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Just need to talk to my friends (181)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    My goodness, Iris, how scary that must have been for you.  You're so right, no place is absolutely safe anymore.  When you leave your home, you never know  what will happen or if you will get home safely.  You did the right thing by getting out of there.  Glad you're safe.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    34 F, say it will be sunny once fog burns off

    Iris that would be scary.  Thankful you got out of there safely.  

    You know I did not want to climb on a ladder outside any more.  So haven’t washed outside of windows in  long time.  Really disliked seeing them so dirty.  Don’t know why I hadn’t thought of long handled squeegee.  Well I finally did and bought one.  Did one window yesterday and worked great.  Hope to do rest today if I feel like it.  Was actually pretty easy.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    So glad you are safe, Iris!
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Iris, so very glad that you were able to safely escape that horrible situation.

    It used to be that you knew the "bad parts of town" where it was not safe to go.

    Today, there is no place where you can be certain of safety.

    Our world has changed so much in my lifetime, and not for the better.

    I remember as a child being able to go with friends around many neighborhoods to trick or treat...and getting homemade treats was the norm.  Today, parents must be so vigilant not only on where they go but about what treats they get to try to insure their safety.  

    Hope all are feeling better today than yesterday and that mother nature is treating you well.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita...my son's family got a brand new KIA Telluride this year. Many of the functions stopped working. The dealer said that rats had taken out the main circuit board. Of course, not covered by warranty. It was $10,000 to repair it. Fortunately insurance paid for it. My son got something from Amazon that a friend recommended to fend off the varmints. I don't know exactly which he chose, but if you search for "rat repellent for car engine" many choices come up. (I didn't leave a link here because when I've done that before the powers that be here have sent me an email that my link was too long.) I hope that this situation turns out well for you.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I am very sorry for the loss of your dear bovine friend; how hard that must be.  You were a comfort to her as she made her journey off the pasture and must have given her ease during that hard time.  You are a deeply kind person.  Big hug being sent to you.  Glad you got that light fixed; must make a big difference.  Also sorry about the wiring in the vehicle.  Groan . . . mice and rats . . . no goodniks, (except for Mickey and Minnie.) Sayra; my goodness, that experience with your thyroid med sent me looking as my DH has sixeen meds he must take; low dose synthroid being amongst them.  I had to refresh my memory and some of this I simply did not recall. The idea to take the med at night so you do not have to worry about dairy four hours before the med and not having such items for four hours after is a good idea you thought of. https://npthyroid.com/tipsresource/food-nutrients-that-may-interact-with-thyroid-medication/ My poor DH; he has so much going on and I can well imagine what his reaction to this will probably be when he reads that list.  Denial is NOT a river in Egypt.  Sigh. Glad the squeegee worked well on the outside of your windows, Sayra.  Wish they worked on ours, but our upstairs windows are so high up, no go as well as different roof lines.  However, the fellow who has been washing our windows for years is coming next Thursday morning. He also takes down the screens and washes them.  He brings his own ladder and supplies, is reasonable in price, good at what he does and is fast.  We really appreciate him.  In some areas he has to get on top of the roof and I am so relieved when he gets safely back down to the ground again. Iris; what area was the gas station in and was the shooting at the station or near it?  You and I are not that far from one another.  You are right; there is no safe place anymore.   Not anywhere and it can come out of nowhere at all with no way to foresee whether day or night.  I so recall being safe to go just about anywhere with little concern; just a bit of common sense. Yet, here we are - different times for sure. I am so glad you are safe, it must have been really nerve wracking. Even though we are not in a high crime area, we have a good alarm system that is LOUDs on all doors and all windows; the alarm also goes to a response company.  We put it on at night or if out and about and is also usually on in the daytime when we are inside.  We also have a RING doorbell which I really like having.  Anyone approaching our property sets off the chimes and can be seen on our cell phones.  Also have bright outside lights that come on with any activity on the property.  That is what comes from being married to a police detective who has seen so much in his career in all sorts of areas good or bad.  Good idea as we just never know.  The UPS and Amazon deliverers have been coming all hours even after eight at night; strange, but they are not staffed well and  those poor delivery folks work so hard under the worst circumstances and demands. They set off the RING, but that is just fine. We also always know when our mail is being delivered. My goodness, we are being teased again that we might; just might, get some rain next midweek. Would be lovely if we do, but we have been "fooled" the last few times.  We shall see and keep our fingers crossed. My friend who fractured her sternum after her knee replacement surgery is slowly improving just a tidge; but it will be much longer, it is still dreadfully painful and limiting her.  Knee went well, so that is good. I feel so bad for her.  Getting more "mature" is certainly not all fun and games that is for sure.   She can barely do a thing as when moving herself, especially her arms causes a great increase in pain and she is not used to being idle.  Hiccuping is number one worst for pain followed by sneezing and then coughing, she said; I can only imagine.  As I keep saying, where is that magic wand when I need it . . .  I wish. They think Mauna Loa volcano is about to erupt; yikes - some homes are in the lava path, so hope everyone will be alright. I remember when Mount St. Helen's erupted in Oregon.  What a nightmare that was on so many levels.  Even years later, when traveling that way, we could still see so much lava rock laying by the roadside or in nearby fields far away from the Mount itself.  We have gone over Mount St. Helen's several times when up that way in our travels.  Our son and DIL had to have mandatory volcano insurance on their home in Washington even though they lived quite a distance from the volcano; ash went many miles and miles. Got to use that $20 off coupon from Drapers before it goes past its use by date.  Will get some mock turtle neck tops for the winter in pretty colors and use them under other tops or sweaters.  Needed some new ones anyway.   Lorita I did see some Buffalo Check pattern tops on QVC; I think from Denim and Company.  I do not usually watch that station, but caught it as I was spanning by.  I do not think I would look good in Buffalo Check; too short, would look like a hulk I think.  One more big sigh. SIGH. Saw an interesting cane this morning; it is the, "Third Foot Cane," by Aligned as Designed; they also have it on Amazon.  It is unusual looking as it does not have a usual cane tip, but instead has kind of small "foot" instead. I stopped to look at it.  Wish they had more videos of older limited mobility persons using it.  A novel concept and if it works well may be helpful; but I am not so sure of it . . . . Zetta - snow!  Well; winter is getting ready and is sending out announcements  You will have a very nice and cozy Thanksgiving in Arizona.  If you could bottle up the sunshine and take it home . . . . Got the laundry folded and put away - hurray for me.  Yeah; sure.  Guess that puts me line for some lunch so I can get onto the next thing. Have a good rest of your Saturday; stay comfortable and safe, J.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi front porch rockers,Been a quiet, cloudy, cool and misty day.

    Did my usual things,- filling water tanks, etc.  Cooked my mirepoix and rice. Then put some brown beans in crockpot to cook. When they were almost done laid some halved potatoes on top to.cook.  I have half a skillet of cornbread in the freezer so I'm set for next week.  May made a peach cobbler tomirrow.

    Little Jasper is okay.  He has decided he likes yourself to lay in the middle of  the Johnson grass  and cacti patch.  

    Mom is not sure she likes that.  She got him out and he was having his supper when I went to the mailbox.  Today I receivd  the 11" food saver roll.  Why they didn't come together I don't know.

    Watched Oklahoma college football this afternoon.  OU beat Iowa and Kansas beat OSU.  Slept through some.of that one which was very onesided.

    Sara, nice you thought about the long handled squeezie.  Glad it worked.  I need to wash the bedroom windows,too.

    Thank you, Betty, I will look for that.  The car was sitting out in the open so can't imagine why they got in.  Guess they probably went with me for rides- snake too?  I told Colby about the snakeskin so they could watch for him.  Probably not in it though

    Enjoy the evening and sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thank you everyone, for the safe wishes.  Jo C, the shooting happened in broad daylight at a gas station not far from my home but far from your home.  Actually, the shooter had been accosted by the first guy, he might be able to make a claim of self-defense.  Pelosi's DH was attacked; we all need to take a chill pill!  

    Lorita, I'm sorry about the poor cow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    43 F. Beautiful day yesterday, got those windows done.

    Lorita brown beans sound good.  Might cook some soon. In fact already had them laid out.  Hope to make an apple cake today.  Started roast last night so smelling good this morning.  Think will probably get my new meat this week.

    Got new neighbors yesterday a couple of houses down.  Another house across from me for sale.  They have moved out but had a garage sale there the last two days.  Will miss Leta, she is the one that is kind to me. My neighborhood is normally very quiet.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, here is a quick and easy way to do dry beans. I, in fact, have 4 packages of these in my freezer. (I don't do the baking soda because when I tried it once the pot wanted to boil over!)

    Dry Beans Quick Prep Tips

    Soak any kind of dry beans overnight. Drain. Freeze beans in 2 to 4 cup portions.

    To prepare: Cook beans in boiling water for 20 minutes. They will soften very easily if they are frozen first.

    To help with unpleasant bean side effects, you can rinse the beans after soaking and add ½ teaspoon baking soda when cooking the dry beans.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Cloudy and cool this morning.  Day, Denim & Co. Was on for two hours from 6-8 here so just stayed in bed and watched it, anyway still pretty dark out..  Heard girls bawling and wondered if Toad was feeding.  When I got up didn't see cow 1.  Discovered they had gone way down in the NE pasture except for one baby who was left behind in the lot.  The new mom was walking the fence so  guess she wanted to go.  Went out and Little Jasper was laying in the middle of the cacti.  Got a sorting stick and got him out.  Mom came over and he latched on.

    Just heard the GPs bark, looked out and a lone coyote was crossing between the house and pond.  He was watching them and just kept running.

    Jo, I've seen all the buffalo checks on QVC except a vest.  I've had black and white, red and white and now have a blue and.black buffalo check tailgated jacket I wear in the winter.  They're really wzrm.Three because the zippers break and I can't fix them.

    Sara, do you cook your beans in a crock pot?  I do and when they're about 20-30 minutes fro bring done I lay potatoes and carrots on top.  Then,you have a whole meal.  I had used all MT carrots so just potatoes this time.  When I was growing up we cooked beans in a presto cooker.  Charles' grandma cooked vegetables with her beans so I started doing thst.  Really good.

    Just saw Ree Drummond making tomato soup.  Looked really good.  She used  a bed stewed tomatoes, tomato paste and tomato juice.  I have never made it but may.  I use V8 as a base for my vegetable soup so that might be good.

    Started to watch Sunday morning news shows but it was all in politics so turned to something else.  I'm so tired of politics so will be glad when hen the election is over.  Someone BB Rome into 

    Nancy Pelosi's house was broken into  and a guy assaulted her82 year old husband with a hammer.  She was in Washington.  You all are so right.  Can't  really feel safe anywhere.

    Sarah is not doing well.  She said she may ho to hospital today if she isn't better.  Todd is also sick so that makes it harder for them.

    The heifers are setting off the driveway alarm by getting across from it.  Stormy knows when it goes off someone is coming so he's always alert.

    Will stop and drink my hot tea  while it is.   Hope all if you are well.  Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night.  Be very careful today, and always.  Hope you feel better soon.

    Beth, just read your post.  I've never frozen them before cooking and never tried adding soda either.  Also never sosked them.overnight.  with the presto cookrr you brought it up to pressure, turned if off for an hour, then cookrd them.  When you soak them, do you leave them on the counter or in the refrigerator?I'll try freezing them next  time.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Lorita, I leave them on the counter when I soak them. I don't have a pressure cooker/instant pot.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita cook my beans on top of stove.  Did try cooking potato on top a couple of times.  Can’t remember if I put carrot in too or not.  I liked it.

    Beth have not heard of this.  Have soaked them overnight but haven’t put in freezer.

    Made my cake.  It was interesting.  Someone commented it had rough presentation but good flavor.  Others commented that they would have thrown batter out if it hadn’t been for all the good comments.  I understand now.  Had all of above feelings.  It is good but definitely looks rough.

    Street has returned to quiet.  Our whole city is getting water turned off in eight minutes.  Noticed water pressure a little low.  Guess there is a main line break.  Hope it isn’t off too long. Have quite a bit of water drawn up.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Goodness; I am beginning to crave beans.  Do you do any sort of saucing with them or leave as is?

    Saw a recipe from Food & Wine Magazine for cookies using a cake mix; wonder how they would be:

    - One any flavor cake mix; recommend chocolate

    - One third cup of oil

    - Two eggs

    -Mix well, will be stiff like playdough; chill for 20 minutes.  Then roll into small one inch balls and roll each in powdered sugar until coated all around. Then place on parchment paper on cookie sheet; bake at 350 for about eleven minutes. Cool on rack and then . . . .EAT!

    Heard on the news that Powerball is now up to One Billion Dollars (caps intended.)  Questions were asked of people being interviewed what they would do with the money if they won.  Variety of answers for sure.

    OKAY:   What would YOU folks do if you won such money??

    We did not buy a ticket, but I thought long and hard about what to do after I took care of family . . .

    Looks like the charities I would first help would be those dealing with the geriatric needful folks and abused and needy children for a start.

    Frankly, just one of the things:  it would be wonderful to build a really high quality care home for the aged who need facility based care; for both those with and without dementia with a great MC wing. It would be one story so one did not feel swallowed up by a building; it would have lovely gated outdoor areas, and be staffed by well educated and trained staff with big time oversight and care by Gerentologists and dementia field specialist staff; have exam rooms for physicians to use; and the latest in the geriatric field of care.  Not just private pay; it would accept Medicaid AND assistance for those who fall through the financial cracks financially so as not to make at home spouses bankrupt.  Rooms and setting sure would be conducive to such care and be really, really comfortable and nice and each room would have its own bathroom and shower.  Would be for those who are ambulatory and for those who are bed ridden.   Small Chapel to accommodate all faiths on grounds.  Really good activities and entertainments as well as really high quality good meals and snacks; well paid adequate staff of high quality who are well treated, and so much more .  Oh dream on . . .  but it is my imaginary billion dollars!  As if ever . . . .

    Well; would be nice to be able to do that.  Where do you guys see yourselves with that amount of money at your disposal?  My husband said he would find someone else to lose weight for him - had to laugh.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Jo, your idea of what to do with all that money sounds great.  That would be wonderful.  I used to think if I ever won any money I would like to put a pipe fence around the farm.  As it is, it's barbed wire.

    Just read my last post, parts about Pelosi didn't make sense.  Wonder why the tablet changes words.  I proofread and it still happens.

    I don't put anything on my beans except Pace picanti sauce or Louisiana hot sauce.  When I was little I mixed in mayonnaise.  Daddy was a good cook and he would sometimes put in tomatoes  and other things and make chili beans.  He usually cooked some kind of meat in them but knew I didn't like it so, sweet man he was, he would take out the ham or whatever before I saw it.

    Very quiet day here.  Been cloudy all day but no rain.

    Have seen Master nurse a couple of times.  He's walking around with his mom now.  I'll let them out in a couple of days.

    Ron, is everything okay with you and Lou?

    Have a good evening.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Checking in - pretty mild today and even now after the sun's gone down it's 55 degrees.  I'm doing some transcription right now and then going up to the store.

    Work is busy, everyone seems to be so disgruntled and I suspect I may have been disparaged all over Twitter at some point this past week, but that is one of the reasons I'm not on social media at all, because I don't want to see myself being trashed.  

    I finally caved in and got a lot of my channels back so I'm bingeing a show similar to Cops called On Patrol Live.  Still on QVC on my days off.

    Buffalo check - oh my when I worked at a store called Charming Charlie part-time one Black Friday we had a red Buffalo check gift package with a scarf, a duffel and something else I can't remember in it for a really great price.  We had people lined up outside to get that (and it was really cute).  I didn't get one because they sold out within the first hour of work.

    Let me get back to typing!
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning to all the front porch rockers. Dont eat all the Halloween candy as you rock away waiting on the spooks and goblins. Remember the days you could gi door to door without a worry in the world? 

    Lou and I went to church again yesterday and she really enjoyed it. Everyone is so friendly and the church members always makes a point to speak to Lou. The only problem is Lou gets tired before the sermon is over and Lou keeps telling me she's ready to go.

    I feel better but still have that sharp pain to the I side of my right shoulder blade. I'm tired of waiting on community care dr and will go VA this morning. Also, Saturday afternoon I started having a pain in my left calf muscle for no reason that wa t go away. I'm use to pulled muscles, but it's usually a reason and gets better. Dont remember if I mentioned this but I've also lost 8 or 9 pounds. I just dont have any appetite after my sick spell.

    Hope all is well this morning!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, hope you get some answers at the VA today.  I looked it up and Shreveport is a big MC and gas lots of inpatient beds.  When I went to work at our VA we had almost 400 beds, inpatient.  Now with outpatient care they're down to 90 beds.  Saw a picture of your VA and it is really pretty.

    Glad Lou is enjoying going to Church and meeting people.  It's good for both of you.  Maybe as she goes more times she'll feel like staying longer.

    Day, do you like the new hosts they have on QVC?  I tried to watch the second Denim &Co. Show yesterday and the host tired me out.  I like most of the ones who have been there a long time.  Carolyn is my favorite.

    Transcription!  I remember the days of that.  We started out with dictaphones - all kinds of medical dictation to transcribe.  I really enjoyed it after I got started..  Not sure what they use now.  I have arthritis in my hands and I'm sure part of it is from taking so much dictation and typing.

    Carol called early and we talked a long time so just now had breakfast.   Her husband plays golf in the mornings and after he's home a while he's ready to go again, mostly to restaurants.  She says she has almost forgotten how to cook.

    Need to decide which day I want to take in the PU and make an appt.  I want to be my flu shot the same day and get that done.

    Hope everyone is well today.  Saw little Jasper out with his mom st the hay trough this morning.  It's a beautiful, sunny day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Cloudy rainy day

    Ron hope you find out something today.

    Cleaned house, did load of wash and just took two loaves of pumpkin bread from oven.  Hope they are good.  

    Main waterline break yesterday so having to boil water today.  Not sure how long will have to do that.

    Beth do you let beans completely thaw before cooking them?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Today is Halloween, I don't wear a costume, I wear socks with pumpkins on them.  Now I just have to search for them, since I only wear them one day a year.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    With everything else let's add a blood clot in my leg to the list. I will now be on blood thinners and will have to be extra careful with my daily activities. The shoulder pain is arthritis and since my stomach want tolerate the prescribed medication I'll just have to stay with extra strength tylenol. The persistent lung nodular ER told me any cronic condition will have to be handled by my primary care  who I will see next Tuesday. Hopefully I'll hear from the care in the community pulmonary Dr. this week. If not, I'm asking my primary care to get me another lung Dr. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, hope you feel better and get answers. I'm sorry you have not been well.

    Sara, I don't thaw the beans before boiling. I do check them before stopping the boiling to make sure they are soft, and boil longer if needed. I often add ham chunks to the beans. Pumpkin bread sounds great! I need to make some; I have some canned pumpkin in the pantry. Mmmm!  I usually make muffins rather than loaves. 

    Iris, I don't dress up for Halloween. Our weather girl on tv had a real cute jack o lantern dress on today. I looked on Amazon and there are lots of Halloween dresses...so maybe next year I'll get one. We had 10 trick or treaters last night. I gave out juice boxes and rice krispie treats, so no leftover candy here.

    Day, I hear Twitter is changing a lot since the richest man in the world bought it. I haven't noticed much new in my feed, but then I don't follow much politically, mainly just sports. I am a St Louis Cardinals fan and also like the Packers and the Chiefs, and college FB and BB. For the World Series I'm cheering for the Astros since my kids live in Houston.  (I'm in Iowa.)

    Any Voice fans here? I like it. I don't have a favorite contestant yet - too early to choose but I enjoy watching/listening. 

    Nice day here today. I've been watering - draining my rain barrels - expecting another rain this weekend so that will give me another opportunity to water for free before winter. We have to put our rain barrels inside for the winter. We have 4, 55 gallons each.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron sorry so much is being thrown at you.

    Thanks Beth.  Have them soaking now.  Will put in freezer later on.  Often make muffins instead of loaves too.  Today I decided to do loaves.  Look pretty and came out of pans real nicely.

    Hope each one rests well tonight.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Halloween all you Rockers.

    It will be really quiet at my house tonight we do not get trick or treaters. No kids at all live on my street. In our little town they all go into the main part of town and the stores hand out candy. Iam looking forward to my short trip to Arizona, I leave here on the 9th and will be back on the 25th. I am going to try to take my computer with me if I do my daughter will show me how to send pictures to share with you. I still have not figured out how to do that.????? 

    Lorita.   Its good you got your security light fixed I am sure it gets pretty dark out there I know how dark it gets here, we have a few houses with lights but all you have is the starts. Iam glad Stormy is so protective of you I am sure it makes you feel safe. My Molly does a lot of barking but that's about all. I hope it does not cost you an arm and a leg to get your car fixed. It would be nice if a few more barn cats adopted you. 

    Ron.   It's cute that Lou likes going to church maybe take a box of animal crackers with you, it always worked for my little boys when they got restless. Sorry you're having so many health issues, please take advantage of any help you can get, I am a firm believer that rest is good for a lot of things. 

    Beth.   Thanks for the idea of plug in for my bird's water. I might check into that for the bird bath I have out back the one on my front porch is just a bowl from my kitchen. I like the way you do your beans I will try that then next time I do beans. I used to like The Voice but not as much anymore I get tired of all the talking they do. I just want to hear the singing. 

    Iris.  I bet that was scary being that close to gun shots, Iam so glad your safe. Good luck finding your pumpkin socks. They sound comfy. 

    Jo.  I remember when Mt. St. Helens blew. I was living in Bend Oregon, so I was only 300 miles from Mt St Helens we had ash all over the cars and streets. We were lookie loos so we drove as far as we could before they turned us around. We got about 50 miles from the mountain. Could not see a thing due to the ash falling all over the place. 

    Sara.   I am glad you're not getting up on ladders. You never know how safe you will be. I also have a real quiet neighborhood and I would hate for that to ever change.

    I just got a box delivered from Chewy so I better go before my cat Sammy gets it open. How smart they are both of my cats are checking the box out right now.

    Take care all and don't let the Goblins get you tonight. Hugs Zetta  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, glad you caught the clot early.  They can be dangerous.  Charles' dad had one and wouldn't go to the doctor. He limped around with his leg in a chair.  He didn't make it.  Charles always worried about that.  Hope you feel better.

    Beth, have you tried the muffins I'm almost addicted to?  You use a spice cake mix, a can of pureed pumpkin and one egg if you want to.  I always put in some chocolate chips.  Mix and put in muffin papers and pan.  You'll think it will never mix together but all at once it does!  I've used carrot cake mixes and it's good.  And, I have made my own spice cake mix by adding spices.  I had three small bananas that were really ripe so just made half a recipe of banana bread.  I have a couple of silicone, mini loaf pans so it only made four but big enough for two servings.  Again, added chocolate chips and sprinkled the top with sugar.  Day, I got the pans from QVC and love them.

    Beth, hope you get some good rain.  It's predicted for here Saturday but with storms.

    Called the health dept. and they're giving senior flu shots Wednesday so made an appt. for the PU.  Hope to get the sh  ot when they finish.  Did all of you get the senior flu shot? 

    No wind today!!  The girls are so enjoying the sun and no wind.  Will have to call this evening and let Mike know they'll need hay soon.  Gave Jasper's mom some different hay this morning and she likes it better. They aren't fans of Bermuda grass hay.

    Alarm is going off so muffins may be ready!  Might have to test one with a little butter.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sorry for two posts in a row but might forget if I don't do it now.

    Zetta, I order all of our cat and dog food from Chewy, too.  Stormy and Sheena also check out the boxes.  The FedEx guy says he delivers a lot of Chewy boxes in our area.

    I am glad Stormy  is so protective.  Mike says he will bite but he's very sweet with me.  It really gets dark out here.  I have another security light on the building outside my bedroom window so that side of the house is lighted.  Can't get in touch with the electrician about the light on the barn.  A new line will have to.be put up from the box and it may have fried everything about the inside lights.

    Hope you enjoy your stay in Arizona.  We went to the Grand Canyon years ago and left our travel trailer in Flagstaff.  It froze one night and there was snow among the trees north of there.  This was in April.  Really thought the Canyon was beautiful.  Also went down to Sedona.  Before Charles and I got married he delivered and set up mobile homes and drove down Oak Creek Canyon on that  narrow, curvy road.

    Mini leaves are cooling.  Look good.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Dogs bite. 

    It is what they do for more than one reason. Stormy, if startled may very well bite you. I knew not to startle Luke. There was never anything more than a tiny snarl but I knew to back off.

    My vet totally agrees with Mike and went further to say that a dog should never be left alone with a child. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, isn't Sedona such an amazing place?   When we first drove there, we drove in on a side road that unexpectedly, suddenly gave us the breath taking views of the other-worldly looking natural structures that just suddenly appeared out of nowhere it seemed - huge and cannot be described or even a bit appreciated from a photo. Gobsmacked and stopped the car just to take it all in and process it.  Had to see it to believe it. At one point, we visited a chapel far upon a high hill. It had walls of glass and when standing inside, we were higher up than the large birds in flight below us.  It was like being suspended in the air. When I stood outside the chapel with no one around me, a strange little wind came and blew in a circle around and around my feet, then honestly; it moved upward and wrapped itself around my calves and went up over my knees swirling around and around again for a bit and then disappeared; strange feeling.

    That thinking about creating a care facility for the aged is something that my friends and I often spoke about.  We are all RNs and we would meet after work or go out to dinner together and would often speak of how to improve things for the aged; we would create an imaginary facilty in our discussion and also thought of ways to improve the provision of care and care assistance in  the home setting.  Funding is the sad bit missing in our country.  Our work certainly opened our minds and hearts for what is missing for so many. 

    Have to ask . . . I am a far up north girl and do not know much about southern cooking; so - when wanting to do beans with a ham hock, do you leave the tough rind like skin on the ham hock when cooking it with the beans?  I think it is supposed to be but have never been sure.

    Oh dear Mr. Ron; I am so sorry that a DVT has added its presence to your already complex health issues.  Please do take care of yourself; you do an exhaustive amount of work and caregiving.  Perhaps it is your body telling you once again that it would be best to make arrangements for much needed help around the house.  Veteran benefits do indeed provide a number of hours for a care aide per week.  My neighbor had that Vets service with her husband's dementia; it was quite a bit of help she said once she got used to having such help, I think it was four days a week.  Seems it is time to make some plans that also meets your own needs, Ron; you are and have been such a wonderful husband and caregiver for Lou even when she is able to push buttons; but that is small change for the big ticket item of you meeting your own healthcare and rest needs. Sometimes I worry a bit about you as much as you do with no let up and how it seems to be affecting your body. Just think; more hours to help with Lou, to assist with her bath; to even socialize and entertain her; bed changes; laundry done; light housekeeping; time for you to be free for a few hours; etc.  I so wish for much better hands-on assistance for you.  You are important too.

    I love those cake mix pumpkin muffins too, Lorita.  That recipe came from Weight Watchers quite some time ago. I think that the original recipe called for Egg Beaters rather than regular egg; but I too did not hold to that.  One cannot taste the pumpkin; even chocolate cake mix works well with the recipe. 

    Yes; Lorita, both DH and I got our senior flu shots.   Had one day pretty fatigued and a second day with  little less, then better.  It was two weeks since we got our shots last Friday, so that is the time frame for the vaccine to be able to take full effect.   Won't keep one from getting influenza if one is exposed, but it will hopefully keep one from getting severely ill.  Sure hope so.

    Gosh Sayra; hope your water main is soon fixed; that is a bit stunning to have happen.  Good you are boiling your water, I always wonder about showering under such circumstances especially when showering can get micro droplets in one's eyes, nose, mouth, etc.  The mains and other structures across most of the country are really old and lots of breakdowns because of it. Wish that the infrastructures would be replaced prior to absolute need and the incidents occuring; but if out of sight, it seems to be out of mind of those who have the power to do such remediation.  The gas lines are the ones that worry me and that has done some serious damage from time to time.

    Zetta; only a little over a week before you leave for Arizona; it will be lovely - almost a whole month.  Probably snow on the ground when you get back, but in the meantime, you will have had such a nice time and be very comfortable.  Your daughter sounds like a lovely person.  Bet your little fur babies will be overcome with joy when you return home; always good to be loved.

    Iris; you are a sweetie; I can imagine you in your Halloween stealth socks.  Fun to celebrate in one's own way.   We do not get any children trick or treating any longer.  Our town puts on a huge Halloween party for the children in a large park which is well planned and lots of oversight from city staff to law enforcement. It is difficult for adults to let their kids go house to house now considering some of the risks. Terrible; our children so loved their Trick or Treating.   I have pictures of them back then; so cute.  As it is, there is even a risk to opening one's door at night these days.  I used to decorate the front of the house big time for Halloween and loved seeing all the children and enjoying their costumes and their laughter.  The littlest ones always tugged at my heart they were so adorable.

    Well; tomorrow is November - I think I hear turkeys gobbling - little do they know.  No big dinner for us this year again.  Only nearby relatives, son and DIL are both working.  We are no longer doing big dinners.  Somewhere I have a good recipe for crockpot dressing, will have to find it and think about doing it; but with only the two of us, seems like a bit much. 

    Have a nice BOO! day and evening,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning from the front porch, I'm in my rocking chair but have my feet propped up on a old wooden coke case I found out back. With everything I've had wrong over the years a blood clot is new to me and need to educate myself on it.

    Jo., I appreciate and understand your advice! I've had home health from the VA in the past, but it was physical therapy. For household chores I dont believe I would be able to have help since I'm still physically able. I will talk to my primary care next week to see what they could provide. I do know I cant get help from the VA for Lou but would have to go to her primary care since she's not in the VA system. I know a lot of what I do for her is me being selfish! I just feel like I'm the only one that can give her the care she deserves!! Because of this, it is hard for me to ask for help.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I won $12 in Powerball.

    Lorita, I'm not caring for the new hosts on QVC.  Maybe I'm so used to my old favorites - and I know they're all nearing or past retirement age - but I'm not enjoying them.

    Beth - I left Twitter a bunch of years ago because of the negativity I was reading all day long.  I haven't missed it at all but one of our guests told me she couldn't wait to tweet about me after I informed her that the hotel was giving her 3 out of 5 days free and taking all her room service off her bill, but she wanted 5 out of 5 days free.  The reason was very minor and I felt the hotel was being very generous and told her so.  Ahhh, you can't win 'em all.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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