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Just need to talk to my friends (179)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning


    Lorita you have had a long hot summer.  Ours has been very moderate which is our normal.  We just had a week or so of 90’s in late June or early July.

    JoC I have no recipe for the soup.  I just start with a base of broth and some beef roast and go from there just adding veggies and seasonings that I like.

    Try to dry some more onions today.  Can’t freeze any more as I have a freezer door shelf full of them and there is no more room in that freezer.  My other freezer is almost empty.  Need to clean it up in a few weeks as getting a quarter of a beef so that will fill it up.  I actually sort of prefer them as they have very good flavor, easy to store.

    You guys may already know this but I didn’t.  To keep greens, lettuce fresh much longer, wash them off in water with just a little vinegar added.  Take out lay on a tea towel or the lady I watched used reusable paper towel.  Think she said they were made from bamboo.  Anyway you roll  the towel and lettuce up.  Place in plastic bag of some sort and close it.  She said it will last a month.  Used some the other day and think it is getting close to two weeks, was fresh as could be.  Hope this is a good hint for someone else too. 

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Jo., here is my beef vegetable soup:

    Brown 1lb. beef stew meat, cut in bite size pieces (I prefer to cut up a rump roast where I can get good lean meat), in 2 tbsp. oil. Add 1 pkg beef stew seasoning, 2 1/2 cups water, 1 cup beef broth,  2 medium potatoes, cubed and 2 pkg frozen mixed vegetables (instead of mixed vegetables I add 8 oz cream corn and whole kernel corn, carrots, tomato soup, tomato juice, cabbage, okra) you can really just add whatever you like. Bring soup to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 1 2/2 hours.

    Iremember you telling me about the shot in the hip and will talk to PCP. 

    Jodean, my Vietnam memories are a little different from your husband's. I could not remember much for a long time, but lately my suppressed memories are returning. Preferred it the other way!

    Hope all is well!!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thanks for the soup input, I love soups and stews; favorites for sure.

     Ron, if you do speak to the doctor about hip injection, be sure you discuss having it done in Interventional Radiology under fluoroscopy.  An Interventional Radiologist does the injection.  Makes a huge difference how it is done both accurately and as to regarding outcome.

    Joydean, it is interesting in how our LOs with dementia will have memory loss for so much, but the military experience seems often to be retained.  My mother's husband, (she had FTD and he had Alz's at the same time), had such a spotty memory, especially short term recall, but he retained his WWII experiences clear as could be.  From what we knew prior to his developing Alz's, his recollections were accurate.  He had landed in Europe, D-Day plus ten.   How are you doing by the way?

    I was so tired yesterday, that after supper, I simply decided to tuck myself in with a good book in the guest room thinking it would be a few hours of good reading and then I would go and brush teeth and get ready for bed.  Well . . . out I went.  Reading last night was indeed like a sleeping pill.  DH did not wake me, so I stayed in dreamland dreaming about being in another place, not home, and was picking tall weeds out of a garden with my mother - go figure.  In that dream, I was also being buzzed by a bee but did not get stung. Weirdly weird.  I popped awake about 2:30 am having slept about six hours.  Did find out there is absolutely nothing on TV at that hour. 

    Judith, what med did doctor give for the neuropathy and is it continuing to give improved results?  And the biopsy; will intervention be needed?  I so hope you are doing okay.  Still picturing you and Winda in your wc's, being a bit naughty and can only imagine the humor between the two of you.  What is Winda like?  It sounds as though you have been close friends for quite a long time.  My friend and I live a bit too far to see one another, but we talk on the phone alot, and oh my . . . if anyone could hear us sometimes.  Ahem.  Lots of humor; sometimes a bit off beat, but we also can share absolutely everything about ourselves and our lives with no judgment; lots of understanding and helpful input to one another from time to time when needed.  Two RNs jawing and that can go on for quite awhile.

    Smooshed about two ounces of avocado together with about three ounces of tuna and two teaspoons or so of salsa yesterday for lunch, and it was really good.  Had a slice of sourdough with it and half an apple.  Really satisfying.  Trying to get a bit more fish in my diet without overdoing it.  Getting some salmon today, so that will be supper tonight with some left over for tomorrow.   

    Want to get our bivalent COVID booster this next week, but cannot find Moderna which I prefer as I know my body's reaction to the Moderna vaccines.  It seems there is a delay in getting that out. Do not know whether that is just for the clinic we were using, or if it is the same all over our area.   Will have to call some pharmacies today and find out.  Can get the Pfizer, but since I have so many senstivities to meds, etc., I really would rather have the Moderna if possible.  Will follow that in two weeks with the senior Fluzone Quadravalent shot.  That will be our "getting ready" for the fall and winter as much as we can.  I also have a listing of "sick day" items I send to the kids each year and lay in the same supplies for us. That way, if we fall ill there is no need to go out of the house to buy something; we will have it on hand.  Have to also update our OTCs so all is in place and hope we do not have need to use it.

    Pretty soon it will be time for Zetta to go to Arizona where the winter will be lovely.   I wonder Zetta, whether having enjoyed such a good winter, if you will think of moving to Arizona.  As I recall, your fur babies are going with you so they too will stay nice and comfy all through the Oregon snow season. Will your son maintain the property and your house for you in Oregon?  Nice to have him so close by.   Also really nice to have Christmas with your daughter and SIL.  Lots of good things to have happening.

    Joan, please send some of your rain our way; we will pay for it, COD.  If only.   Still so dry out here, but for the next five days, we will be in the low 80's which is greatly appreciated.  End of the week, we are supposed to go up in temp again, just hope it is not in the three digits and that it does not last very long.  Your granddaughters are so very active, it must be wonderful to be so close that you can be with them.

    Hope everyone's Saturday is a good one . . .


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    "Our Winda" came into our lives in 2014 as a part time caregiver for Dick. She did 12 hour shifts during Dick's last year. She sang to  him constantly his last day and was with me when he died as were the Hospice social worker and Dick's daughter who drove over from Tulsa.
    I always said I would go to Independent living because I was not going to live alone. Instead Winda stayed with us 5 days a week. A blessing since the onset of the Vestibular disorder and the Neuropathy. She cooks, grocery shops, drives me to the museum. Since she worked for others in my area she already knew many of my friends. 

    We usually think about the same way and are always looking stuff up. She is very involved in her church... she teaches and is in her choir. She has a rich alto voice and sings beautifully. We laugh and learn all day long.

    She is family and a blessing for us to have.

    There is airport personel to puch the wheel chairs. I used to order a chair for Dick. He would refuse to sit in one so I did. It is the very best way to get from your car, through baggage check in, through security and you get to get on the plane first. 

    Med for the neuropathy is gabapentin. I felt a difference the first day. Dose the forst week is 100. If no side effects after a week I bump up to 200. Side effects seem to be common but none so far. I am a very happy camper who can now feel her feet and lower legs so I am much steadier. I think I will have more energy since subconsiously I was always thinking about my balance.

    Funny Covid story. I felt a little off about a month back and decided it would be prudent to take my temp. Well, at the beginning of Covid I had bought a new "device". I found it and for the life of me could not figure out how to use it. I just looked like a blob of plastic...no buttons...no place for numbers...lol

    Working on a table of Scottish ancesters for SIL. Lat night I Netflixed OutLaw King about Robert Bruce (de Brus). Good movie and the lead actor is as beuatiful as the scenery. 

    Skin removal results...one a skin cancer...needs to be checked in 6 months.

    Joan...I am with you about the grands. They keep you young and isn't is wonderful that they always think you  are the best!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Allergies have very bad this morning but betterNow .  Watching Oklahoma and Nebraska football.  Stadium is a sea of red and crimson.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I posted on the Caregiver Board about Queen Elizabeth II almost dying alone her two eldest made it at the last moments.  Judith,  you are fortunate to have someone like Winda.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, nice you have Winda as a friend and  to help when messed.  Wish I had a Winda.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Will just say Hi to move this to top.  Quiet day at my house too.  Trying to rest a bit.  Did make some shredded chicken and spaghetti to have to eat on this week.  Going to be sort of a busy week.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, sounds like you will eat well this week.  Already hot here - supposed to be ,95.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, Winda sounds beyond wonderful; what a beautiful person!   She is a one in a million wonder,  what a fine person.  You two sound as though you really enjoy each other. Big time blessing she is there five days a week and she is so helpful; that is great.  Now if we could clone her . . . .

    When our son was in the worst part of Anca Vasculitis, his neuropathy was horrible and that strong, fit, health conscious fellow could not walk much at all.  Gabapentin was one of the meds that was prescribed.   He has done well over time and has most of his feeling in his feet has been restored which is such a blessing as he is able to return to work which requires a lot of walking during the day.  I am so glad that you are feeling an improvement already and hope that increases.

     I am about to embarrass myself by asking a personal question, but is it okay to ask what the cost is for someone coming in five full days a week and is she a 24 hour person, or considered daytime only?   I will need to keep such information in my knowledge basket as we are not getting any younger and our needs will be greater before too long.

     Please do give Winda a "hello" from me, you two are very special.

     Sayra; that lettuce extension, was the lettuce wrapped up inside the towel to go inside the refrigerator or was the towel removed?  Have you tried that method ?  We never use fresh greens fast enough before they go around the bend.

    Lorita, I am sorry that the allergy is still bothering you.  I was hoping that it would have passed.  Do you think it is from when you are outside, or do you think it may be from inside the house from the animals having carried it in?  So hope it improves for you soon.

     Well, first we had COVID recently increasing in numbers and hospitalizations; however, our county is now looking at removing the indoor mask mandate as the recent diagnosed cases are beginning to decline.  Lots and lots of business and political pressure to do this, so who knows what is driving the train. I did notice that in London, the five mile long mega lines of people waiting in que to pay respects to the Queen, and in hoards of people in throng lined up literally shoulder to shoulder rowss deep to greet the King and the Heir Apparent . . . no masks.  I saw one mask in the last few days on a person in line standing next to the Queens casket, but everyone elses face was bare. Interesting.

     A happy 78 degrees to day, what a wonderful feeling.  The weatherman did confirm we will be up there in temp again end of this coming week, ah well.  Eventually autumn and winter will get here.  Then we will complain about the cold which I should never be allowed to do being in SoCal. Our midwest and eastern friends really get tribulations with weather during the winter.  No middle ground come the winter months.

     Just got through calling my brother and singing Happy Birthday to him; now time to get on the phone and sing Happy Birthday to our granddaughter.  My brother lives in Oregon as is our granddaughter, but she is visiting a friend in Austin for a week, so we will sing across Texas "telephone wires."  Remember when phones were about wires and we had to call long distance on Sunday afternoons so price of calls would be lowest?  Times sure have changed a lot.

    Off I go to sing one more time.  Can't carry a tune, can never find the right key, but it is a joyful endeavor!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    It's a time for birthdays, my brother's birthday is tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    JoC rinse greens or lettuce in water with a little vinegar, not a lot.  Have towel laying on counter.  Do not dry greens, just shake a little bit and scatter out on towel.  Then roll towel and greens up together.  So greens on inside and towel on outside.  Place in a ziplock bag or I used a plastic bread bag.  Then I wet my hands a little and shake a little water onto outside of rolled up towels.  Place in crisper drawer. 

     This is my first time doing this, used kale and Swiss chard.  Think they have been in there about two weeks, had some kale for lunch yesterday and stems snapped like just picked.  Hope to try cilantro sometime would make my day if it works with it.

    Google keep salad greens fresh for a month, That 1870’s homestead.  Should pop right up and you can watch her do it.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you Sayra.  Will have to try that.

    Been awake since midnight; had the TV turned to BBC channel from last night, so I turned on the TV since I could not fall asleep again, and there it was . . . pomp and circumstance in big time splendor.  And of course couldn't help myself, I watched.  My goodness; how in the world did the royal family continue to march all those miles on so many days; especially those who are older.  Orthopedic specialists must be on retainer for urgent  needs.  Whew!  Overall, today it was a 22 mile march from point to point.  The regiments in the parade were over 3,000 in number with the regiment line alone being a mile and a half in length.  Once again, Whew!

    Did actually see masks used . . . it was on the news . . . a contingent of four government people from China coming to pay respects to the Queen wore masks.   That was it.  Interesting.

    Will say I am deeply impressed with the wonderful behavior with manners and respect of the huge crowds over miles of people; really uplifting. Sad to say I cannot imagine that in this country and that for me is truly sad.

    Haircut today, finally.  Then have to  make an appointment for an eye exam, it has been while and am due. 

    Off I go, laundry ready to come out of the dryer.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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     Compiled tax papers and got them mailed to Sam.  Load off my mind.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Already hot.  Girls in barn I think.    At least there's a breeze to help them.  Going to call tech club about laptop tomorrow..
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    We had a terribly hot heat wave for about a week, now it's chilly.  I even had yo put on my winter jacket last night.  What a jump in temp!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    JoC., your question on cost for someone to come in will be different from one location to another. All I can tell you that in the Shreveport/Bossier area, I was told a sitter was between 12 to 15 dollars a hour and was available 24/7.

    Took Lou for a ride this morning before it turned to hit. I know if I try to get her out the door later in the day as soon as the hot air hits her she turns back around and heads back inside. I fixed us a big salad for supper later; lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli and boiled eggs. I like to fix it ahead of time and put in the refrigerator till time to eat. I brought her in the kitchen with me this time and it made things so much easier on me. Normally if she stays in the living room she will be mumbling and I'm going back and forth to see if she needs anything.

    I have my appointment next week with pulmonary Dr. and not sure if it's even needed now. I haven't coughed up any blood for awhile and the yellowish phlegm has stopped. 

    Birthday boy Saturday has already decided to bake a birthday cake friday and will probably let Lou take me out to eat. I believe this was mentioned before; lou is 84 and I turn 76 Saturday and I have always said Lou was the original cougar. Must work since we've been married 55 years!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Oh no, my eyes are all swollen today because I was crying while I watched highlights from Queen Elizabeth II's funeral on YouTube last night.

    I have always just loved her, her sense of humor, the way she always projected a stable "leader" to look to no matter what was going on in the world, and the way she fulfilled her promise to devote her life in service, right up until the day she died.

    I know there are people who are upset about various aspects of the monarchy, but I always took her at face value, to me she was an honest, wry and regal representation of the United Kingdom.  I loved her insistence on wearing bright colors so people could see her, her matching hats and purses, her love of her dogs and horses, all of it.

    Little Princess Charlotte has all the makings of her great-grandmother in demeanor and poise.  The kids were so well-behaved and Charlotte's little brooch of a horseshoe that was given to her by the Queen was perfect.  

    I felt terrible for King Charles III.  Having to grieve quietly and be stoic after losing your mother, a public figure, has to be hard.

    They even handled the more dicey aspects (navigating Harry/Meghan's loss of royal status and Andrew/Fergie's weird relationship and his scandal) as well as they could, everyone put up a brave front and didn't detract from the main point of the gathering.

    I sobbed as her casket was lowered into the vault and the piper played and walked away.  

    We won't see a 70-year reign again for this king or the next, unless something completely unexpected occurs.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Day; on the 19th, for some reason I woke up around midnight and could not get back to sleep. Went to the guest room and turned the TV on to the BBC Channel.  And got hooked.  I watched the entire thing from beginning to end.

    There were over 3,000 of the various military in that procession and they were one and a half miles long of men and a few women in uniform.   The entire journey across and around London and up to Westminster was 22 miles long!   Oh; those poor marchers.  Not to mention the "Royals," who walked behind the coffin  . . . for miles and miles and miles.  Now; several of them were not young, oh their poor feet, knees, hips, etc.  Cannot figure out how they tolerated that.  I found myself wondering about the marchers, ALL of them including the military as well as the thousands and thousands in the crowds . . . what about bathrooms for significant need?  Mystery needing mercy. The last marching mile to Westminster was gasp - uphill after all those other many miles.  Guess those mounted fellows were counting their blessings.

     Yes; the Queen was a once in a forever person.  Enjoyed her humor and respected and admired her steadfastness.  Never had a truly private life; closest to it was away time at Balmoral, but even then she was "on."   Grew up in a fishbowl always on display.  She worked hard at being who she was.  I think of her as, Elizabeth The Steadfast.  Amazing woman.  I really came to like and enjoy her the older she got.

    As for her clothing - kudos to her designer and tailor; loved her outfits.   Had to smile at little Charlotte, she is very much the Little Miss, she also seriously follows exact protocol at such a young age; she was caught on camera once again hurriedly instructing her brother how to behave to bow his head.  She has done that sort of instruction on several occasions with both brothers.  She is as adorable as can be; makes me smile when she does that.  She also has a bit of resemblance to her grandmother.   We shall never see another like Elizabeth the Second; Charles cannot match.  William, the Heir Apparent, has a much warmer and outgoing personality and seems bright, but who knows what will happen to the monarchy over time as so many of the countries are wanting to opt out of being part of it now.

     Ron; I was interested in Winda because she is different from what we usually see or experience and that is what I would wish for us.   She is not an agency in and out; but is part of the house and home.   Five days in a row, lives in, and does all including cooking which is such a blessing for Judith; and she is also a friend and part of the family in her own way.   We will need that if we can find it and heaven knows it will be difficult, so that is why I asked Judith for some input.

     Well; finally had my hair cut yesterday by a different stylist I used to use long ago, and it turned out really great.  Best cut I have had in a very long time.  She blew it out so well I actually liked myself in the mirror - as long as I did not look too far below the neck.  Ha!  Now; all I have to do is to be able to blow it dry like she does, but know I cannot, but as said, the cut is a good one.  She came to the house which is so appreciated.   She is not cheap, but I am not a big spender on myself, so this I considered a necessary thing.  She is really busy with a large client base, but has Monday's off, so she offered to come to the house and lives not far away.   One big goof; for some reason, silly unthinking me forgot to wear a mask.  I know, how in the world did I do that knowing she would be up in my face and she sees SO many clients during the week?  Do not know, but I did.  So now I will half way wait for some time to pass before I feel totally okay.  She and I are both fully vaccinated and dual boosted, so that is good to know.  Sheesh;  such a dilly to have to think about.

    Still waiting for the Moderna bivalent booster to come in.   Did not get to call pharmacies yesterday, will do so today.  If it is not going to come in within the next week or so, will get the Pfizer.

    Had Orange Chicken for dinner last night. CostCo purchase and it was very high quality white meat of chicken and very flavorful.   Got some Clementines but they were not exactly ripe enough, and were very teensy.  Another month and they will be much better coming into the stores since their peak months begin in October.  

    Judith, if you ask, Ed has a link as to how to make links small so they fit on the page and do not hyperexend it way beyond the margins.  I think it is tinyurl, but his direct link takes one to where it is.  If you ask, he will provide it again; he is so helpful.  Don't know why the dratted things do not automatically wrap around.   I am no way technically oriented, so I have no idea.

    Lorita, can your device be fixed?  Sure hope so. We sure miss your long Posts, they are always very much enjoyed.

    Mr. Ron has a birthday on Saturday!  Whoopee!   We are all flying in and will bring the cake, ice cream, candles and champagne . . . and of course our dear selves to sing, Happy Birthday!   Here come your Front Porch sisters - better be ready.   Hope you have a good day planned for yourself and that you know who behaves herself.

     On that ridiculous note, off I go.  Take care,



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    I hope they can be .  Will find out. Allergies bad today.  Already hot.   100 yesterday and will be today.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Salaries will fluctuate area to area and what the going rate is now will not be in the future. change about pinpointing salaries. I pay more than the agency pays their workers and she is here 40 hours a week, takes time off whenever she needs it and would come whenever I needed her outside of her regular work week.

    No way I could remember how to hyperlink so I will just not post long ones if they are a problem.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, thought your GS is living with you.

    Took Zyrtec and allergies are better but makes me sleepy and gives me a headache.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good afternoon

    78F,  feels much warmer to me, suppose to be 88 tomorrow, probably will be wimpy again tomorrow,  I’d be in real trouble out west with you all

    Wanted to work out a bit after work but have not found energy for that.  They were mowing my yard when I got home so guess that is a good excuse for being lazy.

    Allergies are bad here too.  Don’t like how allergy medicine makes me feel either.  If I do have to take it, do it at night. 

    Hiring someone to be with me would be wonderful if I need it at some point.  Not going to count on that, would be like finding a diamond in the rough here.  You never know what might be sent your way or work out though.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, you are so right and it would be almost impossible to find someone way out here. Karen always said we live in the boonies.

    Thus is the worst summer I can remember since1984 - just so hot and dry.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Neighbor called this morning and asked me why dont I take the whole  day for myself tommorow, she didn't have anything else to do. Problem now is figuring out just what I could do since I'm use to only 2 hours away. At least just knowing I dont have a set time to return would be nice.

    JoC, when you lead the ladies of the front porch rockers in my birthday song I want it to be the sexy Marilyn Monroe singing to  President Kennedy style.

    Most tv shows I enjoy dont start till 7 and Lou has started her "I'm tired and when are we going to bed" lately. I have told her I will help her to bef anytime but I'm not ready and she refuses to go. She still keeps going own and own with the same thing and I can't watch anything.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Ron....take a nick walk somewhere pretty, go to a movie, go to the library, get a hair cut, buy a new shirt, go up and down all of the aisles at the grocery, take a look around Trader Joe's on Bull Street, go to a book store.

    All day may be long but 3 hours would be much better than 2.

    Lorita...take the Zyrtec around 9pm. It will help you sleep and no, Winda doe not live here. She has her own house and lot's of family who keep her busy. 

    Fixing sprinkler system, getting reay to over-seed. Surely cooler weather is near.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I watched highlights of the funeral on YouTube; the lowering of the casket into the vault and the fading piper were very moving to me.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Judith.  Which hours per day have you chosen Winda to work?   I too thought your grandson was living with you.  Is he still there and is he able to help?  Re-seeding; nothing like a brand new green when it is established; really adds much.  Nice that your weather is getting milder.

    We have enjoyed a few days in  the high 70's to the low 80's; but once again into the 90's by end of week and warning that we may experience three digit temps with our going into heat alerts once more - summer blowing its last blast at us I guess. 

     Ron; it would be lovely just to have peace and quiet and no demands for whatever hours you can get. If it were me, I would probably end up sitting in the mall people watching, or in the library in a comfy chair reading and listening to the silence.  Out to lunch with a friend or a group of friends for jawing and laughing ?  Going to see a movie?  Just wandering about a favorite store?  Picnicing in a nice park weather permitting?   I received your request for us to do a Marilyn Monroe birthday song; we are all in the wardrobe department and they are having fits trying to shoe horn us into Marilyn gowns, but no worries, we will have it together by Saturday, Mr. President.

    Does Lou have a recliner chair?  If so, will she recline in it watching TV early evening and fall asleep in it so you do not have the "going to bed" issue every night?   If you give in each time, she will have continuing reinforcement of her demands.  I also wonder; is there a med she takes with supper that may make her so tired early evening?   If so, perhaps taking it at a different time would be helpful.  OR . . . as she keeps going on and on and on and you are unable to watch any of your shows, perhaps one of her meds that makes her sleepy enough to actually go to bed without you?   If you keep the lights bright in the evening but close the drapes so she would not see t he dark, would she be calmer?  Seems like a kind of sundowning in a different sort of way.   Have to say, Ron; Lou is indeed fortunate as you cater to her wishes and whims an awful lot; often at your own discomfort.   Seems she knows how to push buttons and you are so kind.   

    Lorita, since the Zyrtec causes some unwanted effects, would your doctor be able to advise or to prescribe something else?   You are very stalwart and accepting, but it has to be a tribulation.  Can't use cortisone cream too long as it does have side effects and can even thin the skin.  There are some other good OTC allergy meds besides Zyrtec.  You can use Google and find out the least sedating of them.  Zyrtec is supposed to be one of them, but your body seems not accepting of it very well and perhaps you may tolerate something else better.  If it is only your hands that are affected and only when outside, would soft cloth gloves be helpful?  If it is inside, then terminal cleaning with Hepa filters of floors and then filtered vacuuming of furniture fabric and even may need someone to do terminal cleaning of the fabrics.  Perhaps a HEPA air filter?  AND getting a professional bath by a groomer for all house animals. Otherwise, it will be living with it and that would really be tough.  So hope you find good relief very soon.  Do watch out for your blood pressure with using the meds and creams.   As if we don't have enough to do and be concerned about.

    Lovely slow day today.  Got a few things done and then enjoyed a bit of time with a book and forgot to eat lunch.   Had left overs from last night for supper, so that was easy and made a slow food prep day.  Yikes!   Just saw it is 11:15 pm our time, need to get myself going.  Shame on me for using the computer after early pm, it keeps my brain too active to want to go to sleep.    See you all again soon,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Oh, GS means grandson. No, he lives in the flip house...just uses Dick's office here.

    Winda is here 8a-4p M-F. Estaban is here for the yard F and Ermi is here Sat to clean. I also have a caring neighborhood...we watch for activity as well as unwanted activity. We report when we will not be in town and if two are talking out side several more rush over.

    An old friend who moved to Marietta Ohio is driving thru so I will sign off and post mor later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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