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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    I'm tired of the artic cold!! I truly don't mind cold, but this nonsense needs to end!! I know several others here feel the same way. I am however, very thankful for the sunshine. That always helps my mood. Today should be the last of this cold front. It's bad when I'm pputting on two sweaters on the dog to go outside.

    Lorita I know with my knee surgeries and recovery its always been to elevate above your heart. Hopefully Iris will be along and help you out.

    I keep my tree up all year and decorate it for the various holidays. DH loves it, loves "helping", loves the lights and so I do it. The tree has been naked except for garland for two days. I'm determined that today I'll get it completed with with Valentine's decorations. I seem to keep getting distracted, but today's the day!

    Be safe and warm my porch friends.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited January 17

    Ron made your salmon patty recipe today with fried potatoes and asparagus. Tasty

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sounds good, Sara. I used to like salmon patties. We used to just open the can and eat the salmon with crackers.

    It's sunny and 31 here but the south wind is howling so wind chill is 22. I've bee laying on divan with feet elevated but just got up and filled two of the bird feeders. Need to order more.

    Girls are still up at MH. If they come down I'll try to run water for them. Haven't seen Penny and her baby so she may have taken him up to the hay or she went and left him in barn. They were late getting here to feed and he didn't check the barn. I don't want to walk out there - going to stay off my feet as much as I can. If baby made it a day or two he'll be okay. Penny is smart so she'll take care of him. Kind of worried about Gray Lady in case she calves.

    JeriLynn, how's Boogie? I know you're anxious for the new baby.

    Ron, did you get snow? Hope things are well with you and Lou.

    Eagle, I'm tired of this cold weather, too. Ready for leaves and flowers.

    Jo, haven't seen a post from you in weeks. Hope things are well with you and your family. How about a short post?

    Joan, also thinking about you. How's your deep massage working? Hope it helps.

    I think Zetta's cataract extraction wss this week. Hope it goes well.

    Back later. Need to order that bird feed.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Boogie is fine inside the barn👍 Cold @ 19 degrees, windchill is 9 and sunny here but freezing rain again tomorrow. We’re making homemade bread today. We’re not going to open the Shop until next week. Roads are still covered in snow packed over ice.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Front Porch Friends - goodness, so much happening and SO cold in most places. We are in the 60's daytime, but get colder at night and I do feel the night cold as DH likes the house cooler. I found my fluffy chenille bed socks and they are truly appreciated. Also dealing with unwanted side effects of Prednisone and Cipro. Prednisone is a doozy, but must use due to new diagnosis of lung issue.

    Lorita; oh my stars and garters! Your fall - a real risk for sure. I am sorry your foot and ankle are injured but glad the rest of you is okay. Really think it is perhaps time to not to be doing what in past years was easier and safer. Just me being worried about you. Heavens; with an axe in your hand!

    I send a soft hug to you Lorita, on the anniversary time of the loss of your beloved Charles; I remember that time so well and the loss is of course still deeply felt.

    As for me; still having some physical issues. Injured outside of left lower shin banging it against a metal item. Broke the skin and bled a bit but seemed to be okay. Suddenly not okay; area broke open again making a wound and skin red across shin, so on antibiotics and HH RN out to check me out. Sigh.

    Pulmonary Fibrosis still of course an issue, not used to wearing an O2 cannula nor ever, ever needing to use oxygen. Really only need it at low flow when up and moving about as I get short of breath - cannot believe that is happening to a non-smoker who never used drugs and never exposed to harmful chemicals and has never ever had a lung issue ever; not even pneumonia; they call the fibrosis "Ideopathic," in other words cause "unknown." First time ever in my life that I have had a breathing or lung issue. Another deep sigh.

    Had "Cheaters Tortellini Sausage Soup," for dinner; it is so good. Use five cans or so of high quality vegetable soup placed in big pot; (I like Progresso), cook Italian sausage and then cut into coins or half coins and add to soup pot - then cook and drain a package of small cheese tortellini and add that to the soup pot. Perhaps a little more onion and whatever other spice one may wish, and it is SO good and even better the second day. Serve with crusty warm Italian bread and butter and tummy is really happy. Easy to do and enough for multiple meals for two.

    Got some really good purple grapes - large, juicy and seedless. Really nice - getting tired of too many apples. Like to have a fruit with each meal, but I get stuck in a rut.

    Son and DH decided to get me a new computer and as loving as that was, it is not a good choice. It is all silver and all keys silver with silver print . . . . I kid you not; cannot read a key and numbered and function keys are really hard to see to use. Want my old one back. Think we are going to have to retire the new one. I have been trying to adapt but it is really a tribulation with some keys in different areas and new keys with symbols so weird I have no idea what they are for and can barely visualize IF i hold laptop up near face. I am as you know, not a techie person.

    I want to go stay at JeriLynne's house; boy oh boy what a cook and a baker - her husband surely must have a very delighted tummy and really look forward to suppertime.

    Since it is cold and am rather laid up right now, I have been doing a lot of reading - keeping my Kindle going, that is for sure. The Prednisone I have to take as well as the Cipro hinder sleep, so the Kindle comes in very handy at night. Now I need to find some new good books to read. Love Maeve Binchey; read all of hers, Read all of John Grisham; like good authors and good mysteries, but never read romance books.

    Guess we need to find a new cleaning lady. The one we have who is fairly new comes later and later in the day and stays less and less time - less than two hours in a very large two story house with three bathrooms - have spoken with her, nothing changes and she is not inexpensive. So; once more need to look and it is not easy to find someone. Heavens; I used to work fulltime, manage four kids and cleaned the house myself every weekend; BUT I was young . . . . how I wish I could still do it myself, but that has gone the way of the dinosaurs.

    DHs back is bothering him a bit; he has been doing too much - I noticed he is using the chair lift when going up and down the stairs which he has never done before. Glad we have the lift.

    Ron; what a wonderful church family you have; so wish we had that. It is the way a church family should be for one another. How are you feeling now with all and sundry you have been medically dealing with? Hope some has improved for you.

    Sayra; your dinner with salmon patties and asparagus sounds so good - just the kind of food I enjoy; been a long time since I have had a salmon pattie. My mother used to make them a lot. I remember her also way back in the day using left over mashed potatoes; sometimes adding an egg and always adding some flour and making oval shaped shallow potato patties and frying them brown in a skillet - they were really good. I also remember the delicious mayonnaise cake she used to make - it was a depression era recipe made with dark cocoa and mayo - no eggs needed and it also I think took the place of oil. Really moist and tasty. A lot of old recipes come from the depression era and many are really good.

    Sorry to hear about the back up in the investment house Judith; what a disappointment and mess; hope all is easily remediated. Winter. I see the news reports of the storms back east and realize how difficult it is for people; especially if elderly or ill. Springtime always so welcome. I grew up in the UP of Michigan and can remember a bit of snow still on the ground on my birthday in the end of May. Walking back and forth to school in the dead of winter was really a tribulation for us kids and we had a looooong way to walk.

    Tis noon; time to think about a bit of lunch - please take good care of yourselves and stay safe; especially those of you in the throes of the harsh winter. With a soft hug being sent for everyone.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, I'm glad you enjoyed the salmon patties! I hate to admit this but I bought all the ingredients fir it over a month ago and still haven't made them. I also bought the ingredients for those cookies with the candid cherries, dates and pecans and they are still in the shelf.

    Went for my pft today and lung Dr visit and was lonely sitting in the waiting room. I was the only one there since the roads still aren't completely cleared. Pulmonologist wants me to start physical therapy and also concerned I hadn't been to a heart Dr in awhile.

    Lorita, guess what! Yes, I also took a spill this afternoon. Water pressure was low so I walked around the house looking and listening fir any water gushing. Didn't find anything wrong but did hit a slick spot and went down. Nothing broke just back, legs and hand sore.

    Suppose to stay above freezing now and I'm glad since I have a longer drive to the VA tommorow.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back, Jo! Have you thought about using a home care agency? I used Cambrian a few years ago for light housecleaning and laundry help. But there are several others in our locality.

    Lorita, it's better to keep your ankle above heart level if you can. Try to limit walking.

    Ron, it's so good you weren't hurt! Did you find the source of the gushing water?


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, your lunch sounds great! Salmon is a very healthy food. Some even consume the bones that are in the canned salmon (crushed) - good for our bones. Yummy asparagus too!

    Jo, your soup sounds so good! I am going to make it soon. Thanks for sharing your recipe. I like Progresso soups too, especially their tomato basil which is excellent with a grilled cheese sandwich.

    Ron, sorry you fell, but glad you weren't badly hurt. Lorita, hope your ankle is getting better. Perhaps a different watering system could be installed when the weather is better, so that the cows can get their water without a human having to chop the ice. That seems like a very cold job, and potentially dangerous.

    I received an email from Living History Farms, a very interesting place if you wish to google it - about their book group. They have some interesting choices. I'm not going to attend the discussion group but I did order 4 of the 6 books to read. Some of you readers might be interested. I will post about them below. Also, Jo, you like mysteries and perhaps you would enjoy Patricia Cornwell. I sure do! I also like James Patterson.

    Book club books:

    When Winter Came

    By Mary Beth Obermeyer

    Feb. 20, Flynn Mansion

    A century before COVID-19, a doctor in Titonka, Iowa, battled the influenza pandemic. He captured his experience in a document that his granddaughter discovered decades later.

    The House of Lincoln

    By Nancy Horan

    April 16, Flynn Mansion

    This historical novel tells the story of Abraham Lincoln’s years in Springfield, Illinois, from the perspective of Ana Ferreira, a 14-year-old Portuguese immigrant who works in the Lincoln home.


    By Sarah Miller

    June 18, Flynn Mansion

    This novel authorized by the Little House Heritage Trust follows Caroline Ingalls, known to the world as Ma, as she leaves Wisconsin for a new life with her husband and daughters in Kansas.

    A Culinary History of Iowa

    By Darcy Maulsby

    Aug. 20, Visitor Center

    Learn about the legacy of quintessentially Iowa foods. This bountiful history—including recipes—was written by a member of the Living History Farms Board of Directors.

    The Man from the Train

    By Bill James

    Oct. 15, 1900 Farm

    If you’re a true crime fan, this book is for you! The author believes he has solved a series of murders between 1898 and 1912, including Iowa’s infamous Villisca axe murders.

    A Christmas Gift 

    By Glendon Swarthout

    Nov. 19, Flynn Mansion

    In the 1930s, a Michigan teenager and his grandfather struggle to deliver a pump organ to their church on a stormy Christmas Eve, 

    (Also published as "The Melodeon.")

    Stay warm, everyone! We got up to 25 today which is GREAT compared to where we have been the past few days! Back in the deep freeze soon!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Nice to hear from you JoC.

    Ron wish i lived a little closer and maybe i could make the cookies and we could split them.

    Still very cold. Giving around 3-6 inches of snow last i looked, starting sometime tomorrow through friday. Im responsible for mom both days. Went and filled car up today. I was blessed to get a contract for snow plowing for her drive. Suppose to start warming up Sunday they are saying.

    Take care everyone, please no more falls,

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    This was how my drive to the dr was, just no snow, only icee roads. I saw one car that was flipped over, don't know if anyone was hurt but it would be a miracle if they weren't. Once I got off the side streets the roads weren't bad, they did a good job of keeping it cleared.

    Jo C, so sorry your Going through all this. I know its frustrating. After my visit today they want me to start physical therapy. I asked if it could be home therapy. They said it wasn't as good but understood my circumstances and would put in the order.

    No water was gushing! Found out later from the lady that stayed with Lou today that the water company had low pressure today. Wish I knew that before I went out and took a fall.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth we must have been posting at same time. I eat the little fine bones but cannot do those little round crunchy ones.

    Ron love the poster.

    Dont think i mentioned this, hope I’m not repeating myself. If you ever notice the old cast iron skillets that grandma had and were passed down, they aren’t as heavy and have a slicker more nonsticking surface. I thought it was just from their years of use. Imagine, it turns out they were made better. More modern brands basically don’t finish them. A YT channel i watch some showed how to finish them and reseason them so they have the nonstick finish. I shared the video with my BIL and he kindly finished two of mine for me to try. They become silver looking. She says with continued use and good care they will regain their old color but still not stick. Was able to make my fried potatoes with a lot less oil today and no sticking. There are American companies who make much better quality than mine i see, such as The Field Company . If you google American made cast iron you can find them. They will be way more expensive but made better. They are lighter weight and have a smoother finish. Anyway i have found this all interesting and thought if there are other cast iron lovers out there they might too.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sore this morning, but walking and talking with just some more old man blue tattoos (bruises) up and down my leg. Since I had my walk in shower installed this is the first time I missed my tub. The fall also left me with a sore back and nothing is better than a good warm tub. We do have a garden tub but it's so hard to get in and out if.

    VA appointment today with radiation oncologist and Lou's regular sitter still can't get out. Have a church member coming again today!

    I might need a cushion on my front porch rocker this morning! Lorita, do you have a day bed on the porch!!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I have never cooked with cast iron! I have a smooth top electric stove and I use 2 metal stockpots of various sizes and 2 glass pans for things like vegetables. I also have an electric skillet which I rarely use (grilled cheese, pancakes, French toast) and a rice cooker. That plus the microwave and my oven dishes pretty much meet my needs.

    I see there is a Richard Simmons documentary coming out and it'll be on YouTube TV Friday. My husband and I met him years ago on a cruise. Part of the cruise ship was his people called "Cruise to Lose." He was a very, very nice person and told us about his time living in Iowa.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Ron, glad you are up and about, maybe a heating pad for your back? My DH always has to help me get out of the garden tub. I just feel safer with him helping.

    Love my cast iron! I use different sizes for different foods. Use the enameled ones for beans and soups. I collect the tea pots. Have 1 that belonged to my Grandmother.

    Roads still icy and freezing rain moving in by lunchtime. It’s a mess. DH says we need food for the big dogs: I said I can boil chicken and potatoes for them. We’ll see… stay safe today everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, a heating pad sounds like it will hit the spot!

    Sayra, I had a new set of cast iron pans but they were too heavy for me, so I gave them away. My brother has my late grandmother's cast iron skillet, but I doubt that he ever uses it.

    Beth, I met Richard Simmons at the airport once, he had bought some chewing gum at a kiosk and said "Hi" to me. I read in today's newspaper that he has not authorized the biopic about him, he says, don't believe it. He wants his privacy.

    I drove my neighbor to the surgicenter this morning for a procedure. I set three alarms for 5:30 am so I would be sure to wake up in time for the 7 am appointment. However, I woke up at 1 am and could not fall back asleep. I am still wide awake now. I have to wait for him to call me to pick him up. I'll probably get drowsy this afternoon.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Iris how kind of you to help your neighbor.

    Lol i had to look up what a garden tub was. See why you can have trouble getting out.

    Beth my grandmas, mom and Aunts all used cast iron. I have a glass top stove and so do my sisters and we haven’t had any problems so far. Im careful though how i handle them. Im sure you could do damage. Guess they are nostalgic to me. A lot of my other cookware is revere. I really like it too. Got some on ebay. Have found a few pieces at thrift stores. They will look bad but as long as it is in good shape construction wise, pretty easy to get them looking good. Just like old cooking things.

    Somebody might find that cast iron someday Iris and they will clean it up and put it to use. It can be heavy, but some of the older pans my mom had that were given to her by my grandparents were quite a bit lighter. I don’t have them another sister does. My mom has an enamel covered pot. She doesn’t use it but hasn’t offered it to anyone yet. She made soup beans in it i believe. It is very heavy.

    well got to go check on mom

    take care, giving several inches of snow starting tonight and into tomorrow

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Boogie and her belly. I think there’s 2 babies in there. Her udder is still soft but growing fuller. She gets grain fed twice a day and has fresh hay as well. She’s standing in 2 feet of sawdust and shavings and is out of the wind.

    We did go out and get dog food. The roads were pretty bad and worse when we got home. So we’re in until it clears.

    Pan fried rib eyes with baked potatoes and fresh bread tonight. Kids are all fine, got groceries and warm; all is well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, hope the appointment went well today. I loved the picture of your neighborhood - looked like a winter wonderland (why do they say that - must be the people who don't have to get out on it).

    I love cast iron cookware. I have two skillets that are 8 or 9" across and one smaller and I think there's another 10 inch. I also have one that's about 10-12" across that is divided so you can have several triangular pieces of cornbread or cake. I don't remember ever using that one.

    JeriLynn, looks like Boogie is about ready, doesn't it? I bet she has two babies, too. I went up into the pasture a while ago to see the girls - haven't been up there since it's been so cold. I was able to see Penny and her new baby. Also saw Gray Lady. Everyone looked all right.

    Got the PU started with no trouble today and drove it to the mailbox. There's still lots of snow along the sides of the road. 617. I didn't get out at all yesterday except on the porch. It was 46 this afternoon and sunny so thought I'd see what was going on.

    Beth, I used to watch Richard Simmons do his "something" with the oldies. You look really happy in the picture and so young.

    Sara, be careful when you're out and around. Did you have a lot of snow?

    Jo, so glad to see your post. We miss you when you don't post. Sorry your husband 5954 is having trouble with his back again. Shame about your housekeeper. Seems like it's really hard to find anyone to do what you need. I've been trying to get the barn lights fixed for almost a year - trying with two different electricians but they seem to be covered up with work - maybe this spring. Now I'm also waiting to get the road fixed. The snow and rain we're supposed to have next week will slow all of that down, too.

    Joan, would be really nice to see a post from you and to know how the new therapy is working for you. Hope it's helping.

    Sandy, hope you can get a good night's rest. I'd love to see the deer eating corn. I haven't seen a deer around here in quite a while.

    I'll stop for now and watch the local news to see how cold it's going to get. We went 117 hours below freezing - but in 2021 we were below freezing for 11 1/2 days. That was bad. Everyone be careful in the cold and snowy weather. I heard yesterday that spring is 63 days away.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I did have my cataract surgery on Tuesday just 2 days ago. All went well and I have not had to wear my glasses since. I was very surprised how easy it was. I was at the surgery center for 2 1/2 hours/ I was able to drive the 25 miles to the surgeon the next day for a checkup. Not even wearing my glasses. They did the worst eye first and now I have 20/20 vision in that eye. The vision is so strong it has overpowered the eye that still needs to be done. That eye will be done in 2 weeks. Right now, Iam putting drops in 4 times a day of 3 different types of meds. My phone alarm is set for 8am 12pm 4pm and 8pm.

    I'm trying my best to follow doctor's orders. But it's hard Iam not used to no bending over, no lifting and taking it easy.

    I thought my weather was bad, but it looks like a lot of you are having it worse than me. I was snowed in for 3 days I had to get my driveway plowed so my son could take me to the surgery center. It's been very cold. The snow has let up for a few days. I have everything I need to be able to stay home.

    Problem is that every time the snowplow comes down our road it puts a berm up at the end of my drive and then I stuck in again.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, so glad all went well. Were you asleep during the surgery? I imagne it is hard to not do some of the things you usually do. How long do you have to use the drops pre-op? I sort of remember putting the drops in for Charles before his extraction. My ophthalmologist who I had hoped would do mine had his patients come back the next day for recheck but I've heard Triad doesn't do that. Take it easy and enjoy your new sight. Are you supposed to not read much or watch TV? Good to hear from you.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Lorita.

    I have pre-op drops I started 2 days before surgery. Then after surgery still the same 2 and one more. Then in a week I drop down to 2 of the meds. Then in two weeks I start back up on the pre op drops. I can read and watch TV. TV watching is really good reading not so much. Both eyes will be good for distance, and I will have to get reading glasses, but I was told OTC reading glasses would be good enough. I was awake but I was given a relaxing pill and it really worked.

    I was awake during the whole thing, but I don't remember much.

    I hope your ankle is getting better. And I agree with the others that you need to stay in and keep yourself safe. Especially when it is so cold/freezing out side.

    Hugs Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Congratulations on your "new" eye, Zetta! Isn't it nice to have 20/20 vision without glasses? I drove my neighbor this morning for his cataract surgery, and I will take him back tomorrow for his recheck appointment.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    I know about that berm thing Zetta. I like a plowed road though so guess I can’t have everything.

    Know we had snow last night and is still snowing. Going to eat breakfast then tackle the snow

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Zetta, I know when I had my cataract surgery I wondered why in the world did I put this wonderful procedure off so long. It's Been 20 years since mine and I still pass the eye test for license renewal without glasses.

    VA visit yesterday went OK. This was just a follow-up on my prostate cancer; psa good and no more harmone shots. I did ask her about the nodule at the gastroesophageal junction and wasn't sure if she had a answer and hopefully the gastroscopy with ultrasound next week will find answers.

    Had a call from home health yesterday and they are coming out for my pulmonary reabilitation assessment today. This is the first time I've had a community care put in a request to the VA and have it approved the next day. Guess the weather lightened the work load. When I went in Wednesday with icee roads I was the only one in the pulmonologist waiting room when I got there and no one there when I left.

    Freezing weather again tommorow and rainy all next week.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Greetings porchies.

    It's still cold here. We had snow earlier this week. It wasn't much but it was followed by several hours of freezing rain. My driveway and front walk are pretty dodgy still. It's cold and cloudy so I don't expect much improvement before the next round today. It's not supposed to be much but it's here a couple hours sooner than predicted and coming down at a nice clip. It's very pretty at least.

    I went into the city for a haircut a couple days ago and it was just treacherous. Only about half the sidewalks were cleared and/or salted which made what little walking I had to do scary. I love my cut but I'm not wild about the color. He used a dark ash toner but now it looks kind of drab. It's what I'm always pushing for and now that he did it, meh. It's just hair. It'll lighten with time and shampooing but right now I'm not loving it.

    I needed to head to the grocery store ahead of today's storm. I ended up at 3 stores with a list from mom and one for myself. I know she wanted to go out, but some parking lots are too dicey still. Plus, her breathing isn't great in cold weather. I did stay for a chat and a cup to tea as well as filling her birdfeeders. My niece is supposed to visit her Saturday which will be nice. She gets another eye injection on Monday, so I'll be spending the day then.

    I need to figure out dinner. I'm thinking maybe sheet pan nachos or maybe breakfast-for-dinner. I need to make another batch of granola as I finished the last one. That was honey and almond based with dried cherries. I think I'll do maple syrup and pecan with raisins today.


    I'm so glad you're happy with your results. Cataract surgery is a miraculous thing. In retrospect, my DH regrets fighting me on it for so long. We had a number of fights over this as his vision was so bad that he was seeing multiple (4-6 usually) lights when I was driving at night which made him feel like I was speeding into stopped traffic ahead. I'd be driving on I-95 with maybe 5 cars about a quarter of a mile ahead and he'd see 30 stopped cars 200 yards ahead. The day he had the first eye done he came downstairs from a nap and told me the paint color in the bedroom was beautiful like he was stoned or something. Maybe his sedation wasn't entirely cleared from his system. I hear you on the eye drop protocol-- DH was extra-convoluted because he had an additional drop because of the depth of one eye and because the man can't do his own eye drops. I created a detailed spread sheet to track each eye. It was crazy couple of weeks but so worth it.

    I hear you on following the post-operative instructions. With DH's first eye, he picked up a stomach bug/food poisoning with vomiting the day after-- I called the surgeon who assured me he wouldn't hurt the eye. I was freaked out.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Oh how I miss those days! Started crying when I saw this again!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, What a sweet picture, Ron. Didn't know Lou played the accordian. Has she forgotten all about it?

    Cold here but sunny and windy. It's 12 with wc of minus 2. Woke up about 5 and watched TV a while, then napped agsin. Some of the girls were in front of the barn so guess they went in. Heard them bawling so they've heard the trucks. Hope they cut the ice.

    Ankle and foot is swollen still but still able to walk on it without much trouble after the first couple steps. Any suggestions on reducing the swelling? What about a warm Epsom waits footbath. I know they recommend icing it. Did that once yesterday. Sort of afraid to put on a compression bandage. Guess I could call and talk to my doctor's nurse but know shs'd probably say I better come in and I don't want to do that. I'll try to stay off of it and keep it elevated as much as I can.

    You all be careful out there driving on ice or snow. Sara, glad you were able to get your driveway plowed.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Generally, RICE (rest-ice-compression-elevation) is first aid for 24-48 hours. I'd still rest and elevate as much as you can, but I don't know that you're getting much out of ice at this point since it's already swollen. Compression might be more comfortable even if it doesn't help with swelling. Warm soaks or a heating pad would be fine now and could help circulation to speed healing.

    If the pain and swelling don't go away, you should be seen. How long has it been? DH had a nasty fall a week ago-- he refused to see someone, too. He needed the walker and shower chair for a couple of days but his swelling is way down and he's pretty much better.

    I know you say you can walk on it. My mom said that too the last time she broke bones in her foot. And she could, too. She walked right into the urgent care (because I insisted) associated with our orthopedic surgeon's practice. And she walked out in a boot which made her more comfortable and encouraged it to heal properly.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I made burrito bowls last night - so good. Rice on the plate/bowl, then chicken or beef, salsa, corn, black beans, guac, sour cream, cilantro. We have plenty left so it will make a good meal again today.

    @ladyzetta I am so happy that your cataract surgery went well.

    Hubby is doing well. He can walk pretty well with a walker, although his gait looks a little strange. He can climb the stairs hanging on to handrail and a cane. He is in very good spirits, glad to be home. He has OT twice a week and PT twice a week in our home. The good thing about that is I don't have to drive him. The bad thing is I get real tired of having strangers in the house.

    Still snowy here, drifts, partly from wind and partly from the snow removal, are as high as the front porch. We got some additional snow yesterday, maybe 3 inches? I worked on it this morning in 0 degree weather. I do have someone hired but if it's not a lot I can do it myself and save the cash. I have been out and about the past two days. Wednesday the roads were not too bad and yesterday they were fine (before we got more snow.) Parking lots are awful though! Might go pick up a pizza tonight. We'll see. We do have plenty of food here but that just sounds good.

    @harshedbuzz I am sorry you don't love your hair color. As you say, it should fade with time and you can later try something else. Hope your roads and parking lots improve - and sidewalks too. Be careful.

    @ronald71111 that is such a nice picture of Lou! She might still be able to play. My mom played the organ when she was well into stage 6.

    @Lorita Harshed Buzz has some wise words for you. When my daughter was a freshman in h.s. she fractured her fibula and she walked on it - granted, with much pain.

    @Sayra Always good to hear from you. Be careful with the snow. I don't know at what age one should stop shoveling. I am 68 and still do it. We have a snow blower but I elected to hire snow removal rather than get the snow blower going this winter.

    @Iris L. How are your cats doing? I feed/care for a feral cat that we call Tortie. She is a tortoiseshell female. She is 16 years old now. She lives outside but has a nice warm barn to stay in. I don't see her too much when weather is like this, but she does come and eat and get a drink. I'll post a pic of her. She is very pretty. Also a pic of my 11 y.o. miniature schnauzer, Josey Rose.

    @JeriLynn66 your meal of steak, baked potato and bread sounds perfect. I do have a few steaks in the freezer but am waiting until we can grill them.

    Take care everyone. Beth

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I have nothing to add to what HB said except I think it's a good idea to check in with your PCP or advice nurse. I know some medical plans provide transportation to the medical offices, if you have to go in.

    Ron, the area in the brain that controls music remains viable longer, so it's nice that Lou can still place her accordion. What is her full name? My grandmother's name was Lavinia, and everyone called her Aunt Lou.

    Beth, your fur babies look very handsome!

    All who live in snow counrty: why are you going outdoors? Stay home where it's safe! I almost got killed on black ice, temperature was 40 degrees in Virginia, years ago. Never again will I drive in winter weather!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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