decision to make would go with what my pharmacist says, that is their lane

    Glad your sister was able to come Ron..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Judith and Sara.  I checked with my doctor's nurse, urgent care nurse and pharnacy.  All said it was okay to take both so I did.  Hope it helps.  Have itchy eyes this morning. I think the pollen gets on the GPs and even though I mist them good, it gets off when they dry.  Just feel the need to be extra careful with medicines I take.  Appreciate your advice. 

    Took care of bill payments this morning and filled out a census report I had to do.  Really a lot of questions.  Seems like I have to do this pretty often.  

    Ron, glad you got the ointment and hope it helps.  Seems like a few years ago I had some kind of ointment I had to measure.  I didn't and don't think I used it. 

    There's a family laying on the foot of my bed; Max, the dad; Lily, the mom;and son, Sammy.  Quite an active little family.  Kitt stays away from them and lays in his chair most of the tine.  He's such a sweet cat.

    Sarah has an appt. this morning with her PCP so am anxious to see what she thinks.  Zetta, I hope she can get her formula today and doesn't have to wait until Monday.

    Sara, hope you get some rain today.  Our time will come sometime.

    Ron, what kind of fish do you and Lou like?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Thanks again Sayra...yes, very ill. I know her life will be forever changed. Se, like Beth, had beautiful flower gardens...always outside fussing with them. I am going to suggest lots of Russian Sage and Cat Mint aroung the back yard and to rely on a good gardner for the plants in the Glen.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lorita, lou loves tilapia and I cook that fir her at home. Most of the fish restaurants around here serve catfish, which is a good tasting, meaty fish. I will not be measuring the ointment but will use it for awhile to see if i can get some relief on my hand.

    My sister had a dr appointment this morning and just received a call from her. She had forgot her medicine and was going home to get it before coming back. She told me she had diarrhea at her dr office and again at home and is not coming back till tommorow. 

    Friday and Saturday is music on RFD tv, so lou and I will kick back and listen to some music. Every once in awhile I'll get up and hold her hand while I dance a little. One time I dance a little to long for her and she said "I'm getting tired, let's switch hands". LOL I think today I might pretend the front porch rockers are lined up and do a little strolling. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, what Lou said was so cute.  I laughed out loud.  I bet you two were quite the cutups.  So hope your hands get some relief from the ointment.

    I liked tilapia, too.  Golden Corral used to have it and it was good.  I've eaten lots of catfish, perch and bass all good.  I think my favorite was swordfish.  Used to be able to get it at Red Lobster.  All of that is in my past now.

    Eyes still burning some but I think theZyrtec has helped some. 

    We have a few clouds. More humid here than around Tulsa.  Saw some of the girls going to stand in the pond.  A couple of cows and their babies have begun to stay in the garden in the shades.  As it cools more and more will do so.  I'm ready for that.

    I'll have to fill the water tank but will wait until almost dark.Pollen is supposed to be less tgen.  Darn Johnson grass anyway.  

    The flowers sound pretty, Judith.  Where will they be?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hope all who have been feeling  puny feel a little better today.

    Russian sage is a nice plant.  I have catmint now.  It  self sows a bit.  Find it easy to remove if don’t want it there.

    I’m trying to do a lot today so I can really take it easy tomorrow.  Did some wash, made my weekly oatmeal pancakes and tortillas.  Made a batch of chocolate chip cookies, my stash is getting low.  Fixed steak, fresh green beans, cornbread and slaw for lunch.  Have to go to my sister’s for a bit so may not get any outside work done outside as I had hoped to do.  I’m starting to clean up some things.  Got one bed done yesterday.  Will not do any tomorrow.  

    Ok guess I had better get moving

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, you're one busy, energetic lady.  Hope you do get to rest tomorrow.

    I woke up and turned onto my left side. Should have never done that.  I have costochondritis  on the left and it makes it really hurt when I lay on that side.  Slept about 45 minutes and when I got up I was really hurting in chest and nevck.  Better now but itchy. Ate a bite and took medicine. Just now took a Zyrtec hope it helps.  I have two big dogbeds in the LR and I bet they have lots of pollen in them.  Think I might out on my raincoat and face mask and shake them orat least get them outside.  Guess I never had much sympathy for people who had allergies before but have learned my lesson.

    Another wrinkle for Sarsh. Went to her PCP appt. Yesterday. Nurse took vitals and BP was high. Dr.(have found out she's a PA) told Sarah she was dropping her case. Said she doesn't have knowledge to continue or help.  Nothing against PAs at all. We had some who were every bit as good as doctors.  She didn't even look at the incision.  Sarah may have gone to hospital last night. She said her ostomy bag was filled with blood clots.  Seems to me that was a bad way for the PA to handle things. She should have at least tried to find a PCP for Sarah if she wouldn't continue.

    I don't know what else can happen to her. Seems like there is something else all the time. Need to stop and let the GPs in.  Hope everyone is well, or better, this morning.    Enjoy the day.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    For those who aren't familiar; this is "The Stroll," as done in the 50's:  I do remember the music. 


    So sorry to hear about Sarah, her primary care cannot abandon her; they need to get her affiliated with someone else.  It could be the NP was no longer wanting to deal with a non-compliant patient who also did not keep appointments, and was very complex; etc.   Still; she needs a primary care MD and would hope it WOULD be an MD and not a NP - she is so very complex.  She has had such a dreadful time of it.  I hope that things will look up for her soon.  Truly sad.

     It also came to mind that when HH or Hospice are started, there is usually an Intake Nurse that comes out to do mega information intake - they do nothing physical except sometimes taking vital signs, but the actual oversight care is done by another licensed nurse who comes once the inake has been accompished to ensure the coverage criteria has been met.

     Judith; I am sorry to hear that your friend continues to have serious COVID issues; that is so sad.   Hope she has further improvement very soon.  Not all COVID is light; that is really over-hyped leading to less caution.  We need to remember that it can hit seriously hard, even in some of the vaccinated and boosted.  Evidently a large uptick in COVID is expected this winter.  Not good and here we go again. 

    So Dr. Fauci retires in December.  He has made a huge difference in so many different diseases from AIDS to Ebola, (remember how fearful it was when Ebola hit our country?), and autoimmune diseases, asthma and SO much more.  Brilliant. 

     Ron, if it is Voltaren you are now taking, it is very important to measure the amount you are applying using the measurer included with the Voltaren. It is absorbed into the bloodstream and has potential unwanted effects which you can look up on Google; it is not meant to be used in large amounts.  One is also not supposed to use other NSAIDS while using Voltaren.  Again, lots of information on Google.

    We have been notified we will be without electricity on September 8, from 9:00 am until noon.  This is supposed to be done for, "repairs."   Sure hope this does not become extended and that it will not be a hugely hot day.  We shall see.

     Last night, I watched, "Gone With The Wind;" it had been years since I had seen it.  What an amazing film that was - it was wonderful filming and most of the casting was spot on.  I understand it is the highest grossing film, ever and unlikely to ever be matched.

    How I wish we could vanquish that Johnson Grass for you, Lorita. What a tribulation!  Seems as I got older, I developed allergies I never had before.  Now I sneeze at dust, and have 16 meds I cannot tolerate. What the dickens.  As long as I do not become allergic to my family I am okay.  Ha.

    Not much going on today, all is quiet and I am catching up on a few things and also going to do some reading tonight.  Kind of like my sleeping pill actually. I often fall asleep with my little Kindle on my lap and me sliding off the piled up pillows.  Not a pretty picture, but hey, it is nice and peaceful.

     May your evenings and nights be peaceful and serene,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Great link...got me started...here is another;


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch rockers! Hope all is well on this beautiful Sunday morning!!

    Sister fixed Taco salad for supper last night and it sure was nice not to have to prepare the meal for a change. I ate to much and had a little stomach trouble, but it's getting better. 

    J. I stretched my hand out and put the measuring stick next to my fingers so I do know how much to squeeze out. I do worry a little about my liver since I do have NASH. I might need to remind my primary care. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Ron taco salad a favorite of mine too since I was a child.  Remember how disappointed I was when I made it for my nieces and nephews when they were young and they didn’t like it.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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