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Just need to talk to my friends (185)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

Happy New Year!

Be sure to read the last posts on 184.  Ron's going home today.

Be careful what you do today - you know whatever you do today, you'll do all year long.   It's a pretty morning here. Girls just decided it was feed day and most of them made the trek out to the feeding area.  Haven't seen little Eve yet.

I've been out and filled the water tank and had a couple of muffins and juice for breakfast - working on hot tea now.  I had the oddest morning ever.  Last night I was watching Barney Miller - thought I'd be able to stay awake until MN - didn't work.  Woke  up sometime after that and let the GPs outside.  Then the alarm went off at 6 a.m. to so I could watch QVC - Denim & Co. at 6 a.m.  I watched a while, sort of propped myself up in bed and guess I went back to sleep.  I was dreaming of Charles.  We were at work but Carolyn was there.  I was trying to talk Charles into taking the day off.  We were walking down a street and met someone we knew.  He was pushing some kind of cart and I saw the pretties diamond earring so picked it up and looked at it.  He said he raised hogs and had to put those earrings on the hog's ears.  Don't know what awakened me. This paragraph is getting too long so i'll break it.

When I did wake up my left side was hurting so must have been laying with it crimped somehow.  Got up and managed to go out and fill the water tank.  It's still sore but better.  Guess I really did a job on it the other night.  I've rubbed it with Theragesic so it'll get better.

Ron, take it very easy the next few days.  Maybe the sitter can stay with you and Lou so you can rest.  Glad the virus wasn't too bad - just the combination of things that got you.  Hope Lou and the sitter is better, too.

Iris, I bet that program was so good. The Beatles were always my favorite singing group - I even had a Beatles' haircut when I was much younger.  Still love their music.

Haven't talked with Sarah yet - I like to wait until after I think the doctors have been there.  She's in terrible shape with the pain and evacuation of stuff.  She'll be 52 tomorrow.  I retired when I was 52 and was in the prime of my life - could and did everything on the farm along with Charles.  

I just watched the New Year's parade from London.  Their parades are different than ours.  I thought the Rose Parade was on today but it's tomorrow - maybe because today's Sunday.  

Again, Happy New Year.  Don't forget the blackeyed peas and whatever you all eat in different areas so you'll have good luck and prosperity during the coming new year.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron glad you are getting to go home and hope things work out for you and Lou.  

    Dark, cloudy day here in central Ohio.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Should be going home within the next hour. Instructions were to stop the Diltiazem all together and take my pressure readings before taking my Atenolol. If its 120 or lower do not take the Atenolol. Follow up with primary care.

    Lorita, why did you have to remind me about what you do today!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Glad you're going home today.  Bet Lou will be happy to see you and vice versa.

    Sorry, I think that saying just goes for chores like washing dishes or mopping, not for other things.  You're good to go.  The thing was probably for getting people to rest. That doesn't happen when you live on a farm or ranch tbough.

    Rest this afternoon- that will count!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    I'm home with Lou now! Aching all over,  but I'm home.

    Dont really feel like the traditional new year's dinner so will probably hold off till I feel better. I dont know how I can have any better good luck than spending the first day of new year with Lou and as far as the money, I'm retired and what comes on doesnt change except for cola adjustment.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy New Years, Rockers.

    Ron.  I know how happy you are going home to be with Lou, it would be nice if you had someone there to help you, not only with Lou but also you. I think I am a bit surprised with covid you're going home so soon, but the doctors know what's best. I hope. Please get as much rest as you can. 

    Day.   Chucky is so cute he is proud of the way he looks. I wish I could hug him. 

    Lorita.  Eve is a perfect name for the new baby. I think you are a big help to Mike, when you watch out for the girls & boys and let him know if there might be a problem. I am sure he appreciates that. 

    Sarah only being 52 she is way too young for having to deal with everything she deals with. I pray they get the pain under control soon. 

    Sorry to hear your left side is hurting, hope you're having a lazy day and letting your side relax.

     Iam having a lazy day I have a western channel on, and I will be watching TV all day right now I am watching Gunsmoke. 

    Dan was the one who always wanted the black eye peas for new year's, he always made sure he had some to cook. As for me I don't remember what we as kids had on new year's. Today Iam going to have Chili Dogs, with onions and cheese on top. 

    Happy New Years and Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Happy you're home with Lou, Ron.  Enjoy the rest of the day - rest and take it easy.  Like you said luck is already with you.

    COLA for this year looks pretty good. 

    Opened the can of blackeyed peas but I'm cooking them some more with hot sauce.  Seems like canned peas and beans are never cooked quite enough.  Made a wacky chocolate/peanut butter cake.  I like crowder and purple hull peas a little better than blackeyed but haven't heard they help your luck.  Still running water for the girls.  Really a beautiful day.

    Talked with Sarah - she's still hanging in there.  She talked with the doctor and they're thinking about anesthesizing some nerves  to see if that might work.  It can't be done at the hospital so has to go to an anesthesologist or pain management.  I've spelled those words a thousand times but can't get them right, it seems.

    Got the trash ready to go down in the morning - it might be raining which is all right.  We still need all we can get.  We ended 2022 a little more than 7" below normal rainfall for the year.

    Time to turn off the water.  I'd put a float valve on that tank but Stormy would chew on the metal hose and ruin it.  Will have to figure out something.  Maybe find a piece of PVC to put over the hose that is still in the yard from the hydrant to the fence.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Welcome back home, Ron!  I hope your recuperation from Covid will be steady.

    The Rose Parade is never on Sunday, the originators promised never to frighten the horses tied up outside the churches in Sunday morning.  Yes, the Rose Parade began 134 years ago, I believe in 1890.  

    I ate my black eyed peas and greens.  They are for good fortune in the new year; the peas represent coins and the greens represent folding money (dollars).  I am not superstitious, but I am traditional.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning, I hope everyone is enjoying Lorita's front porch this morning.

    I still dont feel good but guess it takes time. One thing I dont understand; had a difficult time getting Lou to take the second covid shot and refused the boosters. I've had them all, but she is better and I feel terrible. It's a good thing she's better, resting g good and eating some, I'm not resting and not hu fry at all. Cant play Santa Claus next year, I've lost 18 lbs since i last weighed at home 2 or 3 weeks ago.

    If i get to feeling better later i will try and finish preparing our new year dinner. 

    Iris, it's funny how you hear different reasons for the peas and greens. I had always hear the peas were for luck and greens represented money, but also the more peas you ate the more money you would have.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, glad you had your peas and greens.  I've never heard what each thing represented.  But, we never had greens either.

    Ron, sorry you're still not feeling well.  Eighteen pounds in that short a time is a lot. Hope you're feeling better.  Glad that Lou is feeling better.

    I'm having a hard time with my side that I hurt three or four days ago.  It's just soreness, I'm sure, and there's nothing they can do about that - even if I did fracture a rib, still nothing to do but rest.  I did take down the trash this morning and am running water for the girls now.  Two trucks just left from feeding and putting out hay.  I saw little Eve this morning with her mom but later saw her mom going to the feeding area without her - probably left her with some other calves at the hay.

    Ron, I think your dizziness is contagious.  Last evening I felt really dizzy.  I had been sitting with my back and head against the back of my chair - maybe too long.  I was still a bit dizzy when I went to bed and was almost afraid to get up this morning thinking I might be dizzy.  I wasn't but my head doesn't feel good.  Gosh, growing old(er) is not a lot of fun - too many aches and pains.

    I've been trying to get some balloons sent to Sarah for her 52nd birthday today.  I had forgotten that today would be counted as a holiday and the place I usually order from doesn't have balloons.  Guess I'll call her and tell her to expect something tomorrow.

    Having my hot tea now and I'm hungry so I'll stop and find something to eat.  Hope everyone is fairly well today as we begin a new year with hopes it will be a better one for all of us.  Ron, take it very easy and rest all you can.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Ron you have a lot of things going on besides Covid.  That  can make it tougher for you. You also are carrying the weight of everything on your shoulders.  

    Another foggy, damp day here.  

    Had a little chili and a little macaroni & tomato needed to get rid of. Wasn’t the best but didn’t want to waste.  

    Sorry both of you aren’t feeling up to snuff.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, it's cloudy and very damp here, too  The rocks in front of our steps look wet.  I think there's already some rain in Tulsa and it's not far south of us.  Ton, there's a tornado threat in SE Okla. and in your area so be on the watch.   Hope you're feeling better today.

    I just watched the Tournament of Roses Parade. I've seen many of them but I think the floats in this one were prettier than ever.  Two were especially pretty - For The Love of Nature and Mutual of Omaha but there were others just as pretty.  The horses were also beautiful.  One very moving thing was one of the law enforcement officers who were in the parade riding horses was leading a riderless horse in tribute to one of the officers who was killed a few days ago during a traffic stop.

    I mentioned this is Sarah's 52nd birthday.  I talked to her a while ago and she's looking forward to going home for a while.  Seems the doctors have given her a little hope that this won't be the last hospitalization.  I cautioned her to not try to hurry up the discharge until they think she's ready.  I tried to order a balloon bouquet for her but most of the florists are closed or don't have balloons.  Guess I'll wait until tomorrow.  This seems like Tuesday to me.

    I think I found what may be wrong with my side - it's called Slipping or Slipped Rib Syndrome.  

    They're showing pictures of a mountain lion a remote camera caught on film - quite a way south of us.  It's a beautiful animal.  There have been sightings of a black panther around here and a cougar with a cub.  Mountain Lions, Cougars, Panthers and Pumas are all the same thing and all are beautiful animals - can't see why anyone would want to kill one.

    Zetta, one of the floats in the parade had a flower-covered, huge elk on it.  So pretty.  I think it's moose you have or is it elk?

    Guess I'll have some more black eyed peas today - maybe with some mashed potatoes if I feel like fixing them.  

    Did get in touch with the electrician to see if it would be safe to reset the breaker so I can have some hot water.  He thinks so and also said he was almost caught up enough to have time to come over and check it.  Surely wish he could have time to fix the lights in the barn so I could have another security light - and to check the electric in the house.

    It's already 70 here and will go up another couple of degrees before the cold front comes through.  Will be a little cooler, near normal, the rest of the week.

    Did you all stay up until MN New Years Eve?  I didn't make it - Day, how about Chucky, did he stay awake?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Rats and drats; just lost my entire Post, so here goes again:
    Chucky!   Thank you for the Happy New Year, little one.   Love your bow tie and especially your hat as well as your beautiful big eyes.  Tell your Mom we said you deserve another cookie treat!
    Ron; my goodness, I am so sorry.  I just read about your tribulations with COVID, blood pressure issues and being in the hospital.  It really must feel good to be home again.  You mention Lou doing better with her COVID infection than you are doing.  That is of course because Lou does not have the multiple significant health conditions that you have and she is also not on the meds you are.  Please Ron; do not overdo things as you are already trying to do. That is not in your best interests and can lead to big negative outcomes.
    It may be best to get some care in on a daily basis for awhile so that your body has a chance to recoup and Lou will get care.  She is no always easy with you and may do better with someone else to work with her for a time.   We care about you Mr. Ron, and wish the very best for you, but you need to be a good friend to yourself not as an indulgence but as a very real health need. Okay; enough badgering for awhile, but we do worry about you and we care.
    New Year's Eve it was raining by the buckets full; just pounding down. We got about two inches where we are.   I had gone to bed early to read and ended up falling asleep.  I woke up at about 11:30 - there were loud very big fireworks going off between 11:30 and 12:30 in the midst of all the rain; I did not know they could do that.  We can often hear the fireworks from Knotts Berry Farm in the distance, they must have had a dickens of a show; also could hear more really big ones in the distance from heaven only knows where from different directions.
    We have gentle rain expected a little now and then until about Wednesday and especially Thursday when a large storm is expected to hit hard, so we will be sure to have ourselves indoors and staying warm.  We have fallen from our recent 80 degrees to an expected 59 degrees today.
    Lorita, the name of Eve for the new calf is perfect.  First little one for the new year.  Mike is blessed to have such a guardian for the herd; no one could do better and it is probably a big relief for him.  Glad Billy the Bull is doing well; I know he has been special to you.
    You also mentioned Sarah having multiple abdominal xrays on the same day about an hour or so apart and were wondering why.  They were checking Sarah's gastroparesis and seeing how intaken substances were able to be processed through the damaged valve/nerves which may possibly lead them to be able to find a treatment that would be helpful.  They can do this as she is on Palliative Care rather than Hospice.  Palliative freely permits diagnostics and treatments unlike Hospice.  Here is as good overview writing re Palliative Care:
    Let us know if you make cinnamon buns, Lorita; I love those buns but have not had one in a long time. Love cinnamon and lots of filling in nice moist buns.  I made them homemade from scratch once, but with all the work and raising and punching down and raising again, etc., it was just too much work with all else needing to be done.  We had a great bakery that made wonderful cinnamon buns not far from us, but they are no longer there and have not found another place.
    Most of you will remember that our son and DIL had four little rescue dogs they have had for a very long time and two of the little 16 year olds died within the last two months; well a third one who is 15 years old has been treated for heart failure for quite some time. She has suddenly developed kidney failure and though the prognosis is not good, she is being treated.  She is not in any distress or pain and is being watched carefully; but the vet did not hold out much hope. The kids are heartfelt sad but realistic in expectations. Their fourth original rescue is approaching 17 years of age; she had been badly injured by a prior owner when our DIL found and rescued her.  She is certainly having issues with aging but though very slow and with declining vision, she is doing okay.  Yet; the kids know this will not last a very long time.  Really sad. From four long term loves to this.  DIL is a Vet Tech, it is hard on her and son.
    Think I need to go turn the thermostat up before shower and shampoo; it is a bit too chilly.  After doing that, a bowl of nice warm oatmeal and off I go.

    Take good care one and all, and may today be a kind one,
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    I already know what you gals will say, so I fussed at myself to save you the trouble. 

    I was thinking about the sitter already cooking the peas for me yesterday and I had taken the pork chops out of the freezer. Dont want to waste them so I went ahead and out the cabbage and pork chops on. I've told you before to get a good tender pork chop I would always brown them a little on each side and cook with the beans. I figured why not, it should work the same with cabbage. I'm still not hungry, but worried about losing 18 lbs in a couple of weeks so will try and eat.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita....did you try contacting the gift shop at the hospital? Please make an appt with your Drtp go over all of the problems you have been having. Until you can see him I strongly sugges not lifting much. Smaller bags of trash do order smaller amounts of pet supplies.

    Ron...maybe orderr some"Ensure" from Amazon.

    Sayra...I could not get done in a year what you do in a week!!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith,if I'm still hurting by next week I'll see my doctor - time for lab work anyway.  I like him, he's just like a friend but even though I worked with doctors for years and he's been my doctor for years I still don't like to go.  I did lift one heavy sack of trash last evening and am paying for it today.  Seems like as long as there's room in the trash bag, in goes the trash.  Country upbringing, I guess, to not waste anything, even trash bags.

    Ron is our Southern Gentleman.  I've known a few and he's at the top of the list.  Ron, take it easy.  I know what you mean though - as long as you can get around and lift your arms, you're going to do things, just like me.  Maybe it's a Southern thing plus Country combined.  But, I know the other front porch rockers are the same.  If it's there, we will do it, if we can wiggle.  Ensure sounds like a very good idea.  If you don't like to drink it, you can freeze it and eat it like ice cream.  A friend and I used to do that with Sego.

    Jo, I saw on the news the awful rains southern California has been having.  All of the awful things happening, all over the world.  How on God's Green Earth can anyone say we're not having climate change.   Have you ever been to the Rose Parade?   Iris, how about you?  Someone recently said with all the flowers, the parade had a wonderful fragrance.  

    I need to see Eve again today - saw her twice this morning but you know me, I have to be sure.  I'm still treating the girls as if they were mine except for the feeding and I will continue to do so.  Mike doesn't mind - he knows I will.  But, I'm not counting them now as I did before.

    Thanks, Jo, for the information about all the x-rays - I figured it was something like that.  As far as I know either they haven't told Sarah what they found or she isn't telling me.  She did say this morning that they told her even though she is terminal, it won't be this admission unless something else comes up.  She sounded better this morning saying she'd be glad to be home to put on her jeans and a sherpa top I sent her.  She is a really strong, determined person.

    Cinnamon rolls won't be made soon - no way can I knead if I need to - but with the dough maker on the bread machine I might not have to.  Sarah can make delicious ones but I never have tried.

    Judith, thank you, I hadn't thought of the flower shop at the hospital.  I'll check into that.  This morning I found one shop that had balloons but can't remember which one - I'd have thought all of them did. 

    Jo, so sorry about the little dogs but at least they've had a good, caring home the time they've been with your son and DIL.  We've had a couple of dogs who had kidney failure - those were two of the dogs I found along the road when they were puppies.  It's so hard to lose one for whatever reason.  I've decided it wouldn't be fair to have another little dog because it would probably outlive me - but, I'd take another Great Pyrenees in a minute.  I have fallen in love - well, did that nine years ago when I first had Prince.  If something happens to me, Mike has said he'd fine a good home for them.

    I'm thinking about a nap in the bed.  Everyone else is asleep so I might as well do that.  Bad weather is expected this evening and night.  I hope we get some good rain while it's at it.  All of the girls can get into the barn except for the ten little girls in the other pasture.

    Ron, enjoy those pork chops and cabbage.  Just remembered Charles used to cook pork chops with sauerkraut.  He said it was good.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Ron.  You knew exactly what we were thinking. Iam glad you're listening. Losing 18 lbs in that short of a time I think would make you feel weak. Does Lou, have any idea that you're not well and need to rest. I like your idea of pork chops and cabbage, sounds good. 

    Jo.  I am so sorry to hear about your kids' dogs. I am sure with your DIL being a vet tech she has seen a lot of this, but I know it does not make it any easier. Being a rescuer has so many rewards but also a lot of sadness. Please tell them thank you for being rescuers. I rescued Molly from a kill shelter 8 years ago she was only a year old and was one of many that was sent to Oregon for adoption. So many times, when I hold her I and thankful that I saved her life. Even though she at times is a pain in the butt. hahaha  

    Lorita. I hope your side is getting better and your dizzy spells are not as bad. When I started getting dizzy spells my doctor put me on BP meds and the dizziness stopped. It probably has not been easy not having hot water. Hopefully you get that fixed soon. I did not see all of the parade I missed the float with the elk on it. It just did not seem like it was Parade time I like the moderators but not my favorites. I was in bed at 8pm on New Year's Eve, for some reason I did not sleep well and was up at 3am. Very quiet neighborhood so not sure why I was awake most of the night. I made up for it yesterday I napped on and off most of the day. 

    I do not bake from scratch like all you cooks do. I found some real good cinnamon rolls right out of the grocery store freezer. They are Rhodes, you have to let them raise before you bake them then you put the enclosed icing right on them. There is 12 in the package I usually fix 6 at a time. It comes with 2 packages off icing. I really like them. 

    I hope your all having a good 2023, so far. Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    I don't remember if I told the second episode that took me back to the hospital. If I did, just chalk it up to his getting old and to lazy to look at past post to see if he had.

    As you know Lou and I have a 17 year old shu Tzu. Around d 2:00 Saturday morning I heard him yelling and crying out for his daddy. I immediately got up and went looking for him. After I got up, he stopped crying out and I thought the worse. Couldn't find him, got the flashlight to look closer. Found him in back of the tv stuck to a big glue strip I forgot was there. I got him off it, but his paws were stuck together from the glue. I work on him and work on him and started having a spell. I immediately called the neighbor who I was lucky enough to still be awake. She came right over and started working g on him with dawn detergent as I left for the VA. I felt like I failed him by not watching for this gas that could hurt him, but that strip had been there for over 10 years. He seems ok now, but his paws are all mattered up and he walks gingerly. I'm sure his paws are hurting and if weather permits tommorow I'll take him to the vet. They will come to the car and get him and call you when he's ready to be picked up.

    Watching weather, bad weather all around us, but not here so far. Fingers are crossed!


    Forgot about the ensure! I still have a case of it from when I had my teeth pulled. Need to check and see if it's still good.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Poor Little Bit - bet he was scared when he couldn't move.  Glad you found him - I use flashlights all the time to find things - seems like the house is dark - maybe that's because I keep the drapes almost closed.  I'm glad you have a neighbor you can call on if you need to.  

    Ron, it's beginning to rain here and the girls are going to the barn, one behind the other.  There's thunder and lightning and we're under a tornado watch until 10 tonight.  Most of the bad weather, so far, is around Tulsa and Broken Arrow.  I think most of the bad weather, according to our weatherman will be in SE Oklahoma but the last map I saw we're included in the  more likely category.  Just be careful. Do you have a weather radio?

    I hope we get rain and that's all.  

    You did tell us about your second episode that took you back to the hospital - hope all of that is over.

    I'll stop and try to find out what happened to all my e-mails.  For some reason the ones from 2016 showed up.  Doesn't matter if I lost them because I get so many ones I don't care about - QVC, HSN, Blair, etc.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Ron,     Please don't feel bad, you were there for him when he called out, and you gave him the comfort he needed. With that strip being there for 10 years you never would have thought he would walk on it now. Keep using dawn it is supposed to work on things like. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Tornado warning just south of us but looks like the warning will be just east of us.  Up to 80 mph winds - not sure if they have seen the funnel or not.  It's over the Lake tracking to the NE.  Another one farther northeast of us.  

    When the rain was getting lighter the sky and everything was dark pinkish-red - really eerie.  I've never seen that color before - of course, it was the sun shining through the clouds - like the sky was on fire.  I've seen it when everything was green indicating hail.  Ron, looks like all of this will be north of you.   The tornado is just about over the place where Patsy and Jack lived, or just east of us.  It's over the County Seat now.

    Scary stuff!  Girls are still in the barn since the rain is lighter - feel sorry for the ten little girls.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    No, I've never attended the Rose Parade, it's too cold for me.  It was 50 degrees, possibly colder, and windy this morning at 8 am when the parade began.  Many of the girls and women wear skimpy outfits.  Fortunately, there was no rain.

    Lainey Wilson of Yellowstone was the mid-parade entertainer.  Did anyone see her?


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Ron - so glad to read you're back at home.  Sorry about Lil Bit - he'll be okay I think he was scared and the paws will heal.  I have a paw balm that I use on Chucky because his paws get rough from the salt they throw down outside.  Chewy.com or any pet store will have something, it acts like a barrier between the tissue and the ground.  Don't push yourself because you're still recovering.  Do the Ensure if you need.  I keep a 6-pack of Ensure around and it's really good.

    So lets talk about dizziness - yesterday I was sitting at my desk working away and all of a sudden I felt SO dizzy, felt hot and broke out into a sweat.  Out of nowhere.  I took some aspirin and put a cold pack on top of my headset so I could push through until I could lay down for half an hour at lunch.  It did help and the dizziness has gone away but I honestly think I have a virus that's affecting my inner ear because it was so sudden.  I feel okay today, still just a little odd but no headache.  I'm going to just have some chicken and rice soup today.

    Lorita, I have the AnyBody loungewear show on, some cute things but ehhh.  Carolyn looks cute, though in her tie-dye hoodie.  And the Candace Cameron Bure jeans were a giant miss so I'm sending them back, but the top I'm keeping (it's a long sleeve Henley collar).  

    Day off today and not working overtime, so I'm going to the post office to return the jeans and to the pet store to get some food for Chucky.  Maybe stop at the grocery store but I might wait on that till tomorrow.

    Chucky and I were fast asleep at midnight on New Year's Eve, mostly because I had to be online to work at 7 a.m.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Had a message from primary care nurse stating a heart eco has been ordered and will call and let me know when its scheduled. Also adviced me if I see outside cardiologists to call and make a appointment; I let her know all my care is through the VA. They wanted to do the eco when I was hospitalized but with the holiday everyone was gone till Tuesday. 

    Little bit of a rough night with all the thunder and lightning. Couldn't get Lou settled down and I had probably overdone it with the cooking. Probably would have made it ok if I didn't have so many pots and pans to wash. At least I can rest today, left overs are easy.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Lorita, so hope the tornado activity is staying far from you and Ron.  It is certainly very scary.  Also, Jfkoc is wise with her recommendation.

    As for the Rose Parade, we never bother attending. It is a HUGE endless bumper to bumper stalled traffic jam for miles and miles and miles on the freeway starting a good day and often even more before the parade.  Then; a straight nearly six miles crowds of fans lined up against one another on the curbs in freezing weather since the day before, spending the night to hold their places for the parade.   Not much ease, lots of exhaustion and COLD as well as damp.  Nope; not interested.  One can pay $20 per person to see the floats the next few days after the parade; they are all parked in one area.   Same issue with massive traffic, huge crowds, etc. so we do not bother; just not enough interest.

    Ron; I wonder if you would be willing to get one of the helping devices to wear either on a cord around the neck or on the wrist  that would be able to detect falls or that you could press a button should you need help if you do not have the time or the ability to call your neighbor.   I think it would be helpful to have such a device for protection; Lou would not know how to call for help.  Just an idea.

    It rained slowly all night long.  The rain two days ago was really heavy with about two inches falling hard.  Supposed to have more slow rain today and tomorrow with that big, bombastic storm expected to hit us on Thursday.  Lots of snowfall in the mountains and Sierras; wonder if we will have enough to lessen the drought.  Our rainiest time is usually in February, so we shall have to wait and see what happens with that.

    Lorita, do you know when the discharge is planned for Sarah?  It would be good if the Discharge Planner put Palliative Care into place for her prior to discharge; it would be much support and helpful oversight for her comfort and if any issues arise. 

    Starting to get better post holiday eating going.  Omigosh; I ate so much sugary stuff, (Christmas cookies and fruitcake), as well as waaaay more fatty stuff and saltier things than usual.  Had a lovely time doing it, but enough already!   Tonight it will be salmon, rice and broccoli.  Whoopee!  Actually, I really like that, so it will be a nice meal.  I have to start finding better things to have for lunch.  Yogurt, okay; but I run out of ideas for healthy lunching.  Always a fruit at each meal, and veggies at supper with two ounces of avocado at every lunch, but need to do better with lunch entrees, I do not do lunch meat.  Ideas?

    Suddenly, out of nowhere, there are multiple feral cats yowling and fighting.  They simply came over the fences in our and neighbors yards on both sides of the cul-de-sac block.   Wish the animal control would come and put out cat traps, but they expect the citizens to do it with their loaning of cat traps and bringing the cats to them.  A lot of unpleasant work and transporting.   Animal control then neuters them and brings them back to the same neighborhood.   DH caught sixteen ferals over a year ago and brought them to animal control who did neuter and released them by our house and they were no problem after that.  It is a nice housing area with no big fields or other areas likely to attract ferals; they seem to have dropped out of the sky.  It has been raining cats and dogs . . . I wonder . . . . !?

    On that note, I exit stage left,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, I don't know who Laney Wilson is - who does she play on Yellowstone.  I didn't see her.  Guess I agree with you and Jo about attending the parade.  On TV you get a much better view of the floats without the bother of the crowd and the cold.  But, to us, 50 seems pretty nice - it's 53 right now.

    We barely missed the worst of the storms.  Had half an inch of rain - really seemed like more because it rained so hard.  There was so much thunder and lightning which really scares Sheena but after the storms were over she stayed outside all night and patrolled the fences and barked.  When I got up and went out to fill the water tank she was asleep in the storage building and wouldn't get up.  When I went back to turn it off she still wouldn't come out. Later she was out front and came in and went straight to the bedroom to sleep.  Stormy stayed inside.

    We were just at the corner of the polygon showing the area of tornado warning.  Went very close to the town where I go and I think they must have gotten more rain.  I haven't heard about damages other than the weatherman said just east of here part of a barn blew into a house and caused damage.  

    Judith, I called the flower shop at the hospital this morning and found exactly what I wanted - balloons with a teddy bear attached, however, for some reason there secure line isn't working so haven't gotten to complete the order yet.  Thanks for the tip.

    If I'm still having soreness by next week I'll go into see the doctor.  It didn't hurt during the night but after I got up, it did - moving around, I guess.  Took a couple of Ibuprofen and it's okay now.  It hurts in the lower left front and into my back so it's a pulled rib/muscle.  When I sat up I bent over to the left and that's when it hurt so much.  Scared the GPs - and me for a minute or so.  I guess that with the costochondritis did a number on my ribs.  That's exactly what happened years ago, I was bending forward, sitting down, and probably twisted as I sat up.

    Jo - I need to eat better, too.  I dearly love the lightly salted Lay's potato chips so need to stop that.  Also need to be sure to take my vitamins and glucosamine.  

    You all may have floods when the snow melts this year - seems like there's been so much.  I can tell the water in our pond is increasing and I've seen other ponds that have a lot of water so that's good, however, this area is still in severe drought.

    Ron, rest, rest and then rest some more.  I need to take your advice.  Jo's idea of a medical guardian is a good one.  I've had mine for a long time and don't wear it as much as I should.  It has call detection so if I had it on and fell it would notify them.  Someone (seems like it's recorded lately) answers within five seconds to ask if you need help.  I think it's somewhere about $160 a quarter.  When our vet needed one for his mother, his wife checked several of them and the Medical Guardian had the most features for the least amount of money.  I think you can get the kind that works if you're in the house or just outside but this one works anywhere.  I've been in town when it would go off - because I had it in my purse or pocket and it got against something.  Once I was in town and it went off and I didn't hear it and on the way home Darwin called to see if everything was okay.  You can select someone for them to call, after they try to contact you, before they call an ambulance.  That's happened here, too.  I know I've told you all about that - being awakened in the middle of the night by a Deputy with a police car and ambulance in our driveway.  I didn't hear it go off and didn't answer the call because I didn't recognize the number. 

    I'm going to get the dishes done today.  Turned on the breaker  a while ago and immediately heard the water heater switch on.  Jimmy said he thinks he can get over here in a day or so to check the breaker.  Do you all know that I hate to do dishes?   I do, but this is a have-to case.  When I stand to do them it really hurts my back.  They say it helps to put one foot up on something so I'll try that.

    Day - I just saw two hours of Denim & Co.  plus half an hour of their show on Sunday.  I ordered one of those swing tops.  I have a zip-front jacket but  have never worn it.

    Gotta stop - battery is low.  Don't want to lose this.  Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Back again,

    Got the laptop charged and the dishes done!  Didn't take long once I got started.  Did you all ever notice how people do dishes differently - I mean what they wash first, etc.?  I do glasses and cups, then small bowls, saucers, plates, bigger bowls, silverware, then pots and pans.  Anyway, they're done.

    I have something to tell you all that might bring tears to your eyes - did to mine.  You know I've been trying to get a balloon bouquet to Sarah for her birthday.  Everything was closed yesterday or they didn't have balloons.  Thanks to Judith, I called the gift shop at Mercy Hospital.  The lady I talked with was very nice and wanted to do anything she could to help.  She got the mylar birthday balloons together with a little teddy bear.  Then came the time to pay - for some reason their technology wasn't working at the time.  They couldn't take the CC number over the phone so I couldn't pay.  After a few calls back and forth to keep trying, she said she would send the balloons up to Sarah and I could pay when their troubleshooters got things fixed.  I thought that was so nice.

    Sarah got the balloons and said they were beautiful - orange and green, her favorite colors.  They just called back and I got them paid for.   Sarah mentioned that there was a housekeeper who came in every day to clean the room and she would speak to her and thank her when she left but the lady never talked to her.  Today she talked to Sarah, then left.  She came back a little later with a beautiful crystal vase with three, large, orange roses and gave them to Sarah.   How sweet and kind that was of her.  The lady in the gift shop also mentioned that she had gotten the roses for Sarah.

    Mercy Hospital has been a very caring place - the employees seem to go out of their way to make things as good as they can for the patients. Their actions confirm that there are kind people in the world.

    It's sunny again and not too cold.  I have hot water so think I'll shampoo my hair while I have it.  Don't know when the breaker will trip again and shampooing your hair in cold water would not be good.

    Ron, hope you've rested today.  Were the tornados close to you? 

    Jo, forgot to answer your question about discharge.  They're talking about sending Sarah to a rehab. center affiliated with the hospital for rehabilitation to help her walk. Now, she has to walk bent over and they want to address that.  She told them she didn't want to go back to the place she was before.  So, guess they'll do that instead of sending her home with someone to come in to the home for rehab. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Jan 3rd to all.

    Lorita. I hope you're feeling better today and the pain in your side is going away. I think you have overdone something, and you need to slow down and rest. Rest is always good for a lot of things. Last night I saw 2 of the real old Gunsmoke's. They were on the ISPN channel and John Wayne, introduced the new show that James Arness, would be staring in. It was when the shows were only, 30 minutes long. All the same people were in the first showings and Matt, Kitty, Chester and Doc all looked like teenagers. I would like to see more of those. 

    Day.  I think after Ron came down with covid he said he was feeling a bit dizzy, so please take care of yourself gets lots of rest. It seems like covid is sneaking up on a lot of us. 

    Ron.  How are you feeling today and how is Lil Bit? Hopefully Lou is being good so you can get some much-needed rest. 

    I cooked some lima beans this morning and added some pinto beans, onion, can of mushroom soup, chicken broth, not sure what else and they turned out really good. I will eat healthy for a few days. I also made some cornbread it's a box mix and it's really good.  

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    We had a rainy day.  Little over an inch and that’s good.  No wild weather like you all had.  

    Nice day.  My nephew came and visited with me for awhile.  Brought me a nice heavy mug that says my plants understand me.  He’s kind to me.

    Hope each and everyone gets. Good nights rest.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, if you google Lainey Wilson, you can see her photo and perhaps learn who her Yellowstone character is.  It was mentioned at the Rose Parade by the announcers that she is on Yellowstone, and I mentioned it because I know  several of the Rockers do watch Yellowstone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, I've seen some of those old Gunsmoke shows - did see the one where John Wayne introduced James Arness and said he thought he would be a star - he was right.  I like the old ones better with Chester instead of Festus.  He's too much of a hillbilly.  I've seen him in several other episodes of Gunsmoke before he became Festus.

    My ribs have been pretty good today until a while ago when I twisted the wrong way.  I'm leaning against the heating pad now because my back's hurting some after doing dishes and shampooing my hair.

    Jo - my hair looks like that weed you talk about - flying everywhere.

    Sara - glad you got some rain without the storms.  There was at least one tornado in Oklahoma last evening.  Looks like Arkansas really had it bad and now the storms are in Alabama and Georgia.

    I tried to watch Barney Miller last night and I don't think I saw a minute of it.  Woke up about 3, then back to sleep until 7 a.m.  Sheena was out all night and has slept almost all day.  They'll probably want out in a little while.

    Iris, I looked up Laney Wilson.  She sang at a to-do they had when they were branding and has started a relationship with one of the Yellowstone cowboys.

    Hope all of you have a restful night.  Ron, maybe you got some rest this afternoon since you didn't have to cook.  

    See you all tomorrow.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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