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Just need to talk to my friends (185)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning!

    Snowing lightly here; we had close to an inch of rain on Monday. When the grands from TX were here, there was a good covering of snow and they really enjoyed it. I have my gas fireplace going right now; very cozy. 

    Iris and Jo, I am with you; I wouldn't want to stand out at the Rose parade either. Nor would I want to drive there or try to find parking. 

    Lorita, what kind of muffins did you make? I made pumpkin muffins when the kids were here and they were all gone (18 of them!) in a couple of days. I just googled for a recipe as I couldn't find the recipe I usually use. I am glad you were able to get the balloon bouquet to Sarah. Sounds like she really enjoyed it. 

    Ron, I am so sorry that you have been sick and I hope you are starting to feel better. Caregiving when you are ill yourself is very hard. I watch a YouTube channel ("Our Tribe of Many") where the parents have 11 children and the parents and all but one of the children got sick, pretty much at the same time. What a challenge!

    Day, I love Chucky's outfit! He is really blessed to have your love and care. Great that you can work from home so he can hang with you.

    Zetta, chili dogs with cheese and onions sounds so good. That would be a yummy meal anytime. Just add some chips or french fries and you have a meal!

    Jo, I am so sorry your son and his wife have lost beloved pets, and in such a short time too. There are people who give 2nd chances to older pets, like them, and that is such a kind thing to do. 

    Sarah, glad you were able to get the Marodyne (?sp) device. I had a DEXA scan this week. No results yet. I was surprised to see on the information sheet that they asked me to fill out prior, asking if you had ever been on any of the following: Actonel, Bonita, Fosamax, Reclast/Zometa, Evista, Forte, Prolix, Tymlos, Evenity, Miacalcin. I had no idea there were so many different meds used in treatment of osteoporosis. I wonder if they all have the bad side effects (jaw bone necrosis, spontaneous fracture of the femur). I shall have to research. In the meantime I'm going to up my exercise (yoga, hand held weights, aerobic exercise) and also eat better. I take 500 mg of calcium daily and use maybe a cup of almond milk on my cereal in the morning. I have just added a greens drink that is mixed in a cup of almond milk daily. FYI, you can only absorb about 500 mg of calcium at one time so spread these out. Also, don't take calcium and magnesium at the same time as each interferes with absorption of the other.

    Judith, hope you are doing well and enjoying your house flipping and art docent activities.

    To everyone who is not feeling well, wishes and prayers for better health and a good 2023.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Beth, I make the pumpkin-spice muffins; a box of spice cake mix and a can of pureed pumpkin (not the pie mix) and an egg if you wish.  That's all there is to it.  You'd think it would never mix together but all at once it does.  I make the medium sized muffins or cupcakes and it makes 18.  I usually put some chocolate chips in the mix and sprinkle a little bit of sugar over the top before I bake them.  They're so good.  I usually freeeze them and when I want one or two put it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.  Really good with a little bit of butter.

    It's chilly here this morning - it was sunny but is clouding up but will be sunny again later today.  Mike and his nephew came and fed.  I was watching for little Eve to go back to the hay with her mom but I saw her mother and no Eve.  So, I had to be sure she was okay.  I found seven little ones in the feeding area, all together, laying down or exploring a brush pile. There was one cow with them - babysitting.  

    My back is hurting, the side of my back.  I didn't sleep well because I was afraid I'd turn on that side or somehow twist it.  I think it's referred tenderness so guess it'll take a while to go away.  I remember when I was in high school I had pneumonia - they called it walking pneumonia because I was going to school, just had hurting to the point I thought I had a broken rib.  I've had double pneumonia since then, many years ago.  I'm not having trouble breathing and no temp in the mornings so guess it's just the tenderness from hurting the ribs.  

    Filled the water tank - didn't run it over this time.  Girls are eating hay so they'll be down for water before long.  Nothing on the schedule today so I'm going to rest.  The breaker hasn't tripped so that's good.

    Zetta, I ordered Bear Creek potato soup from Amazon about the 20th of last month and it isn't due to be delivered for anotber week or more.  It was a good price - on WM.com it was really expensive.

    Day, I'm watching QVC- Gourmet Holiday.  They had the honey bells this morning - only day for them.  I ordered six pounds for Darwin and his wife and three pounds for me.  I've had them before and they're good.  I really like the pears but they haven't had them for two or three years - Royal Riviera.  I bet Zetta is familiar with them because they're grown in her area.

    I've seen parts of reruns of Carolyn and Gary three times already - still didn't order anything but the show was really good - bet you saw it, too.

    Leave it to Beaver is on so I'll stop and watch it and finish my hot tea and maybe have a couple of those muffins.  I'm addicted to them.  Jo says it's a weight watchers recipe - had no idea.

    Back later. Enjoy the day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning rockers, lou is getting better, I'm still not very well, but taking it one day at a time. At least I'm starting to eat a little! Received a call from VA; they want a heart eco and will call me when they have it scheduled. I was looking over my chest ct scan and noticed a remark from radiologist about pulmonary edema, guess that's why the eco. Yes, jo and Lorita I have one of those alerts the VA provided. I hate wearing it; tried it around neck, clipped to side and even wrist band and dont like any.

    Beth, they gave me one of those medicines for osteoarthritis and it gave me diarrhea. I just take tylenol extra strength, it helps some.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    We are getting another good rain today.   Got all the grocery shopping done before though so that was nice. 

    Beth it is hard to know who to trust some times.  I can’t take calcium supplements they hurt my stomach. Food that has been enriched with calcium hurts my stomach too.  Also there are things out there that say calcium supplements are not good for cardiac, circulatory system.  Others want you to take a bunch of it lol.  I’m clueless about who knows what they are talking about.  Sara Meeks has never mentioned calcium at all anywhere I’ve listened to her. All she says about the drugs is I am a PT and I don’t tell you whether to use the drugs or not.  She says I do tell you to educate yourself regarding them and that she chose not to use them.  I just try to get some every day in my food.  Like you I have read it needs to be spread out.  Only eat it at lunch and supper since my little fiasco.  Never want to go back there.  That was plain unnerving.

    I understand from Sara Meeks and Margaret Martin,PT Canada that a lot of traditional yoga poses should not be done if you have osteoporosis.  They have modified some yoga poses for osteoporosis patient.  Sara is a yoga instructor, not sure about Margaret. Basically they are against any flexion of spine exercises as most spinal compressions occur between your shoulder blades and in the front they say.  All their exercises use extension of your back.  But one of those that I recently added was bothering my lower back I felt.  Interestingly just a day or two ago Bob and Brad did a video about this, said they had taught it for years. Now a Dr McGill(?sp) a back expert is saying it should not be done, very hard on lower back.  Thought maybe this isn’t in my head.  Quit doing it and changed to what was suggest by Bob and Brad to do instead.  My back is much happier again.  So no one is perfect, you need to listen when your body speaks.  Have decided just to add one new exercise at a time so I will know which one is bothering me as I build up my exercises.

    Sara also says odd and random movement important.  Same old same old not near as helpful she says.  She was a world champion Olympic style weight lifter, did marathons and triathlons.  She has osteoporosis.  She was diagnosed at 65 but thinks she had it much earlier, at least 44 due to a fracture she obtained then from ice dancing.  Any way find this all interesting and thought provoking.  Wonder if one day it will be looked at in a very different way.  Think about how ulcers are treated so differently now than when I started in medical field.  She doesn’t feel that dexa scan predicts your personal fracture risk.  We are at increased risk as a group. Our personal fracture risk would be better predicted by our trabecular bone score (TBS) she believes.   Whether you break or not is more dependent on that she believes which gives information on bone structure .  Trust her on that since she has worked with it so long.  Says she seen people very frail and osteoporotic but no fractures with falling.  People with normal bone density and osteopenia frequently have fragility fractures also.  Says more of them with fragility fractures every year than those with osteoporosis as they make a much larger percent of the population.  A lot to chew on.

    These are just random thoughts Beth, appreciate your thoughts.  We will have to learn together. If you find one of those drugs is a little less threatening let me know.  Hope maybe you will be surprised and not have it.  Wouldn’t that be nice?   

    Ron pulmonary edema is not fun.  Hope your day is a bit better today.

    Lorita take care of yourself too.  

    How did those beans turn out Zetta?

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Hi again,
    Ron, so glad Lou is feeling better - now for you.  How's the sitter doing?    Continue to take it as easy as you can.  I know as a former caregiver (still one to cats, dogs and cows) that it's not as easy as it sounds.  Try to organize things so you don't have to get up so much.

     I bet I don't sit still for more than ten minutes at a time without getting up to do something.  It's amazing to me how much water those girls do drink.Guess I'm going to have to give up my long metal hose - it's leaking around the connection.  I got a couple more quick connects and thought that would help but all I got was a lot of cold water on me for trying.

    Noticed last night about 8 p.m. that some things from Amazon had been delivered - not here to the house.  So, in my gown and robe drove down and there the boxes were at the road.  It just doesn't do any good to fuss about it - I've done that for months so guess I'll just contend with it.  Opened the boxes a while ago and wiped down things.  Got some more bird feed.  They've gotten used to having it in their feeders so I'm stuck for the winter - which is fine with me.

    Talked to Sarah quite a lot this morning.  They're trying to figure out a way to give her pain meds without it being in an IV.  When she swallows them they don't have time to dissolve before they get out of her body. 

    I'm watching one of the zoo shows.  Wonderful how they take care of the animals- but, they're still in captivity.  Just now they're getting ready to get a baby bear cub that was found when he was about eight days old used to the outside world.  He was found in a den.  His mother didn't return to him so they got him to eating and he's doing fine.

    Sara, glad you got your grocery shopping done before the rain began.  Do you buy your mothers groceries and some for J plus yours?  Are you noticing price increases in most things?   I know I am on WM.com and Amazon.  Pepsi has gone out of sight.  They have the 2 liter bottles of RC Cola at our little store for 99 cents so I think I'll just buy it there instead of at the grocery store.

    Sounds like you're trying to find what will work best for you and possible osteoporosis.  I think of a friend I had years ago who had it - she'd fracture bones so easily and had to wear a back brace a lot of the time.  I don't think I ever heard her complain.  I think she was taking Fosamax but not sure.  I hope the new machine can work for you.
    Enjoy the rain.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sad news.   Our son and DIL had to have their little elderly dog put to sleep. Kidney failure got much worse and was not responding to treatment; she had begun having uncomfortable symptoms.  She was very elderly and was also being treated for heart disease.  This is the third little elderly dog they have had to have put to sleep over the last couple of months due to severe conditions that could not be helped.  All of them about 16 years old; all rescues, and son and DIL had them for years. I will miss those little personalities and sweet little faces.  They still have the oldest rescue who is 17 years old and the newest one they just took in that is five month old who is also a rescue.  They are so used to having the four fur sweeties, is is  a sad adjustment for them.

    Lorita, that balloon and teddy bear bouquet for Sarah sounds awesome. How also wonderful it was for the room cleaner to bring her flowers.  Lovely and thoughtful. Let's hope they find a way to relieve Sarah's pain; that would be a huge plus.

    We here are battening down the hatches - we have a, "bomb cyclone" storm approaching. The news weatherman said that this is NOT the biggest storm we've had in years; it is the biggest storm California has had in decades.  Yikes!  It is expected that even we folks on the flat lands will get around four inches of pounding, relentless rain accompanied by harsh winds between 25 mph to 70 mph depending on where one lives. I think the 70 mph would be in the higher areas.  Power outages also possibly expected to happen, so I have my LED lantern at the ready and am charging my Kindle book and cell phone so they will be fully charged if power goes out.  If I can read, all is well.   It has been lightly raining all day; the biggest part of the storm barrage is supposed to start about 12:00 pm midnight and continue battering until about 4:00 pm tomorrow evening.  We are not ordinarily in a flood zone, so I sure do hope we do not end up getting water in the house due to ground overload.  Haven't ever had that happen, but we've never had a bomb cyclone before.

    The ground is very water saturated due to all the rain we have been having, so it is expected the riskier foothill areas will be flooded and lots of concern about flooded roads everywhere.  The worst areas will be where people live up in the hills that had summer fires and ground cover is gone.  Some are being asked to evacuate.  Debris flows with massive mud slides are a big risk below those areas.  Citizens are asked not to drive and stay off roads tomorrow.  Supposedly the heaviest of the heavy will hit early a.m., about the busiest commute time when people are going to work. Not good.   Kind of reminds me of that Shakespeare quote, ". . . Something wicked this way comes."

    If power goes out, lanterns will do and there is a fireplace in the living room and one in the upstairs master bedroom, so we will be able to stay at least a bit warm as our heat is electric. Glad I took a shower and shampoo this afternoon, no way would I want to take an ice bath tomorrow a.m. if power does indeed go out. 

    Ron; I can understand your not wanting to use the safety device. Would it help if you told yourself that it is not an option, but a necessity since if something happened with you, Lou would not know how to call for help.  That is now a significant risk.  If you wear an undershirt underneath your regular shirt, perhaps you could wear the pendant around the neck but tuck it inside the outside shirt so it rests comfortably on your t-shirt. Just another suggestion.

    How nice of you to get fruit for Darwin and his wife, Lorita.  They will not be expecting a surprise gift and bet it will be a delight for them.  That is really thoughtful of you.

    Gosh; got to get going, early dinner - left overs from last night.

    Have a good evening everyone,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    What a nice balloon bouquet, Lorita!

    My travel club usually has a nice New Year's Eve and Rose Parade outing.  They go to a local hotel for dining and dancing until midnight, then get a few hours sleep in one of the rooms.  At 5 am they have breakfast, then travel by bus to Pasadena to reserved bleacher seats by 7 am.  This year it was not possible because there was a whole day between NYE and the Parade.

    I had an auto service appt today, when I arrived they were backed up, told to come tomorrow--but tomorrow we will have the bomb cyclone rain and flood situation.  I'm not going out!  I rescheduled for next Wednesday. CA doesn't do well with rain, be prepared to hear about mudslides.

    Actually, now I am feeling a bit sick, in my g-i area.  I don't remember eating any bad foods--wait, I take it back, I have been eating regular ice cream, although I did take the lactaid pills beforehand.  Perhaps they were not enough.  I'm going to fast for a few hours, then drink water until I feel better.  See you tomorrow. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Iris, I hope you feel better soon.

    Sara, thanks for the info and encouragement regarding osteoporosis. In the past, I had osteopenia. We shall see what the results are now. Seems as we age we (especially women) lose bone every year. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day - just a quick note to tell you (you may already know) that David has Honeybells on his show tonight.  Earlier today I ordered some for Darwin and his wife and for me.  They are so good.   I've ordered them before for them and for me and I think for Jack and Patsy.  Patsy's favorite was the pears - no longer on QVC but you can get them from Harry and Davids.  Maybe I mentioned the Honeybells earlier today - sorry if I did.

    Also, wanted everyone to know this and to tell you about something that sold out a while ago.  It was a set of two trays to either use in the microwave or to put your meal on.  There's one small (fits in my microwave) and a larger one.  I've had these for a couple of years and I literally use one of them every day, usually more than once a day.  They are wonderful.  I don't eat at the table but in my chair in front of the TV and they're great for that.  They have handles on them so you can take things out of the microwave without burning yourself.  Prepology, I think is the company.

    I'll be back later.  Watching In The Kitchen with David.  His new helper is Steve - I really like him.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Jo, I'm so sorry about the little dogs going to sleep.  I know how hard that is.  Many years ago we had poodles - up to a dozen or more at a time, not including occasional puppies.  There was some kind of tick down in Texas that had moved up into our area and if the dogs ingested the tick, it killed them.  We lost several that way.  Still miss poodles.  When we had so many we bathed them, then gave them puppy clips.  Really smart dogs.  We have to think that these little, rescue dogs had a really good life after they were rescued with your son and DIL.  Our vet is such a compassionate person he never says "put down" - he says he had to let them go to sleep.  We've lost probably half a dozen for various reasons, kidney failure for two, in the past several years.

    I'm worried about the awful storm that's coming your way.  Iris, you're a smart lady to postpone that trip to the car shop.  You surely don't want to be out in that weather.  I hope it's not as bad as they think it will be.

    The owner of the car shop where my car has been for six weeks or more called today - not good news.  They cannot find out what's wrong with it.  He says he's been over that car several times and is well acquainted with it.  They still can't find what's wrong.  It'll start but if you press on the brake or turn on the lights, the motor dies so it's undrivable.  I'll have it brought home tomorrow and either donate it or junk it.  Really hate to do it because it's the best riding car - 2001 Mercury Grand Marquis with still pretty low miles - under 80,000.  But, it's had a good life so it is what it is.  

    The honeybells are almost gone until next year.  They're only available for about six weeks but much shorter time this year.  The ones that will be shipped are still on the trees with another week before they're ready to pick.  

    Jo, if your power goes out, I can empathize.  Years ago we were out of power for over two weeks.  We had one heating stove - rest of the house was electric.  So, we stayed in that one room, luckily it was on the south side of the house so the sun helped a little bit.  Gets hairy out here sometimes.  Keeping my fingers cross that the storm will be short lived for you.

    They're trying to feed Sarah through her feeding tube today and she's in terrible pain - says it feels like someone's pouring hot water on her.  They're trying to get her off of IV fluids and pain meds so she can get some nourishment but nothing stays in her body long enough to provide the nourishment.  I talked to her a long time this evening to try to get her through the half hour until she could have more pain meds.  She did go to sleep for a little while.  Hopefully, she can sleep a little tonight.  I feel sorry for Todd.  He's trying to stay with her as much as he can and still do a little bit of work.  She says he's worn out.  Such a shame this is happening.  

    I talked with Mike a while ago and asked him if one rib could get on top of another. You know veterinarians have as much training as an MD so he's a doctor, just for animals.  He said there's such a thing as floating ribs where it's attached to the sternum by cartilage instead of bone.  Also something called slipping rib syndrome.  The place where it hurt so much yesterday didn't hurt as much today but is hurting a little higher up and in my back - referred tenderness or soreness, I guess. 

    He said Toad is some better - helped him feed a little bit the last day or so - and now his nephew isn't well.  He also mentioned that the time is going to change like it is in the summertime so there won't be as much morning daylight - I think that's the way it is, confusing to me.  He said he didn't see Eve this morning so asked Toad if he saw her and he had - so he checks on newborns, too.

    Those trays are great - if you all ever see them on QVC, they're really worth the price - about $24. I think.  Like I said I use one of them every day, for every meal.

    Ron, hope you've rested some today and can sleep well tonight.  Hope Lou can sleep, too.  

    Sandy, hope you're feeling better - will talk with you soon.  

    See you all tomorrow.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Iris L. wrote:

    Actually, now I am feeling a bit sick, in my g-i area.  I don't remember eating any bad foods--wait, I take it back, I have been eating regular ice cream, although I did take the lactaid pills beforehand.  Perhaps they were not enough.  I'm going to fast for a few hours, then drink water until I feel better.  See you tomorrow. 


    My DH suffers from lactose intolerance. For ice cream, he exclusively eats the Breyer's Lactose-free or Lactaid. I cook exclusive with lactose-free milk. If he's trying foods made with lactose elsewhere, he takes several Lactaid. Ofttimes 6-8 caplets. He was a research chemist who worked in pharma for a time and feels like the Lactaid pills have a mixing issue where some pills may not actually have enough active ingredient to keep him out of the weeds. 

    Last time we were all in New England he and my niece (also lactose intolerant) risked Clam Chowder in Gloucester. DH took 8, niece claimed 2 would be fine; she was sick as a dog all evening and he was fine. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I checked the Cuchman site for the Honeybells and wow, 5 lbs for almost 1/2 the price of QVC. Still almost $4 a piece...think I will pass.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, the honeybells are good, but are expensive. I've gotten oranges in the grocery store that had no juice at all so these are better.  I ordered them for Darwin and his wife because I had before and they so enjoyed them.  He's been so good to me and I thought it would be nice for her.  I just ordered 3 lbs. for myself.  I tried the Cushman website and got ATVs.  Where did you check?

    HB - what does your husband or people with lactose intolerance do about cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt?  Just take the tablets?

    Hate to ask this but I've seen your posts a lot and have wondered and wondered what your avatar is?    

    It's a pretty day - chills this morning but supposed to be in the 50s this afternoon and even warmer tomorrow.    I have to get the car home but I'll wait until tomorrow to let the road dry out a little bit more.   I  need to call about gravel for it.

    Talked briefly with Sarah.  She had just finished PT - had her walk to the bathroom with her walker.  Then, they were going to do a little more.  She said her legs were shaking when she tried to walk.  She's been in bed so long that her legs are weak.  Last night they gave her medicine to help her sleep and this morning discontinued her tube feeding.  The tube didn't seem to work so don't know what they're going to do.

    Nothing going on  here this morning.  Day, found another hour of Denim & Co. - same clothes so didn't order anything.  The host this time is Rosina - don't really care for her either.  Last night Steve was on with David and I think he'll be a really good host - like Alberti.

    Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou this morning.  Continue to take it as easy as you can - you need to recuperate.

    Enjoy the day - will be back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here I am in wet and wetter California.  It has rained fairly steady in full downpour all night and so far today expecting it to go overnight again, but lighter tonight.  Had a couple of breaks with no rain for about a half hour before starting up again.  It has been a lot of water. About two inches already, but not the four inches mentioned as being the expected marker for this morning. In our area, we have also not had the big winds as predicted.  Last weeks rain did  have big wind, just not today.  Constant full on rain expected to last until tomorrow morning.  Then we are clear until Monday when a new rain storm comes along for Monday and Tuesday.  Snowing like mad way up in the Sierras which is good for water needs.

    Northern California got hit a lot harder with some areas having power lines down and transformers blowing out in San Francisco, San Rafael.  Down south, the foothills and actual hills in what had been burn areas are in severe danger and many areas under special alarm watch; some asked to evacuate as mud slides expected to be very high risk. The foothill community of Duarte has been put on "yellow alert" for possibility of dangerous mud and debris flow. They have put cement guard rails along each edge of the roads in housing areas in hopes to divert the mud away from the homes should it come.  In past years, homes were knocked down by the gargantuan mud and debris flow and people died.  We are talking about substantail homes, not small shacks.  At least at this time, though heavy rain, no bombastic activity as the news had been projecting.  Grateful.  Lots of car accidents though due to dangerous conditions on roads as always seems to happen when it rains.

    Those Honeybells sound awesome.  Are they sweet and delicious?  I have never had one, but for what they cost they should be heavenly.  I do love good citrus.

    Honestly; once again even more the past few weeks, the plethora of ads for lawyers on TV has burgeoned.  Have you folks seen the same sort of dynamics in the states you live in?  Curious. So many of these ads with some putting actual award amounts on their ads such as $180,000 for neck injury and $350,000 for leg injury and so forth.  Another touts they have a billion dollars in settlements.  Guess it is a way to induce some folks to be potential customer clients to have people thinking about how to make "big" money.  Just seems an ethical question for me personally.  For me, the feeling is sort of like - would you buy a used car from this man? (For some reason, it has been all males in these ads some of which are very tacky.)  Everyone in the race for potential clients.

     Ron; so hope you are doing alright; how have you been feeling?  Also hope Lou has been sleeping through the night.  Wonder if you have that nice lady coming in to help with things and Lou for some hours.  Hope so.  Sending warm wishes for you to feel much better very soon.

    Lorita, poor Sarah; hope they are able to find a way for her to get nutrition. Do you know if they have been "feeding" her temporarily with PPN or TPN?  Sometimes that is done for a short period of time with carefully planned nutritional fluid being instilled through special lines.  I was hoping with some bowel rest perhaps she would be able to tolerate the tube feedings.  Truly, I am very sorry the tube feeding caused distress and did not go well.  So hope they find a helpful answer soon..

    As for your recent concerns - a vet is not educated the same as a board certified physician for humans.  Has some knowledge, but certainly not on the cutting edge.  If you have a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician that would be the optimum for you and for any of us who are "mature."  These are the folks who have extended education and are for me, like the detectives of medicine and most of them excellent in needed intervention or treatment if necessary.   You could use such a good medical person with a close, close look to rule in and rule out a myriad of possibilities.  But you know me; a worrier for others.   Just seen too much over the years, I guess.

    Speaking of uh-ohs; just got on the news that the newest variant of COVID, being, XBB 1.5 is growing like crazy. One week ago, it was 25% of cases; on 12/31, it had grown to 45.1%. It is expected to continue to spread  rapidly.  Of concern is that this mutation allows the organism to strongly adhere to the cells and to also replicate itself very easily. Drats. Of course, no big push for precautions does not help; huge crowds of people in so many places.. Masking? Not so much at all any more. Politics even enter into it.  Full vaccination not in the numbers that would make a difference. All of this leaving the virus to continue to mutate with free energetic glee.

    Lorita, will the electritian look at all the wiring in your house?  Sure would be good if he did. Something has to be skewed for the breakers to keep going off.  Cannot imagine not having hot water for that long.  Did you have to boil water to get hot to do the dishes?  If stove was not gas and did not work, if you have an electric kettle, you could plug it into a living room outlet to make hot water for mixing with the cold to be able to do dishes or even to shampoo.  I am sorry you have been having to mess about with that.

    CostCo sells organic hummus in small two ounce individual servings.  It is tasty and in just the right amount for one good and sane serving. It is hard to stop eating hummus when it sits there in a large bowl beckoning and it is so creamily delicious. Good with carrots of celery or even with the miniature no salt tiny pretzels.  Makes a nice mid morning snack.

    Zetta, any more snow lately?  It is either snow or rain this time of the year.  Any issues with ice?  What I never liked was black ice on the road as it is so hard to see.  You will have  a beautiful green spring to come.  My brother in Bend has had snow and is busy with his atomic snow plow several times a day for awhile. 

    The third season of, "All Creatures Great and Small," evidently starts this Sunday evening on PBS.  It turned out to be such an excellent program.  Wonderful casting, wonderful script and really good ongoing stories.  I think you would enjoy it, Lorita and everyone.  BUT . . . if you have not seen the first and second season, please do not watch the current one, but find and bring up the first two to watch; otherwise it will be a big loss as to what has happened. The filming is in the beautiful Yorshire Dales in England.  The main characters are veterinarians for all sized animals.  Here is a clip of this rich program:


    Have a cozy, snug and hopefully a restful day for one and all,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Jo., I'm glad the rain is not as bad, hopefully it want get that way. Kinda reminded me of my Vietnam days during monsoon 

    Lou seems ok now and I'm walking and talking, not much more. Lou's dr's nurse called and while I was on the phone I asked her if I could get any help from home health. She is putting a order in and said someone should be calling me. Now to see what they offer!

    My primary care appointment is 2-7 and when I sent a message stating the inpatient dr told me I needed a follow up sooner than that, my nurse responded inpatient wasnt aware how outpatient worked and they would see me on my appointment date.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Jo, I have hot water and have had for a couple of days.  I probably would not have had to be without any time except Jimmy had told me to not turn on the breaker too much.  I turned it on and so far it's still on.  I have an electric kettle I use for hot water for my tea but didn't have to use it.  I'm going to have him check all the wiring in the attic.  We had it all redone about 25 years ago but things happen.  He thinks the problem with the water heater is a weak breaker.  Seems like the water tank is working all right. When I turn on the breaker it immediately starts to heat.  It is about 8-10 years old though.

    Not sure about Sarah's feeding formula but that's what they were doing last night.  

    I've never eaten hummus - I don't like chickpeas but maybe they make it out of something else, too.

    Not hurting in my sides or back today but in my left hip.  A few years ago I had a lot of pain in that hip (this one has osteopenia) and my doctor told me to take calcium on a regular basis.  I did and it quit hurting after a few weeks.  I'll do that again.

    Never watched that show, Jo.  But, I know I would like it.  I watch a lot of nature shows and zoo shows.

    Ron, glad you're up and at 'em so to speak.  Just take it very easy.I hope you're able to get some help with Lou. Is this home health? It seems like the left hand doesn't always know what the right one is doing.  Very frustrating.  I'd call again about the appointment.

    Jo, glad the rains haven't been so bad so far.  It says there will be waves and waves of rain in your area.  I can't imagine how awful a mud slide would be.  I hate to even have to walk in mud.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here is a news videos I found showing how the mud walls and rocks destroyed houses and lives.  These were modern well built homes, but powerless against wild nature.   This is a problem every year.  If you watch through the video it is easy to specifically see and understand how it works to collapse the houses, all by mud and boulders washing down with might.  Hard to believe.



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    No Lorita it wasnt home health! I hadn't heard from my primary care about appointment that inpatient dr wanted for me to follow up with my primary care. I sent a secure message with a copy and paste of where they wanted a follow up with primary care on 1-9. Primary care nurse responded I had a appointment on 2-7 already scheduled. I responded to that message stating I had made the dr aware of that appointment and he stated that wasnt soon enough and he had sent a message to the clinic for a earlier appointment. That is when the nurse responded back that inpatient wasnt aware of how outpatient work.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, I'm sorry about your son losing his little dogs.  He gave them goods lives!  It is very hard to treat and take care of ill animals.  

    My cat Simon, who is now 18 years old, has hyperthyroid disease and kidney disease.  He is on two meds that I crush and add to his food.  I had him eating the kidney diet, but he has now refused to eat it.  I have to figure something out.  Otherwise he won't last too long.

    I never heard of Honeybells, I'll look and see if they are in the stores here.  Occasionally they will sell heritage or specialty fruits and vegetables.

    I feel bad about Sarah, having so much pain.  Do you know if she still has pain when she has bowel rest, meaning nothing by mouth for several days, and receiving nutrition by intravenous route?

    HB, thank you so much for the information about your DH and his lactose intolerance!  My lactose enzyme directions are to take 1-2 tabs.  I only took one for each large bowl of ice cream.  Now I know to take much more.  However, I think I will confine myself to Lactaid ice cream.  The store was out, probably due to the holiday, and I didn't feel up to going to other stores.  I have fasted since yesterday, now I am drinking green tea, and I feel fine.  This feels odd to me, because I have always had a cast-iron stomach, and could eat everything without any bad effects.  

    Sayra, that was good info about osteoporosis and osteopenia.  Ann Richard's, former governor of Texas, wrote a book about her experience with osteoporosis.  I've been meaning to read it, I haven't yet.

    The sky is mostly clear, with a few scattered clouds, and there is a mild wind.  The ground is almost dry.  The storm was not bad.  But I live inland, I don't know how it was at the shore or in the mountains and deserts.  


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.  Its good you now have hot water I would really miss hot water, hopefully the breaker continues to hold. I also don't think I sit longer then 10 minutes. Iam up and down all day during commercials I find things to do. I also like the zoo shows some of the animal shows I can't watch if I think I will see anything sad I won't watch it. But I do like the zoo shows. 

    Sara.  I bet you were glad you got your shopping done before the weather turned bad. My beans turned out really good. I started with a small bag of lima beans and added some pinto beans, and I don't remember all the other things I added but we ate them for 2 days and I wish I had more. 

    Iris.  Sounds like you have a lot of fun with your travel group Iam glad you have things to look forward to. Hopefully you're staying warm and out of the bad weather I also hope you're feeling better today.

    Jo.  Iam so sorry to hear about your sons and DILs dogs it must be really hard to lose that many in a few months. Those dogs had a good long life. That video you sent us is really sad how things can happen so fast even if a person is prepared. The weather here is pretty mild a little snow and some rain but nothing bad. Please be safe. 

    I have a memorial service to go to tomorrow it's for my friend who passed away in September. I have so many mixed feelings I really don't want to go but I will. It was supposed to be a small gathering, but it has become a big thing. Iam not comfortable being around a lot of people, I do know most of them, but still not looking forward to it. She was a people person me not so much. But I need to be strong and go.  

    Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Honeybells....correction....5lbs for $34.99 is through Harry and David
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening 

    Iris I find eating dairy products a little dicey too.  Sort of a guessing game as to how much lactase needed. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

    HB do you know if the pills your husband uses are 3000 or 9000 units?  

    Lorita sorry about your car.  

    JoC I’m glad things weren’t too bad too.  

    You guys probably know I’m not much of a reader.  Did read All Creatures Great and Small series when younger.  My favorite book was Charlottes Web.  Don’t know how many times I read that book.  Their goose was my favorite. Enjoyed reading The Secret Garden too.

    Fresh hummus on a fresh warm pita,yes!

    Take care

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I'll have you know that when the honeybells were on, I was thinking about you.  I didn't order any.  Man, fruit is so high now - I gave in and bought a 3-lb bag of honeycrisp apples at $10.99.  I missed them.

    The calls and emails were crazy today and I looked at my moon phase app - full moon!  No wonder.  

    I did my nails - if I keep typing I know I'll wreck them because they're not totally dry so I'm going to go for now.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Thought covid had messed with Lou since I've had my hands full with her, then day2 mention the full moon. Yep......full moon is working overtime here.

    Home health called and a nurse is suppose to come tommorow for assessment. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    One last post before bedtime ---

    Jo - the honeybells are very sweet and very juicy.  They say they're a cross between a sour grapefruit and a sour tangerine but they're bell-shaped and very sweet.  Took years to produce them.   I know  Darwin and his wife like them because when I sent them before I was over there for something a short time after they got them and she said they were already gone - I think I sent them the same size this year.  I'm considering ordering some Royal Riveria pears from Harry and David.  I used to have them on automatic order each year from QVC but they no longer have them.  They are so creamy and good.

    I just had a nice long visit with Sarah.  Jo, they're thinking about trying TPN feedings.  They said if they send her home on that, she'll have to be on Hospice so guess they'll put her on that.  They're still trying to figure out what to do.

    Iris, it seems that Sarah is in pain all the time. The only time she isn't aware of it is when she gets enough medication to help her sleep.  It was the same with my niece (not Sarah's mother) who had MS.  She slept a lot because then she wasn't aware of her pain.  .

    I doubt they'll have the Honeybells in the store - I've never seen them there.  They only have a six week period of time when they're available, once a year.  The ones people ordered yesterday won't be picked until next week, then shipped out the next day.  These are from Florida but they do have something similar in other parts of the country.  Looks like Harry & David has them available though.

    Judith, got something today from Florida Boys Caladiums.  Not sure I'll do them this year.  Sort of got worried thinking the GPs might eat them (but they never have). The cows have and it didn't bother them, just made them thicker and prettier.  I thought I'd dig the bulbs this year and try to overwinter them but didn't get it done.

    Ron, hope the assessment tomorrow goes well.  I think Charles was on home health for a little while.  They came a couple of times - actually one girl was here and stayed while I ran into town (she did the dishes!) but when I got home she was gone and another one was here.  He wasn't on anything long enough for me to really get to know how it went.  I do know one day when someone was supposed to come early, they were very late.  Hope it goes well with you all.

    Oklahoma had five confirmed tornadoes the other night - one about 30 miles south of us - the rest were east and north of us.  I've lived here my whole life and have only seen one way west of our house - on what we call a mountain - just a big hill.  Before I was born my parents said one went just east of our house, over the pond and on toward  a town NE of here and tore up the School for the Blind. Another time one was south of us and damaged the Baptist Church and downed trees.  That was way too close - mother and I were sitting on the cellar steps listening to the radio telling us where the tornado was.

    Thanks, Sara, I hate that about my car, too.  I really liked it.  Carol and her husband had one like it years ago and called it a "geezer" car. Guess that's because older people drove them. There's so many of them around.

    Guess I'll stop - doubt I'll be able to stay awake to watch Barney Miller tonight - still two hours until he comes on and I'm tired. 

    Zetta, on those nature shows I watch I can't watch it when I know an animal is going to be hurt or killed.  You can sort of tell when it's going to happen.  I asked Mike if he had seen any panthers lately.  Said he hasn't but he has seen a couple of different kinds but he and Toad do see wild hogs fairly often.  So far I sitll haven't seen any on our place but did see a dozen or so just over on the farm east of us about a year ago.  Don't want to run into one of them. 

    Good night - sleep tight and don't let the BBB.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I used to have an older car (1995 Nissan Maxima) in which the mechanic could never figure out why the check engine light was always on.  It turns out it needed a new computer.  I purchased one from a company in Texas.  That one worked for a couple of years.  But then it stopped working, and I could not locate that company again, nor any other car computer company.  It could not pass the smog test so I could not get it registered.  So I had to donate it.  But my car had over 200,000 miles on it.

    Is Sarah in a state that allows medical cannabis products for pain? 


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Lorita wrote:

    HB - what does your husband or people with lactose intolerance do about cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt?  Just take the tablets? 

    DH seems to tolerate a little lactose but milk and ice cream are a problem for him. Lactaid does make their own brand of cottage cheese, but he's generally OK with regular (relatively low in lactose generally) in normal serving sizes. Yogurt is higher in lactose, but many people tolerate it well because the live cultures act on the lactose to make it more digestible. Most aged cheeses are fairly low in lactose but fresher ones like Feta could cause a problem. Buttermilk is no problem for him. 

    Hate to ask this but I've seen your posts a lot and have wondered and wondered what your avatar is? 

    That's a squirrel on the birdfeeder just outside my window letting me know I need to refill. 


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Iris L. wrote:

    HB, thank you so much for the information about your DH and his lactose intolerance!  My lactose enzyme directions are to take 1-2 tabs.  I only took one for each large bowl of ice cream.  Now I know to take much more.  However, I think I will confine myself to Lactaid ice cream.  The store was out, probably due to the holiday, and I didn't feel up to going to other stores.  I have fasted since yesterday, now I am drinking green tea, and I feel fine.  This feels odd to me, because I have always had a cast-iron stomach, and could eat everything without any bad effects.  

    I am glad you're feeling better. 

    DH's caplets are a 9000 FCC unit "serving" each and he still takes a handful. And he's meticulous about expiration dates. He carries a couple in his wallet "In case he gets lucky".

    Milk and ice cream have the most lactose in them per serving. And who among us ever treats themselves to an actual 1/2c serving when enjoying ice cream? He can tolerate a little lactose, but as he's gotten older it's less and less. 

    Ice cream is how he figured out he was lactose intolerant. We were in Indiana for his class reunion when he gorged himself on malts from the Steak'n'Shake. He ended up in such pain we ended up at the local urgent care where he was told he had food poisoning. We were staying with his brother who is an ER doc and got totally bent out of shape that he'd gone to a competing hospital's UC. He told DH he was likely having a gall bladder attack and would need surgery. He gave DH 2-day of opiates and I drove us back to Philadelphia with DH stoned out of his mind. He felt a lot better in a couple days and then did the experiment-- ever the scientist-- of adding milkshakes back into his diet. It did not go well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, HB, I can see the squirrel now.  Do you have lots of squirrels?   We have a couple, sometimes three.  This is the first year I've seen them around here.  We have a black walnut tree in the yard so guess they're here for the walnuts.  It's fun to see them go from tree to tree, never touching the ground.

    Someone came to feed this morning, about an hour later than usual so something must have gone awry.  About 7:30 everyone made the trek out to the feeders but no one came until after 9.  Just saw them going back to the hay.  I was watching for Eve and her mother.  I had seen them go by to the feeders.  I saw her mother with another cow behind her and Eve behind her.  Penny stopped and waited until Eve caught up with her.  They really take good care of their babies.  

    Rib cage is a bit uncomfortable this morning but not hurting - seems like every way I turn it crimps it.

    Just put ingredients into the bread maker for a new loaf.  I think it takes a little over three hours to make one.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Ron, take it easy.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    HB thanks again.  I do take 3  (9000 units each) per slice of pizza if eating at someone’s house.  Never eat over two and often just eat one.  That has worked so far.  Since that would have been nine of the 3000, thought I was taking a lot.  Now I know may have to take 6 or 8 of the extra strength.  I tolerate buttermilk much better also.  Use buttermilk in almost all my baking regardless of what liquid it calls for.  Only eat lactose free milk and ice cream.  Did take one lactase even with them because just so afraid of chancing it.  Finally a few days ago did try milk without any and I did ok. Does your husband do ok with the milk and ice cream without taking additional lactase?

    Had a skiff of snow on roof this morning but it is gone now.

    Just took a loaf of bread out of oven Lorita.  A fresh loaf of bread is a beautiful thing to me.  Fixed some beef and veggies for lunch and have chicken soup going to have for supper and fast food.  Baked some croutons.  Washed a couple of loads.  Have more on my list though.  Will wait til tomorrow.  Getting tired, makes me feel pushed.  I’m  trying to learn to push less.  Yes I am Judith, I find it difficult.  But when I get tired and keep pushing I get palpitations.  Hate that, so trying to learn from it. 

    Hope all of you feel a little better today who have been on the puny side.

    If you remember my friend’s sister and BIL got Covid about same time my Aunt and Uncle did.  He passed away last night and her sister was in ER when this happened and they think she had a stroke.  My family is a lot older than her sister, not sure about her BIL.  My family were vaccinated though, don’t have very many comorbidities, and are thin.  So maybe all that helped them .  Her family had none of that going for them the last I knew.   Took about 21/2 weeks but my family seems to be doing good now.  Feel sorry for her sister, always liked her.  My mom made her wedding dress, first and only one.  She let us girls know she wouldn’t be making any more.

    Take care

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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