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Just need to talk to my friends (181)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Sayra, I know how you feel about sometimes feeling overwhelmed. I know at times I should have gone to ER or quick care but put it off. You know there is something wrong, but when they cant tell you the cause and just give you medicine you feel like it was a waste of time.

    Lorita, I know you've mentioned the gall bladder in some previous post, but I've had mine out for some time now. I remember being at the airport to pick up my DIL and granddaughter about 15 years ago when I had a gallbladder attack. Couldn't hardly stand it and was back and forth to the bathroom while waiting on their flight. Had it taken out the next day!

    JoC, the temperature is down but still wonder about my oxy level. I know with copd your oxygen level is lower than someone without copd, but it seems like mine is staying lower than it normally does. About the stool sample, they wanted one at the ER but I had ---- myself out before getting there. Didnt think about it at the time but if i would have eaten something it wouldn't have taken me long to give them some. The diarrhea is ok now but I'm still watching what i eat. The biggest problem I'm currently having is the constant pain to the inside of my right shoulder blade. I am concerned since that is the side the xray showed a persistent nodular and tree in bud opacities. Not sure what persistent nodular means, that is the first time I've seen a radiologist report with that terminology. 

    Church friends checked to see if i slept better after raising the headboard. Only time will tell if i have anymore episodes of choking. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Chilly morning with sunshine and calm winds.  It's 40 and will be near 70 later.

    The little cow, Annie, is still sitting up.  Haven't  been out to see if she's eating but I doubt it.  Toad checked her teeth and said she's about six years old.  Darn dust pneumonia.  I saw another one with a runny nose but he said she was okay.  You should have seen her buck and kick up her heels when he fed.

    The last two days someone besides me has been in the house; the lineman to check on electric and yesterday the internet guy to replace the router and connect the tablet and laotop.  And, I forgot to spray after they left.  I had on my mask but they didn't.  Hope it will be okay.  I seldom see a mask when I go to town.

    Guess I'll call AAA and have them take the car in to be fixed. The internet guy said the roads were bad yesterday so may wait until afternoon.

    Ron and Sara, hope both of you slept well and feel better this morning.  Sara, do you take the thyroid medicine every day?  So glad the nurse was kind and asked about the medicine.  So sorry your mother is giving you problems.

     Today is daddy's birthdsy.  He would have been 115.  He had to leave us 27 years ago and I still miss him everyday.  I was a daddy's girl.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I could not wait to share this!!!!!

    Solution: Purge your closet of items you no longer wear and donate them to a charitable organization. Need some help? Narrow down your wardrobe to three categories: clothes that fit you, clothes you love, and clothes that always bring you compliments, advises Peter Walsh, author of Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? Anything else can find a new home.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Judith, I need to do that in the worst way.  I still have clothes I wore when I was working.  I've been retired 27 years!  And, I still have Charles' clothes to donate.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good afternoon, Rockers.

    I woke up to about 3ins of snow this morning. Sure, was pretty, it's starting to melt now, with more on the way. My arm is a bit sore today I got my covid booster yesterday. Iam glad that's out of the way now just need my flu shot. 

    Looks like my trip to Maricopa, Arizona is back on. Not for as long as the first plans this will be for a 3 week stay with my daughter and her husband. It will be the last 3 weeks in November, so over thanksgiving. I will miss Molly and my kitties, but my son will be home with them. 

    Lorita.  Sorry the cow Annie, is still down I know how sad that must make you, knowing there is nothing you can do. I sure hope she is comfortable. When I went to the drug store yesterday to get my booster everyone had a mask on that made me feel good. They still have the sign up that mask are required; I really don't think they would ask someone to leave if not masked. 

    Toni.  It is nice you have family living in your house and very nice you are comfortable at your daughter house. It's nice when family helps family. We had a house that was in our family for 50 years and after my mother passed away no one of us could pay the Morgage and the loans she had against it. That is why my nephew is living with me. He is a joy to have around. I am glad I was able to help him. 

    Ron.  It is nice you have a church family. Hopefully you have a plan in place for Lou if you ever need to go to the hospital. You have way too much to worry about. Please reach out for the help when you need it, you deserve all the help you can get. So many of us wish we were closer to help you. Raising your head will probably help. I need 2 pillows when I lay down or I will also choke. 

    Sara.   I hope your feeling back to normal or as close as you can get to it. It is nice your sister lives close enough to be able to help you especially if you need to go to ER. Iam sure you're getting plenty of rest and taking care of yourself. You're in my prayers. I sure hope your mother is not putting too much stress on you. 

    Jo.  You're so sweet trying to figure out a way to get a German Chocolate cake to your son. Most grocery stores have a bakery in them. I bet if you called a big store, you would find one and even find one that will deliver it for you. I have found Safeway and Albertsons have real good cakes. Now I am hungry for a German Chocolat cake. I am going to town soon I bet I get me one.  (: 

    It was not good hearing about the deli meat I make sandwiches a lot at least my hot dogs are hot I never eat them cold. Guess I better cut back on the deli meat. Enjoy you time at the ocean I love the ocean as a kid I spent a lot of time on the California coast. A small town called Jenner by The Sea. My grandparents lived there. 

    Take care all, hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    GLad you got your booster and only s sore arm.  That's  all I had, too. Now, we both need the flu shot.  Nice they were wearing masks.  When I got mine at the health dept. the nurse was wearing one.

    Called AAA 3 1/2 hrs. ago to take my car in and still not here.  Really glad I haven't  been sitting on the side of the road waiting. 

    Zetta, I'm afraid the cow is not comfortable.  Toad put a bale of hay and two concrete blocks behind it, behind her to hold her up.  I've been out a few times and she's groaning.  No feed or water for almost two days.  It's time for her to go to sleep.  This always breaks my heart.  She's no longer mine but that doesn't lessen my caring about her.  I've raised her from a baby so it makes me so sad to lose her.

    Snow!  Surely don't need that..  After this horrific drought we don't need a bad winter but the persimmon seeds say we'll get it.  Will be so hard on livestock and ranchers.  Toad said they have six herds on city water already.  That's what ours are drinking.  We have pond water but they prefer clean water.

    Sara,  please let us know how you are today.  Do hope you are better. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita know it is hard to watch a cow suffer.  Do they ever put them to sleep?

    I’ve had the best day in a long time.  I’ve had palpitations today, but have had long stretches without any.  First time in long time.

    Zetta hope you have a nice trip.

    Do like a hot dog.  Don’t have very often.  Will try to remember to check temperature.  Do like a fried bologna sandwich with mustard.  Allow myself that treat once every winter.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest.

  • dw743
    dw743 Member Posts: 5
    Fourth Anniversary First Comment

    Lorita,  I am glad to see that you are still posting on the forum, during my two and a half years off. Since DW passed in April 2020, I dropped off the radar so to speak. Grieving takes its time, as most of us know.

    I too live on a farm with a small herd of black angus. Four months after DW left me, disaster struck again. This time a massive fast moving wildfire hit my home in Oregon. Had just a few minutes to grab the dog and go. Having 16 head of cattle in harms way and no way to move them in that short time, I just opened the gates to give them a chance to escape. The fire took everything in its path, house, barns, hay, equipment. 

    Two days later I made it back to see the if anything made it through. To my surprise and relief there was the cattle standing in the burnt pasture grazing around for anything that didn't burn. A quick count to see how many made it, I found I was off by one. A new calf was laying by its mother. Hard to believe that would happen during the fire. She was given the name of HOPE.

    Took a lot of things to come together, but a new barn and house are now complete. 

    I wanted to thank all of you on this forum, for helping me along on this alzheimer's journey. 

    Remember, that out of the ashes there is HOPE.  She is out there somewhere, and in my case I get to see her every day. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Glad today was better, Sara.  Tomorrow will be even betyer.

    The tow truck came and got the car.  He wss late because he had Bern moving a building on his truck.  Said it made him nervous. Moved it about 30 miles up and down hills.  He did say the foliage northeast of here is pretty.  Hard to believe.

    I checked Annie when I went out.  Her head was bent back to her side and I thought she was gone.  But she blinked and took a bteath.  I sat with her for a long time and talked to her about all the babies she had had and what a good mother she was.  She'll go to the rainbow bridge to see Jasper, her dad and Casper, her grandpa and all the others.  Sitting with and talking to her may sound silly but it makes me feel.better and I hope it gives her just a bit of comfort to know she isn't alone.

    Yes, Sara, they do let them go to sleep when there's no.hope.  Has happened a lot of times but I can't be there when he gives them the medicine.

    I'll go back in a few minutes.  Mike called and I told him how she was. and he said she just gave up.  At  least she was sitting up and didn't bloat.  He will take care of her.  That wss one of the hardest things I've had to do.  Charles always took care of it.  We have a place where we take them, away from the house and roads, in the West part of the farm.

    Thanks for listening to Annie's sad story.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.  That is a sad story about Annie, she knew you were there with her. You did the only thing you could do; you brought a little bit of comfort and a lot of love to her. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thank you, Zetta. I've done this many times.  

    She's gone.  Went back out and she was breathing deeply, making sounds.  Then emptied her bladder, moved her back leg and stopped breathing.  She's out of pain now.  I won't call Mike but will let him come.  May bring some good hay for the girls. 

    I think she knew I was with her.  Life is short and fragile.  We never know when it will end for animals or humans.  She's well now.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry to hear about Annie and that was so sweet that you talked to her. I'm sure it was a comfort to her listening to your voice. These harmone shots I'm having to take are working on me, my eyes are tearing up just picturing you and Annie.

    Well I've another decision to make! I'm suppose to go monday for the dental implants and have concerns about the procedure with my bronchitis flare up. I'm still coughing a little yellow phlegm and have constant pain to the right shoulder blade. I called dental for advice and they referred me to my primary care whom said they wouldn't advice it but needed my pulmonologist to make the call. I called pulmonary and they were out in clinic and would give them the message when they returned. I still dont feel well and even worse now after the run around and think I will just call dental tommorow and reschedule. 

    I cant ever convince Lou to let me know when she needs me even if I'm doing something at the time. I made the beds and was on the way to wash breakfast dishes when she said she had a accident. I stop, took her to the bathroom, took her pants and panties off and wash in the sink. I then had to clean her up and took pants and panties to the washroom where I could treat the stains. I'm not complaining about cleaning her up because I made the decision to keep her in panties since she was comfortable with them. I tried the adult diapers and pull ups but she complained so it is what it is. I do wish though she would tell me when she has the need even if I'm busy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thank you for posting, dw.  I'm so sorry for your loss but glad things are rebuilt.  So happy the cattle made it through and a new baby Hope! What an appropriate name.  I'm crying  now thinking about how amazed  and happy you were that the girls made it.  You will always treasure Hope.

    Maybe you will post .on our thread and be one of  the front porch rockers.

    We've had such a terrible drought  - there's no grass for the girls.  Many people have sold their cows.  Ponds have gone dry and people are hauling water to the cattle if they can't get city water to them.  We have water in our ponds but I still keep the water tanks filled.  Finally had 2.3" of rain.  Wonderful but just a drop in the bucket of what we need.  I dread winter.

    So good to hear from you.

    Ron, I think your decision to reschedule is the right one.  I've heard it takes a long time sitting in the chair.  With you not feeling well it would be very hard.

    I can empathize with you.  Charles did wear pull ups but they would probably be uncomfortable for women.   Do you put any kind of pads in the panties?  Might be worth a try.

    You've had a rough week reschedule and try to rest and revuperate.  Dental will always be available.

    I was glad to be with Annie .  I talk to them from the time they're born so I think she knew me.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    She knew.............
  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Hello everybody.    I am still around keeping busy.  I read all the posts but really have not much news to send you all.  Sara, I too take thyroid medicine.   My nurse practitioner told me when I get up during the night to go to the bathroom, to take my thyroid pill.  That way there are no other meds or food to mix with it.    Done this for years.  We finally got rain. Over 2 inches.  Sure was welcome.   

    Has anybody done anything with rose hips?   My rose bush is full of them and I have heard of making rose hip tea or jelly.  Hate for them to go to waste.   

    Joined the YWCA.   They have a program for “Silver Slippers” group.  Mature people can join this for free.  They give water aerobics, chair exercises, or you can just relax in the water.  I can’t swim and the water is only up to my chest.   I have been sluggish lately not wanting to do much although I do bowl on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Drs are so afraid of depression when your spouse is gone and you are alone.  Really, I enjoy being by myself.   I changed churches two months ago and meeting new people.   Have no desire to have another spouse.   No one can take Jim’s place. 

    Everybody take care and be safe. 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Oh Lorita, I have tears in my eyes about Annie.  God bless her.  I'm glad she's no longer suffering.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    I thought they were doing maintenance and we couldn't post.

    Judy, nice to see your post.  Glad you're doing okay and are out and around.  Had a friend who did water aerobics and swimming.    Helped keep her arthritis at bay.

    Day, I did a lot of crying today.  Always hate to.lose one of the girls.  Got back to the house and went out on the porch to see the other girls and saw one laying down up in the pasture so got in the Gator and went to check.  When I got close the cow got up and there was the cutest, tiny baby laying there.  He got up and I got him back.over to mom and started them toward the other girls.  Not safe for a cow and new baby to be far from others..  

    We have an old fence between the pasture where they were and the one with the others.  Many of the posts are down but there were three, stretched wires where the mom crossed over.  They were only about 8-10" high but baby couldn't get.over.  So, tried to lift him but couldn't so pushed and held the wires down so he could get over.  Then he and mom took off toward the others.  He is so tiny and cute sort of a fawn color..  Not nearly as tiny as Midnight but about two-thirds as big as most of them.  I'm used to Brangus babies and these are half Angus.  Finding a new baby has made the day better but still sad.

    Just wanted to let you all know we have a new baby boy.  

    Sleep well.  It's been a hard day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    43F, we still have not had a hard freeze.  Saw some beautiful geraniums blooming yesterday.

    Lorita maybe you will feel like sharing a picture of the new boy.  Hope they can get your car fixed up for you.

    dw thanks for sharing Hope.  Cattle are one of my favorite animals.  Would enjoy you sharing your stories on the porch if you feel like it.  

    Zetta guess you are telling us snow is coming. Have my snow blower ready.  So glad that things are working out for you and your nephew, that’s nice.

    Nice to see you again Judy.  Thank you for the thought and encouragement.  Had thought about that already, so will set the plan in action now.  Will slowly set the time back by 15 minutes every few days.  I rarely get up at night so will set my alarm.

    My Aunts husband died in his 30s.  She is 92 now and never remarried.  She told me the same thing.

    Judith that is a goal this winter to declutter.  Have my bedroom done. 

    Thankful for the rain each one of you have gotten.  Hope you will receive more for your pastures.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning!

    Sara, did the calcium in your milk, etc, cause your thyroid med to act too "strongly" and make you hyperthyroid? Like if you are on a statin and eat grapefruit, it potentiates the drug effect? Glad you found out what was going on. 

    Ron, regarding pets being expensive I watch a YouTube channel called Schnauzer Mom. The woman has 7 miniature schnauzers and their names all start with the letter M. They are adorable. She also has 2 cats; one was found as a kitten with its litter in a ditch and her mom rescued it (now 16 or 17 yrs old) and the other cat as a kitten was under her car in a parking lot at a business and she caught it and took it home. Her channel is heartwarming. She does of course spend a lot on her "boys." Some have had gallbladder surgery, etc. If I was a dog I'd want her for my "mom!" 

    Toni, great to hear from you. Sounds like you are enjoying a peaceful comfortable life. Glad you were able to move in with your daughter.

    Sara, that mask sound good for dry eyes, however, I get up a few times every night and wonder if I would need to refresh it. My dry eye is only at night. I think since I had the blepharoplasty my eyes don't fully shut at night and that is why they are dry. I use Systane Balance at night as needed and it works well. 

    Lorita, I am glad you got rain! We got an inch Monday; we are in severe drought in our area.  So sorry about the cow. Do you bury your cows? Place them in a far pasture without burying?

    Lorita and Judith, I am reading "Killers of the Flower Moon, The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI." It is about the killing of wealthy (oil) Osage Indians back about a hundred years ago. Persons investigating the murders also ended up being murdered themselves. Do you remember hearing about this? It happened around Pawhuska. This book has been made into a movie that will be coming out soon. What happened to them was a travesty and a tragedy. 

    part 1 of my post, will post before I lose it!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Part 2 of Beth's post...

    Jo, you mentioned needing some clothes. I don't know if this helps or not, but Amazon has a lot of pretty dresses at under $40. I have ordered 4, and kept all but one that didn't fit. My local weather ladies on tv always look nice and have told me they buy dresses on Amazon so I tried it and I liked it. I like wearing dresses to church and every dress I have now is sleeveless, so am looking for long sleeves or short sleeves...just SLEEVES! I found some I liked.

    Judith, I plan to be a clutter buster here pretty soon too! I will go through totes and drawers and cupboards, remove things and clean the shelving and....of course....bust the clutter. I am good at getting my clothes pared down. I look at them periodically and we have a big cardboard box that we put things in for donation. When we get enough, we take them to the thrift store. I pare down books too. Most I only want to read once. They go to the library, not the thrift store.

    Zetta, I am glad you get to go to AZ. It will be great fun for you. It will be nice to spend Thanksgiving with family. Sorry you have snow already! Boo! Not liking that thought at all. 

    dw, what a couple of years you have had. So sorry for all you've gone through. Glad your herd made it and your home is rebuilt. Still, I cannot imagine losing everything. Keep posting here. We are a friendly bunch.

    Judy, great to hear from you. That is a lovely photo of you and your husband.

    Day, hope your job is going well. Do you like your new job?

    We had a freeze and all but the mums and a few other things are done. Dug up my caladiums and elephant ear tubers. Cut back many things in the garden already. I will leave hydrangeas and coneflowers for "winter interest." Also, the birds eat the seeds from the coneflowers. The trees are colorful here, really beautiful.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Beth, how do you keep your caladiums overwinter? I've never done that but would like to.  All the trees except Hack berry s are almost defoliated at our house.  We had strong winds a few days ago so the ground is covered with leaves.

    Like like it's going to be a pretty day in the upper 60\s.  Tried to see the new baby in the garden but guess they're off in the pasture or laying down.

    Eyes are burning this morning- combination of dry eyes and allergens.  

    Called electric coop about the security light.  Was told I'm on the list for repair.  Amazing how dark it is without it.

    Anxious to hear about the car.  Will be embarrassing if he says it's out of gas.  Should not be.  Can't think of anywhere it could have had the gas siphoned out.

    Heard a wolf when I was outside a while ago.  Guess the poor things are hungry.  Haven't seen a rabbit in months.

    We take the cattle we have lost to the far west side of the south pasture. Did bury Buck,  the horse but really.no way to do that now.  So, and awful it sounds, they provide food for birds and colored or wolves.  I avoid that area unless I have to take someone down.

    Sara, sounds like you're getting better.. So glad.

    Enjoy the day.  I am so ready for the time change.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning Rockers.

    Still have snow on the ground from night before last. No new snow but more is on the way. Lorita is waiting for the time change to come I am waiting for spring. After I get home from Arizona, I plan on staying inside rest of the winter. I keep a bowl of water on the front porch for the birds and the last few mornings I have had to dump the ice out and give them fresh water. 

    Lorita, Congratulations on the new baby boy. Annie knew you were there your voice is probably the only voice she recognizes. Iam, hoping you have a better day today. I also like the time change, but I am also thankful that it gets dark at my house even before the time change it makes going to bed at 8pm easier if its dark outside. 

    Ron.  Have you tried getting the panties for Lou that look like pretty lady panties? I think Depends puts them out. I have used them a few times. They are not thick and bulky; they are very comfortable. 

    Sara.  I am glad you're feeling better. Your always so busy some rest will do you some good.  Before the doctor got my BP under control, I would wake up at night to go to the bathroom and feel really dizzy, I am glad that feeling has gone. I go on Monday for a follow up on the new meds she put me on. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta   

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Zetta, they make bowls for water you can plug in and they don't freeze. I use one and the outside cats like it as well as the birds.

    Lorita, this is my first year for caladiums. My intention is to place the bulbs in a paper bag, not touching each other. They should dry and be ready for planting next year.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    I think she knew it was me talking to her, Zetta.  I've talked to them since they were born.  I can walk among them or drive within inches of them and they never move.

    I've spent the last hour or more out in the pastures, really looking for the little baby.  Drove around and around, then sat and watched.  Finally I saw a cow walking up toward the MH.  I had been up there but drove up.  This made me feel bsd. There is no  grass but she had found some round, yellow seed pods from sticker weeds.  You all may not have them.  She was pulling them off the dead plants and eating them.  Just hurt me  to the bone.  The leaves have fallen off many of the trees but I pulled and  broke small branches off that had leaves that I could resvh.  She loved them.  Our black walnut tree has green leaves but not sure they're good for cows.  The ones I gave her were pecan leaves.  They've eaten all the leaves as high as they can reach.

    I knew her baby was up there but she wasn't going to get him up while I was there.  Kept looking and finally saw him where she had staked him out.  I didn't go close because I didn't want to scare him.  They can take off.  We had a little two day old calf years ago and when I closed a gate it scared him and he took off.  He ran half a mile through three barbed wire fences, across the road into a neighbor's pasture, down to the creek.  A neighbor was coming home and saw him cross the road so he and his son looked for him and found him stuck in some limbs.  So, after that we were very careful around babies until they got to know us.

    She'll feed him and bring him down.  Mike is going to give them hay this evening.  The mom is a heifer,- first baby.  Looks like she has some milk and hopefully will come down more.  I saw him latch on briefly yesterday but I will watch.

    Very windy today and cool.  Zetta, I like daylight in the mornings. This is the time of year that I would leave for work in the dark and come home just before dark, if I didn't stop for something.

    Beth, I'm going to try to save my bulbs, too.  Judith, are you going to try again this year?

    Need to find something for lunch/pupper.  Steamed. Egetables, I think.  What do you call a mid afternoon meal?  Mid morning is brunch but afternoon?

    Back later.  If you see weird words, the tablet changes them.  

    Didn't see the cow up in the pasture so went back up.  She hadn't gotten the baby up.  He was still in the same place.  Don't know why she left him and came down.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    The new mom brought her baby down but was headed for the west side of the farm, too far from the house with coyotes  around. Poor little thing had a hard time because the weeds are taller than he is.  Got them.in the gsrden, then into the area where I usually keep them a while. Got cockleburrs  on my socks, coat and even found  one in my ponytail.

    Mike and Sidney came and set out three big bales of hay.  He drove three miles round trip to some he has north of Darwin.  Then, the took care of Annie. Also gave the GPs their allergy medicine.  Stormy knows him but he has become very protective and barks and growls at him.  He says he will bite.  The lineman was going to come in the house this week and Stormy stopped him. Had to put him in another room.  

    Then, after all of thsat, they were off to an emergency.  Heard a lot of coyotes tonight.

    I'm tired so will probably sleep well.  Hope all of you do too.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Lorita hope you and all got a good nights rest.  Feel sorry for the cattle too.

    Beth milk causes thyroid medicine to not be absorbed.  So become hypothyroid.  I was in bigeminy rhythm on EKG.  That and dizziness were my dad’s main symptoms when he first developed hypothyroidism.  So seems this would make logical sense as to what happened.  Seems like each day is a little better.

    Zetta glad you are feeling better.  I do need to rest more Zetta I think.  Not as young as I use to be.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning, hope everyone is rocking in peace this morning. Had a call from pulmonary Dr. office this morning about my call several days ago with concerns about my upcoming oral surgery. Told them since they didnt call back I went ahead and canceled it. Since I had them on the phone I mentioned a care in the community coordinator called yesterday. I also had called them a couple of days ago informing them the pulmonary Dr. was waiting on my ER visit imaging before deciding treatment options. The coordinator said they would make sure they git them! I informed pulmonary office this was going on way to long and I need this shoulder blade pain resolved. If the dr does not feel it's related to nodular pressing on a nerve, I need to know where I can go to the VA with that information. I know I'm less patient with Lou when I'm hurting so this needs addressed. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Sara, you were up early.  Hope you went back to sleep after you posted.   You're still a youngster! But still need to take care.

    I slept later this morning.  Was anxious to see how the mom and baby made it last night.  She was standing by the propane tank and baby was laying behind it.  Later Stormy went out just across the fence and baby got up and had some breakfast.  Mike said he should be fine since he's nursing.  I will keep them.up a few days anyway.  When a weed is taller than you, you don't need to be among them until stronger.

    A lineman came and fixed the security light so it won't be so dark tonight.  Glad of that.  I asked him what could be wrong with another one of our lights - it's on all the time.  He said it probably needs a new photo eye.  Too high up for me to fix.

    Day, have you seen a buffalo check vest anytime on QVC?.  I would like to have one.  I think Isaac has one but it's price is out of sight for me.  Land's End is on now.  Never saw that before.

    Girls are happy this morning they have lots of good hay and I just filled their water tank.

    Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Where is everyone today?

    No rain yet, still about 65 miles south.  Air is dry here so it fizzles out.

    Found the food saver rolls on WM but somehow ordered 8" instead of 11 which is okay - just have to use longer ones.  They seal all right.

    Called to check on the car and was told there is major mouse or rat damage.  Guess that means they chewed the wiring.  He will work up an estimate and let me know. Guess since Tom and Jerry gone the rodents are having a field day.  This happened years ago with a 1949 Dodge Wayfarer. Had to have wiring redone which wasn't cheap.  I did tell him I found a snake skin in the glove compartment and trunk.  Hope it's not still in there.

    Quiet day here.  Stormy isn't too friendly today. Guess he thinks I tricked him.

    Enjoy the ev

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    I went to the gas station today and there was a shooting--I got out of there quickly!  No place is safe these days!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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