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Just need to talk to my friends (182)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I'm glad the hard part is over for Chucky; he should feel so much better once his gums heal.

    Simon ate his kidney diet at first, but he seems to be getting bored with it. I have to watch him eat that he doesn't eat the regular cat food, and that they don't eat his food.  But I can't always stop them.  I also have him on baby food, he loves thst.  Simon seems to be better, he went outside twice today, and he has been awake more.  


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I hope you hear from Sarah today!

    Chucky woke up in his usual good mood and smiling.  Seemingly no aftereffects from the anesthesia - so different from Keys.  Keys was very sensitive to anesthetic and would be low for 3-4 days afterward.  Chucky was alert when I was taking him home!

    Already had a supply of soft food for him - going to feed that for about a week and then start trying to mix some kibble in and back to the dry.  They showed me the before and after of his teeth and they really got them CLEAN.  It's amazing.  No more stinky mouth either.  

    Iris, I'm glad Simon is better and getting outside.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Typed a post and lost it so will try again.

    Iris glad Simon is improving.  I know it always makes us feel better when our fur babies are okay.

    Day, glad Chucky is almost back to his old self.  I know you feel better about things today.  

    I hope I hear from Sarah today, too.  Guess she just doesn't feel like talking.

    Kitt seems okay this morning.  His eye is open good and not weepy and he's not coughing.  Maybe it was allergies for him yesterday like it was for me.  I did call and cancel the appointment.  My back is really hurting this morning so didn't feel like going but would haved if he hadn't seemed better.  He's had breakfast and is sleeping now.

    Bryon called earlier.  He took the week off and is going hunting with his son. He'll come out Sunday afternoon if he isn't rained out.  He may even be able to fix the cowshed doors.  I have two or three leather coats Charles sometimes wore so hope Bryon can wear them.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.  Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I'm glad Kitt is better.  

    Lorita, I don't know how you keep up with all of the animals and people, too! I have enough trouble keeping up with just four cats and myself.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Not sure, Iris, guess because I've done it for so long.  I've always tried to name the new babies and I have several who are cows now and I think they actually know their names.  I had a nice conversation with Gray Lady this afternoon. She's a big Brangus with gray around her eyes and nose. I had left the gate open so I could drive up and see the girls and she got in north of the house.  So, we visited a bit and she left but followed me into the barn.  She was persistant so gave her some of the hay I'd taken into the crib yesterday.  Another cow was in the lot and guess she suspected something was going on so she came in, too.  About 15 minutes later I saw both of them leaving so guess they finished the hay.  They have two fresh bales so they're okay.  I saw little Susie laying in the hay next to a cow and calf.  She's still brown but will be changing colors soon.

    Kitt has been quiet today but has been up twice to eat and another twice to go to the bathroom.  He's sound asleep in his chair now.  He changes places every two or three days.  In fact, I think everyone's asleep except me.

    Day, Denim & Co. has a TSV tonight so I'm going to try to stay awake long enough to see what it is.  How's Chucky tonight?  Bet he's so glad he's home with his new mom.

    Believe it or not, I had a call from the carpenter this afternoon.  He apologized profusely for not getting back to me sooner.  Asked if I still wanted him to give an estimate - so he'll be out about 9 Friday morning.  If the price is not too high, guess I'll get him to make a new door and repair two or three shutters and nail back the boards.  If it isn't too muddy on Sunday, maybe Bryon can close the back doors for me.  He usually brings someone with him to help.  Not much for a trip out here so I'll try to think of something else for him to do.

    Didn't hear from Sarah today so guess I have to assume things are about the same.  

    In all the air traffic today one of Carol's daughters and her husband flew to Athens for three days, then they're going on a week-long cruise around the Greek Islands.  This girl is now a grandmother and I remember her when she was about three hiding behind her mother's skirts.  Where in the world does the time go?

    A couple of weeks ago I left the comb I use for the GPs and a pair of rubber gloves with the knobs on them so you can stroke the dog and the loose hair comes off.  A few days later one of the gloves was gone - couldn't find it anywhere.  Today I was going to comb Stormy and the other glove and comb were gone.  I found the comb on the ground by the porch but no glove.  Do you all think that little squirrel got those gloves?  I can't figure out anything else.  Did see a hole that opened under the steps so filled it in.  Hope the squirrel wasn't in there.  I have killed a snake that was under there but, hopefully, they're all asleep now.

    Didn't do anything today except a load of laundry and going to the mailbox and checking the girls.  Guess the little bit of shoveling I did yesterday did me in.  Carol told me not to do it but I did anyway.  Taught me a lesson.

    Decided not to make a pie - still have almost all of that chocolate cake.  Think I'll cook some shells and cheese.  This will be the 7th Thanksgiving I've spent alone.  Scarlet and Logan came the first one after I lost Charles and  Sarah and Todd came on Christmas.  No one else to come.  I can remember in holidays past seeing two or three cars turn in the driveway one after the other.  Mother used to have big crowds for holidays.  Nice to have those memories.

    Well, enjoy the evening - will see you all in the morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Do any of you all like Yanni?
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita glad you have memories.  I will go to my sisters but holidays are still not the same for me either.  

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Here's wishing all the front porch rockers and family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please dont get overstuffed! We will be driving to my sister's family's house about 11/2 hours from here and my brother will be driving so my leg should be ok. I did overdo it prior to their visit and I'm feeling the results. It is going to be nice enjoying Thanksgiving together with my remaining siblings. 

    Rainy all day!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Happy Thanksgiving to all the front porch rockers - I've got a quiet house today, Chucky is sleeping on the couch next to me.  He's had his pills and is back to his spry self.  Getting ready to watch the parade on TV (I've got too much to do today to actually go down to it) and just enjoy the holiday, because it's back to work tomorrow!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Happy Thanksgiving Front Porch Rockers!  For those of you who will be with family and friends and to those of us who will be alone with our fur babies, too.  

    It will be a quiet day here, too.  I called Darwin a while ago to wish them a happy day and to tell him the carpenter will be here tomorrow and to ask if he wanted him to come by to give him an estimate on his window work.  They'll have a lot of family there and said he'd send a plate to me.  I declined but thanked him.  They usually do send one or bring one over on the holidays.  It rained all night so the roads are muddy and I don't want them to have to get out.  I hope his wife can enjoy the company.

    Stormy and Sheena wanted out early and I wanted to stay in bed.  Carol called early so I got up and let them out - they're back inside now.  I'm watching the Macy's parade on TV but I don't seem to enjoy them as much as in the past.  Now, they don't seem to show much of the parade - just talking to each other.  Looks like they're having a pretty day for the parade.  They did have a little bit of the Lion King.  I'd like to see that.  They said it had been on Broadway for 25 years and millions of people have seen it.  Amazing how they depict the animals.

    We had rain all night - weather said 1.5" with more to come on Saturday.  I think it'll be too muddy to do any work behind the barn Sunday.

    I asked about Yanni because I heard a bit of The Flower Duet on TV and it reminded me of one of his concerts.  Charles and I really liked him and his music.  Our local PBS station always had one of his concerts on when they had their fund raising every year but no longer.  Many years ago our tape player wasn't working right so we took it in for repair.  When we went to pick it up we asked what was wrong and the man said "nothing was wrong except there was a Yanni tape in it".  Evidently he didn't like his music.  I did listen to a little of one of his concerts last night and might enjoy it some more today.

    Time for hot tea and breakfast.  The girls just went out to the place where they're fed -- I think they heard cattle bawling somewhere and thought it was feed day.  Tried to tell them it wasn't.

    Enjoy the day in whaever way you can.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Thanksgiving to all you front porch rockers.

    I am enjoying my last day in Arizona, I fly out of here at 6am tomorrow morning and I should be back to my house by noon tomorrow. I will be so glad to see all my fur babies. Molly, Sammy and Emmy. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Didn't make it to my sister's! Rain, thunder and lightning, no one wanted to get out. Probably best, I overdid it Monday and Tuesday morning cleaning the house for company and my leg has been hurting more.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, hope you have a safe trip home.  Will you have that three hour layover going home?  I bet your  fur babies will be tickled to see you home again.  You probably won't be able to get away from them.  I checked and your weather in Oregon today was about like ours - pretty nice and not too cold.

    Ron, sorry your plans went awry.  I saw the weather today and thought about you when they showed the radar- lots of rain down your way. I know you hated to miss going to your sisters but maybe it was for the better so you could rest your leg today.  It was cloudy and about 50 here today.  Our rain will begin again on Satursay.  We need every drop we can get.

    Peter came and built fence today.  He built fence for me seven years ago on Thanksgiving Day.  He'll be back tomorrow to set the gate - then after Mike's friend welds it in I won't have to open gates every time I leave the farm.  Then, I'll have to get UPS and FedEx back to bringing things to the house.

    There was a show on tonight I thought would be so good - A Walton's Thanksgiving.  But, it was made this year and none of the old actors were in it.  I couldn't watch it.  I don't like shows that are remakes.  So,watching Everybody Loves Raymond.

    I talked to Robert, the mechanic working on my car.  They have it running - but, if you step on the brakes or turn on the lights, the motor stops.  So it's not drivable.  He said he has a new mechanic coming to work this  next week who is really good with electrical problems so he's hoping he can find the problem.  It's probably just some little thing they're missing.

    Sarah called this afternoon.  She was trying to decide whether to go to te hospital today or tomorrow.  She said she has to wait so long in the waiting room every time she goes.  She said to tell you  all hello and to thank you for the good wishes and prayers.

    I'm glad today's over - it's been the hardest Thanksgiving I've ever had and I don't know why.  Now comes  the Christmas shows and ads.   Are any of  all going to the Black Friday sales tomorrow? We went one time, to Tulsa, and vowed we'd never do it again - just too many people.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.  I'll see you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving Day.  Ron, I hope your leg is feeling better.  Zetta, it'll be good for you to be back home.  Sayra, Day and Lorita, I too, had a quiet, solo day.  I was so excited, this year I celebrated with Indigenous Native American foods.  I prepared smoked salmon, succotash, sweet potatoes, quinoa and corn bread, and cider for the beverage.  Today was also what would have been my 28th wedding anniversary.  I wanted to be married on Thanksgiving Day.

    I was so involved with the food and my rememberances that I forgot all about the Macy's Parade and the Kennel Club Dog Show.  I had watched that dog show for years.  I heard the French Bulldog won Best in Show.

    Now, back to regular life.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    We had a fun day yesterday. Good food and family. Grandkids decorated the Christmas tree for me and played soccer and fed the neighbor's horses grass clippings and sugar cubes. Weather was in the 50s. 

    If you missed the National Dog Show, it's available on nbc.com      I might watch, although I have plenty of things I need to do today including defrosting my deep freeze. Another couple of nice days before it gets cold again.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita sorry yesterday was so tough.  The holidays are hard on me too.

     Iris I would have enjoyed your dinner.  

    Beth happy for you that you had a nice day.  It was warm here too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, you must be home safe and sound by now.  I bet you'll enjoy sleeping in your own bed tonight.

    Iris, your dinner sounds good. I've never eaten succotash but have eaten lots of cornbread.  I used to like it crumbled up in a glass of milk with sliced onion on the side.  Daddy always had a glass of that about an hour after supper.

    Sara, since I've been grown holidays have never meant too much to me.  But, I do like the summer ones better.  It was warmer here today. Yesterday was cloudy and cold but we had sun today.

    The carpenters were supposed to come at 9 a.m. - not here at 9, 10, and not until about 1:30.  I had planned to watch the FIFA soccer games - USA was playing England but didn't get to see any of it.  They said they got tied up with another customer.  At any rate they got the inside of the barn fixed and talked about how they would make new doors and shutters for the cowshed part of the barn.  Also looked at the bedroom floor.  When they come back next week to give me an estimate on that, he said they'd bring a smaller guy so he could go underneath the house and see what was wrong.  That part of the bedroom is just about in the center of the house.  No way would I go under there.  One of the carpenters is 6'4" and he said he didn't do under houses anymore.  

    After they finished hanging a gate inside the barn and fixing all the boards back the girls had pushed down, they went on over to Darwins.  He called a little later and told me how pleased he was with their estimate.  Both of us liked them.  They'll be back next week to do his work and mine.  Tried my best to get them to say the floor wouldn't give way until spring but got no where with that.  They did suggest we move the bed over to take weight off that part of the floor if I didn't have it done until spring.  I'll go ahead and get it done now as soon as they can.  I've toyed with the idea of getting rid of the kind sized bed and getting a double bed but all the sheets and covers are king sized so guess I'll stick with it, at least for a while.

    Today was much better - I was outside much more and that makes me feel better.    You all mentioned the dog show - the English Bulldog that won lives in Bixby, Okla.  I didn't watch any of it - usually do to watch for Pyrenean Mountain Dogs but didn't this time.

    Supposed to be rainy here tomorrow - maybe a little over an inch of rain.  Hope so.   Ron, I did see that Shreveport is in the edge of a possible tornado outbreak tomorrow.  Be sure to watch the weather.  Do you have a weather radio?  They're really good to have when the TV reception goes off - ours does when it rains or storms.

    Did watch a really good horse show - Six-horse hitch finals.  They had Percherons, Belgians and Clydesdales.  Such gorgeous horses and their performance was beautiful.  All the Percherons were black.  Daddy had a pair of them when I was a little girl but they were gray.  Sandy, I forgot to tell you the Percherons won - sorry.   But, I think your Warmblood Belgians are beautiful horses.   Thank you for calling to check on me - so sweet of you.  I've looked at your picture several tims today and you're as cute as a bug's ear.  Thanks, again.

    I'll stop for now and see what I can find on TV to watch for a little while.  I think I'll hit the hay a bit early tonight.  I did watch part of the Grinch - never did get the hang of it.  Guess we'll see plenty of Christmas shows the next three weeks.

    See you all tomorrow.  Sleep tight.

  • toni2
    toni2 Member Posts: 31
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Good morning everyone,

    If my DH was living now we would be celebrating 67 years married today. Also our 1st grandchild was born on our 24th anniversary. Life has changed but now I have new blessings. 2 of my great-grandsons come to see me and play here and when they see me their faces light up. that warms my heart and I am so blessed. Yesterday I saw 1 of my great-great- grandchildren. She is beautiful.

    Lorita I think of you often and all your wonderful animals. I hope you are feeling better. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Just a short note -  my laptop is about out of power.  It's been raining all day, not hard, but rain anyway.  Started sometime during the night.  I woke up during the night and couldn't go back to sleep - hardly ever happens.  Then went back to sleep and really slept in.  I didn't get out of bed until about 9 a.m.- unheard of.  I had an awful backache when I did get up.  I'm still in my gown and robe.  Not planning on going outside, so why not?  Girls have been going in and out of the barn according to how heavy the rain is.

    Toni, glad to see your post.  I'll wish you a happy anniversary - you still have all the sweet memories and they can give you some joy today.  I hope you can enjoy the day.

    I never once thought my life would end up like this - alone except for Sarah and Eric, neither nearby and a couple of cousins not too far away but in very bad health. I remember after my parents' funeral I told my sister that the time would come when it would be just the two of us alone here on the hill.  Little did I know what would happen to her.

    I did call Bryon to tell him it would be too muddy  to work around the barn tomorrow. He and his son have been hunting this week so that will give them one more day to enjoy.  Haven't gotten anything yet.

    I don't know if I mentioned it in my last post but I was petting Stormy last night and found a growth of some kind on his neck - about the size of a nickel.  Not sure I can get him into the PU to get him to the vet next week and don't know when the car will be back.  I'll talk with Mike - maybe nothing to worry about right now.  It doesn't seem to bother him - he and Sheena are sound asleep now as are the cats.

    Hope all of you are well today.  Ron, watch out for the storms.  Haven't seen much weather today so don't know if they're sitll predicting bad weather for you.

    Quiet on the forum and thread today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Toni good to hear from you.

    Lorita it has been a quiet day at my house too, that’s ok.

    Got my office/sewing room decluttered today and the bathroom closet.  Next is my spare room which I use to store things instead of putting them in basement.

    Goodnight everyone 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, when I was young, the older people were never left alone, they were included in the family activities.  This is what I remember.  But in those days, everyone lived close together.  Now we are scattered all over the country.  And there are fewer young people in the family.  I don't think we are unusual.  Families are getting smaller, all over.  It's just that no one talks about or writes about people like us.  On Thanksgiving Day, I got only one telephone call, from my brother.  I am the person in my family who keeps up the contacts, with cards and phone calls.  I had made a long list of calls to make, but at the last moment, I decided to forego the calls.  I'm not going to let it bother me, though.  I enjoy my own company.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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