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Just need to talk to my friends (185)



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Hope all of you are feeling better today than yesterday.  

    You all do so much.  I admire each and everyone of you for your dedication and achievements, even in the face of adversity.

    Since the holidays, I have found it difficult to get motivated, even as I look around and see all that I could be doing.  It is mostly the mind, but the body does put some limitations on what I can do.  I have promised myself I will try to have some minor achievement every day.

    I have been complaining about the quality/quantity of products at the grocery store for some time.  It seems even the tried and true brands that I have been buying for years has really taken a nose dive.  I was making some chili today and always use tomato juice instead of canned tomatoes as I don't like the chunks.  Anyway, after adding the juice and tasting it, seemed kind of watery, even though the can says 100% tomatoes.  Checked the ingredients and the first item listed is water and the second is concentrate.  Guess they have changed the ratio because it used to be a lot thicker.  Guess I will stop buying the name brands if they are no better than less expensive ones, especially if I have to add more or other ingredients to get the taste I want.  Seems like tomato paste will have to be added to get the flavor back.

    The weather here has been strange for January...it has been like spring.  While I can't complain about the temps, I do worry that the plants will get confused...start to leaf and bud and then get zapped when the cold weather returns.

    Please all stay safe and take care of yourselves.  Hugs.  Marie

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita, so glad that you did not have a tornado come close; that is such a dreadfully scary thing.  

    Like Iris, since Oklahoma recognizes medical marijuana, I have wondered if the physicians may have considered THC or CBD for Sarah.  Some patients in severe medical situations have benefitted from it in various ways - as long as it does not interfere with necessary prescription meds.   Just an idea. 

    Well; the big "bomb cyclone" did not hit our area to the degree that had been projected.  That is a relief.  Northern California got the worst of it all and was severely hit by the storm with much damage and all sorts of difficulties.  We got a good amount of rain and it stopped last night.  Still having dangerous surf at the ocean.  Ground is really wet, and another storm is coming in first of next week and will be with us for about three days.   

    Those Honeybells sound wonderful, I have never had one.   I do love citrus especially when sweet and juicy.  The clementines where we are have not been very good this year and in fact, the ones we have got last several times have been puny and not that good in quality.  Last year they were excellent.  Big difference.

    Sayra; had to smile, we enjoyed the same book when we were kids.  I was an avid reader even in childhood and had my library card in the first grade; we had no television.  My favorite book back then and my first real true novel was, "The Secret Garden," I read it several times and was absolutely entranced by it.  Wonderful book for a child who can read at that level.  When I got to sixth or seventh grade, I discovered, "Jane Eyre,"  another one I read more than once.  Also liked, "The Good Earth," and, "Uncle Tom's Cabin."  Got hooked by the suspenseful portions.  Nothing like a really great book - thank you authors!   Now that I am grown up, it is more difficult to find awesome reads.  Favorite has been, "Pillars of The Earth," written by Ken Follett, and another is, "Circle of Friends," by Maeve Binchy.  Love her books.  Another author I have really enjoyed, but her books must be read in order - (the characters and story plots are awesome), is, Louise Penny.  Follet's Pillars and the sequel, "World Without End," were both good, but the others he wrote after these two were not good at all. He wrote the prequel after the sequel and I did not even finish reading it - big disappointment. 

    Gosh Ron, I am sorry Lou has been, "at it," which leaves you running mach 2 with your hair on fire!   So hope it all calms down soon so you can get much needed rest.   Hope that early appointment comes through, if it isn't one thing to have to deal with, there are bushel baskets full of others.  Here's hoping . . . 

    Lorita, did the electrician make it out to the house?   Wonder if he will need to put in an entire new breaker panel box with updated wiring. That happened to us once and after it was done, no more tripped breakers.

    You are all making me wish I had a bread machine.  I used to make homemade bread from scratch and loved the way the house smelled while it was baking.  So good.  However; that is a laborious job with a family and I no longer do that.  Something very satisfying about homemade bread.    My mother made awesome breads and cardomom seed buns as well as delicious saffron buns.  She could do anything and when she baked her breads she made a LOT of it at once.  We sure loved it all.  She had a recipe for a Swedish "Rye"Bread, which I put rye in quotes; it was rye flour in part of it, but it was a much softer sweeter bread.  Best served warm with butter and honey.  The memories of coming home from school to the bread just coming out of of the oven and having a nice slice of it with the honey - great treat.

    Gosh; got to go, DH just got home from the eye specialist's office for followup from that big eye surgery he had.  Going to go and see how the followup appt. went.

    Good afternoon,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Home health came today for assessment of Lou. They will start next week with physical therapy and memory care. She mentioned other things such as hospice care that they can help initiate anytime I want. For now if I can get her more mobile and help with her memory I'll be happy. 

    Lou seems ok now........I'm not! Cant complain because I am getting better, but just seems to be a very slow turn around for me. Also, this dad blasted full moon 8s helping!


    Jo., I keep forgetting to tell you how sorry I am for your son's aging dog. That was what ended me in the hospital last time when our 17 year old shu Tzu got on the glue trap and I was frantically trying to get him off, clean him up and all the time worrying my negligence of not remembering it was there might kill him.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I made a loaf of bread today, too.  Had to have a thin slice of the top of it while it was still warm.  I had been outside and when I came in I could smell it baking.  Every time I slice bread I think of you and your bread slicer.

    Sorry about your friend's sister and her husband.  Did he pass away from covid?

    Marie - I know what you mean about not being motivated to do things.  I'm not either.  I always think to myself that it'll be there tomorrow.

    I know what you mean about the quality of foods.  Carol told me about buying powdered sugar and finding that now there's quite a lot of corn starch added to it.  

    We're having a mild January after the very cold spell we had in late December.  I think there are some new leaves on my holly after most of them being eaten by grasshoppers this summer.  There's even some red berries.

    Jo - they put in the TPN? today on Sarah.  I can't understand how nourishment can be given through the blood.  I hope this can work for her.  I mentioned marijuana to her and she hadn't thought about it but will ask the doctors about it.

    Ron, hope things go well for Lou with the therapy.  Also hoping that problems with the full moon has lessened for Lou.  I can remember how we used to talk about the full moon and the reactions our loved ones had to it.  It's a real thing - we could tell when the moon was full without looking.

    Did you all hear about the six year old who shot their teacher?  Forget where it was but can't imagine something like that happening.  

    I haven't accomplished anything today.  My side and hip haven't hurt today but having a little pain in my back tonight so am leaning against the heating pad.  All day I kept thinking about a nap but never got to it.  Have filled the water tank a couple of times.  Jo, the last time I was out there to check it Billy the Bull was drinking.  He drank and drank - guess it was good, cold water.  I talk to him every time I see him - also am talking to Samson - he just looks at me like I'm crazy.  I think the little heifers are getting used to my voice, too.

    Need to stop and find something for supper.  I've had malt-o-meal, a piece of toast and some crackers today.  May have some cereal for supper.  Had thoughts of a baked potato but cereal is faster.

    Hope all of you have had a good Friday - can't believe the weekend is already here.  Enjoy the evening.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    The shooting by a 6 year old was in Newport News, Virginia...it is on the Atlantic coast.

    It is just unbelievable that a 6 year old has access to a gun and feels that the way to solve issues is to shoot someone.  

    While the child is too young to be held liable, I hope that whoever let him have access to that gun are charged, and that the child is placed in some care facility where he can get help, otherwise he will just grow into another gun toting teen.

    So many of the schools these days have metal detectors for just this reason, but you don't think you need them in an elementary school.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Marie, you're so right - they should be charged.  If they have guns they should be kept in a secure place and the kids taught not to ever touch them.  We had guns in the home when I was growing up but I never touched them without daddy being with me.

    I don't know what's happening with the young kids.  Tonight on the local news it told about a young girl who had stabbed and killed (I think) her little brother.  No idea what's happening with kids - and  almost everyone, it seems.

    I'm worried about Sandy (Sasue).  She always answers the phone when I call - always has it with her.  I called earlier today and didn't get an answer and just tried again and no answer.  She wasn't feeling well, tested positive for covid as did her son and there were three granddaughters coming to visit and one had covid.  No idea how to get in touch with her son.  I looked up his name and didn't find a corresponding address.  I'll keep trying.   

    Watching Dr. Pol.  One of his vets just pulled a 100 lb. breech calf and it was alive. 

    Sleep well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    HB, thanks again about the head's-up about the expiration date of the lactase pills.  Mine expire this month!  I'll have to get some fresh ones.

    One would never think that lactose intolerance could simulate a gall bladder atack.  I only figured it out for myself after weeks of belly gurgling, passing a lot of gas, and feeling like I was going to have diarrhea.  Fortunately, I don't eat a lot of milk containing foods.

    Marie, I also have been feeling sluggish and unmotivated.  I realized this began after I had Covid in August.  I believe this sluggishness may qualify as "long Covid".  Also, for the past several winters I have experienced seasonal affective disorder (SAD) , supposedly due to the short winter days.  I have a light box but I feel unmotivated to get it out of the box and turn it on.  

    Nevertheless, I have a plan.  I'm going to work on getting out into the morning light.  My home is north-facing, so I am in the dark during the day.  I believe in earthing, and when the weather is warmed up, I will go barefoot on the grass.  I have to consciously surround myself with positivity and good things, like the baby whale that I posted about.  Also, prayer works!

    Marie, is there anything that you rely on for yourself during these times?  I'd like to know.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Iris, I too think the winter months without as much sun light has a direct effect on how I feel.  I also see "slump" periods where there will be much to do...crochet projects...christmas plans...etc.  and then nothing.  

    I try to at least keep my mind going with lots of crossword puzzles, computer games which stimulate thought, particularly since Dad died of ALZ.

    Getting out of the house is the hardest for me.  Mostly tied to money if you can believe that...will let outside errands bunch up so to make single trips to avoid unnecessary gas usage...will order groceries for pickup rather than going shopping myself to avoid impulse buying...those kinds of things.  While not rich by any means,  I do watch my pennies, as you never know what may come up.

    Trying to help others in the family helps...went shopping with a granddaughter to help her get necessities for her first apartment...taking Mother to her appointments...seems doing for others helps me put aside my self imposed "restrictions".

    I have never been a "joiner" so outside activities are limited.

    I guess I just have to get my mind set on having at least one "achievement" per day, even if it is just dusting...lol.

    Having all the front porch rockers here is also a blessing as I can share vicariously your lives and good works.

    Spring will be better!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Sayra wrote:

    HB thanks again.  I do take 3  (9000 units each) per slice of pizza if eating at someone’s house.  Never eat over two and often just eat one.  That has worked so far.  Since that would have been nine of the 3000, thought I was taking a lot.  Now I know may have to take 6 or 8 of the extra strength.  I tolerate buttermilk much better also.  Use buttermilk in almost all my baking regardless of what liquid it calls for.  Only eat lactose free milk and ice cream.  Did take one lactase even with them because just so afraid of chancing it.  Finally a few days ago did try milk without any and I did ok. Does your husband do ok with the milk and ice cream without taking additional lactase?

    DH doesn't take lactase if he's ingesting a lactose-free product and it's fine. He also doesn't take it for buttermilk, cottage cheese or even pizza. He might get a little windy from a couple slices but not the crippling pain. 

    Hope all of you feel a little better today who have been on the puny side.

    If you remember my friend’s sister and BIL got Covid about same time my Aunt and Uncle did.  He passed away last night and her sister was in ER when this happened and they think she had a stroke.  My family is a lot older than her sister, not sure about her BIL.  My family were vaccinated though, don’t have very many comorbidities, and are thin.  So maybe all that helped them .  Her family had none of that going for them the last I knew.   Took about 21/2 weeks but my family seems to be doing good now.  Feel sorry for her sister, always liked her.

    That's so sad. I'm sorry. We all recently had COVID- my mom (COPD, CHF, hx vasculitis), DH, DS and myself. I really worried about my mom, but she was mostly asymptomatic initially and only had cold-like symptoms when she rebounded. I feel like 5 jabs saved her life although I suspect she may have gotten COVID in early 2020 after visiting her great-grandson who also had a respiratory illness. She ended up on O2, steroids and had a bronchoscopy to clear something out. She did really well after and then developed new and worsening cardiac issues. I have a friend whose mom had early dementia based on imagining and behavior who was otherwise quite robust. She refused vaccines (after working in a vaccine clinic in the Peace Corps after she retired) because of political beliefs that seemed to come with the onset of her dementia. She was hospitalized for a week, but doctors were fairly certain she would not survive and she did, in fact, pass a few weeks later. 

     My mom made her wedding dress, first and only one.  She let us girls know she wouldn’t be making any more.

    Haha. Sewing wedding finery is my side hustle. It can be very stressful. They gain weight, they lose weight, they get pregnant. Gah! I mostly do encore brides, bridesmaids and mothers-of. This is my niece's COVID wedding dress. She wanted to buy a vintage Priscilla of Boston but they couldn't get it to her in time so I made a knock-off. FTR, I bought the fabric on Monday afternoon, fitted it Friday for the noontime ceremony Saturday.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Iris L. wrote:

    One would never think that lactose intolerance could simulate a gall bladder atack.  I only figured it out for myself after weeks of belly gurgling, passing a lot of gas, and feeling like I was going to have diarrhea.  Fortunately, I don't eat a lot of milk containing foods.

    I know. He had been really hitting the milkshakes, but he was also eating a lot of fried foods he doesn't normally eat. He was doubled over in pain with a rapid heartrate and sweating. 

    My BFF did something similar. She was having pain and insisted her husband drive her 2 from the beach to the city so she could go to "her hospital" in the middle of the night where she told the doctors she was having a gall bladder attack. They ran some tests and discharged her 2 days later without her appendix. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood - cool but not too much and very sunny.  No clouds in the sky - and not much wind, to boot.  I've been out to the water tank and bird feeder at least four times.  The girls drink the water as soon as it goes into the tank so it takes a long time to fill.  The little heifers still are not too used to me so when I go out their ears go up and they back up so I talk to them, trying to get them used to my voice.  I've done that since they've been here - several months.  Daisy, Jr. came over to the fence and I petted and talked to her and one of the white heifers was really watching.

    Marie - I need to get outside more, too.  Since I'm not feeding the girls I don't get outside as much.  I feel sooo much better when I get outside and do something.  I'm sleeping later and that's not good either.  Maybe I'll make that a new year's resolution - to get outside more.

    Really glad I don't have lactose intolerance because I eat a lot of dairy, always have.  Since I'm a vegetarian I need some way to get protein.  Thank goodness there's medication you can take and still have dairy products.  Life would be bad without ice cream, wouldn't it?

    Nothing on the agenda today except keeping the water tank filled.  I think the Chiefs play today so I'll try to watch that.  Watching morning cooking shows now - just finished breakfast.  I toasted a couple of pieces of the bread I made yesterday - the crumb was really good this time.  Seems like it varies from time to time, maybe depending on the weather.  I mix peach preserves or jam with peanut butter and eat it with the toast.

    Sheena and Stormy stayed outside last night so they're sound asleep in the bedroom.  Every time I'd go out to check the water, Stormy would come from the bedroom - I know he'd been watching out the window to see where I went.

    I saw Penny giving Eve a bath this morning.  They keep those babies really clean.  I love to watch the new moms taking care of and staying up with their new babies.  She'll stay very close to  her until she's about three weeks old - then Eve can begin staying with the other little ones more - always with a babysitter. I try to see her at least once a day and when Mike or Toad come to feed they also make sure they see her or any new babies.

    Hope Sarah was able to sleep last night.  Maybe this new thing will work for her.  She says they're going to teach Todd how to do what needs to be done since it's on her right side and she's right handed.  She has CP in her left side so it's not always easy to do things left handed.  

    Judith - I know you use Windows 10 as I do.  For some reason yesterday I checked my e-mail and all the new ones (since 2015 were gone) all that was there were the old ones.  Brought back memories and sadness because there were several from Scarlet.  This was during the time we were dealing with my sister and getting her into memory care.  Can't figure out what happened.  They're all there on my tablets.  May have to break down and call tech support - always hate to do that because it takes such a long time.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.  Ron, hate to mention this but did you see the full moon last night?  They said it was the Wolf Moon.  It was beautiful.  Strange that it wreaks such havoc on people with dementia - and others, too, I guess.  More memories about the full moon.  I love to look at them so I'd always go out on the porch and call Charles to come and look at the moon.  I still do.  Sounds silly but that's just me.

    I'll be back later.  Enjoy the day.  It looks like the worst of the heavy rains and snow is in northern California so maybe it won't be so bad for you all, Jo and Iris.  I know you all need rain just as we do but not too much at one time. 

    Just noticed they're making a coconut macaroon pie.  Reminds me of a recipe I have for Impossible Coconut Pie.  You put everything into the blender, then pour into a pie pan and bake.  It's incredible that it makes a crust and filling.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Marie cloudy days use to bother me.  Know we need rain.  Any more I try just not to look out when dark cloudy. Keep myself busy inside and that seems to help.

    HB that wedding dress is beautiful.  Like that style and length.

    Regarding tomato juice, I only make sauce.  So when need juice add water to it til get it where I want it.

    You can make your own powdered sugar.  1C granulated sugar to 1T cornstarch.  Blend in high powered blender or food processor   Have not tried it but have seen this different times.

    Talked with my friend today.  Her sister is now intubated.  Turns out instead of a stroke she has myasthenia gravis.  She did end up getting her vaccines but had not gotten her booster.  Husband had not taken vaccine still.  

    Made enchiladas totally from scratch today.  Thank you Beth for getting me motivated.  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    HB and Lorita, every morning I make a smoothie with non-fat, lactose-free milk, whey protein powder and frozen berries.  This simulates a milkshake for me.  I love ice cream so much that I devised this substitute.  I can be indulgent and healthy at the same time.

    Lorita, regarding your missing emails, check your Spam and your Trash folders before you call tech support.  Occasionally I might lose one email, and would find it in another folder.  But I never lost a whole load of emails.  I hope you can get them back.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, your smoothie sounds delicious.  I had forgotten that I had bought some protein powder a few years back.  Think I used it once or twice.

    This is really odd - every once in a while some of the newer e-mails will come back.  I don't mind losing some of them - just junk mail that now comes through but I like to keep track of orders so I'll know when they're coming.  But, you know, it's interesting to read some of the old e-mails I received from my niece seven or eight years ago.  Brings back memories of things I'd forgotten.  At that time we were dealing with my sister, her mother, and her alzheimers.  

    I have all of my e-mails on my tablets so guess it's okay - just hate calling tech support.  I send very few e-mails.

    Almost time for the ballgame so I'll stop and check the water tank.  I'm watching Planet Earth: The Blue Planet - this one is about all the strange fish in the oceans.  It's really amazing that there are such things.  God must have a good sense of humor because a while ago it showed two harlequin shrimp trying to take a star fish to their nest.  The shrimp were beautiful, so colorful, as are so many of the fish, even in the deepest part of the ocean.  The shrimp had to have a brain, or instinct, to know they needed to turn the starfish over so they could move it easier.  You all would really enjoy watching it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    HB, sorry I had forgotten to comment on the wedding dress.  It's beautiful, both style and fabric.  You're quite a seamstress.  You must like to sew.  Years ago, in the 60s and early 70s all the women I worked with sewed.  We'd work all day, stop by the fabric store on the way home, make a dress or skirt that evening and wear it to work the next day.  Then it was an economical way to have the fabric and style you wanted.  Material wasn't expensive nor were the notions.  Now, it's different.  I made my wedding dress - very simple - jewel neckline, short sleeves and a slightly flared skirt.  It was made out of double knit and looked like broken ice.  That was a wonderful fabric to sew and wear.  Wish they'd start making it again.  At that time sewing was relaxing to me - don't think it would be anymore.  
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Surprised to see that none of you had posted yet.  Hope that means you are resting, or doing something fun.

    Weather here has gotten cooler...more like winter temps, but not too bad.

    Take care...have a blessed day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Marie

    Has been a quiet day.  Nice to hear from you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi Marie and  Sara, quiet and cool here, too.  Watching TV, QVC, and falling asleep.  Enjoy the day.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    The wedding dress is stunning, HB! A beautiful bride! I can't believe you sewed the dress in just a few days. How talented you are. Do you still sew? 

    Sara, glad you made the enchiladas. Enjoy! I make enchiladas quite often. This week I'm going to try burritos. 

    Jo, I am sorry your son and DIL lost their dog. They gave their dogs all a good life and maybe can take some comfort in that.

    I think Prince Harry will be interviewed on 60 Minutes tonight. Should be interesting. I have heard some from his book; lots of controversy I'm sure.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Copd flair up sent me back to ER! They asked about admitting me but I asked to come home with medicine. They took blood work, xray, gave breathing treatment and sent home with antibiotics and cough medicine. Mailing the cough syrup since they were out of it!

    Lou's not eating as well as before covid, but otherwise doing good. Neighbor said she's better, just wants to sleep all the time. 

    Hope the rockers are rocking and everyone is feeling ok.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    HB, what a beautiful wedding dress!  I love everything about it, from the cap sleeves to the neckline, and the hemline.  Your niece looks lovely!  I'm sure the groom was joyous.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, so sorry about the COPD flare.  Hopefully, the medicine will take care of it at home.  I'm glad Lou is feeling better, too.  

    It's been a beautiful day after the cool start.  Seems like the days are getting a bit longer - it's after 5:30 and still daylight.  I heard that they're going to go to a time change that will be in effect all the time - not sure but I think I heard it's the one that we have in the summertime. Have you all heard that?

    I haven't done anything today except fill water tanks and feed cats and dogs and me.  I did find that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer (already knew that though).  I ordered a couple of ice cube trays.  The ones I ordered have 16 smaller cubes.  Today I filled one with water and tried to put on the lid.  I could not get it to fit, turned it every which way but loose so gave up thinking I'd have to send them back.  Later I went back and turned the lid over and it worked!  Surely made me feel silly.  Guess turning it over was too easy.  I have an ice maker but after it makes ice some water comes out and everything freezes over.  Also got some ice cube trays this past summer but can't find them anywhere.  Reminds me of my mother; I would call her and ask what she was doing and she was always looking for something.  She said there were so many places to put things.  Now, I've turned into my mother - always looking for something.

    I drove up a while ago because I hadn't seen Eve today.  Found her laying down with a yearling bull next to her.  Didn't see her mom but guess he was babysitting.  I did see little Susie and the other little brown one.  I hadn't been out to the barn lately so checked it out - no one was in there.  With the good weather they're not going in so much.

    My ribs have been some better - not hurting much but getting into and out of the PU isn't easy so they're hurting some right now.  Heating pad, here I come!

    Hope you all have a good evening.  Rest well tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Where is everyone?  Getting ready for the week, I guess.

    I took down the trash - lifted a heavy sack up into the PU and out again and now my ribs are hurting.  Can't seem to do anything without making it hurt.

    When I was filling the water tank this morning I saw little Eve walking around in the garden.  Her mother wasn't with her so she'd walk over to a cow or calf and make friends.  Of course I worried because I didn't see her mom so drove up and she was at a hayring eating hay.  Eve came running toward us and Penny stopped and checked on her.  Guess she knew where she was and now she's old enough to get away from mom for a little while.

    It's chilly this morning and partly cloudy but supposed to be pretty warm this week.

    Talked briefly with Sarah and she's doing about the same.  Said she did sleep some tonight with the help of medication.

    Nothing going on here.  Darwin called to see if I'd heard from the contractor that was supposed to fix his windows.  He was in the barn so couldn't write down the number. Said he had been cutting wood but it's too windy today.  He said he's getting very forgetful.  He said he saw a cow with a new baby so was going down to check on her.  Seems like he's doing the same thing I am - still watching his girls.  

    I'll be back later.  Hope everyone's okay.  Ron, surely do hope the medication helped your COPD attack.  Take it easy.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Pretty day but has turned cold and windy this evening, sun shining though.

    Busy day cleaned house, washed clothes and ran several errands.

    Lorita is it possible to put your trash in smaller bags?  

    Thinking of you too Ron.

    Hope each one is able to get a good nights rest

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ditto Sayra.  Lorita, you have to accommodate your ribs.  Make smaller trash bags.

    I got up early today (8:30 am), went for a walk, did a load of laundry, and went back to the market to buy more cat food, all before breakfast.  I feel pretty good, not tired at all.

    I have odd dreams, last night I dreamed about a woman riding a horse with short legs, that folded the legs and lay down like a camel.  In my dream, people could drive a car to get out of town, but in town they had to ride a short legged horse.  What a dream!

    We are expecting rain again.  Montecito, near Santa Barbara, where Oprah lives, is being evacuated.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita.  Good idea Sara had about make your trash bags smaller. Anything you can do to keep you from picking up something heavy. I will see if I can find Planet Earth on my TV. I like shows like that I just won't watch anything where I may see an animal of any kind get hurt. I hate those commercials that come on where they are asking for donations for animal cruelty. I shut my eyes and turn down the volume. I do hope those commercials are working, I guess they must be. 

    Ron.   I pray that you and Lou, are feeling better. I also hope the assessment shows that Lou needs help, and you will be able to get someone to help you. I made some salmon patties a few days ago and they turned out pretty good. My son and nephew were not too fond of them, no surprise neither one of them like fish. 

    HB.  That wedding dress was beautiful, and amazing you were able to do that in a few days. You must love sewing, it shows. Yes, now I see the squirrel, it's very plain when you know what you're looking at. 

    Sara.  Sorry about your friend's sister's husband. Hopefully she is doing well by now. Things can sneak up on us so fast. 

    Marie.  I am like you I am not a joiner. I am happy to be at home. My best friend passed away 2 months ago I was very comfortable being with her, I really miss our daily text.

    I went to my friend's celebration of life few days ago, it was a beautiful remembrance. I really miss her, she was here for me when I lost Dan, now I really feel alone. She was really the only friend I had. But I still have Molly, Sammy and Emmy. My fur babies. 

    I will quit whining and send you all hugs. Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Zeeta... it hurts a lot to lose a dear friend. My friend of 45 years died in August. We just had the Bat Mitzvah  of her grandaughter. More than a few tear were shed as we missed her.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Iris L. wrote:

    I have odd dreams, last night I dreamed about a woman riding a horse with short legs, that folded the legs and lay down like a camel.  In my dream, people could drive a car to get out of town, but in town they had to ride a short legged horse.  What a dream!

    Iris, I like this dream!  I'm having fun imagining a horse with short legs.  I think I would like living in that town!

    Zetta, I'm sorry, that had to be sad.  Good friends are gems and it's hard to lose one.  Plus it's so hard to make friends when we're older.

    Everybody take care, we had sun for the first time in days and almost 40 degrees!
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Just checking on my front porch rocker to make sure cobwebs hadn't taken over.

    I'm still not feeling well and still waiting on scheduling of the heart eco. If I dont hear something today, I'll probably give a call and see if someone can light a fire under them. Lou seems more like her old self. Still a decline on dementia, but covid seems to be gone. Will probably test her again later this week! I've always had a good EKG, but this last er visit showed some abnormalities. Nothing serious are I believe they would have mentioned it instead of me seeing it on my web notes.

    Let's all get on a short legged horse and have a parade through town!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    I'll take the advice you all have given me about the trash bags.  Guess it's my country upbringing that makes me frugal.  If there's room in the trash sack, something else goes in.  I'll just fill them half full from now on.  Guess that happens when you get older - can't lift as much without hurting something.

    Iris - I've been thinking about the Beatles tribute you attended.  Was it a group that looked like them and sang their songs?  The Beatles have always been my favorite group - love their songs and hearing them does make me feel good - guess it's feel-good music.  I even had a Beatle haircut when I was much younger.  I would have liked to have seen them.  There used to be a group of four on TV, some special show, that had four boys that looked like them and they were really good.  

    Zetta - so sorry about your friend.  It does hurt to lose a good friend - they're few and far between. Carol and I lost Karen probably three years ago.  She and I went to work at the VA Hospital the same day and we were teenagers - that was in 1961 and we were fast friends all those years.  Carol and I still miss her and always will.  

    Remember, Zetta, you're not alone.  We're always here.  That's what I have to remember when I'm feeling lonely - like this morning.  Lots of comfort to have our fur babies, isn't it?  Complete love and loyalty from them.  Stormy is curled up in my chair, sound asleep - guess Sheena's in the bedroom asleep.  They patrolled last night so guess they're sleepy.  You all should have heard the coyotes and wolves last night - really loud when I went out to turn on the water.

    Ron, I hope you can get an earlier appointment.  I hate to have to wait when I want something done but seems like it always happens.  Glad Lou has improved. The moon is waning now so that's a big help.

    This hasn't been a good morning for me and I don't know why exactly.  Just a lot of missing Charles, I guess.  You'd think after eight years it would be easier but it's not, at least today.  I need to get out and just be outside with the girls - that would help.

    I just called AAA to bring the car back home and was informed it's only one service call per incident.  This was not what I was told last week.  I know we've had that done before.  Called the shop and told them  - Robert had told me before if they wouldn't do it, he'd bring it home on his trailer.  Then, I'll have to find a salvage yard to come and get it.  

    It's going to be warm today but it's windy.  Supposed to be around 70.  Wouldn't it be nice it this weather could continue until springtime?   But, at the same time, the rain and snow is so bad in the west.  Every time they mention all the snow in the Sierra Nevada Mts. I thinkr 100 mph.  Probably about like it was back then.

    Day, watched two hours of Garolyn - pretty clothes.  They're going to be on two hours Thursday morning, too.

    Better stop and go turn off the water.  Hope everyone is well this morning.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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