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Just need to talk to my friends (181)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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Sara, hope you can find some good tree people to do your work. It is not inexpensive.  Many years ago we found a family who live near the Arkansas State line and have used them since. They have a chipper and are fast and good.  We had trees that had big limbs over the house so had them taken back.  I hate to cut trees  but was necessary.  The big elm is old and if it fell it would wipe out the kitchen.  Daddy chained two limbs together where it was coming apart when it was young  The chain has broken and grown into the tree.

Windy and warm here today.  Hate when it's so dry and windy.  Red flag warnings west of here but there no burn bans all over the State.

Sara, the first two new cars I bought were custom made -'colors I wanted.  The first wss a Mustang when they first came out and it cost $2100; second was a Cougar when they came out and it cost about $4000.  The prices now are ridiculous!  

Mike and Sidney came last evening before dark to give the girls some of the old hay.  They heard the truck and here they came.  I'm glad they have  it but hate that it isn't new hay but they'll eat what's good.  Sidney said she told Mike to go by where Midnight was so she could bring pictures to show me.  He is so cute and really growing.  Hasn't turned black yet.  She says he knows his name and cones running when she calls him.  He's eating feed but still gets his bottle.  They're putting another little one in with him.  This one  was a twin and mom didn't take him.  So, he'll have company. Midnight was in with bigger calves and she said they bullied him.  She is completely enamored with him.  So glad Mike gave him to her.  I remember the night I picked him up out of the mud.  He was so tiny that she carried him in her arms like a baby - all long legs.  

Took down the curtains and washed them.  Washed the windows and put up sheers and curtains.  Didn't put up curtains in dining rooms just the sheers but will today.  Next Sumner I think I'll just use the lace curtains.  Lets  lots of light in but it will let it be warmer which  isn't good.

America's Test Kitchen is making Bobka? So will stop and watch that.

Hooe you all are well.

Addendum:  Well. I won't be making the Bsbka. Looks way too complicated.  I would buy a loaf though.  

Allergies really bothering mg eyes and making my hands itchy this morning.  Better stay out of the wind, I guess.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Love America's test Kitchen and love Babka. It looks like a lot of steps but nothing critical. Interesting about the pan.

    Here is what I have 1 mile from me ( no Babka!) https://www.bigskybreadokc.com/dailybread

    Two tours=3 hours on marble floors. As Eliza Doolittle would say "it what done me in". I took 2 aspirin and slept 10 hours...straight.

    I have the itchies this morning too but will go over and help my daughter plant decorative cabbage etc. The incentive is vodka pasta leftover from last night. 

    Darling grandog Lilli will be put down Monday. In St Louis someone comes to the home. Can you imagine. Pet love comes with a very high price. I doubt that the remaining dog will accept another dog but maybe.

    I really miss having 1-2 dogs but am not going to do it!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, how fabulous to have that bakery so close.  Do you frequent it?  Did you ever make the challah?

    So sorry about Lilli having to go to sleep.  Is she really old or is she sick?  When Prince needed to go to sleep our vet  was going to do if here but said he had forgotten the medicine. He didn't I know.  He just happened to have a big carrier on his truck.  I'm so emotional when that has to happen, be it cats, dogs, calves, horses or cows.  It's really a hard thing to happen.

    Having and caring for pets is expensive.  When one of ours goes to the vet I have to pay but not when I go to the doctor.  I know I spend more for cat and dog food than I do for mine.

    I know you miss Luke and that was hard for you.  Pets are so much company- something else alive in the house. I think of getting another small dog but I won't do it either. Not that I wouldn't love it but just not at this age.  But, if another Great Pyrenees puppy became available, I might relent.

    That was a lot o f time to be on your feet, Judith.  Good that you were able to sleep and recover.

    Love those beautiful cabbages but not in this dry weather.  I'm worried about the magnolia.  It lost a lot of leaves in our horrible winter two years ago and now this drought. Leaves look dried.

    Cows are laying down in the sun south of the house. The wind is awful.  Got the curtains up and dried a load of clothes. . Also hung another picture in the bedroom.  I have a part of one wall to paint before I can hang the others but will wait until windows can be open.

    Found about 30 old National Geographic magazines I guess I can put in the trash Monday. Kept three that looked interesting. Also have a box of old records I should get rid of.   Carol has been giving away things in her house for three years and still isn't finished.  She has four kids to take them so that helps.

    Bought some cauliflower and broccoli so should steam some of that and carrots. Could put a couple of sacks in the freezer for later. Will also need to make more ranch dressing to go with it.

    Will be nice when we get a heavy frost maybe that will help allergies. Do you usually have allergies?

    Do wish the wind would stop blowing!  Have fun this afternoon, Judith.  Pasta sounds good.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Judith, I know what you mean about live for pets being expensive. I know littlebit at 17 years old probably doesnt have much longer with us and after him I do not want another dog. I so not believe it would be fair t6the new dog at my age a lot d even though he would get use to new owners, he would go through a lot just like us. I use to think when littlebit goes that it would be hard on Lou, but lately she doesnt have anything to do with him and doesn't remember anything about him. Of course, at times it's the same with me!

    Yes, I now know I wasn't feeling as well as I thought. Still didnt have my nightly ice cream but did think a salad would be ok Thursday night. Boy was I wrong! Played for it Friday and now back to feeling good again. Will be no hamburgers are fried fish after church tommorow. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon, Rockers.

    Lorita.  Iam just about ready to get my warm throw out its pretty cold at my house. We are even getting little snowflakes. I bet Midnight is so cute how long will she/he be on the bottle? Iam sure it warms your heart when you see him. I wish I had curtains throughout my house they would be much easier to keep clean then venetian (sp) blinds. Does anyone have a trick on keeping them clean? 

    Judith.  It was nice you were able to get a good sleep after that long tour. I bet your good giving the tours and it seems like it is something you enjoy doing. Enjoy your dinner with your family. That is a loving way to spend a Saturday. Vodka pasta sounds interesting. I am sorry to hear about Lilli. When I was doing a lot of pet sitting, I was with the family's when the vets came and put the dogs to sleep. It was a hard thing to witness but it was very peacefully and lovingly done. 

    Shirley.  Its good you did not have a lot of damage. Please be careful when helping Bill get around. When my DH was home it was hard for me to help him because he was a lot bigger than I was. 

    Ron.  I had to laugh when you talked about a front porch band. I think at times we could all be in the band, with all kinds of different sounding toots. I hope you and Lou enjoyed your country music yesterday. I love George Strait, so all's I had to do is tell Alexa, to play George Strait, and I can listen to him all day.  I hope you stomach has settled down. 

    We are getting small snowflakes now and the weatherman says we will get bigger ones tonight.  I have an appointment to get my covid booster on Tuesday and my flu shot the following week.

    Take Care, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, I thought you were getting your booster yesterday.  I probably will get  my flu shot next week.  Will be glad to get that done.

    Very warm here today and very windy.  Sounds like we're going to have a bad winter according to persimmon seeds.  Haven't seen a wooly worm and no corn around to check the shucks.

    I thought it was interesting about the kid's poems and sayings that they were different according to where we live.

    Ron, just had a thought.  Is your gallbladder okay? When I had GB problems back in the 90s, I would have the worst nausea, then throw up and it would be okay for a while.  I remember laying on the bed with two heating pads on my chest and stomach.  I thought I was doomed! Thought salad would be okay but,my goodness, it was not!

    Had steamed cauliflower,  broccoli and carrots with ranch dressing for lunch.  So very good.  Used to fix that a lot when Charles wss here.  Usually had mashed potatoes (instant) with it.  Fixed two more servings in the freezer for later.  I have a food saver and used the last of the roll of stuff to make new bags.  QVC no longer has them.  Maybe they will later.  I use it a lot.

    We usually kept giving bottle babies their bottle for three or four months or at least until they were eating all right.  I had three little girls on the bottle at one time.  I used bottle holders for them.  I  could manage two bottles but not three.  I gave them bottles until they got big enough to be too rough.  I would call them when I started to the barn and when they got bigger they would meet me at the lot gate.  Milk replacer was expensive back them so can't imagine how much it is now.  Feed is really high now.

    Watching OSU and Texas play football in Stillwater.  Texas is ahead.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi, last post of the day for me.  Mike and Sidney brought mineral tubs this evening.  He called and asked if I had seen a thin cow today.  I hadn't.  Last evening they saw one with a runny nose-pneumonia- and treated her so wanted to check.  They drove around snd found her.  She was down and couldn't get up.  Gave her a drink and said her nose wasn't as runny so pneumonia was better but she's weak.  I took up some good hay and water and she tried to get up.  Before I left she tried again.  She was alert and hope she'll be up tomorrow.  They're going to bring something to put over the hay spears and get her to the house so we can take care of her.  If she's up we can get her north of the house with out all of that.

    I think this is the one I saw a week or so ago.  Didn't see her head then so not sure.  He did say the others look okay.  She's dry so don t have to worry about  her calf.  

    The weatherman says there's a 90% chance of rain Mondsy.  At least it will settle the dust and if there's enough, maybe some water in ponds.  I'm afraid of a hard winter after a terrible summer.  Years ago our pond wss low and Charles was cutting ice and cut into a fish frozen in shallow water.  Probably  the same winter he got one finger frostbiten.  Gets hairy out here sometimes.

    Watching s new TV show-Home is where the Farm is- I think.  A mixture of several of the vet shows I like.  Pretty good.

    Okay, sleep well tonight.  Wind gusts up to 45 mph tomorrow.  Not good.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Marie, I'll check.  I have two rolls but they're not textured so don't work.  Checked again with QVC and they don't have them.  Hard to understand because they have food savers. Wal-Mart has them but not sure if they're textured.  May need to go into the store.

    Cloudy this morning.  Drove up to see the cow.  She's not up but has been trying.  Took some more water and gathered up a little hay she had scattered and a little loose hay and leaves in the Gator bed.  She's hungry but cows are scattered around so can't feed her now.  Not sure when Mike will come to bring her to the house and bring feed for her.  It's  heartbreaking to see the cows and calves looking for grass.  Even with rain we won't have grazing until spring.  When I went out cows and calves were in the lot drinking water.  Need to fill the other water tank.  They drink a lot.  Can't imagine how hard it must be for ranchers who have lots of cattle and dry ponds.  They have to haul water if they don't have access to rural water.  In a way it's worse than the dust bowl because of so many cattle.  Very discouraging even though it's  not my responsibility.  Mike will care for them and I will provide shelter and water.  We have water in the ponds but they're drinkng  city water which is clean.  The man I visited with a few days ago said the lake is really low.  

    Once, a few years ago, the water level dropped below the pumps in part of the lake. Also heard the Mississippi is lower than it has been in many, many years.

    The sun just came out - supposed to be about 90 today.

    Hope everyone is well today.  Iris, are you sleeping better?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, that is frightening.  People should,/must realize  that climate change is a reality.  If something isn't done, by all Countries, we will lose our planet and the ability of it to sustain life.

    Just makes me cry to realize how bad it really is.  It was dry probably ten or twelve years ago but not this bad.  At that time our big pond dried up to the point there were only three big puddles of water.  The rest was dry.  That when we started keeping rural  water out for the girls. If they had gone  to drink from the puddles they could have fallen through the top crust into mud and would have been stuck(like the calf and I were).  One of our neighbors also got stuck in his pond when he went in after a calf.  

    The wind is terrible and will be until 10 pm they say. If a fire got started the spread rate would be terrible.  If we get rain it will be wonderful but if will take several heavy rains until the drought is broken.  There won't be any grass until next spring even if we do get rain.

    Reminds me that years ago when we really needed rain, we got a shower and my nephew added water to the rain gauge to make us think we had gotten more rain.  He tried to help.

    Sorry to keep talking about the drought but it truly is a dire situation for farmers and ranchers.

    Day, Denim &Co. Is on, this time with Amy.  Not my favorite host.

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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    This wind is terrible, I was trying to get some things done outside and got tired of ending up on my buttie!  Right behind our propane tank there was a large tree which I enjoyed the shade, one minute I looked out then heard my dog barking and one of the larger limbs was laying on my fence! No my dog was not outside. So I was afraid the rest of the tree might break and fall on tank. Finally found a guy who would come look at it. He did a great job getting the other limbs down and big one out of the fence. When I went to pay him he wouldn’t take any money. I honestly think he noticed my dh was very confused and sometimes neighbors need a little help. Have no idea where he lives! It had been a really crappie day but that young man turned it to a good one.  I am so hoping we get the rain the weather man is saying. Like Lorita said everything is so dry and fires could be a disaster. Last night I took my dog outside and several miles from us some idiot was shooting off fireworks! I don’t think it was anyone that lives out here because either way from us people have cattle, no way would they use fireworks. 

    Some of you ladies have talked about your plants, most of mine had all died back. Then we had a few cool days and so many of my bulbs are now coming back up! The hibiscus are blooming and the dahlia’s are loaded with buds. Daffodils are up about 6 inches. This is definitely crazy weather. 

    Ron I hope your stomach is better! My dh has been having a lot of problems with his stomach the last 2 weeks. Called to get an appointment with his va doctor, first opening is December 2.  I hate when you can’t talk to nurse, just get operates who forward everything.  So I’m trying to watch what he eats, but he is progressing and want eat what’s good for him. 

    Hope everyone is having a very blessed day. Sorry I turned into chattie Kathy today! 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Joy, you never know what people will do.  Most people are very careful in weather like this but our vet says he sees burned places along the country roads where peoples have thrown out cigarette buts.  I agree that no one living in the country with land or cattle would but there are others just travelling  through who don't think.

    So nice of the msn who helped you with your trees.  You must have gotten a little rain for the bulbs to awaken and come up.  It's just dust here.  Cattle are getting dust pneumonia from trying to graze the short or nonexistent grass.  I'm  afraid I have lost the Southern Magnolia.  It's leaves are dry.  The only trees in this area that look pretty good are Hackberry.!  My favorite trees by the wsy.

    Glad you posted.  Good to see what's going on elsewhere.  I need to get a little more hay to the cow but others are pretty close to her.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Went out to the barn yo check if there were cows inside.  There are quite a few so can't get hay to the cow.  They're are five or six little babies playing in the front lot around the water tank..  The wind is blowing so hard it's smoothing the dust.  Any footprints disappear in a few minutes.  Wind is terrible but humidity is rising.  Is there hope for rain?
  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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    I bet just being able to watch those babies playing is a great pleasure for you. So much better than TV. I can sit for hours watching all the birds. We have a lot of the small blue birds this year, more than I’ve seen in years. All the other birds except the red wing black birds have left. I have seen a lot of geese lately, though they were all gone. Birds are great but no comparison to your babies. The last time we had rain was in August. I have been doing some watering because the house has done a lot of shifting. Some of my bulbs are in pots so I do water them because the heat drys the pots out and I didn’t want to loose them.the ranchers around here are having to pull out the old hay that’s been sitting in far back fields.  I saw where some people were selling Johnson grass bails for $100. A bail and ranchers are buying it when they can get it. I honestly didn’t know that was something they would pay that much for.   I guess in hard times you take what you can get. 

    We just have to keep praying for rain.   Still hard to realize some folks are getting snow when it 90 degrees here today.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Joy, it's been longer than that since we've had rsain. Mike is  feeding  our old hay, too.  Probably is at other places where they have it.  Girls are jumping on it, too.  Big bales around here are selling for up to $150 a bale but people are mostly keeping what they have.  Bad news if it's a bad winter.  Normally they'll eat  hay  then go off to graze.  Won't be anything to graze this winter.

    I've never seen a blue bird but bet they're pretty.  I don't see as many birds as I used to. No geese  so fsr.

    Weatherman is still predicting rain tomorrow- up to 2".  Hope he's right.  There has been a little lately but not here.

    I love to see the little calves playing. They stick together like little kids when their moms are busy.  

    If you look at the drought moniter almost all iof Okla. Is in severe to exceptional drought.  I can't remember it ever being this dry for so long.

    Praying for rain, too.  Better see if the girls are out of the barn so I can take some hay to the cow. I had a few small bales of hay in the crib so I can give her some of that.

    Take care.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Ron.   I hope you're feeling better today, and you and Lou are having a good Sunday. Did you feel well enough to go to church.

    Lorita.  I did go to the drug store Friday to get my flu shot and there was a 3 hour wait, there was no way I was going to wait for 3 hours. But I did schedule a time for me to get my covid booster on Tuesday and I will get my flu shot the next week when I go in for my doctor's appointment. Hopefully your arm is not too sore from your shot. I feel sorry for that poor baby hopefully by now she was able to get up and eat something. What happened to the mama? 

    Joy.   It does not sound like you being outside with trees falling is a safe place to be. You are very lucky to have a thoughtful guy around to help you with the trees.  And I am one of those people getting snow. Small flakes yesterday and some on the ground this morning. Our predicted weather this week is rain and snow. I am in Oregon, and we can get all 4 seasons in one day. I hope your DHs stomach is feeling better. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, it's a cow who is down.  She doesn't have a baby so she's what  we call ,"dry,". I just took some hay and water to her.  She looks okay but just too weak to get up.  She got pneumonia but Mike treated that Friday night.  She's thin.  Our Brangus cattle are bigger and they look good.  The part Angus ones from his Angus bulls are smaller and some are thin.

    The wind is so strong I can't keep my cap on.  Guess the winds are really sweeping down the Plains but this time from the south.  News just reported they have a big grass fire in. Rogers County, way north of us.  I check the air and horizon every time I go out.

    This is really weird - when I got some hay out of the crib I found one if those red fruits from Prickly Pears just inside the door. It wasn't dry either.  No idea how it got in there.

    I'm hungry so better fund something to eat.  Sleep well tonight.

  • toni2
    toni2 Member Posts: 31
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Good morning Loreta, I've been thinking about you. I am now completely settled in my daughter's home. They have fixed me a part of their home that is just for me. They take such good care of me. My home is now my youngest grandson's home. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding. It was windy but no rain so that was good. The colors of the trees made a beautiful background for the pictures. It was up on a hill, so the color was all around us. 

    We are now getting some cold weather, so the woodstove is running. My health isn't what it should be but that is okay. I can still crochet and knit. I love those things. 

    I think of everyone here so often but don't get on the computer much anymore. Take care.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Toni, so good to hear from you and how nice that you're settled in with your daughter. I'm sure she enjoys having you there as much as you enjoy it.  Thank you for thinking of me.  

    The wedding sounds beautiful and how nice that he and his new wife will enjoy being in your house.

    It's still very warm here but will turn cooler soon.  Finally, we're having some rain.  Light showers this morning but there is a promise of heavier rain this afternoon.  Just saw there's a severe thunderstorm warning for OKC.  Seems like the light rain has stirred up the pollen.  Itchy as all get out.  

    Took down the trash at barely daylight- glad that's done. The cow is still  down but has moved around a little.  Gave her some more water - still has hay from last night.  Mike has a cow  down at the clinic.  Said it's something with her back.  I feel so sorry for them when they can't get up.  Annie has gotten over the pneumonia but it weakened her.  Wish I had seen her earlier. Every time I look out I hope to see her up.

    Hope everyone is up and at 'em this morning.   I'm up but not so much at 'em.  Hated to get up this morning in the dark.  Time change in less than two weeks!

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Toni glad you are somewhere you have caring people around you.

    Lorita hope you get a nice rain.  Sky beautiful blue here today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita...have you gotten an air purifier?
    Allergy tips;
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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     I do have one thsat's on all the time.  I'm doing a lot of what the article suggested but can't stay inside all the time.  Do brush off my clothes before I come inside and am keeping the bath and bedroom doors closed.  

    With narrow angles taking an allergy pill is not recommended because of possible acute glaucoma.  Maybe as soon as we get a good freeze and frost or heavy rain it will be better.  I wear a mask and wrap  around glasses, long sleeves and pants when I'm outside.

    Thanks for the article.  Carol's allergy doesn't make her itch just watery eyes and congestion.

    Did you get much rain?  We've had sprinkles all morning  and it settled the dust.  The line of storms is west of us.  Carol got half an inch of rain this morning.

    Just put the Gator in the carport and gave Annie more water and hay.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Know several of you guys have mentioned dry eye issues.  I have it but not as bad as you guys I think.  Anyway my eye doctors very young looking son (lol) is now in the office too and that is who I had today.  He suggested a Bruder Warm Compress Mask.  Can’t find it at stores here but is on Amazon.  Has lots of good reviews.  Just read a few but one said it worked better than Restasis for them.  He did say to use just before going to bed as will make your eyes blurry for awhile.  I liked the young fellow.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch rockers.  A little sprinkle outside this morning,  barely enough to wet the ground.

    The past few days has been a little rough, but starting off this morning better. Saturday night I woke up choking and had to get out of bed for awhile. Was ok enough Sunday morning for Lou and I to make it to church. Sunday night coughed a lot in my sleep, seemed ok after I got up mo day morning. After being up awhile I started having chills; temperature was 101, oxygen level was 90 and heart rate 110. Layed back down and was still in bed at 9:30 when Lou started stirring around. Temperature had gone down to 99, heart rate 100 and oxygen level 92. Felt bad all day and kept a eye on vitals which would fluctuate when I had to do something.

    Called my pulmonologist and informed the nurse who told me if symptoms got bad again to let her know and that she was still waiting on request she sent the VA on my xrays. Doesnt make any since to me that when the VA sends you to outside providers in the community care program that they don't have immediate access to records.

    I contacted someone from church to see if I could get help on raising my headboard to help my choking and coughing problems when sleeping. Her and husband came over after he got off work. He fixed my bed and Lou had a nice visit with the wife as we worked on the bed. It is extremely hard for me to ask for help since all my life I've been able to do anything myself and could help others when needed. I guess its reached the point in my life my pride needs to be put aside and I'm just thankful that Lou and I now have a nice church family. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Ron hope raising head of bed helps and glad you have found some nice people.

    Know a lot of people read this thread and want to put something out there.  Have taken thyroid med for quite a few years. Have always known that you were to wait a hour before eating after taking with full glass water.  Had not remembered fine print that says wait 4 hours before taking an anti acid, iron, vitamins and supplements.  Since august have been eating a little more dairy.  Having dairy almost if not every morning since probably sometime early in August.  Well last week started having heart palpitations bad.  Of course think it is due to mom challenges.  Has been a stressful few months.  Sunday morning I woke up feeling overwhelmed and panicky at 2:30 in morning.  Felt a little dizzy and a little nauseous.  Called my sister to take me to ER.  My sister asked me about my thyroid med on the way there maybe because I told her I felt overwhelmed and like  I would just love to scream. Kept myself under control, they did an EKG  and every other beat was abnormal one.  Doctor oh boy he assumed I was someone who was too focused on how I was feeling and making it worse.  He didn’t tell me where the off button was lol.  He never mentioned EKG, I didn’t either he for use then would have known I was focused.  Well the nurse knew me.  After he left she questioned me about thyroid medicine and TSH levels.  That evening decided to declutter my iPad, here I found a clip I had saved on calcium supplements interfering with absorption of thyroid medicine.  So I googled can dairy product do this. Indeed research has shown they can, found the research paper.  So found on Mayo-clinic website you should not consume dairy 4 hours before or after taking thyroid medicine.  So I probably have a high TSH right now even though it was great in July.  Going to relate this to pharmacist , if it can be included on list to maybe help someone else not to have  to go thru this.  It is not good feeling.  Had quit drinking milk Couple of days before this happening jut because I did not feel good .  So the thudding is getting less strong so hopefully before too long I will feel normal again.  Know it takes a bit.  Thankful to God for helping me to find this out, my sister and my nurse for their thoughts.  The poor doctor never connected that my feelings were typical for something is messed up with her thyroid medicine.  First time I had ever been in n ER as patient.  Glad that nurse met me t the door.  Had n instructor who told u not what hospital you go to but who meets you at the door.  Have never forgotten that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Storms burned up  my router and just now got a new one.  The internet had several things go wrong in our little town.   I'll relate mire later.  Just glad to be back.  Felt isolated without power in part of the house and no internet.

    Ron, I bet raising the head of your bed will help.  Sure hope so.  I can't lie flat in bed - need  to have my head elevated.  Glad you've found a Church home and friends to help when you need it.  Hard to do it all alone. I use Simply Saline every night when I go to bed.  Seems to help with congestion.

    Did you order that thing to help with dry eyes?  I'll look it up.  Is it something you put in your eyes?  

    Sara, what a scary time you had.  Glad your sister could take you to the ER.  That information about waiting to consume dairy should have been on that sheet the pharmacy includes with medications.  

    Are you feeling all right now?  Very scary when you wake up and know something is wrong and you're by yourself.  That happened to me about a month ago. With my costochondritis I can't sleep on my sides, right side for sure.  I woke up lying on my right side with this awful chest and back pain.  Some things about costo mimic a heart attack but this was worse.  Didn't know what to do so stayed on my back very still and it finally got better.  Bad thing is that I love to sleep on my side.

    Where we live it takes an ambulance about 30 minutes to get here and the neatest ER or hospital is another 30-40 minutes away.  I can see why elders living alone need to live closer in.  I just want to go in my sleep, without pain or waking up.

    We had rain!!!!  We had 2.4".  The internet man said the main road is awful. Said it looked like lots of duellie trucks had been on the road.  Probably so - feeding.  I decided to keep the tow truck off our road today. So, car will go in tomorrow.  Toad said his daddy had 3.2" of rain. He lives about six miles east of us.

    The cow was laying flat this morning (not sure I told you about the cow).  I couldn't get her up so called Mike and he had Toad come by and we got her sitting up.  She's not eating so it doesn't look good.  Toad fed grain to all the girls this morning.  They remembered the sound of his truck and started bawling when he turned in our driveway over a quarter mile away.

    Sara, I am so sorry for what happened and do hope you are better.

    Ron, I hope you got to rest today.  So glad you've found new friends.

    Back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Toni, it is so very good to hear from you. Really delighted to hear that your lovely new home has worked well and you are happily content.  It must feel good in a way to have dear family living in your house; it will be well cared for and the good memories attached from years past are still there.  So glad all is going well and it is lovely that you dropped by for a visit; you have been missed.

    Sayra; I am truly deeply sorry for what happened at the ER; that must have felt far beyond dreadful.   And I am also sorry for the ER MD lapses and lack of support when so badly needed.  Shame on him.   I had a hospitalization almost two years ago now and received some really negative treatment which was uwarranted as I was being as kind and nice and quiet as could be; not ringing my bell to ask for anything and complied with all; I was really a very good patient.  It was curious and hurtful. In fact, I am thinking of getting my medical record copied and sent so I can review it as it was bad enough that I still cannot figure it out at all.  Being an RN; it was so over the top that it was quite notable.

    Did the ER doctor prescribe a calming med for you such as Ativan or similar med?  You needed to be helped badly; I can only imagine. It must have felt like an other worldly over the moon mega anxiety attack plus far more . . . . all due to the thyroid med; hope you never have to experience such a dynamic again.  Goodness; what an experience; especially for a person who has been a health care professional for so long.  Geeze.

    Here is hoping for a good and safe rain for Oklahoma; the poor cattle and those trying to care for them.  It has been a bad year in so many different ways, may the coming year bring better weather there for you.   We too need rain so bad as well as really needing big snow fall in the Sierras this winter; do not know if we will get it. Really bad news with the fire seasons which is now almost all year round. 

    Ron . . . if that tumbly doesn't stop tumbling; then it is time to go beyond the telephone call.  Am wondering why a stool specimen wasn't ordered.  The lab gives a "hat" to put inside the commode, and samples taken from that. The lab gives the little containers and the implement to gather the specimen and all the gathering stuff is simply thrown away.  At least they would know if there is an organism needing attention and even if you have been experiencing some C. difficile.   If the problem continues, you will need to go in to be actually seen and get an order for specimens OR they could order that by phone for you.  Gosh; how I wish you had someone there to help with Lou so you could get some down time for yourself. Stay off the ice cream and harsh foods; the gut needs rest when it is upset.  You can fine a LOT of information about diarrhea diet online.  It is pretty clear and good to update oneself and stick to it, slowly advancing as improvement is underway.

    Glad you got your headboard raised and so hope that helps.  Do feel a bit concerned about your other symptoms with temps and low O2 levels; considering that plus the gut issues, this may be  important and the pulmonologist nurse may have dropped the ball a bit if you shared all the symptoms including the GI ones.  Best to get some insight into what is going on so it can be addressed before it gets any worse.  You know me; nag, nag, nag. Be careful and be nice to yourself, Mr. Ron.

    We've been in the high 70's but it has fallen into the 40's at night; I woke up cold last night; that was weird after the summer heat hanging on.  Supposed to go back to the 80's this week, so who knows how this will play out.  No rain in sight. 

    Our son who had cardiac surgery a few years ago, who lives far out of area is going to have a birthday mid next month.  His favorite cake is German Chocolate; I am trying to find a bakery near him that has that cake, (a small one), and I will pay to have it delivered; but not a single bakery in his small town that does cakes.  Yikes!  Will have to look farther.  I want to surprise him; we do not usually do this; happy surprises are the best surprises. 

    Just got a coupon for $20 off an item from the Draper and Damon's Catalog; I do not usually buy from them, but there is the coupon. Think I will go ahead and buy a mock turtleneck top for the winter in a pretty color. I can wear it alone or under something else.  Will be very inexpensive with the coupon.  I have noticed that their catalog now has only VERY skinny models with legs like pipe cleaners and for some reason their mouths are mostly all hanging open supposedly in laughter; but it is not coming off well at all; kind of like inane gaping.  Someone is trying to do "cool" things with the models I guess.  Not the best models for a catalog that is more or less dedicated to mature women.  Also noted that they now have more designer type clothes, tops are too short in length and not nearly as appealing in choices as they used to be a few years back.  Lots of formal dressy wear; guess for the holidays but most everyone these days keep it more or less more casual. Oh well; $20 is $20 so that is nice.

    My dear neighbor had made a Happy Anniversary card for our anniversary this year.  Inside of it, she trimmed and softly glued a photo of my husband and I all dressed up; DH in his dark suit with a lapel flower, me in my white chiffon dress with the soft cerise colored chiffon cummberbund at the waist with dyed to match shoes;  my goodness; we were so young  in that photo; just turned 18, and so naive and sweet looking; we had eloped; little did we know . . . .   Anyway, I came across the card again this morning and it was such a delightful thing for her to have done. I shall keep it always. That dress was beautiful, never will have another like it and boy; we were so thin and not a care had risen up to bite us on the ankles as yet.  That would come later and is how we learned; experience sure is a good teacher as long as one doesn't stay the same but  moves to gain knowledge and make changes. Sure would like to have that body back though!  Should have enjoyed it more when I had it.  Ha!

    Going to go down to the ocean this week; it is so much nicer when the weather gets cold and there is almost no one there.  Really peaceful and so lovely; I really like the way it smells.  Salty, kelpy and water along with a lovely breeze.  Nice.  We will not be taking any away vacations this year again; it is not a good time.  As it is, those three week driving vacations are no longer happy thoughts; his back, hip, shoulder and knees and me with my baaaad knees; 12 hours in a car is now a painful experience; so glad we did a lot of traveling and will relegate ourselves to shorter jaunts.  Used to love to fly and did it alot, but it is no longer fun to fly; that too has gone the way of the cuckoo.  (Where DID the cuckoo go anyway?)   

    Not cooking much; all you bread bakers, I send my congrats on your ability and energy.  I have not done that in years it is so labor intensive; sometimes wish I had a bread machine.   Tomorrow night will have some nice thin schnitzel and some mashed potatoes; me with only a small amount; I am trying to do better and if I do better, my knees can be happier. Little applesauce and some veg and it will be really tasty.  Tonight; it will be salmon and some brown rice with veg.  Love that too.  Guess I have not met a food I have not liked except for scallops for which I have a deadly allergy.

    Saw an article regarding food borne listeria infection, (nasty disease and for some deadly), as related to lunch meats and deli meats.  Wow!   I did not realize about 90% of listeria infections comes from deli meat whether pre-packaged lunch meat, cold cuts or deli cut. In fact, the finer deli cut is more prone to that organism.  I also did not know that listeria will continue to grow on lunch meat and deli meat even when refrigerated; that is scary.  Per CDC:   Supposed to not eat lunch meat/deli meat, hot dogs, cold cuts, when older which is get this:  Age 50 and especially if over 65, or if one has an immune condition UNLESS they are heated to 165 degrees, "steaming hot"  first..  Also if one gets such meats best to have eaten it in three to five days max. Okay; I have learned something new again,  Sigh.

    I often smile and think how nice it would be to have a TV channel dedicated only to good news.  Probably be the shortest TV program, ever.  But it is such a relief to hear good things these days.  It is like, "The Waltons;" I was wondering why it was so appealing and then realized it is because it is so civil.  Civility counts for a lot and it is more and more a rare thing these days.

    Once again busy being happy and thankful for all the wonderful, wonderful memories throughout the years and with all of the Loved Ones.  Still some yet to be made and experienced, what a blessing to have had that in life.  I never forget to say, "thank you."    It is odd that even at my age, I still so often miss my grandmother; she was wonderful and the maker of many such sweet memories.  That is certainly counted amongst the blessings.

    Well; time to get some lunch; I think a bit of hummus with a some veg and an apple.  Sounds good it is also good that the hummus comes in two ounce little containers, otherwise I would keep on eating it.  Off I go.  May the rest of your day and your evening be pleasant and bring only pleasant feelings.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C. wrote:

    Saw an article regarding food borne listeria infection, (nasty disease and for some deadly), as related to lunch meats and deli meats.  Wow!   I did not realize about 90% of listeria infections comes from deli meat whether pre-packaged lunch meat, cold cuts or deli cut. In fact, the finer deli cut is more prone to that organism.  I also did not know that listeria will continue to grow on lunch meat and deli meat even when refrigerated; that is scary.  Per CDC:   Supposed to not eat lunch meat/deli meat, hot dogs, cold cuts, when older which is get this:  Age 50 and especially if over 65, or if one has an immune condition UNLESS they are heated to 165 degrees, "steaming hot"  first..  Also if one gets such meats best to have eaten it in three to five days max. Okay; I have learned something new again,  Sigh.

    I learned something new, too.  I rarely eat deli meat but once in a while I will go to Jersey Mike's to get a sandwich.  I like a hot dog once in a while, but shops seem to be reluctant to serve food "steaming hot", due to potential legal issues.  I don't eat hot dogs often enough to buy a whole package of eight.  I'm a native New Yorker, so a craving for hot dogs is in my blood.     Nevertheless, I will have to be careful, because listeria monocytogenes infection is serious and can be fatal.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    So glad you got rain Lorita.  Lorita have been on thyroid medicine a long time so not sure if on the medication sheet with drug or not.  Will look when I pick it up next.  Was not on the one I saw online.  Walnuts, soybeans and grapefruit was on their list.   Just don’t want anyone else to have to go through this is why I mentioned it.  It is an unsettling experience.  

    JoC no calming med offered.  Did not even really come to my mind. Just wanted to be sure not having a heart attack.  Wanted the problem fixed.  The pitiful doctor was clueless.  I just thanked him lol.  Know it takes a bit to get things settled down so trying to be patient.

    Lorita hope to order eye mask soon.  Have not yet though.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, read about eyegiene.  This may be similar but doesn't heat in microwave. You open the psckets, put them in a mask and heat lasts about ten minutes.

    Over 50 years ago I bought a mask for sinus problems that was filled with gel, I think.  It really helped but don't remember much about it. Used  to have sinus headaches every morning so would wet a washcloth in very warm water and hold it to my forehead until it cooled.  Took care of the headache.

    I connected my 8" tablet to the internet!!  Had the young man connect the 10" and new laptop.  He told me how to do it.  Couldn't find the charging cord for the old laptop so may try that tomorrow.

    The little cow is still sitting up but not eating.  Have gone out several times to check on her and visit a bit.  Feel sorry for her.  

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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