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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    My sister and her family just had COVID during the Christmas holidays. My husband also has COPD so high risk .

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
    100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    I hope your husband recovers well. Glad your daughter and grandkids were there with you. At Christmas time. I am sorry about your mom.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Had my oncology follow-up visit today, healing good, back in 3 months. Next orthopedics check is next Wednesday for more x-rays. Back to work tomorrow, not much happening here. not even snow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Welcome Mimi,glad you've become a porch rocker along with all of us.

    Beth, how nice that you got a good report from the doctor today. We all have to be so careful not to fall - we're down before we know what happened. I know my balance doesn't seem to be as good as it used to be and I wouldn't climb up on something for anything unless there was something to hold onto. Just take it easy.

    Joan, I thought of you this afternoon (I think of you often) when I was walking Stormy and Sheena. My lower back was hurting so bad I could hardly walk. I sit in my wing-backed chair and I know I slouch which makes it worse. If I put a couple of cushions behind me, it's better. I hope your deep muscle massages are working for you and making you feel better.

    We've gotten into the habit of taking a walk each afternoon - Sheena doesn't go with me in the Gator so when Stormy and I get back she's waiting by the yard gate to go for her walk. We walk out north of the house and she examines thing she's seen from the yard, then west of the house and then back. I let them stop when they get ready so they really enjoy it. She does just fine outside, no limping - just inside the house. I did get four nails trimmed this morning so I'll work on it each morning. I think the back ones are all right - just the front. I trimmed some of the long hair from her feet so I could see the nails - they're big and tough.

    I hadn't been down to see the heifers or our girls lately so Stormy and I took a drive - checked four pastures. Got to see all the heifers and that cute, little, black baby. He's so little and so cute. The heifers (cows now) and the babies were coming up to the hay from the meadow so got to see them. There's a couple of really pretty bulls out there. I think he's going to put one of them with our girls since we lost Samson.

    Ron, we drove down to check the persimmons. I bet there was only about a dozen still on the tree. I managed to reach two - one was rotten or just really ripe and the other one still had a hard place on it. I meant to bring it into the house but left it in the Gator. There was not one on the ground. Someone is eating everyone that falls off. I thought I'd check the seed but they're so hard to cut - may not.

    Then we drove up to see our girls. I hadn't seen Gray Lady in a few days. They were scattered all over the south pasture - she wasn't there. So, saw three cows and a few babies over by the hay and she was there. Was really glad to see her so we visited a bit. Also got to see Billy the Bull - we also visited with him. He's so sweet and really big - he tilts his head when I talk to him just like he did when he was a baby. I can remember when he was a baby and I was standing over him - he was so little He fit between by legs. So glad I had Mike band him so we could keep him. So, we checked four pastures - everyone seemed fine. We'll do the same thing tomorrow before it turns cold and rains again. There are still places in some of the pastures that's still muddy with standing water.

    We've had deliveries of heavy boxes two days from Chewy - still on the porch unopened. I think there will be another one tomorrow - stocking up on cat and dog food for the month. Stormy seems okay - it's been 10 1/2 hrs. since he ate some raisins. Hope the vet was right. I can remember feeding grapes to one of our dogs a few years ago - he loved them and they didn't bother him either - guess we were lucky.

    I had a call from Sarah this evening. She can hardly talk - sounds like she has a really bad cold and sore throat or laryngitis. She saw an ENT specialist today. He didn't seem to have anything to offer - says nostrils are mostly collapsed so she can hardly breath so O2 doesn't help. She's afraid to go to sleep - afraid she'll upchuck and choke on it or her bag will burst and get all over everything. For the life of me I cannot figure out where all that stuff is coming from. She can't drink without vomiting and can't eat anything and isn't getting her supplement.

    She sees a heart doctor tomorrow and I urged her to plead with him to do the TPN. They're afraid to anesthetize her - afraid she won't wake up but i remember when Charles had a colostomy they gave him something that didn't put him to sleep - just in a twilight zone where he sort of knew what was happening but didn't care. She just can't continue like this - she's losing weight, not sleeping, having seizures and what else? She just wants to have a little time to be more comfortable. So sad to see someone so young in such a terrible condition.

    Day, I'm watching ITKWD - seeing all kinds of interesting things. Denim & Co. is celebrating their 30th year on QVC and he'll be on at MN with a today's special value. I've been wearing his clothes for those 30 years - they just do not wear out.

    Again, I've written too much. Sammy, Lilly, Max, Stormy and Sheena are sleeping so had to talk to someone. Thanks for listening.

    Didn't drive my new car today - just the PU and Gator. Nowhere to go.

    I told Sarah you all were sending up prayers for her and she told me to thank you so much. I'll stop and see you all tomorrow. Sleep well.

  • avieDa921)
    avieDa921) Member Posts: 43
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    Hello, I gave my dog raisins a few years back, maybe a couple a day for a week and she had excessive drooling for about a week. It was constant & her bed at night was very wet the next morning! I also didn’t know!

    Grapes and Raisins

    Toxic dose: The dose that can cause serious problems is 0.7 ounces per kilogram of grapes and 0.1 ounce per kilogram of raisins. This means that 3 grapes (or 3 raisins) could be fatal for a 2.5 pound puppy, and 12 grapes (or 12 to 15 raisins) could potentially kill a 10-pound animal.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Lorita, my DH Randolph says NO MORE ANIMALS until we get the fencing done. I know they’re really just pets, but I so want 2 of those Mini Highlander calves! Maybe later in the Spring I can talk him into getting them.

    52 years ago today, Randolph asked me to “Go Steady”, so an Anniversary! Funny how life cycles around. He was married 42 years and I was married over 30, but we found each other again after our spouses passed. I think God is amazing in His timing. I’m blessed.

    Well the cold rainy weather begins today- we need rain but I sure don’t enjoy having to be out in it. We’re taking cooked food to my brother in law tomorrow up on Skyline Mountain. He had a stroke 3 years ago and while he’s mobile he has difficulty fixing for himself. So we take groceries and cook for him every 2 weeks. Well today is payroll at the Shop so I guess I best get moving- hope everyone has a good day!

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    JeriLynn, Happy go steady anniversary! You are fortunate to have found each other for sure. Those mini highlanders are so adorable, cant blame you for wanting them! Your BIL lucky to have you.

    My youngest granddaughter got a Scottish Fold kitten from Santa this year and I am in love with her! I may be getting one from the next litter.

    Glad you love you Equinox Lorita. Have you had a chance to drive it around? I splurged on a new Lexus suv a couple of years ago and am glad I did - I love it.

    Weather's been pleasant here - mid-70's during the day and high 60's at night and thank God low humidity. Still have to run A/C during the day though.

    Hi to everyone else on the porch xo

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Welcome Bluebird

    This is a relief page that helps all with Our different problems we each have and support for all of us. I care for my husband with Alz since 2002. We bake, garden, care for animals and just try to help all we can by being good listeners.

  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 44
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    Mimi - These are my favorite books I like to read for a 2 year old storytime.

    Press Here

    Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hart

    From Head to Toe by Eric Carle

    Is Everybody Ready for Fun by Jan Thomas

    For those of you who bake bread I usually make rolls/buns every couple of weeks. I don’t have a bread machine and make them by hand. Our library does have a bread machine the public can checkout. In February I’m teaching the kids at the library how to make bread. I did that last spring and the kids loved it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Jerilynn, those calves are so cute. Don't blame you for wanting a couple of them. Sweet story about you and Randolph. Your marriage was meant to be. Happy anniversary.

    Bluebird, guess that's a new thing- a library checking out a bread machine. I've never made bread by hand but love the bread from my machine.

    Been a quiet dsy. I did strip the bed, washed the sheets, dried them and made the bed. I bet I went around that king sized bed a dozen times. I was ready for a nap afterwards.

    Caro, those Scottish fold kittens are so cute. Your granddaughter will love it for sure. Did drive the car down to get the mail . Really went to mail a letter but the mail carrier got there just as I did. She's a goof friend-' has even called to check on me when I went a few days without picking up my mail. She went to school with Sarah. She drives about 300 mikes a day delivering mail never misses a day. Also was able to see the heifers and babies from the road-always a plus. Our girls spent the day in the NE pasture so guess the rescue is growing. Saw Gray Lady and four calves going back to the hay late in the day. Looks like we may get a little snow, mostly rain from MN on then a bigger storm Monday. Not ready for snow. I can remember when we were feeding in the winter having to get the ice out of the bunk feeders before feeding. But we enjoyed feeding them. I do miss it. Ready for Wheel of Fortune. See you all tomorrow.

    Ron, everything okay in Shreveport?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita nice that you can get out and take a walk and have so many things to see and check on, gives you a purpose. By the way, you never write too much.

    Hi Avie, nice to see someone taking up another chair on the porch.

    Jerilynn sure your BIL appreciates your kindness. I made a version of your soup today. It was good. Was going to use ground beef but decided to use some roast beef and steak i had left over. I just cut it up kind of fine. Then i added pintos i cooked yesterday. I had never done that before. Will continue to do that. I didn't add any bbq sauce, was a little gun shy about that. Maybe I’ll add a little to a bowl one day and see what i think. Thank you for the inspiration.

    Bluebird make my own buns too. I have always used the bread machine to prepare my dough. A month or so ago i made some oatmeal dinner rolls and i did it by hand. They turned out good and was easy, the bread machine just allows me to multitask more. Know the children enjoyed baking bread. They would probably enjoy making pretzels too. Use to make them for my niece and nephews when they were young.

    Thought yesterday about a couple of people we haven’t heard from in a long time. The lady that lived in Mexico, think her name was Anne. The other lady use to share recipes a lot and i think she had a daughter who was fairly young that died from Alzheimers, can’t remember her name for sure but think it was possibly Judith. Anyway for some reason they came to my mind and i hope they are ok.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 44
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    I just had exciting news. My 36 year old daughter got engaged. I was beginning to think she would never get married. She lives out of state but because her dad can’t travel anymore the wedding will be here.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    Thank you so much for letting me know that. Buster is important member of our family.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    edited January 5

    I am glad that you are recovering well. No snow in Illinois either very strange. Our son turned 26 today. My birthday is in two weeks hopefully Joshua and our granddaughter can come for cake. Make some lasagna leftovers being sent home usually motivates him .

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    This group really is perfect for me. My husband was diagnosed year ago with VD. He is still in the beginning stages. Sometimes I just want to talk about things that are not about dementia. I also love to bake and would like to get into gardening.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    Oh how wonderful I make homemade rolls. But have never tried baking any bread. So nice that your library rents bread machine. Amazing how many wonderful things library's and fantastic librarians such as yourself do.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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    Congratulations too her. Glad the wedding will be where you and your husband can both be there.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    How nice for your daughter, Bluebird!

    Day, this is great news about your oncology report! Are you in a walking cast?

    I started ECG monitoring today, it's a modern form of Holter monitoring. The cardiologist saw some arrhythmia on my stress test last month. But I had used my inhaler for the first time, and it is know to cause ECG abnormalities. I'm sure that is the reason for any irregularities.


  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 17F🥶

    Bluebird nice you have something to look forward to.

    Mimi if you make rolls you can make other bread too. For the most part you just shape it differently. Does take time though. In the summer sometimes will buy it at the Amish stand if time gets short on me.

    Iris hope the echo monitor is good. You are right about some of the inhalers can do that. The newer ones were less likely. Much improved from the ones we used when i first started in field.

    Going to farm stand today if Good Lords will. Haven’t been there in a few weeks. Hope they still have potatoes. Still have a big bag I’m just starting. They hold up so well that I’m going to get another if they have it. Hope i won’t have to buy any from store, we’ll see.

    Good morning Jo

    take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited January 5

    Beth, as I was reading some of the "Stuff", my brother that passed sent me, I couldn't help but think of my Iowa front porch friend. He suffered with crohn's disease for years and even after many surgeries, always kept a positive attitude.

    One I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer and going daily for treatments, I had no one to watch Lou. You can imagine the stress of taking a dementia spouse with you as your undergoing treatments! My Iowa brother who was aware of my depression sent me 9 pages of what he called "Doug's Stuff". I take them out every once in awhile when I'm down and read them. Attached is a page quote from him.


  • Lgb35
    Lgb35 Member Posts: 93
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    Hi everyone! I am new on this front porch. I am caring for my DH who is currently diagnosed with MCI. He is 60 and still working although I am not sure how much longer. I am 53 and working full time.

    we live in Michigan with our oldest son who is 28, our 7 year old grandson who lives with us full time and our 4 year old grandson is here once a week and every other weekend. We have 2 dogs and 3 cats.

    we also have a 26 year old son in the military. He is stationed in Texas with his wife, daughter and our newest grandson arrived 2 months ago!

    I have been trying to get us down there every couple of months. Our last trip down DH only knew our sons name so I am trying to build up more connections with the others.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Welcome Lgb35, when Lorita's front porch gets to many rocking chairs, we always extend the porch, so we always have room for new friends. Wecome from all walks of life and you couldn't find a better group of friends than on the porch.


  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
    100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Good morning to everyone. I do enjoy sitting on the porch with all of you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning and a messy one it is. . We had rain during the night and a little snow in places. The town I go to had a dusting(saw a picture on the weather). All gone now.

    Toad just came and fed. Bothers me because our girls were down around the house and when he came in to feed they had to run/walk a quarter mile to get to it. I know half of them don't get feed, just hay. We always fed close to the house and never opened the gate until everyone was ready to come through. They feed that far away because it isn't so wet and muddy. Guess I'm having trouble letting go. I know they went in the barn when it began to rain or snow. One cow came back down when he fed the heifers. Also saw one calf way down in the pasture. Guess he thought it wasn't worth the effort.

    I've gotten in the habit of waving at Toad when he finishes feeding and closes the gate. My contact, every other day, with a human.

    Welcome to all the new front porch friends. Glad to have you all join us.

    Sarah called late last evening. She sounds like it's a real effort to talk. She is so hoarse and sounds like she has a hard time breathing. As we were getting ready to stop talking she took a sip of water and it sounded like she was having a hard time swallowing and almost choked.

    HER PCP called and told her he wasn't going to be her doctor anymore. Can't do anything to help so he drops her. This has happened before. What has happened to compassion for the patient. How the medical profession has changed since I worked with doctors. What do you do when your doctor does that?

    Sara, they tell her that her oxygen isn't getting to her lungs because her throat is collapsing. I remember years ago when Charles was in the hospital his roommate was on oxygen and he put the cannula in his mouth, not his nose. I told her this. If she does that, will it help? Gotta go and find something for breakfast. I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Love it, Ron. Thanks for posting it.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited January 5

    Marie keep meaning to ask and forget, did you get the big snow?

    Thank you for sharing Doug’s stuff Ron, a good reminder.

    Welcome LGB, I live in Ohio, retired Respiratory Therapist, have 3 sisters still living, one niece and 2 nephews.

    Ron your comment about we extend the porch made me chuckle. Thank you seems I don’t get to do that often. Imagined the porch getting up to Darwins and he could join in too. ( Darwin is Loritas neighbor.)

    Lorita saying that her throat is collapsing I don’t really know what that means. Putting her oxygen in her mouth is not very sanitary so I think it would be best if she didn’t do that. As long as her nasal passages are some what open the oxygen is going to get through to her airway even if she is mouth breathing. If her airway is truly collapsing or blocked, then if it gets bad enough it won’t get through, but in that case, she probably would have much difficulty talking or breathing and would not get through with mouth breathing either. You know JoC has mentioned a few times there’s a possibility you’re not getting the whole story. There’s also a possibility that Sara doesn’t understand what they’ve said to her exactly. I agree with what JoC sad about the nutrition aspect. I will say I have never experienced nutrition not being addressed. If it wasn’t addressed by this time somethings would really be happening. So many things would be really out of whack. You cant live real long without nutrition of some sort. Don’t know if we totally understand what all is going on there. Sorry I can’t offer much more help than that, but I just don’t really know enough. As far as her physician dropping her, only time I really have ever saw this happen was from noncompliance, and the noncompliance usually had to be pretty bad. I’ve never known a doctor to drop a patient because he didn’t know what to do. Usually they would refer them on to someone else who they thought would know what to do. So again, I just don’t know for sure, this has just been my experience.

    Got a big sack of potatoes, some homemade noodles, evercrisp apples, honey, eggs, delicata squash and 2 jars of strawberry jam (its delicious) at farmstand. Made me smile. My sister told me the blackberry jam is really good too. I have a jar and I haven’t tried it yet so now I’m looking forward to it.

    I have never had ever crisp apples before. But on the celebrating Appalachia, YouTube channel will the lady mention she only likes Fuji apples and Evercrisp apples. Fuji is one of my favorite also, so I thought I am going to try the Evercrisp.

    Bluebird wondering if your name has some significance. I think blue birds are such a beautiful blue and I do get to see them sometimes. One was setting on my light post recently.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Sayra, the snow is supposed to be here tomorrow (Sat.). We will see what comes. Forecasts for my area are hit and miss because it is hard to know what the winds will do...a little to the left on the map and we get none, a little to the right and we get alot...lol.

  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 44
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    Mimi like you I like sharing recipes, cooking, gardening and of course reading.

    I already feel like I’m among friends.

    There is no significance to my name but we have a flock of bluebirds that nest and hangout in our yard. Looking at them lifts my spirits. Also the state bird where I live is the bluebird.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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