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Just need to talk to my friends (185)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Zetta losing a friend is hard.  

    Ron hate that you aren’t feeling any better.

    Was a busy morning at work.  Was a good day though.

    Lorita it is ok to miss Charles.  Miss a lot of my relatives.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Last post for tonight,

    Zetta, are you getting any of the rain and bad weather from all the fronts coming through?  The news showed some of the flooding they're having in California and it's awful.  Huge trees are falling over into houses and cars.  Maybe you're having snow instead of rain.

    Jo and Iris, what about you all.  I bet you're having rain and I saw mud slides - huge boulders coming down onto the roads.  Rain is nice and needed but not this much at one time.  We get the remnants of the fronts but not much rain from them.

    Sara - what about flu and covid in your hospital?  Are there lots of cases?  Sarah said the nurses tell her they're having lots of flu in that hospital.  I'm still staying away from people and town - really don't want to be exposed to any of those things even though I've had the vaccines.

    I got worried about the amount of propane left in my tank.  I think it's a 300 or 350 gallon tank and they filled it the end of August (they only fill 80%).  When I started lighting the heating stove (only have one stove that uses propane) the middle or first of December it said there was 50% in the tank.  Today I checked and it says 40%.  So, called the propane company and told them my concern.  They'll have a driver come out and check for leaks.  A few years ago we were using a whole tank (smaller tank) every week or so.  The company got concerned and checked it and there was a leak underneath the house.  They ran a new line to the LR and bedroom.  When I had the floor replaced in the bedroom I told them to disconnect or shut off that line so I only have the one stove im the LR.  It scared us to think all of that propane was under the house and we never smelled it.

    I also called the guys who did the work under the house a couple of weeks ago and asked if they smelled propane when they were under the house.  He said they didn't - if there had been gas under it, it would have made them sick.  The only use of the propane is about five minutes every week for the generator.  Guess the driver will come tomorrow, I hope.

    Nothing else going on here today.  It was 70 degrees and will be again tomorrow until a front comes through tomorrow night and gives us a couple of cooler days and the possibility of rain.

    Day, they're showing a repeat of this morning's Garolyn so I'm watching again.  Tried to order a pair of baby sherpa pants but they were sold out in my size.  I have a couple of baby sherpa tops and love them.

    I'll stop for tonight.  Not many posts the last couple of days so hope everyone's okay.  Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita wrote:

     I'll have to find a salvage yard to come and get it.  

    Lorita, I donated my older car to a charity.  There is a company that picks up cars, for free, and you can choose a charity to donate to.  I chose Goodwill.  You are allowed to deduct $500 on your income tax as a donation, possibly more.  They auction the car and let you know for how much if it was over $500.  I have done this twice, with two different cars.

    The rain came down in buckets!  The sound was like a locomotive!  I had to look out the window to see what was going on!  Fortunately, my roof,which leaked last year, held tight last night.  I wonder how Oprah is doing?  She might be at one of her other homes.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Iris L. wrote:
    Lorita wrote:

     I'll have to find a salvage yard to come and get it.  

    Lorita, I donated my older car to a charity.  There is a company that picks up cars, for free, and you can choose a charity to donate to.  I chose Goodwill.  You are allowed to deduct $500 on your income tax as a donation, possibly more.  They auction the car and let you know for how much if it was over $500.  I have done this twice, with two different cars.


    I've done this twice with my old Jeeps. They sell them at auction for parts. I got a $500 deduction for the Cherokee and $750 for the Wrangler which was the most annoying car we've ever owned. I had a Pontiac Fiero and a Ford Pinto for context.

    I split my donation between my local PBS and NPR stations. It is so quick and easy if you have the title. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Iris and HB.  I've seen those advertisements on TV so I'll keep watching.  Not sure when Robert will have a slow day so he can bring it home.  I like the car and it rides so good - hate to lose it.  We bought it about ten years ago so it was fairly old when we got it.  We did talk to the previous owner and it did fine until it didn't.

    It nice here today - supposed to be in the high 60s or 70.  It was 84 yesterday in far southern Oklahoma.  Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 40s with a strong, north wind.  Only for a couple of days, then back to the 50s and 60s.  Normal this time of year is in the upper 40s and 50.

    Iris, I saw Ellen Degeneras on TV yesterday - forget where she lives in California but she was talking with a raging stream behind her.  Said it had never gotten that high before.  Where does Oprah live?   Glad your roof held out - one good thing is that it isn't snow.

    The girls, I guess, thought it was feed day so when I got up I didn't see any of them - all were behind the barn where they feed.  About 10 a.m. they started coming back to the hay - just saw little Eve running beside her mom.  She is so cute and really growing.

    Nothing on tap for today - hope the propane truck driver shows up.  Just can't figure out what's going on.   Every morning when I go outside I smell woodsmoke.  Our neighbor about a mile south of us burns wood (so does Darwin) - smells good but sort of scary.  It's getting dry again and with the high winds predicted there's worry about prairie fires again.

    Ron, hope things are all right this morning in Shreveport.  I bet your weather has also been really nice.  Are you feeling all right and were you able to get an earlier appointment for the echo?  

    Judith, do I remember you saying you weren't going to plant caladiums this year?  What will you plant instead?  Still haven't decided if I will or not.  They're always so pretty and I've had them for years.

    Enjoy the day.  Hope the rains aren't too bad out west.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning, still not feeling well, I am taking antibiotic and the cough syrup came in yesterday. Called the VA eco lab to find out why no one had scheduled me and was told it was dismissed. They said I was suppose to have it before being discharged and after discharge it was cancelled. I contacted primary care and was told the same. I just now sent them a message stating the ER Dr. Informed me due to holiday weekend no one was there for testing till January 2nd and someone would contact me when they returned from the holidays. I'm about fed up with this whole process. I'm sure if anything serious was suspected they would have done it, but it's being told one thing and finding out something else is enough to make a sailor curse and I'm not a sailor. I'm still coughing and chest tightness from the copd, but hopefully it will eventually clear up.

    Lou is doing good! Eating good, acting good and no full moon symptoms. I finally started using a sanitary napkin in her panties and she isnt complaining. 


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Hi all,

    Lorita, have you considered having someone get your car directly from the garage rather than having it brought home again?  Might be easier to get someone to take it from closer to town.

    Ellen, Oprah, Prince Harry and family, and other "stars" live in Montecito, Calif.  Not only are homes in danger, they are warning that if they stay they may well be on their own for some time due to mud and rock slides blocking roads.  Very scary.

    Weather here is more like winter, not real low temps, but nothing like the warmer days we had earlier in the month.  Should not complain though, as snow is not in the forecast for a while.

    Ron, hope that each day brings you closer to full recovery from covid.  

    Lorita, since you have had trouble in the past and now suspect a propane leak again, you might want to check on Amazon for a propane gas detector for the house.  Works like a smoke detector but for propane leak.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening,

    Cloudy day, not too cold though

    Good night

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All

    Iam getting a lot of rain and snow, it's very calm and pretty. I went grocery shopping this morning and got home just as it started. 

    I also saw Ellen D on the news last night, she was saying this is the worst it has even been in her area. There was a lot of rain when and where she was talking. I watched The Golden Globe Awards last night and Kevin Costner, was unable to attend due to the weather in California. As you know he won a few Yellowstone awards. 

    Lorita.  Thanks for reminding me I am not alone because of my front porch friends. I do feel a lot of comfort when I am on the front porch. Thanks to all of you. I am sorry you had a bad day yesterday hopefully today is a better day and you were able to go spend some time with the girls. I still miss Dan but missing my Best Friend is new and it's really hard. You all know what it's like. Her spirit is still here. 

    I hope you get your propane tank checked today, and they do not find a leak. With the leak you had under your house its strange there was no smell. 

    Take care all. Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Been gone, cannot stay . . . some days ago,  I had a beyond dreadful vertigo attack; it was severely incapacitating.  I fell sideways  and my body was unable to move or get up nor would my arms work well; thank goodness I had been sitting up in bed . . . the room and universe was spinning so badly, I was clutching onto the sheets when I could move my arms.   Was the worst I have experienced . . . . did not go away for a long time . . . then rest of day and next two days I had literal episodes at intervals but could move my body which was good as I was hanging on to the bedding so hard; it was awful . . . you should have seen me trying to get to the bathroom.  Very frightening. Late second day and on third day, the vertigo was less in intensity, at varying intervals and lasted only 15 seconds or so each time.  Vital signs and pulse ox all okay.  Storm raging outside, no way to get to doc and I thought I was okay . . . . tried Meclazine, did not help one single bit.  If anyone ever develops a med to stop this at onset, they will make a fortune.

    Left with a bit of lightheadedness which is far less today.  Did phone doctor's office and all was okay to continue as is.  Had an attack like this about 1989 and ended up in the hospital - after scans and workup, it was diagnosed benign positional vertigo  . . . worst feeling ever, ever, ever.   Anyway, could not even watch TV or read; just stayed abed and thought my thoughts; too afraid to mosey downstairs.  I thought about persons with dementia if they had this happen, if they could not communicate, any yelling or panic would probably be blamed on the dementia, awful.  

    Rain poured buckets; we are not in a danger area, so we were blessedly okay.  New storm system coming on Saturday and will last several days - lots of rain but evidently not as bad as what we just had.

    I have read everyone's Posts and cannot respond; but I am thinking of all of you.  

    I am just not feeling marvelous; still a tidge of lightheadedness at intervals and I must be cautious how I move my head . . . hopefully I am at end of this.  

    Please take good care; good that TPN is being started for Sarah; perhaps with the elements she needs being delivered she may feel a bit stronger.   

    See you soon,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Jo...BPPV is what I have too. The Dr to see is an otorhinolaryngologist (sp). I too was hospitalized with it. It continues to cause a balance problem so I use a cane or rollator or I furniture walk. Yes, when it is bad it is beyond horrible!
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Jo, so sorry to hear about your severe vertigo attach.  Scary for sure.

    Do you think it might have anything to do with the extreme atmospheric pressure in your area with all the major storms?

    Wishing you better and better each day.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Haven't heart diddlysquat from the propane guy but everything seems okay.

    Thank you, Marie, for the tip about the propane leak detector.  I had no idea they had such a thing.  I did look on Amazon and they have lots of them - will have to figure out which is best and I will order one.  

    I bet you're right about the atmospheric pressure where Jo lives being at least part of the cause of the dizziness.

    Jo, hope you continue to improve from the dizziness.  I had that happen once about 35 years ago.  I went to bed feeling fine but woke up with terrible dizziness.  I had to hold onto the bed to keep from falling off, I thought.  Never had anything like that in my life and hope I never have it again.  Of course, didn't go to work that day and, thankfully, Charles was off work that day.  It lasted three or four hours, then was okay.  It was awful!

    Marie, the salvage yard where I'll sell the car if they still do that is about the same distance from me and it is from town so shouldn't be a problem.  Now to wait until Robert has time to bring it home.

    It's cold here today but the sun has just come out.  I have the front door open and am watching Toad take down trees on the farm across the road from us.  Mike recently bought that section and he's having to build perimeter fences and cross fences.  The last time that place was fenced was probably in the 50s.  The people moved up from San Angelo and had sheep so they put hog wire along with barbed wire in the fences.  All of the fencerows have grown up with brush and trees.  Toad's driving some kind of big machine with a long thing in front that can break off or pull up the trees.  Mike's nephew is driving the bulldozer and they'll pile them up and burn them when they can.

    The view out my front door and our front porch has really changed.  There used to be some persimmon trees over there by where our mailbox used to be.  Really looks different.  They've already done two miles and this is the third one with another half to go after this.  There's 30 acres of trees in the south part of the section that will be taken down.  They will use some kind of huge machine that will mulch the trees.  I have to see that thing work.  Our fencerows were grown up some, too but Peter just moved over a couple of feet when he built our new fences.

    I called David about putting some gravel on part of our road but he said it had gotten so hard to get rock that he's going to sell his dump truck and apply for social security.  I didn't know he was that old.  Sweet man, he offered to bring his tractor over and level the road if I needed him to do so.  There's a rock quarry south of the town where I shop but they're closing it down.  I remember when Iast had rock put on the road David said it was very hard to get gravel even then.  He says the price has doubled since then for a truck load and will probably double again next year.  He's a big man with a long, full beard and is very soft spoken. Seems like there's a lot of men around now with beards.  Carol says all three of her SILs have beards.

    Jo, my mother used to have dizziness and our doctor gave her some kind of medicine - can't remember if it was Meclizine or not.  I happened to be off work and had a call from her place of employment telling me they needed me to come and see about mother.  I hurried down and took her to our doctor. He came out to the car and after talking with her decided she had taken her dizziness medicine on an empty stomach and it caused a terrible reaction. She was really bad, couldn't walk at all.  Seems like it was an oval, flat, two-colored pill but maybe not.

    I'm running water for the girls and the alarm just went off so I'll have to go turn it off in a little while.  They drink it almost as fast as it fills.

    They fed this morning and before they got here I called the clinic and asked them to tell Mike about the cow that was down by the pond last evening.  This morning when I checked there was one down there and I thought it might be the first one (heifer) but when she got up to go to feed it was Gray Lady.  He checked everyone and they seemed fine.  I saw little Eve this morning running around.  She's a little spit fire.

    I haven't talked with Sarah for a couple of days.  Called her Tuesday and she was trying to go to sleep - tried yesterday and her phone wasn't working so haven't tried today.  Hope the TPN is helping.  Think I told you they got her in a wheelchair with her oxygen and IVs and Todd took her outside for a little while (it was very warm) and then to the gift shop and canteen.  She seemed to enjoy that - first time she'd been outside in almost a month.

    Better go.  Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou.  Glad she was better yesterday.  

    Iris and Jo - you ladies be very careful in all that water.  Maybe this will help your drought.  There were a few storms east of us last evening from the last front that came from you all.

    Oh, Carol called this morning saying they had almost been caught in a scam. Her husband had a text from someone who claimed to be his nephew telling him his Amazon card wasn't working right and could he put $200 on his and he'd pay him back.  Luckily, just before he agreed he thought he'd call his nephew.  Good thing he did.  This almost happened to them a couple of years ago, too.  So, be careful. There are bad people out there trying to get our money.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Yes you have to be on your toes all the time, always someone trying to get something for nothing.  

    JoC hope that feeling passes soon.

    Very busy day at work.  Not a bad day though.  I’m ready for bed, lay down and get warm and comfy.  It’s been fairly warm, rained all day and giving a possibility of inch of snow tonight.  Temperature has already started to drop.  My outside night light came on quite a while ago.

    Had a strange supper, didn’t have to cook and tasted just fine.  Heated up spaghetti, greens and few chicken strips.  Brought a salad home from work.  Had a small piece of cranberry cake.

    Good night

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Vertigo is horrible because you just cannot function!  Jo C, have you done or had done to you, the Epley maneuvers?

    Where I live, my only personal rain problem is a roof leak.  But we have uprooted trees, sewage spills and flooded roadways to contend with.  Plus there was the airline glitch yesterday affecting travel across the country.  What more can go wrong?  I stay indoors when I can, I try to keep out of chaos.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Best thing to do, Iris.  I do the same.  I figure if there's no real reason to go into town or be around people, I won't.

    I know how muddy it  can get around here when we have a lot of rain and we live in a flat area but sort of up higher.  It's much lower north of the house.  That's why it's hard to ride a bicycle - you ride downhill when  you're fresh but have to peddle uphill to get home when you're tired.

    Sara, will you go to sleep for the night now or wake up after a nap?  I know you said you get up about 4 a.m.  I usually go to bed about 11 and try to watch Barney Miller but almost always fall asleep before an hour of it's over.  I've been sleeping later because it isn't full daylight.  Really like to get up earlier and I do in the summertime.

    I made pumpkin cookies yesterday.  I had a mix (in a box like a cake mix).  No idea where I got it but not long ago.  I added chocolate chips and they're pretty good.  Night before last I cooked two packets of ramen soup until it was almost done, then added a can of condensed mushroom soup and one packet of seasoning that comes with the Ramen.  The four cups of water you add to the noodles is enough for the soup.  It's really good - probably 3-4 meals from that.  Charles and I used to do that quite often.  Also like english peas with it but lately them seem to make my stomach hurt so I've cut back on them.

    Toad's still working.  He's all the way up to the barn and it's completely grown up around it.  There's a little pond down from the barn which I don't really remember so he couldn't get all the trees around it either.  So, he still has over half a mile to go.

    Got my crumb cakes today - left at the road.  So called UPS again and she suggested I call them early in the morning when the drivers are there so they can tell them.  It won't help - during the months we had the gate closed they got used to it and it's hard to break their habits.  Honeybells are coming tomorrow so need to call Darwin and tell him so he'll be watching for them.

    Sara - I got a seed catalog today from Shumway.  Have you ever ordered from them?  We used to quite a lot but not in the last ten or more years.  It won't be long before it's time to plant English peas and I think you're supposed to plant potatoes sometime in the latter part of February.  Of course, much later up north.  I can still remember going out and grabbling potatoes for supper before they were ready to dig in June.  It's amazing that one little potato eye can make a plant with many potatoes under it and one grain of corn can make a stalk with 2-3 ears of corn.  Nature is really something.  I was watching Chopped a day or so ago and one of the ingredients the people had to use was sprouted watermelon seeds.

    I'm rambling so will stop and go fill the water tank - again.  I see the girls walking out to the barn for a drink so I know it's empty.  I need to set up the float valve if I can find a short piece of PVC to put over the metal hose so Mr. Stormy won't chew on it.  Always something to do.

    Enjoy the evening.  Jo, I hope when you wake up in the morning all the dizziness is gone.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Jo, 

     I am so sorry you had the spell with vertigo. That is scary, would you have gone to the hospital if you could have? I would have thought I was having a stroke or something like that. You are in my thoughts and prayers, please take care of yourself. Was your husband able to help you much? or was it just a matter of staying down till it passed? 

    My niece lives in Sacramento she said the wind was blowing so hard it blew down a tree on top of a car in her apartment parking lot. It is scary what California is going through right now. So far, my weather has been cold and some snow but nothing bad. 

    Take care all. Hugs Zetta 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Last week when I went to cut Chucky's nails I couldn't get him positioned so he couldn't see me doing them and he got skittish, so I decided to take him to the groomer for a nice bath and brush service where they also clip nails, clean ears and do his anal glands.  He was nervous going in, but when I went to get him (he only took an hour - Keys used to take 2-3 hours because he had to be fully clipped and shaped) the groomer said he was wonderful and they of course have someone to distract him while they do the nails/ears stuff.  I know he likes having a bath and he loves to be brushed, so I'm sure he enjoyed himself.

    I hope everyone gets what they need soon, no rain, no dizzy, cars back home, appointments made and all that!
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Jo., I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well seems like all of the front porch rockers have been having problems lately. I was hoping we could get out of our rockers and do the limbo are even a little line dancing, but guess it'll have to wait.

    Lou is still doing good! Her social worker came yesterday alone with physical therapist and seems like it's nothing available due to our income that will help me. There is private care for pay! I have a conference call with VA social worker today!

    My copd flair up is still play havoc with me! Hopefully eventually the medicine will help!


  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    When I had a knee replacement about 15 years ago I woke up one morning, dizzy as can be. Never had that before. The room swirled and I was vomiting. I had an appointment at physical therapy that morning. Somehow my husband managed to get me there. They knew right away what it was. BPPV. Told me to shake my head and they said that my eyes were moving like a slot machine. One of the therapists had this happen to her when she was in her 20’s. So they had 2 therapists do the Epley maneuver on me. It took 2 of them because of the recent surgery on my knee…had to be careful turning me. They had to do it twice to clear my ear and get the pesky crystals to a place where they didn’t bother my balance. It was miraculous! Since then it has happened to me a few times but I was able to perform the maneuver with my husband’s help. After he died I had no one to help me but was able to do it myself, with some difficulty, and examples on YouTube. I don’t know why, but you can tell which ear is affected & that makes a difference in the way you do the maneuver.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, isn't the Epley Maneuver what you had a couple of years ago for your dizziness?  

    Seaside, looked up Epley Maneuver up and it looks uncomfortable.  Glad it helped you.

    Ron, the front porch has been pretty today but chilly.  We haven't had wind so it's been all right.  Never have done the limbo and too stiff to begin now.  Glad Lou's still doing well but sorry about your COPD.  Just be careful and let the medicine do its thing.

    Well, James, the propane truck driver came this afternoon and did a leak check.  No leaks at the tank or in the lines.  I asked him to check where Daniel had turned off the propane to the bedroom and it was okay.  Also when we had the leak years ago we had them fix it so we only had places for two stoves instead  of in every room.  When the chimney sweep was here years ago he checked the one in the sunroom and insisted it was still hooked up.  James checked it and it isn't.  So, the mystery of where the 30% of propane went is still a mystery.  After he  left I tried to light the stove and couldn't get it to light.  Called the company and they said there was probably air in the lines so I held down the pilot a long time - still nothing.

    Sorry, had to paragraph - called them again and they checked with James and with all he was doing he had forgotten to turn it back on.  He also filled the tank for me so it's understandable.  I tried and tried, with their help, to figure out which knob to turn - there's three of them.  I tried all three and couldn't get one to budge.  He's stronger than I so turned it off really well.  Finally, I got one to turn and it was the right one.  Came back in, held down the pilot for a bit and it lit.  So, we have heat.

    FedEx delivered the GP food from Chewy.  I asked him if there were any boxes down at the road and he said he didn't see any but if he did see any when he came he'd bring them up.  UPS is supposed to deliver the Honeybells today and it's cold enough they shouldn't be out in the cold very long.  

    Toad's still working on taking down trees on Mitchell's place across from us.  He's working around the barn now and it's noisy.  I saw something going up the road earlier today and didn't get a good enough look at it to tell what it was - looked like a couple of trucks and a huge cattle trailer - really made a lot of noise - so not sure what it was.  During the fall and winter sound travels really well.

    Girls are okay - I've filled the water tank a couple of times and turned the float valve back on at the lot.  Noticed they have three full mineral tubs so they're happy about that.  The little girls are getting more used to me - at least they don't run when they see me.

    I bought a new soft-heat space heater and I'm having a hard time figuring out how it works - it has a thermostat and a timer.  Guess I'll work on that tomorrow - along with putting the gooseneck lamp together.  Seems like the older I get the harder it is to figure out things and to open things.  Patsy told me a long time ago that it was hard for them to open some things - bottles, boxes, etc.  We used to be able to get something and plug it in and it worked.  Now, we have to put it together and figure out how it works.  Getting grouchy in my old age, I guess.

    I'll stop fussing and watch some more football - Bengals and Ravens.  Sara, you're in a State with two pro football teams - do you like football?  I miss going to KC to see the Chiefs play - such a pretty place with the green field, blue sky and red seats and uniforms.  Good memories.

    Enjoy the evening - supposed to be 23 in the morning so guess I'll turn off the float valve again.  The quick connect on the other water tank was frozen so had to run some water to get it to work.  Winter isn't too easy in the country.

    Enjoy the evening.  Iris and Jo, so sorry about your awful weather.  Jo, hope the dizziness is completely gone.  That is the worst thing - feeling like you have to hold on to the bed to keep from falling off.  Glad your husband was there to help.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Finally have something good to post! On conference call with VA social worker discussing advanced directive, she mentioned to me about aid and assistance for spouses of veterans that are 100% disability. I was given a phone number and address for my local advocate, whom I contacted. I will pick up the paperwork for Lou's dr to fill out and to bring with me to a appointment on February 6th. I can use the extra money for whatever I need to assist in her care. I believe I mentioned earlier that due to our income level she was not eligible for any programs herself. 

    Thank you VA!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Ron hope things work out for you.

    Lorita hope you get to rest one day before too long.  I don’t watch football.

    Snowed little white pellets all day, little accumulation.  Just stayed in, did laundry, baked cranberry orange bread and spaghetti for fast food. Made a peach crisp too and it is good. 

    Glad you have heat.  

    JoC hope you had a better day.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Are you all having to wait a long time to be able to post?  It's only been 13 days but maybe it'll be time for 186 in a day or so.

    Sara - I wish I could get a day when there's nothing that has to be done.  I know there will always be the water tanks to fill until I can get the float valve set up.  I keep thinking things will slow down but it doesn't seem to happen.

    I'm glad I have heat, too.  It is really cold outside tonight.  I've disconnected all the water hoses to the tanks so the girls have two tanks for tonight but it'll all be gone by morning.

    Sara, the orange-cranberry bread sounds so good.  I haven't had that in years.  We used to always make it at Christmas.  For the peach crisp, do you make it like apple crisp and use canned peaches?   I think I'd really like that.  I have three of four apples in the crisper and should use them first though.

    Ron, hurray for the VA!!  There are so many new programs started since I retired and there were a lot then.  I didn't know about the one you mentioned but wouldn't have since Charles was the veteran.  You do know about the tax exemption, don't you?  I can't remember but I think when Charles was rated 100% he had that - I know after I lost him I was eligible as the surviving spouse.  It really saves a lot of money.  I think we just used the tax exemption for farm use before that.

      I hope it all works out so you can get some help with Lou.  You really need to have some time to relax - just as all caregivers do.  Until three weeks before I lost him Charles was able to be outside with me and helped feed.  But, even then there were times when I needed to be out with nature to relax a bit.  Even now I wish I had that low-hanging tree limb - but, the tree is gone.  Believe it or not it was a huge tree but one year we had so much rain it drowned because the area where it's roots were was low and held water.  Too much water is the one thing that can kill the Royal Empress trees.  I did notice today there are a few buds on at least one of them - for next spring.

    Carol and I talk a lot about the VA and the good living and care it provided for us and our husbands.  Even now it's still providing that livelihood.  We were both lucky to be employed by the VA and for it to be near us.  I spent a lot of time on the road commuting but it was worth it to still live in the country.

    I'm tired tonight so may go to bed early and watch some TV in the bedroom.  I have a standard receiver in there so can't get local channels so usually stay in the LR until after the news.

    Jo, hope the dizziness is completely gone and you're feeling back to normal.  Also hoping the new front coming through won't be too bad for you and Iris.  The weather said it would also impact southern California.  The last one that came through here a day ago caused some really bad weather in Georgia.  The weather is so very odd this year - you can't depend on how it used to be anymore.

    Just had some cereal for supper and now everyone except me is asleep.  They've had a hard day, too.   Honeybells are delayed - guess they're still on the trees to be picked and shipped next week.  

    Again, wrote too much  - just can't get stopped.  Guess that comes from living alone and just talking to dogs, cats and cows.  I treasure each of you.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Thank you for sharing the spring flowers.  

    It is taking a little bit of a wait to post, sometimes longer than others.

    You could use canned peaches Lorita.  I used ones that were frozen, thawed them then drained most of the juice off.  Made same topping as I use for apple crisp.

    Enjoy your ramblings Lorita.

    Ron hope to try your salmon patties today. 

    See we got a little snow during the night, not much.  23F, 6C this morning.  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Lorita, speaking of a 100% disabled veteran had me thinking about survivors benefits. I hope you were already aware of this before Charles passing. Their is a survivor indemnity for a spouse of disabled veteran. I believe the rule is you have to be married at least 10 years at the time if his death. The amount is something like either 13 or 14 hundred tax free dollars a month. Now there is a expiration which I just googled and its expires after 10 years if you haven't applied for it. If your not already receiving it and it hasn't been 10 years since you lost charles, see a patient advocate right away.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Ron made the salmon patties.  They are the best ones I’ve ever made.  Tweaked the recipe a little.  Used lemon juice in place of juice from the can, used cornmeal mix instead of flour and also added dill.  Brushed a little avocado oil on each side and fried in air fryer.  They came out so crunchy.  Will freeze the rest, hope I can thaw in frig and reheat in air fryer and they will be ok, we’ll see.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara and Ron, you all were up early this morning.  It's cold here - in the low 20s.  I haven't been out yet to hook up the water. Toad and Mike came and fed so I'll have to do it soon.

    Sara - no real object to posting the picture of the little, white flowers I have in the front yard.  I was trying to see how hard it is to post pictures on Windows 10.  This was a picture I had taken and sized a while back.  But, I do think they're pretty.  They're up about 6" now - when we had that awful drought that we're still in (severe drought here) they completely disappeared but came back when we got a little bit of rain.

    The peach crisp sounds good.  I make the quick cobbler (peach) often and it's so very easy.  Need to make another one soon.

    Ron, thank you for the information about SSIA.  I read about it and it seems this is a new program in the last couple of years.  I have DIC which is Dependency and Indemnity Compensation which is for surviving spouses of a veteran who passed away from an SC condition.  You can't draw both and it seems the DIC is the most.  I remember when a lady who used to post a few years back had applied for it and she was so happy she called me to tell me she had gotten her DIC.  

    I had understood a few years ago that the survivor also didn't have to pay excise tax on a new vehicle - one time only but have been told that isn't true.  I do get tax exemption on everything and for that I'm most grateful.  Like I said, the VA has been good to us.  Carol and her husband both worked at the VA along with one daughter and a SIL.  I am going to call about that excise tax exemption again though.  That amounts to a lot of money on a new car.   There's also a good discount on car tags.  I used to use that but the car was as low as it would go and I get a farm tag on the PU but I'll check if I get a new car.  ODVA (Okla. Dept.of Veterans Affairs) took care of things for us and I may check with them to see if any new programs pertain to me.

    Really don't know what's going on with Sarah.  Haven't really talked with her in the last four days except very briefly a day or so ago.  She said they're trying to get her medication adjusted.  Sort of par for the course though so I won't worry.  Seems like this is sort of the way it goes.

    I bought a new soft-heat stove and can't really figure out how it works.  I just want one I can plug in and turn on and it works.  I've used Bionaire for years but the company I got them from is out of business.  Did see that Lowe's has them.  Need to see if they ship things.

    Better go and give those girls some water.    Looks like Mr.Stormy wants to go outside again.  All of us (two GPs,  four cats and I stayed in the bedroom and bathroom last night and we slept through the night.  It's supposed to warm up today or tomorrow.  I'm ready for spring.

    Jo, hope your dizziness will be gone when you awaken this morning and doesn't come back.  I know when I had that I was almost afraid to open my eyes the next morning - afraid I'd be dizzy - but I wasn't.

    Enjoy the day - stay warm or dry as conditions warrant.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi again,

    Day, have you ever tried ROAR, that drink they sell on QVC?  They have it again today and I'm thinking about ordering it but wondered if you'd tried it.  Sounds good and provides lots of vitamins.

    Hooked up the water in the garden.  When I got out there one of the little heifers was almost to the tank.  Told her I was hooking it up and she began to drink as soon as the water started running.  Then, four others started toward the tank.  They'll drink the water as fast as it goes into the tank.

    It is cold out there - but sunny!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    It's raining again in Southern CA.  It's cold and dreary.  In our state we don't have enough reservoirs to contain the rainwater for us to drink.  The rain causes mudslides or flooding, then flows into the ocean.  When I was a teen, CA and NY had the same population, 16 million.  Now, CA has 40 million and NY still has 16 million.  IMO, CA is overpopulated, there's not enough water for all these people.  Keep in mind that CA is a breadbasket for many food crops, also dairy products.  This is what's going on in CA.

    Lorita, do you take senior vitamins?  I've read that vitamin water is overrated.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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