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Just need to talk to my friends (182)



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    The sad news keeps coming.  

    Just found out that my aunt died today.  She has been in a MCF for a number of years.  Not unexpected due to her age and condition but sad none the less.  Will probably be more than a week before services since she has been in Alabama for a while and they will have to transport to Virginia to be buried with her husband.

    Just found out that my cousin's wife has about 3 weeks to live.  She has been ill and bed bound for many years due to a fall from a horse.  Recently she has been if a lot of pain and  they have determined liver and gall bladder major issues which are inoperable.  She is 65.

    Enough of the sad stuff.

    The weather in NY is something I could not live with...all that snow...no way to get out...loss of electricity...just too much for me.  I knew someone from up there and years ago he said that in the winter they had to put up caution flags on long poles to make the corners of the streets because the snow banks were so high!

    The cold weather is here...the 30s at night and 40s in the day.  Don't mind that as long as the wind is not blowing.

    There will be 6 of us at Mother's for Thanksgiving this year.  Usually do a big dinner when more can come, but this year have ordered the total meal from Bob Evans resturant.  We will help Mother get the tree set up and the decorations brought up from the basement so she can decorate at her leisure.  Due to our family being so large, and so many different schedules/obligations...we are going to celebrate 12/17.  One year we had to push it out to January to be able to get everyone there...lol.  I just tell everyone, it doesn't matter what the calendar says...it is the celebration and the family together that is most important.  

    Hoping that all stay warm and well...be safe.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Marie, I am sorry to learn about your aunt.  Please accept my condolences.  I hope your cousin's wife can be made comfortable. 

    I saw a couple of videos of Buffalo's snow--it didn't look that bad to me.  I saw the same when I was in college.  Upstate NY always has heavy snowfall.  We need some extra snowfall in California--that's where next year's drinking water will come from.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Marie I’m very sorry for the loss of your Aunt.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Marie, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, my condolences to you and family. 

    I worked at the Shreveport airport with a lady from Buffalo and she missed it so much she transferred back as soon as they let her. She use to talk about how she always brought extra food to the airport during the winter because there was always some young people delayed due to weather and they didnt have money to buy food.

    I've had four previous harmone shots and none hurt as bad as this one. I have to be careful touching my belly against anything because of the pain. Saw the on line note from Urologist and it looks like I will be getting a call to schedule a cystoscopy. Not looking forward to it but looks like the Dr. feels its necessary due to the microscopic blood in my urine and previous test results.

    Pastor came by the house yesterday, Lou and I really enjoyed the visit. This church is a small country church and some of the friendliest people we've ever met.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Marie, so sorry about the loss of Sweetie and your aunt, and your cousin's illness. A lot to deal with in a short time. Cherish the memories and make more memories together this holiday season. 

    Nothing going on here. Cold! (20's). It will be warmer tomorrow. 

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Marie, sorry for the loss of your aunt and the illness of your cousin's wife.  Seems like when it rains it pours.   I know how that goes for sure.

    Sounds like you all have a good Thanksgiving planned.  Our weather is cold, too, even had some snow last week.  It was pretty nice today but it's getting cold now that the sun is getting lower.  We've had power outages several times of at least a couple of weeks and it is hard to deal with.  Thankfully, we have a generator now so if we have one it should be better.  Wish we had gotten one many years ago.

    Sara, pumpkin pie - one of my favorites.  I used to always  make one on Thanksgiving.  Many times I'd have some filling left and I started cooking it without a crust in a ramekin.  It was really good that way.  I may bake one this year but I'd have to eat all of it - wouldn't that be awful?

    It's been very quiet here today - did go to the mailbox and did dishes.  The football game will be on in about an hour - hope it's a good one.  Still have to disconnect hoses from water hydrants.  I did make one of those wacky cakes and put some frosting on it.  I added a big scoop of peanut butter and some chocolate chips - what do they call that - gilding the lilly?   

    Ron, I wish I had a nickel for every consent for a cystoscopy I had patients sign while I worked in Urology.  Hope yours goes well.    Nice that the preacher came by to see you and Lou - hope Lou does well in Church tomorrow.

    Sandy, enjoyed our visit last night.  I found those boots today and a pair of gray pants I couldn't locate.  Hope you're feeling well today.   I so need to go through my closet and take out things I can no longer wear.  There's things in there i haven't worn in ten years.  Next week I'm going to call the Mission and the other place in town and see if they're accepting things now.  I'm going to give Charles' leather coats to Bryon if he can wear them.  I have lots of his jeans, all sizes, that he or his son could probably use.  In fact, I think I have a box of them ready to donate.  When I look in the closet I think of the time when you had to go through your closets and decide what to take with you,  I know what a job that was.

    Guess I'd better stop and see the weather so I can decide about the hose.  I need to order a ten foot one so if I have to bring it inside this winter it won't be so hard to control.  In fact, I did find one on Amazon that was dog chew resistant.  But - they don't know Stormy.  I think I'll try it anyway.

    Enjoy your evening and stay warm.  Zetta, it won't be long before you go back to cold country so enjoy the warmth while you have it.  

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Received a new prescription of apixaban 5mg yesterday and now I need to contact my doctor. I was left with the expression that onde I completed the prescription from my ER visit I would be on a reduced dose. The dr told me that due to my other health problems I needed to stay on a blood thinner but probably at a reduced amount. 

    My brother called yesterday and him and SIL will be visiting Tuesday, than we all will go to my sister's for Thanksgiving. Friday our oldest son and his family will be coming for a few days. Guess after church this morning I will be getting busy on the house. A little overwhelmed with this much activity coming but with very little visits the past several months, looking forward to it. Dont know how I'll be next week, but I'll take what I can get. Just wish our youngest son from Missouri and family could visit.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Well, I will try this again. I was ready to hit send and lost the whole post. 

    Marie.  I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. Sweetie is a pretty name for a kitty.

    Ron. You and Lou have a nice plan for thanksgiving with your family. I am sure Lou will really enjoy being with family. Please don't overdo it take care of yourself. 

    I am enjoying my stay in Arizona, I will be going to my home in Oregon Friday morning the day after thanksgiving. My daughter and I went shopping for the thanksgiving dinner yesterday. Her husband is not a big turkey person, so we got some real nice steaks for dinner. I am missing Molly and my kitties but here are her fur babies, and they are keeping me busy. I am looking forward to going home. 

    Fiona is the puppy she is only 11 months old, and Timmy is the kitten he is just a little over a year. They are filling the void of me being away from my fur babies. 

    Hugs to all Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Fiona and Timmy are beautiful.  Steak sounds good.

    Told my sister a couple of years ago she should quit messing with the turkey.  Everyone really likes her meatloaf, told her just make meatloaf.  She is afraid the nephews will be disappointed. Her poor hands and elbow are so bad that  she told me she wasn’t going to be able to cut up the apples for the cake she makes every year.  Told her to give me the recipe and I would make it.  Going to make cake tomorrow afternoon if nothing happens and then will make icing Wednesday afternoon.  Hope it turns out okay. She makes it in a Bundt pan but I’m using a 9x13.  

    Ron I’m no expert in this area but think when people are on blood thinners they usually keep an eye on your clotting times for guidance.  Not familiar with Apixaban so don’t know for sure.  Beth and JoC would probably know more about that than me.  Hope things work out for you next week so you have a peaceful week.

    Lorita pumpkin pie usually freezes nicely.  Froze three pieces today.  Took mom a few pieces yesterday.  Turns out she didn’t care for it, says it is too sweet.  I cut the sugar in half and definitely can be cut back more next time.  Almost always cut sugar in half in recipes anymore and sometimes more. 

    We got a light snow last night.  Very cold but sunny today.  Suppose to start warming up some this week.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I hadn't thought about freezing some of the pie - that's a good idea.  I agree, turkey isn't a have-to for Thanksgiving.  Meatloaf or whatever is just fine.  One year I had cornbread and beans.  No idea what I'll have this year - to me it's just another day with lots of good memories of Thanksgivings past.  I did hear that seven million turkeys will lose their lives this Thanksgiving.

    Ron, when you were diagnosed with a blood clot was the skin discolored - purplish or red?  Does it hurt and are you able to keep your leg elevated a lot of the time?  I hope so.  How did Lou do in Church this morning?  I asked about the leg because I've been having hurting in my lower calf - must have strained it some way.  It isn't discolored.

    Zetta,  Fiona and Tommy are precious.  What kind of dog is Tommy?  Looks like he's going to be a big one.  is that you holding him?  If so, your hair and most of mine is the same color. I still have some dark hair - about 6-8" of the ends.  If I had it cut it would be completely silver.  When I had the picture taken  for my driver's license the whole top of my hair is shining - guess the light was just right to make it shine.  Hard to believe all of us had dark hair when we were younger.  The years do take their toll.

    It's been a quiet day here - just watched the girls and let some of them north of the house to eat what little green grass they can find.  Levelled one water tank and filled both of them.  It was cold this morning and will be in the morning so will have to take the hoses loose.  The hydrants are frost-free so they don't freeze but the hoses do.  It's supposed to be in the 50s this week and next week in the 60s.  I'm going to call Bryon this week and see if he can come this weekend and see what he can do about the cowshed doors and help me close the big doors. There will have to be quite a lot of shoveling done to be able to close the doors and I can just imagine how my costochondritis would feel afterward.  I've always closed the doors since Charles has been gone except for a couple of years when Ray closed them when he brought the hay I'd bought.  There's 2x6s that the cows have knocked down and I'm not strong enough to hold them up in place and nail them back.  Hate getting to the point I can't do what I've always done.  Darwin said our doctor told him his body was wearing out.  He's been a farmer and then a rancher all his life so he's done lots of hard work.  Daddy was a farmer and worked the whole place first with horses, then with an Allis-Chalmer tractor without power steering and with two front wheels close together.  I don't know how he did it - strong man.  I can remember him carrying two five-gallon buckets of water from the pump house to the barn to a cow he had up.  I can't even lift one five-gallon can.

    Looks like the fence will be built this week so gates won't have to be opened every time someone comes in or goes out. When I was working and before I got married it seemed like every time the weather was bad, the gates had to be closed to keep cows in.  Mike mentioned this morning that he would be glad to have the fence because the gate was hard for me to open.  It's a 16 ft. gate made of heavy pipes.  It wasn't hung quite high enough to I have a gate wheel on it and Toad wired it to the tree by the driveway to lift it a bit higher so it would be easier to open - but it's still hard.

    I'm beginning to rattle so will stop for now.  Sara, does your sister have arthritis that makes it hard to use her arm and hand?  How sweet of you to offer to make the cake. Is it ai fresh apple cake?  I used to make those and they were so good.  Daddy used to make a white cake with homemade apple sauce between the layers. The longer it lasted, the better it was - but it didn't last very long.

    Hope everyone is well today.  Yellowstone's on tonight.  In fact, it's going to be on the next several hours - not sure if it's repeating last week's shows or what.  I'll see.

    Rest well tonight. 

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi Ron...I guess I'm not a full-fledged front porch rocker, though I do keep up with this thread. I'm commenting now because of your mention of Apixaban. I've taken that for the last 6 or 7 years due to having Afib discovered during my caregiving. I had 4 cardioversions, which didn't hold my heart to a regular rhythm for very long, so they did an ablation. Anyway, with Apixaban (Eliquis) you don't need to have clotting tests. That's the beauty of it. I take 5mg twice a day with no problems. If I cut myself I don't bleed profusely either. It was a new Rx when I started taking it and was $650 for 3 months supply. Yikes! Now it's around $160. I hope the Rx works well for you.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Sara and Lorita.

    Thank You for the comments on Timmy and Fiona.

    Lorita.   The dog/puppy is Fiona, she is a white German Shepard. she is 11 months old. And yes, that is my lap she is on. My hair has been white for years. Thanks for the compliment. Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Betty, thanks for the information, its good to know. In my case, I dont know if it's because of other health issues, but I was warned about bruising and bleeding and I do have to get that blood clotting test in February. I was told that due to my prostate cancer, clotting was a problem.

    Lorita, my left leg felt just like a Charlie horse that wouldn't go away. The leg was sore and warm, no discoloration but hurt a couple of days before I saw about it. Lou enjoyed church today and we even went down after pastor's sermon and asked to have our letters moved there. Afterwards everyone came down and welcomed us into their church and Lou really was happy. Funny, after coming home I asked her about the welcome. She smiled and said; yes I enjoyed it and did you noticed all the old women that came down. I smiled at her and reminded her she also was one of the old women. She laughed and said your right.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thank you Betty.  

    Lorita nice you are getting the fence done.  My dad had an old John Deere with those two little tires up front.  It is a fresh apple cake Lorita. My sister does have arthritis.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm so sorry to those of us who have lost people and pets they love, goodness knows I still miss mine.

    Chucky continues to adapt - when I was working I realized he wasn't in bed (favorite place) and walked out to the living room to find him on the couch looking at his feet.  I should have renamed him "Smiley" because he honestly smiles any time I talk to him.  

    Tuesday he gets his teeth cleaned and I am looking forward to it because his mouth smells like hot garbage!  God love him, we'll have to see how many teeth he ends up being able to keep.  I'm sure the front and his canines just need to be cleaned up, it's the molars that are encased in tartar.  Poor thing.  He'll be there bright and early and I expect the anesthesia will have him low for the rest of the day.  Has to be done - I notice he avoids really crunchy food or treats and I think maybe because he has a tooth or two that's bugging him.  I already have his toothbrush and toothpaste and try to use it but the molars are hopeless right now.  The paste has an enzyme in it that I'm hoping will break some of that tartar down before they drill it off.

    I had to place a Chewy order and saw a Christmas sweater, so I bought it.  He likes wearing clothes.  I'll take a picture of him when it comes.

    Lorita, I've never heard Gary mention being married but I don't think I've heard him talk about his personal life at all.  He seems like such a nice man.  I'll have to look for that movie.  I like when he and Carolyn have their little squirrels, I think it's cute.

    Making a turkey breast, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed and green beans with a pumpkin pie.  I'm off and for that I'm thankful.  This has been a difficult year for lots of us, lots of loss and changes - but here we all are!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi again,

    Day, hope things go well for Chucky tomorrow.  I know when we have had to have something done for one of our pets, we worry until they're back home again.  We've never had to have dental work done on any of our animals, thank goodness.  I really like Gary, too.  I know he's just moved into a new house but, like you said, he never mentions anyone or says "we", etc.  I did hear Carolyn say "he's taken" to someone who called in", whatever that means.  Not sure they were on this morning - our schedule didn't show it but I saw his two hour show at 11 with Julia (don't really care much for her either).  We have one or two little squirrels that play in the yard and in the trees - so always think about their squirrels when I see him.

    Betty, good to see your post.  I imagine that made Ron feel better.  Glad you read our thread - you should post more often.  You know I think anyone who posts is a front porch rocker on our thread.

    Ron, it sounds like Lou is really enjoying going to Church and being out among people.  What you said about Lou medtioning  oild people reminded me that years ago Charles and I had a really good, elderly lady friend.  She was in the same AL center where Jack was.  On one of our visits she mentioned the "little old people" - she was probably in her late 70s then.  WE always laughed about that.  So glad you've found a Church home

    I just had a disturbing call from Sarah.  She had texted me a few times this past week and always said she'd call later but never did. With all her problems she now has a new one.  She has bleeding from the pores on her arms.  A nurse spent quite a long time with her Friday and I think one came yesterday and will come again today to give her some kind of shot - not sure what for.  They're going to try to find a specialist to see her to find out what's wrong.  She can't go to the hospital until they find out in case she's really contagious.  And, on top of that they think she has the virus again.  Her immune system is completely gone so she catches everything.  Toidd seems a bit better but won't go see a doctor until they find out about Sarah - in case they put him in the hospital and no one would be home with her.  She says she's really in pain and I could tell she is becasue of the way she talked.  She  calls me "mom" - she was raised by my parents and Charles and I.  I told her I'd nevef had a daughter and always thought of her as our daughter.  Hope that made her feel a little better.  I told her I'd tell all of you and she asked for your prayers.  I'm always afraid when the phone rings...

    It's been a pretty day but really cooling off now.  This week is supposed to be warmer and pretty...I like cool weather but not when you have to wear a heavy coat, hat and gloves but looks like we'll have three or four months of it so guess i better get used to it.

    See you all tomorrow.  They're repeating last week's Yellowstone so I'm watching some of it so I'll know what's going on this week.  Judith - Rip is as good looking as ever, isn't he?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lo, Sarah is in my prayers alone with any if our front porch rockers and family.

    I forgot to mention yesterday in answer to your question about keeping my feet propped up, I'm doing as much as possible but it seems like everytime I sit down there is something else for me to do. Now with family coming, I probably want sit any today or tommorow. 


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    There is a magazine devoted to the show Yellowstone at the supermarket checkout stand, for those of you who are interested in that show.

    I have to take my cat Simon back to the vet today to check his blood pressure, after beginning his antihypertensive medication.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thank you, Ron, Sarah needs all the help she can get.  I do not know how she continues with all the pain she has.  This gastroparesis thing has been going on for about five years and there were lots of things before that.  She has had a hard life but she's strong.

    Like you, I can't seem to sit for longer than 15 minutes at a time.  Either I think of something I need/want to do or Sheena or Stormy wants in or out or it's something with a cat.

    Iris, hope the medication helps Simon. Will it be a pill or liquid?  I think cats are  sort of hard to give medicine, at least mine seem to be.   I didn't  know they had a magazine about Yellowstone. Seems this season is going to be a bit different than the first ones, maybe not as much outside.  Last nights episode was good.

    I'm watching the 2022 FIFA World Cup.  It's being played in Qatar - USA vs. Wales.  I've never watched a lot of soccer but it really seems like the fans are louder and more rambunctious than our football.  USA is ahead 1-0 at half time.    A change from game shows and westerns.

    Seems like I have some fluid in my left  ear - not as bad as Saturday but i can tell something's going on.  That's my good ear, too.  I can't even hear a dial tone with my right ear.  Sort of blame part of that on using the phone so much when I worked but I did inherit some deformity? from daddy.  Not quite sure what it is but he had surgery for it and I went to the same doctor and he told me it was the same thing daddy had.  I have really good hearing in my left ear - just really have a hard time telling which direction a noise is coming from.  

    Toad came and fed this morning - not sure all the girls got feed - I saw a few of them over on the other side of the pond when he was feeding. Guess they were finding some grass.  The weather today is really nice - no wind, sunny and will be near 60.  They're predicting ai little bit of rain on Thanksgiving Day and a bit cooler but then warmer again.

    Second half is about to begin so I'll stop for now.  Very quiet day here.  Hope everyone's well today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Poor Sara, seems it never stops for her.

    Just got my sisters cake out of the oven a bit ago.  It raised well and looks good.  If it tastes good going to suggest to my sister getting a food processor of some type.  Used the one that came with my immersion blender and worked great.  So much quicker too.  It is light also, so think she could work with it ok.

    Two of my sisters have hearing problems.  They told my one sister that hers is hereditary.  My dad had it and so did his dad.  His dad lived to be almost 100 and he was pretty well deaf by then.  He never used hearing aids.  My sister does and dad did.

    Iris your cats keep you busy.

    Sun shined pretty today but very windy and cold.  

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Remember our osteoporosis conversation recently? Well...I was reading on Twitter, about a cardiologist who ran a 1/2 marathon. During this race, he came upon a runner down and pulseless. He stopped and did cpr. The patient survived. The dr. resumed running the race. At the finish line, ANOTHER runner went down and pulseless. He again did cpr. He also survived. This physician on Twitter talked about how diet so impacts health, and how unhealthy the American diet is. He recommended the documentary "Forks over Knives." He also recommended the book "How Not to Die" by Michael Greger, M.D.

    I have already seen the documentary. I looked on Amazon for the book "How Not to Die." Amazingly, it was FREE on Kindle. In the intro, Dr. Greger talks about that he has a website with nutrition videos. 

    "NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG is a science-based nonprofit organization founded by Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, that provides free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos with captions offered in multiple languages, blogs, and infographics. We are a strictly non-commercial public service health charity. Nearly 2,000 videos on virtually every aspect of healthy eating are already available online, and new videos and blogs are uploaded every day. We also disseminate fact-based information through social media on the benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet for wellness, disease prevention, healthy weight management, and longevity."

    I went to his website and began perusing videos. I found one on bone health that says a lot about the benefit of antioxidants on bone health. Here is the video I watched. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJFJ5X0d7UY&list=WL&index=2


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, do you slice or chop the apples?  I think the cake I made called for sliced apples.  There's something on QVC called pull and chop.  You put whatever you want chopped or shredded inside and pull a cord.  I have one of the bigger ones and it works great.  But, if your sister has arthritis in her dominant hand and shoulder it might not work so well.  I bet the cake is delicious.

    Beth, I watched some of the video you watched and most of it is over my head.  I did get that you should eat lots of vegetables and fruits.  Did it mention taking calcium?

    Sandy, I found where you had sent pictures of the horses but for some reason I can't view them.  I'll keep trying.  What color are they and is the draft horse a lot bigger than the other one?  Maybe you can post and attach a picture  to your post.  Bet your son and DIL are excited and you, too.

    Also discovered that the pictures attached to posts are only about 2x2 or 3x3 when I view them.  Guess I'll have to try to figure that out, too.  That's on the new laptop.

    Darkness just fell.  I think about those cartoons I've seen where they say "dark fell" - it really does this time of year.

    The soccer match was a tie.  USA will play England on Friday.  I found out there are 32 countries represented so it'll probably go on a long time.

    Found out how to enlarge the type when I write a post.  Little by little I'm learning more things about this new laptop.  Need to figure out how the separate keyboard works on my old one.  

    Weather just said we may have showers Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Sunday looks good so, hopefully, Bryon can come that day.  There was up to 7 ft. of snow in Buffalo and they're having a hard time finding places to put the snow when they clear the streets.  I can't imagine that much snow.  Scary stuff for me.

    Joan, do you all ever get that much snow and have you had any this year?  

    See you all tomorrow.  Sleep well.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Hi Lorita, That video was not a comprehensive story on what to do for osteoporosis. It just talked about how antioxidants, and specifically those found in prunes and apples, work for bone health. The reason it talked about prunes and apples was because those were two fruits studied in a research clinical study.

    I am praying for Sarah and Todd. 

    Hugs, Beth

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Holy moly if anyone wants to know, dogs have 42 teeth.

    Chucky is having 16 teeth extracted.  He is still under anesthesia and I won’t be picking him up until later today.  I expect he’ll sleep the rest of today, he’s getting antibiotics too.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    My heart goes out to Sarah...she can't seem to catch a break in the health department.  Prayers for better days for her.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita called for finely chopped apples.  Have you heard from Sarah today?

    Watched the video Beth.  Wonder how many prunes you would need to eat each day lol.

    Poor Chucky, he is not going to know what happened to him.

    Hope each one has a good evening

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I had a male cat who lost his remaining teeth at age 14 years, he lived for three more years.  He could eat pate and dry cat kibble with no problem.  My cat Simon is on two pills daily, which I crush and add to his food. He is also on a renal diet now.  


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Chucky’s home, pretty alert but falls off to sleep.  I gave his first antibiotic tonight.  He got a shot for pain earlier and I have pain pills to start tomorrow.  He had a little bit to eat and he’s gone to the bathroom, so all’s good.  He goes back in 2 weeks so they can check how he’s healing.

    I’m glad I got this done.  With that much disease in his mouth and teeth barely hanging on, I’m sure he’s going to feel much better in general in a few weeks.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thank you all so much for the prayers and good wishes for Sarah and Todd.  Sara, I haven't heard from her today.  I called and left a message but no reply.  She sleeps a lot because when she's asleep she doesn't feel the pain.  Scarlet was the same - she had MS and she slept a lot.  Maybe she'll call later tonight.

    Day, I had no idea how many teeth a dog has - that's a lot.  Sixteen extracted at one time is a lot, too.  Chucky will have a sore mouth for sure.  I know the vet will give you pain meds for him to take.

    Iris, when you crush the pills for Simon, does it take it when it's mixed with food okay?  I did that when I was giving one of the cats medicine a while back but it was Amoxicillin liquid but they still were reluctant.  Hope he gets along all right.

    Seems like it's vet week.  We have four cats, two older and two younger.  Kitt, the tuxedo cat, had to have an eye enucleated years ago because a tom cat scratched his eye.  At one time we had as many as 30 barn cats but they have all since disappeared.  Kitt and Max are the last of them.  Kitt's eye seems to water a lot and he doesn't keep it open as much as usual.  Also breathes hard at times and coughs so decided I'd take him in tomorrow morning.

    Thought for sure Peter and his son would build the fence today since it was so pretty but they didn't come. He said they'd try to do it this week.  The weather is now saying we'll have some rain for about three days, off and on, after tomorrow.  We need it so won't complain.

    Felt pretty good today so thought I'd go out and see about doing some shoveling at the barn.  I want to close the hallway doors.  Guess I shouldn't have.  Even though I only shoveled a little  between the closed doors and the barn it's made by costo hurt.  As I type this I'm leaning against a heating pad.  Carol warned me not to do it.

    Judith, if i remember correctly years ago you had a problem with dizziness and your balance.  Did you go to therapy for the balance problem?  Carol broke her ankle lasf January and has a lot of trouble with her balance - she can't walk unless she's close to someone or a wall.  She said she tried to walk out to their mailbox (not far) the other day and got so far and just couldn't move.  She's going to therapy for it.  She says it's really hard - they gave her exercises to do for the balance and now she's getting them for strength building.  Have you gotten over your dizziness completely?

    I tried to dig up the caladium bulbs but I think it's a losing battle - didn't find many.  I did find out what was eating the sweet potato plants and caladiums on the porch.  A few days ago I opened the front door and there was a squirrel on the porch.  Poor little thing has to eat, too, so it's okay.  I like to watch them play in the trees.  We used to have two that I'd see but lately only one - maybe I'm just not looking at the right time.

    It's been a beautiful day - in the 60s and sunny with little wind.  I wish the whole winter could be like this.

    This morning I thought I'd bring some of my winter tops to the bedroom from the chest in the utility room and guess what I found in the top drawer - on top for goodness sake were my thermal pants!  How in the world I missed them I'll never know.  At any rate I ordered two more pair and they'll be here tomorrow.  Guess I'm fixed for winter.

    Did call Bryon and left a message for him about doing some work in the barn, like closing the doors, etc.  Not necessary that it's done this weekend - just before it gets too cold.

    Nothing else happening so I'll stop for now.  Hope all of you are well today and getting ready for Thanksgiving.  Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou.  Looks like you're going to get some rain, too.  And, there will be some snow in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles.  I did forget to mention a few days ago that Oklahoma has been a State for 115 years - it became a State the year daddy was born.  I think it was the 46th State.

    Rest well tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, you posted while I was writing mine.  I'm glad Chucky is home with you.  I know you missed him and he missed you.  It's amazing how much we miss them when they're not with us.  I'm glad he seems to be doing all right.  Tomorrow he'll be back to his old self, except for missing teeth.  It is good you had it done and it's over.  He'll feel much better.  Did the doctor say to give him soft food for a while?

    Beth, I love prunes.  I get dried ones and cook or simmer them in a little water until they're tender.  Then I put them in the refrigerator and it's just like eating candy.  Delicious.  I just ordered some from WM.com.  Also like apples and applesauce.

    Yesterday I was out by the Johnson Grass and there was a tarpaulin Mike had put over a rosebush when they sprayed the grass.  I thought I'd get it out of there and fold it up and put it away  so, I did.  Last night my hands itched like crazy.  Got over it today but tonight when I put on my gown and robe I started itching again.  I'll never get rid of that stuff.  So, they're in the washer.  For sure I'm going to spray the heck out of that stuff next spring when it begins to come up.

    Day, this morning I watched three hours of Denim & Co.  One hour from Sunday morning I hadn't seen and the two hours from today.  Lots of pretty things but I didn't order anything.  This morning's show is on again.  Last week they repeated it three times.

    About ready for bed.  I watch the news, then go to bed and watch Barney Miller.  I usually wake up about 1:30 with the TV still on - I seem to fall asleep during the second hour of the show.

    See you all tomorrow.  Kitt is sound asleep and breathing okay but I think I need to have his eye checked anyway.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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