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Just need to talk to my friends (182)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

It' 42 degrees right now, down from high 70s today.   Still no idea how much rain we had but  was just out on the porch and heard a couple of calves walking through water.  Anxious to know.

Talked to my BIL in the Texas Panhandle earlier this evening.  He said they had a pretty snow today- big flakes falling straight down. The ground wss warm so it melted immediately except on the grass.  He's 92 and lost his 90 year old wife about three months ago.  They had been married 70 years!  He  is exercising, riding his stationery bicycle and doing okay.  He has two daughters and two granddaughters who call and stop by often.  So glad he's doing so well.  He had gotten sort of run down and tired caregiving the last few months.

Just watched a good TV show- Greenland- about a planet killer comet that hit Earth.  Kept me glued to the TV.

Sara, we didn't see a post from you today.  Hope you're okay.  Will look for a long one tomorrow.

Joan, how much snow did you get?

See you all tomorrow.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I watched what I believe was a TV movie called Greenland,  about the asteroid hitting Earth.  There is a website that gives a synopsis of movies, so I was able to learn the ending of the movie.  I don't like suspense.  It wasn't a bad movie.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning to all front porch rockers! I hope everyone in the path of the storm came out safe and sound. We had a pretty hard rain but the worst of it stayed away from us. Guess the Barksdale bubble once again watched out for us. I've heard about the "Barksdale Bubble " every since I was a kid. The old timers (which I guess I am now considered a old timer), use to say that Barksdale Air Force Base had some type of secret device that protected the base and surrounding area from most major storms. Just a old rumor but it sure makes you wonder at times when you see tornadoes going below us and above us. Makes me glad I'm only a few miles from the base!

    Later this afternoon after some laundry I need to get done, I might take Lou for a short ride. Taking Lou for a ride has always had a calming effect on her, but with the blood clot I dont want to stay in the car to long. Received a call from my sister Inviting lou and I to her son's house for Thanksgiving dinner. It's only about a 45 minute drive. It's been awhile since I've sit down to a good family meal. Maybe I can put back on the 9 pounds I've lost. Just don't have much of a appetite!

    Stay safe everyone!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I’m ok.

    I need to slow down a lot though and so I’m trying to do that.  Having to take everything a bit slower.  May not make it on here all the time.  

    Got wash going and bread baking this morning.

    Thinking of all of you.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning! Rain, rain, rain here - YAY! It has been raining almost the entire 24 hours. I have a rain gauge outside, which I cannot see well from inside. Will let you all know the total after it stops. Guessing over 2".  We are about 8" below normal for the year, considered severe drought. This rain will help a lot. I looked at a diagram of cities in Iowa, total precipitation they have gotten for the year. There are a few towns that have gotten less than 10" all year long! No, we don't live in the desert! 

    We had a very windy day this past week so most of the trees have lost their leaves.

    Well, that's your Iowa weather report for Saturday November 5!  lol

    Lorita, glad the calf is ok. Hope you are feeling better.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Beth, I thought we had a lot of rain but checked the gauge this morning and only .9" but we will take anything we get.  Things are beginning to green up.  Grass everywhere about 1-2" tall.  I slept in this morning and came in the LR and saw cows going north.  Saw the baby running around looking for mom.  Toad was feeding and mom went through and left baby.  He saw a calf and ran to him but he left without him.  The last I saw of her she was going back toward the hay.  Walked out and didn't see anything of her.  Sorry, one time I call the baby her and next time I say him.  Girls are scattered everywhere trying  to get a bite of green grass.  If the weather will stay warm, it will grow.  We're about 12" never below normal on rainfall.

    Iris, that was the show and it was a sitting on the edge of your show.  Do you watch the old shows like Andy Griffith?  I also watch Leave It To Beaver,- made in the early 60s.  They wore dresses, jewelry and heels doing housework and cooking.  Everything was "yes, dear", etc. But I enjoy watching.

    Sara, are you not well or just worn out from the summer work? Hope it's the latter..  We miss you when you don't post.

    Ron, glad you missed the bad weather.  Several of the towns in SE Okla. had tornados.  In Isabel a tornado completely demanded pushed a 26,000 sq.ft. Church and several homes.  Also some towns in north Texas had tornados.  The weather today will be nice for a drive.Bet Lou will enjoy it.  Do be careful and not sit too long.

    Couple of good college football games this afternoon so may watch those.  Need to go see if mom and baby got together.

    Beth, felt pretty good when I got up but walked quite a lot and now, not so good.  Wish I would be over this bug or whatever it is.    

    Enjoy the day-  one hour extra sleep tonight.

    Attend um: drove out among the girls.  Saw the baby basking in the sunshine with other babies.  Moms are either munching on hay or enjoying the sun.  Checked the barn and as I was coming out of the gate heard someone behind me. it was Gray Lady so stopped and petted and talked to her.   Everyone seems happy after a bath yesterday, sunshine this morning, a little feed, some green grass and hay.  Should be enough to make anyone happy.   Same goes for the 29 little heifers.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  Sorry it has been so long since I’ve posted. I read almost every day,  but haven’t posted much. I’m having trouble with my hands. I have a genetic thing going on and I can hardly type.  I’m using a couple of fingers to type and so far it’s slow, but working. Always something going on these days. 

    My granddaughter is a State officer for FFA, so is doing a year of service work before starting at Texas Tech next fall.  The officers travel the state and conduct workshops for all the FFA chapters in Colorado. When they come to the Western Slope, they stay with me.  They were here one night last week, and will come back Monday through Wednesday of this week.  It’s been so fun having Ashlyn and some of her team mates here.  This will be their third visit, so I’ve seen her a lot since June. It’s easy because she lets me know what they want to eat so I don’t have to guess. It’s chicken and mashed potatoes on tap for this week. I’ll make homemade sloppy joes for one meal. 

    We’ve been having a lot of rain and a few inches of snow that melted within a day.  Leaves are just starting to fall.  I hope I can keep ahead of them. We’re having terrible wind today. I’ll send a pretty picture of the day it snowed. 

    Day, I can’t wait to hear about the new little rescue you’re getting. He is coming to a good home at your house. He will be spoiled in no time, which he deserves.  

    Sara, keeping you in my thoughts and hoping things settle down and slow down for you. 

    Beth, you must be getting weather like ours. Nice for a few days and more storms the next few.  Zetta too.  Have fun in Arizona Zetta.

    Ron, I hope you continue to feel better and get rid of the blood clot.  A nice family Thanksgiving is just what you need. Take your small cooler in case you get to bring home left overs. Lol

    Judith, you and Sara talking about roasts makes me hungry. Maybe I can find a small one and cook with vegetables. Sounds so good. 

    Lorita, you have one mighty bug. Seems to be hanging on for dear life.  I think you’re right.  Go to the doctor Monday if you’re not better.  It’s a bit late to vote,  but my opinion is you should buy yourself a nice new vehicle that you can depend on.  You’ve worked hard all these years and certainly deserve to treat yourself. Your friend was right. You can’t take it with you. Enjoy yourself a little bit.  I hope Sarah is doing ok.  

    Jo, glad you’re doing ok. I hope your dh’s eyes are ok.  That sounds scary.  I have an appointment in January to get set up for cataract surgery. Guess I’m seeing at about 20/40 now with new lenses, so it’s time. I’ll be happy when that’s done, although it doesn’t seem to be much to go through. 

    Iris, I have a love/hate feeling with suspense. I love it but can’t wait to see how it plays out.  Guess it’s good I don’t have high blood pressure!

    Hi to every I might have missed. I think of you all every day and keep up on reading. I’ll resize and send a picture after I charge my iPad. Have a great day. Joan

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    The sun is out now and it's 43 degrees. We received 3" of rain. Such a blessing.

    Lorita, I like Leave it to Beaver also. It's laugh out loud funny! 

    Season 5 of "The Crown" will be up on Netflix 11/9. I love that series! 

    Take care and enjoy your weekend. 


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Photo from last week.  It doesn’t show the beauty. I need to find a better resizer.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Joan is this the same problem you dealt with not long ago?  I’m thinking you were having trouble with your hands then.  Know you love having your granddaughter.

    Lorita I’m alright.  Have no palpitations or very few  and they are way less intense when I take my time. If I feel pushed or hurried they rear their ugly little head.  I have to accept getting older and slow down.  I try to do what I did when I was 40.  When I look in the mirror know I’m no longer 40.  Been working on that.  Takes several weeks for level of med to get built back up.  Wish you, Ron and others could get to feeling better.

    Glad some of you getting rain and grass greening up some.  

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Had a call from the electrician I called a couple of days ago.  He came out and took care of the receptacles, covers and the stove prong.  Told him what needed to be done at barn.  He'll do the work and check the house wiring.  He's covered up with work-- doing electrical work on 12 new houses plus his other work.  He went to school with Ray, a neighbor, knows many of the same people I do. Said Shaun, the carpenter, is really busy, too.  Tried to call the lumber company about a carpenter but they were closed.  Will do it Monday.

    Beth, do you watch Andy Griffith?  I don't like many of the new shows so watch mostly old ones.  I'm anxious for the new season of Yellowstone to begin.

    Joan, so nice to see your post.  Sorry about your hands.  Can something be done to help?  I type with one finger when I use my tablet which is about 90% of the time.

    How proud you must be of Ashlyn and how nice you have been able to see her a lot this summer.  Hard to believe she's going into college.  I hope those are instant mashed potatoes so you don't have to peel them.  I like instant ones.

    It's cool here today but sunny.  I'm ready for the time change although it takes me a couple of weeks to adjust.  Saw a piece about the time change and it really affects people's mental and physical well being.  I would rather have more light in the miI'm orning.

    I should just buy a new car and enjoy it.  Not a lot to choose from near me though.  I do want to keep the PU though.

    Joan, when I worked for an ophthalmologist cataract extractions were something to deal with.  But that was 60 years ago and things have improved tremendously.  The ophthalmologist who did my parents and Charles retired- always thought he would do mine.  This allergy and dry eyes have really affected my vision this summer.  I do think the allergy is better though.

    Hope they can get the car work done this next week and that I can get the PU in to get that done.  Need to get that flu shot, too.

    I think of Carol and how her fall and broken ankle have affected her- then think.of how my fall last Oct. without apparent injury has taken it's toll on me.  I guess just the jarring it caused but I can really tell the difference in what I can do and how I feel.  Well. I did have another fall inside the house earlier this year.  Tripped over something.  This time made my arm and wrist sore but I thought that was all.  Getting harder to get in the PU.because it's so high up.  Do need to use that stool, Sandy.

    Stormy tried to stop Jimmy but he stood still and let Stormy sniff and it was okay.  I did have him on a leash though.  Sheena met him at the gate with tail wagging.  She is easy going.  He says little dogs are much mire aggressive.

    Finger is getting tired so will stop for now.    Joan, enjoy your time with Ashlyn.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, glad you're doing better.   Laughed when you said you couldn't do things you did when you were 40 because I say 70!  I can't do things I did when I was 77 and that's not good.  Just take it very easy  Do you know what brought on the palpitations?  I know you haven't had covid but Carol mentioned her sister who had a light case is having palpitations and also a friend who had a light case is also  having palpitations. Just part of the long haul I guess.

    Joan, the picture is beautiful.  You have such pretty scenery to see every day.  It's pretty in Oklahoma but so different.

    Mike came and gave the girls three protein tubs.  I think he said they weight at least 250 pounds  and they ate three in two weeks.  They have to lick them so it's work for them - must taste good.  It looks like molasses but I haven't tasted it.  He called when he left and said he saw the baby running around among the cows.

    Don't forget to set your clocks begin tonight!!!  Sleep well.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Must have been a full moon last night! Poor Lou......are is it poor Ron, whichever it was we made it through the night. Now to see how we make it through the pastor's sermon today! Another problem that has started, lou now has a bottomless pit. Five minutes after finishing supper she's hungry. I tell her we just ate and ask if she is still hungry and she says no she just didnt know we had supper.

    Tuesday I go to my primary care for follow up on blood clot. I plan on talking to her about the outside of the VA pulmonary Dr. who still hadn't followed up with me.

    Have a good Sunday from the front porch. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Morning, front porch rockers,  Ron, the moon is almost full so that may have been part of the problem last night.  Hope Church goes well this morning.  Maybe a few pieces of hard candy would help Lou get through the sermon.  Goid luck with your doctor's visit Tuesday.

    Nice waking up this morning and it not being dark.  Wish we could keep this time.

    Girls are going off to graze.  Hope they can find a little grass.

    I'm watching the morning news shows but it's all politics so may not stay with it.  I'll be glad when Tuesday comes and goes.

    Enjoy the day.  Cool this morning but supposed to be in the 70s later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Beautiful sunny day.  Sitting in porch, will eat dinner out here too if nothing happens.  

    Hope to  have salmon, potato and asparagus for lunch.

    Has been a very quiet weekend.  My sister did come and visit a little while yesterday.  Hope to take her out for breakfast next Saturday if nothing happens. 


    Here is a link if anyone is interested to thoughts from an Infection Disease doctor from Stanford who is working clinically there.  He talks for about a hour, did not listen to the rest that followed him.  I enjoyed his thoughts, found them comforting and kind of seconded some thought I’ve had on my own.  Have a few people where I volunteer who I’ve worked with in past, including a pulmonologist.  Don’t see them a lot but when I run into them will pick their brain on this matter but feel it will be similar.’

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, your lunch sounds so good.  When I was growing up we had a little asparagus, not enough for a meal at one time but in a couple of days.  No one liked it except mother.  We always let it go to seed and used the ferny fronds in bouquets.  Mother always had two long rows of flowers in the garden so always had bouquets in the house and the asparagus ferms were beautiful in them.  Charles liked asparagus and we would have it roasted which was so good.

    Remind me, please, is your porch screened in and is it in the front of your house , or the back?  Beautiful time of the year to sit on the porch.

    Got my bills paid.  Hardly ever mail them so do it by phone or automatic payment.  Much easier and safer.  Tomorrow is trash day so since I didn't take it down last week so will have to tomorrow.  At least it will be daylight.  

    Seems like it's been a long morning and I didn't get up early either.

    Sara, every time I slice bread I think of you and your bread slicer.  Do you use it all the time?  No matter how hard I try I Still come out with one side thicker than the other.  I keep thinking my bread machine will quit working so I can order a bigger one but if keeps working.  Guess that's good.

    Day, watching In the Kitchen with David.  TSV is VitaMix.  Probably a good price.  One of the very best things I've ordered from QVC is the Kuhn Rikon jar and bottle opener.  I use it almost every day  to open things.  I don't have a lot of hand strength so it works for me.  Also their can opener that cuts from the side with no sharp edges.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    My porch is on the back facing the woods.  It is glassed and screened in.  The glass is what allows it to be warm sometimes when weather is cooler and sun shines.

    Still use the bread slicer.  Seems I still can’t get a whole loaf perfect.  Always a few slices that are contrary.  

    Pay a lot of my bills by phone too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I don't blame you for eating on the porch.  I bet that's nice to just be out looking at the trees. Do you ever see any deer?  Wish we had a glassed in porch.  

    Saw something on TV about slicing  things. It said to not stand directly over it but to stand back to the left.  Tried it a while ago and it was better.  Now to remember it.

    Got all of the trash out in the PU bed except one sack.  Had one really heavy sack - I tend to put in too much stuff.  Also did the dishes so sitting down for a while.  Leaning on heating pad because costo is hurting some from lifting and want to head it off.

    It seems like today has been really long.  Believe it or not we haven't had much wind today but that won't last long.

    Will try to get my flu shot this week and the PU fixed.  Sara, on the videos you watch what are they saying about the flu season this winter?

    We've had 3.2" of rain and it really seems better seeing a little green.  I did check a little branch of the Magnolia and it was still green so maybe the leaves will come back.  Almost all of the leaves are gone from the Holly thanks to the grasshoppers.  Also not sure the Glossy Abelia made it - first a lot of cold winter, then the drought.

    Ron, how did Church go this morning?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Lots of deer Lorita.  Moon is pretty tonight.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lorita, church was ok, lou didn't act up to much. When she started getting tired I gave her a piece of hard candy and told her to suck on it. I thought that would keep her quiet, looked at her and she was eating it. Oh well, if it ever gets to bad the church has a parking place if people want to hear the sermon on the radio. I'll just take her out early and tune the preacher in on the radio.

    I've been having a lot of pain to the inside of my shoulder blade. They xrayed my shoulder and said it was arthritis. The pain is not on the shoulder blade, it's to the inside and a little lower. Mow when they xrayed my chest they said the pain was from a nodular and they xray the shoulder its arthritis. 

    Slight chance of rain early morning. No storm, just now rain!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Been getting a mixture of snow and rain all day it's pretty to watch but not fun to be in. Also been pretty windy. I was in the middle of typing this and I got up to go into the kitchen for a few minutes, my kitten was walking all over my keyboard it's a good thing she did not hit send. It was a mess. I also like to watch Andy Griffith. Today I found a channel that is playing The Fugitive, all day long. Do you all remember that show? I really like it. 

    Lorita.  Iam glad you're feeling a bit better, but you need to be careful and remember not to pick up heavy things. You could hurt yourself really bad, then what would you do ????   I bet it is so sweet watching the babies run and play how comforting that must be. I don't know how you keep track of all the girls and their babies. 

    Day.  I bet your so excited about getting Chucky Tuesday, I would love to see a picture of him when he gets to his new home. Big Hugs to Chucky. 

    Sara.  Slowing down is good Iam much older than you it's been hard for me to slow down I have always been on the go. I find the older I get slowing down is agreeing with me. My best days are days I have no place to go. Those days I cuddle with my fur babies and enjoy my coffee and my TV shows. Your porch sounds so nice I wish mine was enclosed I enjoy sitting on it in the evenings when its warm and no bugs are out. 

    Ron.  It's nice you and Lou will be having thanksgiving with your sister and a 45-minuet drive is not really that far away. I hope you and Lou have a quieter night tonight. I can just hear Lou chopping down on the candy in church. Maybe next time take caramels. 

    Joan.  You are giving Ashlyn, so many fond memories of how her grandmother spoiled her and her teammates during those stays. I hope you find something to help your hands. 

    I hope you all have a restful night. Hugs Zetta 

  • AnthonyL
    AnthonyL Member Posts: 1
    First Comment
    My father is in comfort care hospice and he is on his last week… I just need to talk to someone
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Anthony I am so very sorry.  Know your heart is very heavy.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Anthony,  I am so sorry and will be praying for you and family. Come to the front porch and Lorita's front porch is full of friends that are good listeners if you need to talk and have excellent advice if you need to listen.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Welcome to the front porch, Anthony.  There's always someone around to talk with or just to listen.  So awfully sorry for what's happening in your family.  I assume the older man in your avatar is your dad.  Very handsome man- and the other two men are you and your brother? 

    Most of us have been through what you and your family are dealing with now.  It's very hard.  Just be with your dad as much as you can, let him know you're there and that you love him.

    Tell us something about your dad - what he did in his lifetime, about his family, etc.  Anything you want to talk about.  We're here to listen.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Got up early - at least it was daylight - and took down the trash and got the mail.  Glad that's done.

    Toad came and fed shortly after I got back.  The baby's mother left her in the garden with a couple of other babies while she ate.  I watched when they finished and when she saw her mothers she ran to her for a snack.  She is a cutie.  She's staying with two or three of the other little babies - just like kids.

    Called the health dept. and no flu shots this week.  No nurse to give it,- so will get it next week unless I go to town this week.  WM gives them but a pharmacy tech does it instead of a nurse. 

    I need to order an electric blanket.  Got rid of an old king sized one this summer.  I think I may just get a twin or full sized one this time..Afraid we may have a hard winter.  I supplement the heat with electric stoves and they pull a lot of power.  My electric bill is higher in the winter than summer.  They have also damaged the receptacles.  I think I forget to turn them off before unplugging them.  It feels cold today, more so in the house then outside.

    Joan, thank you for remembering Sarah.  She isn't well at all and probably never will be.  I don't know how she carries on.  Todd has had multiple charley horses this week to the point he couldn't walk at times.  Seems like there's something a person can take to help tbose.  Any of you know what it is?

    Did you all watch the Chiefs football game last night? They won by three points over the Titans.  Best game I've seen in a long time.

    I don't know anything (that's an understatement) so will stop and watch the news.  Hope all of you are well today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Thought I’d drop a line or two.  Has been a busy day, and next three will be also.

    Get almost all my vaccines at Walmart.  Have never had an issue so far.  Got my flu shot where I volunteer.  That way didn’t have to bring in any proof.

    Another pretty day.  Think it is suppose to be turning a little cooler maybe.

    Felt pretty good today.  More like my old self.

    Good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, glad you're feeling better.  I can't recall what caused your palpitations.  I've looked back and found where you said the meds take time to work.  Seems like you woke up with the palpitations.  I've felt better today, too.  I think I need yo drink more water and get outside more and do some work.  For some reason I haven't been drinking as much water as usual.

    Hope everyone sleeps well tonight.  Ron, full moon in the morning.  It's  beautiful tonight!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    My thyroid medication level being too low caused palpitations.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm up early....because IT'S CHUCKY DAY!  Yesterday I was singing "tomorrow is Chucky dayyyyyy" !!!

    Joan, I'm so sorry to hear about your hands.  I'll be thinking about you.  I loved your picture!

    Lorita and Iris - I am making it a point to find that movie and watch it - it sounds great.  I know I found it last week but over the next couple of days I need to see what channel it's on.

    Anthony - welcome and please feel free to say anything you like!  I'm so sorry you're in this part of the journey, it's really hard.  We have a chair for you on the porch!

    Lorita - I almost bought that Vitamix - the price WAS really great.  I said to myself that I would wait for the nighttime presentation and IT WAS SOLD OUT by nighttime.  I haven't seen a sell-out for a TSV in ages, mostly because prices haven't been that great and also I feel that people are conserving their money to cover the rising cost of everything else.  I was shocked and of course I was beating myself up about missing out, but when I thought about it I realized that I haven't used a blender in possibly 5 years and I've been doing fine without one.  The real estate on my counter is next to nothing, so it would end up sitting in a cabinet or closet and what good would that be?

    The full moon - I will tell you that without even knowing for sure I knew something was going on - I declined working any overtime last week or this week just due to the nature of the calls - all very contentious and aggressive - and this weekend was especially bad.

    I'll be off for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year (we're required to work 2 holidays per year) and I'm considering volunteering for New Year's Day to get one of my 2 holidays out of the way quick for 2023.  I guess I'd better look at a lunar calendar before I volunteer.

    Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan are seeing huge amounts of action these days, China is still in a holding pattern, with parts of it going back into lockdown mode periodically and quarantines still being in effect on arrival in places.  Really the only folks going there are people who need to due to business reasons and they're planning to stay for a long period of time, so being in a quarantine hotel doesn't bother them.

    I will post some pictures of Chucky tonight!
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Day, I got a new to me Ninja blender recently. My neighbor was having a garage sale and I asked her about it, and she told me I could have it (free). It's large and she says she bought a smaller Ninja and since she mainly uses it for smoothies, she prefers the smaller one and it takes up less counter space. I was delighted to get it, and have used it once (to make a smoothie - lol!) My previous blender, which I still have, was, I think, a wedding gift so over 40 years old. It's Hamilton Beach, not "strong," and you have to hold the lid in place when you use it. So, it was time.

    Day, so happy for you and Chucky. I often watch The Dodo videos on YouTube. They are animal stories, some of which start out sad but they all have a happy ending. One I watched recently was of a monarch butterfly with a damaged wing. An individual repaired the wing by attaching a feather, cut to size. The butterfly lived inside her home and gradually was able to fly well again. She took him outside and off he went. 

    We have a brand new convenience store in our town of 10,000, Kwik Star. There are now convenience stores on 3 corners across from each other: Kwik Star, Casey's, and Git 'n go. Kwik Star opened a week ago and I went to check it out. There were hardly any parking spots. Well, that's entertainment for you, life in the big city! lol

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Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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