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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Back from the doctor. He x-rayed it and there's is no fracture. It's grade 2 or whatever it's called. Said it would take 4-6 weeks to heal. Said I could wrap it if that made it feel better, elevation or ice if I want to. Don't do anything if it hurts it. . Okay to walk on it. Went by the credit union, then to his office. Didn't even get sat down before I was called in.

    Drove around town a bit to find where some artist had painted the name of the town on the side of a brick two story building. Very few of those him town but found it. Then it was time to pick up groceries from WM.

    I was home within two hours. Seems like every time I go there I'm gone two hours. Dr. doesn't give RSV nor does the health dept..Would have to get it probably at WM.

    Love the car! Drives really well and is comfortable. The nurse and I were visiting and I told her I missed havIng a key. She showed me that the key fob has one inside. I need to spend an hour or so in it finding out things like how to turn off the radio instead of just muting it. It will come in time.

    The roads still had some water over them in places but there was enough room to go through shallow parts. Looked like it had been really muddy. Toad fed on the tractor again today. I'm going to drive up and check on Gray Lady in a few minutes. I'll be back later.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    Lorita, That's great news about your ankle; at least now you know what it is and approx. time to heal. Glad you saw the doctor.

    There's so much to learn and discover on the new cars! Have fun learning.

    How's Sheena today? How long before Gray Lady has her baby cow? Be safe out.

    Hope all are having a good day! xo

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Evening

    Lorita are you back from doctor yet?

    Thats funny HB, ive heard other older people say that.

    Beth i looked at the pens you recommended. Here i could only find .5 and .7 so far not 1.0. Do you know if that makes a difference?

    Hi JoC

    Hows Ron doing today.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    After about three years I got a notice on my dashboard that the key fob battery was low! I was afraid to shut the engine off, because I didn't know if I could get it started again, and I was going to be out of town for four days But it did start when I returned. I went to the dealer and bought a new battery, costing about $15. My dealer had shown me how to open the car door with the hidden key, but I don't know if there is a way to start the engine with the key.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris, Diane says you can. There must be a little opening on the button you push to start it. Of course, I'm not sure by a long shot. She was telling me about the motor going offf when you stop and how it scared her,- thought something was wrong. Sara, I was home by 2:45.with good news. I didn't thi k it was fracyuted but good to know for sure. Ankle is stil swollen.Pretty day to get out.

    Caro, Sheena, seems okay. I kept them in while I was gone because FedEx was coming. I let both of them out when I got home and they just came in. Stormy went with me to check on Gray Lady. She seems okay for now. If they were still mine she'd be in the lot or north of the house so I could watch her. She's had lots of calves but you never know what can/will happen. Saw the newest baby. A girl and so cute. I see why they're feeding on tractors. Barely made it up to the feeding Area in the Gator 4wd. Water everywhere and more rain coming this weekend. Jo, how are you? Haven't seen a post in a long time. Like I tell Sara,just saw hi and let us know. Zetta, isn't this the day for your other cataract extraction? Hope it went well.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @Iris L.

    I really feel out of my depths understanding the cardiac stuff. Mom is even more clueless than I am.

    Her HF is described as "mild" in her chart, but she has some CAD and valve regurgitation and a mildly enlarged heart. Her ejection fraction is good. Her meds are Crestor and Diovan. She also gets 81Mg aspirin because of her artificial valve.

    My niece is with her tonight. Niece doesn't love how winded she is. I am going to try to get her seen by her pulmo sooner if I can; worst case scenario is late next week. I'll probably see about checking in with her cardiologist as well.

    I came home from mom's and fell asleep for 2 hours. Now I'm groggy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, you need to get a good night's rest. Your niece is with your mother and and she'd get in touch with you if the need arises.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    HB, I said a prayer for your mom. I know this must be frightening, and exhausting for you, for her and for your niece. So sorry.

    Sara, following is the link for the reviews. My thought is that the 1.0, being the bolder tip, writes a heavier line but the others are said to be "anti fraud" pens too. I bought 0.5 mm from Target online - it was what was available. Amazon does have the 1.0 and 0.7. Link for the best reviews here, from that site you can link to Amazon for purchasing the pens. https://products.bestreviews.com/best-anti-fraud-pen?cid=20130607090&aid=151172570159&eid=&tid=kwd-1640199852936&ul=9017970&mt=p&n=g&d=c&dm=&dt&sn&adid=667721675964&k=anti%20fraud%20pen&p=&pc=&ap=&acid=32&gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZ0lxW-7ZXym0ydLPFHQD0GROn-Mznv0v_HqWdu0epdfBhQNgS4fLkRoCEJEQAvD_BwE

    Praise the Lord and thanks for the prayers for Ron! He is doing very well. He walks with a walker and can get up the stairs and into the shower and is very much functional in terms of housework - lol. He cleans the floors, dusts, clears up the table after meals, drives etc. He needs to have a hand on the kitchen counter, walker, car door etc for balance. I have a lot of optimism for what his recovery will be.

    Hugs, Beth

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    My husband and I both recently read "Northeaster" by Cathie Pelletier. SO GOOD! A real page turner. What it's about:

    "For many, the past few years have been defined by climate disaster. Stories about once-in-a-lifetime hurricanes, floods, fires, droughts and even snowstorms are now commonplace. But dramatic weather events are not new and Northeaster, Cathie Pelletier’s breathtaking account of the 1952 snowstorm that blanketed New England, offers a valuable reminder about nature’s capacity for destruction as well as insight into the human instinct for preservation.

    Northeaster weaves together a rich cast of characters whose lives were uprooted and endangered by the storm. Housewives and lobstermen, loggers and soldiers were all trapped as snow piled in drifts twenty feet high. The storm smothered hundreds of travelers in their cars, covered entire towns, and broke ships in half. In the midst of the blizzard’s chaos, there were remarkable acts of heroism and courageous generosities. Doctors braved the storm to help deliver babies. Ordinary people kept their wits while buried in their cars, and others made their way out of forests to find kind-hearted strangers willing to take them in. 

    It’s likely that none of us know how we would handle a confrontation with a blizzard or other natural disaster. But Northeaster shows that we have it inside to fight for survival in some of the harshest conditions that nature has to offer.” 

    Also, I just started reading “The Man from the train” by Bill James and Rachel MacCarthy James. It is very, very good. Another page turner. My photo of the back of the book below.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Well this has been a day! Stopped in at father in Law’s facility and find out they are “evicting” all Independent Living Residents on the 5th and 6th floors to convert those units to Assisted Living (FIL is on 1st floor) AND they have given notice to terminate the contract with the external company that administers meds to the remaining Independent Living Residents!! No explanation of how those residents will receive meds.

    So, move him to Assisted Living, right? No.. in Alabama AL RESIDENTS must be able to recognize their meds - not necessarily by name- but what they are taking and why, because meds are administered by “techs”, not nurses. So, we are having him evaluated to see if he can squeak by the AL regs.

    Probably not. On a good day, yes. But if I were the Administrator I wouldn’t chance that on a regulatory survey visit. So we may be looking at memory care. I just don’t know yet. And I’m furious and you better believe they know it. So, I’m also going to look into other facilities..

    Then I took my BIL for cataract surgery. Despite multiple reminders to bring his medication list, “put it in your wallet!”. We get there. He left it in the overnight bag in his truck which is at the Shop. Luckily, I remembered the meds. I’ll type it up for him tomorrow. THEN, while he’s in the OR, 2 staff members come flying thru the waiting room: there’s been a shooting 1 mile away at a shopping mall, perpetrator on foot and heading towards our location. Trying to lockdown the entrance, the staff member finds she does not have full system access to do so!! So while she’s giving someone the what for on the phone, I’m thinking well heck: my pistol is locked in my car because the sign on the door says No Firearms Allowed. Yet they have no security on site.

    WHAT A DAY! But we’re home safe and BIL is doing OK and •unless it’s a building with metal detectors my pistol will NOT be locked in my car •and tomorrow is a new day to deal with everything rotten about today.

    Now I’m getting a hot shower and going to bed. HB- hope you’re doing the same ❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, I hope you can rest tonight and that your mother will be much better tomorrow. I'll say prayers for her tonight.

    JeriLynn, I'll say it again "what a day". Just one thing after the other. What happened with the shooter? Scary thing. You know anymore you never know when something like that will happen. I used to always carry a pistol with me when I drove back and forth to work - if I drove by myself. I haven't been doing that lately but think I may begin. Oklahoma is an open carry state now - back then it wasn't. I have a couple at home along with a .22 so all right there - and there's Stormy and the gate alarm.

    You hear so much about road rage anymore. Tonight there was a story on the news about a guy who got so irritated at someone, when they stopped at a convenience store he stopped by them and shot into the car several times injuring a four year old girl in the back seat. There was a woman driving, her husband and two children. They say to never make eye contact.

    What a shame about your FILs living arrangement. Hope something can be figured out to help the situation. You need to unwind tonight, too, and have a good night's sleep.

    Sheena's groaning a little bit again - I can remember her doing that before so it may just be something she does. Next hurdle is to figure out how to get her into the car to go to the vet to get her nails trimmed. I made a mistake - when she came to live with me she was only a year old. An older man had her and passed away - I don't think he ever trimmed her nails. Sad thing for a long time when I'd put my hand down to stroke her head, she'd flinch. Doesn't do that anymore. I should have started trimming her nails. I did with Stormy when he was a puppy and he doesn't mind it. If we just knew what was ahead.

    I watched the best show tonight on Nature entitled Gorilla. It was about lowland and mountain gorillas. One gorilla had a baby and it looked so much like a baby human - his little hands and how he looked, so cute. She was such a good mother holding it just like a mother holds her baby - with her hand holding his head up, etc. He lived past the first year which is sort of unusual. There was another one that was a few months older and they were best friends and played together. Very interesting. As with all animals, their habitat is endangered - it said they were losing 3% of them every year - lowland and mountain gorillas both. If you like nature shows and get a chance to see it, please do. Worth your time for sure.

    Back to Sheena - we have an old cistern that has a top about 12-18" high (above the ground) and if I can get her onto that, I might be able to back up to it and get her inside the car. I know they have little ladders that you can fasten onto the back of an SUV but that would not work with her. Funny thing - she used to get into the Mercury without a problem after several tries.

    I've written too much. Hope all of you have a good evening and a restful night's sleep. Tomorrow will be better (we can hope).

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Could Mike come or send someone to help with Sheena? I don’t cut any of my dog’s nails.. I’m scared of cutting incorrectly.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Our dear Friend William has just passed away. It’s a sad day at Russell Radiator. 😢❤️

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    edited February 1

    Good morning porch people.

    I got a great night's sleep last night. Over 9 hours.

    I rescheduled mom's pulmo appointment for tomorrow. She's just so winded which is not like her. I fear the docs in the ER and consults on the floor don't know her baseline and think she's a super frail elder and I'm an unrealistic family member. And that makes me wonder if I am. A few weeks ago she was outrunning her PTs and now she's struggling to tie her shoes. Last night my niece offered to take her out for a steak which she declined. I have never known my mother to decline either a steak or the chance to go out for dinner. Niece got takeout from the steakhouse and mom just wanted a salad. Normally she out-eats us all.

    @Lorita I don't envy you on the nail situation. Our St. Bernard would go along with it, but I have never had a cat who submitted gracefully. DS's late himmie was a sweetheart, but he'd carry on as soon as he saw the clippers. I used to bring him to a groomer who would give him a quick clip. She had the magic touch with animals.

    @BethL I'm glad Ron is coming along. He must feel positive about that.

    @JeriLynn66 I'm so sorry for the additional work getting your FIL settled will be. How frustrating.

    It sounds like his facility is changing to accommodate more residents in AL who are likely more lucrative residents. I wonder if this is driven by a shortage of AL/MC units in your community or if the majority of the people who live in IL need more support and this is to accommodate that increasing need.

    My friend's mom liked in a big CCRC in an IL cottage. It was pretty much like living outside the community except that there was scheduled van service (included as an amenity) and driver services (for a fee). She could sign up/pay for meals and weekly housekeeping, but for well checks and medication supervision, residents needs to be in AL.

    And just yikes about the active shooter situation. What a nightmare.


    ETA this handsome boy>

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Afternoon, HB, glad you got a good night's rest. I know it made you feel better. Hope things go well with your mother. Do you think she just overdid?

    It's sort of cloudy here this morning - looks like, from the radar, that the clouds are getting ready to move out but it's going to be rainy this weekend. Hate that for the roads and for feeding. JeriLynn,

    I'm going to check out whether Sheena will get in the back of the SUV from the cistern. Also have some of an old bale of hay I might be able to make into a pile and she might walk up that into the back. She seems okay this morning - helping me eat a crumb cake. I have part of one for breakfast some days and she always has to have some of it. If neither thing works with getting her into the SUV I think when Toad comes to feed he could put her in the back - wouldn't take but a minute. I just can't lift her, sometimes even her front feet if she resists. I think she must weight around 85. Probably Darwin could help, too.

    HB, there's no way in the world that any of my cats would let me trim their nails - and they're long. The chair I sit in looks like it has fringe - not so much from these cats but from others we've had. We tried everything to prevent it and nothing worked. Guess it just goes with having cats. The picture of the cat is so sweet - I bet he's a handful - looks mischievous.

    It was in the 70s yesterday and supposed to be about the same today - if the sun shines. Sixties tomorrow which is quite a lot above normal. Forty-nine days until Spring. I saw lots of daffodils coming up when I was out in the yard yesterday. WE have a lot of winter jasmine on the north fence and by this time they should be blooming but they look dead. I'm so afraid they and other shrubs and trees won't leaf out or bloom this year. I know the holly in front of the porch is dead - guess I'll get Bryon to cut it back as low as he can and plant flowers along there. Also need to get the porch painted - was going to do that last fall but didn't get it done. I like to paint but just don't feel up to tackling the porch - it goes all across the front of the house - about 50 ft. I imagine. Bryon said he could power wash it and then paint the next day. Seems like there's always three or things to get done.

    Judith, I got my last covid shot about two months ago. Haven't seen the attorney yet but that's on the agenda for this Spring.

    Better get my clothes changed and feed the birds. Looks like the girls are drifting away from the hay to look for some green grass in the south pasture. I'm going to drive up and see Gray Lady. I'll take Stormy and trim his nails while he's in the Gator. I've never been able to get Sheena in the Gator. They really have different personalities.-

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Please do not ask Darwin to lift anything. You should not either. Neither one of you can afford to strain something.

    How have you been taking care of her nails all of these years? have you thought of a mild tranquilizer and de sensitizing?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth thank you for the link. So thankful to hear how well your husband is doing. That can do attitude makes a world of difference in recovery.

    Jerilynn so sorry for your loss of William.

    Your comments about independent and assisted living are interesting. Your plans can be changed in a minute as happened to me in May. That being said i have a plan in place that when Im 70 to check out all the senior communities near me. Some of ours, the independent living part is separated from assisted living. It is sort of like condos, so think it would be hard for them to change those to assisted living. But others appear to be like what you’re talking about. Something for me to try and remember to be aware of and take into consideration.

    I want to do this while I'm able so when I need it I’ll have that hurdle jumped. My plan is when I’m 80 if I’m not already a resident somewhere Im moving in to independent living. My hope is not to make it hard on anyone in my family.

    HB doesn’t sound like you are being unrealistic at all. If this was my patient in the hospital and i saw these changes in my patient as you described i would be calling their physician and relaying my concerns. Things can happen very quickly.

    Lorita glad you had your ankle checked on. Thank you Judith for encouraging her to do that, you made me chuckle.

    We've had a beautiful sunny ☀️ day. I really appreciate it. Still windy and cold though. Need to get my car washed. Line was really long both times i went by today. They are giving several days of sunshine so hopefully tomorrow or Saturday.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, I'm also sorry for the loss of your friend. Lose by a good friend is very hard. How are the babies?

    Checked on Gray Lady and she's still perkin'. Girls were in The south pasture that's already greening up a little but getting out of the mud, too.

    My back is hurting. Guess I've been walking funny too much today. Took the GPs for a short walk and put the flag back up on the way to the mailbox. Backed the car up so the back would be lower but no go for either of the GPs.

    UPS delivered today and also FedEx. Had ordered some spray to put on the car seats.The middle of the back and seat are ash gray so need to try to keep them clean.Need to get floor mats, too.UPS drivers get said the roads on his route are still not good. More rain forecast so no drying although our driveway is better today. Sara, what you described is kind of like where my BIL lived for a while.Big comp!ex with apartments,assisted living and nursing home, as needed. I think there's one in Enid, Okla. Probably good to have a plan in place.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Will catch up on older posts later. Saw Lorita's post about GP's getting into her new ride. I have this that my doggies do not like to use; maybe it could help you with Stormy and Sheena. I would gladly ship to you if you think it would help. If it doesn't, you could pay it forward and give to someone else. This is a picture of what it looks like, mine is in my garage. I would love to give to someone that could use it. If you are interested in it Lorita I can send you measurements. This is just a stock picture so you can see if you think it would work with GP's. xo

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, I think you are right to be concerned about your mom's sudden worsening of symptoms. Is she coughing? Does she sleep sitting up? Are her feet and legs edematous? These are not good signs. She might need more of diuresis than Diovan can provide. Be firm with the cardiologist.

    Jerilynne, I'm sorry about the loss of your dear friend.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Thank you for your condolences. Many visitors today upon hearing the news. My DH Randolph loved William like a brother and referred to him as my “work husband “.

    The babies are good. DH is going to work in the barn all weekend to put down flooring for the office and tack room since the weather is supposed to be pretty. I’m hoping we try to introduce the babies to the dogs and their daddy. We’ll see. I’m nervous about it. It was wonderful to see sunshine today.

    No word on the evaluation for my FIL. Supposed to be done today but they didn’t call. I’ll swing by tomorrow to check in. I did tell FIL a bit of a fiblet today by saying upcoming renovations may include moving to a different apartment- he said that he understood and would be ok with that. He was NOT able to tell me all the meds or what they were for. He could still remember that 2 months ago. I’ve thought he needed AL for well over a year but he was resistant. Maybe all this hoopla at the facility is God’s way to accomplish that for both of us with the least amount of upset. It’ll be what it is and we’ll do whatever we need to do. He’s safe. And we know that’s the most important thing.

    Well, this is the only thread I’ve read today so I’m going to check in on our other friends here. Have a good night everyone. I’m so very thankful for each of you and I want you to know I tell DH and my girls about you and yours. I include you by name in my nightly prayers ❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    So do I, JeriLynn., every night. Glad it sounds like your FIL will be okay with whatever you all decide. Will make it much easier for you. Do wish things go well with the dogs and babies this weekend. Nice that you'll have good weather. It's supposed to be a rainy weekend here and that will make everything worse as far as feeding,

    Caro Lynn , thanks so much for the offer. So sweet of you to think of it. I know Sheena wouldn't use it at all. Stormy will get in all right, but not in the back. He gets up in the seat without any trouble. I couldn't even get Sheena up on the cistern today, about 12". She has bilateral hygromas and that might be part of the cause. I guess I'll try to catch Toad in the morning when he feeds so he can get her in the car. If I get her out at the clinic there's plenty of people to get her back in. I have at least n gotten her to let me check her feet. The long hair on her feet sometimes gets balled up under her foot and if there's a burr anywhere near her it gets in her foot. I feel sleepy tonight so doubt I'll make until Barney Miller comes on.

    Ron, how are you tonight? Hope you're feeling well and Lou is okay..

    Zetta, how are things tonight? If you had the extraction hope things went well.

    Joan, been thinking about you today. I hope your sciatica is feeling better. I think you said you're using a walker. I tried using a quad cane a few days and it was hard to do.. Bothered my shoulder I injured last summer. Take it easy and don't fall.

    Rest well tonight. See you tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Just to let everyone know I'm still around! Not feeling well last few days and life with Lou hasn't been easy. Follow up appointment with primary care today from Mondays ER visit and hone health this afternoon for pulmonary reabilitation.

    Love all of my front porch friends!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @Iris L.

    Thanks for confirming that I am not nuts.

    To answer your questions--

    Yes. She does cough. A lot. She's also got COPD and asthma (stress is a trigger). Her pulmonologist has her on Trelegy daily along with 2400mg Mucinex plus albuterol as needed. She also has an Arobika OPEP device to use 3-4 times daily. Currently she's not coughing more than her normal.

    She doesn't sleep sitting up intentionally. She has narcolepsy (I'm not making this up) and will nod off in the car or sometimes in her nifty Stressless chair. At night or if she decides to nap, she sleeps on a single pillow with a bi-pap. She does have sleep apnea; her medical records say OSA but I have been told it's actually CSA or even both.

    She doesn't seem to be retaining water. She's normal weight and her feet, ankles and hands don't look puffy. Her docs always check for that.

    My plan is to see her pulmonologist today. She was scheduled for a breathing test and follow-up next week and I was able to get her in sooner. She's scheduled for a TTE and follow-up with her cardiologist in June. I may see about doing that sooner based on what the pulmonologist says.


    Happy Groundhog Day.

    Phil didn't see his shadow, so that's good.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes

    @Iris L.

    And the pulmonologist turfed us back to cardiology. Mom's breathing tests were nearly identical to last year this time. I was kind of surprised because she was rattled when I picked her up. A patient care advocate called her and wanted to know why she went to the ER instead of contacting her PCP which had her doubting whether it was necessary. She had symptoms of a heart attack-- chest pain, fatigue, shortness of breath. These people are nuts.

    He listened to her chest for a long time and excused himself to look at her hospital tests. He came back and said her murmur is louder than it was previously. He was also the doc who picked up the worsening of her aortic stenosis and suggested it might be time for TAVR in 2020. The X-ray showed an increase in the size of her heart which I had also noticed in the X-ray. I've got her scheduled for an echo and consult with her regular cardiologist in a couple weeks.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita how is your back feeling today? Did you get to the Vet today?

    Ron how has your day gone?

    HB if I understood right you were getting your mom into Pulmonologist today. What was his/her thoughts?

    Cloudy day today and a very chilly breeze. Was able to get my car washed today without waiting in a line. Has been a very busy week for me. Feeling tired but i have to go check on mom in a few minutes.

    continue to think of each and everyone of you, take care

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    I posted above. Basically, he's happy with her breathing tests and bi-pap compliance. He thinks her CHF has worsened.

    The cardiologist at the hospital thought her chest pain might be related to muscle pain from coughing. This is the practice that takes care of DH. Scary.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi, Sara, did make to the vets. Toad put Sheena in the back of the SUV and I finally got Stormy in. The clinic was running over with people and dogs. Sheena got out and we sat outside until Sidney could trim her nails. Stormy refused to get out. Last time he was there he had a seizure. Mike cane out to the car and gave him his allergy shot. So glad that's done. Toad told me the same thing Darwin did about the roads. Said to go east to the highway about seven miles. All the other roads except the three miles I went Wednesday are almost impassible ruts knee deep - tractors only.,- It was sunny earlier cloudy and windy now. Supposed to get up to 2" of rain this weekend. Maybe UT will be a hard rain and will settle the mud. Need to go up and check on Gray Lady. Backblater.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sorry HB, we must have been posting at same time.

    Glad you got it done Lorita.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    HB, for a patient who has sudden onset of worsening of a chronic disease, I would search for a possible cause. Such as infection ex: Covid or influenza or pneumonia. Or missing medication dosages. Or perhaps something else. Apparently there is no infection.

    Does your mom take her own meds? My 92 year old neighbor takes her own meds and I know she misses some dosages. When you visit, you might wantvto check her feet yourself for edema. Push down for about ten seconds and observe for a lingering dimple. Your mom has eye trouble and she probably cannot bend over to touch her feet.

    It might be a good idea to monitor her weight at least weekly. Also, does she have a pulse oximeter? With chronic conditions, it is important to monitor, because changes might be subtle, until there is a tipping point and then a crisis.

    I thought of something else. How closely does your mom follow her diet? My 96 year old uncle refused his low salt diet completely, and ate like he always ate.

    This past month I have been monitored cardiologically, looking for atrial fibrillation. I hope I don't have a-fib! Cardiology appointments are not fun.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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