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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    That is a lot of boxes Judith. Is everything put away? I too enjoy following Travis and Taylor. I don't watch morning shows so I get what they say about them on cable news. Don't watch that too often anymore since it's mostly negative. I'll start watching again when closer to election. I had a Epson photo scanner that I use to digitize my photos. I started with pictures from albums from my childhood and working my way through the years. I also have a Canon film scanner for negatives and slides. That project came to a halt after LO's stroke but I plan on making time to do at least a little everyday.

    Do we have news from JoC? I perused previous posts but didn't find anything. If she reads this I hope she knows we all think of her and her son and pray for the.

    Lorita rained here all morning too. I was glad to get some rain so I don't have to run the sprinklers. Nothing you say could ever offend me/us. Has Gray Lady had her calf? How much longer do you think?

    Received my Vitamix yesterday - can't wait to use it! In order to do that I have to take it out of the box and set it up, hopefully someday soon - LOL

    Zetta, that is great about your surgery. I can't imagine being able to see without my glasses. I do need to go to eye doctor since I think I need a new prescription and will find out about options.

    I think I'll watch the Grammy's tonight. That's the only award show I sometimes watch, love the music! Lorita, you know Taylor will be there, hopefully with Travis. 😉xo

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    edited February 4

    Nope, Travis will be in training.

    Caro...can you stay with me for about a month and get me digitized? Sorting comes first, right. i can at least to that. I have a slide viewer (not projector) and maybe and Epson something that I ordered a million years ago.

    I hav not seen anything from Jo. That does not bode well but maybe she is on overload. Wish she would make a quick post,

    Yes, everything from the boxes is either put or thrown away!!!!!!!!!

    Zeeta...don't you love seeing all the colors that had become faded?

    I wonder if I am zoned for a goat. I know i can have some chickens but the goat looks like more fun.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Still rainy but think it will move out soon. Did take down the trash, mainly to get the antibiotics and pain medicine Mike left in the mailbox while he was moving hay.

    Judith, sounds like you've been busy doing what I need to do. I have clothes in the closet I wore when I was working and I've been retired 29 years. Still think about clothes I made in the 70s and 80s from double knit. Loved that fabri because it was so easy to sew.

    I saw on the news they're encouraging people to stay home tonight from the Grammys because of the wdsther. Never watch that awards show.

    Iris, do you and Jo live near where they're having such bad weather? Surely hope not but if so, stay safe.

    Does anyone know how to get in touch with Jo? Judith, you're good at detective work in finding people!

    No baby yet. I had her down to calve a month ago. Obviously I was wrong. I saw her when she came out of the barn this morning walking slowly like the rest. They also saw her when they fed.

    I'd love to have z baby goat or two but impossible out here Our neighbor tried years ago and wolves and coyotes got them. Another neighbor tried raising sheep with the same results.

    . Talked with Sarah today. Getting worse and worse and can't seem to find any help. I'm frustrated and exasperated. Can not understand why the doctors aren't helping her. I think she's to the point she'd accept hospice. She does have an appt. With a Cardiologist this Tuesday. We'll see what happens. Enjoy the Grammys tonight if you watch.

    . Ron, how did it go today?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Hi again, Forgot. To mention today Mike told me thst one of our 4-5 months old calf had gotten out on the ice during the icy weather. Toad found him, roped him and pulled him off. He got up and walked away but he's sort of stiff legged now. When the pastures get dry enough he's going to pick him up and take him to his barn at the clinic. Makes me feel bad that I didn't see him. That was when my ankle was bad and it was icy. I can see part of the pond but he must have been st the south end where I couldn',t see him. I was trying to watch.

    I'm watching All Creatures Great and Small. Seems pretty good when I learn the characters.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Does anyone on our thread have a Chevrolet Equinox?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Lorita, I don’t have an Equinox but I have a mechanic for a husband 😂What questions do you have, maybe he can help

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Good morning Porch People.

    @Lorita I'm sorry things aren't improving for Sarah. This must be so hard for you given that there's nothing you can do for her but be there when she's up for talking.

    The Travis-Taylor thing is a pleasant diversion. She's very talented as an artist and businessperson, is generous with charity, and seems to be a decent role-model for the young girls who idolize her. Plus, she has cute cats. Her Olivia Benson is a Scottish Fold like @Caro_Lynne 's granddaughter's kitten. IMO, Jason is the more interesting Kelce. His excitement around his brother's success after his own season went south (as is what the Eagles do best) was a beautiful thing.

    I'm enjoying this iteration of All Creatures Great and Small. I was kind of surprised you weren't familiar. You'd probably enjoy the books on which the series is based; some of your stories here remind me of his stories. It was made into a movie in 1975 (with Anthony Hopkins as Siegfried) and ran as a series 1978-1990. The earlier series was decidedly more lightheaded and didn't focus much at all on the strong female characters in the book.

    I took a page from your book @jfkoc and did some cleaning out. We landed in this house on 9/16/1999 when our home was destroyed by the aftermath of Floyd. We decided it would be less disruptive to buy my parents' house than rebuild ours-- they were planning to sell that spring and move to MD fulltime. DH and I bought it in mid-December. Dad stayed in MD and mom stayed with us M-F until she retired in June 2000. I organized her move and basically threw our stuff into random drawers as I cleaned out their things (they left the bedroom and dining furniture). Yesterday it occurred to me that it made no sense that I was storing my athleisure pieces in a drawer that I need a stepstool to see into given that my husband is 6'6" and doesn't. He's a little salty that I "moved his things". I tossed a lot of stuff as well and gave DS a bunch of unworn tees to go through before I donate them.

    I have a mostly quiet week ahead. DH sees his cardiologist for his annual checkup. He does things differently than mom's practice. DH and his doc meet to discuss how DH is doing and then decides what tests he wants to order and they discuss the results over the phone. Mom's wants testing done first and then they discuss results during the appointment. I need to make a Costco run today. The boys need toilet paper and I need gas. I've taken to avoiding the place of weekends-- it's too peopley then.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Morning, the sun is shining!! It's a bit windy and cool. It will get warmer as the day goes on. Girls spent the night in the barn to get out of the north wind. Their bawling as they came out this morning awakened me.

    JeriLynn, no question. I was just wondering how whomever had one liked it. I think I'll like it - do so far. I'm so used to driving the big pickup I sort of feel like I'm driving a toy when I drive it. It's as cute as can be. It'll just take getting used to. I like the bigger cars like they had in the 60s and 70s.

    HB, I tried watching All Creatures a few months ago and just couldn't get into jt. I like British shows and after watching it last night I think I'll watch. If you watched it last night where was James going? Missed that part.

    Need to do a little housework today - not my favorite thing. I need to clear out closets but just can't get in the mood. Maybe later. My ankle and foot hurt some last evening guess I walked on if too much.

    Had a nice conversation with Todd last njght. Tried to explain to him how hard care giving can be.He's frustrated and tired. He and I think it's time, or past time, for hospice. He's going to make some calls today. I'll be back later

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    I totally agree with you about Costco on the weekends being too peopley. Frankly most places around here on weekends are that way. I avoid them if I can.

    I've been reading here, just not posting. I think I have a pinched nerve and its very uncomfortable. I've never had something like this before. It started two weeks ago after doing easy chair exercises with DH & our morning group. After several days it was better. Then we had exercises again, being a dummy I did them again and did a number on my right shoulder/neck. It's my under my right shoulder blade and down to my right elbow. Using the keyboard isn't comfortable, thus the reason I've been reading and not posting.

    We are diehard Kansas City Chief's fans, we always have been. So we'll be wearing our Chief's shirts this week getting ready for next Sunday. I hope everyone is well - lots of flu with Covid here. I can't type anymore, bit I'll be reading. Be safe everyone.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Still around.......listening to front porch friends, but just mentally and physically worn out. Start pulmonary therapy this afternoon.

    Speaking of books reminded me of a short story I wrote for my first granddaughter. I will try to insert the intro and cover page.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Lorita...get one trash bag. Take it to the closet. Fill it and put in the back of the car. Then stop. 29 year old clothes? Hmmm. Might you be a horder?????

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Im cleaning house too Lorita.

    Made picadillo for lunch and fideos. Hope i have those right. My first time for making fideos. I liked it ok but picadillo is tastier.

    Im concerned about JoC too. I just say Hi JoC ever so often as I'm hoping that she feels like reading here even if she doesn't feel like responding. Want her to know she is not forgotten.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    edited February 5

    Back again, Eagle, so sorry for your pinched nerve. It seems so easy to hurt ourself doing something you wouldn't think would bother. Last summer I put one of the cat carriers in the PU and hurt my right shoulder - injured one of the ligaments - still have to be careful with it. Just take it easy and don't do that again.

    Ron, what a sweet thing to do for Raena. I bet she enjoyed that book. Did you draw the bear? Very good picture of the two of you. How old was she when you wrote the book? Hope the pulmonary PT helps. We all know how hard it can be to be a caregiver. Taking care of our loved one and not paying attention to ourselves is just what we do. How is Lou? Hope things are going all right with her.

    Judith - no hoarder here - the clothes just get pushed to the back of the closet when I put new ones in and stay there. I was looking for a jacket the other day and saw a skirt I made years ago that I never wore. I haven't worn a skirt or dress in years. Carol says she still has, and wears, clothes she had when she worked - retired 32 years. If they're still good, why get rid of them and buy more. I've never been one to be a fad dresser - I, and she, just wear what we like.

    I still have a lot of Charles' clothes that I've put in boxes to take down to the Church or Mission. I'll work on the closet when I get into the mood. You know Darwin told me the other day the Church sells clothing for a dollar for each piece. He doesn't seem to be the type but he said he stopped in there and bought several new pieces for Donna - said she was delighted. He's a millionaire I'm sure so didn't have to do that but he did. He goes to town twice a week, early in the mornings when she's still asleep - like I did a couple of times when Charles was still sleeping. One day I thought about what might happen if I didn't get home before he woke up - that was the last time I did that. He loved to go to town anyway, so after that we went together. It is cold this morning - sunny and windy.

    Spring is almost here - the warmer weather and rain we've had has made the grass begin to grow. You can look at the pastures and there's a hint of green. Girls, everywhere, are trying to find that green blade of grass. Daffodils are up everywhere - haven't notice if the naked ladies are up yet but so far no blooms om the winter jasmine - I'm afraid it's dead. Really worried about the trees, too. I'll be very anxious to see new leaves on them. I lost a huge Southern Magnolia last year - just dropped it's leaves and died so I had it taken down but had them leave some of the trunk - about 12" that had a couple of sprouts with leaves on them. They did't live. I need to find some shrub to put in that corner. It does open up the whole NE corner of the yard and I've sort of become used to it now. I had a red maple there years ago, before the Magnolia, but read the leaves are toxic to cattle so moved it - didn't survive. I do have a small Box Elder in the back yard so might move it. Daddy got one from a neighbor many, many years ago and planted it behind the storage building. It died and I had it taken it so would be nice to have one still growing. That's enough about trees so I'll stop for now. I did take down the trash evening so glad to have that out of the house. They pick it up early, early on Monday mornings so I've found it's much easier to take it down Sunday evening. I'll be back later. Enjoy the sunshine if you have it. Oh, about the Chiefs. They're also one of our favorite teams. We've gone to many of their games. We'd leave after work - only four hours to KC - spend the night, go to the big citywide marker the next day and to the football game on Sunday afternoon and then home. Back then they weren't as good as they are now but the atmosphere at an outside football game is addictive - blue sky, pretty green field and the colorful football uniforms. Really enjoyed those trips. Karen and Boyd and their boys went with us one time - enjoyed by all. Really miss Karen - so hard to believe she's been gone almost seven years.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Lorita....if the old clothes are at the back of the closet you are doomed!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    For sure, Judith. That's why they're still there. Out of sight, out of mind until I get something out to wear and it's wrinkled from being so jammed in there.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I need a snack!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello there dear Front Porch Friends - I have been absent and been a bit blah - Sayra, Lorita, Judith and all dear friends; thank you for your concern. Sayra has me down pat and knows my dynamics pretty well. Thank you ALL of you for caring - it truly means so much, big time.

    I am still adjusting to having the new diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. Still cannot figure out how that happened with no risks, no history or bits and pieces whatsoever. It just is.

    It does take energy away, I am using O2 via nasal cannula at 2 to 3 liters per minute pretty much all the time. It is taking me some time to adjust to this change in me and knowing it will be permanent. So; it does find me feeling a bit low at times. Taking 20 mg Prednisone per day also a negative, but it is what it is.

    We never go to CostCo on the weekend either - best time to go is either first thing when opening on a weekday or at night before closing with enough time to get the items wanted. Sure have to have patience, but oh boy - - - - so much to be found and oh boy the bakery, etc. Sigh.

    Been pouring rain here day and night - big time and very, very cold. Gratefully, we are not in a danger zone for flooding or mud slides, etc. for which I am grateful. As for being stuck in the house, I have my Kindle, puzzle books, laptop, and TV, so I do entertain my mind in whatever way I can while stuck in this weather.

    Husband helps alot, but I pretty much stay upstairs which suits my needs best; it is a big setting and best bathroom availability. We have a large house so there is plenty of room which is a blessing as is the chair lift on the tall stairwell. DHs back has been bothering him a bit more, so he too is now using the chair stairlift; am so glad we have it. We debated putting it in; were not sure if it would be worth the expense and almost didn't - let me tell you YES it is more than worth it ; many, many times over. We cannot foresee what the future brings and oh boy . . . . really glad we moved forward with that.

    Closets as you mention. Always a challenge. Have gone through much of my walk in when daughter was here from Texas awhile back and cleared out a lot I do not use or can no longer fit in and gave them to a place where people really need and can use the items. Love to see the closet looking so much better and actually seeing the floor neat and uncluttered - HURRAY! Let's see that continue on. I hope. Honestly; Lorita, it is hard to be hearted hannah; grabbing arms full, get em out and put where they can be taken or picked up by others who can really use them. You will undoubtedly enjoy the added room and lack of clutter. it only takes one bit to make up one's mind and doing it seems to follow but ain't easy. Some of the items given had memories attached; but I still have those memories in my mind and heart, so giving the items to others was not so difficult after all. Sometimes keeping an item or two of clothing of a Loved One who has passed away is a heartfelt positive and that is something that continues to nurture.

    I have a large, lovely soft colorful afghan on the foot of my bed that came from a dear aunt's house in the upper midwest. So warm, pretty to look at and like a warm hug when I put it over my feet and legs when it gets really cold. It is like a warm hug from Auntie who is in heaven, and I think of her each time I use it. As said, lovely. It is the little things that can mean a lot.

    So much happening with so many of you and I do enjoy following and really enjoying the photos. Thank you for sharing them.

    Last night we decided with the rain and cold weather, it was a good night for Cheaters Minestrone, Sausage and Tortellini Soup and it is SO very good.

    We use half a dozen cans of Progresso Minestrone Soup place in big pot; add eleven Italian sausages - the mild ones are best - FIRST: the sausages need to be cooked first before adding - they can be simmered or pan browned, however you like. When cooked and cooled, cut sausages into coins and add to soup; (toss gnarly end pieces away.) Add sausage to soup cut in coins or half coins; whatever you like. Then cook one family sized package of small tortellini, drain well and add to soup. it is really good and hearty and likes to be served with crusty Italian bread and parmesan cheese. Always have left overs which are even better the next day and it also freezes well. Minestrone, sausage, tortellini and parm; what is not good about that?

    I too have been watching, PBS; "All Creatures Great and Small," it is really excellent. So well done. Love the sets, the clothing, the characters, the scripts, etc. Great to follow season to season. if one has not watched; look back on your TV and see if you can find it from the beginning - difficult to catch it all now this late in the multiple seasons.

    Ron; I love the photo of you with Raena and the story you wrote and dedicated to her. LOVELY grandpops; and isn't being a grandparent the best thing ever, ever? You have given Raena a lovely memory she will have all her life and share with her own children some day. Good Gramps!

    Am trying to get my spirits up - sometimes it seems to work; other times not so much. I miss myself in the "older" me when everything was working as it should (and especially those days when I was young and everything was still in its correct anatomical position!) Ha!! So . . . one more time, adjust and adapt and be grateful for SO much in the way of blessings, which I am. Yet . . breathing! What in the world, and abruptly, out of nowhere.

    May all of you be doing well and that winter is not being too harsh upon anyone. Judith; how is that investment house doing? Almost ready? It is a lot to take on but good when all is done.

    Take good care everyone and sending wishes for all to be well. Big hugs for everyone and thank you again for thinking of me, truly.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Sooooo good to hear from you, Jo.

    It is hard to keep ones spirits up when getting "gobsmacked". Please do not be hard on yourself. You are "grieving" the loss of a part of you. It has to be hard. Allow yourself to have some lows but please do not stay away so long.

    BTW....have you, as a writer, been keeping a journal?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    edited February 5

    Hi, I feel like "the gang's all here" with Jo posting. So wonderful to hear from you,Jo. We've been wondering about you and thinking about sending out a search party. So sorry you're not feeling up to par. Life is, indeed, very fragile. We never know what might happen from one minute to the next. I can imagine it is hard to be on oxygen most of the time but if it helps you breathe, great that you have it. Sounds like, though, that you're keeping yourself occupied and reading our thread and the others on the forum.

    Seems like some of us are puny, myself included. Guess that happens as we get more "mature", as you say. I think as time goes on we all have our highs and lows - guess that's to be expected. Glad you're back - hope you feel up to posting pretty regularly. We love to read your posts.

    I did get the dishes done - had to take two hitches at it. Did everything except silverware, then had to sit down - my lower back hurts so much when I stand. But, got them done and they're airdrying. Beats me why when you put silverware down to airdry, all the spoons turn up so have to turn them over to drain. Now I'll have to put them away.

    After I got them finished I sat down a while and the back is better. Costo was hurting, too, but I hadn't seen Gray Lady so got my shoes on and went out to find her. The girls left the hay about 8 this morning and at 4 they were headed back. I found her and she's okay. I mentioned her to Mike yesterday and he said he saw her yesterday morning - put a bug in his ear to make sure he sees her every time they feed. Two of the girls were in the east side of the lot by the barn but the gate was closed so they would have had to go to the back to get out. So, went out to check the barn, then walked all the way through to the back, then back to the front through the cowshed and opened the gate - then back through. It's so muddy I knew I couldn't get through the lot.

    Sheena seems pretty well today - gave her the pain pill and antibiotic plus her glucosamine MSM. She and Stormy slept most of the day but they've been outside over an hour - watching the girls. Mike thinks the antibiotics will take care of the enlarged hygroma - if it isn't a tumor. It feels like it has lobes to me. They both enlarged a couple of years ago and antibiotics did the trick and hope it does this time.

    You know I like french fries, cottage cheese and pork n beans together. I opened a can a few days ago and the pork taste is so strong I couldn't eat them - guess I'll give them to Darwin and his wife. Same thing with the drink they call Roar from QVC. They really hyped it saying it was good for you - electrolytes - and little sugar but no after taste. To me there's an awful after taste. That'll go to them, too.

    Jo, how's your son doing by now ? Hope he's improving.

    Need to put the dishes up and fix the french fries. I've never made homemade ones but saw a recipe I'm going to try. You cut them, then rinse in cold water until it's clear to get rid of the starch - then you let them soak in hot water for ten minutes, drain and dry, then cook. The recipe called for parmesan cheese and rosemary but I like them plain with salt and vinegar. I use the NuWave oven and it does a really good job. Ron, I seem to recall that you bought an air fryer a while back. Do you like and use it.

    Loved your picture of the Country Thang. Odd that you posted that - Carol and I were talking about cornbread and milk a few days ago. Both of our dads loved it (me, too). Every night a while after supper, daddy would eat a glass of cornbread and milk. Hers, too. I also like some thinly sliced onion with mine (not in the glass). Another thing I used to like was crumbled cornbread into gravy. Did you ever try that, Ron? Maybe that's another Southern-Country thing. Haven't done that since I was a little girl. Also remember daddy used to butter a slice of bread and put suger on it for me. I can remember sitting beside him at the table waiting for him to fix it for me. Hard to believe that was over 75 years ago - scary!

    See you all tomorrow. Rest well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo, so glad to see your post! We were all worried and I've been praying fir you. I know it must be hard for you to get use to the oxygen. I had problems at first, but the line really wasn't long enough and once I got a longer one it was easier.

    Lorita, yes crumbling the cornbread up in the gravy was a good way to clean the plate. I haven't used the air fryer much, ended up buying a microwave and mainly use it. Speaking of the buttered bread with sugar, we did it a little different. It was called a bow a hole biscuit! We would get a warm biscuit right out of the over, bow a hole in it with our finger, put butter and sugar in the hole and boy oh boy what a treat.

    Lou has been trying my patience lately, I am mentally and physically worn out. I just pray that our Lord gives me the strength to keep going.

    Have everything one so kick back in my recliner and relax.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Ron, the biscuit thing sounds good. How about chocolate gravy? We had that fairly often. Mixed butter in the hot gravy and I liked to break a biscuit up in it and eat it bite by bite. Haven't had that in a long time. I've only found one restaurant, really a truck stop, that served it.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Just checking in - still healing. I'm on the cane. Funny thing happened last week when I went to the store. All the handicapped spaces were filled, so I had to park further out. Grabbed a cart to kind of hold on to on the way in, had my cane hung on the handle...this man walks up and says "you don't need that" and starts to take it away! I said "actually I do" and took it back, he walked away and got a different cart. He was older than me, maybe that's why he said I didn't need the cart. I was shocked and limped myself to the store...LOL

    Work getting busy again. We had a few slow weeks but everyone's back into going here and there, which of course generates lots of complaints. I'm actually going to do a couple of hours of overtime now.

    I was hoping the Lions would get a Super Bowl appearance this year, but not to be. I'll root for the Chiefs, but really it could go either way. The Lions will be there next year. We had a great little playoff run, when a team gets into a playoffs, they put the team jersey on the Spirit of Detroit statue, here is the Lions' version:

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back Jo, it's good to see you! Now is your time to take it easy. Your dear aunt's afghan sounds so comfy!

    Ron, you were so creative to make a book out of your granddaughter 's story. Was it a dream that she had, or a story. I've had strange dreams like that. But I never heard of cornbread and milk. I love cornbread, though.

    My brother called me because he heard my area was flooded. I told him the houses near the ocean might be flooded, but there is no flooding where I live, just downed palm tree fronds. The other areas are not so lucky, with landslides and heavy flooding. 10-14 inches of rain fell in less than two days and there will be rain all week. They call it an atmospheric river or a bomb cyclone, with wind gusts up to 93 mph.

    Most flights have been canceled from LAX. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow. Everyone, stay well or get better as the case may be, while I'm away.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Jo. It was so nice hearing from you, we all care, and you have been in a lot of prayers. I like your long post, but I would be very pleased and happy if you just let us hear from you.

    When I was a kid, we used to have Milk Toast. The toast was placed in a bowl with milk and sugar on it. I did not really like it, but most of the time we did not have much to choose from.

    My eyes are adjusting very well I go to my eye doctor for a follow up on Wednesday. The surgeon is through with me he is sending me back to my eye doctor. I really liked the surgeon.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Hi Day, so good to see your post. I think of you often and you' re in my prayers as are all of our friends recovering from surgery, injuries or illness. . I can't believe someone would act like that man did.Guess if takes all kinds. .

    ,Zetta, glad things are going well. Be careful driving.

    Iris, hope your trip goes well. Let us hear from you. Have fun at the Mardi Gras. Catch some beads!!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron cornbread and milk is good. Liked to crumble it into my pinto beans and then smash it all up with a fork.

    Never heard of milk toast. Like to dip toast in my egg yolk though.

    Nice to hear from you JoC.

    Iris be careful and hope you have a safe trip.

    Haven’t seen any bulbs poking their noses through the ground yet here.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    ISara, brown beans with cornbread crumbled it Sounds good to me.it's the best with fried okra and sluced tomatoes! I need to cook some beans and cornbread. Looks like it's going to be a pretty day.The sun Is shining but there,'s a little fog. Hope everyone is brght eyed and bushy tailed this morning.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @Jo C.

    It's nice to hear from you although I wish the news was better for your sake and that of your family. I really feel for you trying to adjust to this new version of your body and all of the ways in which it is limiting you. It's all so sad really.

    I'm glad you have your auntie's afghan. A warm hug from your past is a wonderful thing.


    That book is such a wonderful gift and very cute besides. She must treasure it.


    I'm sorry I didn't answer your question about "All Creatures..." yesterday. DH and I didn't watch it until last night as he wanted to catch up on one of the 3 other limited series we're watching. It's an eclectic viewing list-- The Brothers Sun (an almost comic-gory comedy/action film about a gangster from Taipei in which Michelle Yeoh steals scenes), the CNN Martha Stewart bio and Capote vs The Swans (a TMI drama about socialites from the 60s- just wow).

    To answer your question, James was headed to training with the RAF to become a pilot. He'd enlisted when Tristan did.

    @Iris L.

    I hope you are able to make your trip. I have a friend who lives about 4 miles from SAN and is very concerned about the rain to come. She's worried about mudslides, downed trees and losing power where she is but not so much about flooding. Another friend in Long Beach says it's worse around her but that she's OK still. Stay safe.


    It sounds like you are coming along. I can't believe someone tried to swipe your cart-- maybe he thought you were returning it to the store and that he was doing you a favor. It's weird how people have rigid thinking about what "disabled" looks like. About a week after my knee replacement, I was leaving the grocery store and another customer blocked the curb-cut in the fire lane to get back in my car. She got all huffy with me saying I could just go around her. LOL, I was still using a walker and she must've felt pretty ridiculous when she got her head out of her butt and looked.


    I have about 4" of daffodil leaves popping up. I transplanted a bunch last year to have more of a clumpy effect. The muscari greens are making me crazy-- they're so messy looking. I kind of feel like they don't have as much bang for the buck given how much work it is to keep the beds looking tidy. When I trim them, they grow back. It's sort of like shaving one's legs. I tore a bunch out last year but missed some.


    I'm working my way through the freezer. I made a chicken bake and sprayed my glass pan with cooking spray and am now trying to get the nasty film off of it. I never use the stuff on my metal pans but thought it might not stick to glass. That stuff is the devil. I did have a Misto but it broke. Here's hoping the Dawn Spray works its magic. Meatloaf tonight using Martha Stewart's mom's recipe which is good as meatloaves go. I have a turkey and pork roast I need to get to as well. It looks like the weather would be conducive to thawing the bird in my garage in a cooler next week. It's set to be in the 50s here towards the weekend.

    DH has his routine check-up with cardiology later. And mom's PCP wants an ER-discharge follow-up tomorrow in his office. She's a little freaked out about the heart stuff. Her mom lived with and died from heart disease, but that was almost 60 years ago and things have changed. It's surprising how little mom knows about her various medical conditions. It might be a generational thing. I mean, she's a bright enough person with a college degree but kind of clueless. In some ways it's been a good thing as so much of what is wrong with her was caused by or exacerbated by her lifestyle choices. I did find a book at the library for her to read that explains what she's got going on with her heart and cardiovascular system to help calm her down a bit and also help her understand what her doctor is saying and doing.

    Her PCP's medical system and her insurance company are encouraging their patients to document end-of-life choices. The nurse rep from Aetna reminds her of this whenever she calls. They call it The Three Wishes project. I've been on her about this since we did the POAs back when dad was getting diagnosed 7 years ago but she was too stressed then and said she'd trust me to decide in the moment. When COVID hit and people we knew were dying, I tried to start the conversation again. Her take was "put me on a ventilator if I'm going to get better". As if I have some sort of crystal ball. I'd like her to read Being Mortal so she understands the subject, but I feel like this isn't the best time for that.

    Wishing you all a peaceful day.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just finished my physical therapy and worn out. Once again dehydration was mentioned after blood pressure reading of 129/65 and 98/55 from sitting to standing. This is probably the culprit behind my dizziness, but biggest problem is getting full so easy due to achalasia. I know in the past my front porch ladies have mentioned electrolytes and he told me pedolytes was good.

    Going out tommorow when Lou's sitter is here and try and relax a little.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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