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Just need to talk to my friends (184)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Snow is not the problem Lorita.  It is cold temperatures and wind chill.  We had strong winds frequently during summer and fall.  Looks like it is continuing into winter.  There’s only about 2 inches of snow but it is icy snow and drifting.

    Received an email from power company not long ago asking us not to use appliances, to lower thermostat if health permits til 10am tomorrow.  It’s still going to be cold tomorrow. I have all things off except, since this started, I keep my iPad and phone charging so they will be full if I lose electric.  Have my LED light by my bed and turned the thermostat to 60, heated up my rice bags, layer a military sleeping bag over comforter and I’m in bed.  Leaving my regular clothes on so can be ready if mom calls. Toasty so far.
    They are saying possibility of rolling power outages for short periods of time.  Don’t know what short is.  Called mom but she doesn’t want me to come get her for the night.  Told her to dress warm and keep her light handy and plenty of blankets and quilts.  Told her to call me if she gets cold, not to freeze.
    Roads are quite slick but have not had any trouble getting around.  Everyone just taking their time and is going ok.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Merry Christmas. 

    Lorita.  It was very nice that your heard from Darwin and that is wife is finally talking about you in a good way. Hopefully they do come for a visit. I got some Bear Creek soup yesterday the only kind I could find was chili soup and cheddar potato, so I will give them a try.  I do prefer creamy soup but who knows I may have a new favorite. Sarah and Todd and you are still in my thoughts and prayer.

    Sara.  I had a few of the pancakes that I had frozen from yesterday and they still tasted good, and it was an easy breakfast. I will do that more often. I'm also going to try the Beef Stroganoff that you and Judith were talking about. Sounds like when you're around your mom a few deep breaths may help. You're a good daughter. 

    Ron.  You are a wonderful husband and caregiver to Lou. She is lucky to have you there. 

    Marie.  It sure would be nice if we could all get together and give each other a hug. I got a laugh out of the story of the zip lock bag. Thats a cute idea.

    Joan.  Merry Christmas to you it's always nice hearing from you, and hopefully more in 2023. Enjoy Christmas with your daughter. 

    Day.  Sweet Chucky knows where he wants to go, right upstairs under the blanket in his new forever home. What a sweet Christmas present for both of you. I also love Chinese food. 

    Our snow has turned into ice, that's fine with me I have no place to go. I baked some cookies and made some brownies for son and nephew. The 3 of us will all be home together tomorrow. Iam not in the mood for Christmas but Iam trying. I did not put up a tree I figured with my cats and the youngest one being 10 months old I did not need a tree. 

    Merry Christmas to all. Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all on this Christmas Eve.   Tonight is the night our son gifts us with his annual "beef stew," which is more like beouf bourguignon (sp?).    It is heavenly delicious; we love it and look forward to it.  

    Embarrassed to even say it considering the dreadful weather across the states, but tomorrow's temp where we are is supposed to be 80 degrees.  Strange.

    Got the Collins Street Bakery Fruitcake and it is delicious; really moist and filled with the loveliest quality fruit. Yum.  Glad I ordered one.

    Tonight we will watch our annual favorite Christmas movie, the original black and white, "The Bishop's Wife."  It was made in 1948 and has lost none of its charm; tis a wonderful film.   It stars Cary Grant, Loretta Young, David Niven and Elsa Lanchester amongst others.  It is a longer film and worth every second watching it. So we will tuck in and enjoy.  (It was re-made a few years back and the re-make was beyond the scale for dreadful.)  

    Doorbell rang yesterday and there were two beautiful poinsettia arrangements.  Color so deep on  the flowers they were almost a burgundy shade rather than bright red.  They were in large round beautiful silver containers with very delicate green fern and stems of tiny white flowers. Gorgeous.  From our Oregon son which was a surprise; very thoughtful of him.

    Later, doorbell again.  A package arrived from daughter in Texas and in it was a box of some really yummy giant pecans she had made with spices and coating.  Could not eat just one!  Also some small wrapped packages still waiting for tomorrow.  We always ask the kids not to get us anything; we have all we need and we would rather they save their money; it is very thoughtful of them.

    Sayra, I understand what you mean when you say you do not have time to sort out all what is happening.  When that happened with me and my mother, it was hard to even put it in one piece; I got to where I would use the computer to throw things together that were happening in bits and pieces and so strange and so much was indeed happening.  It helped me to begin to "see" things a bit better.

    That Marodyne vibrating machine is $3,200.  Yikes.  I know nothing about it so looked at their site; it appears they are selling from Florida. I would not buy a knock off as they can cause issues to the body; vibration can affect things negatively if not used properly.  It is not to be used in some health conditions; Marodyne is very clear about it.  If you buy that Sayra, you will have to keep us posted on what you think about it.

    Lorita; it is good you are layered when outside, and I can only hope that you always, always also wear your alert alarm and even have your phone with you.   If you were not there, how would Mike ensure the cattle had access to water?  I wish you did not have to do that in the freezing weather.  How lovely it would be for Darwin and his wife to come "next door" for a bit of a visit; really good for all three of you.  Darwin can sure use some good support and input, must be very difficult for him.

    Prayer for Sarah and Todd.  Do want to mention not to count on the "continual" care from Hospice to be there consistently if at all.  It is not used frequently.   Please do use Google and do some reading about it.  Basically, it is only for short temporary periods in time of crisis and is mostly not 24 hours.  The criteria for qualifying for it and for the Hospice to stick to by mandate is seriously very strict.  I only mention this for planning purposes so one does not count on it as something that will be there and stay there and then be terribly disappointed.   When Sarah discharges, it would be a very good idea for her and Todd to have lined up someone to be at the home for her.  I know that the Oklahoma Medicaid will cover for some aide care for some hours but what they do or do not do when Hospice is in place, I do not know. If one gets information then planning can be anticipated for need as best can.  If she will need one on one care and Todd must work or cannot do the care, they will either have to have someone come in or Hospice can serve in a care facility too.  If she would go into care she would have 24 hours of said care, but I sure do understand her wanting to be at home.  It is certainly heartfelt concerning.  Good that she is still in the acute hospital and hope she is able to be there awhile longer.

    Goodness; our "down under" friend Barb is sweltering in the melting heat while our Christmas season has been a notorious one for snow storms, ice and all the dreadfuls that have come with it.   I guess they are already ending their Christmas Day down there by now.

    The Bear Creek Soup was sounding interesting, but when I got a look at the calories and sodium in just 1/3 of a cup, it was an uh-oh for me.  I can retain water sufficient to float a battleship with that much sodium as I would eat about one and a half to two cups of it for dinner, not just 1/3 of a cup.  Sigh.  It sure is soup days in most places  We had our Italian Sausage Tortellini Soup for two nights; it was good.  Cheater soup I call it as it is so easy

    Zetta, there is a lot of information on Google search regarding the muscle pain from neck/shoulder.  There are some physical therapy folks online with exercise and information about heating pads, etc.  I notice when I use the laptop too long and look down or way up at it, or read a book for quite a long time looking down, I get that pain problem on the left side of my neck and shoulder.   Can also get that pain from using the cell phone for long periods playing games, etc.  It is always something it seems.   I can almost smell those brownies baking.

    Poor little Chucky; he is really smart . . . runs for the door and gets up into the blankets. Smart dog.  Lucky dog.

    Ron; I do not know how you do it.  I am sorry for the incidents that happened. It must be exhausting for you.  Not letting littlebit outside for awhile; I understand.  Is littlebit trained to use those doggie wee pads?  They are really nice and practical to have in a pinch.

    Joan, enjoy the day with your daughter, it will be a nice cozy one with all the white stuff looking so pretty outside the window.  

    Going to get going; it is 4:15 here and nearing Christmas Eve dinner time.

    With Christmas hugs to all of you,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Merry Christmas to all!

    71 degrees and clear blue sky here today, many folks in shorts, tees and flip-flops.  But not me.

    Ron, do you have access to puppy pee pads?  I got a bunch at the 99 cents only store or the Dollar Tree.

    Lorita, Sarah is made of strong stock, she is still fighting!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    She is, Iris.  I don't know how she's endured all the pain the past few years but a person can only do that for a while.

    Jo - there are no plans from what I understand to discharge Sarah.  She's on palliative care and will be in the hospital until the end.

    I don't think I've ever mentioned to you all that she and Todd have been together 15 years - common law.  They just never got legally married but - she wanted to have his last name before she passed away so it would be on her tombstone.

    Yesterday Todd got to work and got the marriage license with help from a doctor and nurse stating she couldn't go to the court house to get it.  The Chaplain at the hospital wasn't able to perform the ceremony (rules, I guess). The woman who owned the apartment building where she lived when she met Todd (he worked there as a repairman) is ordained and she agreed to perform the ceremony.  All of this was happening late yesterday afternoon.  Everything just miraculously fell into place.

    The nursing personnel at the hospital moved Sarah to what she calls a suite.  I've seen pictures and it's a huge room with nice furniture and a big screen TV.  They got flowers from their flower shop and decorated the room with flowers,  made her a bridal bouquet, fixed her hair and made or got a tierra for her.

    One of their friends called me just before the ceremony so I was able to hear everything. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was able to hear them say their vows.  At the end of it when she said "I now pronounce you man and wife", the nursing personnel who were there cheered and applauded and again when she introduced them by name.  Many of the nurses and aides who had even gone off duty stayed for the marriage ceremony.

    They will allow her to stay in the room until she passes away.  They said this was the first time they've done something like this.   Their friend sent me pictures of them after the wedding and pictures of the room.

    Todd even sneaked Sarah's little dog, Angel, up to the room and she was in the pictures.  No problem from the nurses.

    Sarah sounded so relieved after the wedding - like a weight had been lifted.  This morning when I talked with her I could hardly understand her but this evening she sounded better.

    I told Carol about this when she called and she said it was like a fairy tale and she was crying.

    She wants to make it until her birthday which is Jan. 2nd - she'll be 52.  I hope she can do this.  She's determined so if anyone could, it would be Sarah.  

    I found some pictures of Sarah to send to Todd and will find more.  The first one was when she was a year old - looked like a little doll and another one at seven and one at thirteen.  I will find more and send them.

    Just wanted to let you all know.  We share everything so wanted to share this with you.  

    Jo - can't imagine 80 degrees but it's supposed to be 65 here the latter part of next week.   I have been taking my medical guardian with me when I go out- takes me five minutes to get all the extra clothing on.  There's 80 head of girls out there and they drink a lot of water so it means several trips.  I don't mind - I want to keep contact with them.  Jo, Toad would have to cut ice on the ponds.  I guess he's doing that for the heifers in the other pasture.  I've thought about one of the deicers but can't figure out how to do that - keeping it in water and plugged in - Stormy is very curious and might chew on the wire.  It'll be fine, I feel better when I get out even if it is cold.

    Iris, put on some shorts and flip flops and enjoy the warmth.  I envy you and Jo and Barbara but next summer I'll be complaining about the heat.  Guess I'm never satisfied.

    Jo - the goodies sound delicious - what nice kids you have.

    I've never read about the calories or sodium content of the Bear Creek Soup.  One-third cup would only be about two spoonsful, wouldn't it?   I think I'll make vegetable soup tomorrow - if I'm in the mood.

    I've written way too much - I just wanted to share the happiness that Todd and Sarah - and I, have now. 

    See you all tomorrow.  Sweet dreams. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    What a wonderful day for Sarah and Todd.  So many good people came together to make their wedding all it could be and more!

    It is great that you were able to hear the ceremony as well.

    May God shine his face on all of them.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Yea for Sarah and Todd!!!!!
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Congratulations to Sarah and Todd!  She must feel so relieved to finally be a Mrs!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Sounds like Sarah had some very kind nurses.

    Lol just woke up and it’s midnight.  Oh boy now what do I do.  That’s what happens when you go to bed at 4pm and turn no lights on.  Also, they asked us to close all blinds.  I had all closed but my bedroom.  Have a fairly large window, like to look at the woods.  Find them very artistic when all the leaves off.  Like to watch the tree tops swaying in the wind too.  Find it relaxing.  My room is pitch black.

    JoC you absolutely don’t want to buy a knock off.  They can actually be harmful.  Sara Meeks uses the Marodyne, where I learned about it.   She has had osteoporosis since at least her early 40s.  She is now in early 80s.  She still is very active and still works some.  That is why I wanted to try it.  She is such a calming, reassuring voice, where as the majority are so negative.  Have been doing her basic exercise routines for a while now.  Cannot believe how much better my back feels.  Have shoveled some the last two days and little soreness.  Also have learned what brace I need to use if develop compression fractures of my spine.

    Ok yapped long enough.  Guess I will see if possibly I can fall back to sleep.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Congratulations Sarah and Todd!

    Oldest son called and him and his family are coming to spend Christmas with us. Guess I'll check the pantry to see what else I can prepare for dinner.

    Merry Christmas to one and all and prayers for a blessed day on Lorita's front porch. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Received a text message from my son! He stated that they decided to rest today and come tommorow since he doesn't have to work until Tuesday.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Merry Christmas everyone and congratulations to Sarah and Todd!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Christmas Gift!!

    Ron, that will give you and Lou another day of rest and time to think about something to cook.

    The front porch is cold this morning but very sunny without wind.  Should be good to visit out there today.

    Sara, so hope you were ready to go back to sleep.  Do you know if there were any blackouts?  Hate to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep.

    How great that machine is working for you.  My back hurts sometimes when I get up in the morning until I get to moving around.  Years ago I worked with a little, sweet lady who had osteoporosis.  She would get compression fractures in her back just by bending.  Don't know what, if anything, she was taking for it.  

    This is feed day and when I went out to check their water, everyone was gone - they're behind the barn waiting for Toad to come and feed them.  Had to pour a little warm water over the hydrant to thaw the handle.  I'm using a 10 ft. metal hose and it's so funny to watch the end of it.  If I turn the water on fullblast the end of the water hose moves around in the water tank.  I got a facefull of water a couple of times yesterday.  If the girls are drinking and it does that and gets water on their head, they just shake their heads and go on drinking.    It's supposed to be above freezing today so maybe I can fill the other one.

    Day - just turned on QVC.  I know they're off air today but  Carolyn and Gary were on before 8.  Alberti is on now.  I like him and also like the new guy, Steve.  Saw he's going to be on In The Kitchen with David instead of Julia.  That will be good.

    Thank all of you for the congratulations for Sarah and Todd.  I know they're happy.  Just wish things could be different.  She's been in that hospital several times and the nurses remember her and are so good to her.  They went way out of their way to make the wedding so nice.

    About time to go check the water so I'll stop for now.  

    Have a Merry Christmas.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Merry Christmas to All front porch friends.

    Lorita what a wonderful Christmas gift for Sara and Todd.

    It is 22 degrees here in Florida! Coldest day in 33 years.

    HHope everyone have a good day and God Bless


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    A Christmas wedding!  What a wonderful thing!

    Merry Christmas to all celebrating!

    Lorita, I like Alberti a lot too and he's doing a beautiful job with the clothing.  He's very versatile - the only thing I haven't seen him present is jewelry.  I think of him as a "medium-tenured" person at QVC.  I am also enjoying Steve.  

    I'll make sure I watch In The Kitchen at noon - I like it when David does them best - I even have a utensil holder with the show logo on it I got from QVC a few years ago.

    Editing to add:  Well heck, Alberti sold me a pair of jeans and a top (Candice Cameron Bure brand) in the last few minutes of the show.  Uh oh, 2 magpies are on now so I'm turning the channel before Jane starts dancing.  They're actually yelling over each other...ugh.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh my goodness; Sarah and Todd had a wedding!  The description of it all had me blubbering; I am delighted for them in they had this beauty in the midst of all else.  What a lovely and loving Christmas story that all of those involved will never forget. 

    Lorita, I am so glad and frankly, actually relieved that Sarah will stay in the hospital rather than going back home as she had originally wanted to do and planned; that is truly a blessing for both her and Todd.  The nurses have been awesome as has been the hospital administration in that they have gone to great lengths to gift and support Sarah and Todd to the amazing degree they have.  That special suite provided to Sarah; it warms my heart.  I have never seen such generosity to such a degree in my many years of hospital experience.  They are owed the deepest of thanks for their kindness and caring.

    I want to send warmest of Christmas Day wishes to everyone.  Quiet day for us.  The unexpected surprises we had continue to dispense their warmth.  I "went to church" for Christmas Eve service online last night.  Our community church videos services.   Lovely to hear the Christmas music and to hear the hand bells. They do the Christmas Eve service lit by candles at the end of each pew and the lights are lowered; really lovely.  The congregation after end of service gathers in front of the church each person with a lit candle and sing Christmas carols.  That is not on video, but I imagine it was very nice and those participating must have felt really uplifted and SO Christmas-ey.  We used to go to the midnight service, but do not do so any longer; it is a bit of a drive to the church and we get much more goofy tired late, late at night.  Very nice though to be able to attend online.

    Sayra, the unit you are looking at is probably the only one I would be comfortable with using at this point in time. If it takes off like gangbusters, then other credible companies will come out with their own models in competition but right now, that one is the only one that seems highly credible and with quality.  So important to keep to the recommendations so as not to cause harm; kudos to that company for being responsible about that.   Now if they would only lower their price . . . .

    Ron; a days reprieve to get things in order.  So hope your company will be helpful so it does not all land on your shoulders.  Perhaps Lou will enjoy the company and have a very exceptionally good day. 

    Big Christmas hugs to all and may this day be a good one,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Congratulations to Sarah and Todd. That is a Happy and Sad love story. 

    Merry Christmas to all my friends on the front porch. Hugs Zetta  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    9F, feels like -7.  Seems like the coldest day yet to me.  Maybe because I have heat set on 66.

    Judith the stroganoff was good.  Will definitely be made again.

    Has been a very quiet day.  That’s ok.  Will get to go to bed in a couple of hours and get toasty.  Can leave my light on tonight so hopefully won’t have eight hours of sleep by midnight.  I did rest well though after midnight.

    Ron hope you and family have a nice visit tomorrow.

    Lorita don’t know if there were any blackouts.  If there was I slept through it.

    Shirley stay warm

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lou, neighbor that helps when I need to go anywhere and I all went to early church services this morning. Enjoyed the Christmas songs and sermon. We have a rare preacher, not only does he give a good sermon, but he also has a beautiful singing voice. 

    I will be fixing salmon patties for Lou and the neighbor and tommorow will our son and his family come they can get carry out.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Well, it's almost over for another year - that's good for me.  It's been a quiet day - talked to Sarah several times.  Also has a nice visit with a 90 year old cousin.  She lost her 92 yr. old husband earlier this year but still lives by herself.  She has good neighbors and other relatives in town.  Missed a call this afternoon from one of my other cousin's wife.  Maybe she'll call later.

    Mike said they had pulled four cows and calves out of ponds this cold spell.  Also had four babies and were able to save all of them.  Guess either he or Toad just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  Still has one baby at the clinic bottle feeding him but will try to get him back on his mom.  They've been cutting ice on ponds where they feed and said it's about 3" thick.  I know the pond in front of our house has been frozen but will probably start to thaw tomorrow.  It was some warmer today but still cold.

    Sara - hope you have a warm night's sleep tonight.  I've been sleeping in the LR the last two or three nights and may again tonight.

    Cooked a frozen pizza in the NuWave oven - pretty good.  I always add a sprinkle of salt, oregano and grated Mozarella cheese.  The cheese had mold around the edges but I cut it off and grated it.

    I've been watching Yellowstone off and on this afternoon.  I missed it last week so don't know if they'll show that episode or not.  I know the mid-season finale is next week.

    Hopefully, all of you had a good day.  Ron, glad Lou enjoyed the Church service.  Used to like salmon patties - had them fairly often.  I remember when I was little mother would open a can of salmon and we'd have it with crackers along with our meal.

    I'll see all of you tomorrow.  Sleep well tonight.  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Son called.....not coming.....wife and kids sick.....no fever. 

    Hope their ok, but this happens a lot when they are suppose to come!

    Hope all is well on the front porch. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Pretty morning, sunny, calm winds and pretty warm.  Didn't last long until it clouded up, had about ten minutes of rain or sleet, then strong winds began.  I've made several trips out to run water for the girls.  Just came in and most of them are laying down now.

    I'm making a big pot of vegetable soup.  Put everything in it I could find - potatoes, onions, celery, carrots, corn, peas and even found a packet of grated zucchini so put that in.  Added a big can of crushed tomatoes and will add either some pasta or rice a little later.  Also just took a fresh loaf of bread out of the bread machine.

    Ron, if they're sick it's better that they're not around ;you and Lou.  You all need to stay away from any kind of illness - just like all of us do.  The cold front will probably get to you all pretty soon, if not already there.  It won't last long - tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40s and on up from there.

    Maybe the latter part of this week I can get in to get the PU diesel drained.  One of the cats, I think it's Max, is sneezing this morning.  It's hard to tell because they're all in the LR along with Sheena and Stormy and they sneeze and it's over and I can't tell who it is but did see him just after a sneeze a while ago.

    Just started watching what I hope will be a good movie - The Sentinel with Michael Douglas.

    Talked briefly, twice, with Sarah but each time the nurse came in so we had to stop for then.   Believe it or not FedEx just delivered food for Sheena and Stormy.  I was almost out of dry food so glad it came and that they brought it to the house. One driver is good about that but not the others - yet.

    Hope everyone is well today and up and at 'em. Stay in and stay warm.  Radar looks like Marie and Sandy may be getting some rain - hope it doesn't turn into snow.

    Back later.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron, it looks like you will have a quieter day than first thought now that the guests cannot make it.  You will have salmon patties for just you and Lou and I imagine with you making them, they will be very tasty.  My mother used to make salmon patties and I loved  them; embarrassed to say that I have not made them. She also used to use left over mashed potatoes to make potato patties the next day.  I remember her adding a beaten egg and a bit of flour to the potatoes and occasionally a bit of finely chopped onion and shaping them into an oval shaped pattie and browning them in hot oil in a heavy skillet. They were good with a bit of ketchup.

    Lorita, I am keeping Sarah and Todd in prayer.  I so hope Sarah is being tenderly cared for by the nursing staff and kept as comfortable as is possible.  Being so far distant, I can imagine it must be even more difficult for you; I am sorry.  Thankfully she has been able to speak on the phone with you; that must be comforting for her.   It is thoughtful and loving of you to find the photos of Sarah from over the years, they are sure to enjoy having them.

    Here we are, the day after Christmas and heading to 2023.   Do have to say that I am tremendously sugar overloaded.  Didn't have to eat the things I did, but ah well; I did!  I am now in the throes of not wanting to look at another cookie or other sweet for awhile.   Was unexpectedly gifted a box of Italian Torrone nougat candy with almonds and I love that stuff.  Could not keep my hands off of them, shame on me.  DIL made cookies with cream cheese in the dough and then frosted them in white chocolate with other goodies on top and sent them over. Oh my. Once again, shame, shame on me. "Betcha can't eat just one," took on a whole new meaning.  Sigh.

    Day after Christmas and as the news showed, the malls are once again packed.  Lots of clearance sales and people returning gifts.  My daughter's friend's mother has six teen and adult children plus a lot of other relatives . . . the day after Christmas, on the 26th, she hits the malls and does ALL her Christmas shopping for the next year. She has it all gift wrapped and ribboned by July. I do not know how she does that or even have an idea of what would be good for each person after a year, but she does save a lot of money. Now there is a woman of energy considering she has Christmas at her house each year.   I am impressed.

    We continue to be warm here for another day or so.  It was up to 84 degrees yesterday and will be high 70's today.  It is supposed to drop at least 16 degrees over the next couple of days and perhaps a bit of rain in the forecast.  How I wish I could send some warmth to the dreadful storm areas across the U.S.  So many without electricity and dreadfully so many with no heat.  Really hope it all gets fixed faster than fast.

    Rather odd news reports that COVID, influenza and RSV are falling low in numbers and that we are, "through the worst of it."  Ahem; other reports showing uptick of COVID in waste water and out here, hospital admissions for those diagnoses are up and impacting. We cannot say there is a lower rate of these viruses until after the holidays as the specialists on the news keep reporting an expected surge upward in these nasties as we move past the holidays due to obvious gatherings and travel.  Not to mention huge packed mall crowds with no masks evident.  Well; we shall see what happens the week after the New Year gatherings; it would be really welcome to be, "through the worst of it."  National news did report under diagnosing of COVID due to lack of testing or if tested at home, not being reported. In any case, hopefully enough folks are fully vaccinated which hopefully will keep much COVID and Influenza severity from requiring hospitalization or worse.  Sure have had a lot of vaccinations this last year; I should be glowing in the dark by now.

    By the way, have the rest of you seen a significant number of attorney advertisements on TV?  It abruptly has hit a large number of different lawyers advertising on the channels out here - what is it about the  New Year that there would be an increase in lawsuits I wonder. All of them trying to outdo the other legal group in fishing for new "customers."  Some of this will induce some folks to venture into such activity. Does  not feel good or right.  I remember the days that lawyers and drugs could not be advertised; now it is BIG money to run such ads. 

    Hope the freeze gets better Lorita so that you do not have to keep trying to keep the cattle's water free of ice; it must be awfully difficult not to mention horribly cold for you out there. Am so glad you wear your pendant when going out, thank you for doing that; we all feel better that you do. ( Nothing like a gaggle of nagging friends.)

    Another year flying by; my mother was correct, the more "mature" one gets, the faster time goes by.  Have a cozy and comfortably warm day everyone, unless you are one of our Australian friends, then I wish you a nicer cooler day,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    18 degrees, feels much warmer lol.  A little melting went on today.  Was able to get my walk and stoop clean.  

    Lorita sounds like you had a good meal.    Had left over stroganoff for lunch.  It was every bit as good as yesterday.  Have several jars frozen up for fast food, that will be nice.  Chicken and fries for supper.  

    Bought a can of salmon to make patties with last week.  Usually bake frozen, my favorite.  What do you put in your patties Ron?

    Will see JoC.  Knew they were saying they think flu and rsv have peaked.  Our sewer was down this past week.  Unusual for us as we are usually either stable or up.  My uncle and aunt are in Tennessee.  My friends sister and BIL who are in Kentucky, early 70s both have Covid.  He is on a ventilator, lots of comorbidities.  She is at home still last I knew, but not too healthy either. My sister and I were saying we know more people with Covid now than we ever have.  Several people at work have had it.  We will know in a couple of weeks how well we are really doing.  Hopefully, we can always hope.  

    Take care

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita.  Your soup sounds really good. I made a stew a few days ago and I added a lot of stuff to it. It was so good I wrote down everything I added so I could make it again. Iam sure I would have not remembered it all. 

    Iam glad Mike was in the right place at the right time to save those mamas and babies. Mike is a real busy person, and I bet you're a big help to him.  

    Have they been able to help Sarah with her pain? Hopefully Todd will be able to stay with her while she is there.  Is she able to rest more? Like Jo, said it was a very nice thing you did by hunting up and sharing all those pictures with her. You're all in my prayers.

    Sara.  I hope you got through those blackouts without any problems. I have never been in a black out for that long I don't know what I would do. Where I live it is total dark, I should be getting all my candles in one place and check the batteries in my flashlights. Sounds like you have a warm comfy bed. How long do your rice bags stay hot? 

    Ron.  Very nice your neighbor went to church with you and Lou. Sad that your kids were not able to come but you don't need to be around anyone who is sick. Enjoy your salmon patties. 

    Jo.  What a beautiful thing that you were able to enjoy the online church service. I love the sound of bells. When I worked at the resort, they had bell ringers come in over the holidays and do christmas songs. I would sure love to be a bell ringer.   I also overate I was not comfortable last night it took a while for my food to settle, along with a few tums. I think I will start a diet today. Or maybe next Monday. Haha

    It is so cold at my house. We are getting some rain I like rain it is melting a lot of the snow. Iam staying in because there is a lot of ice outside. Both my son and nephew were home yesterday so we had a nice quiet day, eating a lot of Christmas candy and cookies. I even enjoyed some hot buttered rum. I was sure glad I have a bottle of tums. Iam resting my stomach today. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Sayra,  after I clean the salmon (I like to make sure I have just the clean meat), I add 1 beaten egg, 1/3 cup diced onion, 1/2 cup flour, dash of salt and 1 1/2 tsp baking soda mixed well with 2 tbl of baking soda. Mix it all well and fry. Only takes about 4 or 5 minutes on each side.

    Jo., I remember and loved potato cakes. Like you, I've never tried them and they are so easy to make. Yes I agree with you and Lorita if son's family is sick it's best they didnt come. It does bother me that they originally said they were coming Christmas but Christmas morning texting me and saying they decided to rest Sunday and was coming Monday. So many times in the past they are coming but get sick at the last minute. 

    Got butterfly pork chops, blackeye peas, cabbage and cornbread ready for next Sunday. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta; I'm chuckling; at one point I had to resort to Mylanta.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Love potato pancakes.  Almost worth it to make mashed potatoes just to have the pancakes.  Mother used to make something out of leftover mashed potatoes that were dropped by spoonsful into hot oil or grease.  They were soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside.  I have no idea what they were called or what went in them.  I wish I had gotten recipes from my parents and grandma but many times there was no recipe - just a little of this and a little of that until it tasted right.

    Ron,I think our salmon patties were different.  If I remember correctly, and may not, we used crumbled crackers and an egg and I think that was all - maybe a little onion and then fried them until crispy, especially around the edges.  Odd, isn't it, how families cook the same things in different ways.

    I think I've made my last trip out to the water tank.  The hose I had in it, disconnected from the hydrant, had frozen enough that water couldn't go through it so took the 10 ft. one out and used it.  Ran it over - guess the girls weren't drinking much right then.  One of the girls came over to get a drink while I was there.  They really don't like "ice" water -  they take a drink, then shake their heads.

    Didn't eat any of the soup - had the rest of a little pizza I cooked yesterday - that is, Sheena and I had the rest of it.  When she came to live with me she wouldn't have anything to do with any kind of food except dog food.  I've transformed her into a junk food eater.  She'll eat anything I eat.   Just cut open the Chewy box and brought in the dogfood so it wouldn't freeze tonight.  I think both of them have emptied their food bowls so I'll stop and feed them - again.

    Stay warm tonight - it's really cold out there.  Ron, last New Years's I didn't have blackeyed peas and this year has not been fun, on many fronts.  The last time I was in the store I bought a can - so I'm ready.  Just some cornbread and that'll be it with hopes they do bring good luck.  My parents always had blackeyed peas with hog jowl - or bacon.  Mother always made me eat at least one tiny bit of the pork, to make it right.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    ronald71111 wrote:

    sure I have just the clean meat), I add 1 beaten egg, 1/3 cup diced onion, 1/2 cup flour, dash of salt and

     1 1/2 tsp baking soda 

    mixed well with 2 tbl of baking soda

    Ron, is there something missing here?

    I have my black eyed peas and greens ready for New Year's Day also!

    Sayra, I hope your friend's relatives pull through!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Iris, here is the written receipe. 

    Ingredients: 1 (15-16 ounces) salmon, 1 egg, 1/3 cup minced onion,  1/2 cup flour, 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder and tsp salt.

    Drain salmon; set aside 2 tablespoons of the juice.  In a medium mixing bowl,  mix salmon, egg and onion till sticky. Stir in flour. Add baking powder to salmon juice; stir into salmon mixture. Form into small patties and fry until golden brown (about 5 minutes)


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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