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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • 2dogssing
    2dogssing Member Posts: 35
    10 Comments 5 Care Reactions

    Hello All, This is my first day here. I joined earlier this afternoon. Seems as though almost everyone here is a caregiver. DH & I had his mother living with us for a bit. I am able to empathize with the caregivers. However, now I am the one that will be needing a caregiver. When I thought MIL seemed to be having memory problems, I was the only one that thought she needed evaluation. Her sons said NO. I told DH that I was just suggesting she visit a Dr. No biggie. If I was wrong, I would leave it alone. This is probably more than enough from the Newest Newbe. Thanks for listening

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited January 21

    Judith, have you had any snow or ice yet? Looks like it may be just east of you. Thanks for the link. Finally got it fuigured out for the recliner- not easy to do. As soon as I get it fixed there's some reason to get up. I may have to wear an ankle brace for a while. Probably walked on it too much last week.

    Joan, good to hear from you. Think of you often. I had a friend who had sciatica and she said it was really painful. Have you seen the ad in TV for a strap like thing you wear just below the knee? NIt has something on it that presses on a trigger point that relieves the pain.. Hope you can get relief soon. Isn't it hard to not be able to get up and do what you want to? Even with the sprained ankle it's hard. Can only imagine how you feel.

    Little pigs!!. That was a good sized litter. Daddy used to raise hogs. The little pigs were so sweet. Mother had a pet pig when she and daddy got married. He'd go with her to pick berries and would pick and eat them -:Willie Pa Pete was his name. Loved to hear the hogs eat coal daddy would give them for minerals, I guess. Take care and let us know results if your mri. I'm watching Tampa Bay and Detroit. Been a good game. Almost time for KC and Buffalo. Going to be a cold game.

    HB, sorry your niece has vivid again. Hope she does well. Did she do take the vaccination? Hope your grandmother doesn't get it.

    Everyone be careful and don't fall!!! Weather just said our area is under a winter storm watch with .25 to .5" of ice. It's getting close because girls are coming to the barn. They know what to do, don't they? Hope all the babies get inside.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    edited January 21

    No babies today.

    Judith, if you’re asking how to cook the ham? Just tent it with aluminum foil and bake @ 300 for about 20 minutes per pound. Don’t salt it.

    Found and bought a treadmill off FB Marketplace today. We’ll wrangle it in the home office tomorrow.

    My frozen fruit salad dessert turned out really good. No cooking needed in this house today. We did deliver food to my BIL and it was good to get out of the house.

    Everyone stay safe in the weather.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Actually asking where to buy one. I know there are not many places.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Judith, our Walmart carries them. Amazon has them. Omaha steaks online has them. (I send meat from Omaha Steaks to my kids and grandkids)

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I think daddy used to sugar cure our hams but not 100% sure though. Tulsa is having freezing rain and streets are getting slick. Looks like it's SW of us but WIll Be moving in soon. I mentioned I saw a cow limping today and Mike said he has four lame ones from walking on and slipping on ice. Guess I'm not the only one with a sore foot.

    JeriLynn, I like the potatoes from Omaha Steaks.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    @Lorita are you near Tulsa? I have a biological sister outside Oklahoma City

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, I'm in east central Oklahoma, over an hour from Tulsa and over two hours from OKC. My friend, Karen, said we lived in the boonie.the news people call our area isolated and maybe it is but I'm used to it.

    It's between 28 and 30 degrees so anything that falls will be freezing rain.This will go on all night and until noon tomorrow. News is reporting semi trucks jack knifing on I-40- three so far with other cars involved. Storm chasers are out and this one said it's a mess. I-40 is rough to travel in bad weather.

    Did anyone see the picture of the ice covered lighthouse on Lake Muchigan? Completely encased in ice.

    Joan, Baker Mayfield with the Buccaneers and KC Chiefs'Mahomes came through. Good games. Hope you got to enjoy them.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Joan so sorry you are still struggling. I had sciatica once and it was tough. Took me awhile to get past it.

    Can’t help with the ham question. Like it but don’t fix it.

    HB hope your mom doesn’t get COVID but if any symptoms try to get her on Paxlovid, believe evidence dhows makes a big difference in outcomes.

    Think we may be getting the ice tonight.

    welcome to the forum dogsing

    My grandpa had a smokehouse and knew how to fix a ham. Here where i live no way to get ham like that. since the issues in May they suggested a low salt diet so ham of the list.

    Take care everyone

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @jfkoc Salt-cured Ham? Last one we had was one DH bought driving through Virginia. I think he bought his at a gas station/road-side stand.

    @Bluebird Sounds like you had a bit of wedding guest list inflation since your last post. Weddings have a way of doing that. Good luck with you planning-- that's a tight timeline and I'm not sure what the wedding market is like right now. I think it's cooled a bit after all those postponed COVID lockdown nuptials finally happened so this should be happy work for you.

    I hope your DH is still in a place where he can enjoy it. My dad was late to be diagnosed well into the middle stages because my mom had some serious denial going on. Two years before he was diagnosed mom through a large 80th birthday party for him with about 60 people and he thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd guess dad was late- early to early middle stages at that point. I'd have a plan B for someone (maybe a sibling of his) to take him home if needed so you can fulfill your MOB role just in case.

    @Lorita I know for a fact my niece has had at least one dose of the vaccine. There was a time when the nice restaurants in Philly would seat you without seeing your vaccine card-- so I know she did. She and her DH were able to get the J&J early on.

    She's been really vague about boosters even though I rag on her about it. Part of the problem is timing-- if you get COVID, you need to wait to get a booster. Earlier guidance was 90 days by which time she'd forgotten how sick she was. It's shorter now, but she seems reluctant to subject herself to a day of feeling lousy from the jab given that she works 50–60-hour weeks and really guards her time off. The punchline to her nonsense is that she works for Big Pharma.

    It occurs to me that she's in the estrogen phase of an IVF cycle and was due to have an egg retrieval later this week. I have no idea whether the clinic will scrub the cycle or go forward. Niece is older, so what few eggs she has could be the last available. Plus, she's invested over $10K in medications so far this month. And she's been really cranky. OMG, listening to her vent is like the thoughts in my own head that I don't share.

    I plan to change my tactics on this. I am going to try to get mom to ask niece to do this "for me" (mom). She's more likely to comply for her Nana that for me (more of her mother-figure)

    @Sayra Yeah, I will absolutely call mom's pulmo for Paxlovid. Last time he called back in 5 minutes to do a phone consult. He's great. We have COVID Christmas 2022 thanks to DS. DH and mom both got COVID and did well on Paxlovid. She did get a rebound during which she was more symptomatic and he gave her another round which I don't think is done anymore.

    Fun times here today. DH has a fasting blood draw this morning. Then he and I swing by the derm for our annual skin checks-- I'm concerned about a new spot on my chest. It's 14F right now and the idea of taking all my clothes off to be checked seems even less appealing than usual. January appointments? What was I thinking?

    Then mom has an eye injection, so I need to call the office for guidance on that. She'll be angry if they cancel. The retinal specialists office seems to be kind of dangerous. Not only are a host of professionals all up in her face testing, doing imaging and injecting your eyes, the exam and procedure rooms tiny and the waiting room is full of elderly people with AMD and those with diabetic retinopathy. We have the 3pm appointment which means she'd be there until about 5pm.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Watching news this morning and many schools still closed in the County due to icy roads. Conserve water and boil water initiatives as everyone running their water to keep pipes from freezing. Some schools are closed due to water damage from burst pipes.. it’s a MESS! I keep telling myself “Spring is coming!” Temperature will climb to 50 today with rain and temps in the 60s the rest of the week. And flooding.. UGH!!

    Today’s project is getting the new to me treadmill into the house. It’s heavy but luckily folds up and has wheels for moving. I’ll have to move the entry table from the garage hallway and maybe DH will be inspired to move the loveseat into the garage for me. I want to put it in the barn office eventually. I’m lucky to have this big strong man to help with these things. I could do some of it myself but it would be difficult.

    I’ll finish up the chicken/sausage chili for the Shop today and make cornbread. Back later, have a good day everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, We're iced in. Doesn't look too thick bug doesn't take much. Everyone will have hard time feeding this morning.. Will have to beat the ice off the bales to get the net wrap off.. Our girls gere.t gethen uabove freezing have been in the barn but a few are out in the lot bawling. Not feed day here but they'll come and cut ice. Tulsa news said EMSA ower outages are hapoening. has responded to 36 slip and fall calls last night and this morning and 24 went to the hospital. It's 31 now and power outages are showing up. More rain is coming up from Texas so hope it's above freezing when it gets here.

    MARSHARAY Member Posts: 2
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    Hi! I’m new. My DH is in the MS of Alzheimer’s. He has always been kind, patient and laidback. His desire is to make it through to the end without a personality change; so far, so good. I believe God is going to honor that request.

    We live in a suburb of Oklahoma City. Today we are iced in. Thankfully, our meteorologists are fantastic, so we had time to prepare. It’s dangerous out there from the first step out the door!

    We’re having a party Thursday evening to celebrate his 70th birthday, so I’ll be cooking and baking this week. I enjoy that, especially during bad weather.

    Y’all have a blessed day!
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited January 23

    Welcome 2dogssing and Marsharay! Glad to have you join us on the front porch.

    Took hubby down to get his haircut today - his first outing since coming home from the rehab place, other than a dr's appt. He did fine. (He had a fall with spinal, ankle and humerus fractures in September and 4 surgeries.)

    It's in the 20's here which is an improvement over the subzero temps. We ended up with 3 snowstorms, 2 were 2 weeks ago = 18 inches, then 1 last week which was 4 inches.

    HB, I hope your mom doesn't get Covid.

    Everyone take care with this winter weather.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes

    Hi and welcome @2dogssing .

    That's a great screen name, btw.

    I feel for you in the situation is which you are seeing signs that need addressing while not being in a position to make an evaluation happen. I had the with my own mom for nearly a decade until dad's symptoms and behaviors led to a psychotic episode which landed him in the ER. The sad thing was that one of the mixed dementias diagnosed at that time was the result of a vitamin deficiency caused by alcohol use disorder and was eminently treatable. Once dad got IV supplementation, he was a lot less confused. Alas, he could have potentially regained more memory and cognition had this been identified sooner and treatment with lifestyle changes happened then.

    In your shoes, I would make sure her PCP does the blood work and perhaps imaging to rule out treatable conditions that have similar symptoms. Thyroid and B12 tests would be prudent. If this confusion was of recent onset, a culture for a UTI should be done as well. Is there a way you could pull this off without the brothers permission/knowledge. It's pretty routine well-check stuff a PCP can do.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, looks even richer than earlier. Girls have quit bawling so don't km w where they are. Welcome covering and Marsharay. Always happy to see new people on out thread. Good to have another Oklahoman in our thread.

    Found a message on my phone from yesterday from my BIL in the Texas Panhandle. I saw the number when he called but didn't answer because I didn't recognize the nunber. Returned call this morning. He's 94 and had been in a retirement home but had a stroke and is now with his daughter. No real after effects except slower getting around. He has a town home and may move back in there close to both daughters. His oldest is 70. Hard to believe because when Charles and I got married she was a teenager. Glad he's with her.

    I had a call from the company that takes care of our generator this morning just called to check on me. Thought that was nice. I need to call and check on Darwin and his wife as if I could help. Ankle still sore and swollen but can get around. I'm trying to use that quad cane and it is not easy to do.. You all stay in and be safe.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Welcome to the front porch 2dogssing and marsharay. Always plenty going on with friends on Lorita's front porch! Raining all day and suppose to continue through the week. Still finding more and more soreness from my fall last week, but walking fine so not worried.

    Lou loves purple 💜 and when I saw this at the store today, had to buy it for her. Don't know if she will like it are not, but I'll try anything.

    Lorita, I'm sorry for not typing bold, but I've tried everything and sometimes it works, but most if the time it want. When I try to highlight the paragraph, it starts with showing bold type, then switches to dictionary.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited January 22

    Quad canes are not easy...I was told not to get one. Be certain the cane is next to your good leg.

    Videos on the news are truly frightening this morning. Semis jack-knifed and in the ditch all over OKC. All will be over in about 2 hours...whew.

    Gas station in VA is probably a good place to pick up a ham. I need salt cured...no smoke...no nitrates...no sugar. I think it takes a long time to cure these and they may need to be pre-ordered.

    Let me jump in here about the cataracts. I do not know if they ever need to be removed but once they are you will see a wonderful new world filled with color and things like the leaves on the trees will no longer be a blur. It is quite wonderful. I had my second done some time after the first and pre and post operation were different. The second much easier. The Laser surgery a few months ago was a snap too. Oh, and I did not need any glasses after any of the procedures. However, at age 82 and 7/8, I find a bright light helps with reading.

    I grew up in a house over looking Lake Michigan. The seasons were wonderful,...especially winter.

    This weather phenomenon on Lake Michigan stunned meteorologists Friday (msn.com)

    Big welcome to the newcomers. Pull up a rocker.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's 32 with a heavy mist. The girls must hear a feed truck because they're really bawling. I think they feed Darwin's every day.

    Just did my Epsom saits soak. I think the swelling is down some but still really sore even above my ankle. Judith, to me it seems like you would hold the cane next to the injured foot. But, I watched Sara's Bob and Brad and did it their way.

    Can't get out on the porch or yard to feed the birds so found a shallow box and put feed in it and pushed it out the door onto the porch. They'll find it. Glad I have that vegetable soup made'- I'm getting hungry.

    Do you miss living in Michigan or even NM?

    There were lots of wrecks on I-40 west of Henryetta this morning and in Tulsa, too. Haven't seen weather but radar shoe rain and freezing rain all over eastern Okla.

    That's okay, Ron. Don't worry. I have to bold it way on my tablet and another on laptop. I bet Lou will love that little, purple uniciorn when she gets used to it. She looks sweet all covered and warm with her pretty throw..

    Everyone stay inside. Carol said her neighbor fell flat this morning clearing off his windshield. I didn't have the cover or frost guard on my new car so it's covered in ice along with the bales of hay. I'm ready for Spring!!

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Lorita, I love they way you worry about your four legged friends, but please be careful not to hurt yourself even more! How many acres is your farm? Sometimes you refer to MH, is that motor home?

    It's very, very windy here and temps are in high 60's.

    Lou is so lucky to have you Ron, love the pictures you post.

    Can't wait to see the baby goats!

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
    100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Good afternoon everyone. I got hamburger out to make onion burgers tonight. My DH and I love them. I was Paula Deen when she had her show on the Food Network 16 years ago. She made them they are like sloppy Joes without the sloppy. Quick and easy I like that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited January 23

    Mimi, your onion burgers sound good. I've been a vegetarian for many years but still remember liking them. I used to make what I called Big Chief burgers. Hamburger and onions cooked well done, then barbecue sauce topped with cheese on the bun.I used to watch Paula Dean, too. Wish she was still on. Caro, remind me which state you live in. Sixty degrees sounds wonderful.It's 32 here and raining which will turn to ice if it gets colder, and it will.

    We have about a quarter section and MH is mobile home. A few months after Charles and I got married we bought an 8x30 travel trailer and moved to a corner of the farm. A couple of years later bought a big MH. After my parents passed away we had some work done on the farm house, built about 1910, and moved down here just before a blizzard in 2000. MH is still surrounded by trees we planted. It's been ransacked several times because no one lives close enough to see what's going on. Mike and Toad feed the cows just north of the MH. Many memories of those 29 years living up there.

    Darwin just called. Donna went out the back door to empty kitty litter and fell flat on her back on the ice. He checked and nothing seems to be broken. She can walk and move her arms. Did not hit her head and no broken skin anywhere. He has analgesic pain cream and rubbed that on and gave her pain pills. Told him to rub sore places every hour for a few times and pain pills every 3-4 hours and to keep her warm. She'll be sore for sure. She has alz and forgot about the ice. Said he usually empties the litter so guess she wanted to help. He's scared but it sounds like she will be ok and he did the right things. Wanted to get her to the hospital but she refused. Too bad to get out in this weather.

    I think the girls are in the barn- saw some including Billy the Bull going in before dark.

    Stay inside and be safe.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    No babies today.

    The treadmill didn’t make it inside but DH agreed to move the loveseat to the garage this weekend.

    I finished my chicken/sausage chili. Cleaned and reorganized the dreaded Tupperware cabinets so now the kitchen is DONE!. Cleaned filing cabinets. Worked on tax documents. Did laundry. Sent birthday wishes/gifts out. Vacuumed and mopped the house. I’m tired 🥱! But happily so.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, good for you. Wish I could get motivated. You'll sleep well tonight.

    I called Darwin and he said Donna seems much better. She was able to get up by herself, came inside and he said she looked scared. Told him to get her into the shower and let very warm water run over her back in the morning. Should make her feel better. I told him to not even think about going outside. Promised he wouldn't.

    Sheena slipped on the front steps when she came in this evening so it's still slick and still raining some.

    Got a text from Sarah. Has a doctor's appt. Tomorrow. She said she feels like she's going insane with all the things that are happening to her. I do wish some doctor could help her. Makes her feel some better knowing you all are praying for her.

    Sleep well tonight and stay inside and be safe.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Jerilynn your day yesterday sounds about exactly like mine.

    onion burgers and big chief burgers sound good. How do you make your onion burgers Mimi?

    Beth you are definitely having winter. Hopefully it’s killing some of those things that like to bother our plants.

    Lou looks comfy Ron.

    Lorita take care if yourself, put your oxygen mask on first today.

    Good morning JoC. Joan hope you start feeling s little better.

    Take care everyone

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Hi all. Hope everyone is staying warm!

    Lorita, I'm in SE Florida about 45 minutes north of Ft. Lauderdale, so it doesn't get as low as 32. I'm one of the rare Floridians that does not put on a sweater until it's in the 50's; 32 would have me never leaving the house.

    Hope Sheena is OK and glad Donna doing better. I pray for Sarah, I cannot imagine what she lives though. Is she going to see a new PCP?

    Still waiting on baby goats.

    Here's a pic of my granddaughter's Scottish Fold; makes me smile when I look at her:

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Caro, that is one of the cutest kittens I've ever seen. You can almost read his mind.

    It's been a very foggy day. Fog should be gone by noon but isn't. Put in ingredients to make bread and baked a dozen of those David's cookies. Sandy, after all the trouble I've had getting them while still frozen, they better be good. I gave half of them to Darwin but never asked if they were good.

    I talked with him about 11 and he said Donna is fine. I bet she'll bruise though. It took about a day for my foot to bruise. He had already been to town - got out at 8.

    The nurse from my doctor's office called. She said to use ice to help the swelling and also might be good to wrap it to give support. I've done both and the wrap does seem to helpSometimes takes two or three weeks to get rid of swelling and get better. The hardest thing is to get up out of a chair.

    Haven't been outside and don't plan to. I'll write more later. Need to check in those cookies and feed the GPs.

    Hope everyone is well today.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Save me a cookie Lorita!

    What a cutie pie kitten!

    I’m at the Shop pulling reports and tax papers.

    We’re busy today so back at it. Later!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    The kitten is adorable!

    Take care, everyone.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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