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Just need to talk to my friends (178)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    The temp on my balcony is 78 degrees, down from 88 degrees.  I feel better already. The plants around here look parched, even though we have sprinklers on a timer.  We are supposed to suspend outdoor watering for two weeks starting tomorrow, I believe.  All these plants will be dried out and dead.

    I had an idea years ago, but no one was interested.  Since we have oil pipelines, why not have water pipelines from the northeast and the Midwest, where there is flooding, to California and the west, where there is drought?  If I were a billionaire, I would build them myself!


  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Lorita the fruit and vegetables capsules you see on tv is called Balance of nature. Personally I have not tried them but our friends (with a lot of medical issues) are taking them on the recommendation of their doctor. At first they said they could not tell any difference but after about a month they both realized they did feel better. Not so tired and they are both 81 and 82. I keep thinking about it but well I keep putting it off. I don’t know if this will help you.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith is right; a HEPA filter vacuum would be the best choice.  If you have not got one, perhaps your neighbor has one you could borrow. 

    As for sandwiches; yes, been having open face sandwiching and really both of us are tired of it.  Will stop whining now; we are blessed in that we have food.  Guess we will have to be ever so careful, we are having that scheduled "turning off" of electricity in our neighborhood for four hours on Thursday so that Edison can do some work on big items.  It is expected to be very hot that day.  So hope that the repair does not extend past the four hours as stated; 8:00 am until noon.

    Warning, new scam:  Got a recorded phone message today.  It stated it was "marketing," and if we wanted to be put on a, "no call list," they would do so, but we needed to provide our full name; our primary telephone number; our complete street address; as well as . . . do not know how much more they were fishing for as we hung up.  Unfortunately, some people will fall for that and their information will get into the hands of bad actors.  Same rule always applies:  Never, ever, give out any personal information, no matter how credible it may sound.  So easy for someone to think, "Oh yes; I want to be on a "no call list," and give the information in good faith.  Had a large number of robocalls today - wonder what set them off far more than usual.  We do not ever answer and  then block and report the call numbers, but they spring up again in new calls over and over and over.   We are on the Do Not Call List, and also have blocking by the phone company as well as being on the NoMoRoBo blocking list - still they get through.

    Have a good evening and night,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Some of you have endured a lot of awful hot weather.

    JoC I still have a flip phone.  May switch next phone.  Hope to get my BIL to help me when that time comes.  Do still volunteer 12 hours a week on Tuesday and Thursday.  Was a very busy day yesterday.

    Take care everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sayra, what type of volunteer work do you do?

    I resisted getting a smart phone for years but now I like it for its other functions.  The only thing I don't like is that I have a hard time hearing the other person on the phone, but I can hear other sound and voices very well.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Clear liquid diet today and start the cleansing with Golytely at 6pm. Half tonight and other half at 4am morning of procedure. They've changed that drinking procedure,  use to you drank it the night before till it was all gone.

    Also, no milk product! Cant remember if blue bell has milk in it!! Dont tell me, I know it does....crying.......at least I was able to have my black coffee this morning, which is the way I drink it anyway.

    Going this morning to pick up my lower dentures and find out if I'm a candidate for implants for the lower dentures.

    Talked to my sister yesterday and she has to have a cardio gram for clearance to have a procedure for implant in her back to relieve pain. 

    I hope the front porch rockers are going strong today.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Ron....going full tilt here getting ready to get on an airplane....first time in4 years.

    Iris...brilliant. Would that  you had the billion dollars to constrct a water pipeline.

    This thread has been read over 7K times. We have an unlimited numbers of chairs on the porch so please come and sit a "spell".

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    JJudith, have a good, safe trip.

    Ron, good luck tomorrow. Ron, good luck tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    EExcuse above post.  Tablet problems so hard t look post.  Keep posting I can still read.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Ron and Judith take care.

    Iris I volunteer at a small local hospital. Greet and direct people.  Try to keep wheel chairs clean and available.

    We have had around 2.5 inches of rain past couple of days . Sun shined this afternoon. Got a little work done outside.

    Good night everyone 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Additionally...this thread was started years ago because someone needed a friend to talk to about where she was on her journey. We did not chat about food or weather or pets etc, so....please if you just need a friend to talk to, we are here for you.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thanks to Lorita who indeed start this ongoing Thread.   Personally, I really enjoy reading about her beloved ranch and the cattle in the herd and even became kind of bonded to, "Billy the bull," who was born with some defects including not having very good eyesight; Lorita has kept him and looks out for him along with her multiple dogs and cats.  If there is a four legged creature, it can be assured Lorita will have empathy and mercy . . . and food.  She even feeds those cats who wander onto her property; not to leave out the bird feed.    We call this place, "sitting on the Front Porch;" each person has a rocking chair for comfort and those chairs fit all size backsides.  Weather on the porch is always pleasant no matter what it is like off the porch.   Ron has decided we are Front Porch Rockers. Everyone is welcome and we are always delighted to greet new folks. We do indeed talk about everything and anything here and we have both male and female Front Porch friends - it is about the individual's lives; the everyday mundane things and the not so mundane that we want or need to talk about; sometimes joy, sometimes worries and an entire range of our lives including personal health; sorrows, concerns, successes, weather; pets; food and recipes, hair; products; etc.; even the Queen. Most of us with the pandemic, etc,. did not live such outgoing lives as had been, but there is always  something to talk about, to share and questions to ask which others can give their input.  Get a lot of information too and Lorita has taught us a lot about cattle and all that entails.  So; if y'all feel like, it, come on up and grab a chair; we have enough for everyone. Alas Ron; that Golytely prep is NOT truth in advertising.  Whoever thought up that name had a dreadful sense of humor.  Hope all goes well with the tests and that Lou is doing well with the neighbor being with her.  We will wait to hear how you are doing and how things are going.  You will be back to your Blue Bell quick as can be. Sounds like you are still enjoying your volunteer job, Sayra; that is good. Is that hospital still requiring masks and limiting numbers of visitors?  They are still doing so out here, especially since the county has had an increasing number of known COVID cases and hospital admissions, and feels there are many more that are not identified due to lack of testing a it had been.  We will still mask when out; still a lot of people who refused to vaccinate or test, so each person must assess their own risk potential. Our daughter is interviewing for a new position; in the interview process she must take the, "Hogan Assessment Test," which many businesses are now using in the interviews. I was not familiar with it so looked it up - Yikes!  If you get a chance to take a look, it is a decidedly rather subjective test which one can hang themselves out to dry if not careful.  It assesses the individual's personality facets and likely traits.   Oh my.  I remember the old testing that used to be done to assess personality. This one seems a bit more wicked in the poor applicant getting stuck.   Always learning something new. Today is the day our electricity will be shut off from 8:00 am to noon for Edison repairs.  Am so hoping it does not ramp up the heat to unbearable by noon and also hoping they are done with the Edison repair by noon and do not extend it into the afternoon as today is expected to be another sizzler.  At least I do not think it will be to 111 degrees as it was in our back yard earlier in the week, so that is good.   So grateful for AC. As for taking those supplement pills, Lorita; the FDA has no ability to monitor these as they cannot do on any vitamins and supplements.  That brand was hit by a different government arm regarding their advertising which was stated in some links as, "false or misleading"  The company according to the article, never responded.  The person developing this supplement is a Chiropracter who took education in Russia and Germany and then in a Cleveland Chiropractic School according to a link. Eating actual food is much better than taking a dried out, heavily processed pill that is not measured for consistent accuracy, contamination, etc., and the actual non-processed foods themselves also contain other things which contribute to our health.   Also, most vitamins that exceed our bodies use or needs are just expelled in our urine unless fat soluble such as A, D, E, and K.   Some substances if over done can be dangerous to the body including increasing risk of cancer and other issues.  You can find a lot about this using Google, but it takes time to find good science based information  in between the supportive ads,  or subjective declarations, etc. One issue I did find on Google was the BBB received complaints about purchasers not being able to get off the mailings of product to themselves even though they had notified the company not to send any more product, and some complained about not getting items ordered.  I did not go into this in depth; I just lightly screened for information and like any product especially involving supplements, lots of kudos and commentary to how well people are suddenly feeling which can be perhaps accurate, or just chiming in, or even placebo effect; we have no way to know accuracy of all of the input as what is needed are valid, objective well run scientific studies.  For myself, I will use actual foods rather than the other. If you feel you are lacking in nutrition; next time you have blood drawn, have  the doctor order the tests for vitamin and mineral assessment; it will tell you how your body is doing.  Since you are vegetarian, I imagine it would be more about the protein components that would be looked at too. Iris; what an interesting idea for bringing water cross country to Calif - sure would be useful in Central California where so many huge farm growing fields are - the, "bread basket of the United States."   The fires in Hemet grew again and is still not contained; the one up in the mountains in Big Bear is also still raging.  What a horrible thing.  We are expecting some sparse rain in some areas this weekend and the worry is that because it is coming in thunderstorms that lightning could spark new fires; I so hope not.  It would be wonderful if rain would fall in Hemet and Big Bear, but no guarantees on that. Well; flipped over the traces and had a big slice of lemon cake.  Sure was good, but that is it.  Tasty; lemon is always good in a cake.   Somewhere I have recipe for a lemon cake that is kind of a "poke" cake where one pokes holes all over the top of a cake that was baked in a 13 x 9 pan and lemon concoction drizzled in - moist and lucious.  Do not know what happened to that recipe. Clementine season starts in October and goes thru January.   I am looking forward to some good Clementine's again.  Tried some last month, but the ones we got were not good; all dried out inside, very stringy and no flavor.  When they are in season, they are so very good.   Also, I think that blueberries are coming in again, I love the ones that grow naturally without hot house grow.    Will have to look into that too.  Best to get going; we are less than an hour away from all electric being shut off for that big repair, will see you all again soon. J.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Back home!

    Colonoscopy: was told it was fine but did notice on the paperwork they biopsied due to Aphtha in the terminal ileum. I wonder if this was because my brother had crohn's disease. 

    Upper GI: LA Grade reflux esophagitis, esophageal mucosal changes suspicious of Barrett's esophagus. Biopsied, Gastric. Biopsied, A single gastric polyp. Biopsied 

    Follow up appointment in a couple of weeks and was told to take my pantoprazole twice a day instead of daily.

    Neighbor said Lou did great and even took her medicine without trouble. I told her I was going to get her over every day to give the medication. 

    Keep those rockers going and I'm leaving for either a sandwich or blue bell. Maybe both!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    HHard time posting.  Will try to get it fixed tomorrow.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Imagine it feels good Ron to get all that over with.

    Lorita hope you are able to get that computer straightened out.  Miss you around here.

    JoC hope you haven’t melted today.  Masks are required but no visitor limitation.

    Had a patient I was helping around today tell me that they have never smoked and has developed COPD since having Covid.  Patient looked to be in mid 40s.  Know the girl who does Pulmonary Function Tests there.  She said the post Covid patients who come in for pulmonary functions have some strange test results.  Question is with time will they improve or are we going to have a whole new group of patients with chronic lung disease from Covid.  Some of them are actually pulmonary cripples so really going to be rough for them and likely will not improve.

    Hospitalizations and deaths have been quite low here so far, which is how Dr Griffin out of NYC says it should be if vaccination and treatments properly followed now.  Maybe that means doctors in our town are doing pretty good, hope so.  Last summer was really, really bad.  We had a lot of deaths some of them fairly young, left children.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Glad all went well today, Ron.   Isn't it something about Lou being so calm; perhaps she would enjoy having this woman come in about once a week; some socialization perhaps.

     Well; there we were; us and our neighbors, all prepared for the four hour power outage for the scheduled Edison repair.  An hour passed from the expected start time, electricity was still on.  THEN; we got a text message from Edison - they cancelled today's outage.  They rescheduled it for the end of September.  Hopefully, it will be cooler weather by then.  Sure would have been nice to have received the message a bit earlier.  Hot today, so not having an outage is appreciated.

    Just saw the news regarding the Queen's death; she loved Balmoral Castle as her favorite place, and she was able to be there.   Just two days ago she met and confirmed the new Prime Minister at home in Buckingham Palace.   For some time I rather sensed she may not be well; it was the changes in her physical self as well as her speaking and those trips to the hospital and other medical visits.   She certainly was a person who kept to what she felt was her "duty" and never flagged on that during her 70 year reign.  So; history moves on as it always does. 

     The fire out here in Hemet has doubled since yesterday; it is terrible. More people have been evacuated from their homes both in Hemet and in Big Bear.   A fire captain was not pleased in interview; he discussed people who refused to evacuate when told to do so and then hung back to the last minute. By that time, the situation had increased in danger and they had to pull firemen off the fire fighting line to escort and assist the late evacuators so as to keep them safe.   He again pleaded with people to please leave when told it is time to evacuate.   I am such a chicken little, I would be evacuating before being told.  Just not worth taking a chance as last years tragedies taught us.

    The house across the street is going up for sale, hoping for good neighbors.   It is a nice quiet cul-de-sac street and the people are respectful of one another which is very appreciated.   Good to have a peaceful place to come home to considering today's challenges and hurly-burly.  Houses here are over 50 years old; time sure flies past.   The community is citizen supportive; the city takes good care of the public spaces including the parks as well as the roads and sidewalk upkeep and maintenance, so that is really a big plus.   The City Council and city staff themselves have been excellent at planning from the very beginning, so that has been helpful.  One never knows what will be in the future, so we remember to be grateful today for what is present and what everyone has worked hard for.

     I am sorry about your tablet, Lorita; that must be very frustrating.   I am not a technical person at all, so when something slips sideways, I am clueless.  Hope it gets fixed soon.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning from the front porch. Hope everyone had a restful night and will look forward to the front porch rockers getting together.

    I know its jus because I am tired and just exhausted from the last two days, but Lou has been a handful. Bless her little cotton picking heart, my throat has been sore from the procedure and I just wasnt feeling good yesterday but she kept being more and more demanding of me. Hopefully today will be a better day. By the way, did I mention it's a full moon!

    Of course I'm a little apprehensive about all the biopsies they took. Hopefully it's nothing to serious but the waiting on results sometimes is the worst part. I'm particularly concerned about the Aphtha in the terminal ileum since one of my brothers had crohn's disease. Should hear from the Drs office today to set up a follow up appointment and it could be up to two weeks before biopsy report. 

    Woke up early this morning with a lot of gas on my stomach, really expected that yesterday. 

    Hope everyone has a great day!


    Thought I would just add to this. Lou has been up 4 times since 2am and i had tried to lay back down twice. Finally just staying up at 7......full moon doing its thing! I'm soooooo tired!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, try to rest . Thought of you last night when I saw the full moon.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Gguess Judith is on her way to St. Louis.  

    Vet has been here three times for GPs allergies and a sick baby. Will come again tonight.  Baby is some better this morning.

    Will post this before I lose it. Hope all of you are well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    SSarah's cat has three kittens.  She's happy with that.

    My allergies are a little better.  Hope I don't get allergy to ragweed.

    I'm posting short ones do don't lose them. Sometimes it will let me do this.

    I have so much to write about.  Girls are ok. I found this baby when mom came up bawling and he wouldn't follow her. Second one with this problem. Strange.  Vet came and gave antibiotics for scours. Baby got worse and he came and gave electrolytes last night and this morning. Mom wss bawling last night and I just couldn't go  out to Check.. This morning he was laying flat out but I sat him up and by the time vet was on his way be was up. Walking g slowly but better. He gave electrolytes and antibiotics again this morning and will come back tonight.  Hate it when a baby is sick.

    Better post this before I lose it.

    Keep on posting.  Jo and Iris, looks like you all may bet some rain.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I doubt we will never be over the civic problems.  Long haul is awful for them.  

    Are you all going to take the new vaccine?  Guess I will when I go back to town.  Afraid to not take it.  

    Still hot here but nights are a bit cooler. Still managing to water just enough to keep things going.  Pastures are drying but our ponds are still okay. So many have gone dry and people are hauling water to livestock or selling them if they can't.  Vet said there are record numbers of cattle bring slaughtered because of this  Hate to hear those things.  

    Sarah is about the same but still on lots if psin.  Do wish something could be done to help.

    Jo, glad your power didn't go off.  Would be so bad in hot weather. Hope it gets cooler for you all.  Record temps in the NW.  Zetta, is it hot where you are?

    Beth, I imagine your flowers are beautiful. Always seemed to me that fall flowers were beautiful and so bright. Always thought it was because they were hurrying to make seeds.

    The fires out west are awful. I feel so sorry for all if the people and for the firefighters.

    Better stop before I lose this.  Hope everyone is doing all right.  Joan, haven't seen a post from you lately. Hope you are well.

    Ron, hope you can bet some rest todsy. Glad the tests are over for you.  Waiting for results is hard but I bet all is well.  The full moon reminded me of my caregiving days and how we all talked about how it affected our loved ones.  Hope Lou is better today.

    Will try to be back latrt

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    In my last post I meant covid not civic. Afraid to edit in case I lost the post.  

    As Jo and Judith posted I started this thread in 2008 about the time Charles was diagnosed. I didn't know much about alz or vascular dementia.  I couldn't talk to my sister because she was beginning to show signs of alz. too.  So, I had many questions.  This thread was a Godsend for me.  I found answers to questions I had and made so many friends along the way.  At that time so many of us were at about the same stage.  I'm so glad so many of us have stayed on the forum and have become the Front Porch Rockers along with so many others.  

    Stormy and Sheena are better since their shot. It was Depo Medrol and it works almost instantly. Now they have a week of Prednisone pills to take.  I'm remembering Depo Medrol from somewhere, maybe when I was working at the hospital.  Jo, do they give it to humans?

    I better stop and feed the GPs and give them their medicine and take my Zyrtec.  Enjoy the dsy!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Good to see you Lorita.  You have your hands full.  Hope the little calf perks up.

    They just mowed my yard.    Was afraid they might not get to it and it needed it.  We had quite a bit of rain earlier in week.  They are good to me.  Mowed really nice behind my fence last time. Said they will do it for me two or three times each summer.  Made a nice wide path for me.  

    Think it is going to be a bad allergy year here.  We’ve had plenty of rain and the weeds are a blooming.  Lol I have skin issues too.  Some sort of dermatitis issue I think .  Possibly poison ivy, haven’t had it very many times so don’t think about it.  Had issues on left side of neck and right arm and hand.  The man I work with says it is poison ivy.

    Thought about Judith today too.

    Worked outside about a hour.  Very humid, sweating terrible which triggers skin problems for me, and makes skin more uncomfortable, so didn’t stay out too long.  

    Ron hope you have a better night, your hands are full too.

    Lorita I haven’t decided about whether I will take a booster this fall.  My six months from last booster not up til sometime in October.  I will keep listening to those on the front lines and make a decision later. 

    Beth which systane product did you say you liked best?  I have both written down but know you said you preferred one.  I just use the preservative free vials and normally twice a day does me good.  Having a little extra trouble now.  May need to switch to something else for a bit.  Thank you.

    Tried a new casserole today.  Made a single serving in a small glass dish. Layered squash (first one from my garden this year.) then onion slices, then tomato slice, S&P, little basil. Drizzled on a little olive oil. Added a little cheese. Repeated layers. Topped with bread crumbs, little more olive oil  and few small  dabs butter.  375x 30 min.  Was very good, definitely make again.

    Take care

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good afternoon.  I am typing on my new iPad,  i finally decided on what I wanted and got it set up and ready to go.  I need to check something in the settings because the cursor jumps after i type a few words,  i might be hitting something when I type.  

    It’s fun learning about all the new features on a new computer.  I should be a pro in a few days.

    Lorita and Judith, i am so sorry to hear about your loss of family and friend.  My Mom's 95 year old cousin died on the 3rd.  She was one of the few older family members still living. 

    We have had heat in the 90:s for the past three weeks.  It has been in the high 90’s and even 100 a few days.  That is not normal for this area.  The eastern part of the state has a cold front going through today, but didn’t get to our area. It is 90 here right now, so i guess its a bit cooler.  At least we don’t have high humidity.

    Ive been traveling to graduations, wedding, vacation in the Keys, and to granddaughter’s county fair.  I was gone a week out of each month since June.  Lots of fun and celebrating.

    Looks like everyone on here have been busy and enjoying summer.  Ill come back and post more when i figure out what is up with thus cursor.  It’s frustrating.. Just wanted you to know i am stelll here and reading.  Joan

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Desided to go out and get super. Went through a drive thru bbq and ordered Lou and me a pulled pork plate. Want have to worry about cleaning up the dishes.

    Discharge instructions said follow up appointment on my results in two weeks. Received a call this afternoon and they asked me if I could come in Thursday. Sooner the better, I'm ready to get all of this over with.

    Have a good weekend!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Joan, sounds like a fun summer for you! Happy for you.

    Ron, hope you get your medical issues under control. 

    Sara, I like Systane Balance best. I used to use Restasis but when I had a change in insurance a few years back my copay went way up and so I stopped using it.

    Wishing you all a good weekend.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Go out and look at the moo . will be full just before  5am.  It i beautiful!!    Ron probably doesn't want to see it ybough.  Will write more later waiting for the vet. Baby seems better.  Saw him nursing some today!
  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Yea for Baby! I so enjoy hearing about all your calves! We see a lot of deer where we are and there have been several babies and I love watching them. They come in early in the mornings and again in the evenings. We have a dog but she never barks at the deer. She barks at every thing else but for some reason never the deer. She will just sit and watch them. My dog will chase after the birds but never the hummingbird’s. We are right in the migratory area for hummingbird’s and I have nearly 50 feeders out and the hummer’s are as thick as can be. I’m usually sitting outside on back porch around 4:30 waiting for little daylight to see deer and then the hummer’s wake up. My quiet time and I feel so blessed to have some acres where it’s quiet and get to enjoy God’s creatures!  

    Have a very blessed weekend y’all. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Joydean,  your place sounds lovely.  What a joy to be able to watch deer and their fawns.  We used to occasionally see deer in the pastures but haven't for a while.  Fifty hummingbird feeders!  Goodness, that keeps you busy filling them, I bet.  I usually fill one but haven't seen any this year.  What good "me" time you have with a cup of coffee or hot tea, just watching nature.  Your dog not barking at the deer is sweet. He knows what not to do.

    Mike called about 8:30.  He's still in surgery so called to check on baby.  I was out earlier and put them in the lot and gave mom some hay.  Still have some small bales from last year.  He'll be here at 6 am to tube the baby again with electrolytes and antibiotics, then maybe one more time.  Baby looks much better. The cow isn't bawling now.  Felt so sorry for her. She was so worried about her little one.  He said he and Toad are going to move some cattle in the morning- not sure where but probably somewhere near because he's going to use the Gator.

    Jo, Billy the Bull is doing fine.. I see him often and always stop and talk to him.  After all, he's my cattle herd now.

    I've pushed lots of buttons on the tablet today and it seems to be working right. Haven't turned it off and won't because it might mess up again.

    Told you all I had lots to write about and sure I have forgotten half of it.  Probably need to start #179 soon.  Thought we might get to 10,000 first.

    Ron, I hope tomorrow is better for you and Lou.

    Joan, glad go hear you're doing okay.  Is the IPad like a computer?  Nice that you're enjoying learning about what it can do.

    The cold front is going to give us cooler weather for a couple of days.  The weather everywhere has been odd this yesr.  Probably the worst summer we've had in years with the awful prolonged heat and severe drought.  I am ready for cool weather and rain!

    Better stop and think about going to bed.  Forgot to take my Zyrtec today but have done all right.  Did I mention the prickly pear has list almost all of it's thorns since they sprayed it?  But, it is still nice and grern.  Darn stuff anyway - should have listened to my sister when she told us not to plant it.

    Good night, sleep tight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Please tell me I'm not dead. I slept 10 straight hours last night and I can't remember the last time I slept nearly that much. Lou didnt even bother me, if she did I didn't know it. She was even better before bedtime, which is unusual since that is the time she is usually at her worst. 

    I've been reading a little about Barrett's esophagus which is one of the biopsies that the Dr. was suspicious of. I've taken medicine for years for acid reflux which took care of my reflux. Dont know if Barrett's esophagus can still happen without the reflux are if maybe the achalasia could cause it. Guess I'll know more after my appointment Thursday. 

    Have a good weekend and keep those rockers rocking. 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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