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Just need to talk to my friends (184)



  • LisaOA
    LisaOA Member Posts: 2
    First Comment First Anniversary

    My dh used 2 kitchen garbage bags, about 1/3 roll of paper towels, and 20 wipes for every bm. He insists on doing the dishes. He hand washes them , leaving the hot water running full blast the whole time. Then he puts them in the dishwasher. There are 2 of us and he runs the dishwasher 1 to 3 times a day.

    When I try to talk to him about it, he yells. He says I'm crazy a** and he knows what he is doing.

    How do I rein little things in ? 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    LisaAO, while everyone is welcome on Lorita's front porch, it is more of a social thread.

    You will probably get more responses if you post your question as a new thread.

    While it may seem to you that he "knows what he is doing", you have to understand that with this disease the brain is no longer following the logical paths of the past.  Share these behaviors with his doctor for possible advice or medications to help.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Sara or anyone who has the recipe for the Ground Beef Stroganoff.  Iam going to the store in a little while and I want to get what I need to fix it for dinner tonight. Thanks Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Lisa, there's not an easy answer to that.  Sometimes, most times, you just have to ride it out which isn't easy.  We all have gone through those times.  Can you disconnect the dishwasher so he can't use it?  Alz.patients seem to go through things in phases - they'll  to do things for a while, then move on to something else.  I know my husband (it'll be eight years in three weeks since I lost him) went through a phase of going through drawers.  I had things in drawers where I could open them, reach in and get what I wanted.  That went by the wayside - things disappeared and even now I still find things in odd places.  It's just part of it.

    Try to be as patient as possible and I know that isn't easy.  What he does isn't bothering him and if you worry about everything it'll drive you crazy and completely stress you out.   I think one of the most important things a caregiver can do is to be patient and not sweat the small stuff (not saying this is small stuff to you).  I won't say it'll get better but before long he'll probably move on to something else - Charles did.

    Still cold here but the sun is shining and it's supposed to be in the 30s today.  The south wind is blowing and it's really a cold wind.  I went out early and filled the garden water tank - just now went out and they're standing in line waiting for water.  I saw Billy the Bull going down to the pond after Toad fed so watched him.  He went all around one side of the pond looking for water, then I think he came back up.  Maybe later today I can hook up the water in the lot.  

    Day - just finished watching two hours of Garolyn - they are so good together, let along showing pretty clothes.  I didn't buy anything.  This past couple of months I've bought several things and when they came just put them in a box to look at later (my Christmas gifts).  I did that but still didn't take them out of the plastic bags - just wasn't in the mood.  Just too much going on right now.

    My water heater threw the breaker again so don't have hot water on call.  I use very little - just to shower, shampoo and do the dishes.  Don't know if it's the breaker that's too old and trips or if it's the water heater.  I'm going to wait until after the first of the year to call Jimmy again.  If I have to have another water heater I'm going to get a smaller one.  Since I don't use much hot water there's no need to keep a big tank heated all the time.  The next people who live here can get a bigger one if they need to.   That hurts to say - the next people who live here - but someday it will be a reality.

    Don't feel on top of the world today - my back hurts so just took a couple of Ibuprofen.  I'm going back to the bedroom to sleep since it'll be warmer and maybe my back won't hurt when I get up.

    Called Sarah and the aides or nurses were in there with her so she'll call back when the leave.  Do private hospitals have nursing assistants?  Not sure - I know the VA did.

    Sandy, I hope you and your son are feeling better - also your granddaughter (s).  Hope you all had a nice Christmas.  Be careful.

    Saw on the news that China is having a big covid surge - hospitals are full.  I'm afraid this stuff will surge, regress, then surge again from now on  with new variants.  Guess that means more boosters for all of us but I'm thankful for them.

    Had to keep adding some sugar to the soup I made yesterday.  Seems like the crushed tomatoes had a sharp taste and the sugar tamed it.  The can I opened had two years before expiration so guess they're good - maybe should only have used half a can - it was a big can.  Anyway after more salt and pepper and sugar it tasted pretty good - very thick.  I like thick soup, almost like stew.

    Better go check the water.  I'll be back later.  Hope all of you front porch rockers are well today.  Still awful weather way up north.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I  only use Red Gold diced tomatoes. I am a bit fussy about my tomatoes and use Hunt's Ketchup but Heinz chili sauce.
     Tried some dried soup....it still has  that dried stuff taste. Trader Joe's has Tomato with Feta and Brocoli/Cheese soups that are 10+.
    I stopped to think the other day about where I live. Within 1.5 miles I have Traders, Whole Foods, Macy's, Dillards, Container store, Pack/ship/ Fedex, Batteries P;us, Staples, Verizon, Taco Bell, Taco Bueno, Del Taco, KFC, Walgreens, CVC, Edward Jones, my accountant, my meat market, a bread bakery, Hibdon's Tire,  Homeland, Mercy Hospital medical clinic (my PCP),
    large mall with the regulars, Homeland w/pharmacy, fish market, my church, daughter, grandson........no wonder my batter runs down...lol
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, it sounds like you couldn't be in a better place to live.  You're close to everything.  I'm 2 1/2 miles from a place to get gas and a very few things - milk, bread, pop; 15 miles from a grocery store and my doctor; 26 miles from the hospital and most everything else.  But, for now, I'm satisfied.  Wouldn't want to live in town - it would scare me to death.  But, you know, when we did live in town for about five months, it was okay.

    Hope you're enjoying the pretty sun today.  The wind is cold.  Gotta go, have some of those pumpkin-spice muffins in the oven and the timer just went off.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening 


    Zetta I’m so sorry.  Worked today and then had a few errands to run.  Just now catching up.  Second link is for stroganoff.  Calls for 11/2 pounds of meat.  I used half a pound so adjusted everything accordingly.  Only thing I did different was to add 1/2 can cream of mushroom soup to mine as Judith suggested that. 

    The only thing I can say Lorita is that it’s better to be out of hot water than hot and cold.

    Judith I live very close to the stores we have available but you have a much better selection.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, thanks for the recipe; my mom made salmon cakes and we loved them!

    Judith, I live close to a lot of stores, but you are surrounded by everything and everybody!  Lucky you.

    The temperature dropped 20 degrees, now in the 60's.  It's cold, but not like the northern states.

    Lorita, there was an article in today's newspaper about cow-hugging as therapy for stress.  You could make a fortune, if you had some of your 80 girls out as hugging therapists.  The website is gentlebarn.org, search for cow-hugging.  There is a video.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Sara  Thank you for the recipe, I should have asked earlier. I pretty much had everything but the mushrooms, and I found an online recipe it turned out really good. Pretty close to the one you sent me. Thanks. 

    Iris.  That was so cute telling Lorita about the hugging cows. I see how that can help with stress. I will have to watch that video and go find me a cow to hug.

    Lorita. I hope your back is feeling better, you have been under so much stress lately it's no wonder why you hurt. Wrap up in an electric blanket and stay warm with a cup of tea. Ibuprofen helps me when my neck gets sore, which seems to be pretty much lately. 

    Today I have had a mixture of rain, snow and a lot of wind. Weatherman says we will have the same tomorrow. 

    Good night to all. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, I looked at the website.  You know my avatar is Jasper, a big Brangus bull.  We raised him from the time he was born and talked to him and petted him.  Either Charles or I could walk up to him or pull up to him in the Jeep, ask him for sugar and he'd give us a big, wet kiss.  You haven't lived until you've been kissed by a 2200 lb. Brangus bull.  It was the same with his dad, Casper.  I really miss them being out in the pasture.

    Like Zetta said, I can go out and be with the girls now and I feel so much better.  Just sitting close to them and being quiet and watching or talking to them makes me much calmer.  They know my voice just as they knew Charles'.  He could call them and they'd answer.  I've gone out in the pasture in a hat and their heads go up - I look different - but if I took off the hat they were okay because they recognized me.

    I can see where it would help.  You know kids who have calves they take to the fair for competition sleep with them while they're there.  They're very sweet animals if you get to really know them.  Very curious about everything.  Now, I can go out to fill the water tank and they come over for a drink.  In fact, I have the water running now so better stop and check it.

    Zetta, be careful out in the snow and rain.  I saw on the weather tonight that more rain is coming your way.  Also here we're supposed to get some rain over the next few days.  We still need it so won't fuss about it - it's going to be warmer so won't be bad.  Good to see your post.  My back is feeling better tonight.  I keep a fuzzy throw over me when I'm watching TV - and, usually have at least one cat on my lap.  Hope your fur babies are doing well in your cold weather.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Well, if it's not so cold we're freezing, the wind is blowing so hard we'd blow into Kansas if we weren't weighed down.  Not complaining though because the wind is making it warmer.

    Sara, I hope your aunt and uncle are improving.  It's scary to have a relative that's sick and you can't help.

    I had a scary thing happen last night.  I sit in the recliner and sit kind of on my side, pull my legs up and drape over the arm - I've fallen asleep many times in that position.  Last night I was doing that and straightened and had a terrible pain at the bottom of my rib cage on the left.  Had no idea what was happening but it scared me and I was almost afraid to move.  Stormy knew something was wrong so came over, close to me and looked me in the eye, then Sheena came over and they both watched me for a while.  Finally I was able to straighten up but it was still hurting.  Finally got to the point I could move around some - I'm noticing it's kind of sore this morning.   

    Years ago the same thing happened.  I was dealing with getting help for my sister and was on the front porch on the phone.  I think I was sitting down, bent over and when I straightened up there was this terrible pain.  To me it feels like one rib has somehow gotten over another one - don't know if that's possible but that's what it feels like.  It took a while to get over that, too.  No problem with breathing other than the pain - just in the bottom of my rib cage on the left side.  Next time I see my doctor I'll ask him about it.

    Went out and filled the water tank - it wasn't completely empty but several came over to drink.  Maybe I can even fill the one at the barn today.

    Haven't heard from Sarah and I won't bother her until later this morning.  The doctor is trying to figure out what, if anything, they can do to help.  They were x-raying her every three hours yesterday for some reason.  Maybe after they tubefed her they wanted to see what happened.  

    I haven't heard the news this morning to see how the weather is in the NE - improving, I hope.

    I'll stop and finish my tea and rub my side with Theragesic - hadn't noticed the soreness until I put on my clothes.  Hope all of you are well and warm.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, I forgot to mention.  Today at 12 p.m., our time, they're going to begin showing all the episodes of Yellowstone up until now.  The final episode of the season is on Sunday night.  Don't know if you're interested but wanted to let you know.  That's on Paramount channel.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Sun has shined, beautiful.   Still cold and windy.

    Lorita haven’t heard from my Uncle and Aunt since Friday.  Will have to reach out to them in next day or two.

    Froze the pizza I made a few weeks ago.  Had a piece today it was great.  Definitely going into the fast food rotation.

    Take care everyone

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.  Thanks for telling me about Yellowstone. I could never get interested in it. It's hard for me to keep up with something that continues. You have been pretty quiet today I bet your watching Yellowstone. Stay warm and rest your back. And Enjoy Yellowstone. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, only watched about five minutes of Yellowstone.  I've seen all of the episodes two or three times, or more.  I do hate for the last show of the season to be so soon.

    My back hasn't bothered me today - just my left lower rib cage.  Trying to be careful and not lift much of anything - but, of course, FedEx brought a huge box of Moist & Meaty so had to carry it inside.  I've watered the girls several times and hooked up the float valve in the lot so won't have to worry so much about water.  If they don't have any in the garden, they know to go to the barn.  Funny thing - today one of the Charolais heifers was standing by the lot fence and a Brangus cow and calf came in to get a drink.  Then the heifer followed them.  Maybe she didn't know how to get into the water in the lot?  Don't know but that's what I think.  

    Found the last of the frozen french fries and had them for supper along with cottage cheese.  I like that with anything.  Sheena did help me eat the fries.  I think I've mentioned that when she came to live with me she wouldn't have anything, at all, to do with junk food.  I've talked her into it and now she's spoiled.  Now I remember, I wrote this same thing yesterday - sorry about that.

    I have a humidifier in the bedroom and a bigger one in the LR that I hadn't used for some time.  My eyes have been uber dry today and bothering me so put some water in it to see if more humidity would help.  It didn't work!  What's new?  I kept it on and after a bit, it kicked in. I think the extra humidity did help. Still no hot water and I didn't bother to do any dishes today.  My costo in my chest is bothering me some so I'm leaning against the heating pad.

    Don't know where everyone is today - resting up after the holiday, I guess.  

    Sara, glad the pizza was good.  How did you make it?  Many years ago Charles and I made deep dish pizza.  We'd have it one night and take the leftovers to work the next day.  If I made one now, it  would be cheese and some vegetables - used to like sausage and pepperoni.  I find it easier to buy the little "party pizzas" I think they're called.  I cook them in the NuWave oven and it's enough for about two or three meals, at least.  I like Pork 'n Beans with pizza.

    Going to stop for now.  Beth, our weatherman said he was in Sioux City over Christmas and he said it was colder there than here - and that's saying something.  Did you have a lot of snow?

    See you all tomorrow.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    We had about 3" of snow, and several sub-zero days. It warmed up starting on Tuesday. Today it is supposed to get up to 50 which is warmer than normal.

    We had son's family here (5 kids - one is an adult) on Christmas eve. Had a nice time. On Christmas day my daughter's family, her and 3 little boys came in from TX. We have had a good time. Kids built snowmen and a snow fort and had snowball fights with neighbor kids. The snow is melting now. It will probably be the last chance for sledding. They leave Saturday.

    Need to get a donation made (American Heart Association) for brother in law whose BD is Jan. 5. 

    Of interest, our family has a lot of duplicate BDs (some people are deceased now): 

    Me and DIL's mom March 23; 

    my dad and husband's mom Feb. 7; 

    grandma and BIL Jan. 5; 

    Sister and husband's dad Oct. 2; 

    husband and step sister July 17

    DIL and her adopted twins Dec 15
    I have just one sister, no brothers. Sister, BIL, husband and I donate to charities in honor of each others' BDs and Christmas instead of gifts. I've given to St. Jude's, Animal charity, and Ronald McDonald House. They give "to" us Food Bank. I decided to do American Heart Assoc. since he is a cardiac dr. Other charities I am interested in but haven't donated to yet include Make a Wish and Marine Corps Toys for Tots. By the way, it is good to look at charity navigator.org. These tell you how "good" a charity is in terms of fiscal responsibility etc. My charity dollars pretty much go to my church. 
    Christmas tree is still up. I so enjoy seeing it at night, lit up. I will take it down on NYE. Any of you have plans on NYE? Just eating black eyed peas? I have never done that. I think that's a Southern thing. I hadn't heard of it before getting on this site. We have no plans. We don't even stay up to see the NY in. Do you all remember how we were freaking out when it was 1999 going into 2000? Worked out ok! 
    Have a good day, front porch rockers.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Beth, you mentioned family members withe the same BD; my BD is September 24th and my niece and her son also on September 24th. I have a brother buried in Sioux city and he also taught instrument repair for several years before passing. Blackeye peas and cabbage are for luck and prosperity!

    Can you believe I we t outside without a jacket yesterday! Warm weather the next couple of weeks with some rain. Rain today and tommorow, but clear new year eve and new year's. Not looking forward to incoming fire!! Tired of getting up and running to the sandbag bunker and wondering if its going g to hit.

    Lou has been in overdrive getting on my nerves the last couple of days; hope today calms down.

    I trimmed some fat off the butterfly pork chops and will fry some to put in the cabbage for seasoning. Plan on eating a lot of blackeye peas and cabbage! 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Don't know what's wrong but I had to wait about five minutes to be able to post.  Guess it's slow like me.

    Pretty morning.  Ron, I went out to run water for the girls in my robe and gown.  I like this warmer weather.  Next week we'll be back in the 40s and low 50s.  It was way below zero a week ago today and today it'll be almost 70.

    We didn't have any duplicate birthdays in our family but had three in January.  My birthday is on the 21 as was my sisters.  Mother's was on the 26th and so was daddy's - about all I can say.

    I don't remember what we had with the blackeyed peas, maybe fried potatoes.  I used to like mayonnaise on my fried potatoes - never tried that on french fries though. Ron, I don't think we had cabbage with our black eyed peas.  I used to like cooked cabbage.  I'd cut a head in quarters and cook it until barely tender.  Charles liked it sliced and cooked until it was soft.  Just different ways our mothers cooked.

    I'm watching Barnwood Builders.  They just showed a round barn in Pennsylvania.  Looked like it had three stories with a place to keep and feed animals on the bottom.  Sort of like our old barn - but it wasn't round.  The bottom floor was for the cattle and to feed them and had corn cribs and stalls.  There was a middle floor where you could keep hay and throw it over the wall to the cattle below.  Top floor was for storing hay.  I remember helping daddy haul hay.  He's put it up in the south door or window and I'd drag it back.  In the hot summer it was cool up there because there were doors on the south and north and the wind came through.  The floor looked like it had been waxed from dragging the hay on it.  We lost that barn in 1960 - never knew for sure what happened.  We had company on that Sunday and mother thought someone must have thrown a lit cigarette down in the yard and a bird picked it up and went to the barn with it.  Daddy rebuilt the barn - one floor but longer and wider - out of sheet iron.  The other one was red.

    Enough of old memories.  The girls woke me up bawling.  They all went to the north of the barn where Toad feeds and stayed for two hours.  Just saw them coming back south of the house.  Something must have happened to him.  He'll be here eventually.  Girls need hay.  It was a year ago yesterday that I sold the girls to Mike and leased the ranch.  I know it was time but it still nags me - I liked feeding and caring for them but lifting those heavy sacks was hard.

    Enjoy the warmer weather while we have it.  Ron, hope Lou is doing better today so you can get some rest.

    Sandy, thanks for the link for the magazine.  I think I can read some of the articles and will probably subscribe to it.  I used to get two or three magazines but most of them turned into advertisements so only get the one from the electric coop and insurance one.

    Back later today.  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lorita, growing up we had pork chops, blackeye peas, turnip greens, mashed potatoes and cornbread. Lou likes cabbage so we exchanged the turnip greens for cabbage, since the prosperity was something green to represent the money. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Here New Years means pork and sauerkraut.

    Don’t think we have any duplicate birthdays.

    Glad you got to see all your family Beth.  

    Texted my uncle, said they have improved a little.  It is two weeks for him and 21/2 weeks for my Aunt. 

    Texted my friend about her family but have not heard back from her.

    Got a text from FedEx yesterday saying Marodyne would be delivered today and that someone over 21 with photo ID would have to sign.  So here I sit, an enterprise truck has stopped in front of my drive twice.  Don’t know if it is trying to deliver FedEx things.  Anyway tried to call FedEx and of course had a hard time getting a person and when I did he was from who knows where.  He was very nice but has no way of helping me of course.  Just wanted to find out if enterprise is delivering for them and somebody call them and say hey that is the right house. How foolish of me to think something that simple could be accomplished.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, glad you aunt and uncle are improving - hope it continues and they're soon back to feeling great.

    I know what you mean about trying to contact FedEx.  I've been down that road and it was a dead end.  Did get their main office but never could find a number or how to get in touch with the place 60 miles from here where they deliver from.  I got someone and they said they'd let them know.  Doubt that.  Also frustrating that you have to sit and wait for them to come.  Seems like every company gives you a four hour time to deliver within.  My goodness, I'm ending every sentence with a preposition - sorry.   Hope you get your deliver soon and that it works for you.

    I think a couple of days ago you mentioned some kind of exercise you were doing that helped.  I thought you already had the machine.  So hope it works for you.

    I'm doing laundry and trying to get my winter work clothes organized so I can open a drawer and find what I need.  I've always had jeans in one drawer, shirts in another, etc. but with the disruption in the two rooms where I have chests it didn't happen.  I think I have it fixed now although I won't need as many flannel-lined pants as before.  Still haven't done dishes.

    Day - I watched a two-hour Denim & Co. show this morning with Julia.  Guess I'm spoiled - I just don't like anyone with Gary except Carolyn.  Seems like all of them try to talk too much.  I know it's their job but it gets on my nerves.  Didn't buy anything but did try on a pair of pants and top I ordered a while back.  They're some kind of soft knit - pants could be a bit smaller but they'll work but the top is really big and, of course, they're sold out in the pants and not the right color in the top.  I ordered it in Sept. - had no idea it was that long ago so couldn't exchange it anyway.  I ordered some things and just put them in a box, un-tried on - until a few days ago.  I can wear this outfit around the house and it'll be warm.

    Talked briefly with Sarah.  She began throwing up last night and is still doing it this morning.  Hasn't seen the doctor to find out what the x-rays showed from a couple of days ago.  She didn't feel like talking and was in pain so I'll talk to her later.   Need to get that thank-you card written and in the mail in the morning.  I won't go to the mailbox today because if I start the PU or Gator the girls will think they're going to be fed.  Have no idea what has happened to Toad.

    It's a pretty day - don't even need to wear a jacket or cap when I go outside.  Really wish the whole winter could be like this but it's just wishful thinking.  Only two more days left in this year.  Seems like it's gone fast.  I do hope next year will be easier without so much worry and disruption.  Still need to have the electricity checked in the house to make sure everything's okay and to get the power back to the barn.  I haven't had the need to go out there at night so far but you never know what tomorrow will bring.  

    Need to stop and get the things out of the dryer, folded and put away.  Girls are probably needing water again, too.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'll be working on New Year's Day so I haven't planned anything special to cook.  

    Lorita, I agree about Gary being with anyone but Carolyn.  Nobody lets him talk except her.  He and her give pertinent info on the clothes - anyone else just chatters and tries to make outfits when all I want to know is how does it wash up?  Can I put it in the dryer?  The stuff I ordered the other day shipped today, supposed to be here Tuesday.  

    Nothing much happening here - much warmer, snow is melting and going to be even warmer tomorrow.  YAY
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita you asked about pizza.  It was some of the one I made from scratch a couple of weeks ago in cast iron skillet.

    Yesterday was very strange.  That enterprise truck which I see deliver things in the neighborhood now and then stopped in front of my house once and the next three times did a slow roll by.  The last one I saw was 4pm.  At 4:15 a big fed ex truck rolled up in front of house.  He delivered both boxes ( my sister ordered a Marodyne too).  Told him I’m sure glad to see you.  Told him about the enterprise truck.  He said they do have 4 or 5 enterprise trucks.  He didn’t seem to know what they would have been doing either.

    So I buzzed this morning.  That is what Marodyne users call it lol.  Very interesting, you feel the vibration, but gentle.  If you have good posture you can feel the vibration in your jaw.  If you barely lean forward, won’t feel it.  So helps you maintain good posture while standing on it.  If hold your teeth close together feel a very mild chatter.  Voice sounds totally normal if you talk.  

    Hope all have a nice day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Had some kind of spell this morning! Lou always gets up to pee early morning and I can take a shower after getting her back in bed. This morning she didnt wake up and I needed a shower before leaving for VA appointment. I woke her up and she was very confused and had trouble getting up and walking to the bathroom. After about 15 minutes of helping her, I felt dizzy. Like i was going to pass out. I got her to sit on her Walker and went and sit down myself. After awhile i went back in to help, this time with my life alert. Had no more problems, she used the bathroom and back to bed. Yes, I will never do the same with her. Medicine was still having her groggy and unsure of herself and I never need to try and wake her up that early. 

    Dental appointment and thought about urgent care but not sure about sitter staying longer. Will see!!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    At ER now! Will make decisions on admitting after test.

    Prayers please for Lou!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, saying prayers for Lou and for you.  So sorry you're not feeling well.  Did it get worse after your post earlier?  Hopefully, the tests will be negative and it was just that you stood up too soon or something like that.  Please let us know.

    Sara, hope you're liking your new machine.  Is it supposed to help prevent osteoporosis or make it better?  I hope it works.  Do you buzz every morning?

    Just had a long visit with friend, Carol.  We relived olden times - we knew a lot of the same people because we grew up within three miles of each other until we graduated.  She was born across the road from where our MH is, but never knew each other.  She's the only person left that I can ask quesetions of when I think of something I want to know.  

    It's been just a week since she broke her ankle.  She's fully recovered except for some loss of balance and she can't navigate steps.  If she stands in the middle of a field without walls or something close to her or even seeing something out of the corner of her eye, she's immobilized - can't move a bit.  Strange.

    She said she had a visit with the Chaplain who was at the VA Hospital when we worked there.  Karen worked for him and he was singing her praises.  He's 83 and has balance problems, too.  Guess it comes with maturity.

    My left side is still sore and a little in my left chest.  It's still the residuals of that fall over a year ago and laying or sitting in the wrong position.  

    The girls woke me up bawling this morning.  All of them were standing out in front of the house. I could hear cattle all over this area bawling.  Finally I saw a truck coming up the road east of us with a bale of hay.  The girls ran toward it and he came on across and set it out for them.  He did three, then called me to let me know what was happening.  Toad has been sick the last three days so Mike has been having to feed all the cattle.  He has hay out of all of them now and his nephew will be by this afternoon to grain them.   They're content now - filling up the water tank in the garden for the second time this morning.

    Better stop and go check on it.  Hope everyone is well this morning.  Ron, please let us know.  I guess your neighbor is with Lou so she's all right.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Just got home and test was ok. ER Dr. had no explanation for my spell but told me to follow up with primary care and if I have another one to come back and they will admit me to the hospital. Personally I think it's the 24/7 caregiver but I've never had a spell like this. Best way I can describe it was last chemical induced stress test I felt like that and they stopped and gave me a injection.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, prayers in bunches for you and Lou that the situation is easily resolvable.

    Seems like spring outside today...sun is shinning and no need for a coat...if only it would last.

    Yesterday I took my mother to my dad's grave site.  She likes to go at least once a month, and the weather was good so I offered to take her.  From my  house to hers, to cemetery for about 45 minutes, back to her house and then back to mine with only a stop for lunch was 9 1/2 hours.  Makes for a long day and a lot of driving, which I really don't like.

    There are lots of other relatives at that cemetery, so we have to check on the stones for each of them.  The earliest headstone I have found anywhere there is a death in 1862.  It is attached to a church .

    Wishing all better days and better weather.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. Prayers up for you and for Lou.

    Marie, that is so kind of you to do that for your mom. I know it made for a very long day for you.

    I made enchiladas and tacos for lunch today. Enchiladas: corn tortillas filled with ground beef, cheese, green chiles and red enchilada sauce, rolled up and more red enchilada sauce poured over and sprinkled with cheese. Baked at 375 for 25". So good. I make enchiladas quite often. They are pretty easy and taste really good. I have a chicken enchilada recipe that uses green enchilada sauce and salsa verdé. It's good too. 

    The tree will come down tomorrow and the company will fly out as well. It has been a busy week entertaining and being entertained by the grands.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Howdy Rockers.

    Not much going on with me today, staying inside and keeping warm. We have about a foot of snow outside right now and it has been snowing most of the day. Not a heavy snow, just little flakes. 

    Ron.  So sorry to hear about your dizzy spell this morning. I agree it is probably due to the 24/7 care you give Lou. Please try to get as much rest as you can. You take such good care of Lou, maybe someone in your church family would be able to help you.

    Marie.  It was nice you took your mother to visit your dads, grave yesterday. Maybe this is something you can do often I bet she really enjoyed being with you. Once a month would be a nice outing for the both of you with having lunch together. I know 9.5 hours is a long day but a good time to be together.

    Beth.  Your enchiladas sound so good I took a copy of your recipe I will try in a few days.  It sounds like you had a real good visit with your family.

    Lorita.  I hope your back is feeling better and you're getting some rest. Did you ever get your hot water back on? 

    Hugs to all, Zetta

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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