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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I hope you will have good news from your PCP and that home health will be helpful. You and Lou, try to rest and feel better soon!

    I will be in your area next week, because I'm going on a trip to New Orleans. I hope the weather will be not rainy.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Lorita asked for a picture of Boogie and her babies… they look bigger in the picture than they really are. Nursing well and Lilly is peeking through the stall door at them 😂

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    OMG JeriLynn they are smiling! Cuteness overload xo

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Ron, so glad to hear from you,

    HB, I pray for your mom.

    Lorita, no worries.

    Iris, you are so kind to share your knowledge.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    HB, sorry your mother is having problems and isn't well. I know how concerned you must be. Sounds like she's been checked but Iris has good suggestions.

    Sara, my back,really the top of my left hip almost to the waist. It's been hurting off and on but"walking funny" as my doctor says with the ankle makes it worse. Ankle is still swollen some and sort of sore. Will just take time. Thanks for asking.

    Went up to check the girls. Gray lady was laying down. Told her it was going to rain two days and wait to calve. Silly me, she knows it's going to rain and she'll wait if she can. At least temps are going to be about normal in the upper 40s and 50.

    Went to the mailbox and got the mail. Stormy went with me. If if rains I doubt I'll be able to get up to the hayrings. Toad said he was going to feed all day because it would be raining in the morning. Just saw the radar and it's moving in from the northwest and southwest. He said the County north of us is working on their roads today. Our county workers don't work on Friday. I remember when we were working and the roads were bad we would go north through that county because the roads were better.

    Ron, sorry you're not feeling well. Maybe tomorrow will be better. We love you, too, and don't like it when you're not well.

    I just drifted off to sleep watching Jeopardy. Will sleep later tomorrow. Glad Stormy won't be scratching now. When Sheena walks on the floors her nails aren't clicking. Stormy's are. I can trim his.

    See you all later. Sleep tight.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    I had my second cataract surgery yesterday. All went well, now my eyes are adjusting to the new lenses. The first one was given 20/20 the vision was so strong it took over for the right eye. Yesterday the right eye Lense was both for far and near, so they are working together for vision without glasses. So now Iam putting lots of eye drops in both eyes. And trying not to overdo things.

    I hope to get caught up on all this reading soon. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Zetta, so happy all went well. No glasses!! I can',t imagine that. I'vs worn them from the fourth grade Iz:d feel undressed without them but it would be nice. Good to hear from you. I have a question for any of you who have a Chevy Equinox; what is the black thing on the top of the car near the back .-mzaybe something to do with on-star, right?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Congratulations on your "new eyes" Zetta! It's great that you can see without glasses.

    JeriLynn, those kids are so cute! And so big! It doesn't seem as if they came out of little Boogie.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Zetta so happy for successful surgeries! I wasn’t as fortunate but did get some improvement in one eye. Those eye drops are a bit of a pain to keep up with!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @ronald71111 I hope you're feeling better soon and that your dear Lou has an easier time with things.

    @Caro_Lynne my mom had one of those staircases for her last cat "Sweetie" * (ironically named, he wasn't a very nice cat but he looked like the cat she'd had previously-- she has a type). The cat before wasn't great either-- he was jealous and beat up my cats and would attack my nieces when they were little. Sweetie used the steps to get on the sofa and then mom would move it so her could get in and out of bed. Both these boys lived to be 20-ish. This is a great contrast to her current 14-year-old who can easily jump onto the tops of her 42" cabinets and tall curio.

    Thanks all for your concern for mom. Good questions @Iris L. I am so glad you don't have A-fib-- that's a nasty one. Both my BILs and my BFF's husband live with A-fib.

    Yes to the pulse ox. Her "normal" is generally around 95-96-- she gets a slightly higher number with her right hand. When I took her to the ER her O2 was 94-96, later that day it did drop a bit when she dozed off kind of slumped over. Yesterday at the pulmonologist's office the first couple reads were upper 80s but she was able to get them up to 95.

    Yes to doing her own meds. She does 2-week dispensers herself. I do check to make sure she's on schedule discretely. We have all the meds but the SSRIs on auto-refill and I'm the one who picks them up.

    Weight is disgusting steady. Because she in various medical offices regularly and very weight conscious, she watches closely. When I looked at her notes from the last 6 months having been weighed at various offices in 3 different hospital systems she's been between 138 and 141.

    Her PCP, derm, pulmonologist and cardiologist always check her feet/ankles. Her feet look bony to my eye, but I'll look for dimpling.

    I suspect she drifted away from good compliance on the diet. Her previous cardiologist always reminded her, alas she passed away. Her new doctor is good, but he doesn't nag. There's always a possibility she thinks she doesn't need to limit salt now that she has her new valve. Fortunately, her pulmonologist did remind her about the salt. OMG, yesterday she told the man she hardly ever eats soup and when she does she make it from scratch. Her version of scratch is salt water, I mean stock. She has trouble reading fine print nutrition labels.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    I was not able to go without glasses after cataract surgery either. My prescription is less strong though.

    Glad you are doing well Zetta.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, if your going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, I heard flashing gets you the best float throws. LOL. If you pass near the Shreveport/Bossier area, I wish there was someway to give you contact information. Would love to met you!

    Still having heard about the esophagus biopsies, but I've always heard no news is good news. The primary care visit has just led to more test and consults. Consult put in for audiologist, cardiologist, knee braces and had xrays taken of knees.

    Home health physical therapy assessment nurse came yesterday and hopefully therapy starts soon.

    So many ups and downs on the front porch, just want everyone to know each of you are in my prayers.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    edited February 3

    Morning, My ophthalmologist told me I would still have to wear glasses after the extractions, too. I have a very strong prescription. But, he retired. There is a Triad in a town where I worked think he comes from Tulsa. I probably will need to have it done before too long.

    Yesterday forgot to talk to Mike about Sheena's hygromas. The one on her right elbow is twice or more the size of the other one. So I was going to go back and get some antii biotic this morning but it rained last night. I just called him and he said he planned to feed with Toad tomorrow so he'll bring the medicine and some pain medicine If he doesn't get to come Toad will bring them. He has seen them and gave her antibiotics before when they enlarged. I imagine the roads are worse this morning after the rain last night.

    Do you all like chocolate strawberries? They have huge ones on. QVC, very pretty. Scarlet sent some to me years ago and I really didn't care too much for them but the chocolate was good. I have never seen strawberries that big but the center of them is white. Daddy got a start of strawberries from Carol's dad and they were red house all the way through. Better go and drink my juice. Stormy has been out but Sheena is still sleeping. Just heard there was a 5.1 earthquake I. Prague, Okla.,ezst.if OKC I think Prague is on routs 66. We used today go through that town on our way to see Lorita. I remember it was a pretty town,- very neat and clean. They have kolache Festival every year,- never been though.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Congratulations on your successful surgery.

    Am I understanding this correctly? Did you get a distance lens in one eye and a multifocal lens in the other? Are the working together to give you a full range of vision from close to distance without corrective lenses? I've heard of some people who have good distance getting a single contact for reading instead of a progressive lens or reading glasses. One of my SILs did real well with this; the other could never adjust to it. The latter prided herself on her collection of festive OCT reading glasses-- crazy colors and even printed frames. It was always amusing when her husband would borrow them to read a menu.

    DH's doctor offered him custom lenses that would have progressive lenses for near/far sight as well as a correction for his astigmatism. He declined. I'm interested. I seem to spend a lot on glasses each year or two. It would be fun to be able to wear fashionable sunglasses without having to replace the lenses.

    @Lorita I feel like chocolate dipped strawberries are always kind of a disappointment. Those large commercially grown berries aren't intense enough to stand up to a decent chocolate. Last year I bought some locally grown berries at the farmers' market and they ruined all others for me. There's a local chocolatier who dips dried fruit in chocolate-- those are stunning. DH always gets the pineapple and I can't resist the apricots.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    edited February 3

    If y'all want good strawberries, you have to come see me! The farm across the road has them homegrown in season by May. They have a gift shop, bouncy house and traincars pulled by tractor. You pick or they pick. I dip my own in chocolate!

    William's visitation is this evening, so I have made a Banana Pudding to take to his family. William loved banana pudding.

    Well, good news: we have received the contract offer on DH's business building and property! Looks good to me but of course we will have our attorney review. This also feels like God's timing to me because DH said he just doesn't know how to go back to that shop with William gone.

    No news on the evaluation the facility was supposed to complete on my FIL. They also did not return my call yesterday. Scoundrels.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Goid news, JeriLynn, about the shop. Hope it works out. I alove banana pudding. Do you put meringue on top? My mother did. I tried it once, didn't work for nme. Just came back in from checking on the girls. Saw Gray Lady. Everyone except two are down here. Those two are up and around.

    Stormy went with me and I trimmed his nails while he was in the Gator. No more clicking when they walk now. Gave them the last canned food in the house so will have to figure out which box on the porch has canned food and bring it in. They're 22 oz. Cans and even one case is heavy. Sandy and I both bought big, expandable, rolling, wire trays so I put the cases on one of those and pull it through to the utility room.

    Carol called to see if I heard or felt the earthquake. She did - said she thought her husband was sleepwalking and ran into the door. Was like a big boom with shaking. I fell asleep watching tv and woke up about the time of the quake so I probably felt and heard it. Biggest one in Okla. Was in 2016 a 5.8.Did feel it and it cracked the wall over a window and door.

    Iris, you haven't mentioned how Simon is lately. Hope he's doing okay. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    edited February 3
    Lorita,you are certainly getting about with your new car.

    I felt the 5.1 earthquake. I was in bed and thought the electrical mechanism somehow shorted out. It was alarming. Checked my iPad and yup,it was another quake. It said that we rarely have one that strength. It was felt in Arkansas, Texas and Kansas.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    5.1 is a strong earthquakes I hope there was no injuries damage nor damage!

    HB, you sound like you have everything covered. Checking the weight when a person has a worsening is to check for fluid retension, several pounds can appear in a few days.

    I just thought of this. My sleep doctor, who is also a pulmonologist/intensives, recommended for me to take ten deep breaths twice a day to aerate my lungs. If your mom is able, she may try deep breaths to keep her oxygenation up. She may be subconsciously breathing shallowly, especially if she doses slumped over.

    Ron, I will be going before Mardi Gras, so no flashing. But we will see a pre-Mardi Gras parade and see how the floats are made. We won't get up to Shreveport. I didn't realize the distance from NO. How is the weather, is it cold? I read in the newspaper that rain is predicted.

    Lorita, I don't like chocolate covered strawberries. The strawberries seem to be too mushy and the chocolate too hard.

    Simon is doing okay. He has a horny growth on one of his toes that caused one claw to become ingrown. I had to really work to get that growth smoothed down without causing bleeding. But I did.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Oh, my goodness, JeriLynn, somehow I missed several posts, baby pictures among them. If those babies were here I'd spend all my time with them. They are so cute and, I bet curious about everything. Boogie looks so proud of them. I love all animal babies, even skunks. How did their introduction to papa and Lilly go?

    Iris, I never made it to New Orleans but I bet it's beautiful. When are you going and is it a trip specifically for Mardi Gras? Have fun and take pictures for us.

    Ron, also missed your post. Good to hear you're hanging in there. Are you still stove up from your fall? I think I've walked a bit much on my ankle today kind of hurting.

    Judith, I noticed this morning there's 103 miles on the car. I really like if but still need to spend some more time in it figuring out things, On Star for example. Still not trusting the backup camera too much. Think I mentioned Todd's wife just got a new Traverse. Traded in one with only 46,000 miles on it. It's a little bigger than the Equinox - third one she's had but still would have !ost a couple years of warranty. This one has all the options I need. Just need to figure out how to get Sheena in it.

    Sorry I missed all those posts. I must have been sleeping. I could use a nap right now. I haven't heard about damage from the quake.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    New Orleans is beautiful.

    I recall early one morning having coffee and beignets at Cafe du Monde all by myself. The streets were still wet and someone in the area was playing a saxophone. I stayed a long time just letting my mind wander. What a memory.....

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    I love to go to New Orleans. Haven't been in several years so I am overdue.

    Lorita. we didn't do any introductions today, DH was busy laying office and tack room floors and I was busy in the house cooking, reviewing contracts and just more busywork to keep 2 places up and running. Plus housework. I fixed a big pot of red beans with smoked sausages to go with some rice. That's usually a Sunday task but got it done early.

    No Grandkids today since we have to go to the Funeral Home. But yesterday was an all day shopping trip with the 19 year old. We had brunch and lots of fun. She's my "Mini-Me" lol

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Porch Friends.

    My world is looking brighter, both eyes are adjusting to each other.

    Harshedbuzz. Both of my eyes were going to be for far vision along with reading glasses. I think my eye surgeon was pleased how well my left eye was doing it was strong enough to take over the vision for both eyes, so we then made the decision to do the second eye with a multifocal lense. Each day my vision gets better. this is day 3 and my reading level is still improving.

    JeriLynn. Sorry that both of your eyes did not adjust to the surgery. But there are so many pretty reading glasses you can get I had already started looking at all the OTC reading glasses. Yes, you are so right all the drops are a pain in the B---!. I am glad I am able to keep up with them.

    So Sorry to hear about William. You're in my prayers.

    Iris. Simon is so loved, and he knows it. Poor baby I wonder what the growth is? Its sweet that he holds still for you to be able to care for his toe.

    Lorita. I also have worn glasses for many years since I was 18. I still reach for them at times. They are no good for me any longer. I plan on donating the 4 pairs that I have to the Lyons club.

    Iam sure glad all my snow is melting I got snowed in a few times. There was 3 days I could not get out of my drive. The snow was not so bad it was what was left at the end of my drive after the snowplows were done. Then the snow they left at the end of the drive got tall and froze. Iam ready for spring.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Iris, good that Simon will let you work on his feet. Years ago I took Barclee to the vet and one of his nails had grown long enough it curled and was almost growing into his foot. Mike got it fixed but it was hard to do, took someone holding him while he worked on it. Found a nail that was thinking about that on one of Stormy's toes this morning but got it fixed.

    Judith, what would we do without our memories?

    Zetta, so glad things are going well. I didn't know all that about the lens they insert. Were you asleep during the surgery? My SIL had hers done and she must have been asleep but said she woke up during the second one. I'm sure the procedure is much improved these days from when I worked with an EENT specialist who did so many cataracts. Glad your snow is melting. I'm ready for spring, too.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita. I was not totally a sleep. They put drops in my eye to numb it along with a few other drops. Then they put something under my tough to relax me. I was on the gurney in the waiting area waiting for the relax meds to kick in. Next thing I knew I was being wheeled down to the operating room. I knew things were going on around me but all I remember was seeing the bright lights above me and the doctor saving everything is good, and we are almost done. It took about 10 minutes. The next thing I knew I was in my room. About 10 minutes later I was put in a wheelchair and taken out to my son who had pulled the car up to the door. Then to Starbucks. ☕️ Then Home. 💒 I was told to rest for a week. I don't know how to rest but I am being careful. 🤣

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    That's amazing, Zetta, that it only took that long and you were ready to go home in a few minutes. When Charles had his done maybe 20 years ago I think he had to wait a couple of hours , then had to come back the next day to be checked. He wore a guard over his eye after the procedure until the next day. Did you have to wear one?

    When I worked for Dr. Gilfoy it was much more complicated, but that was 60 years ago. Many years lsater with my parents they had to make an incision, probably half circle, then suture it after the cloudy lens was removed and the new one inserted. Hers leaked and he immediately had to resuture. I doubt they do all of that now. Just relax and hold your furbabies. How are they doing?

    It's chilly with some rain and a North wind tonight. More rain tomorrow. I saw lots mire daffodils coming up today. I'm ready for spring and flowers and leaves, I hope.

    See you all tomirrow. Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Lonesome Dove is on FETV in case you haven't seen it. Good show

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita. Yes, they sent me home with a eye shield. I got to take it off when I got home. I need to ware it to bed for the next week. And I did have to go back to the surgeon the next morning for a checkup. And I was able to drive myself. Next week I go back to my regular eye doctor now for any follow ups.

    Iam doing really good, trying to be lazy, but I have to get up every commercial to do things. Most of the time it's to let Molly out.

    Thanks for asking. Sleep Well. Hugs Zetta

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Zetta you seem to be doing well.

    I can skip the chocolate covered strawberries. Prefer something made with my frozen strawberries from the amish farm.

    My mom use to make banana pudding sometimes when i was a child. Really liked it, but haven’t had it in years.

    Good morning JoC.

    Always like when the daffodils start blooming.

    Take Care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Morning, cloudy, rainy and cool this morning. Girls spent the night in the barn. They're all out front of the house waiting for feed. They're tired of standing in the mud. Looks awfully wet with more rain to come. I heard geese earliet but guess they're gone now.

    I am so tired if hearing about Taylor Swift, even on the morning shows talking about her. Didn't mean to offend anyone if you like her. Hope everyone is doing all right this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    I do not know much about Taylor except that she is enormously talented. What I do love is the love story being played out for all of us to enjoy and a diversion from the serious problems effecting us in the world. Give me one of those Travis smiles or dances or chats with his niece and my heart jumps for joy.

    Well folks, I have 22 empty Container store boxes. How in the world does that happen. Anyway, they are stacked in the attic. Now I need to get my beds organized. I think I will end up with 2 kings and a trundle. The kings will have under the bed boxes.

    A project has now presented itself. All of the photos/films. I will sort and label once grandson picks up his Cricut and tax info. I will need the dining table to sort. Has anyone used one of the services that digitizes???

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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