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Just need to talk to my friends (182)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Day,    that is so sweet, he is dreaming about his new home and the love he is feeling.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day. Chucky certainly looks contented.  I bet he's dreaming about his new hone and how much he loves it.  How much does he weigh?

    Zetta, glad you're in warmer weather for a while.  It's really been cold here today.  Just a brief taste of winter.

    I would not like a layover that long.  I have only been on one trip where we had to fly but we were on four different planes with only a brief layover in Atlanta.  I enjoyed it but don't want to do it again.

    I washed the bed linens and remade the bed so I could put on the electric blanket.  I'm disappointed with it.  It's full size but there's about 18" on each side that doesn't have anything to heat it so only heats in the middle.  I've had it on high for about an hour and it's barely warm.  It's made of some kind of velvety material and is thin.  Not at all like they use d to be.  I wonder if all of them are like this.  I'll give it a couple of days to see if it will work.

    Mike came just before dark to given the girls hay.  They had settled in for the night but his truck changed that.  He called on his way back to the clinic and we had a nice visit.  Someone was bringing in their dog who had been run over.  He's busy all the time.  He has so much to get done at his new place.  So glad he finally was able to buy it.  This will keep the grow houses away from this area.

    Wish I could find a good movie to watch.  Is it tomorrow when the new season of Yellowstone begins?

    Judith, I love tulips.  They will be so pretty.  Did you order them from Florida Boys?  I used to have some yellow ones but the girls pulled them.up and ate them.

    Enjoy the evening.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    We're all crystal clear and clean from the rain which is lovely, and are about 66 degrees outside with a bit of breeze but not real wind as it had been for a couple of days.  Mother Nature washed everything and it is so good to have really clear air; the trees and plants are as happy as can be. If in a small hilly area, one can see all the way to the mountain tops covered with snow. 

    Judith; your buying tulip bulbs reminds me of the very first time I planted tulips. I had got my special tulip bulb hand tool digger and all else needed - except they never grew because silly me had unwittingly planted the bulbs upside down.  Who knew?  Not me. Still makes me chuckle all these many years later.

    Good to know you are safe and sound in Arizona, Zetta.  Four hour layover seems long, but it passes fast in airports;  I too am a people watcher, so it makes the time interesting. 

    Our son and DIL who had recently lost one of their four little elderly rescue dogs are in the midst of a health crisis with another.  It is a mix of only heaven knows what. The mother dog died and the vet delivered the litter; only one pup survived and DIL ended up taking it home as it had no other takers and would have been put to sleep.   Anyway; the poor little thing is older now and has developed liver failure.  Bloodwork and x-rays show no reason for it, but her abdomen is getting distended and she will not eat much at all.  She is on meds to keep her ammonia levels down.  Son is so worried, he wants to take her to a second vet specialist for a second opinion. They do take such good care; all of the little dogs would have been put to sleep if it had not been for being rescued, so they have been lucky dogs so to speak.  Sure  hope she does well.

    Remember the red poppies that used to be sold for Veteran's Day?  I used to get one each year from the vets selling them at the mall; I wonder if that is still done as I haven't seen any for years.

    What brand electric blanket did you get, Lorita?  It may be that if you want more wiring, that you will want a queen size blanket for your double bed.  The better electric blankets are pricier but are made better and are more "blankety," than being super thin. Perhaps sending that one back will be best since it is not performing - where did you buy it from?  Hopefully you can get a better one before deep winter.

    Have had to put our heat on and actually turn it up a degree at night as it got really cold.  Beats the cost of summer air conditioning, that is for certain.

    Nothing much going on, which is a blessing in the scheme of things.

    Take good care and sweet dreams one and all,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Electric blanket....I have only used the soft heat electric blanket from Perfect fit for years. They do not feel warm to the touch but work well when under them and no...the wires to do not extend to the edges and you must be careful how you "tuck" the foot in.

    Lucky Chucky!

    Tulips upside down? Easy to do!

    Ordered from Longfield Gardens.

    Cold today. I prefer a dash of snow with my cold.

    While cleaning out my pantry I found a jar of orange marmalade made with Seville oranges so this morning I had some on english muffins...what a treat!!!!

    Today is desk clean up....ugh!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good morning Rockers.

    I am enjoying my stay in Arizona. It's not as warm as I thought but it's very comfortable. My son tells me we have snow on the ground at home. I don't miss the snow. 

    Lorita. I am going to make the muffins you talk about. How big of a can of pureed pumpkin do you use. I hope to make these tomorrow. I have the spice cake mix I just need to get the pureed pumpkin. 

    Happy Sunday to all. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, just the regular sized can increase of pumpkin puree.  When you get the pumpkin, get some chocolate chips to add.  I like the mini ones for this.  When you're mixing it you'll think it will never mix but all at once it does.  I don't always use an egg.  Sometimes  I sprinkle a little sugar on top before baking them..  Hope you like them.

    Enjoy the warmer weather.  It was cold here this morning but it's sunny and getting warmer.  Just got back in from filling water tanks and putting the flag back up.  This morning when I woke up the girls were giving it heck.  Thought I heard a truck and a little later saw tail lights south of the house.  Toad got out early to feed this morning.  Girls are out hunting those blades of green grass now.

    Judith, Charles loved orange marmalade.  Glad you found it.  I like peach preserves.  I like that with a little peanut butter on toast.  I would have thought the tulips would have come up anyway.

    Jo, this blanket, if it can be called that,heats okay.  I don't tuck them in but it is more like a throw, light Weight and flimsy.

     Not what I call a blanket.  I bought an electric throw and they're about the same.  Guess I will have to go to a store and see if I can find what I need.  I have a king sized bed and got a full size one -  no use to cover the whole thing.  If I lay straight the heating coils cover me but you don't do that all night.  May need a queen size.  I've looked on Amazon and WM and they all look about the same.

    Watching the Chiefs play in KC.  Makes me nostalgic about all the times we went up to see them play.  Arrowhead is a pretty stadium and it with all the red, the blue sky and green grass was so nice.  We went once in November and when mid afternoon came our seats were in the shade.  We got so cold we could hardly feel our feet so went back to the motel and watched the rest of the game on TV.  October is the best month to go.  KC has a big city market on Saturday and we always enjoyed that.

    Been watching Yellowstone some last night.  I think I will watch the very last of season 4 to catch up.  Seems like yesterday when we talked about it being two or three months until season 5 would begin.

    Getting hungry so will stop and find something to eat.  I think there is some farfalle.  Like it with a little butter and ranch seasoning.  I needed to get more but our store didn't have any when I was there.

    Todd is still having awful charley horses.  His back and arms are hurting, too.  Sarah thinks he lifted something too heavy.  She's been trying to get him to see a doctor - she needs to be in the hospital, too, -  not doing well.  They're both way too young to have so many problems.

    Better stop for now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Cold, cloudy day - Snow on roof this morning but went off quickly.  

    Really enjoy seeing the tulips in spring.  Something ate mine off last year, doubt if I will have any this spring.

    Do remember the red poppies.  They are one of my favorites too.  Sowed some last year and they bloomed.  Hopefully they will resow themselves from now on.

    Have never eaten orange marmalade.  Made a loaf of cranberry orange yeast bread today.  Makes good French toast.

    Good night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, your cranberry bread sounds good.  Bet it does make good French toast.  Glad your snow melted.  How many inches do you usually get during the winter.

    I also remember the red poppies.  Our offices were down the hall from the service organizations so we saw lots of them.  

    Got the trash in the back of the pickup to take down in the morning if it isn't raining.  Filled the water tank and disconnected hose from two hydrants.  Will do the other one latrr Those girls drink lots of water.  

    Checked on the car repair progress and wss told they're waiting on a fuel pump.  Darn rats anywsy!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Don't forget the new season of Yellowstone  tonight!!
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Had a good day with Lou today! I found the secret to keep her calm till the end of preacher's sermon. About half way through the sermon, I reached over and held her hand. She was quiet till church service was over! Isnt it amazing that just the human touch can be so comforting. We went and picked up bbq after church; pulled pork, potato salad and beans. 

    My biggest problem now is me trying to keep my feet propped up because of the blood  clot. Lou is soooooo demanding that I'm up and down all day. She gets cold a lot so before sitting down I ask her if she needs her blanket, she answers no and five minutes after sitting down she says "im cold". I keep the blanket by her but she never can get it on right.

    Hot to go get her some water now! Have a restful night front porch rockers!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
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    Ron hope you get to rest a little today.  

    Lorita to me our snowfall varies a lot from year to year.  Looked it up and says we average 49 inches per year.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Just got back from taking down the trash.  Last evening I got it ready and in  the PU bed so it was easier.  It's cold out there.  Broke out my winter trspper's hat.  I have had it for years and it's really wsrm.  Most of the girls are gathered st the feeding area north of the barn.  Saw little Susie out with all the othets. Did see several who are off trying to graze.

    Sara, our normal snowfall is under 20".  I hope that holds true this yesr.  We may get a little later today, under an inch but from OKC West there may be more.

    Ron, good for you!  I can attest to the human touch being comforting.  If I was scared or upset a hug from Charles and him telling me if would be all right worked wonders.  I really miss that.  Now it's petting a cat or GP.

    Wish there was a way for you to sit with your feet and legs elevated longer.  Have you gotten Lou in the habit of an afternoon nap?  That would really help and it only takes a couple of times for it to become a habit.

    Really hope the carpenter makes it out tomorrow.  It's time to close the barn.  When the North or south wind blows the hallway is  like a wind tunnel.

    Well, how did you all like Yellowstone?  I thought it wss pretty good.  Thrte's a new movie out with Sylvester Stallone made in Tulsa and OKC.  One review I just heard is that it's a mixture of the Sopranos  and Yellowstone.  

    Sara, are you still enjoying volunteering and will you continue this winter?  I'm sure you enjoy bring out among people and helping them.  I still miss the patient contact I had when I worked. Hard to.believe I've been retired 27 years.  Time really goes fast.

    Hope everyone is well this morning and ready for all the new week will bring.   Going to be cold all this week.  Complained about the best all summer so now it's time to complain about the cold!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    We had rain that turned into snow.  Started out with small flakes but they got bigger and it was pretty- no wind so it came straight down..  It stayed on the grass and even the ground.  It has quit but still on the ground but only about an inch.  Maybe this will be all we get this winter.  I bet Judith got more.

    Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Morning, it's 36 degrees this morning and most of the snow is gone but it's cloudy.  Toad came and fed and gave the girls another bale if hay.  They've finished eating and are coming back to the hay.

    The carpenter is supposed to come and give Darwin and I estimates so hope he does.

    Nothing else going on here.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Iam enjoying my stay in Arizona. My SIL works during the day and my daughter also works but she works from home, so I am enjoying a quiet afternoon watching Gunsmoke, with her kitty, Timmy and her puppy Fiona. I will send pictures later of my Grand Fur Babies. I miss my Molly and my 2 kitties, but I will be home in 10 days. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lou's Dr. visit today was not a good time! Nurse gave her three words to remember and when asked what they were, she wouldn't even try to remember, just said I wish everyone would stop trying to make me do something I don't want to do. She wouldn't even open her mouth to get her temperature. Then came the flu shot; I dont want a flu shot, I never get a flu shot, just leave me alone. Nurse finally left to see what the Doctor wanted to do and he said if she says no bring her back another time. I talked to her some more and finally agreed to it. Now the lab was a problem but not nearly as bad.

    Red Lobster was a different story! Smiling and happy the whole time, she really enjoyed her meal.

    Now tommorow is my visit with Urologist and chest xray to see if the bronchitis has cleared up. Urologist visit will be for another harmone shot (bring on the hot flashes), also I need to ask about the kidney cyst and microscopic blood of 130 in urine sample.

    1:40pm and 51 degrees, big change from high 80s a week ago.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
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    Good evening 

    Pretty cold today.  Spit a little snow.

    Know how you feel Ron, everything a battle.

    Imagine your critters are missing you too Zetta.

    Did the carpenter show up Lorita?

    Had a good day at work but a steady stream of patients all day.  All were very patient and pleasant though.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, sorry the appt. didn't go smoothly but at least Lou got her flu shot and enjoyed the Red Lobster.  Hope your appt. goes well.

    Zetta, enjoy the warmer weather begore you go back to the cold and snow.

    Question for you medical ladies; how often do you need a pneumonia shot.  We had one probably 15 Years ago and was told that was all we.needed.  In 2017 I was supposed to get one, then another in one year.  If I remember correctly they gave me the second one first and  never got the other one.  I have read so much and heard different things.  One is if you get one after you're 64 you never need another.  On TV they talk so much about Prevnar 20 so don't know if I should get it.  I had double pneumonia when I was 16 and had it again years later.  Just wondering what you all know about how often you need it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, he didn't show up or call.  Maybe the bad weather yesterday held him up.  Really getting frustrated with people who don't follow through with what they promised.  Will give him the benefit of a doubt but if he doesn't call or show up in the morning I'll call him.  I can't understand why it's so hard.  So many don't want to work and that makes the people who do, covered up with work.  The electrician did show up when he promised but  have more work for him.  He said he has 12 houses he's working on - new housing development.

    Does it seem like there are more patients now?  I heard they fear a rise in covid, flu and RSV which they said is really dangerous for older people..  I hope you're wearing your mask.  I know you are.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Today was worse than yesterday! I did get the harmone shot and chest xray, but Lou was double full blown dementia and I had my hands full. Urology staff saw my problem and I was rushed through the process and really didnt have much of a chance to talk much with the Dr. I'm about at my wits end! My belly is sore, my head hurts, arthritis is working overtime and I've about had it. I have believe if Lou's sitter cant come in the future I will just reschedule my appointment. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
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    Good evening

    Been about 32F all day.  Cold and dark, looked like it should rain, snow or be time to go to be, but wasn’t.

    Ron your hands are over flowing, wish you could get help.

    Lorita do plan on working this winter if nothing happens.  Not sure about pneumonia vaccine.  Have not had it yet.  Eligible for it in about a month.  Guess I should read up on it.  

    Saw a lady I worked with Saturday.  Did not bring it up, she did.  Said Covid isn’t the problem right now, RSV is.  Always dreaded RSV season.  Makes some little babies so sick, and some older people too.  Not sure about where I’m volunteering because mainly see outpatients.  Do get the census each day so can hand out room numbers.  Think I will start counting census when I’m there to get  feel for it.  Have wondered about it.

    Yes Lorita wear my mask everywhere.  I don’t want the RSV, the flu or the Covid.  Wear my mask and try to keep my paws clean.  See people touching keypads, lick their fingers and on and on it goes.  

    Went to breakfast with my sister Saturday morning.  The restaurant was very crowded.  I wore my mask except to eat.  Was the only person in the place with a mask on and there was no social distancing either.  Anyway I still feel ok and with Omnicron would be sick by now probably.  Our community spread of Covid is still low, hospitalizations low and very very few deaths.  Still find it a little intimidating.  Thought won’t be doing this again very soon.  Wait for the flu and RSV to settle.  Prefer to go out about 3pm in afternoon but I let my sister choose since it was for her birthday .  Very few people in a restaurant at 3pm here.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    I forgot to mention yesterday when I took Lou for her Dr. appointment Lou and I were the only ones in the waiting room with a mask on. All they had was a sign on the door stating you must wear a mask if you have a fever are any flu like symptoms. Now at the VA you have to have a mask on as soon as you enter. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I forgot to mention it last time. Todd really needs to get to the doctor and also get some labs drawn . Multiple different meds including statins, other substances and other conditions can cause another condition which can become life threatening due to actual muscle tissue breakdown.  It is called, rhabdomyolysis. Google can tell you more.  It causes muscle cramps and can also attack cardiac tissue, etc.  With such persistent cramps or muscle discomfort such as you have been told Todd has, he must get into the doctor on an urgent basis; even an urgent care center can help. Some people get dark urine or feel weakness, but not all get all three symptoms; sometimes it is just the persistent muscle cramping. May not be that, but from what you described, he will need this to be ruled out as it is so serious and cannot do it oneself.

    Our son and DIL had RSV. Both otherwise healthy people except for DILs diabetes.   They were really, really, really sick.  Coughing was horrible and after two weeks, still coughing badly at night.  DIL was sickest and needed to go on steroids as well as later having an antibiotic for a secondary infection.  Sure do not want that as we are both "mature," and DH with diabetes.  Flu also has become a real nasty increased issue and COVID on the rise for those who are actually being tested.  Hospitalizations for COVID not anywhere near as bad as last year, but still ticking upward, but we are a densely populated area.

    As for the pneumonia vaccine. I accidentally had Pneumovax when in my 40's; so as I got older, the doctor had me get it again and I was told that was it; did not need to repeat it.   Both vaccines are recommended for high risk people. What does that even mean anymore.  I will get the Prevnar due to being older putting me more at risk . Husband has had both.

    Son and DIL as I mentioned in my last Post had to have their 16 year old little Yorkie put to sleep a couple of months ago.   Yesterday, they had to have their nine year old mixed breed small mid sized dog put to sleep; she was such a sweetie, but she had developed lymphoma and went into severe liver failure.  It was truly a terribly sad event.  When at the vet, son picked her up as the terminal med was given, and she looked up and wagged her tail as she thought she was going home.  Heartbroken.  They have two other small rescues; one is seventeen years old and has greatly declined vision and hearing and has had cancer;  the other one is about 15 years old and is slowing down.  They have been so good to these little rescues who were complex in multiple ways and took such good care of them.  No way to make it easier.  They have not been able to have children, so these four little rescue dogs have been their little loves. 

    We have had no big winds where we are, but other areas of  the county have had 75 to gusts of 90 mph winds.  Some fires started, but have been successfully battled.  Been in the 60's; saw on the news that in 2008, the temp was 98 degrees on this date.  So glad it isn't like that this year.

    I too am curious about the non-mask wearers and also the infected hands issues, Sayra.  RSV is easily picked up off of surfaces.  Touch your face, your eyes, nose, mouth and in it goes. I always wonder about elevator buttons which a myriad of people are touching one after the other in short amounts of time; especially in medical office buildings, or the handles on the freezer sections in the grocery store or stair handrail and escalator handrails.  Interesting what a couple of microbiology classes and sharing an office with an epidemiologst for awhile can have one thinking.  Guess we will be the maskers like most of you and carry Purell and wash hands as soon as we get home.  DH does not think very deeply about this; he is not intending to be careless, he is just sometimes more unconscious about it. 

    We will be alone this Thanksgiving since Son and DIL will be working or doing busy on-call; others are out of state.  Will do a turkey breast, some yams and potatoes, creamed corn, lemon butter broccoli and look out calories - will have one slice of pumpkin cheesecake with a bit of carmel sauce drizzled over the top. BAD me - that will do it until Christmas Day. Got a good recipe for sausage crockpot "turkey" dressing last year; all goes in raw including onion, celery and sausage; all cooks up just fine and it was good, but DH does not want it this year. Too bad, but too much for just one person.  Sure is different from all the years I did the everything from scratch dinners for a large crowd. Loved doing it, but so many are gone or moved out of state except son and DIL, and I am no longer fit of knee to do all that I used to do; I miss doing it. Sure was good.

    Zetta, glad you are enjoying your Arizona holiday.  Must be nice being there and no snow and the kids delighted to see you. Bet you will be doing some really good cooking.

    It is interesting to me, Lorita, that if a man calls for a repair person or electrician, plumber, etc., they are far more apt to show up to an appointment.   Seems it is much easier to ignore a female and not show up.  Really inappropriate.  Perhaps if a man calls for you, it will come to pass.  Of course it takes awhile to get all the way out to  you, so it may be that is part of the problem if they have multiple jobs they are needing to work, but it isn't right.  You have had that happen so many times, shame on them.  So hope the barn worker gets out there this week before Thanksgiving so the electrician can commence.

    Goodness; it is 10:15 here, need to go brush my teeth and get ready for the night.  Should not have been on the computer this late - it usually causes me to stay awake a lot longer than I want to be.

    Sleep well, dream sweetly,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/pneumo/hcp/who-when-to-vaccinate.html Here is a link to cdc website regarding pneumonia vaccines.  Scroll down to the bottom for recommendations for those of us that are more mature.
    29F, skiff of snow, feels cold
    Glad fires could be detained JoC.
    Take care
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Yesterday was certainly a sad day regarding our furry loved ones.

    I had to have my little love, Sweetie, put to sleep.  She had been with me for 15 1/2 years.  She was the cutest kitty...black and white...with the softest fur.

    She had been fine, then about a week ago stopped eating solid food and would only do small amounts of liquids.  She was never a "fat cat" so this lack of nourishment showed up on her.

    She became more and more distressed as the days went by, that I could no longer justify putting off the inevitable.

    I was emotionally unable to be with her in last minutes, but the aid said she was ready to go and went peacefully.  They did a paw print in clay with her name.  I came home and baked it so as to keep it whole.

    Of all the animals I have had thru the years, I think I will miss her the most...she was my Sweetie in all ways.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Jo and Sara for the information about the pneumonia shot.  Still a bit confused so will call the doctor's office to see if he recommends getting one.

    It's been a beautiful day - sunny and cool.  Peter and his son came and set the corners and braces for the new fence.  He has to let the quick set dry before he can put in the fence - next week.  I'll be so glad that FedEs and UPs can deliver things to the house - if I can get them trained again.  Yesterday they ack left a sack of dog food and a case of 22 oz. cans of dog food that i had to get into the back of the PU and then into the house.  Feels like I may have strained a left chest muscle.  Anyway, things will be better after the fence is in so the heifers won't get out.  I've been having to open and close two gates to get out onto the main road and I'm sure Toad will be glad because he has to open and close the main gate every time he feeds.

    Haven't heard from the carpenter yet.  I bet he's trying to get that job finished before the bad, cold weather tomorrow.  Maybe he'll make it next week.  Jo, you may be right but everyone I talk with has the same problems with getting anyone to return calls or do work.  I can't understand it.  What happened to the good old days when people wanted to work.  I think those who are working have so much to do they can pick and choose their jobs and, of course, it will be the bigger jobs they choose.

    Sarah texted me at 11:30 last night and said she'd call today.  No call yet.  I'll tell her what you said, Jo, about Todd.

    Ron, hope your day is going better.  Caregiving is a hard job and I think it may be harder for men, not sure about that.  Just wondering if you got any snow a day or so ago.  The weatherman is talking about the possibility of snow- just a little bit - here tomorrow.  I do need to close the cowshed shutters and and the stall door.  I'll wait until next week to close the big, north doors.  

    Tablets are not working right - keep going back to the home page before I can get something typed and posted.  I'm using the new laptop now.  I hate to try to learn something new.

    Zetta, is there snow at home now?  i saw on the weather last night that it's only about 70 where you are in Arizona.  That's the weather we had a week or so ago.  I know you'll be glad to be home and see all your "kids" again, human and furry.  

    I'm so sorry for all the losses a day or so ago.  It's so hard to let our loyal friends go to sleep.  I've never been able to be in the room at the very last.  I remember Mike gave Susie the first shot and she went to sleep with her head on my foot but i couldn't stay for the last shot.  The same when one of the girls has to go to sleep.  I have such empathy for anyone who has to do this but the time does come when we have to do it to keep them from suffering..  I don't think i've ever gotten over any of them - dogs cats or cows.

    It's cold enough now at night that I'm having to disconnect the water hoses to the water tanks.  i dread doing this all winter.  I even have to bring in the hoses to keep them from freezing (not yet) so I think I'll get a ten foot hose - probably metal because those rubber or vinyl ones are so hard to coil when they're cold.

    Guess I'll stop and  see if I can post this.  When I first got on, it kept saying this was not a secure website - never had that happen before.  

    There's a movie U want to watch called UP.  Day, Gary Goben mentioned it the other morning.  Has something to do with squirrels.  Have you ever heard him mention a wife?  Just wondering.

    Hope all of you are well today and getting a good night's sleep.  I think all of us have had our boosters and flu shots.  I don't for the life or me understand people's reluctance to wear masks.  Ron, I think my doctor's office doesn't require them either - sign on the door indicates they're optional.  They used to give one to anyone who didn't have one when you first came in.  I think it's a good idea to wear one to prevent flu.  You know there weren't many cases of flu the last couple of winters and that was partly because people were wearing masks.  I will continue as most of you are doing.

    Enjoy the rest of your day and stay safe.             

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Marie sorry about Sweetie.  We do miss them.

    It can be hard to get things done here too.  Suppose to do my chimney 12/22 if nothing interferes.  Will be 4 or 5 months since I first contacted them.

    Very cold, cloudy day.  Skiff of snow on this morning.  When I went to work at 8 roads ok, but roads were slick for those that came in at 6 &7.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Marie, I'm sorry to learn about your little girl Sweetie.  It sounds like she gad a good life with you.

    My guy Simon has hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, a heart murmur and now hypertension!  I have to give him two medications.  He will be 18 years old in January.  He is a lilac Siamese cat.

    I'm wondering what Buffalo will look like tonight.  I went to college in upstate NY--we had lots of snow in those days.

    Ron, if the oral vitamin B12 does not get absorbed, look into sublingual B12--it does not have to go through the stomach.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, your Simon has some problems - so good that he has you to take care of him and give him his medications.  We've had a Siamese cat but guess I've never seen a lilac one - I bet he's beautiful.  We had a poodle called Jellebeene who had seizures and I had to give her medicine every night for them.  You know I did it for so long that when we finally lost her I sitll thought about it every night.

    I saw some of Buffalo on the news today - looks awful.  They said as much as 4" of snow an hour and up to five or six feet expected.  I can't even imagine that  much snow. We'd be snowed in for a month.  I hope we don't have much or any snow this winter. Darwin sold his tractors and I sold ours so there aren't any tractors around to pull someone out of the mud or break the snow banks.  

    You know I have those sublingual B-12 tablets and I hate them.  They're way too sweet but guess it gets the job done.  Many, many years ago when I worked on a medical ward I got a bottle of B-12 and gave myself injections.  Really worked.  I remember a year or so ago when I was in one of our urgent care places they had a sign on the wall that you could get B-12 shots there.  

    It's stinkin' cold here today.  The temperature is around 34 but the north wind is howling so there's a low wind chill.  And, I can't find my thermal pants.  I had at least three sets last year and all I can find this year are two tops so ordered a couple of pairs of pants but they won't be here until next Friday.  It's supposed to warm up a little bit after today so guess it'll be okay.  I do have three or four pairs of flannel lined pants.

    I just came in from filling the water tank in the garden.  The girls except for three or four have been way down in the NE pasture grazing but they came up a while ago so they needed water.  I saw little Susie running along with another little calf.  When I went out to turn off the water I saw her having lunch.  She's filled out and cute as all get out - still a dark brown but she'll turn black before too long.  Funny, they turn black first around their eyes and a streak down their back then all over.

    Haven't heard from thw carpenter so i've given up on him.  I can close the big doors and the others are sitll standing. The next time Bryon is here I'll see if he can fix them a little bit better.  Maybe Mike will know someone but I doubt it.  He bought a couple of places in the secrion north of us that had houses on them and he couldn't even find someone to work on them at a reasonable price.

    I don't know anything, as usual, so I'll stop rattling.  Hope all of you are well today and warm.  Looks like the whole Country is cold.  Looking at Buffalo makes me think of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" - which was about climate change.

    I dread winter if it's going to be snowy and from what one of our weatherman said last night on his winter forecast, it will be.  Most of the persimmon seeds have spoons, not sure about the wooly worms and no corn around to look at the shucks.  He did say the Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting a mild winter.  He said his mother believes it more than she does in what he says.  Hope it's right.  Really glad I don't have to get out and feed this winter but I do miss it.  At least the girls are here so I can see and talk to them.  He does plan to move the yearling bulls and bigger calves so he can feed the little ones from the creepfeeders.

    Sheena's outside so I'll stop and see if she'll come in.   Stormy just came in and is asleep on the divan.  

    I think I mentioned I talked with my doctor's nurse and she said after getting the Prevnar 20 shot for pneumonia I won't need any more.  I imagine we'll have to keep having covid boosters as more variants begin but that's all right if it keeps us safe.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.  Going to be awfully cold for football games tonight and Bedlam is tomorrow night - OU vs. OSU.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    28F the high today.  Cold, windy with a skiff of snow this morning.

    Made a pumpkin pie and the pie crust.  The pie crust was excellent.  My nephew and his girlfriend stopped by so was able to share a piece with them.  That was nice.  Rolled crust out between two sheets of parchment paper.  That worked great.

    He took all 8 of my grow lights.  I will not be tempted to start anything as I have no lights.  Will either buy plants or direct sow seeds.  Seed catalogs have been coming.

    Stay warm everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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