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Just need to talk to my friends (179)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    59F, 15C.

    Beth thank you again.  I asked for help and you gave me an alternative to look into.  For that I am ever so grateful.  If I had not asked you would never have mentioned it.  I’m glad I can come here and ask for others thoughts.  That is how I learn.  Like it when it is someone I’m acquainted with who is talking to me from experience.  Glad to hear you didn’t have problems with it.  

    Joydean have read that if you mixed coneflowers of different colors that the colors would mix.  Sounds like that happened with you.  

    Glad all your cattle doing ok Lorita.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sayra, the issue of calcium replacement is one I too have struggled with.  I have done some reading with credible sites and still remain unsure due to the issues still surrounding the entire dynamic.  It is notable that the dietary intake of calcium does not cause the same issues as does the pill form of replacement.  It was also interesting to read how much is actually absorbed from tablets and how much is not.  Some individuals have GI effects, but that does not mean everyone does.  Kidney stones are no/yes/no/yes depending.  I am now looking at going back to actually drinking a lactaid non-fat milk intake of a couple glasses a day even though I loathe milk by itself.  (Non-fat milk contains higher calcium.)  Gulp and done. (Or perhaps chocolate milk? Have to check that out - grin.)  I have a container of yogurt per day and also eat broccoli and actually like spinach; so that will probably be what I will do; it gets me to 1200 mgs per day.

    Another concern for me is that taking calcium can interfere with some prescription meds. The ones I can recall are antibiotics, thyroid meds, BP meds, some heart meds, calcium channel blockers and others I cannot recall.   If one is very slim, the risk for osteoporosis and fractures is higher; it does not appear that I have that risk.  Ahem.

    I do know I am not willing to take Fosomax.  Erosion of jaw bone is a significant concern as are bone factures; especially of the femur.  It is documented that these are "rare," however; the numbers are larger than one would expect. I do know that both my Internist and Dentist had concerns re Fosomax.  When I had to have a cracked molar extracted, the first question I was asked by the oral surgeon was if I had ever taken Fosomax.  Yet, osteoporosis is a very real concern and no one wants fractures secondary to that.  Here are a few links I have read that lends a bit of light. 



    A bit more complex, but still has some information that still stands:


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Mr. Ron, tomorrow is the day you get your test results, we will be waiting to hear how you fared.   Need to get you better nights of sleep or at least a nap during the day.  Getting more "mature" is not always fun.  Remember when being a kid we would think we could not wait until being a grownup so we could stay up all night if we wanted to? Then we grew up . . . . now we want to be able to sleep a decent amount of hours.  I have pretty much always been a four hour a night sleeper due to having four children and having to get up early to get all and done before I went to work at the hospital; never phased me.  Unfortunately that four hours a night has stayed with me.   As my husband jokes, "Youth really IS wasted on the young." 

    Woke up early this a.m., wanted to read something and looked for my reading glasses; could not find them . . . . but aha!  There they were, sitting on my face - I fell asleep while reading and evidently turned off the light, but forgot the glasses.  Oh geeze; if someone finds any of the marbles I may have lost, please send them to me COD.  I will extend a reward; they must be rolling down the road somewhere.  It reminds me of one day DH and I were out in the car driving.   He was spitting mad; he had looked for his sunglasses everywhere in the car including under the seats and couldn't find them.  I wasn't paying attention at the moment as I was looking at a map.   He was really unhappy and language began to deteriorate.  I looked up and started to laugh.  There they were, sitting on top of his head.  Fortunately he too saw the humor and we laughed as we rolled along.

    Weather nice today; a bit less humidity and only 82.  Wonderful.   We are supposed to go up again in temp next week, but it looks as if we are getting close to more tolerable weather without those three digit scorchers.  Appreciated.

     Going for the bivalent COVID booster first of October; will wait two weeks and get a flu shot.  This will carry us to the spring time when the flu season is coming to an end.  Still having increase in diagnosed COVID out here.  How much really is present is not known as testing is not being done much at all.

    A dear friend went for knee replacement yesterday.  She had passed out in a store and her full shopping cart went down on top of her, smashing her knee which was already arthritic.  For months she has endured much pain and mobility issues.   I do worry about this surgery as she has had many DVTs as well as multiple pulmonary emboli.  She has a genetic condition that causes those dynamics.  So hope she does well.  They are paying close attention to her and are keeping her overnight for observation.  Most knee patients go home the same day of surgery.    Will have to be cautious for some time, but she does know what to look for, she is also an RN.

    All the greenery is lovely outside; nothing seems to be out of order.   All the flowering blooms have gone, but still have butterflies flitting about.  No hummingbirds.  I am still stunned by the fact our friend here has 50 hummingbird feeders!  Fifty!   That must be a huge job keeping them all filled.   We had two, but finally took them down.   We fought ants and other unwanteds, but more than anything else, the little birds got into terrible fights; really nasty.  Even if one bird only was on one feeder, if a second bird went across the yard to the second feeder, the first bird would attack and it was really a hard attack.  They would fight.  Soon others got into it, so we simply decided we were done; they would have to buzz about in garden flowers here, there and around the block and further and hopefully not hurt one another.   Such sweet and lovely little birds to watch; but boy, the tempers!

    Well; had my appointment for Monday afternoon for a haircut.  Stylist I had been seeing in the past said she would come to the house; that was SO appreciated for multiple reasons.   Costly, but worth it.   Monday, 1:00 appt., I was ready, had everything set up for her, hair soaking wet as she wanted, and sat in the chair and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited . . . and no show.  What in the world; not even a phone call.   My knees were screaming blue murder as they had sat gatched down in the chair for two hours.  Yes; like a fool, I waited until 3:00 for her to arrive, could not reach her.  She was always dependable and has a stellar reputation in the salons.   Disappointed and wondering what in the world.   Learned that a wet head for two hours is not comfortable, and that time moves slowly, and that not all persons are dependable.

    She contacted me by text the following morning explaining that her grandchild had an emergency and that she had to go to the hospital.  Don't know.  Won't ask. She wanted to come and cut at 3:00 yesterday after her salon day, but we had another matter to attend to.  Will have to make an appt. for next week or so.  My right knee is still feeling the results of my being an idiot and sitting with knees gatched down in one position for that long.  It is going to take awhile and a bit of babying before it settles down.   Ah well, if that is the worst that ever happens, then we are ahead of the game.

    Feeling it is going to be a good day today; just feels like it.  Smiles already to go and think it is time to send out some greeting cards to people.   I really enjoy sending nice cards and funny cards; always have.  Getting real mail in the mail box is always a positive; it is for me, like getting a treat as it happens so seldom.    I keep a plastic file box filled with cards in folders by topic, and no topic.  It lets me not run out of cards which I buy in advance.  Stamps at the ready . . . so off I go into card land so we can get them mailed early.   My brothers birthday is next week, so want to get that card out today.

    See you again soon,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Calcium Carbonate 650mg twice a day is what I have to take since my prostate cancer diagnosis. I was worried about kidney stones since I do have a history, but so far only one small one I was able to pass on my own.

    Sister is having her surgery the 22nd and is staying with her son and his wife. She's been a big help to me, now hopefully she will get the help she needs.

    Jo., I also can blame my sleeping habits on my younger days. Working two jobs most of my younger life as Lou took care of everything else, I averaged 3 to 5 hours sleep a day. That is why I dont sleep more now, my body is use to what my body has always had. 

    Four implants for my lower dentures is what I'll get next month. I went ahead and scheduled it as if nothing is wrong with the esophugus. Dentist said I would be sore for about a week but could still drive. I can always reschedule if the news from my biopsy is not good. Anything I do for myself I will always keep Lou's needs in mind.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I deleted the post about Algae cal that sounded like an advertisement. Anyone wanting further info about it, I'll say two things:

    they guarantee an increase in bone density, or will refund your money

    there is lots of information on their website which is algaecal.com

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Very interesting about the algae cal. Hate taking calcium because they are so big and hard to swallow. I had, probably still have, osteopenia.  Took calcium and it improved but stopped taking it, probably should take it agsin..
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Really like the new light.  So different because it seems to be a different color light but there's lots of it. It's LED so its  like the ones on highways.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Like LED lights, have them in my basement and what a difference.

    Thanks JoC.  You and Beth help me to feel ok with saying I’m not doing that, thank you.  Was unable to take calcium in past due to GI effects. My lactose intolerance has gotten worse with age.   Feel like there is hope with plant based Calcium and feel comfortable with it.  Was already going to ask my dentist when I go next week about his feelings regarding this.  Seems like yours is on our thought process.  What really makes me uncomfortable with Drugs in the category Fosamax is in, is their effects are accumulative and stick around for quite awhile after drug is stopped.  Not good, that is a question i always ask about side effects, are they reversible if drug stopped, very important to me. Guess Sara RT has taken care of one to many patients with pulmonary issues from a nonpulmonary drug.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    The National Osteoporosis Foundation has changed its name to Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation.  Here is their recommendation when buying ANY supplement and it is an excellent guideline.  I buy no supplement unless it has USP oversight and testing.  I do not take the website customer responses re effectiveness of a med.  So many claims are made which when I look, often have problem issues; FDA does no inspection or oversight of supplements, so reliability, purityand so much more is at risk.  It is a huge money making industry; sure wish the FDA would take this under their wing or a new department put into place to ensure safety.

     Here is what the National Osteoporosis Foundation has to say about choosing calcium supplements:

    Calcium Supplements

    The amount of calcium you need from a supplement depends on how much you get from food. Try to get the daily amount recommended from food and only supplement as needed to make up any shortfall. In general, you shouldn’t take supplements that you don’t need. If you get enough calcium from foods, don’t take a supplement. There is no added benefit to taking more calcium than you need. Doing so may even carry some risks.

    Calcium supplements are available without a prescription in a wide range of preparations (including chewable and liquid) and in different amounts. The best supplement is the one that meets your needs for convenience, cost, and availability. When choosing a supplement, keep the following in mind:

    • Choose brand-name supplements with proven reliability. Look for labels that state “purified” or have the USP (United States Pharmacopeia) symbol. The “USP Verified Mark” on the supplement label means that the USP has tested and found the calcium supplement to meet its standards for purity and quality.
    • Read the product label carefully to determine the amount of elemental calcium, which is the actual amount of calcium in the supplement, as well as how many doses or pills you have to take. When reading the label, pay close attention to the “amount per serving” and “serving size.”
    • Calcium is absorbed best when taken in amounts of 500 – 600 mg or less. This is the case for both foods and supplements. Try to get your calcium-rich foods and/or supplements in small amounts throughout the day, preferably with a meal. While it’s not recommended, taking your calcium all at once is better than not taking it at all.
    • Take (most) calcium supplements with food. Eating food produces stomach acid that helps your body absorb most calcium supplements. The one exception to the rule is calcium citrate, which can absorb well when taken with or without food.
    • When starting a new calcium supplement, start with a smaller amount to better tolerate it. When switching supplements, try starting with 200-300 mg every day for a week, and drink an extra 6-8 ounces of water with it. Then gradually add more calcium each week.
    • Side effects from calcium supplements, such as gas or constipation may occur. If increasing fluids in your diet does not solve the problem, try another type or brand of calcium. It may require trial and error to find the right supplement for you, but fortunately there are many choices.
    • Talk with your healthcare provider or pharmacist about possible interactions between prescription or over-the-counter medications and calcium supplements.
     When I looked at my food intake and compared it with a chart listing calcium contents of various foods per serving, I am getting more calcium than I had thought.  I will however, be conscious of elevating it a bit.

     Interesting topic for both men and women, but we females have a higher risk and seem to have a higher interest in this important topic.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Forgot to share that there is also the American Bone Health Assn.; I have contacted both Association entities.

    I really am conflicted about Posting the following information here, but then if I did not I would be conflicted.  This is what I found by speaking to the associations and there are some real concerns.   Both Assns. have Boards re clinical issues that consist of Board Certified Physicians, RNs, and other appropriate entities.

    What I found by looking and then by contacting, was that stronium is not what we expected.  Turns out that stronium atoms are heavier than calcium atoms and will make the bone density study appear to be increased in bone when it is not; it evidently gives false readings.  It appears that the stronium results in perhaps about 50% false reading increase in bone density using the Dexa method of measurement and it is not accurate.   Interesting in that stronium can stay in the body for 7 - 10 years and is likely to possibly affect future bone density tests.

     Evidently that substance can make bone density tests seem to be increased in bone, but is inaccurate.  That is concerning, especially with the supplements not being regulated, it creates problem issues.  (see recommendatons in last Post.)

     Some purveyors, (I do not know which ones) will state the relationship of their stronium to the Eurpean stronium, ramelate; but the two used in the U.S. are NOT related to that at all and such statements of them being similar, I was told, are false.   It turns out that the stronium ramelate form caused heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary emboli and other negative effects.  Europe banned using that form due to the problem issues. 

    As one specialist told me, "stronium is unlikely to have a net beneficial effect in osteoporosis, therefore its use is declining as a consequence;" I think this is also in their written information.  If a company compares their stronium to ramelate, I was told, "do not be misled."  The concern for inaccurate - false increases in the density studies are very disturbing; there is currently no way to measure how much of the Dexa study results are false due to the stronium effect; there is no way to separate it out as of this time in order to get a true picture of what the results of increased bone actually are.

    The more I find out, the more questions pop up.  SO . . . if one is taking stronium and the bone density test appears increased, that is going to leave questions. 

    Once again, one has to be extremely cautious of what one is taking when it comes to supplements.  Just when I think something comes along too good to be true, that may be an accurate statement.

     None of this is meant as a criticism of any information here; knowledge is power and knowledge leads us to more questions which leads us to the competent physicans and specialists who actually are well informed, educated and really know with accuracy and can give us insight as well as risk versus benefit information regarding any med.  Risk vs benefits being Fosamax and like meds.

     I am tired from over thinking and will use my last think to go and have a yogurt for late lunch - more calcium coming on board.

     I apologize if I have offended anyone or caused any other negatives. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Jo, that was interesting about the strontium. Thank you for your diligent research and for sharing it with us.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Scattered writing in that Post and in a hurry; so sorry that came to be, and of course each person will have their own thoughts based on what their search shows, and that is okay.  I did not want to hurt anyone or to have anyone think I was trying to upset the apple cart so to speak.

    I was actually researching for myself and up it all popped without intention to have that be what it was; I was certainly surprised.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, thanks for the info and references re: calcium supplementation, it's important and can be confusing.  I'm going to print it out and add to my nutrition folder.

    I had an appointment with the sleep specialist today.  For the first time in a long time, I feel a sense of encouragement.  Apparently, I've been doing something wrong all this time.  He told me not to go to bed until I feel sleepy.  On the other hand, I am supposed to get up at the same time each morning, whereas I got up whenever I woke up, which could be morning or afternoon!  I'll see how this goes.  I told him I have no life; I think he knows what he's talking about and can help me.


  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris I hope the sleep guidance helps! I never thought about the getting up at same time each day, I have trouble sleeping sometimes and get up way too early because I can’t go back to sleep. My Sleep pattern is all over the place. So thank you for that tip. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Hope the tips work for you, Iris. Sleep deprivation must be hard to deal with. Hope you can sleep tonight.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Where is everyone?  Must be a busy dsy.  Costo acting up so nothing going on here.  Hope all of you are well.,
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Just returned from Gastrologist for results of biopsies. NO CANCER! yeah

    The suspicious areas are more than likely caused by the recent medicine I started taking for my arthritis. Was recommended to either stop taking or reduce the dose. Not sure what I'll do since my hip pain hasn't been waking me up at night. Still have some pain but not severe like it was.

    I'm like Lorita, where is everybody, the front porch rockers are empty. 

    Hope all is well!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    The site had a glitch over night.  When I got on this a.m. could not do anything but read...no posts recorded for about 12 hrs.

    None of the help or contact buttons worked, so I ended up calling alz.org to ask for help with the site.  They were kind enough to pass the issue on.

    I am suspecting that many were on early and experienced probs so have not been back.

    Ron, so glad to know that your tests came out great!  Celebrate!

    Lorita, miss your long posts...hope you get your devices fixed soon.

    Iris, do you know of any food which makes your drowsy?   For me it is carbs...so I have a small snack at night to help get that sleepy feeling.

    Hope all the folks on the front porch are having a good day and will post soon. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porch Rockers.

    Ron,     That is real good news, No cancer.  Maybe try cutting the arthritis meds in 1/2 and see if you can still sleep then if not go back to the way you were. 

    Iris.       That would be nice if your sleep therapist can help you sleep better. I see nothing wrong if your sleep pattern is sleep during the day and awake at night. As long as your days are quiet enough for you to sleep. 

    I think the fries in Orgon are under control its either that are the winds have changed. I can see blue skies I have not seen blue skies in a week. The fire that was the closest to me was about 30 miles away. I have been inside most of the time, I have been taking Tylenol because of having a headache and my eyes burning. 

    Not much going on at my house today. Lorita I am watching Gunsmoke I get 4 of them a day during the week. I have seen them all, but I still like watching them. 

    \Good day to all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Ron I’m so happy for you.  Made my day.  

    Tried to post this morning but it wouldn’t let me.

    JoC interesting about Strontium.  So basically if I understood correctly their improved bone scans are possibly false positives.  Anyway I see one of the side effects of it is skin issues.  I surely don’t need anymore of those.  Fosamax is a definite no for me at this time.  Supplements and me don’t get along and hate all the unnatural stuff in the.  Guess I will just try increasing calcium in diet the best I can.  That’s the best I can do.

    Iris hope journalists are able to stick with your sleep plan and it works.

    Miss Judith are you back home?  Trip go ok?

    My wish is everyone gets a good nights sleep

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, it's great news that you're cancer-free!  Yay!

    Fires calming down, Zetta?  That's wonderful!  Fires are so unpredictable.

    Marie, I have noticed that cereals and pastries make me almost pass out--they are like a sleeping pill.  I have been trying to avoid them because I have a carb addiction and once I indulge in carbs and starches, I cannot stop!  Thus, I am thirty pounds heavier than I was last year this time, thanks to restaurant eating and desserts-eating, starting when my brother visited me last year.  I have no self control in regards to carbs.   Why, o why, can't I control my eating???


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Back again. It was wonderful. Only 15 people, in the groom's growing up house's backyard then on to the Hill for some good Italian food.

    I have a chance to go through my son's "new" (built in 1889) house. They seem to want and old house with architectural detail. Very steep stairs, akward living space etc... I will not ever be able to stay there, Not ground level and not a blade of grass. Not good with 2 elderly dogs. 

    Winda went with me to visit her cousin. We were great in our wheel chairs...lol.

    Came back to a Dr apt. Two places biopsied. One OK, the other not so great.

    Second Dr added a  med for the neuropathy. I actually think it has helped even after only 2 days.

    Iris...very interesting info re sleep. It sounds sensible...I am going to try it.

    Ron that is wonderful news. Champagne tonight on the porch.

    Zetta...very sorry about your good friend dying. A good friend leaves a big hole.

    Checked my calcium....the word elemental not to be found.

    Lorita...you simply must make getting your posts up to speed a priority!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, so, so happy for you!!!!

    Good to see all the posts. Judith, good you are back hone, safe and sound.

    Going to work on getting g laptop fixed tomorrow. Working on taxes today, Iris!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Nice morning but heat wave builds from here,- up to 100.  Let mom and baby out and they were so ready and happy to join the herd ..
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good morning.  I think I might have this Ipad at the right settings so the cursor isn't jumping around when I type.  

    Ron, good news with no cancer.  I hope you celebrated and slept well last night. I hope your sister does well with her surgery.  I will keep her in my prayers, along with you and all others needing prayers and healing.   

    Judith, your trip sounds like it was a lot of fun.  Weddings  are good times to gather family and catch up with them.

    We are getting a lot of rain this week.  The sun is shining now, so maybe we will have clear days for awhile.  The drought monitor is looking better than it has for the past few months.  I think we are supposed to have a few clear days next week and then scattered showers.  

    I've been going to granddaughter's softball games.  She is on the JV team.  Her favorite position is catcher, but plays all other positions.  I feel lucky to have them  they keep me busy.  

    My experience with Fosamax was not fun.  I had to take it for about six months until I got weaned off of high dose prednisone.  It made me feel shakey and strange on the days I had to take it,  It might have been a combination of the prednisone and Fosamax.  Glad thats over.

    Lorita. I hope you are feeling better today.  How is Sarah?  I hope you get your tablet working right.  I think I have mine about set up.  I just need to change a few settings and hope it all works.  

    I love to read here every day, but haven't been good at responding.  Ill just say hi to all and I want you to know I think of you every day.  Have a wonderful afternoon.  Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Welcome back, Judith!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    80F Sunny

    Lorita was hoping to see a nice long post from you.  

    Joan thanks for your input, appreciate it.

    Take care everyone

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

      Ron so glad your test showed no cancer!!  I remember reading you were in Viet Nam, my dh was in navy and run river boats. He has Alzheimer’s, but even though he doesn’t remember much about the 53 years we have been married, he can remember that part of his life like it was yesterday.  

    Lorita glad to hear the baby calf and mom are doing good.  Wishing everyone a very safe and blessed weekend. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron!  I am so very happy for you in hearing about the biopsy results. That is awesome and I can imagine it takes lot of stress off your shoulders.  Wonderful news.   As for the hip; I know I have mentioned it before, but it had such amazing results here I go again:   I had an onset of sore hip going into severe pain bad enough to flatten me.  My physician ordered a hip injection, but it was done specially in Interventional Radiology at the hospital under fluoroscopy.  It took no time at all, did not feel it and the results astounded me.  Right from the injection, I had no more pain at all.  None.  It has been about 18 months and so far so good.  Most people get a good year or two out of it and it can be done again several times.  I think it was well worth doing.  

    Sayra, I know what you mean about meds.  I am blessed in that the only routine thing I take is Vitamin D3 for very low level.  I will have it checked again next time I need labs as I have been on it a couple of years now.  Will want to see if labs are too high or too low.  I do not take Ibuprofen but rarely, and Tylenol only once in awhile if I need it for knees or whatever and then the least amount that will work for the least amount of time.  I get side effects to so many things.  Looks like my calcium will also come from dietary sources.  I will check my intake of foods for about a week and see what my calcium is and then adjust from there.  So wish meds did not come with side effects.

    Judith; the wedding sounds lovely.  Had to smile at you and Winda in your wheelchairs; who pushed you two about?  I know what you mean about the stairs and areas being inaccessible.   Our daughter bought herself a three story townhouse.  I could never, ever stay there.  I think I would be sleeping in the garage.  Interesting in that she once in awhile mentions lightly that she would never buy a three story again.  Could'a told her, but she would not have heard anyway.  Her heating and cooling bills are very high; she is in Houston.

    Glad you are getting your blue skies back again, Zetta.  All that smoke is so unhealthy.  Every year seems to be getting worse for such events; that is really sad.

    Boy; the news is full of Queen news.  Today, I learned that her little pocket books that all come from Launer of London and gasp . . . they cost anywhere between $2,000 and $3,000 each and she had over 200 of them through the years.  Yikes!  Evidently they were also used as signals depending on how she carried them or set them down and if she changed from one arm to another.   Her staff knew what to look for.  Oh the things we learn.

    Lorita, I sure miss your longer Posts.  Hopefully you will be able to get things fixed to get full use again.  How are the allergies doing, and so hope all the herd and babies are doing well.

    Iris; I cannot use the computer anywhere near bedtime. the blue light and thinking activates my brain.  What does make me sleepy is reading.  If I use the Kindle Paperwhite, it has almost nil blue light which does not bother.   I shut off all lights except the Kindle and start reading; it often works like a sleeping pill, soon I am feeling my eyes close and off I go.  I do not set an alarm to wake up; I have short sleep cycles, so I wake whenever which is always early.  Each person has their own cycles and issues.   I have found as we have gotten older, both my DH and I do not have the same ease of sleep patterns we had when young.  DH sits in an easy chair in the bedroom and watches TV until he feels sleepy, then he gets into bed, but the getting up and transferring wakes him up all over again.  Fuss and bother.

    Chicken and rice tonight.  Something simple and not too much.  Will have to get recipes for good beef vegetable soup from you all who make it.  I always made good beef stew, but beef soup not good at that.  

    Well, it is time to get myself going, please take good care and will see you all again tomorrow.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Glad everyone is ok.  Joan, enjoy the rain for me.  It is so dry here and will get worse next week with near 100 degrees.g

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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