Just need to talk to my friends (179)

It's a cool, gray day here, odd, after such a long heat wave. I feel like becoming a bear and hibernating!
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Hello Front Porch Rockers.
It's also not a pretty day in my neighborhood today, Iris. A lot of unhealthy smoke. We are about 40 miles away from a big fire.
I also lost my best friend yesterday afternoon; she has been battling cancer for the past 7 years and it finally got the best of her. I was able to visit her in the hospital on Monday. Her husband took her to their home with the help of hospice and she was able to pass away there with her family and her 3 dogs. She went to heaven Friday. She was my best friend for 30 years.
Take care all, Hugs Zetta
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Zetta, so sorry about losing your friend. After thirty years I know you have a lot of good memories. She's well now so maybe that's a good thing to think. Breathing smoke is bad so stay inside and be safe.0
Iris, I sort of feel like I'm hibernating but from heat and pollen. Dud you get Simon bathed? We used to have a cat, Phoebe, that I could bathe but not the ones I have now.0
Zetta, I'm sorry to learn about you losing your close friend. It's nice her family was able to be with her.
I'm about 60-90 miles from two fires in different directions, but I still noticed ashes on my car, fortunately no smoke. Yes, do stay inside away from the smoke, Zetta!
Simon did not get bathed, it was too chilly. Now I have to wait for the hot weather to return.
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Zetta I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend.0
Zetta, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I know it must be hard, some friends become so close they feel like family.
Well I'm back to my old habits. I was up at 2:30 this morning, guess I shouldn't have expected changes in my sleep pattern. Probably just to much on my mind right now. Google can be bad at times and cause more worry than help. I've always been one to want to know about all possibilities ahead of dr visits where I can ask questions if needed. Dont like to be blind sided with diagnosis! Googling achalasia and Barrett's esophagus can be scary!!
Talked to my sister and looks like she is out of commission for awhile. She was already needing neck surgery and since the fall it looks like back surgery is needed. Sister in law cant be in the car for more than a hour for at least 4 weeks and the drive here is 2 1/2 to 3 hours. So now my only help is the neighbor and that's short term.
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Dear Zetta,
So sorry for the loss of your long time friend. May you and all the others who loved her find peace in your memories of her.
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Zetta so sorry about the death of your friend. Friends sometimes feel closer then family. You will see her again someday.
Iris you and Zetta stay inside and away from all the smoke and ashes.
We finally have a very nice morning. It’s a little cool with a nice breeze but sunshine. It’s been so hot and humid we could only stay outside for a short period of time. I think I kinda over did working in my yard this morning. But it just feels so good. I have my windows open and airing the house out. The fresh air is invigorating.
Ron sorry you didn’t get much sleep. Reading some of that stuff on google can be scary!
Hope everyone has a very blessed day and thanks for letting me on front porch!
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Glad you posted, Joydean. Come back iften.
Baby us improving, staying with mom.
Posts will be short but am reading. Keep posting.
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Good evening
Has been a very quiet weekend. Cloudy a large part of day. Don’t have anything to say really Just saying Hi to everyone.
Made a pot of beef vegetable soup for lunch and a pan of cornbread.
Ron hope you get a decent night of sleep. Think I’ll turn in early.
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Sayra, the beef vegetable soup and cornbread sound delicious! My mouth is watering!
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Cool this morning, ,50, but feels wsrmer. Took down trash and gave the cow some hsy. Think I'll keep them up another dsy
Hope you got good sleep, Ron, and that you rested,Sara.
Back later.
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Sayra, you have me craving beef vegetable soup! Before I got to where it was hard to cook for Lou that is one meal I fixed often and with leftovers, I had it two to three more days. I started getting discouraged with my cooking after Lou started being hard to please. I would spend a lot of time in the kitchen just for her to say; I dont want that. Now it's pretty much fish, corncobs or sandwich with a occasional meal out.
One thing about googling about Barrett's esophagus is I found out it could cause coughing. I've been having more and more dry coughing and just thought it was a pulmonary flair up. With the coughing up small amounts of blood a couple of weeks ago I didnt think much of the dry cough.
Hope all the rockers are well this morning without any creaking.
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Dear Zetta, I am sending my condolences on the loss of your dear friend of many years. I am very sorry. It is good you were able to see her before she passed. Friendships like that and of so many years do not happen often; what a blessing you were to one another; so many memories of the sharing over those years, that is a jewel in the crown of life..
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Quiet day. Watched a good movie The Art of Racing in the Rain. Patsy told me about it. Real tear jerker but so good.0
Dear Front Porch Rockers.
Thank you very much for the condolences of my dear friend. I know she is in a better place and no pain. Your right Ron, she was like family. I miss her very much. A few times today I wanted to call her.
There is a lot of smoke where I live, I am between a few fires. My outside weather is very un-healthy at this time. I hate taking Molly out the weather is very unhealthy for the both of us. I have been taking Tylenol to help with my eyes burning and a small headache I have been having.
Jo and Iris, I hope your both staying in I imagine your air is also not healthy.
Joydean. Is nice seeing you on the front porch, please visit with us often. There are plenty rocking chairs on the front porch.
Take care all, Hugs Zetta
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Ssecurity light has been off for nights but came on tonight. Made arrangements to have a new one installed by electric company. Think I'll have them come anyway and check it out.0
Good morning
Lorita noticed security lights before working after not working for awhile. Hope they get them straightened out for you.
Have any of you guys been on Fosamax or the generic Alendronate. If you have how did you feel about taking it? Did you tolerate it ok or did you have side effects? Would appreciate any feedback anyone can supply.
Take care
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Cool morning on the front porch today, suppose to have been our coolest night, but hot weather on it's way back.
I have VA appointment this morning with oral surgeon for a consultation on the dental implants for my lower dentures. Not sure what I'll do since the Upper GI biopsy results are suppose to be discussed thursday. I was watching Wagon Train yesterday and had a weird experience. At the end of the show they named a new settlement (dont remember first name) Titus. My father's middle name was Titus and when I saw it I started crying. Dont know if it was a sign I'm about to reunite with him in heaven or if it's the harmone shots for prostate cancer working on me. Been worrying to much lately, everytime I turn around it's something else!
Lou is wanting to sleep more and more lately. I keep her up as long as possible, but it's not easy. Orkin was here yesterday and she told him she remembered him when she lived down yonder when she was younger. He's probably early 30s and probably doesnt even know where down yonder is.
Keep those rockers rocking
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Sara, I have a history of osteopenia. I used algae cal and it increased my bone density. I encourage you to read up on it. algaecal.com After improvement in my bone density, I stopped taking it. I am guessing my bone density probably has decreased again and I personally would go back to Algae Cal (with Strontium Boost) if that is the case. I'll have a DEXA scan this fall or winter.
There are a lot of issues reported with the standard osteoporosis medications. From drugs.com:
- There are concerns about the long-term safety of bisphosphonates (such as Fosamax) as long-term use has been associated with atypical femur fractures, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and esophageal cancer.
From statnews.com: After it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration and women across the country began taking the drug, the FDA and its maker, Merck, started receiving reports about spontaneous fractures of the thigh bone among women taking the drug.These fractures, dubbed “Fosamax fractures,” happen with no warning and usually require surgery. Although they are a rare side effect of the drug, millions of women have taken the drug. While the true number of Fosamax fractures isn’t known, about 500 women have sued Merck for failing to warn them about the risk of this painful and possibly debilitating side effect. These lawsuits are at the heart of a case, Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp. v. Doris Albrecht, et al., that will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 7, 2019.
Merck acknowledges that Fosamax caused these fractures and that the company knew about them. In 2008, Merck started the process to get the FDA’s permission to put a warning on the drug label — the inserts that come with all medicines, providing information such as instructions on how to take a drug, what it can be used for, and warnings. The FDA reviews and must approve any information on drug labels for accuracy. These labels are generally considered fair warning to users about possible side effects or adverse events and, in that way, provides legal protection for drug companies from being sued for causing them.
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Good morning!
Zetta, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend. My sincere condolences to you and to her family.
Lorita, how is the baby? I miss your long, newsy posts. I know you are having computer issues. I wish you had someone to help you with that - maybe Mike, Toad or Byron? Most younger people are very skilled in computers.
I'm going to visit someone's beautiful water garden today. She had a stream and waterfall built and surrounds it with flowers. Perhaps I'll get a photo to share.
My garden is "going to sleep." Ha! Truly, fall is coming and the garden shows it. Still blooming: black eyed Susan, phlox, hydrangea and annuals. My new mums haven't bloomed yet but the purple aster is. The goldenrod will bloom very soon. I have been thinning things out and moving things around. Moved peonies to open up some space, moved daylilies that I divided as they were getting too large and moved some coneflowers. Most of my coneflowers are purple. I hope to buy some orange and also some white ones to mix in next year. I am now officially inundated with tomatoes. Froze 17 containers of them, ate a lot and gave a lot away. I also still have cucumbers and have fall plantings of lettuce, spinach and chard.
Hope you all have a good day!
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Zetta, I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. I know how that feels. Our Pastor has told us that our friends and family that go before us to heaven are our treasures stored up in heaven. I like to think about that.
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THank you, Beth. I miss writing them. The baby us nursing but still has some scours. Mike will be out today to treat him.0
Electric coop installed my new security light and cut power to a line out to a pole by the barn..Also got the name of another electrician if decide to get that fixed.0
"Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble: . . . or perhaps better stated as, "Something wicked this way comes . . ."
In other words, I wrote an updated Post and then POOF! Disappeared. Will write another time.
However; I saw something really lovely regarding the Queen; it is a good read all the way to the bottom. Also, she looks like a yellow confection in the photo not to mention her and seven men all in skirts . . . I thought you may enjoy reading it, so here is the link:
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Thank you Beth. Have my Dexa scan Monday. Assume it will not be good. The reasons you mentioned is why I asked for suggestions. Algae Cal will be my plan if results come back as I suspect they will.
Did you have any sort of side effect with algae cal? Other calcium supplements would cause constipation when I tried taking them.
Really appreciate your help.
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Beth, the algae cal you mentioned, what brand did you use or is it the one from Amazon? You mentioned orange coneflower, I have some of those and they are so very pretty. However when they came up this year only one was still orange and the rest came back pinkish, the white ones came back purple! So I guess I’ll start back over and try and find more orange ones! I love your garden’s.0
Vet came and treated baby. He is better and this medicine will take care of scours. Sidney wss with him and said tiny, premature baby is well and out with other calves. Still a bottle baby though. Good outcome!
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I did not have any side effects from algae cal. This is not an advertisement and I have no interest in this other than sharing the info with others who have questions. If this type of post is not allowed, let me know, or report it, and I will delete it.
Joydean, the brand is actually just algae cal. I think you need to buy it on their website at algaecal.com. It's produced from algae in the sea.
A little info about what it is for those who are curious (from their website):
"Traditional calcium supplements don’t make your bones stronger. They can’t. That’s because bone loss isn’t a loss of calcium. It’s a loss of all the minerals in your bones. So if your calcium supplement contains only calcium, that’s bad news. You’re missing 12 vital bone-supporting minerals. AlgaeCal is a powerful plant-based calcium that naturally contains all 13 bone-supporting minerals. In human clinical trials, these 13 nutrients have been shown to increase bone density — even for folks in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. That’s why AlgaeCal is backed by some of the world’s leading bone health scientists, doctors, and nutritionists. Scientists from The International Journal of Medical Sciences followed 414 AlgaeCal users for one year. Each person had a bone density test at the beginning and end of the study. These tests revealed that the smallest increase in bone mineral density among participants was 1.3%. That surprised the American research team because no other natural product had ever increased bone density.
Now that may not sound like much. But consider we lose on average 1% of our bone density every year after age 40. So with the Bone Builder Pack, instead of losing 7% in seven years, you’re gaining 7%. That’s a 14% swing!"
There is lots more information on their website at algaecal.com.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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