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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
    100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    How is everyone doing ? Tonight for dinner salmon patties. None of my moms white gravy over top of them. My DH loves them without the gravy.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    edited January 23

    My husband and I lived 40 miles south of Tulsa. For about four years. We are both from Illinois. My grandma was still alive then. She said Angela the ice storms are terrible. Of course she was right they were awful. Hope you are staying safe warm.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    Mom will be 77 in February she recently had COVID. They prescribed the medication you are talking about. She got better fairly quickly has Lymphatic Lukemia. So high risk and she is doing fine. I know some of my fellow porch friends. Are about my parents ages. My dad will be 81 in February. I just turned 51 last Thursday. Of course 41 was better. But 51 not so bad.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    I fell down the stairs about 19 years ago. Small hairline fracture in my foot. Sprained my ankle bad. Keep it in the sling and elevated. Try and stay off of it.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    Absolutely adorable kitty. My cat Flick died about seven years ago. Just starting to get to the point of wanting another cat. We have A dog too. Named Buster he is fantastic but I miss having cat in my lap. Such sweet cat.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    Lorita, they didn't give you ankle boot ?? When I sprained mine they gave me something to lace up. To put over the ankle so it was embolized. I just, want you to heal well and feel better.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, everytime I see a cartoon like this, I can't help but think about you and your cows.

    Gastrology clinic called and my gastroscopy/ultrasound/dilation fir Friday is moved up to 10am from 1pm. Glad fir that.....less time to starve!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Caro, your cookies are here for you plus extras. Next time I'll bake them a minute less. Sandy, I think I better order some more cookies while the weather is cold. Mimi, Charles liked to make sandwiches with the salmon parties the next day- same with meatloaf. It's been red foggy all day. Visibility is under a quarter mile- can't even see the mainroad. We had a lot of rain this afternoon so everything is wet. I mentioned put bird feed in a shallow box on the porch. It's almost gone. I saw a large gray bird twice and think it's a dove. Also saw a pair of Cardinals and smaller ones. Sammy, one of my cats, enjoyed watching them through a window sitting on the back of a chair.

    Mike said he'd lost a cow and three big calves to frozen ponds and one to a hayring. They cut ice but sometimes they walk out on the ice and fall through. If someone doesn't see them soon they either drown or freeze. They were able to save another one who was almost frozen. Got him back to the clinic and warmed him up. The 450-500 lb. calf got into a hayring and when he tried to get out got his foot caught, flipped forward and died. I've tried to watch our pond but just now tried to look but the fog is so dense can't see too well. Did hear a lot of coyotes up toward the hay. Hope everyone is in the barn.

    I'll be so glad when our weather changes. They're promising warmer weather but more rain this week.

    Everyone stay well and don't fall.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    Greetings to those on the porch.

    @Caro_Lynne That kitten wins the internet today. So much cuteness in such a little package.

    @JeriLynn66 waiting on a goat-update

    @Lorita I hope Sarah's appointment went well. I do hope some relief comes for her soon. And kudos to you for checking in with the doctor's office. DH is still nursing whatever it is he did to his knee. He had routine bloodwork ahead of his annual physical later today and it did show some anomalies associated with injury. I guess he isn't goldbricking after all.

    My endo appointment is 30 minutes before his. He hopes I'm out in time to crash his. I want the doc to look at that knee.

    We did our annual skin checks together on Monday. He's tall and I'm vertically-challenged. His gown was mid-thigh which I told him made him look "trashy" while mine was almost to my ankles. I escaped with a single spot frozen, but he got several on his face done. He kind of looks like he was attacked by mosquitoes. We have similar coloring so it's wildly ironic that he's the one on the 6-month plan as the man rarely goes outside-- reading is his hobby and he spends hours devouring them. I'm the one at the pool with mom, gardening and even mowing the lawn sometimes.

    Mom's still claiming to be asymptomatic but her O2 isn't great. I masked up to visit yesterday-- she was kind of annoyed that I checked it but I want to get on this asap if she tests positive. One of the blinds in her front window broke so it's kind of askew and looks awful-- plus it's upsetting to the cat who likes to watch the bird/squirrel feeders insisting loudly on that side rather than the other side of the double window.

    I went to Home Depot to try and get a replacement, but the style has changed. I was going to buy 2 wider cordless ones and schedule installation but the clerk said they only install custom. And yet they had a sign right under the blinds saying they could cut them in-store and arrange installation right under the 2 I planned to buy. Lowe's didn't have the size she needed. So that was a wasted trip. I'll order on-line and have the girl who is my back-up driver and did closet and picture hanging install them. I'd rather pay her. She was exposed to COVID at the same dinner as mom was, so we have to see if she dodged it. She contracted COVID at a funeral around Thanksgiving, so she may be OK.

    My niece with COVID now has a rash all over her body. I hope she isn't one of those people whose measles vaccine wore off. It happened to a friend. She sent a picture of the rash-- it's looks measle-like and there's an outbreak locally. I'm hoping COVID-rash. She'll talk to her doc after a video conference at work.

    Weather's warming up here. Rain the next 3 days and highs in the 50s starting tomorrow. It's going to get sloppy. I hope the ground thaws a bit so we don't have too much flooding. The swales in my yard are still frozen, so I'm a bit anxious if we get a lot of rain plus snow melt.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, HB, sounds like you've been busy.Guess it makes the time go faster.

    We're fogged in again this morning. Quarter mile visibility. Looks like it's like. this all over the central US. Girls have been bawling so they hear a truck somewhere. Not feed day here.

    I just put some more bird feed out maybe later I can fill the feeders. Still trying to use the quad cane. I think the swelling is down some but my ankle bone and up on my leg is sore. I had never had a sprained ankle so not sure how long it takes to vet better. Diane said swelling sometimes lasts 2-3 weeks.I had a kreally bad injury to my knee when I was working and got treatment at the VA as an employee and it Still bothers me sometimes.

    Need to straighten things up a bit today and do a load of laundry. We'll see how that goes. Looks really muddy outside but will be in the 40s. At least the ponds aren't completely frozen over. Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's getting foggier! It started to lift about midmorning and I could actually see the pond. Then it got worse. I don't recall that ever happening before. Beth, is it foggy where you live? Looked like it might be on the weather last night.

    I just watched a good movie -'The Sundowners. I have seen it before but thought I'd watch it again. Glad I did. One of my favorite movies is The Man from Snowy River and the guy who played in it was in this show. Much younger then. Love their accents. Barbara, do you have that pretty accent and the words we don't have use for the same things? Hope you're doing well. Is your summer as hot as our winter is cold?

    I've been putting ice on my ankle. Still swollen some but I can walk better. Using the cane is beginning to bother my shoulder I injured last summer. If it isn't one thing, it's two others!

    I need to get out and start the PU and car but probably shouldn't- it's awfully wet and muddy. Enjoy your day.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    "I need to get out and start the PU and car but probably shouldn't- it's awfully wet and muddy."

    Ummm, Respectfully: NO Ma"am.... you should not!! Please stay inside and safe from another fall.

    Back later, still at the Shop.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, Yes, we have had fog. There was reported to be frozen fog on the roadways making it slick the past two mornings. Temp 37 this pm, and the roads are just wet. Glad the snow on the roads melted off.

    We have two vehicles. One we drive frequently. The other we don't drive too often. Hubby attached a battery charger that plugs into the wall. We do still try to start it or drive it every 2-3 weeks.

    I think you should probably get an x-ray and maybe a boot. It would provide support and comfort.

    Watching BB tonight. Not much else going on.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I didn't go out, JeriLynn. Thanks for the advice. Will try to tomorrow. Beth, the fog here has gotten heavier as the day went on.. Prediction is more fog tomorrow with maybe a ray or two of sun, then fog tomorrow night. Then thunderstorms. But, 60s next week. When we were feeding we kept something plugged (not electric) in somewhere to keep the diesel warm so it would start. My ankle seems better less swelling, I think. If it's not much better by next week, I'll go see my doctor. If will be two weeks Sunday since the fall. Getting bored staying inside. Hope there is something good on TV tonigh.t

    This weather is not good for the girls who just can't get dry. They'll be happier when the sun shines. They may come to the barn tonight. I think I hear someone bawling.

    I Hope all of you are well today.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Glad to hear you did not go out Lorita! In my humble opinion you should try to see the doc this week, if possible. Can you do a virtual visit since the weather is bad for driving? I too am so worried about the girls/cows, you've made them part of my life LOL.

    Making dinner for my pups now, I started them on Farmer's Dog about a year ago and am so glad I did. I mix it with cooked ground bison (less fat than ground beef) and they love it. Here they are:

    Suzy (the little one) rescued me 11 years ago when she was about two years old and I have never been anywhere without her. She's not yappy and is a little under 5 lbs., so goes everywhere with me in her "purse." I rescued Zeke for LO prior to him having his stroke which caused the acceleration of his dementia. So glad I did; they are inseparable.

    Back later xo

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good evening,

    We had fog too this morning. Has rained all day and fog cleared out pretty early.

    Respectfully agree with my other rocker friends on their recommendations for having your ankle looked at Lorita.

    Tried the buritto bowl Beth. It turned out pretty good. Made it with steak last night tomorrow think it will be chicken.

    HB hope your niece is ok, mom too.

    Two pretty dogs you have Caro_lynne.

    take care

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita, do you know if your Equinox has remote start? If it is parked within about 190 ft. of your house window you may be able to start it without going outside. It will run for about 10 min. then shut off.

    Point the key fob at the car, press the lock door button, then press, then press and hold the button with the arrow. On my car the lights will flash to let you know it worked.

    Not all have this feature but worth checking to save you an outing in bad weather.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Rain, standing water and mud do not make for pretty ALL white dogs and goats 😳Lilly has the long hair coat and she, more than the others, LOVES to be wet and muddy.

    No goat babies yet.

    Those boys at the Shop finished the 6 quart pot of white bean/chicken/smoked sausage chili today. So, I have some homemade meatballs frozen and guess I’ll throw some spaghetti together for lunch tomorrow.

    Went to see my FIL today at his ILF. He will be 98 next month. Short term memory is shot and he only changes clothes when I visit. But I go 2-3 days a week. He’s Still ambulatory with a rollator, takes meals in the dining room, participates in activities. Loves dark chocolate so I’ll order Godiva for him and will take a cake to the dining room to share. He says he’s going to live to 100. I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve already set plans in place, my daughters are designated to be POAs, his assets are already allocated to TOD, his cremation is pre-paid and he will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery (my husband’s mother is already there). So, I think everything is taken care of should I go before he does.

    I guess I better get in the kitchen. Have good sleep tonight everyone 💤💤

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi everyone, yes, it is (almost) as hot here as it is cold with you. We had 105 degrees on Tuesday, but just for one day here in the city. In the Outback, it has been like that for a couple of weeks on end, and even at night, doesn't drop much below 95. I used to like that, not any more. Today is around 80, bearable but I still did my gardening first thing this morning, and am now sitting in front of the fan. I try not to use the airconditioner, unless the house gets hot, Then turn it off after a couple of hours and then just use the fan.

    Stuck inside today. There is a big mud hornet nest on the wall beside my front door. The hornet is a wasp, black and bright yellow, about an inch and a half long, with a sting that is.... !!!!!! I'm not using that door, just waiting for the maintenance chaps to come and deal with it. I grew up with these, so know NOT to get involved. This hornet builds a mud tube, then finds a big spider, stuns it with her sting, puts it in the mud tube, lays an egg on it, then seals the tube. The egg hatches, and the grub has its dinner sitting waiting for it! Nature is amazing.

    Garden is OK. My tomatoes come in flushes.. lots last week so I was giving them away, this week barely enough for me. Don't think I told you I had a visit from a (native) possum, who took some of the biggest tomatoes just as they were about to ripen. Our possums are marsupials like kangaroos, and live in the big gum trees abound the sports oval next door. He left half the tomato, this one about 3 inches across, so I knew who had visited.

    I have another idea for a kids book about dogs, this time one very big and one tiny. Just letting it stew for the moment.

    Hope you all warm up soon.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Barbara...always something to learn when you post...thank you!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Barbara, I have 2 Great Pyrenees/Anatolian shepherds and until December, a 6# Miniature Yorkie.. they were just precious together. Can’t wait to hear how your characters develop!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good thought Marie. I have never had remote start so i never think about that.

    Jerilynne you are one busy lady caring for everyone. It’s kind of you. My sister and i are going to day to make perinatal arrangements for my mom. Nothing has changed we just want to get it done ahead of time.

    Sorry about your tomato Barbara. As always, nice to hear from you.

    Fog this morning. Giving some rain today. We had a half inch yesterday. A light rain all day long.

    Bought all the seeds I’m going to buy the other day. All are things that can be direct sown.

    Take care

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    Good morning all.

    It's a quiet day here so far. It's drizzling and a little foggy. Last night the fog was so thick visibility was down to around 100ft on the last 2 miles of my drive home. I'm making a Costco run later; I hope the crummy weather keeps the crowds down. I find it really unpleasant on the weekends. I'm out of all kinds of staples and gas, so I can't put it off any longer.

    My niece is tired but feeling better. She called me in tears about some SNAFU with her IVF meds. There was some confusion about pricing via self-pay vs insurance on top of feeling sick and stressed out from all the hormones she's taking. I just listened and validated. It's funny how those dementia-care skills come in handy. Fortunately, one of the nurses figured out things had gone sideways and personally made the calls to sort it out so I got a text saying she was feeling better.

    My endo appointment went well. I've been with him forever. He keeps me in terrific control and is amusing as well. He's a proud papa and has bragged on his dear sons forever but they have been replaced by his darling DIL and his 3-year-old granddaughter. He's flying from PHL to SFO so he can attend her birthday party and give her her gift personally and flying home the next day. I even got to see videos from her ballet class-- she's darling.

    We wrapped up in time that I was able to throw DH under the bus about his fall and injured knee. The doctor examined it and ordered an X-ray we did before leaving. He has a severe bruise to his patella and moderate tricompartmental arthritis. The doc is very concerned about further injury and recommended a couple of months of PT- to which I thought "are you kidding me?" I just wrapped up 6 months of on-and-off PT with mom. The doctor also recommended a compression sleeve/brace and switching to Tylenol (ibuprofen and tissue damage impacted his bloodwork results) as well as some exercises to strengthen and stabilize the muscles around the knees to prevent further injury. So, basically the doc repeated what I've been saying for 11 days. I asked the PCP which was better--a compression sleeve or a more robust brace with metal supports which led to us talking about my experience with knees. DS agreed to do the standard knee PT exercises with me at home once he feels up to it in terms of pain. I know he's weaker in the legs than he supposes as he's using his arms to rise out of a chair. Even I don't need to do that. DS tried to mansplain knee pain and arthritis to me. I had to shut that down-- he would not survive it. FTR, I have one knee replaced and a second one is not my friend.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Oh my, the RAIN! The pasture will be standing water by the time we get home this evening. I don't get out of the truck when it's this bad - neuropathy, vertigo and rambunctious dogs/goats are not a good combination with wet, muddy muck.

    The meatballs and sauce were good today. We only had 4 for lunch so there's leftovers for dinner.

    Took my brother in law to his pre-op eye appointment today. 1st cataract surgery is the 31st. I told him and DH: you will spend the night with us pre-op AND you will spend the night with us AFTER surgery so that I do not have to drive 2 hours each day. "Well, maybe I can get.... blah, blah, blah." NOPE, not playing. This one is gonna be my way or the highway and that's the way it is. Somedays you just have to show em who's boss. And I did that today. (I was sweet about it but I was firm)

    Well, it's time to do payroll. Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited January 25

    Someone on here, can’t remember who mentioned keeping copies of their POAs in their car. See that as a good plan and got that accomplished today with my mom’s. Now if i go over there and things not ok I have my paperwork . Thank you

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Very foggy this morning but it lifted some and we even had about five minutes of sun shine. Then it was gone and it's. cloudy and dark now. JeriLynn, it's supposed to rain here, too.

    Toad didn't come to feed until after 11 so I imagine they had a hard time feeding because of mud. I got out on the front porch and fed the birds this morning and the squirrels. I know they must be eating black walnuts. I see them broken open in the back yard.

    My ankle seems better. Ankle bone is sore and about 4" above it. Toes are still black and blue but most of the bruising around my heel is almost gone. Guess it just takes lots of time.

    Thought about doing some laundry - maybe tomorrow. Still wearing thermals, gown and robe but that's okay not going anywhere and haven't seen anyone except Toad when I waved at him. The snow is gone and hope it doesn't return this winter.

    Hope all of you are well and safe. My Pyrenees are staying in except for bathroom breaks. Looked like Stormy may have rolled in the dry grass this morning. Barbara, I have two Great Pyrenees and for over eight years had them and Barclee, a Shih Tzu who came up to their knees. Lost little Barclee last summer and really miss him.iThey got along just fine to be so different in size and the GPs get along with my three cats, too. Have a good and safe evening.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Have you ever suffered from an ankle sprain? A healed ankle sprain could need further rehabilitation, even if it no longer impairs daily function. Without proper healing of the ankle, you can put yourself at risk for an overuse injury of the foot. Worse, ankle sprains can lead to knee, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), or meniscus tears.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch friends!

    Up having a cup of black coffee and wishing I could have something to go with it. Nothing but clear liquids and at 6am nothing at all. Mixed emotions about today; not wanting them to find anything serious, but wanting answers. Just tell me what the pet scan keeps finding! At least I'll be able to relax a little with the feel good stuff they give you. I never stay awake with it!

    All the good food you ladies have been talking about has just about motivated me enough to get in my pantry. I've mentioned before several months ago I bought the ingredients for the salmon patties and also the holiday cookies I make every year. Just haven't had the get up and go to spend the time on them.

    Still sore from my fall, but guess we don't bounce back as quickly as spring chickens. I've had two home health nurses visit for my pulmonary physical therapy, but no therapist yet. Last time Lou's nurse was here also and I went over to help keep Lou calm when she was taking her blood pressure. She doesn't like it when the cuff starts tightening up! I hold her hand and try talking to her and this time she got mad, hollered at me and started digging her finger nails into my hand. We finally got a reading and now I'll have another sire spot.

    Guess I'll have my second cup of coffee before stopping everything. Will be back on the porch later this evening.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Ron, you’re an early riser like me. I hope everything goes well today and you get some answers.

    I just cannot do black coffee. If I can’t add sugar and 1/2 n 1/2 I just don’t drink it. Wish I could but I think those cups of milk with just enough coffee to make it look like “coffee” as a child ruined me LOL.

    No baby goats still. And Lilly the GP is acting absolutely crazy. She’s decided she doesn’t like having Jake or Jackson in the barn very much. She’s begun resource guarding her food for some reason. I wonder if it’s because of Boogie’s pregnancy? Whatever the reason, we can’t have that. The rain has moved out for today so we’ll rearrange the feeding layout to make more space for everyone. It’s concerning to me.

    Lots of errands today. Bank, groceries, feed, another bank for personal business and the pharmacy.

    DH has a verbal offer to buy the property and Shop building but the ice storm delayed the contract. Got word yesterday it should be ready next week. If this is happening then we’ll have LOTS to accomplish in the next couple months. He’s been in that location 30 years. Keeping fingers crossed for everything and trying to just stay in the moment. I have to keep reminding myself that ALL things work together and in God’s time.

    Speaking of time, it’s 5am now so I gotta get moving!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron hope today goes well for you.

    Jerilynne hope everything works out well for you too. No black coffee for me either.

    My sister and i are headed out to the Amish markets today if it’s the good Lords will. I don’t need anything just going for a ride in the country.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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