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Just need to talk to my friends (184)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita,  I feel so sorry your going through all this and wish I could do something to help. I can keep sending prayers up for Sarah as well as you.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest Lorita, oh my goodness; we must have been Posting at the same time and I had not seen yours when I was writing.  Just having read your Post, I have deleted mine since it is not of any worth considering what is happening and how things have evolved.

    It is sadly heartbreaking in what is happening with Sarah.   Since she is going home, I so hope Hospice will be put into service to come to her side and care for and about her.  They will ensure she is having no pain and treat any anxiety as well as any other negative symptoms.  Her comfort will be their mission.   It is odd considering that she was just told she is in the last stage of her disease that the physician at the hospital did not medicate her sufficiently to relieve her pain.  When  Hospice begins they will absolutely see to it that she is in full relief and comfort.

    Poor Todd; it must be such a shock; he has no experience with all what is happening and must be feeling a bit fearful as well as being in grief;  Hospice will address his concerns and help him to understand what is happening and also will be of support for him.

    Your love for Sarah has always been part of you, how I wish this could be different;  I am deeply and sincerely sorry that this is happening.  I wish I had sufficient words to bring you comfort and peace; but I can tell you that I send you love with warmest of thoughts that will be with you often as I will be thinking of you so much.  You and Sarah will be in my prayers.

    With a soft hug for a dear friend,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    You all are the best!  No one could ask for better friends. I just talked with the RN who is caring for Sarah and I feel a little better.  There is an order for hospice but no discharge order so nothing imminent.  She said they increased her pain meds today but it was a little too much sedation so they backed off.  She says when it's just she and Sarah in the room, she seems calmer.  I asked about her seeing a psychiatrist and she remembered Sarah from other admissions and said they had done that before.  So, maybe they will this time.  I told her I didn't think Todd could take care of her at home and she agreed.  

    I read some about hospice today and there's something called continual home care if the patient's condition warrants.  She would probably quality for that.

    I had a pretty good visit with Sarah this afternoon. She had gotten the flowers I sent and was happy about that.  

    Trying to get prepared for the cold weather.  Joan, the weather said the temp. in Denver dropped about 20 degrees in that many minutes when it came through there.  It's due to hit us about 4 in the morning with a flash freeze if there's any precipitation.  Really glad I don't have to get out and drive to work.

    I'm going to make sure both water tanks are filled before I go to bed and I'll keep them filled tomorrow to keep the girls away from the pond.  Mike called and said the heifers, at least 20 of them and one little bull, knocked down a gate and got in with our cattle so Toad had to move feeders. They'll separate them, hopefully, this weekend.  He said any little calves born the next two days won't make it if they're both out in the open.  Hope there aren't any.  They start feeding about 6:30 and feed until 8:30 or 9 - he doesn't take clinic appointments until 10 a.m. so he can help.  They were going to start feeding at 4 in the morning until he heard that was when teh frost would come through.  It would be nice if he had another vet in with him.  I've asked him about it and he isn't keen on doing that.

    President Zelenskyy is getting ready to address Congress so I'll stop and see what he says.  I heard this afternoon that he was really famous in Ukraine as a comedienne before he became President. Had never heard that before.

    Again, thanks to all of you.  Prayers, hugs and good thoughts are so much appreciated.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Lorita, I am so sorry about Sarah. I am praying for her, for Todd and for you. I hope that her sons will be able to see her.
  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    So sorry to hear about Sarah. I know Todd is just worried sick not knowing what to do for her.

    My mom wanted to go home when she was at the end, so she could see her grandkids and be in her house.

    My sister, a nurse took care of her for the last few days. She was happy with 

    All came to see her. 8 kids and 25 grandkids to say goodby.

    Went to sleep during the night. 

    Praying for you, Sarah and Todd.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita thinking of you and your family this morning.  

    Starting this evening through Saturday evening we are going to be quite windy and some snow. Think this is true for a lot of us.  Some of us might lose power for awhile.  So some of us might be missing in action due to that.  My prayer and hope is we all keep our power.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    In our area in Iowa, we got 3" of snow yesterday. Today and tomorrow it's supposed to be very windy (it isn't yet as of 8 a.m.), creating blizzard conditions. Should be 'ok' Saturday but cold this whole time. It was 5 below this a.m. when I got up. 

    Weather and illnesses seem to be wreaking havoc with Christmas plans for many. Praying for you all to have a safe, happy and blessed Christmas season.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    The front came through here about 5 a.m.  One of the news women said when she came to work at 4 a.m. it was 42 - we're in single digits now with 45 mph winds.   It's lightly snowing here.  When the GPs came in their hair was damp.  Of course, they stayed in last night and are back in and sound asleep now.  There's a little bit of snow on the ground but it's the wind that's so awful.  Really glad we had double paned windows installed a few years ago.  Our LR and kitchen are on the north side of the house with five windows.  We have those vinyl backed drapes so I don't see anything moving.  Before we had new windows you could see the curtains move.

    I saw some of the girls leaving the barn and going back to the hay so guess a lot of them went to the barn when it started snowing.  There's about 80 head in this part of the farm and ten that didn't come through teh downed gate.  Hopefully, Saturday will be better and he can get those 20 head back where they belong.   I'll have to go out soon and make sure they have water.  I checked at 10 last night and both tanks were full but they drink a lot of water.

    Jo - the nurse said there is an order for Hospice -  hope they can do the continual home care.  Todd would do all he could but wouldn't know what to do if there was a crisis.  She said they upped her pain medication day before yesterday but it was too much so they backed off.  She was having trouble breathing.  She's on oxygen 24 hrs. a day.

    I tried to call both Sarah and Todd a while ago to warn him about the bad roads in OKC but no answer.  Hopefully, both of them got some sleep.  They do have a lady friend, probably in her 50s or 60s who has been a lot of help to them.  Maybe she can help, too.  

    Again, I appreciate all the prayers and good wishes.  There's really nothing anyone can do now except the medications and things they are doing in the hospital.  It's in God's hands now.  Sarah is a fighter so she's not giving up.  She's strong - takes after my mother who was a very strong lady so she's not giving up without a fight.  She's told me she wants to live longer and I wish she could. She told me she feels that some sort of surgery she had years ago might have caused the gastroparesis - I have no idea what causes it though.

    Looks like there's quite a lot of snow along the Kansas/Okla. state lines - hopefully, it won't make it down this far.

    Having some hot tea now, after my juice.  I'll wait a little while and go out and check the water tank south of the house - it's not far and I'll be careful. Weatherman just said we're into frost-bite weather so  I'll be back later.  I might have told ou all that years ago when Charles was cutting ice on the pond for the girls, he had a hole in one finger of his glove - guess he didn't know it and the finger got through the hole and he got frostbite on that finger.  It turned black but got all right.  Doesn't take very long.  I'll be careful and will wear my medical guardian.

    See you all later.  Sara - what time do you get up?  Your post said something after 2 a.m.  Hope you don't work today.  When is the front supposed to get to you?

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Prayers still going up for Sarah and Todd.  Very stressful time and adding bad weather makes it just that much worse.

    Lorita, when you go out to check water or such, wish you  would get on here and let us know you got back ok...don't like to think of you out there with only the GP's and girls to look after you!

    Here in northern part of Virginia it has been snowing for some time...pretty heavy for the last few hours.  Reports say 3 inches so far, but I am seeing more like 5 out my kitchen window.  Fortunately got to the store yesterday, so me and the kitty are snug for now.  Praying that the power stays on.

    Supposed to warm up this afternoon and get rain.  I will have to go out an release the emergency break on the car before it gets so very cold otherwise it will freeze and that won't be good if I have to go somewhere.  I have always had the habit of setting the break, so hard to remember not to when the weather turns bad.

    Supposed to be in the single digits tomorrow...I hate that, but mother nature will do what she will do.

    Everyone stay safe and warm...and pray to power to stay on!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Watching the news and there's lots of wrecks in and around Tulsa.  There's a truck that's jacknifed and is tying up traffic.  Looks awful up there.  It's still snowing some here and the wind is blowing like crazy.

    Thank you, Marie.  When I go out there's no snow on the steps and there's so many black walnuts on the ground there's good footing.  I've been out three or four times - to hook up the water, then went back to check on it and feed the birds, then back to turn it off and check the one at the barn.  I can see the girls going and coming in and out of the barn - just saw one drinking out of the tank out there so will have to fill them at least once more, maybe twice.  I'm taking my phone with me and the medical guardian.  But, I will let you all know when I go out.

    I need to call Sandy to see if it's snowing where she is - south of you.  Seems like the whole Country is having bad weather. 

    Had a long visit with Sarah just now - both of us ended up crying.  She says the doctor thinks it would be best for her to stay in the hospital so guess they've changed their minds.  I agreed with him.  I remember when Charles had been in the hospital and was able to come home for a while just after Christmas.  He got really bad and I didn't know if I should get him back to the hospital.  I called his brother and he said to get him back to the hospital - that I couldn't take care of him at home if something else went wrong.  I did and he left me a few days later.  

    I know she wants to go home - she said to see her dogs, cat and bird and just to be in her bed.  I told her it's up to she and Todd but did tell her what I thought.

    Weather just said it's near zero.  They're talking with an EMT and he says they're having a lot of calls for falls.  I had on thermals, flannel lined pants, thermal top and two heavier tops, two pairs of socks plus the coat, boots, flannel face covering, trapper's hat and gloves when I went out.   Could hardly walk.  They're going around to places where homeless people are trying to get them to come in to shelters but if they won't go, they're leaving blankets and things to keep them warm.  Can't imagine having to be out in weather like this.

    Weatherman just said all of the snow should be out of here by 3 p.m. and the wind will decrease by tomorrow.  So glad the barn is there for the girls to get out of the weather - feel sorry for the little heifers.  The driveway alarm just went off and Stormy who's laying on the divan, didn't get up, just looked at me.  I checked and it was one of the heifers that had gotten in the beam.

    I may  make some soup later on today and maybe a peach cobbler - at least it would warm up the house some.  Not really in the mood to cook though.

    Hope all of you are staying warm and are inside.  Just think of all the ranchers who have to be out feeding and taking care of their cattle.  So hope there are no new babies - Mike said they'd die if they were born outside.

    Stay in and stay warm.  Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All, you rockers.

    Lorita.   I am so sorry for what you, Todd and Sarah are going through right now. With the roads in your area so bad right now I glad you did not try to make the trip to see Sarah. My friend who passed away in Sept she chose to come home from the hospital to be with her family and her dogs. She left the hospital on a Wednesday and passed away at home that Friday. Her husband is a retired fire marshal and a paramedic, so he was able with the help pf hospice to give her the care she needed. I think for Sarah and Todd the hospital is the best place so they can be with her at all times. 

    I think the idea that Marie gave you about letting us know when you go and when you come in, is a good one. You can have you phone and your medical guardian but additionally help is always good. 

    Barbara, It was nice hearing from you. Seems strange you are having a hot Christmas. Sounds like a lot of cold cuts for your Christmas dinner. It's nice your daughter and her family will be there to celebrate Christmas with you. Just turn your AC on and enjoy the hot turkey dinner. 

    Sara.   I like to shop early just to be ahead of the crowds. I like to shop at 6am but with my roads being the way they are right now I have to wait till roads are safer to travel. And I don't like that.  

    It's very cold here it was (-1) this morning when I got up. It's going to be a very cold week. No snow no wind, maybe some rain.

    What do you guys suggest for shoulder pain. The mussel from my neck to my shoulder feels so tight. Is there a good mussel relaxer I can get OTC?

    Hugs. Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, I use Theragesic for every ache and pain I have.  Many years ago we went to see Charles' folks and I turned my ankle.  We spent the night with his sister and she told me to rub my ankle with Theragesic every five minutes for three times.  I did that and the next morning it wasn't even sore.  However, they've discontinued making it.  Someone on this thread told me about something else that took it's place.  I ordered it but haven't used it yet.  I also use a heating pad for aches and pains.  Maybe the weather is causing the aches you're having.

    I thought it had stopped snowing but it's looks foggy out there so guess it's snowing again.  I'm going to have to go out and fill both water tanks but would like to wait a while so I can have them full for the night.  Dread going outside - even chilly inside.   The weather channel just said it's 5 degrees here.  Too cold!

    I did make the peach cobbler - having to wait a little while for it to cool.  I put some milk over it or ice cream - that would be good.  I think I'll have some Ramen soup for supper and make soup tomorrow.  I checked on the Bear Creek Potato Soup on Amazon (it's in my cart) and it says it ships in 2-4 weeks.  So it must be in short supply - guess a lot of people have discovered how good it is.

    I heard this morning that the Old Farmer's Almanac says we'll have colder weather and lots of snow this winter.  Kind of goes along with what the persimmon seeds showed.  Hope they're wrong.  Really feeling sorry for the girls being out in the snow.  The ones that are still out have snow on their backs so it is snowing some.  

    I let Stormy and Sheena outside about 20 minutes ago.  Stormy came back in but Sheena wouldn't.  I bet she's in the storage building out of the wind - at least I hope so.

    I won't say enjoy the afternoon because if you're having weather like we are, it isn't enjoyable.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Zetta hope you find something to ease your pain.  I use a spray called Stopain.  Have to get it off of Amazon or there is a store that sells natural type products that has had it at times.

    Lorita has been around 40 here today.  Suppose to drop to single digits around 5 am.  Wind starts around 2 am.  Looks like snow will stop in morning sometime but wind and cold will linger.

    Peach cobbler sounds good.  

    Lorita I get up at 3am to take my thyroid medicine so I can eat at 7a.  Mom calls me at around 4:30 so I just stay up and get dressed so if i need to go over there I’m ready.  Go to bed around 8 pm.

    Someone called mom today and told her that her daughter had been in a car accident.  Thank goodness she told them I’m going to call her and see if she has been in an accident.  

    Worked out good Zetta going at 6am.  It only takes me around 5 minutes to get to the store.  I could walk to one of them if I needed to.  

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Just took littlebit outside to do his business! I let him pee, grabbed him and rushed back in the house (started to say ran back in the house, but we all know I can't run anymore). 10 degrees with a minus 6, not normal Louisiana weather. I believe today we will stay inside and I'll clean up after him!! He has been good in his 17 years to tell me he needs to go out, but this is a exceptionally different time.

    I hope Sarah is resting good this morning, you also Lorita. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    3am 21F, 4:30 13F, 6 1F, 7:30 -5F

    Probably a couple of inches of snow.  Wind mid 20s.and higher gusts.  

    Ron you, Lou and little bit do need to stay in.  Most of us do.  Plan on it unless I have to try and help somebody.  

    Made up pancakes, think I might try the cranberry cake next.  Going to try and stay busy.  Have my heat on 66.  Usually leave at 68. Will see how I do with that.

    Don’t know if you guys remember me mentioning the Marodyne unit that is approved for osteoporosis treatment in UK and European Union.  Manufactured in Germany.  I ordered it and it is now in US being shipped to me. Expensive, but I’m very uncomfortable with the drugs, so I’m going to try it.  It’s not magic, but supposedly with consistency it does at minimal maintain bone density and after a couple of years some see improvement.  I will never know if I don’t try.  If I’m still living in a few years maybe I will have it redone and we will we.

    Ok I need to get off of here and get to stirring round

    Stay Safe

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Morning from frozen Oklahoma!  It was 4 this morning with a wind chill of -13.  But, not too much wind - especially not like yesterday.  I didn't sleep but about four hours last night - napped a little before MN when Barney Miller was on.  I let Sheena and Stormy out before that and he came back in but she wouldn't.  She stays out and barks.  I was afraid she'd freeze so stayed awake to try to get her in - never did.  I watched Maude, two episodes of Bewitched and two of Leave it to Beaver. 

    When I got up this morning I went out and she was asleep in the storage building so she had been out of the wind.  She's been asleep since she came inside.  While I was out I gave the girls some water - had to pour warm water over the hydrant (can't figure out why the handle is freezing - must have some water in it).  The birds had almost finished their feed so gave them some more.  I have a birdfeeder in the tree close to the water tank - haven't filled the one on the porch yet. I just had on my gown and robe and coat and hat and it didn't seem too bad.  When I went back to bring in the hose it felt colder.

    Toad came and fed the girls.  They had heard something about half an hour before he came and thought it was him so all of them went out where he feeds - he didn't come so they went back to the hay.  Not sure how many did or didn't make it back to the feed.  I think he set out two bales of hay.  Mike had said he hopes they can get the heifers back into their pasture this weekend - me, too.

    Had some cinnamon toast for breakfast - not like Ree Drummond makes but like her husband likes it.  I toast the bread, put on butter, then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.  She puts it all on the bread, then into the oven.  Never have done that.

    Sara - doesn't your mother sleep well or maybe just has gotten in the habit of being up so early.  If you take your medicine closer to meal time does it make you sick?  Hope you can stay inside today.

    We still have some snow on and it's only supposed to be in the teens today so probably won't melt.   Ron, this isn't typical Oklahoma weather either but every year or so we do get into the deep freeze for a while.  Do you think it's too early to be wishing for Spring?  I'll be glad when the grass gets green and growing again. 

    Love pancakes (we call them hotcakes).  I like to make a batch and freeze them - so only have to put them in the microwave for a little bit or in the toaster.  They're not as good as freshly made but are okay.  Sara, i don't remember you mentioning the thing to help with osteoporosis - what does it do and how do you use it?  I know I need to get back on my calcium - finally found some small caplets that are easier to swallow.

    Zetta - watching Gunsmoke - saw leave it to Beaver at 2 last night.  

    Ron, good idea to stay inside.  Too easy to fall in this weather.   

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita  I have to take thyroid medicine.  Should not have any calcium four hours before or after taking medicine. Calcium keeps you from absorbing thyroid medicine.

    Don’t think my mom sleeps hardly any.  Was an issue when I lived there.  Had to run a white noise machine at night to block out the noise she made.   She was up all night long and still is. She has some physical problems that are causing her pain especially at night.  There are a lot of different things going on.  She won’t seek any help so not much I can do.  

    The little machine kind of looks like a bathroom scale.  You simply stand on it and it sends out a low intensity vibration which supposedly has been shown to help in treatment of osteoporosis.  It is nothing like the ones you find at a gym.  Is approved for this use in UK and European Union.  You need to stand on it either once a day for ten minutes or twice a day five minutes each time with a few hours between sessions.  This is how I hope to use it.  Important thing is consistency, every day.

    I freeze my pancakes too.  I take mine out of freezer.and run through toaster twice.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Sara.    You made me so hungry for pan cakes I had to make some. I even made extra and froze them. Thats a good idea. Thanks for telling me about Stopain, I have been taking x strength Tylenol, it seems to work. I think I have been sleeping on it the wrong way. What does your mom find to keep her busy at night? Poor thing hopefully she sleeps during the day. Your mom is pretty sharp to not believe that phone call, who knows why someone would be telling her that. 

    Ron.   My Molly does not like going out in the snow, I took her out this morning and the snow had turned to ice, so when she was walking, I could hear the ice break. She did her job and came right back in. 

    Lorita.   I hope you are able to get some rest today and a good nap. You need to keep your strength up for Sarah. Hopefully they have her pain under control. Iam sure you and I are seeing the same Gunsmoke's. I watch them during the day and now they have replaced my night watching of Two and a Half Men. I need to find something else to watch, I have seen probably every Gunsmoke made. Sometimes if I can't sleep at night I will get up and on the TVLand channel I can see some old shows like Leave it to Beaver and different ones like that. 

    Be safe everyone. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I had never heard of that machine. So hope it works for you.

    Sorry your mom is up all night.  Like Zetta said, I hope she gets some rest during the day.  For some reason she has her nights and days mixed up.

    Zetta, now I'm going to have to make pancakes, maybe tomorrow. I haven't done much of anything today except fill the water tank.  Everyone's wanting to drink.  Just brought in the hose until just before my bedtime I'll go out and fill it again.  The tank in the corral is half full but it's frozen.  I was able to cut one hole in it but the ice is about 5" thick so didn't do more to bother my costo.

    I've talked to Sarah several times today.  She isn't out of pain.  When they give her enough medication to maybe help it, she tends to fall asleep and then quits breathing.  So, she's staying awake.  She wants to make it through Christmas so it won't be such a sad time for Todd from now on so she's enduring the pain until then.  She's on oxygen but for some reason her body or brain doesn't make her breathe.  Such a sad, sad thing for someone so young to have to go through.  

    It's so cold outside - not much wind and no melting.  I think it might have made it to the teens today but no thawing.  Maybe tomorrow it might be a little warmer.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    I have had a very busy tiresome day! Lou wet big time this morning and had to wash her pad, then went on and washed any dirty clothes we had were I wouldn't be washing her gown by itself. I've bought her several gowns but she likes the one she has had forever. After the two washings I asked her if she needed anything before I tried to sit for awhile; she said no. Five minutes later she told me she needed to go to the bathroom, as we headed toward it I noticed a dark spot on the back of her pants. Yes, I had a dirty job, underwear, pants and bathing her backside. After treating the pants and panties I washed them. After making the beds, fixing a late breakfast and washing dishes, I decided to go ahead and bake the peanut butter cake for Sunday. I just finished supper and washed the dishes now I hope that's it. 

    Local weather is on now and is getting better 22 now. Liw tonight will be 18 which is better than the 9 last night. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron glad your weather getting a little better.  Think maybe it is suppose to get out of the minuses after noon tomorrow, still very cold though.

    Moms electric went out for a bit.  By the time I got there it was back on.  Told her she needed to come anyway because I did not want to be doing this at 2am.  

    I’m not sure when my mom sleeps.  Think she just gets a few catnaps at night.  Whole lot of stuff going on, not sure what to think about it all.  Maybe some day I can talk about it.  Right now I can’t, wouldn’t know what to say or where to begin.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Weather here today was sunny but very windy and cold.  Now that sun is down wind chill is -13.

    Supposed to warm up in a degree an hour tomorrow, but still expect wind chill temps to be below zero.

    So very sad for Sarah and Todd...not matter when she gets her release, the holiday will always be a sad time for him...knowing she is in such pain.

    Lorita, please do us all a favor...when you have to go out, please dress in layers as if you will be out for a while.  I know it is a pain to put on so much when you think you will only be there just a little bit, but you just never know.

    Ron, so sorry to hear you have had such a stressful day.  You are such a wonderful care giver...and cook.  Please take as good of care of yourself.

    Everyone please stay safe and warm.  Hugs to all

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry to hear about Sarah, I'm praying for her.

    It seems Chucky is not a fan of super-cold weather.  He goes out, does what he needs to do and RUNS to the front door to go back in and runs upstairs to get under some blankets.

    Busy day at work today and I expect it'll be busy tomorrow too.  I'm off Sunday and we're having Chinese food, which I love.  

    It's 5 degrees and blustery snow!
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Just got caught up reading here.  Lorita, I’m so sorry to hear Sara is not doing well. I will keep her, Todd and you in my prayers.  I hope she has a good Hospice. They are great at helping everyone in the family.  That news is so sad.  

    The temps on the Eastern side of the state did drop 40 degrees in a very short time. The wind chill got down to 40 below zero.  It has stayed extremely cold through today, but expected to get back in the 40’s tomorrow. The western side has had temps in the 20’s and single digits over night. We will warm up too, but only to the 30’s. It has been snowing a lot since Thanksgiving. There is a good two feet on the ground. It’s predicted to snow  again after Christmas.  At this point, the entire state is out of the drought. 

    Sara, I hope your uncle and aunts get feeling better soon. 

    I just want to wish all of you a blessed Christmas.  I miss all of you and vow to be a better poster in 2023. I will be with my daughter who lives near me and her family. Everyone was here for Thanksgiving.   Blessings to all. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Christmas Eve Gift to all my wonderful, caring friends on the forum and our thread!

    It's a family tradition to call on Christmas Eve and say this to friends and family.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Merry Christmas eve to all!

    Wish we could all be together in person to share the special day tomorrow.  We could share hugs and food and laughter and great memories of the past holidays.

    Tomorrow I will be taking my daughter to my mother's house.  They will be taking a road trip of a few hours to my granddaughter's house.  Mother has wanted to see it for years, but because Dad was sick it was put on hold.  Daughter's other youngest daughter (17), son (13), and significant other will drive down a few hours later.  This granddaughter has 3 young boys so I am sure they will have a great time.

    The rest of the day it will be just my one kitty and me.  Might look on the Hallmark channel to see if they are showing the puppies and kitties and the roaring fireplace.

    Just a funny from our family Christmas get together last weekend.  When I have small things (like gift cards) to wrap I take whatever box I have around...coffee pod box, plastic trash bag box, zip lock bag box...you get the idea.  This year I also included a printed sheet with picture of what I wanted them to use the gift card for.  My granddaughter's husband didn't realize the "box" thing and when he opened his present it was a box from zip lock bags.  He handled it with grace...thinking that was his gift.  My daughter had to encourage him to open it...lol...the gift card enclosed was certainly a better gift and we all had a good laugh!

    I wish for each of you PEACE of heart and mind.  

    Hugs in bunches!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    2F, feels like -24     Seems colder to me than yesterday.  Roads remain slick.  Took mom home and not getting back out unless an emergency.  Following my own advice Ron. 

    Think I will try a new recipe tomorrow if I’m able, Ground Beef Stroganoff.  Day Chinese food sounds good to me.

    Someone gave my neighbor a poinsetta.  She has a beautiful dog and guess they are poisonous to them  she asked me if I would like to have it as she does not want to take a chance.  Told I would love it.  Shared some of my cranberry bars with them.  Feels good to share with one another.

    Take care each one

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Sayra....ground beef Stroganoff...family favorite

    browned ground beef/muchrooms/onions sauted in butter/ cream of mushroom soup/ sourcream...serrved with either rice or or noodles

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Thanks Judith.  Recipe calls for beef broth.  I have cream of mushroom though and will add that too.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Marie, I wear thermals all winter so when I go out I have them on with a couple of other layers plus the coat, hat and gloves - boot or shoes. Thank you for your concern. It's a bit warmer here today and there's no wind.  Went out early and filled the water tank - just now saw a cow in the lot trying to get water out of the frozen one so the other one must be empty.

    Judith and Sara, Charles used to make that stroganoff - or maybe it was mother.  Anyway, it was good.

    Sara, stay inside if at all possible.  Are you having snow or just cold weather?   Weatherman says it will be in the 60s here next Thursday or Friday.  Oklahoma for you - such drastic changes in temps.

    I've been talking with Sara - she doesn't sound good.  Seems like she's trying to drift off to sleep and they don't want her to do that because she stops breathing.  Todd had gone home to take care of their pets but will be back shortly.  The doctor had been in to see her this morning.  I found a few pictures of her and sent them on the phone to Todd. There's one I haven't been able to find but will keep looking.  I looked through so many albums that brought back so many memories - pictures I hadn't seen in years.

    Zetta - think I may make some vegetable soup after while.  Just not in mood to do anything really but have to have something to eat and soup is easy.  

    I imagine most of us has either snow or just cold weather and winter has only begun.  Dread the next two months.

    Had a call from my sweet neighbor, Darwin.  He said his wife, Donna, is doing better and he thinks he might even be able to bring her up to see me after Christmas sometime.  He says she talks about me so she has improved.  He has a big family but he says he's limiting coopany to not more than six people at one time.  He's learned that anything that gets her out of her routine upsets her.  We've all learned from that experience.

    Guess I'll stop and fill the water tank again and give Kitt, Lilly and Max their medicine.  Also need to feed and medicate the GPs.  

    Joan, good to hear from you and that your weather isn't as bad as it was in Denver.  Will be great if you can post more often next year.  Isn't it hard to believe it will be 2023?  Seems like yesterday when it was going to be 2000 and people were so worried about losing power.

    Everyone stay in out of the snow and cold.  Merry Christmas.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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