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Just need to talk to my friends (181)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    NINE degrees, Zetta?  That is so cold for early Niovember, and with snow.  How much snow do you have?  Bet you got out that electric throw this morning.

    Just came in from filling a water tank and walking among the girls to try to see the baby.  Never found her but saw mom and she didn't seem worried.  She has her somewhere so she can watch her.  It's pretty warm,in the 70s but the wind is cool.  

    I have one heating pad I need to wash but leaning on the other one.  My back hurts and stomach feels better.  Weird.

    I may take a nap this afternoon but want to watch for the baby.  Hope she didn't get separated from mom last night.  I worry too much, I know.  Good to see the girls.  Most were laying down including Samson.  I got to talk to and pet some of them.  Haven't been doing that much.  Glad I don't have the responsibility of feeding this winter.  Did call and left another message for the carpenter.  Wondering if Bryon could make those doors- I'll ask if I don't hear from Shsun.

    Gotta go,I think the load of laundry is ready for the dryer.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm all ready for Mr. Chucky!  I still have tons of toys (Keys only liked 2 out of the dozen or so toys he had) and the blankets and beds are washed, bowls are clean and ready.  I've got food and treats, he comes with a collar and I have my leashes, all I need to do is get his license and go get him.  I wish I could get him this weekend, but they're not open.  

    Hope everyone's doing well.  Zetta - it's too early for 9 degrees!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Oh my Zetta.  Hope it is a long while before I see 9 degrees.  Beautiful, warm sunny day here.

    Nice day at work.  

    Lorita hope things settle down for you soon.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Me, too, Sara.  I'm so tired of all the stress this year.  Now, another stressor- I think the new baby may be gone.  I've looked and looked for her and can't find her.  I located the mom and she doesn't seem concerned. But that may be because this was her first baby.  I haven't heard a cow bawl all day.  Maybe when they came through the gates they got separated and baby went the wrong way and mom didn't realize it because she wanted to go to the hay. 

     I closed the gates to make it easier for him to feed and since the baby is so small was afraid he might not see her snd run over her.  I have to learn to leave things alone.Years ago we had a heifer calve and she couldn't find her baby.    She walked and walked and bawled for her for days.  Charles was feeding one day and found the baby-:he had gotten wedged between two big bales of hay and couldn't get out.

    Not a good day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning, just touching base to let everyone know I'm still kicking. Have a little depression going on, but I'll get over it. Yesterday Lou slept like a baby, so this morning I thought I might try to lay back down. Didnt work, it's just not in the cards for me to get extra rest, she had me up 3 times since 3am. Forgot to mention that when I saw my primary care nurse after the ER visit I got my flu shot. Lou has a Dr. appointment in two weeks and will sneak hers in after blood pressure reading. 

    Lorita I hope your stomach is better. The brat diet helped mine, I even had a little of my blue bell ice cream two days ago and it didnt bother me.

    Suppose to be stormy late this evening and over night. I stopped worrying about the tornadoes and hail damage some time ago, what happens, happens!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Cloudy and 71 here this morning.  Ron, the cold front is in western Okla. now.  Bad weather will be here this afternoon around 3 or 4.  Looks like the best chance for hail and possible tornados is in SE Okla. - this will get you and Lou.  The front is moving fast so probably won't get too much rain.  Amazingly after the rain last week there is a little bit of green grass in the pasture. Needs to rain and stay warm the rest of the month.

    Stomach still not feeling good.  If it's not better by Monday will see my doctor. Today he's only in the office until noon.  Running a low grade temp. too.  You know this began after I had the rice and vegetables.  I don't often feel bad so not liking this.  Not eating much, MOM tastes good so that will be breakfast.  I've read symptoms of covid and it mentions stomachache.  Wonder if I should do a home test? I think about the lineman and internet man  being in the house last week.

    After looking for the baby so long I gave up.  Went out to fill water tank and saw her.  Mom had staked her out somewhere and she got up when she got hungry. She called her mom but her voice wasn't loud enough.  Hurried back to the house and got the PU to call the girls.  Long story short mom came up, baby ran to her and latched on.  So, mom knew where she was and wasn't worried - just me.  Everyone is off grazing now.

    Has a  call from the car salesman.  I imagine their sales are few and far between so he kind of latched on to a possible sale. Weatherman just said by 7 pm it will be 44 in OKC and about 70 here.  Need to take down the flag so it won't blow away.

    Ron, hope you can get some rest today. Glad you got your flu shot.  Will get mine next week. Don't want to get it while  not feeling good.  

    Joan, haven't heard from you lately.  Hope all is well. Heard Colorado is getting snow.

    Watch out for storms, Judith.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I’m sorry you’re still not feeling well Lorita.  I am glad the baby’s been located!

    I think we’re needing thread #182 soon!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Chucky is so cute!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Heavy storms moving from south.  Also from NE.  Almost constant thunder a while ago which upsets Sheena who is afraid of it.  Ron, tor con is about seven in your area so watch it.  Looks like all the girls are in the barn.  Hope baby is.  The 29 heifers are way down in the meadow, no barn for them.

    This is my parent's 93rd anniversary.  Mother was 15 when they got married.  I have a picture of them taken about that time.

    Judith, I was just looking at the picture of you and Dick.  Don't want to be nosy but how and when did you snd Dick meet?  Handsome man for sure.

    Carol called this morning and said her husband fell this morning but he was out playing golf when she called.  He's a city boy and he gets rid of wasps with a vacuum.  He was reaching for one on the ceiling and fell.over the coffee table.  He's my age so bet he will be sore tomorrow.

    Got the flag down, went to mailbox, put Gator and front of PU in carport.  All I can do so just hope we get a lot.of rain and no storms.

    I agree, Day, soon.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita...I thought he was spectacular walking across a parking lot on his way to a meeting that I was also attending. There was definately pixie dust. He had his jacket over his shoulder and loafers and good looking socks. There was just nothing but good to look at and he walked like a fighter pilot with a light but ever so confident joy in his step.

    It took some doing to get him to finally ask me out and from that date on we were a couple. Oh, how I miss him and oh, how lucky I am to have had such a beloved person in my life. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita wrote:


    I am glad Stormy  is so protective.  Mike says he will bite but he's very sweet with me.  

    Lorita, there is a guy called Dog Daddy who works with aggressive dogs.  In just a few minutes he can have a snarling Cujo mellowed into a family pet.  I saw his videos on YouTube and he also has a website.  I think he is fantastic!  He saves many dogs from being put down.

    I know Stormy isn't a snarly dog.  It's just exciting and inspiring to watch the Dog Daddy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, You'll never get  over missing him just as I'll never get over missing Charles.  Nice you got that first date that led to years together and happiness. Have you been able to move his flight jacket yet?  There are some things we just can't do yet, or ever?

    We've had rain but haven't been out to check the amount.  There are flood warnings around and snow in Guymon, in the panhandle!  But tomorrow, after upper 30s tonight, it will be in the 60s. Warm for several more days.  Did I mention there is some green grass around.  Wish it would stay warm until next month.

    Girls have been in the barn but some are  coming out for a little hay, then going back in.  I think they're keeping nursing babies in the barn.  It had stopped raining but it has begun again.  We need a lot!

    Looks like trouble with North Korea.  Charles always said if there was another big war North Korea would start it.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    No problem with the jacket...it is his ashes in his flight bag (Navy and Air America) that remain in our bedroom.

    I have training tomorrow, and interview at the museum Sunday and then another training Monday. 

    Tomorrow is Tex/Mex here with some nice cold beer!!!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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