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Just need to talk to my friends (178)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lovely treat for dinner, Ron.  I love Taco Salad but have not had one in years.  What a wonderful feeling to have your sister being there to give you some breathing space.

    Thinking of dancing, I remember Cyd Charisse about age 60, dancing with Gene Kelly, age 66 at the Oscars . . . . oh those legs she had . . . she could sure dance and did so much in Hollywood with her glamor and those long, long, long legs . . . here is video of her and Kelly dancing at the Oscars:


    She was dubbed the best female dancer ever to be in Hollywood.  Was initially trained in classic ballet in Russia.  I always admired not just her natural beauty and long legs, but her talent which was amazing.  Lots of videos of her dancing on YouTube.  Me, short with short legs . . . and avoirdupois unwanted, not to mention clodhopper feet . . ah well; but in my head, I can soar over the ground with leaps of a gazelle and fly lightly through the air over fields and hills  - and then the alarm goes off and I wake up!

    I wonder how Sarah is doing this weekend; so hope she has received some answers and especially her tube feedings. If she is only instilling broth in her feeding tube for days, she will soon be malnourished when she needs the adequate nutrition which contains  the vitamins, minerals and protein she needs to heal and maintain.  She could sure use an advocate.  The University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City actually has a program for Geriatric and regular Care Managers; they serve only those on Medicaid, they have a contract with them.   Can be advocates; perhaps they may have something they can do to help Sarah by assigning an advocate to help her:


    Still waiting to see if anyone has heard from Butterfly Wings. Really is getting concerning; her last post was middle of last month; her husband was on Hospice and she was changing from Medicare to the VA system.   She usually came to Post fairly often, so she may just have hit a rough spot and will come when she is able.

    Today will be another quiet day; we usually have a lot of phone calls on Sundays from family, so it will also be catch up time.  Everyone is so far away now, scattered across the states.  One son not far away which is good, but I miss them all.  Got a text from a LO who wants to come to stay with their family - four of them - for Christmas.  Only thing is; it may be that DH will need another eye surgery that month as well as it is expected to be big time flu season this year as well as a projected big upsurge in COVID.  DH has immune system issues, so that is not going to be possible.  Have to call and explain and I feel so bad - do not want to hurt feelings of a sweet person, but must do what must. So hope I can find a nice way to do it.   As it is, we no longer put up our tree or have a holiday celebration.  Me with the arthritis issues and knees knocked out and DH with multiple health problem issues as well as his joint issues that have hit so many parts of his body.  If it were five years ago, we would be in a much better situation.  Those wanting to come are not pro-vaccination and do not ever get flu shots as well as questionable whether they have fully vaccinate for COVID and they will be in packed planes and busy airports across the holidays. Oh drats; hate having to do this and say, not at this time. 

    Breakfast time; it is Sunday, so that is the day I grant myself a bit more of what I want to eat such as adding a nice Biscone to breakfast,  or whatever sounds good.  Perhaps orange chicken for dinner tonight; or perhaps not -  Calories! Sodium!  Fat!  If I do, it will be coupled with broccoli so I can feel not so much a sinner, (grin).   Then next day and all week back to the being healthy.  Just found that even a little bit of something yum freedom one day a week makes the rest of the healthier week just fine.   Sadly, DH, with diabetes eats like he wants and he wants everything bad and a lot of it.  His A1C was up to 7.7 last month despite multiple meds; it is not good.   He is an intelligent person but cannot seem to find the oomph or logic to do a bit better.  Need not be uber strict, just a little sensible.  Cannot say a thing any longer as it only makes him irritable.  As said, he is smart and  he knows. Love the dear man, have since we were 14; but it is really scary.  He is already reaping some negatives in his body due to the diabetes and goes on with denial and actively not paying attention. Denial is a powerful seducer.

    Oh well; enough of that, may this be a lovely Sunday for one and all, and less Johnson Grass allergy itching for Lorita. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    jo...Ann Miller's legs too!

    Actually we  have a lot of services here in OK. The conference I attended las week was put on by the OK Art's council. One of the speakers was Nadine Walter with OKDHS Community Living , Ageing and Protective Services. She did some real eye opening. 

    I attended the conference to make connections for my continueing to develop the program at the museum for PWD and their caregivers. I left with more that I expected.

    It is surprising to me how effected I am by my friends illness. Flashbacks wash over me and realizationss of how alone a person can be bring me aching...tears. The immediacy of life is glaring in my face. 

    Yesterday she commented that the carrot cake was worthless without frosting. Tomorrow I will find her a piece with frosting.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It's been a very lazy morning.  I slept late, got up, fed the cats and sat down.  Except for getting juice, hot tea and a roll I've been sitting and dozing.  News shows weren't very interesting. Watched, off and on, QVC. I took my.medicine and Zyrtec.  I think it may be making me sleepy.  And, the shingles are zapping my energy and I've had a headache a couple of days, including today.  I'm not having much pain, just sort of achy with a little wave off and on.  Not too itchy -think the Zyrtec helps but haven't been outside today just resting.

    Jo, I haven't been able to get in touch with Sarah since she called after her appointment.  I've left messages but no return call.  She's sipping the broth instead off using the feeding tube.  I think it's awful that a medical person, doctor or PA can just drop someone and not make some kind of referral for them. I talked to Carol about it and both of us remember how medical care, discharge and followup was with the VA.  No one was discharged without a firm discharge plan and followup was with the VA. Later we had visiting nurses who cane to the home.  Charles had good followup. So, just can't understand what I call the disconnect. Good hospital care that falls apart when the patient goes home.  I've talked with the case manager a couple if tines and she seems interested and wants to be helpful but after discharge don't know what she can do.  We, the VA, had a social worker who did home visits.  Guess tines have changed and not always for the better.

    Do you all remember the taco salads in the bowl you could eat?  They were so good.  Haven't  had one in years.  Seems like a lot of things we used to have are no longer around.  How about chocolate gravy?  Do you all remember that?  We'd sometimes have it for breakfast or supper. So good with butter and hot biscuits.  I've only seen one restaurant with it on the menu. Didn't try it so don't know if it was the same as ours. Ours wss made with water instead of milk so not like a pudding.  Mother used to make caramel dumplings, too.  They were delicious.  I was never brave enough to try making them.  I can taste then now with cream over the top.

    Ron, glad your sister is vIsiting.  Have a goid time.

    It was partly cloudy earlier but full sun now.  We need rain so badly.  Enjoy your day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, is there a chance for your friend to improve?  Illness of a friend or relative makes us realize how fragile life  is.  The older we get the more real it becomes especially when we're alone.  It helps so much just to have someone there to tell them how you feel.   Guess that's one of the pitfalls of life as we age.  

    I've lost so many good friends and relatives in the last few years and it makes me so sad to think of that and to realize I'm older now  than most of them were.  Sarah is the only one left except some cousins who are also not well.  Just have to try to think of other things that are more cheerful.  Hard sometimes as you all know.

    On that note I'll stop and let the GPs out. They, the cats and cows make me happy and grateful for my good health except for these dratted allergies and herpes zoster.  So grateful  to have all of you who have become my friends and family. Need to find something for lunch/supper, probably steamed vegetables.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Judith I’m so sorry about your friend.  Many things in life we have to bear alone, no way sometimes for us to help them or them to help us.  Feel like this in my challenges with mom.  I’m sure your friend appreciates the things you do and helps her maybe more than you may ever know to not feel so alone.  She know there is someone who cares.

    There is always hope.  Didn’t happen too often but there has been times when someone had a great outcome who I never thought would make it.  But also had times when someone died who you never dreamed that would happen to, thought they were doing real well.  Others make it but life is never the same.  Have a lot of chronic issues even though they get out of hospital.  Often have to go back frequently, we just don’t know for sure even though our thoughts are often accurate. 

    I have a few more relatives than you do Lorita but still not many.  Very small family and age of some still living makes me know that in the next few years, if time lasts, family will be even smaller.  Also young ones can die before the older ones, you just never know.  My sister that died at age 37 would have been 60 today.  Beth made a statement recently regarding privilege of getting old.  I need to work on seeing it as a privilege and age a bit more gracefully.  That is what I would like to do.  Think I do ok in some areas but not as well as I would like to in others.  God  has been good to me and seen me through many different things and trusting in this for the rest of my days, and try to remember I’m never alone, he’s always been there and helped me through life’s rough patches.

    Good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, you have a good outlook on growing older.  Sometimes things just pile up no matter what you do.  But, thankfully those times pass fairly quickly.

    I'm okay now just have things get in the way sonetimes.  Our power was off for almost two hours this afternoon. Good to have the generator. Just went out to fill water tank  and now the water is off.  Tank was 3/4ths full so no problem.  As it gets  a bit cooler the girls drink more out of the ponds.  Tomorrow's trash day so got everything out in the PU so that's done.

    Darwin called this afternoon.  Both of them are well.  Good to talk with him.  Thought we were going to get a rain but only got a sprinkle which us disappointing but some did get a pretty good one.  Mike called and said they got 1.2" at the clinic about ten miles away.  He and his nephew are going to try to get the grass sprayed tomorrow.  Hope so.  He's about to get possession of the section east of us if it goes through.  Will be glad for both Darwin and I.  It will mean no grow houses there.  They seem to be everywhere.

    Still can't get Sarah so hope she's just sleeping.  Scarlet once told me that she slept a lot because she wasn't aware of her pain when sleeping so probably the same with Sarah.  

    Days are getting much shorter so fall is not far off.  I always feel the need to go to NW Arkansas in the fall and we did every year.  The foliage is so pretty over there.  Our leaves are beginning to turn brown in places because of the drought but not many of them turn pretty colors except some years the Hack berry s are pretty and yellow.  Last year the maple by the North yard gate was beautiful for more than a week.

    I've begun to ramble so will stop and let Stormy in the house.  Sleep well tonight.

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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    Lorita, when you mentioned the chocolate gravy it brought back memories. I love chocolate gravy with biscuits and lots of butter. Always make with water. My husband thought I was nuts the first time I asked if he had ever had it. So I made some and of course he did not like it. He said “that’s not gravy “! To him gravy was made with milk, had sausage in it, and only eaten at breakfast. My kids liked it and occasionally I will still make it and my granddaughter loves it! 

    Hope you are feeling better soon. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Joydean, Charles didn't really care for the chocolate gravy either.  Couldn't imagine that because I love it.  Haven't made it in years though.  I've eaten the kind made with milk and it's just not the same.  I liked lots of butter in it, too, and would breakup the biscuit in if.  Now may have to make some.  You're about the only person who said their a was made with water.  Glad to know I'm not alone.

    Weatherman just said our heat index today was up to 111 in places. They had almost 2" of rain  south of us and up to 5" in OKC.  Feast or famine!

    GPs are outside and may sleep outside tonight.

    Sleep tight!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, my newspaper is always full of stories about how the big lakes and reservoirs are down to half full, and that we are in a deep drought.  I try not to read past the first paragraph, the stories are dire, but they are always the same.  In September, there will be a two-week period of mandatory no outside watering!  Also, hundreds of thousands of California cattle are being sold to ranches in Texas, due to the drought, but also due to the idea that cows are producing too much methane from their bottoms, and thus contributing to global warming!  Be on the lookout for methane-producing CA cows, Lorita!

    Sayra, you said nothing to bother me (referencing my other thread about language).  My thread was supposed to be a general statement about how language affects me and possibly PWDs.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Iris glad that I didn’t.  Sometimes I talk too much.  Will try to stay aware.

    Glad you got to talk with Darwin Lorita.  Hope you get rain soon. They are giving chance of rain here next couple of days.  Things pile up on me sometimes too Lorita and I have to go look out a different window and try and get my thoughts straightened out.  An Alzheimer patient on here talked about looking out a different window, I really liked that.  Possibly may have been Alz+ but can’t remember for sure.  Maybe somebody else does.

    Have never eaten chocolate gravy.  May have liked it in my younger days but guessing my stomach would revolt if I tried that now.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning Front Porch Rockers!

    We received 1.5" of rain overnight Sat-Sun. We are still in moderate drought. Expecting more rain (light) today then dry the rest of the week. I'm praying that all that need rain will receive it. 

    Hubby and I rented a paddle boat at a local lake last week. That was fun. Also went to a fantastic greenhouse and bought 3 mums and an aster. The mums were in a 10" pot and are HUGE. The buds are still tight, which is good, as it means I'll likely get blooming when not much else is blooming in the garden. That is exactly what I was hoping for. Those huge mums only cost $17.99. A real bargain. This is a local greenhouse and it's where we get our poinsettias at Christmas. Great selection, quality plants, great prices. 

    My green beans are not very nice now. I could probably keep them until the first frost (early October ?) but not sure it is worth it, both that they aren't nice anymore and that I cannot keep up with picking them). Might pull them this week. We'll see. I still have cucumbers - lots, and tomatoes. Many, many green tomatoes, not too many ripe right now. Hoping for an abundance of ripe tomatoes so I can freeze tomatoes and tomato sauce and give away some to friends and neighbors. 

    The orioles are here again. Saw them in spring, then they left. I guess when they have young ones they are eating insects instead of grape jelly. I put the feeders back out and I have more activity now than in the spring. Went through 4 jars of jelly in a week and a half! I love seeing them. 

    Out to lunch today and to Iowa product store to buy some Iowa wine. Tomorrow I have a meeting at church and Thursday going to visit a shut-in friend. 

    I made a sour cream raisin pie this weekend and also chicken enchiladas. So good! Who likes sour cream raisin pie? I know some do not, but it is my favorite and simple. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Beth, I never heard of sour cream raisin pie...does it turn out like a custard pie?

    Lorita, I have been looking up ways to kill the weeds around the foundation of my house...I can't seem to keep up with them and want them gone forever...lol.  I have decided to try rock salt.  Have to be careful where you put it, as they say it will forever keep anything from growing, which is exactly what I want.  I hope to put some down before rain forecasted for Tues. afternoon.  While on my search, I also looked up your Johnson Grass issue.  If water was not in such short supply there, they say drowning them with pooling water works without having to use chemicals.

    Time sure marches on...have been helping with taking youngest granddaughter to her driver's ed classes which are about 1/2 away.  Doesn't seem like any time at all since she was a baby!  and she is starting college classes this fall.  Only one more grand (boy) is still in school...he will finish middle school this year.  Three of the great grands are in school this year.  Boy do they make me feel old...lol.

    I read where in NY they have set age limit of 21 for sale of canned whipped cream!  Guess the kids are buying it and huffing the gas in it.  Had to have daughter explain that to me...guess you just don't shake it as you would if you wanted the whipped cream to come out.  Just don't understand what is driving kids these days to do such things.  I know my daughter keeps a tight rein on her kids and has son in all the sports he can handle to try to keep him on straight and narrow path.

    Wishing all the weather you need and better health.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Johnson grass allergy....I do not think that pollen is your problem Lorita

    You might want to see if anything you are taking is causing a reaction to the sun. Try googleing that and checcking on drugs.com.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, thanks for the link.  I'm not taking anything except Acyclovir for shingles.  The doctor recommended Zyrtec for the itching.  I take it once daily.  On some info about J grass I read it can cause itching.  Guess we'll see in a few days.  Mike and his nephew came before  8 this morning and sprayed the grass and prickly pears. Round up for the grass and Remedy for the pears. Said it might take a week to kill it.  If it works I'll spray with a pre emergent next spring.  The one other little place we have a little if it us being kept down by the heifers.

    Everything this year is a month or more ahead so it started esrly.  I'm staying in all I can and spraying down the GOs when they come in.

    Sara, I read that post. Hadn't thought if windows and looking through them.  Try the chocolate gravy,- really good. 

    Iris, ranchers in this area are selling cattle, too.  High feed prices and drought. Texas is in drought too but maybe not all parts.  Ranching and farming are gambles.  Lots of things bring uncovered by falling eater levels.

    Water was back on this morning. Must have been Doing repair work.

    Beth, I remember paddle boats we would rent on school class trips.  They were lots of fun even if I couldn't swim. We had thought about one for the big pond but never did it.

    Last pill today at 5. Shingles aren't bothering me too much and the breakout hasn't increased in size much - just about 1.5-2" inlength in a curve.  I still can tell it's there sort of achy.

    It's hot today. Heat index near 110 agsin. Really humid.

    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night.  Glad things are well with you. You know me well enough to know when I need to talk.  Appreciate that so much.

    Need to shower and shampoo to get rid of whatever it is.  Had to take down trash this morning and I filled water rank and watered bathtub flowers so was out a whike.  Didn't go out when they sprayed. Hope it works!!

    May have a new neighbor for Darwin and I.  Mike is in process of buying the section east of me and north of Darwin.   Said he'd have to build all perimeter and cross fences and then graze 300-400 heifers.  Hope it goes through.  No grow houses nesrby.

    Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Hmmm...could not find the same info...oh, well.

    Wow. That a lot of cattle. 

    So my friend had a spike in fever and now some chest rattles. Not great. Underlying all are autoimmune problems. I found the carrot cake w/frosting and took it to the house to be delivered.

    We have been friends for over 45 years and live a block apart. Our houses actually look much the same outside with white paddock fences. She is a couple of years younger. Her children are some younger than mine but are like my own as are mine to her. 

    I feel so bad... especially for her children. They are loosing a great deal of innocense (sp). 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, the intensivists have learned a lot about how to treat respiratory distress from Covid, so your friend should be getting the latest techniques in care.

    Marie, I can't tell you how happy I was when I learned years ago, that whipped cream came in cans.  No more spending hours (it seemed) whipping heavy cream with a hand mixer to make delicious whipped cream for a dessert, only to see it collapse in a little while.  Now, kids found another way to get high?  Oh, my!  There is so much accidental death among young people in the local newspaper.  My grandson, who just turned 17, is afraid to live in the U.S., he wants to live in another country.  I feel sad for him.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, I can empathize with you.  I went through losing a dear friend of 60 years a couple of years ago.  Very hard thing to feel with.  Your friend is still with ypu and where there's life, there's hope.

    What next, Iris!  Canned whipped cream.of all things.  Seems like the kids are just looking for something to get them high.  I also like the convenience of the canned cream. I try to keep if to put on pudding and on cappaccino. Every time I use iy, each of the cats has to have a little squirt.  Sorry I can never get the spelling right.

    Rain got within three miles of us and stopped.  All we got was wind and a little thunder.  The grasshoppers are awful.  You can't pug your hand on a fence or gate without touching one.  They're eating  everything, even holly and rose leaves.

    I found a float valve so think it might work.  Never tried one on a rubber tank.  Will have to catch it empty and make sure it's level.  Always one more thing to do.  Washing outside clothes now.

    Rest well tonight. Did get a text from Sarah.  Said she had been sleeping a few days and would call later.

    See you front porch rockers tomorrow.  Ron, are you okay?

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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    All the ranchers around where we live are having to sell their cattle too, hay is selling for as much as $115.a bail if you can find it. The drought here is terrible. I know when Dallas got all the heavy downpours last week they had flooding we got just a couple of inches, which we were so very grateful for. Some of the ranchers contacted a company in Houston to try to buy hay, the company agreed to sell some hay but only if the ranchers agreed to pay their delivery price. They wanted $5. A mile, Houston is over 6 hours drive from here! 

    Hope the round up helps with the Jonson grass. 

    I have never heard of sour cream raisin pie.

    Good evening to everyone. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porch Rockers. 

    Lorita.  That would be nice if Mike became your and Darwin's neighbor. I hope the medicine helps you with the itching. 

    Ron.  I also like taco salad and I make it often. I hope you get a lot of rest when your sister visits.

    Jo and Judith.  I loved your videos. they brought back some memories. My Mother taught dancing in one of Arthurs Murrays studios in Sacramento. She was a ballroom dancer. How I wish we could have videoed at that time. She was a beautiful dancer me as a kid I never wanted to learn to dance that way. When she got dressed to go teach, she always had on the big ballroom dresses. Many many years ago.  

    Judith.  I am so sorry to hear about your friend, she will be in my prayers. 

    We had a grocery store shooting in Bend, Oregon, Sunday evening. You may have seen it on the news. It was pretty bad 3 people died, I guess one of them was the shooter. Jo, I hope this happing was not near where you son lives. It was in a Safeway. If I went to a Safeway, it's the one I would go to. They think it may have been 2 shooters, so they have roped off the whole parking lot while they investigate. Too close to home for me I only live 25 miles from there. 

    My doctor now has me on blood pressure medicine and has me taking my blood pressure twice a day. If she gave me a goal does that mean my goal is not to go above 140/90?? Iam not going above I am staying a little bit lower than that. My morning is higher than my evening but not up to 140/90.

    I hope you all had a good day. Hugs Zetta

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sour Cream Raisin Pie

    2 c. water

    1 c. sour cream

    3 egg yolks

    2 Tbsp flour

    1 c. sugar

    2 c. raisins

    1 tsp vanilla

    1/4 tsp salt

    Cook raisins in water until 1 cup boiled away. Set aside. Beat egg yolks. Add rest of ingredients to egg yolks. Add slowly to raisins and cook until thick. Pour into baked pie shell.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Zetta, I heard about the shooting at Bend.  The shooter was 20 years old.  What's up that our young men are so angry and troubled that they believe their only option is to shoot and kill strangers??  My 16 year old grandson wants to leave and live in another country, he is afraid to be here.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch rockers, I hope everyone has a great day!

    I took Lou and sister out for lunch yesterday and was enjoyed by all. I have found that its easier with Lou to go out early afternoon then to wait for later day activities. Past couple of months sundowners has started around 3pm.

    Sister is leaving Thursday  ut will be back for my upper and lower GI next week. I also messaged my Dr. about the gel; at first she answered that it did not go into the bloodstream so would be safe to use. Later she messaged me stating she had misspoken and that it could cause liver toxicity but my liver function from lab is and has been ok and that she monitors it. If I would feel better to use another gel she could send one that is similar to Ben gay. I am leaving it up to her since my liver function is monitored I feel she will give me what benefits me the most without harmful reactions. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Joydean, years ago we had carryover hay.  Spring rains were good so thought we would have a good crop.  Sold our hay and the rain stopped. Couldn't find hay for sale anywhere.  The woman who did my hair knew of a trucker who was hauling hay.  Contacted him and he brought a semi load from Guymon, Okla.  We're in eastern Okla. And Guymon  is in the panhandle. Had to pay $70 a bale.Taught us a lesson.  Can't imagine having to pay for the hay and $5 a mile delivery.  Sounds like price gouging to me.

    Luckily Mike had a lot of carryover so has  for the cattle within two miles of us. He's baling now but it's only making a third of what it should.  Nice that I don't have to worry about finding hay.   Someone said it was selling for up to $100 a bale.

    Beth, I've never made a raisin pie but yours sounds good.  The chef in our canteen at work made raisin pies that were delicious.  What color mums did you buy?  I think they're so pretty in the fall.  .

    Zetta, I heard about that shooting.  It's gotten to the point that you can't feel safe anywhere.  I don't know what's wrong with people.  Are you seeing any moose this summer?

    I took my zyrtec  but it makes me sort of sleepy which I don't like.  Can't tell if it helps more than Loratadin so may go back to it.  I'm a little itchy this morning. The pollen has gotten in the house. Need to vacuum chair and divan.  Stormy got in the chair yesterday and I know it has pollen. They're outside now. Wish it was cooler so they could stay outside.  My eyes are itchy now, too.  So odd to me that I've never had allergies before and I've lived here 80 years.  

    Ron, are you closing your drapes and turning on the lights in the early afternoon?  They say that cuts down on sundowning. Might give it a try.

    Glad you're going to get a different cream.  I think I was afraid to use that I had a long time ago.  I'm not much for trying new meds or creams.

    Nice that your sister, Lou and you had a nice time.  Makes you feel better.  Goid luck on your GI Series.

    Iris, I don't understand the young people either.  Seems like they're mad at the world.  Scary times we're living in.  

    How are your kitties doing?  I've banned ours from the bedroom. They like to lay on the bed and I'm afraid they'll get pollen on it.  They're not happy.

    Better stop and find the eyedrops.  Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, my 17 yo cat Simon is hyperthyroid and is on oral medication twice a day.  I crush his pill and put it in his food, and hope that he eats all of his food each time.  There is a way to compound the medication into a cream to apply to the ears, but that costs $147 per month!  I think that is way too much to spend.  There is a radioactive treatment that will eliminate the need for lifelong pills, which will also be expensive.  I will discuss this with the veterinary specialist. He also needs special cat food.  I have to visit the pet food store, what he needs isn't at the supermarket.


  • Fairyland
    Fairyland Member Posts: 178
    100 Comments First Anniversary

    Ooh does anyone have a recipe for caramel dumplings? My gran used to make those and I have inherited the actual pan she used!

    My mom is in the rehab hospital unfortunately,  but holding somewhat steady. Hope to get her back to her apartment soon I’m sure that will be a glad occasion since she hates hospitals.

    I just got back from a wonderful weekend away with my daughter who just turned 22 - she wanted to meet some friends from college in Minneapolis. What a great place and friends were nice, their parents insisted on me visiting with them and we had a good time reminiscing about being kids in the Midwest in the 60s. She needed mom to share the driving (in fact I did all of it), and I paid for the hotel since she is still in full time education.

    Well friends I hope those who are not 100% will soon improve and we can enjoy the good times when they turn up at the door!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    HI Fairyland,  glad you posted.  I have a recipe for caramel dumplings.  My mother used to make them.  I've never tried.  She used a big iron skillet.  I'll look up the recipe and post it for you.  They are delicious,- I can taste them now.

    Hope you mom continues to improve so she can come home soon.  What a nice sounding weekend you had with your dsughter.  Memories made.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I take my Zyrtec at night so have no idea if it makes me sleepy...lol
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Another quiet day today which is always good.    We are heading into three digit temps the middle to the end of the week and have not yet heard about next week's projections. Since there will be a planned four hour Edison electric outage on the 8th, sure hope it s a cooler day and that the work does not take longer than that.   Evidently they are doing some repair and update work which seems needed as we have had some unexpected short term outages happen. 

    I have not had Sour Cream Raisin Pie, but have had delicious Sour Cream Blueberry Pie; so good.   Confess, I did not make it, we used to get it at a local pie shop but they are no longer in business.    The Raisin Pie recipe really does look fairly easy to make which is very nice.  Good to be able to reap the last of your summer garden vegetables, Beth; and now to make all of the tomato sauce; that should be wonderful to have on hand.

    Zetta; it is my brother that lives in Bend, not our son.  Spoke with him and he said that the Safeway is next to CostCo and he sometimes uses that market; so glad he was not there.  I am so sorry to hear of the life lost, it is unfathomable to have another such  deplorable act occur.  Iris, it really is difficult to understand, interesting in that your grandson wants to move to another country.  I saw on the news that Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon are leaving the U.S. and returning to England.  His statement was that he was sick of turning on the news each and every morning to hear over and over again of all of the shootings and killings.  Truly sad commentary. 

    Gosh Lorita, the cost of hay is really steep considering herd sizes; how in the world do folks with large herds manage, I wonder.  I suppose some have fields in which they grow their own??  Don't know, how many bales per cow so to speak does one need for the winter or even for one month?  I have no idea - city girl.  So hope all goes well for Mike to get all he needs.  I am really glad you do not have to go out in the depths of winter to feed and manage everything any more; that must be a bit of a relief.  Can be there to love 'em and watch over them, but the heavy lifting of so much now is in someone else's realm.

    Judith, I am so sorry that your dear friend is still so ill; may she soon turn the corner and begin to improve.  She still has her Kindle in use, that is sweet.

    I understand that the infection rate has upticked a bit and we are experiencing a bit of increased cases out here that are actually identified; (many are going unidentified as no testing is being done.)  It is a sad state to hear of the increased number of fatal outcomes and the dreadful long haul syndrome still causing problem issues.   My friend's daughter, a High School Counselor, contracted a very light case of COVID; more like having a cold and soon recovered.  However, she is now left with long haul syndrome and this bright PhD is now experiencing brain fog and memory issues she did not have before and has had that for several months.    Doctors are uncertain about the duration and she fears that it may be permanent.   Evidently, according to Infection Control folks, the abandoning of nearly all  caution measure by so many, such as wearing masks indoors in high infection areas, and not washing hands as often or as thoroughly is contributing to the uptick we are experiencing.  Of course, all schools from elementary to university are back in full session, so there is that too. 

    We had the strangest thing happen.  About a month ago, we had the trash out at the curb for pickup; in our city, one puts the barrels out only the night before the pickup day.  We have special barrels for the recycling and the barrels are labeled with the street address.   Well; one of our large plastic trash barrels disappeared from the curb prior to trash pickup.   DH went out in the early a.m. to  put something in one barrel, and he noted the other barrel was gone; it was nowhere to be seen.   The trash company later delivered another barrel after we reported the loss.    Well . . . here we are, a month later, and the same plastic barrel that went missisng has suddenly reappeared at the curb this week . . .  POOF!  So strange.  None of our neighbors had the barrel and none of the other neighbors had their barrels disappear.   Weird.

     I know that sometimes trash is stolen by hopeful thieves hoping to find credit card numbers or other such items they can use for thieving.  We completely two-way shred any such items, so that was not a concern.  But to put the barrel back . . . ????

     How lovely to have had such a nice meal out, Ron.   No cooking and no cleaning up!   And tasty too.   Really good to hear your sister will be back to help when you go in for your GI tests.  What a very nice sister you have.  But then, she has a very nice brother.

    Fairyland, your trip with your daughter sounds wonderful; you had a good time and have made some very good memories.   Special bonding too.   I hope your mother improves soon and is able to return home asap.

    Well, time for me to get a move on.   Have to get some things done and get off my lazy anatomy.   Procrastination not a good tactic and only spoils the end of the day.   Sigh.

     Good afternoon and good evening wishes being sent out to all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Beth I’ve never ridden a paddle boat.  Have canoed a few times.  My mom made raisin pie when I was a child.  Always liked it but she did not put sour cream in it.  Don’t bake pie to often as Im not sure if I can freeze it.  Pumpkin pie freezes well but don’t know about others.

    Marie when I was in school some sniffed paint products.

    Lorita maybe our grass hoppers went to Oklahoma.  Have them but not as many as some years.

    Lorita those allergy pills always make me sleepy too.  Think Judith’s plan probably a good idea.

    Have never eaten a caramel dumpling Fairyland.  A good memory for you and your daughter.

    Take care everyone

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    We had a bad thunderstorm come thru early this afternoon.  Lots of thunder and rain but not for too long.

    About 5 miles away there was apparently a microburst and it downed over 25 power poles and damaged about as many wires.  The pictures looked like someone had just broken off the poles and laid them across the road.

    About 4,500 folks without power and even with extra help coming from other parts of the state, they are saying it will likely be out 24 hrs. or more.  Thank goodness we are not on that part of the grid.

    You just never know with storms, be they rain or snow.

    I did get some rock salt out on a few test patches before the storm.  Now it is wait and see for a couple of days as to its effectiveness on those pesky weeds.

    Sure wish that the weather would even out so that those without rain could get what they need and those in flood situations could get dryer conditions.  It is kind of scary reading about the weather this year.  Seems to be an around the world event.

    I do find it interesting about the things which have suddenly appeared due to the droughts...even some ancient cities have shown up.   Guess that means that in the past the water levels where that low for some time.  

    Sure hope Sarah has been able to get her feeding formula.  My prayers for her and all other friends of the front porch who are dealing with difficult issues.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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