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Just need to talk to my friends (182)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Morning,  Day,  so excited for you!  Bet it seemed like forever for this day to come.  Just think how much fun it will be.  Drive carefully.

    Watched part of another strange show last evening.  I had seen where it was on many times and the title intrigued me "The Shape of Water".  I only saw the last half if it and am anxious to watch all of it.

    Been busy on the phone with business this morning.  Had to talk with the county assessor to have the tractor removed for next year.  Had a nice visit with the fence builder.  He has finished baling  so wiil be able to do it soon.  Then FedEx  and UPS can deliver to the house.  Darwin got in touch with a carpenter who will give him an estimate.  Guess I  will use that one to do the barn work and a couple of little things in the house.  

    Talked with Mike this morning.  He was able to buy the section east of us and was telling me what he planned to do.  I found where our mail carrier had called me yesterday so called her.  She said she was worried about me because I hadn't called her back.  Odd thing-  she had a pkg. To deliver that required my signature.  I was expecting paper towels from Amazon and saw that a signature was required.  Called Amazon and they said they hadn't done that and couldn't and that it was USPS that had done it.  Post Master told our carrier they hadn't so no idea what happened.

    Day, I'm ready for two hours of Garolyn.

    Beth, I have a Ninja blender and really like it.  Don't use it much but like it when I do.  You got a good deal.  

    Enjoy the day, everyone.  Going to.be pretty.  The girls went off to graze and left the baby in the garden.  

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi front porch rockers...it has been a while since I posted but do read about each of you daily.

    Chucky gets a special "birthday" today!  So happy for you both.  Having a fur baby or 2 or 3 is a boost for us...gives us companionship and someone to look after.

    Lorita, I love reading about your farm and the many animals...being the custodian of all that is a real calling.  I grew up spending summers on my grandparents' farm and if there had been anyway for me to make a living there I would have stayed.  Lots of hard work, and some heartache, but the nature aspect speaks to the soul.

    Seems like each of us is having "health issues" lately.  Last week I was walking down steps of daughter's porch...missed the last one and fell on my left knee.  With some help was able to get up and drive the 2 blocks home.  Ice and advil...but was very sore the next day.  Ended up at ER...nothing broken but had fluid on the knee.  They put on an immobilizer sleeve...that lasted until I got home...couldn't get up or down with it one.  Ordered a compression stabilizer knee brace from Amazon (after doing research on web about condition) and it really worked well.  Had follow-up with Orthopedic today and I am doing well.  He said it would take about a month for all soreness to go away.  I was very lucky as the place I landed was a concrete walk!

    Daughter and I took Mother to church Sunday for the Saints day service which is a memorial service for those members who passed in the last year.  Was tough with the knee, but didn't want to miss it since Dad was one being remembered.

    Ron, I hope you and Lou are doing better each day.  You are such a loving husband and caregiver.

    To all of you, wishing better health and better days for now and always.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Mr. Chucky is home now - he's the sweetest little dog.  I thnk he's exhausted from the ride and the new-ness of everything, he's snoring under a blanket next to me.  He goes to the vet tomorrow for a general exam and I already know he needs a dental - lots of tartar like blocks on his back teeth so I'll get that taken care of ASAP.  He smiles a lot!

    Lorita, I was thinking about you as I was driving up to "the thumb" (Jo C will know what I'm referring to, a Michigan term - take your right hand and hold it palm up and that's the Lower Peninsula of Michigan - this shelter is literally in the thumb of the state), all farms, very small "downtowns" with small grocery stores, businesses.  Very interesting drive and the day was beautiful.

    Chucky was ready for me with his little coat with pumpkins on it - a lady who volunteers at the shelter makes every animal a coat.  They also gave me his collar, a brand new leash and he is MICROCHIPPED as well - and my info has already been entered as his owner so that's fantastic.

    Couple of pictures below.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Beautiful full moon.

    Marie glad you found something to help with your knee.

    Chunky has beautiful eyes.

    Had a good day at work.  Then went picked up my meat.  The freezer is plum full.  Got 30 more pounds than last year.  So a long day but I only got palpitations very late in the day.  

    May each one get a good nights rest.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Marie, so sorry about your knee.  Hope it improves quickly.  Good that you didn't break your knee cap.  Glad you found something yo help it. Just be very careful.

    I love the farm.  I have lived here all but a couple of years in my life and hope I don't  have to ever leave.    Love having the cattle around and, of course, the GPs and cats.  

    Darwin  and I waited all day for the carpenter who never showed up.  If he doesn't tomorrow I'll call one of the others.

    Day, you and Chucky will have a good nights sleep after your trip today.  Hope the trip to the vet goes well.  He looks like such a sweetie .

    Sara, the moon is beautiful.  It looks  so big.  The sunset tonight was also besutiful- bright reds and pinks.

    Glad your day went well.  Did you bring all your meat home?  I remember the first thing we'd have after daddy butchered was tenderloin the next morning.  We really didn't eat beef much.  mostly pork.

    Mike and Sidney came and gave the girls two bales.  He brought three but left the other one north of the house.  I thought they were almost out but didn,'t walk up to see. At least they'll have plenty for a few dsys. They said they had three surgeries to do tonight.  He gave Sheena an antibiotic shot and left capsules for her. She has bilateral hygromas on her elbows and one has gotten bigger and red. Hygromas are fluid filled sacs resulting from laying on hard surfaces if they're on elbows.  She has a soft bed but doesn't always lay on it. Hope the medicine works-  it has in the past.

    I'm beginning to feel better.  About time, but still wstching what I eat..  Might even lose some weight.

    Sleep well tonight.  Day, glad today is over for you and Chucky.  He knows he has found a good home.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Day,   I love those pictures of Chucky, he is so sweet and a lucky little boy to have found you and his forever home. Hold him tight tonight, you both need that. Hugs to you and Chucky. Zetta
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Day, Chucky is adorable and very lucky to have you! I am so happy for both of you.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Foggy and drizzly here this morning.  Got up about half an hour ago.  Woke up early but just didn't want to get out of bed.  Weather just said it will be 80 today!  Then down to 40s the next few days.  Heard the cows bawling and when I went to the front door saw Toad's truck so he fed this morning.  Charles and I always fed late in the afternoon, about 5 so it has been a change for the girls.

    Haven't heard all the election results but don't believe the Okla. Election went right for me.

    Day, how did  Mr. Chucky make it last night?  Bet both of you are happy as clams this morning.

    Judith, how are things in OKC this morning?  Hope you are well.

    Nothing on tap for today unless I decide to go in for my flu shot and a few groceries.  I ordered a new electric blanket Monday and it's supposed to be here today, just in time for the cold weather.  Really will be glad when the new fence is in so they can deliver to the house

    Time for juice.  I have big capsules to give Sheena.  Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    On my way to the VA yesterday something either flew off a truck or debris from the road on interstate hit my rearview mirror. I'm now missing a rearview mirror cover and the base is cracked. Got to the VA and the nurse did not recall having me come in that day. I had to remind her of our conversation and the reason due to blood thinner medicine. I did see the Dr. and because of other health issues she is keeping me on blood thinners. After I complete the initial presentation a new one at a reduced dosage is what I'll be taking. I also had lab work and will have another chest xray when I go to urology next week. She said if the  xray still showed a inflammatory process she will prescribe a antibiotic I've taken  before. 

    I called community care coordinator at the VA and voiced my dissatisfaction with pulmonary Drs office. I was told they could not change provider until this current referral expired. They told me that they would call the pulmonary nurse and inform her of my dissatisfaction. 

    Lou and I both were restless last night! I kept waking up and when I tried to sleep, she would wake me up. Hopefully tonight is better!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron,you were very lucky that whatever it was hit the mirror and not the window or windshield.  You never know what will happen.  Glad you're okay.

    The moon was full last night and so bright so maybe that's the reason you all were restless.

    Lazy day here.  I plan on going  to town in the morning for a few groceries and to get my flu shot.  Guess I will get it at WM.  Seems they're the only place giving them this week.

    Have any of you all eaten cheese curds?  I haven't but Carol talked about them this morning.  Seems they're a piece of cheese rolled in Panko? and fried.  I was thinking more along the line of cottage cheese only bigger.  She says they're delicious.  

    Sometimes it seems like I'm back in the dark ages not having  heard of new singing  groups or songs, etc.   Guess that's okay though.

    I haven't seen a post from Jo lately.  Hope she's okay.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hate to reply to my own post but not many posting today.  I have a couple of cute, I think, stories  that show how smart our girls are.  But you all know, I don't get out much.

    Yesterday I went out to fill the water tank and Billy the Bull was leaving the garden to go to the water tank in the lot.  I didn't say anything but he saw me and turned around and came to the tank I was filling.  We had a nice conversation with me telling him how smart he was to know that I was going to give him water to drink.  He figured why walk all that way for water when I was filling one closer.  I

    The other one just happened.  I looked out the open door and saw the baby running north. Hurried out to see him headed toward some cows about a quarter mile away.  He met three or four little ones coming up but continued on.  I got in the PU and drove down to watch.  He headed toward a group of four cows and he stopped as he came to each one.  Finally stopped at one and latched on.  He had gotten hungry so went to find his mother.  Remember the weed s are as tall as he is.  Her mother may have called him.  You know unless it is a new baby she has bedded down, the cow will make the calf cone to them.Girls are trying to get what little grass they can find.  It looks so good to see green grass.  My luttle, White flowers are about 5" tall, no blooms, just green stems.  But, it's going to turn cold tomorrow night with the threat of a little snow this weekend.

    Just wanted to share a little with you all.  Like I said, it doesn't take much to amuse me.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Chucky did fine last night - slept like a log.  I made sure to get him out in the middle of the night also because I don't know his schedule yet.  Today was the vet, they do the drop-off thing, so he was gone from 11 to 4.  He's going to come back in 2 weeks for his dental, which really needs to be done.  His blood work is fine, he didn't need any vaccinations, they just want to do a chest x-ray on him to get a look at his heart (they ran out of time today) because of the heart murmur.  Otherwise healthy, overweight and we'll try watching his portions with more exercise first, then if that doesn't work putting him on a prescription dog food.

    He was glad to get out of there and ate a little when he got home along with a nice drink.  He's laying on the couch next to me while I do my transcription.  Seems to be settling in just fine.  I think when he gets his teeth cleaned up he'll feel a lot better - I'm sure he probably has a couple of teeth needing to come out and then once that's done I'll be brushing them.

    Tomorrow I'll be working so that will be something else he'll be getting used to, but he seems to just want to be nearby and he does amuse himself with toys and takes naps.  He'll be fine.  So, a very productive couple of days.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, so good that Chucky is adapting to his new  home.  It's good you're  having him checked out by the vet so he can start his new life and home well.

    I was wondering  today if you worked from  home but sounds like you don't.  Chucky will get used to the time you come home and will be watching for you. Happy he'll be waiting for you to get there.  Will he have the run of the house or do you plan to confine him to one or two rooms for a while? So happy for you both.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Maybe JoC has gone to the beach.

    Sounds like Chucky is adapting well.

    We are suppose to be getting some cold weather too.

    Cattle are smart and very inquisitive.  Wish I lived where I could watch some.

    Take care everyone

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Good morning all.

    Sitting here in Florida enjoying Tropical Storm Nicole.

    We normally leave but Bill is not feeling good to travel.

    First part started at 2:00 this morning. Rain and high winds all day. Gust 25mph!

    Had to put all my plants Inside. 

    The resort where I live very few people leave. Some have been here for over 20 

    yrs. We are in the center of Florida.

    I hate daylight savings time! Bill hates change and my dog stormy stays on old 

    time. Walk, feed and bedtime for him never changes.

    Hope everyone have a great day and stay safe.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi,  got up and made it into town early.  Got the groceries, then to WM for my flu shot.  I love challah so had to walk all the way to the south side of the store to look for it.  Didn't have it so got Italian instead.  Passed a bin of big avocados for 88 cents so got three of those.  Had just gotten two for $1.66 each at the grocery store- should have waited.  So had my hands full and checked out.  There were only two checkers and there was a full cart ahead of me at both places.  I do not like to go to WM because you have to walk so far.  I like my smaller store.  Got signed in for my shot got it and got out of there.  I was exhausted.   There was a little, older woman behind me checking out and she said she had been in there an hour.  She went over and sat down to rest.  I did, too, before my shot.  I'm going to have to get out and walk more.

    My arm is already a little sore but glad that's done. Did see several people wearing masks.  I did.

    I found a way to get into town driving on country roads except for about half a mile.  Works good because when I accelerate on the highway the PU cuts out.  I did call and they couldn't fix it today and didn't have a loaner.  Maybe next week.

    Still haven't gotten everything out of the PU.

    It's warm but clouding up.  Supposed to be almost z40 degrees colder tomorrow.

    Sara, wish you were closer and we could watch cows all day.  When I was driving up to the house I saw the baby, Susie, laying with several others resting.  She's just one of the girls!  When the vet comes to treat a cow, the others gather at the fence to watch.  They are very curious, even when you are repairing fences. I always told Charles they were watching  how we fixed it so they could undo it and get out.

    Saw where they're cleaning out and deepening some ponds and saw bales of hay in several places that have never been baled before. Someone is baling the section east of us.  Mike bought the place but found someone to bale it to clean it up..  it won't be good hay but can be rolled out and the cows will pick through it.

    Shirley, batton down the hatches!!  Hope it isn't too bad.  Sorry Bill isn't feeling well.  You'll probably be all right and won't have to do all that driving.  Good to read your post.  Be careful. Every time they mention Florida I think of you and Bill.

    So you have a Stormy, too.  What kind is he?  When I got home my Stormy was so happy.  I was only gone two hours but I was glad to be home, too.

    Now, has everyone had their third booster and flu shots?  Maybe we're finished for a few months.  Hope so.  I need a nap!

    Back later.  Need to get the others things into the house. FedEx is supposed to deliver some things today.  Left the gates open with a note telling them to bring things to the house.  Doubt they will.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Day; that little Chucky is truly adorable, what a sweet looking little guy; white muzzle and all. What a dear place he has found for his forever home.  Bet you love cuddling with him.  He has the most beautiful eyes.  Won't be long before he is settled in and feels secure and safe and well loved.

    Zetta, are you in Arizona now?  I think it was the 9th that you were leaving; no snow!  Talked to my brother in Bend not that far from your place and he said they have been having snowfall too but not the heavy stuff yet; that will come soon enough.  Enjoy your wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

    Gosh Ron; I am glad you were not injured on the Interstate; whew!  Wonder if getting Lou some exercise of the mind or body in whatever way possible will help to get her to sleep better at night; but then again, when we hit "an age," sleep can get a bit squirrely which I am certainly beginning to find out.  Glad you got after the Pulmonary Department and hope you get good results.

    Lorita; those BIG WalMart stores and others like them, they can be a problem for more "mature" knees and other joints.  Have you ever used the electric carts they have?  I remember the first time I ever used one - I was SO embarrassed and so hoped I would not see anyone I knew.  Got on it, skulked around corners and then realized - HURRAY!   I could go as far as I wanted around and around that huge store and stay as long as I wished; the entire store was available and the big basket held my purchase items just fine.  Second time using such a cart, I still had the feeling of embarrassment; but after that no way - I loved the freedom it gives and my knees did not scream at me for several days afterward.

    Good you got your flu shot.  It appears that influenza is spreading very quickly, so I am glad to have the vaccine and so hope it is going to be valid against the type that is circulating.  Our county has the highest rate of flu in the state and is one of the highest in the country.  Decided to confirm to myself that masks are still very much a positive.  COVID cases also rising and more seen in hospitalization but not nearly as much as it was in the early days.  We are a densely populated huge county, so things are more likely to spread more easily.

    The window washer guy came and did the outsides on both stories and washed the screens too. Glad to have it done.  He looks very much like a very old hippie; very much so, long unkempt hair, odd clothes, and all, and is not a happy person, but he does a great job and has been doing it for many years.  We appreciate him.   However; he asked to come in and use the restroom which of course we let him.  However; he has been a person bad mouthing medical issues and people, etc. it is like a litany to listen to him; he has always been like that.  Sure do hope he had his COVID vaccines and boosters as DH was not masked and was pretty close to him.  DH is of an age and has Diabetes, so he must be more mindfully cautious, but doesn't always remember to do so.

     Holy cow; (sorry Lorita), another warning today again about not buying any meats or cheeses from deli counters.  Listeria on the uptick looking for new hosts.  That is the organism that continues to grow even in the refrigerator.  Evidently deli's have far more exposure to the organism and spreads it pretty quickly. AND I had forgotten; the incubation period can be one day OR can be 10 weeks before illness sets in. Over two months!  That is a bit scary for sure.  Had one person die and thirteen hospitalized to date and more ill; CDC still doing survellience and telling people to not eat any lunch meat without heating it to 165 degrees - how many people do that?  No one I know. Also warned that if one has bought meets or  cheeses from a deli, even quite some time ago, to carefully clean the refrigerator.  We did have some deli meat, but I do not recall the timeline, it is my husband that mostly eats that. 

    We had a large rather wild rain storm system for a day and a half.  It came down like crazy and had big winds with it.  Sounded like nails against the house. Had a couple of inches and we sure needed the rain. Lots of snow in the mountains; Mammoth got more snow in this storm that they have had in any other storm in ten years.  Glad we did not lose power; had a little lantern ready just in case.  The time change still has me a bit off.  Always think it should be later. Would rather have one time set and stick to it year round.

    Tummy highly irritable again; so back to apple juice and one cup of sick day soup - (Campbell's Chicken Rice Soup that has to be made with water), it is almost all broth.  Advanced to slice of white toast and tummy got mad and gave me some feedback.  Sigh.  Hope to graduate to a scrambled egg soon.  Really dislike not feeling well. This is the second time with tummy in the last two months and I am careful with diet, so got to figure out what is off.

    Got a new book to re-read; "Angela's Ashes," by Frank McCourt. Read it years ago when it first came out and it was an amazing wonderful read so decided to revisit it.  He won multiple prizes including a Pulitzer for the book.  Looking forward to it.  What a gift with words that man had. Makes my brain feel good to read such a wonderful bit of writing.

    Today is our son's birthday and he got his surprise German Chocolate birthday cake delivered to him; it was fun to do it.  Have to get going as we have to call him and sing Happy Birthday.

    Take good care and have a good Thursday; weekend looms - seemed to come so fast this week.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Lorita wrote:

    Day, so good that Chucky is adapting to his new  home.  It's good you're  having him checked out by the vet so he can start his new life and home well.

    I was wondering  today if you worked from  home but sounds like you don't.  Chucky will get used to the time you come home and will be watching for you. Happy he'll be waiting for you to get there.  Will he have the run of the house or do you plan to confine him to one or two rooms for a while? So happy for you both.

    I do work from home, the difference when I'm working is my breaks and lunch are at specific times and not really flexible so he's on more of a schedule when I'm working.  He has the run of the house but it seems he prefers to be in my office area when I'm working, he brings toys in and there's a bed here for him.  He will leave and get a drink or eat something when he needs to and comes back.  Totally housebroken.  There's no history on him really but it's obvious he belonged to someone because he is so sweet and just follows me around.  I imagine he was abandoned at the pound, which is where the shelter got him from.  Really, really loves walking and running in leaves.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, it sounds like you've gotten a gem.  Sounds so sweet that he brings toys into your office to play with.  I think it's so great that people can work from home these days.  Never an option when I worked.  Enjoy your evening with Chucky.

    Jo, a few years ago Charles would use those electric carts in WM.  He was so good with them,  never ran into anyone or anything.  One time he drove it out to the pickup so I decided I would drive it back inside.  It was awful, it turned so quickly.  I guess you adapt to it but never tried it again..  I've only been in Wal-Mart three times this year;once for eyedrops, this time for the flu shot and when I helped Jack find things for his apartment in AL.  I like my little store.  I do order a lot from WM but it has gotten where there are a lot of things they don't ship.  But this changes from day to day.

    The cold front is knocking on our door.  Heavy rain around Tulsa.  Maybe we will get sone.  I did take down the flag but will put it up again tomorrow for Veterans Day.

    Kind of tired tonught. Had several boxes to bring up from the mailbox and get inside.  Still have canned cat and dog food in the PU.  As Scarlet would say"I'll think about that tomorrow"

    Happy Birthday to your son!!

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Lorita, stormy is a poodle that thinks he is human. 

    Storm is gone. Now cleanup time. Winds were up to 40 mph gust.

    I put all my plants and birdfeeders in my building. I have alot of limbs to pick up.

    Have a good day


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Happy Veteran's Day to all veterans, active duty and reserves! We appreciate your service!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Shirley, glad the storm is over for you and not too bad.  It's about 35 degrees colder here than at this time yesterday.  The wind is around 30 mph from the north so it's nippy.  Glad I went to town yesterday.  Toad just came and fed and girls are going back to the hay.  The hay is on the south side of the house so the house and storage building kind of make a windbreak.  Saw little Susie following her mom to eat.

    My Stormy is a Great Pyrenees and he's sure he's human.  He's sound asleep on the divan now.  I have a drive way  alarm that goes off when someone  comes to that gate.  He has learned that and when it goes off he goes to the window abd looks out. What would we do without our canine friends?  I thought this was funny -- I haven't turned on the stove yet and it's chilly.  I turned on the hot pot for my hot tea and when I went in the kitchen there were two cats sitting next to the hot pot for warmth.  Guess I better light the stove.

    Bryon just called.  He's coming out to clean up the yard.  Guess he's off for Veterans Day.  

    Beth, I agree.  We should thank all the veterans for our freedom.  Tulsa has one of the biggest Veterans Day parades in the Country. Going to be cold today.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy Veteran's Day to all.  My Dad served in WW II, and he was proud to do so.  He was just a young boy (18) when he went to Germany.

    My daughter and her children have a tradition of making cupcakes and taking them to the local VFW on this day, to thank them all for their service.

    Weather here is rain today.  Unlike so many of you, we have had ample rain this year with very few storms.

    Lorita, I agree with you about the size of WM being a reason not to go there.  I also find they don't carry smaller cans of things...more family oriented.  I have used the curb-side pickup from the local grocery which has been great, particularly with my knee issue.  I just order and pay on line and pick a time I want to get it.  They let me know when ready and will load it in the car.

    Glad to hear that Chucky is adapting well to his new home.

    Glad to hear the storm in Florida was not too bad.

    Ron, hope that you and Lou are able to get more rest.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Marie, what a nice thing for your daughter and her family to do.  I know it's really appreciated.  When I worked at the VA Hospital there was always an avenue of flags in front of the hospital.  It's so pretty.  It was a privilege to be able to work for all those veterans and to get to know them.  Charles enlisted in the Army before he was old enough. After a few months it was discovered and he was discharged a couple of months before his bIrthday.  After the birthday he re-enlisted and was sent to Japan.  The war started while he was there and he was sent to Korea. He was there the whole war.  He earned a lot of medals including the Bronze Star.  A few years ago we sent for all his medals and I put them in a shadow box for him.  It's hanging on the sunroom wall along with other memorabilia from the war and his flag in it's holder.  Like so many of the young men he developed PTSD from his war experiences.  He has told me a little about the war but was hard to talk about. It's awful that snyone should have to go through things like thst.

    We had .7" of rain.  I was surprised.  Bryon said the roads were muddy.   It's sunny now but really cold and windy.

    Zetta, I think you may be in Arizona.  Enjoy your visit but know you miss your fur babies but they'll be well taken care of.  My arm is a bit sore and I have had a headache from my flu shot  I read it's better to not take a pain reliever but think I can today.  Glad I went in yesterday.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning from a cold Louisiana boy! Suppose to have 50s for a high all week which is a big change for us. Was just thinking about my younger days with the windows up and doors open with the screen door keeping critters out and wrapped up in a quilt when it's cold. Now just set your thermostat and let the central air and heat work for you. 

    Saw my lab on line yesterday and overall it was pretty good. PSA was good but b12 is low and now need to take b12 vitamins. My urine sample came back high microscopic blood of 130. Dont know if that is caused from the cyst they found in my kidney are something else going on. I have a urology appointment Wednesday so will let them take care of it. Primary care did order another chest xray to see if the inflammation has cleared up in my right lung, I will have it done Wednesday when I'm at the VA. Lou has a appointment with her Dr. Tuesday and we will get her flu shot then.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, cold in eastern Oklahoma, too.  It's 30 but sunny.  Think it will be around 50 today.   So hated to get up because the house was cold.  I turn off the propane stove st night because who knows what cats will do at night.  Haven't used the space heaters yet but will leave one on in the LR and bathroom.  I'm not ready Gor cold weather yet.  At least no wind yet.

    Cows woke me up bawling.  Guess they thought today was feed day.  I hear one still bawling.  Guess she's looking for her bsby.

    Ron, sounds like things are going okay for you.  My B 12 is usually low, too, so I'm supposed to take that along with D3.  I'm not used to taking medicine so I usually forget.  I did get some probiotics and probiotics to take so will try to remember.

    Last night they showed a high school football game bring played in Del City, near OKC and the field was completely white and it was still snowing.  Guess  the persimmon seeds are started by off right.

    Enjoy the day.  Back later..  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Beautiful morning here. A lite dusting of snow make the air sparkle. Pretty soon it will be time for ice skating!

    Training at the museum this morning...woould could be more wonderful. We have a bunch of new docents. They are a great goup and will do so well.

    Ordered 5 batches of tulips. I started with 4 but soon realized it was cheaper to order 5 and get free shipping. They are deep pink which means that I have commited to painting the front door. Dick wanted red so red it was but I aqm now ready to do away with Elizabeth Arden and move onto Charleston Green. Interesting story about that color and the civil war. I will let you google. 

    My daughter is going to come over and discuss some simplification of the landscaping in the front yard. No more Caladiums.

    Anyone watching The Crown???

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,681
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Been snowing a bit today.  Think it is about to change to rain.  No accumulation, imagine ground is too warm.

    Been decluttering my office today.  Got the closet done, a good start.  Next time will be my desk.  It is as bad or worse than closet.  Will be well over 50% done when I get those two things  done.  Collected several things for thrift store.

    Not too much going on.

    Take care

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'll leave this here - whatever he was dreaming about it must have been nice!
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Day Chucky is so lucky to have found such a loving home. You both needed each other.  Those pictures are so precious. 

    Lorita and Jo.  Yes, I am in Arizona, I'm in Maricopa, Arizona. I got here Thursday evening. My daughter and her husband left for a 3-day cruise, so I have been pet sitting the kitten and the puppy.  This is the first time they have left their fur babies and both babies are really missing them. They get home tomorrow. I will send some pictures when she gets home, I don't know how to do that. 

    I had a nice plane trip I left the small airport in Redmond Oregon flew into Seattle, Washington. That was an hour flight, then after a 4-hour layover I had a 3.5-hour flight from Seattle to Phoenix. I like the layovers Iam a people watcher. And there is a lot of people in the busy international airports. I miss my Molly, Sammy and Emmy, but Iam sure my 3 weeks will go by fast. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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